• Tidak ada hasil yang ditemukan

After conclusion, the researcher would like to provide some suggestions that are:

1. The researcher realizes that research is still far from perfect because of the limited knowledge that researcher have. Researcher hope other researchers can continue her research "The Analysis of Anorexia Nervosa that Reflected in To the Bone Film by Marti Noxon", because there are many other good cases to be discussed and analyzed. This study only focuses on Anorexia Nervosa, the researchers suggest for further research to carry out further research with a focus on all types of eating disorders that exist in the film To the Bone by Marty Noxon.

2. According to researcher, this film is good to watch, because from watching this film we understand what eating disorders are like, what are the causes and how to cure them. From this film it can also be awakened to not having a strict diet, because the world is not only talking about body image but also important to think about personal and mental health.


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Appendix 1 is about the characteristics of AN that experienced by Ellen

NO Data Duration The characteristics

of AN 1.

Ellen : All right, ready?

Kelly : Mm-hmm.

Ellen : 280 for the pork, 350 for the buttered noodles, 125 for the buttered beans, 150 for the roll, and 50..., No, 75 for butter.

Kelly : You got it. All of it. Dang.

Ellen : Yes.

00:03:58 – 00:04:12

The individual maintains a body weight with paying

attention to the calories of each food

2. Pearl : I got tubed today, and, uh... you know, it hurts. Now, I feel all... hot. I can't stop thinking about how many calories are in that drip.

They won't say.

Ellen : Fifteen hundred. I looked it up. I was tubed a couple times.

Dr. Karen: Ellen, we try not to crosstalk. We don't talk about numbers or weight or anything like that.

00:24:06 – 00:24:37

The individual maintains a body weight with paying

attention to the calories of each food


00:03:34 - 00:03:43

The individual maintains a body weight with exessive

exercise in sit-ups




The individual maintains a body weight with exessive

exercise in sit-ups 5.


The individual maintains a body weight with exessive

exercise in sit-ups 6.



The individual maintains a body weight with exessive

exercise in up and down the stairs


Luke : What is...? What's that noise? You hear that? It's so weird.

I feel like there's, uh...Oh...Oh.

(while taking out the chocolate from his pocket) You know you want it.

Kendra: Shh!

Ellen : Okay, don't make it a sex thing.

Luke : It is a sex thing. Don't


00:53:43 Intensely afraid of gaining weight with

only smell the food that she like without

tasting it

pretend it's not. Ready? Oh...Oh, (unwrapped the chocolate) there it is.

Ellen : I... I can't.

Luke : You can. Chew, swallow.

The world will not implode, I swear. Come on, do it.


Luke : You like me. Come on.

Have a little bite.

Ellen : Okay, seriously, back off!(with an angry face)

Luke : Coward. Tomorrow, you bite.


01:00:04 -- 01:01:05

Intensely afraid of gaining weight with only taste the esence

of food


00:10:30 -- 00:10:34

Exhibits a significant disturbance in the

perception of the shape or size of his or

her body

10. 00: 40:48–


Exhibits a significant disturbance in the

perception of the shape or size of his or

her body

11. 00: 45:35 – 00:46:02

Exhibits a significant disturbance in the

perception of the shape or size of his or

her body

12. Anna : Hey. I missed dinner.

Ellen : I found your barf stash.

Anna : Keep this to yourself and I'll get you some laxatives.

Ellen : I don't... I don't use...

Anna : Come on, I know you want them. You think I haven't seen that thing that you do?

Ellen : What thing?

Anna : Making sure your arm doesn't get bigger than, what, a silver dollar?

Ellen : Deal.

00:43:24 – 00:


Exhibits a significant disturbance in the

perception of the shape or size of his or

her body


Doctor : When was the last time you got your period?

Ellen : God. Um...

Doctor : It must have been... A long time ago.

00:14:11 – 00:14:29

Postmenarcheal females with this

disorder are amenorrheic.

Appendix 2 is about the factors causing of AN that experienced by Ellen

No Data Duration Factors causing of

AN 1.

Ellen : How you do it ? eat, i mean. I see you and i just..uh get all panicky even thinking about it, like, the world is gonna fall apart.

Luke : I feel like that, but you know? Feel a fear and do anymor

00:47:56 – 00:48:07

Psychological Factor with Panic or


2. Ellen : you're falling in love with me?

Luke : Okay, I'm sorry.

Ellen : I didn't mean to unleash the Kraken. I've known you for, like, three weeks.

Luke : Well, I've known you for two years. Your drawing, the way you see things...

Ellen : Yeah? Oh, okay. This rexie girl, who saw my stuff on Tumblr, liked the way I saw...

so much, that when she slit her wrists, she left me the fucking note. And you know what her parents did? They sent me pictures... so I'd really know what I'd done.

01:13:12 – 01:


Psychological Factor with Feel


Appendix 3 is about the treatments of AN that experienced by Ellen

No Data Duration Treatments of AN


Dr. Beck : I'm not going to treat you. if you aren't interested in living.

Ellen : Good speech.

Dr. Beck : If I'm going to help you, you have to agree to a few things.

Ellen : What?

Dr. Beck : No talk about food. I'm not interested. It's boring and not very helpful. And your parents can't talk about it either. You're on your own, understand?

Ellen : Yes.

Dr. Beck : You'll agree to a minimum of six weeks in-patient.

00:15:07 – 00:15:30

Structured inpatient and partial hospitalization



Ellen : This is it? You're sure?

Susan : Yeah, this is the address.

Anna : Oh, hi. what's your name?

00:18:29 – 00:18:34

Structured inpatient and partial hospitalization


Ellen : Ellen.

Anna : Anna. Bulimia nervosa.

Although, more nervosa than bulimia now. That's Kendra 3.

00:54:16 – 00:56:21

Individual psychotherapy


01:19:25 – 01:22:21

Individual psychotherapy


00:35:27 – 00:38:09

Family psychotherapy


00:23:44 – 00:26:53

Support group with Gathering once a week


01:02:05 – 01:02:25

Support group with Gathering once a week

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