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SECCON 2015 Nonogram

Dalam dokumen TUGAS AKHIR JARINGAN KOMPUTER 100 SOAL C (Halaman 89-95)

source: http://capturetheswag.blogspot.co.id/2015/12/seccon-2015-nonogram-300-



Problem ini adalah nonogram yaitu tipe puzzle angka dari Jepang. Isi box berdasarkan nomor pada baris dan kolom dan akhirnya akan tampil gambar. Implementasi nonogram pada seccon dapat dilihat pada gambar berikut ini

Untuk menyelesaikan puzzle ini digunakan bantuan nonogram solver berikut ini

http://www.hakank.org/constraint_programming_blog/2010/11/google_cp_solver_a_much_faster_ nonogram_solver_using_defaultsearch.html #!/usr/bin/python # ­*­ coding: utf­8 ­*­ import requests import re

from itertools import izip import PIL

from PIL import ImageFont,Image,ImageDraw import subprocess

import sys


URL = 'http://qrlogic.pwn.seccon.jp:10080/game/' #

# Make a transition (automaton) list of tuples from a # single pattern, e.g. [3,2,1]


def make_transition_tuples(pattern): p_len = len(pattern)

num_states = p_len + sum(pattern) tuples = []

# this is for handling 0­clues. It generates # just the minimal state

if num_states == 0: tuples.append((1, 0, 1)) return (tuples, 1)

# convert pattern to a 0/1 pattern for easy handling of # the states

tmp = [0] c = 0

for pattern_index in range(p_len): tmp.extend([1] * pattern[pattern_index]) tmp.append(0) for i in range(num_states): state = i + 1 if tmp[i] == 0: tuples.append((state, 0, state)) tuples.append((state, 1, state + 1)) else: if i < num_states ­ 1: if tmp[i + 1] == 1: tuples.append((state, 1, state + 1)) else: tuples.append((state, 0, state + 1)) tuples.append((num_states, 0, num_states)) return (tuples, num_states)


# check each rule by creating an automaton and transition constraint. #

def check_rule(rules, y):

cleaned_rule = [rules[i] for i in range(len(rules)) if rules[i] > 0] (transition_tuples, last_state) = make_transition_tuples(cleaned_rule) initial_state = 1 accepting_states = [last_state] solver = y[0].solver() solver.Add(solver.TransitionConstraint(y, transition_tuples, initial_state, accepting_states))

def silly(rows, row_rule_len, row_rules, cols, col_rule_len, col_rules): font = ImageFont.truetype('clacon.ttf')

img = Image.new("RGBA", (300,1500),(255,255,255)) draw = ImageDraw.Draw(img)


# Create the solver.

solver = pywrapcp.Solver('Nonogram') # # variables # board = {} for i in range(rows): for j in range(cols):

board[i, j] = solver.IntVar(0, 1, 'board[%i, %i]' % (i, j)) board_flat = [board[i, j] for i in range(rows) for j in range(cols)] # Flattened board for labeling.

# This labeling was inspired by a suggestion from # Pascal Van Hentenryck about my (hakank's) Comet # nonogram model.

board_label = []

if rows * row_rule_len < cols * col_rule_len: for i in range(rows): for j in range(cols): board_label.append(board[i, j]) else: for j in range(cols): for i in range(rows): board_label.append(board[i, j]) # # constraints # for i in range(rows):

check_rule(row_rules[i], [board[i, j] for j in range(cols)]) for j in range(cols):

check_rule(col_rules[j], [board[i, j] for i in range(rows)]) #

# solution and search # parameters = pywrapcp.DefaultPhaseParameters() parameters.heuristic_period = 200000 db = solver.DefaultPhase(board_label, parameters) solver.NewSearch(db) num_solutions = 0 while solver.NextSolution(): num_solutions += 1 for i in range(rows):

row = [board[i, j].Value() for j in range(cols)] row_pres = [] for j in row: if j == 1: row_pres.append('█') else: row_pres.append(' ') outline = ''.join(row_pres) outline = unicode(outline,"utf­8") width, height = font.getsize(outline)

draw.text((0,y_text),outline,(0,0,0),font=font) y_text += height

88 draw.text((0,y_text)," ",(0,0,0),font=font) y_text += height draw.text((0,y_text)," ",(0,0,0),font=font) y_text += height draw.text((0,y_text)," ",(0,0,0),font=font) y_text += height if num_solutions >= 6: break solver.EndSearch() img = img.resize((700,2000)) img.show() def mainloop(answer): if answer:

print "[*] Posting result: " + answer payload = { 'ans' : answer }

r = s.post(URL, data=payload) else:

print "[*] Using GET Method to get first challenge..." r = s.get(URL)

toprow = [] firstcolumn = []

for line in r.content.splitlines(): if 'Stage:' in line:

thestage = line.split(" ")[1]

print "[*] Stage: " + thestage + " / 30" if '<th class="cols">' in line:

headerblocks = line.split("</th>") p = re.compile("<span>(.*?)</span>") for block in headerblocks:

columnnums = []

if '<th class="rows">' in block: break

subblocks = block.split("<br />") for subblock in subblocks: m = p.search(subblock) if m: columnnums.append(int(m.group(1),10)) if len(columnnums) > 0: toprow.append(columnnums) if '<th class="rows">' in line: if '<th class="cols">' in line:

line = line.split('<th class="rows">')[1] headerblocks = line.split("</th>") p = re.compile("<span>(.*?)</span>") for block in headerblocks:

columnnums = []

subblocks = block.split(" ") for subblock in subblocks: m = p.search(subblock) if m:




# hacked together since the Google CP engine needs more than the old engine rulelen = 0

for x in toprow:

if len(x) > rulelen: rulelen = len(x) # zero pad the rules

for x in toprow: while len(x) < rulelen: x.insert(0,0)

rulelen2 = 0

for x in firstcolumn: if len(x) > rulelen2: rulelen2 = len(x) # zero pad the rules

for x in firstcolumn: while len(x) < rulelen2: x.insert(0,0)

silly(len(firstcolumn), rulelen, firstcolumn, len(toprow), rulelen2, toprow) s = requests.Session() ans = "" # super ugly while(1): mainloop(ans) try: thedata = subprocess.check_output(["zbarimg ­q /tmp/tmp*"],shell=True).split(":")[1].strip().splitlines()[0] except: thedata = ""

print "[*] Decoded QR: " + thedata if thedata == "":

# maybe try and scan it on your phone or something :P ans = raw_input("Enter QR Code result> ")

else: ans = thedata try: subprocess.check_output(["killall","­9","display"]) except: pass

Ketika program dirun output yang dihasilkan adalah

# ./pgame2.py

[*] Using GET Method to get first challenge... [*] Stage: 1 / 30

[02:14:26] src/constraint_solver/default_search.cc:1307: Init impact based search phase on 441 variables, initialization splits = 100, heuristic_period = 200000, run_all_heuristics = 1, restart_log_size = ­1

[02:14:26] src/constraint_solver/default_search.cc:471: ­ initial log2(SearchSpace) = 50 [02:14:26] src/constraint_solver/default_search.cc:526: ­ init done, time = 2 ms, 14 values removed, log2(SearchSpace) = 36


[*] Decoded QR: JkhM3JiP6dU Killed

[*] Posting result: JkhM3JiP6dU [*] Stage: 2 / 30

[02:14:27] src/constraint_solver/default_search.cc:1307: Init impact based search phase on 441 variables, initialization splits = 100, heuristic_period = 200000, run_all_heuristics = 1, restart_log_size = ­1

[02:14:27] src/constraint_solver/default_search.cc:471: ­ initial log2(SearchSpace) = 26 [02:14:27] src/constraint_solver/default_search.cc:526: ­ init done, time = 0 ms, 2 values removed, log2(SearchSpace) = 24

[*] Decoded QR: yUNXAQa1421B Killed

[*] Posting result: yUNXAQa1421B [*] Stage: 3 / 30

[02:14:28] src/constraint_solver/default_search.cc:1307: Init impact based search phase on 441 variables, initialization splits = 100, heuristic_period = 200000, run_all_heuristics = 1, restart_log_size = ­1

[02:14:28] src/constraint_solver/default_search.cc:471: ­ initial log2(SearchSpace) = 31 [02:14:28] src/constraint_solver/default_search.cc:526: ­ init done, time = 0 ms, 3 values removed, log2(SearchSpace) = 28

[*] Decoded QR: fHOFYusdRKYlN [*] Posting result: fHOFYusdRKYlN Killed

[*] Stage: 4 / 30

[02:14:28] src/constraint_solver/default_search.cc:1307: Init impact based search phase on 441 variables, initialization splits = 100, heuristic_period = 200000, run_all_heuristics = 1, restart_log_size = ­1

[02:14:28] src/constraint_solver/default_search.cc:471: ­ initial log2(SearchSpace) = 46 [02:14:28] src/constraint_solver/default_search.cc:526: ­ init done, time = 1 ms, 1 values removed, log2(SearchSpace) = 45

[*] Decoded QR: eQS2SwyUa56wWN [*] Posting result: eQS2SwyUa56wWN Killed

[*] Stage: 5 / 30

[*] Decoded QR: k94Lgdg4lEtnezi [*] Posting result: k94Lgdg4lEtnezi Killed


[*] Stage: 29 / 30

[*] Decoded QR: oELkD87acQsH299lL4ajOgUPqh0dy5LW7g474S0 [*] Posting result: oELkD87acQsH299lL4ajOgUPqh0dy5LW7g474S0 Killed

[*] Stage: 30 / 30

[02:20:43] src/constraint_solver/default_search.cc:1307: Init impact based search phase on 1089 variables, initialization splits = 100, heuristic_period = 200000, run_all_heuristics = 1, restart_log_size = ­1

[02:20:43] src/constraint_solver/default_search.cc:471: ­ initial log2(SearchSpace) = 79 [02:20:43] src/constraint_solver/default_search.cc:526: ­ init done, time = 2 ms, 11 values removed, log2(SearchSpace) = 68



Dalam dokumen TUGAS AKHIR JARINGAN KOMPUTER 100 SOAL C (Halaman 89-95)

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