• Tidak ada hasil yang ditemukan


5.2. Saran

Untuk penelitian selanjutnya penulis menyarankan pengembangan sistem agar

dilakukan perbandingan dengan metode pengenalan wajah lainnya antara lain metode


Acharya, Tinku and Ajoy K. Ray, 2005, Image Processing Principles and

Applications, John Wiley and Sons, Inc. Hoboken, New Jersey.

Anil K, Jain, 1989, Fundamentals of Digital Image Processing, Prentice Hall


Andrew S, Glassner, 1995, ”Principles of Digital Image Synthesis, Vol 1, Chapter 6”,

Morgan Kaufman Publishing.

Awcock, G,J, and Thomas, R, 1996, Aplikasi Proses Image, McGraw-Hill Inc,


Baxes, Gregory A, 1994, Proses Gambar Digital: Principles and Applications, John

Wiley & Sons, New York.

Cai, J, dan Goshtasby, A. 1991, Eigenfaces for Recognition. Image and Vision

Computing 18, J. of Cognitive Neuroscience.

Dana H, Ballard, 1982, Computer Vision, Prentice Hall.

Fagertun, Jeans, 2005, Face Recognitions, Master Thesis, Technical University of


Jain, Anil K., 1989, Fundamentals of Digital Image Processing, Prentice Hall


Lewand, Robert Edward, 2000, Cryptological Mathematics, Mathematical

Association of America, New York.

Lestya Dila Rahma : Pengenalan Wajah Berdasarkan Pengolahan Citra Digital Dengan Metode Gabor Wavelet, 2010.


Lim, Resmana, and M.J.T., Reinders, 2000, Facial Landmark Detection Using a

Gabor Filter Representation and a Genetic Search Algorithm, proceeding of

ASCI 2000 conference, Lommel Belgium.

Munir, Rinaldi. 2004. Pengolahan Citra Digital Dengan Pendekatan Algoritmik

Bandung : Penerbit Informatika, 2004. ISBN: 979-3338-29-6.

Robin, 2007, Sisem Pengolahan Citra dan Deteksi wajah pada Sistem Pengenalan

Wajah, Laporan Tugas Akhir, ITB.

Sarfraz, Muhammad, 2005, Computer Aided Intelligent Recognition Techniques and

Application, John Wiley and Sons.

Wiskott, L, Fellous, J.M., Kruger, N., and von der Malsburg, C, 1997, Face

Recognition by Elastic Bunch Graph Matching, IEEE Transaction on Pattern


1. Wajah mirip tetapi orang berbeda

No Wajah-1 Wajah-2 Kemiripan

1 42,5 %

2 43 %

3 43 %

4 42 %

Lestya Dila Rahma : Pengenalan Wajah Berdasarkan Pengolahan Citra Digital Dengan Metode Gabor Wavelet, 2010.


2. Wajah sama tetapi mimik berbeda

No Wajah-1 Wajah-2 Kemiripan

1 45 %

2 89,49 %

3 75 %

4 40,5 %

5 95 %

3. Wajah sama tetapi atribut berbeda

No Wajah-1 Wajah-2 Kemiripan

1 90 %

2 75 %

3 34,5 %

4 43 %

5 33,5 %

Lestya Dila Rahma : Pengenalan Wajah Berdasarkan Pengolahan Citra Digital Dengan Metode Gabor Wavelet, 2010.


4. Wajah sama tetapi pose berbeda

No Wajah-1 Wajah-2 Kemiripan

1 41,5 %

2 42 %

3 43,5 %

4 43,5 %

5 40 %


1. Login

Dim rsPasswd As Recordset Dim CN As Connection

Private Sub cmdCancel_Click() End

End Sub

Private Sub cmdOK_Click()

Set rsPasswd = New ADODB.Recordset

rsPasswd.Open "Select * from [User] where userId ='" & _

txtUid.Text & "' and passwd = '" & txtPass.Text & "'", CN, _ adOpenDynamic, adLockOptimistic

