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The Smart Fat Shake: Protein Perfection in a Glass

There are days when you have time to make breakfast and days when you feel rushed. If you’re like most of us, you’ll more often feel rushed! That’s why we’ve created our Smart Fat Shake, which delivers the right amount of smart fat, protein, and fiber quickly and deliciously. It’s easy to prepare in minutes, with a blender and some key ingredients that are easy to keep on hand. Best of all, you can vary the flavors with some simple substitutions. We both start nearly every day of the week with a Smart Fat Shake. Take it from us—it does the trick!

You’ll find Smart Fat Shake recipes in Chapter 10, but here are the key ingredients:

Frozen fruit (berries, cherries, and peaches are great—frozen fruit has the same nutrients as fresh, they’re available year-round, they’re prewashed and ready to use, they’re generally cheaper than fresh, and they deliver the right texture as well as a refreshingly cold temperature)

Almond milk (unsweetened), coconut milk beverage (in a carton, not a can), organic (non-GMO) soy milk, or organic cow’s milk

A serving of protein powder

Fiber supplement if necessary (some protein powders contain extra fiber, but if not, add chia seeds, ground flaxseeds, Medibulk (Thorne Research), PaleoFiber (Designs for Health), or Sunfiber supplements)

A smart fat like almond butter, MCT oil, 1–2 tablespoons of chia seeds or ground flaxseeds, or 1 tablespoon of nut oil, including coconut oil (these won’t alter or mask the fruity flavor of your shake)

Put everything in a blender, hit the button, then pour and enjoy! Start to finish, it takes about two minutes to make. Play around with flavors, textures, and different combinations. If you don’t want to add a dose of smart fat to your shake, just make sure that you have some on the side, such as almond butter on apple slices or MCT oil in your coffee.

Our Smart Fat Shake offers clean protein, smart fat, fabulous fiber, and fluid—and a superfast solution to feeling satisfied and hydrated. Have the Smart Fat Shake for breakfast or use it as a meal replacement from time to time. Try a shake—or make a mini-version—as a snack, too!


You may think that protein powder supplements are just for Arnold Schwarzenegger wannabees, but they have been mainstream among the nutrition-savvy for years. Protein powder is a critical ingredient in our Smart Fat Shake, plus it can turn a bowl of regular steel-cut oats into a protein-perfect breakfast food.

You can purchase large canisters (the most cost-effective) or single-serving packets (more expensive, but a good idea if you’re on the go or you want to try out different types of powders and aren’t ready to “commit” to the big container). And you no longer have to hunt them down in specialty vitamin stores. A well-stocked supermarket, particularly one that has a large selection of organic, natural foods, often has protein powders for sale. You can also find a huge selection online, including our own brand of protein powder, which we formulate especially for our Smart Fat Shake. (Visit www.SmartFat.com for sources.)

There are three main categories of protein powder:

Whey protein. Whey is derived from cow’s milk, so make sure yours comes from grass-fed, hormone-free cows. Yes, it’s more expensive, but it’s worth it. Bargain shoppers can wind up with a powder that’s enriched with pesticides and hormones.

Soy protein. Remember that most of the soy produced in the United States is genetically modified, so only shop for soy protein made from organic, non-GMO soy.

Pea protein or brown rice protein. These vegetarian options are increasingly popular among people who want to avoid both soy and animal products.

If you have no food (dairy) sensitivities or allergies, we think whey protein powder is the way to go. Not only do we prefer its taste and texture (whey makes for a creamier shake), but whey supports your immune system and builds muscle mass better than soy and pea-rice proteins. There’s also a fair amount of research showing that whey is helpful for weight loss and reduces several risk factors for Metabolic Syndrome.

That said, if you can’t consume dairy, soy is a good option. Soy protein has been shown to help reduce symptoms of menopause and lower the risk of certain cancers.

Pea-rice protein powders (all-pea protein, all–brown rice protein, or more likely a combination) are good choices for people who want to avoid animal protein and soy altogether.

Up to 20 percent of people may be soy and/or dairy intolerant, so pea-rice protein powders are an excellent option if you are on an elimination diet for food intolerances.

Manufacturers continue to release protein powders made from alternative sources, such as hemp and sacha inchi, a traditional plant from tropical South America, but we want to steer you to the most proven protein sources available—whey, soy, and pea-rice powders. Experiment with what suits you best.

We’ve given you the framework of 5-5-10 servings per day, and we’ve outlined the two phases of the Smart Fat Solution Thirty-Day Plan. In the next chapter you get all the meal plans to take you through thirty life-changing days, so keep reading!


The Thirty-Day Plan of Smart Fat Meals


ERES YOUR THIRTY-DAY PLAN OF MENUS, divided into the ten-day Phase 1 (Days 1–10) and the twenty-day Phase 2 (Days 11–30) that we introduced in Chapter 5. You’ll find many of the recipes in Chapter 10 (and more on our website at www.SmartFat.com). We’ve indicated the dishes below that have a recipe either in the book (*) or on our website (**).

You may be wondering whether you have to cook the recipes and follow the daily meal plans exactly as presented in order to lose weight and reap the health benefits of the Smart Fat Solution.

The short answer is, no. But here’s the thing: The meal plans and recipes are carefully calibrated to give you the just-right amounts of smart fat, protein, and fiber for success—whatever your dietary and health goals may be. That’s why we urge you to follow the Thirty-Day Plan as closely as you can for the thirty days. The first ten days are especially important as your body gets used to smart fat eating and you start to break free from dangerous insulin and leptin resistance.

If you don’t want to use the recipes, that’s okay. You may wish to use your own recipes or change the flavors to suit your taste buds. (For some meals, we’ve suggested general ideas for main dishes and sides—like a grilled sirloin steak or a baked sweet potato—but we don’t include a recipe under the assumption that you’ll prepare these basic foods as you wish.) It’s fine if you choose to use this Thirty-Day Plan as an inspiration for your own breakfasts, lunches, and dinners—but it’s absolutely essential to follow the 5-5-10 guidelines for both phases, even when you’re adapting your own recipes. For instance, if you have a recipe for turkey chili that you like better than ours, go for it! Just make sure that the ingredients you use are in line with the phases as outlined. (That’s so important that we’re repeating those guidelines in boxes for quick reference.) It’s pretty simple to cook using your own recipes, if you think of it that way.

We also offer a daily snack suggestion in our meal plan, which you are free to have at any time of the day when you feel you need it most. We think a snack between lunch and dinner is the best time, but it depends on your schedule. You may have a really long stretch between breakfast and lunch some days, so that’s when you’ll probably want a little something extra. It’s up to you—but we do suggest you avoid eating right before bed, as well as midnight trips to the refrigerator, unless you are trying to gain weight. Sumo wrestlers, who do just that, have taught us that eating before bedtime most definitely promotes weight gain!

One more note: The Thirty-Day Plan is presented as Days 1 through 30. You’re free to kick off this plan any day of the week, but in our experience, starting on Sunday works well for many people’s schedules. We encourage you to prepare a soup of the week on weekends, or whenever you have some free time. We also reserve some “goodies” for weekend meals (if you start this on a Sunday,

those meals fall on the weekends, like the brunch idea on Day 21), and include some recipes that are more suitable for a weekend night.

Welcome to Phase 1—you’re going to feel great!

Phase 1: