• Tidak ada hasil yang ditemukan


5.2 Saran

Penelitian ini memfokuskan pada unsur morfosintaksis dari kalimat-kalimat yang diambil dari hasil karangan test writing para peserta mahasiswa Akademi Pariwisata Negeri Medan. Peneliti dapat memberikan masukan bahwa skemata bahasa Indonesia juga mempengaruhi mahasiswa Indonesia dalam menghubungkan kalimat dan membentuk paragraf dalam bahasa Inggris.

Dalam menyusun suatu karangan atau tulisan, disarankan kepada dosen/staf pengajar untuk dapat memberikan pemahaman perbedaan skemata struktur bahasa Indonesia terhadap bahasa asing khususnya bahasa Inggris.

Penulis sadar betul bahwa penelitian ini masih banyak kekurangan, oleh karena itu peneliti berharap masukan sungguh sangat berarti untuk penyempurnaan penelitian selanjutnya. Dalam hal ini peneliti, khususnya masalah latar belakang para mahasiswa ditinjau dari sudut budaya dan suku bangsa sedikit banyak dapat mempengaruhi skemata struktur bahasa Indonesia mengakibatkan kecampingan kalimat bahasa Inggris.


Alwi, Hasan dkk. 2000. Kamus Besar Bahasa Indonesia. Jakarta: Balai Pustaka. Alwi, Hasan dkk. 1998. Tata Bahasa Baku Bahasa Indonesia Ed.3.Jakarta: Balai


Azar, Betty Schrampfer. 1989. Understanding and Using English Grammar Ed.2. New Jersey: Prentice-Hall

Ba’dudu, Abdul Muis.2004. Morfosintaksis. Jakarta: Rineka Cipta

Bauer, Laurier. 1988. Introducing Linguistic Morphology. Edinburg: Edinburg University Press.

Carrel, Patricia L. 1988. Interactive Approaches to Second Language Reading. Cambridge: Cambridge University.

Chaer, Abdul. 2007. Kajian Bahasa Struktural Internal, Pemakaian dan Pemelajaran. Jakarta: Rineka Cipta.

Chaer, Abdul. 1994. Lingusitik Umum. Jakarta: Rineka Cipta

Comrie, Bernard. 1985. Tense. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.

Cook, Vivian. 2001. Second Language and Language Teaching Ed.3. London: Oxford University Press.

Djajasudarma, T.Fatimah. 1993. Metode Linguistik Ancangan Metode Penelitian dan Kajian. Bandung: Eresco.

Finegan, Edward. 1989. Language:Its Structure and Use. Harcourt Brace Jovanovich. Haspemath, Martin. 2002. Understanding Morphology. New York. Oxford University

Press Inc.

Katamba, Francis. 1993. Modern Linguistics: Morphology. London: The Macmillan. Kridalaksana, Harimurti dkk. 1985. Tata Bahasa Deskriptif Bahasa Indonesia:

---2005. Pesona Bahasa: Langkah Awal Memahami Linguistik. Jakarta: PT. Gramedia

Matthews, Peter.1997. The Concise Oxford Dictionary of Linguistic. Oxford: Oxford University Press.

Matthews, Peter. 1991. Morphology (edisi kedua). New York: Cambridge. University Press.

Moleong, J. Lexy. 2000. Metode Penelitian Kualitatif. Bandung. Remaja Rosdakarya. Murphy, Raymond. 1985. English Grammar in Use. Cambridge: Cambridge

University Press.

Nunan, David. 1989. Designing Tasks for the Communicative Classroom. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press

Piaget, J. 1970. Structuralism. New York. Harper & Row

Piaget,J. 1985. The Equilibration of Cognitive Structures: The Central Problem of Intelectual Development. Chicago: University of Chicago Press.

Quirk, Randolp, dkk. 1985. A Comprehensive Grammar of the English Language. London: Longman Group.

Ridwan. TA. 2003. Bahasa dan Linguistik. Universitas Sumatera Utara.

Sells. Peter. 1985. Lectures on Contemporary Syntactic Theories. Stamford: Center for the Study of Language and Information.

Sinclair, John. 1990. Collins Cobulid English English Grammar. Birmingham. Harper Collins Publishers.

Sugiyono. 2005. Memahami Penelitian Kualitatif. Bandung. Penerbit Alfabet.

Swales, John M. 1990. Genre Analysis: English in Academic and Research Settings. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.


KALIMAT CAMPING DALAM BAHASA INGGRIS (1)* In 2008 there are 20 millions people from outside of Malaysia visit

Malaysia but Indonesia in 2008 just there are 8 millions visit Indonesia. (2)* So all of that government must has a work plan to make our tourism letter than before although crisis global very increase especially for 2009. (3)* Eventhough there’s some conflicts, development is going on

(4)* Foreign tourist is a person visiting and temporaly staying in another country for any purpose other than seeking employment.

(5)* Comparison of food between Indonesia with other country no too difficult. (6)* Jakarta is big than Medan.

(7)* They are usually looking for it in many ways. (8)* Hotel is providing travel to tourist.

(9)* If They can handle and maintain their own culture, they cannot be maintained with another culture and foreign habit..

(10)* The customer does not know how much the price _. (11)* Malaysia use curry leave in their food.

(12) *There aremanykind of cultural. (13) *Tourism has four type.

(14) * North Sumatera has many kind of etnic.

(16) *This type of tourist is further broken down. (17) *There are many tourism place.

(18) *There are a lot of ticket in many sector of counter. (19) *Indonesia has many kind of cultural,….

(13) Tourism has four types.

(14) North Sumatera has many kinds of etnics.

(15) Students of Akademi Pariwisata Medan have many activitities. (16) These types of tourists is further broken down.

(17) There are many tourism places.

(18) There are a lot of ticket in many sectors of counters. (19) Indonesia has many kinds of culturals,….

(20)* There are two kind of city.

(21)* They do not have complex problem.

(22)* Every weekend we can go to different places and find differentthing. (23)* There are two different kind of places

(24)* One of thereason is that they want a quiet life. (25)* One of the example is about a place to live.

(26)* Some of them can be a manager and others can be a taxi driver. (27)* The tourists can enjoy their day.

(28)* We should buy some fruits. (29)* Some funitures are sold out.

(31)* The ticket which is offered very expensive..

(32)* The guest_ very bored because the service_ not satisfied. (33)* They_ always together.

(34)* This packet _ so interesting.

(35)* The technology from abroad, especially from the West, arevery good. (36)* A small town usually havejust about a thousand people.

(37)* A small town havea peacefull life. (38)* Itdepend on our education.

(39)* There is many people prefer to live in a big city (40)* There isjust a few cars.

(41)* There is a hotel, shopping mall, etc. (42)* There are no pollution at a village (43)* A chair is a place for sat

(44)* There are some advantages of sell a room (45)* There are also some books for sold. (46)* Service is the priority in the hotel. (47)* Smoke is not permitted.

(48)* Sell ticket is the task of ticketing staff. (49)* I will buy_ ticket.

(50)* The store is_ place for vegetables. (51)* Please go to_ restaurant.

(53)* _ Price is very expensive.

(54)* We can bea modern people with all of those facilities. (55)* They want to make a lot of money and become a rich people. (56)* They want to be a modern people.

(57)* Because the number of people_not too many, … (58)* The tourists will longer stay in Indonesia.

(59)* Many people doing tourism based on what they want. (60)* This tour_ packet very good to sell.

(61)* The guest will happy to stay.

(62)* The regulation_ to old to be applied. (63)* The place_ very interested to sell. (64)* It will_cheaper for them to buy.

(65)* Some people prefer to live in a small town because of the fresh air, friendly neighbors, and peacefully condition.

(66)* They want a simply life.

(67)* People who is very diligent will be success. (68)* I will not_ stress if I live there.

(69)* In a small town they can sleep well without disturbed by any noisy (70)* There are a lot of development in many sector of live.

(71)* We can go anywhere easier.

(72)* It can make them easier to socialization.


(74)* They want develop their life.

(75)* There are some advantages living in a tourism object. (76)* You will face with a traffic jam.

(77)* A tourist enjoy with cultural and interesting.

(78)* Tourisms relate with travelling, leisure and consumptions. (79)* Money is equal as water.

(80)* There are no object tourism at a village. (81)* There is less garbage and the air will be fresh.

(82)* The students must arrived at school before the sun rise. (83)* People knew each other.

(84)* Every student woke up every morning to prepare the restaurant. (85)* Every other week we usually practiced.

(86)* The staffs work without disturbed. (87)* The student paid every day.

(88)* The products will stored. (89)* The reward given to every staff.

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