If rsPasswd.EOF = True Then MsgBox "Password salah" txtPass.Text = ""

txtPass.SetFocus Else

If (txtUid.Text) = "lestya" And txtPass.Text = "123" Then frmMenu.dtFoto.Enabled = True frmMenu.dtUser.Enabled = True frmMenu.Show Else frmMenu.dtFoto.Enabled = False frmMenu.dtUser.Enabled = False frmMenu.Show End If End If End Sub

Private Sub Form_Activate() cmdOk.Enabled = False

txtPass.Locked = True txtUid.Locked = False

lblDate.Caption = Format(Now, "dd-mm-yyyy") txtUid.SetFocus

End Sub

Private Sub Form_Load()

Set CN = New ADODB.Connection

CN.ConnectionString = "Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0; _ Data Source=" & App.Path & "\dbWajah.mdb"

CN.CursorLocation = adUseClient CN.Open

End Sub

Private Sub txtPass_Change() cmdOk.Enabled = True

End Sub

Private Sub txtPass_KeyPress(KeyAscii As Integer) If KeyAscii = 13 Then

cmdOk.Enabled = True cmdOk.SetFocus

Lestya Dila Rahma : Pengenalan Wajah Berdasarkan Pengolahan Citra Digital Dengan Metode Gabor Wavelet, 2010.


Private Sub txtUid_Change() txtPass.Locked = False End Sub

Private Sub txtUid_KeyPress(KeyAscii As Integer) If KeyAscii = 13 Then txtPass.Locked = False txtPass.SetFocus End If End Sub 2.MenuUtama Dim j As Integer

Private Sub abt_Click() frmAbout.Show

End Sub

Private Sub dtFoto_Click() frmDataFoto.Show

End Sub

Private Sub dtUser_Click() frmUser.Show

End Sub

Private Sub help_Click() frmHelp.Show

End Sub

Private Sub img_Click() FrmMain.Show

End Sub

Private Sub mnJst_Click() FrmKenalan.Show

End Sub

Private Sub quit_Click() End frmLogin.txtPass = "" frmLogin.txtUid = "" frmLogin.txtUid.SetFocus frmLogin.Show End Sub

Private Sub Timer1_Timer() Dim jud, jud1 As String


Label1.Caption = Left(jud, j) Label2.Caption = Left(jud1, j) If j = 1 Then Label1.ForeColor = vbYellow ElseIf j > 10 Then Label1.ForeColor = vbYellow Else Label1.ForeColor = vbGreen

End If j = j + 1 If j > Len(jud) + 30 Then j = 1 End If End Sub 3. Pengenalan Option Base 1

Private rsCari As ADODB.Recordset Dim rsCari1 As Recordset

Private CN As ADODB.Connection

Private DataBaseConection As ADODB.Connection Private DataBaseRecorset As ADODB.Recordset Private m_strImagePath As String

Dim PrintCode(1 To 26) As String Dim h1(3, 3), h2(3, 3) As Single Dim Pixel Dim Pixel2 Dim Rred Dim Ggreen Dim Bblue Dim RR1 Dim GG1 Dim BB1 Dim RR2 Dim GG2 Dim BB2 Dim RR3 Dim GG3 Dim BB3 Dim Q As String Dim Q2 As String Dim Temp As Integer Dim Temp2 As Integer Dim XXX As Integer Dim YYY As Integer Dim XX As Integer Dim YY As Integer Dim RR As Integer Dim RG As Integer Dim RB As Integer Dim CurX Dim CurY Dim JB As Byte

Dim conServer As Connection Dim rsData As Recordset Dim rsHapus As Recordset Dim updFlags As Byte Dim Aksi As String * 1 Dim rsJumDt As Recordset Dim noPro As Integer

Dim strNama1 As String * 1 Dim strNama As String Dim bolScan As Boolean Dim bolHasil As Boolean Dim Pers As Single Dim TOtPers As Single

Lestya Dila Rahma : Pengenalan Wajah Berdasarkan Pengolahan Citra Digital Dengan Metode Gabor Wavelet, 2010.


Sub Belajar() bolLajar = True

Set rsCari1 = New ADODB.Recordset

rsCari1.Open "Select * from Data where nama='" & TxtNama.Text _ & "'", CN, 1, 2

'Pre-Set all OutPut-Values to ZERO

G_A = 0: G_B = 0: G_C = 0: G_D = 0: G_E = 0: G_F = 0: G_G = 0: _ G_H = 0: G_I = 0: G_J = 0: G_K = 0: G_L = 0: G_M = 0

G_N = 0: G_O = 0: G_P = 0: G_Q = 0: G_R = 0: G_S = 0: G_T = 0: _ G_U = 0: G_V = 0: G_W = 0: G_X = 0: G_Y = 0: G_Z = 0

'Cycle through the 'Pixels' and set .tag to "1" if Pixels is a "X" For j = 1 To 25 If Piece(j).Text = "X" Then Piece(j).Tag = "1" Else Piece(j).Tag = "0" End If Next j

'Set The Output-Values to 1 if the Left-TExt shows its number If Text1.Text = "A" Then G_A = 1

If Text1.Text = "B" Then G_B = 1 If Text1.Text = "C" Then G_C = 1 If Text1.Text = "D" Then G_D = 1 If Text1.Text = "E" Then G_E = 1 If Text1.Text = "F" Then G_F = 1 If Text1.Text = "G" Then G_G = 1 If Text1.Text = "H" Then G_H = 1 If Text1.Text = "I" Then G_I = 1 If Text1.Text = "J" Then G_J = 1 If Text1.Text = "K" Then G_K = 1 If Text1.Text = "L" Then G_L = 1 If Text1.Text = "M" Then G_M = 1 If Text1.Text = "N" Then G_N = 1 If Text1.Text = "O" Then G_O = 1 If Text1.Text = "P" Then G_P = 1 If Text1.Text = "Q" Then G_Q = 1 If Text1.Text = "R" Then G_R = 1 If Text1.Text = "S" Then G_S = 1 If Text1.Text = "T" Then G_T = 1 If Text1.Text = "U" Then G_U = 1 If Text1.Text = "V" Then G_V = 1 If Text1.Text = "W" Then G_W = 1 If Text1.Text = "X" Then G_X = 1 If Text1.Text = "Y" Then G_Y = 1 If Text1.Text = "Z" Then G_Z = 1 a = 3000 'Iterations

For i = 1 To CLng(a)

If i Mod 100 = 0 Then DoEvents

'Insert the made Tag-Values of alle 25 'Pixels' into an Array _ myInput = Array(Piece(1).Tag, Piece(2).Tag, Piece(3).Tag,

Piece(4).Tag, Piece(5).Tag, Piece(6).Tag, Piece(7).Tag, Piece(8).Tag, Piece(9).Tag, Piece(10).Tag, Piece(11).Tag, Piece(12).Tag,

Piece(13).Tag, Piece(14).Tag, Piece(15).Tag, Piece(16).Tag, Piece(17).Tag, Piece(18).Tag, Piece(19).Tag, Piece(20).Tag, Piece(21).Tag, Piece(22).Tag, Piece(23).Tag, Piece(24).Tag, Piece(25).Tag)

myOutput = Array(G_A, G_B, G_C, G_D, G_E, G_F, G_G, G_H, _ G_I, G_J, G_K, G_L, G_M, G_N, G_O, G_P, G_Q, G_R, G_S, G_T, G_U, _ G_V, G_W, G_X, G_Y, G_Z) ' del

Call SupervisedTrain(myInput, myOutput) 'Run the Training Label14 = Int((i / a) * 100) & "%" 'Show the Progress

Next i End Sub

Private Sub cmdBatal_Click() lblMirip = "" TxtNama = "" lblNmFile = "" lblNama = "" lblNmPic1 = "" txtNmPic99 = "" selisih = 0 noPro = 0 Pers = 0 TOtPers = 0 s = 0 bolHasil = False Image1.Picture = Nothing Pic.Picture = Nothing PicA.Picture = Nothing PicB.Picture = Nothing Pic99.Picture = Nothing Pic1.Picture = Nothing prgss1.Visible = False txtNmPic1 = "" txtNmPic1.BackColor = &H80000005 List_Erg.Clear cmdProsesGray.Enabled = False cmdLoad.Enabled = True cmdLoad.SetFocus End Sub

Private Sub cmdExit_Click() Unload Me

End Sub

Private Sub cmdProsesGray_Click() cmdProsesGray.Enabled = False Dim w(500, 500) As Integer Dim X(500, 500) As Integer n1 = 0

On Error Resume Next

Set rsCari = New ADODB.Recordset

'rsCari.Open "Data", CN, adOpenStatic, adLockPessimistic, _ adCmdTable '

rsCari.Open "Select * from Data order by nama asc", CN, 1, 2 If Not rsCari.EOF = True Then


Do While Not rsCari.EOF = True

Set txtNmPic1.DataSource = rsCari Set Pic1.DataSource = rsCari

Set txtNmPic99.DataSource = rsCari Set Pic99.DataSource = rsCari Set lblNmPic1.DataSource = rsCari Progress

Lestya Dila Rahma : Pengenalan Wajah Berdasarkan Pengolahan Citra Digital Dengan Metode Gabor Wavelet, 2010.


txtNmPic1.DataField = LCase("NamaFile") strNama = Left(txtNmPic1.Text, 1) lblNmPic1.DataField = "Nama" If rsCari.EOF Then Exit Do prgss1.Visible = False End If

If bolHasil = False Then Call ScanA

Call Scan1 Call Belajar

If bolLajar = True Then

If CompFiles(RTrim(lblNmFile), RTrim(txtNmPic1)) Then If selisih < 30 Then

Pic99.Picture = Pic1.Picture txtNmPic99 = lblNmPic1

lblNama.Caption = lblNmPic1.Caption bolHasil = True

lblMirip = Format(TOtPers, "##.##") & " " & "%" Exit Do Else End If Else bolHasil = False rsCari.MoveNext End If Else

MsgBox "error neural network" Exit Do Unload Me End If End If Loop

If bolHasil = False Then

MsgBox "Tidak ada wajah yang cocok" Else End If End If prgss1.Visible = False End Sub

Private Function CompFiles(ByRef strCFFile1 As String, ByRef _ strCFFile2 As String) As Boolean

Open strCFFile1 For Binary As #1 Open strCFFile2 For Binary As #2 CompFiles = True

If LOF(1) >= LOF(2) Then selisih = LOF(1) - LOF(2)

Pers = (selisih / LOF(1)) * 100 Else

selisih = LOF(2) - LOF(1)

Pers = (selisih / LOF(2)) * 100 End If

TOtPers = 90 - Pers

lblMirip.Caption = Format(TOtPers, "##,##") & " " & "%" If selisih > 30 Then

lblMirip = "" Else Pic99.Picture = Pic1.Picture txtNmPic99 = lblNmPic1 CompFiles = True whole& = LOF(1) \ 10000 part& = LOF(1) Mod 10000 buffer1$ = String$(10000, 0) buffer2$ = String$(10000, 0) start& = 1

For X& = 1 To whole& Get #1, start&, buffer1$ Get #2, start&, buffer2$ If buffer1$ >= buffer2$ Then selisih = buffer1$ - buffer2$ Else

selisih = buffer2$ - buffer1$ End If If selisih > 30 Then CompFiles = False lblMirip = "" Exit For Else bolHasil = True End If start& = start& + 10000 Next buffer1$ = String$(part&, 0) buffer2$ = String$(part&, 0) Get #1, start&, buffer1$ Get #2, start&, buffer2$

If selisih > 50 Then CompFiles = False: lblMirip = "" End If Close End Function Sub Progress() prgss1.Visible = True prgss1.Min = 0 prgss1.Max = 10000 prgss1.Visible = True

For noPro = prgss1.Min To prgss1.Max prgss1.Value = noPro 'DoEvents Next noPro prgss1.Value = prgss1.Min prgss1.Visible = False End Sub Sub Scan1()

'If bolScan = True Then On Error Resume Next Q = 9

For YYY = 0 To Pic1.ScaleHeight - 1 Step Q For XXX = 0 To Pic1.ScaleWidth - 1 Step Q

Lestya Dila Rahma : Pengenalan Wajah Berdasarkan Pengolahan Citra Digital Dengan Metode Gabor Wavelet, 2010.


Pic1.Line (XXX, YYY)-(XXX + Q, YYY + Q), Pixel, BF Next Pic1.Refresh Next Pic1.Refresh 'End If End Sub Sub ScanA()

'If bolScan = True Then On Error Resume Next Q = 9

For YYY = 0 To PicA.ScaleHeight - 1 Step Q For XXX = 0 To PicA.ScaleWidth - 1 Step Q

Pixel = GetPixel(PicA.HDC, XXX + 1, YYY + 1)

PicA.Line (XXX, YYY)-(XXX + Q, YYY + Q), Pixel, BF Next PicA.Refresh Next PicA.Refresh 'End If End Sub

Private Sub cmdLoad_Click() On Error Resume Next

With CommonDialog1

.DialogTitle = "Select image file ..."

.Filter = "Image Files (*.jpg, *.gif)|*.jpg;*.gif" .ShowOpen m_strImagePath = .FileName Image1.Picture = LoadPicture(.FileName) lblNmFile.Caption = LCase(.FileName) TxtNama.Text = LCase(.FileTitle) End With cmdLoad.Enabled = False cmdProsesGray.Enabled = True cmdProsesGray.SetFocus End Sub

Private Sub Form_Activate() bolLajar = False cmdLoad.Enabled = True cmdProsesGray.Enabled = False txtNmPic1.Locked = True txtNmPic99.Locked = True TxtNama = "" selisih = 0 noPro = 0 Pers = 0 TOtPers = 0 prgss1.Visible = False Image1.Picture = Nothing bolLajar = False TxtNama.Locked = True End Sub

Private Sub Form_Load()

h1(1, 1) = -1: h1(1, 2) = -2: h1(1, 3) = -1 h1(2, 1) = -3: h1(2, 2) = 15: h1(2, 3) = -2 h1(3, 1) = -1: h1(3, 2) = -3: h1(3, 3) = -1

For i = 1 To 3 For j = 1 To 3 h2(i, j) = h1(j, i) Next j Next i Dim Maindata$ Dim FF FF = FreeFile

Open App.Path & "\Data\Letter_Codes.txt" For Input As #FF Do While Not EOF(1)

Line Input #FF, Data Select Case Data

Case "START Letter-Codes": For X = 1 To 26

Line Input #FF, Maindata PrintCode(X) = Maindata Next X

End Select Loop

Close #FF

Call CreateNet(1.5, Array(25, 26)) '25 Input Neurons (5x5-Picture) _ , 26 Output-Neurons for every possible Letter

On Error Resume Next

Set DataBaseConection = New ADODB.Connection

With DataBaseConection

.ConnectionString = "Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0; _ Data Source=" & App.Path & "\mypic.mdb"

.CursorLocation = adUseClient .Open

End With

Set CN = New ADODB.Connection

CN.ConnectionString = "Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0; _ Data Source=" & App.Path & "\mypic.mdb"

CN.CursorLocation = adUseClient CN.Open

Set DataBaseRecorset = New ADODB.Recordset

DataBaseRecorset.Open "Data", DataBaseConection, adOpenStatic, _ adLockPessimistic, adCmdTable

End Sub

Private Sub Form_Unload(Cancel As Integer) EraseNetwork

End Sub

Private Sub TxtNama_Change() If Len(TxtNama) < 1 Then

cmdProsesGray.Enabled = False Exit Sub


cmdProsesGray.Enabled = True

Pic.Picture = LoadPicture(App.Path & "\Gambar\" & TxtNama) PicA.Picture = LoadPicture(App.Path & "\Gambar\" & TxtNama)

Lestya Dila Rahma : Pengenalan Wajah Berdasarkan Pengolahan Citra Digital Dengan Metode Gabor Wavelet, 2010.


End Sub

Private Sub txtNmPic1_Change() txtNmPic1 = LCase(txtNmPic1) End Sub


Dim CN As ADODB.Connection Dim rsCariRec As Recordset Dim rsData As Recordset Dim rsCari As Recordset Dim rsDataPic As Recordset Dim tambah As Boolean Dim Cari As Boolean

Dim m_strImagePath As String Dim rsCariNmFile As Recordset Dim NmFile As String

Dim bolAdaNm As Boolean Dim jumRec As Integer Dim NamaFile As String Private Sub cmdAdd_Click() tambah = True

Cari = False TxtNama.Text = ""

Label1.Caption = "Jumlah Data " lblNmFile.Caption = "" Pic.Picture = Nothing cmdAdd.Visible = False cmdSave.Visible = True cmdSave.Enabled = False cmdDelete.Enabled = False TxtNama.Enabled = True cmdCari.Enabled = False TxtNama.SetFocus End Sub

Private Sub cmdBatal_Click() TxtNama.Text = "" TxtNama.Enabled = False lblNmFile = "" NamaFile = "" jumRec = 0 cmdMundurPic1.Enabled = False cmdMajuPic1.Enabled = False Pic.Picture = Nothing cmdAdd.Visible = True cmdSave.Visible = False cmdDelete.Enabled = False cmdAdd.Enabled = True cmdCari.Enabled = True cmdAdd.SetFocus End Sub

Private Sub cmdcari_Click() Cari = True

tambah = False

cmdCari.Enabled = False cmdAdd.Enabled = False cmdCari.Enabled = False

TxtNama.Text = "" lblNmFile.Caption = "" TxtNama.Enabled = True Pic.Picture = Nothing 'Image1.Picture = Nothing TxtNama.SetFocus End Sub

Private Sub cmdDelete_Click() On Error Resume Next

cmdDelete.Enabled = False rsCari.Delete


MsgBox "Data sudah di hapus" cmdAdd.Visible = True cmdSave.Visible = False TxtNama = "" lblNmFile.Caption = "" Cari = False tambah = False Pic.Picture = Nothing Image1.Picture = Nothing jumRec = 0 Hitung cmdAdd.Enabled = True cmdCari.Enabled = True cmdAdd.SetFocus End Sub

Private Sub cmdExit_Click() Unload Me

End Sub

Private Sub cmdLoad_Click() With CommonDialog1

.DialogTitle = "Select image file ..."

.Filter = "Image Files (*.jpg, *.gif)|*.jpg;*.gif" .ShowOpen m_strImagePath = .FileName Pic.Picture = LoadPicture(.FileName) lblNmFile.Caption = .FileTitle NamaFile = .FileName End With cmdSave.Enabled = True End Sub

Private Sub cmdMajuPic1_Click() On Error Resume Next

If Not rsDataPic.EOF Then rsDataPic.MoveNext

cmdDelete.Enabled = True

Set TxtNama.DataSource = rsDataPic Set Pic.DataSource = rsDataPic Pic.DataField = "myImage" TxtNama.DataField = "Nama" Label1.Caption = "Record ke "

Lestya Dila Rahma : Pengenalan Wajah Berdasarkan Pengolahan Citra Digital Dengan Metode Gabor Wavelet, 2010.


lblJum.Caption = jumRec rsDataPic.MovePrevious End If Else Pic.Picture = LoadPicture() End If End Sub

Private Sub cmdMundurPic1_Click() On Error Resume Next

If Not rsDataPic.BOF Then rsDataPic.MovePrevious cmdDelete.Enabled = True

Set TxtNama.DataSource = rsDataPic Set Pic.DataSource = rsDataPic Pic.DataField = "myImage" TxtNama.DataField = "Nama" Label1.Caption = "Record ke "

lblJum.Caption = lblJum - 1 'jumRec If rsDataPic.BOF Then lblJum.Caption = 1 rsDataPic.MoveNext End If Else Pic.Picture = LoadPicture() End If End Sub

Private Sub cmdPilih_Click()

Set rsDataPic = New ADODB.Recordset adCmdTable

rsDataPic.Open "Select * from Data order by nama asc", CN, 1, 2 If Not rsDataPic.EOF = True Then

Set TxtNama.DataSource = rsDataPic Set Pic.DataSource = rsDataPic Pic.DataField = "myImage" TxtNama.DataField = "Nama" cmdMundurPic1.Enabled = True cmdMajuPic1.Enabled = True Label1.Caption = "Record ke " lblJum.Caption = 1 End If End Sub

Private Sub cmdSave_Click() On Error Resume Next

Dim intNum As Integer Dim bytBLOB() As Byte With rsData


If (m_strImagePath <> "") Then ' Buka file image

intNum = FreeFile

Open m_strImagePath For Binary As #intNum ReDim bytBLOB(FileLen(m_strImagePath)) ' Baca & isi ke database

Get #intNum, , bytBLOB Close #1

End If !Nama = TxtNama.Text !NmFile = lblNmFile.Caption !NamaFile = NamaFile .Update End With

MsgBox "Data sudah disimpan" TxtNama.Text = "" lblNmFile.Caption = "" jumRec = 0 Hitung Pic.Picture = Nothing cmdSave.Visible = False tambah = False cmdAdd.Visible = True cmdCari.Enabled = True cmdAdd.Visible = True cmdLoad.Enabled = False cmdAdd.Enabled = True cmdAdd.SetFocus End Sub

Private Sub Form_Activate() cmdLoad.Enabled = False cmdSave.Visible = False cmdAdd.Visible = True cmdAdd.Enabled = True cmdDelete.Enabled = False cmdCari.Enabled = True cmdMundurPic1.Enabled = False cmdMajuPic1.Enabled = False TxtNama.Text = "" lblNmFile.Caption = "" Pic.Picture = Nothing jumRec = 0 Hitung TxtNama.Enabled = False cmdLoad.Enabled = False cmdAdd.SetFocus End Sub

Private Sub Form_Load()

Set CN = New ADODB.Connection

CN.ConnectionString = "Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0; _ Data Source=" & App.Path & "\mypic.mdb"

CN.CursorLocation = adUseClient CN.Open

Set rsData = New ADODB.Recordset

rsData.Open "Data", CN, adOpenStatic, adLockPessimistic, adCmdTable adCmdTable

End Sub Sub Hitung()

Set rsCariRec = New ADODB.Recordset

rsCariRec.Open "Select * from Data", CN, 1, 2 If Not rsCariRec.EOF = True Then

Do While Not rsCariRec.EOF = True jumRec = jumRec + 1


If rsCariRec.EOF = True Then Exit Do

Lestya Dila Rahma : Pengenalan Wajah Berdasarkan Pengolahan Citra Digital Dengan Metode Gabor Wavelet, 2010.



Label1.Caption = "Jumlah Data " lblJum.Caption = jumRec

End If End Sub

Private Sub TxtNama_KeyPress(KeyAscii As Integer) If KeyAscii = 13 Then

Set rsCari = New ADODB.Recordset

rsCari.Open "select * from Data where Nama='" & TxtNama.Text & _ "'", CN, 1, 2

If tambah = True Then

If rsCari.EOF = True Then bolAdaNm = False

cmdLoad.Enabled = True cmdLoad.SetFocus


MsgBox "Nama Sudah ada" cmdLoad.Enabled = False TxtNama.Text = ""

Pic.Picture = Nothing TxtNama.SetFocus End If

ElseIf Cari = True Then

Set rsCari = New ADODB.Recordset

rsCari.Open "select * from Data where nama='" & _ TxtNama.Text & "'", CN, 1, 2

If Not rsCari.EOF = True Then

Set TxtNama.DataSource = rsCari Set Image1.DataSource = rsCari Set lblNmFile.DataSource = rsCari Image1.DataField = "myImage" Pic.Picture = Image1.Picture lblNmFile.DataField = "nmFile" cmdDelete.Enabled = True


MsgBox "Image tidak ada"

Image1.Picture = LoadPicture() End If End If End If End Sub 5.Image

Public mProgress As Long Public StrSize As String Public StrPercent As String Public StrVal As String

Private Sub mniBrightnessScaling_Click() On Error GoTo ErrHandler

StatusBar1.SimpleText = "Change brightness using Linear Scaling" _ StrVal = ""

StrVal = InputBox("Input addition ( 1 - 10 )", "Linear Scaling") If StrVal <> "" Then

If isNumber(StrVal) And StrVal <= 10 Then

Call BitBlt(Me.HDC, 0, 0, Picture1.ScaleWidth, _ Picture1.ScaleHeight, Picture1.HDC, 0, 0, SRCCOPY) Me.Refresh


MsgBox "Please put proper value" End If

End If Exit Sub ErrHandler:

MsgBox "Please put proper value" End Sub

Private Sub MnuAbout_Click() frmAbout.Visible = True End Sub

Private Sub mnuBrightnessAddition_Click() On Error GoTo ErrHandler

StatusBar1.SimpleText = "Change brightness using Linear Addition" StrVal = ""

StrVal = InputBox("Input addition ( 1 - 255 )", "Linear Addition") If StrVal <> "" Then

If isNumber(StrVal) And StrVal <= 255 Then

Call FilterG(iBRIGHTNESSADD, Picture1.Image, 0) Call BitBlt(Me.HDC, 0, 0, Picture1.ScaleWidth, Picture1.ScaleHeight, Picture1.HDC, 0, 0, SRCCOPY) Me.Refresh


MsgBox "Please put proper value" End If

End If Exit Sub ErrHandler:

MsgBox "Please put proper value" End Sub

Private Sub mnuBrightnessMul_Click() On Error GoTo ErrHandler

StatusBar1.SimpleText = "Change brightness using Linear _ Multiplication"

StrVal = 1

Call FilterG(iBRIGHTNESSMUL, Picture1.Image, 0)

Call BitBlt(Me.HDC, 0, 0, Picture1.ScaleWidth, Picture1. _ ScaleHeight, Picture1.HDC, 0, 0, SRCCOPY)

Me.Refresh Exit Sub ErrHandler:

MsgBox "Please put proper value" End Sub

Private Sub MnuExit_Click() Unload Me

End Sub

Private Sub MnuGreyScale_Click(Index As Integer)

Lestya Dila Rahma : Pengenalan Wajah Berdasarkan Pengolahan Citra Digital Dengan Metode Gabor Wavelet, 2010.


Call BitBlt(Me.HDC, 0, 0, Picture1.ScaleWidth, Picture1. _ ScaleHeight, Picture1.HDC, 0, 0, SRCCOPY)

Me.Refresh End Sub

Private Sub MnuInvert_Click()

StatusBar1.SimpleText = "Invert the image" Call FilterG(iINVERT, Picture1.Image, 0)

Call BitBlt(Me.HDC, 0, 0, Picture1.ScaleWidth, Picture1. _ ScaleHeight, Picture1.HDC, 0, 0, SRCCOPY)

Me.Refresh End Sub

Private Sub mnuNoiseBoth_Click() On Error GoTo ErrHandler

StatusBar1.SimpleText = "Salt Noise" StrPerent = ""

StrPercent = InputBox("Input percent of noise", "Salt Noise") If StrPercent <> "" Then

If isNumber(StrPercent) And StrPercent <= 100 Then Call FilterG(iNOISEBOTH, Picture1.Image, 0) Call BitBlt(Me.HDC, 0, 0, Picture1.ScaleWidth, _ Picture1.ScaleHeight, Picture1.HDC, 0, 0, SRCCOPY) Me.Refresh


MsgBox "Please put proper value" End If

End If Exit Sub ErrHandler:

MsgBox "Please put proper value" End Sub

Private Sub mnuNoisePepper_Click() On Error GoTo ErrHandler

StatusBar1.SimpleText = "Salt Noise" StrPercent = ""

StrPercent = InputBox("Input percent of noise", "Salt Noise") If StrPercent <> "" Then

If isNumber(StrPercent) And StrPercent <= 100 Then

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