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Supporting and obstacle aspects of Bulugading English Education Center (BEEC) Program in Speaking Skill at Senior High School of


B. Finding

5. Supporting and obstacle aspects of Bulugading English Education Center (BEEC) Program in Speaking Skill at Senior High School of

Bustanul Ulum bulugading Jember.

In this session, the researcher describes supporting and obstacle aspects of Bulugading English Education Center (BEEC) program in speaking skill.

In the field, researcher found the supporting aspect of the students at Bulugading English Education Center were high motivation, high self- confidence, and have good inteligence. The teacher gave punishment to the students who did not speak English, so that the students have high motivation to practice their speaking skill.104 It is stated by the tutor of BEEC program as follows:

“The supportings factor that support the implementation of Bulugading English Education Center (BEEC) program in students’

speaking skill were good intelligence, high self-confidence, and high motivation. For the students who did not speak English will get the punishment and it was one of my motivations so that the students always try to speak English”.105

Based on the interview above, there are some supporting aspects at BEEC program which can affect students’ speaking skill. They were high motivation, high self confidence, and good intelligence. The one of motivation from the teacher is punishment.

It was also support by the explanation from the student of Bulugading English Education Center (BEEC) program as follows:

104 Data Source: Observation, July 08 2019

105 Solihin, Interview, Jember, May 23 2019.

“Yes Miss, high motivation, high self- confidence, and good intelligence were supporting aspect. It makes my speaking gain better because high motivation was helped us to always practice my speaking”.106

Based on Lisa’s statement, high motivation can help the students to always practice their speaking. Some supportings aspect are high motivation, high self confidence, and good intelligence.

It was also supported by the explanation from Alfu as the student of Bulugading English Education Center (BEEC) program as follows:

“Yes miss, since I was learnt English at BEEC program. The teacher gave punishment to the students who did not speak English because it was one of a way as motivation for the students to practice speaking skill. Some of supporting aspects of BEEC program were high motivation, high self- confidence, and good intelligence”.107

Based on interview above, it can be concluded that supporting aspects of Bulugading English Education Center (BEEC) program in speaking skill were high motivation, high self-confidence, and good intelligence. For the students who did not speak English, they got punishment.

In the field, researcher found the obstacle aspect of the students at Bulugading English Education Center (BEEC) program were lack of vocabulary, lack of grammar, lack of pronunciation, lack of confidence, fear of making mistakes, and mother tongue.108 It will be explained by Mr.

Solihin as follows:

106 Lisa, Interview, Jember, July 05 2019.

107 Wanda, Interview, Jember, July 07 2019.

108 Data Source: Observation, July 09 2019

“The obstacle aspect that was affected the implementation of Bulugading English Education Center (BEEC) program in students’ speaking skill were lack of vocabulary, lack of grammar, lack of pronunciaton, lack of confidence, fear of making mistakes, and mother tongue. There were some students prefer to use mother tongue than English”.109

Based on the interview above, solihin stated that there are some obstacles aspect at BEEC program, they were lack of vocabulary, lack of grammar, lack of pronunciaton, lack of confidence, fear of making mistakes, and mother tongue.

It is also supported by Ainun’s statement as the student of Bulugading English Education Center (BEEC) program, the statement as follows:

“It was right Miss, in learning English, especially speaking skill there were some obstacle aspects that hold up the students, they were lack of vocabulary, lack of grammar, lack of pronunciation, lack of confidence, fear of making mistakes, and mother tongue”.110

Based on the interview above, in speaking skill, there some obstacles aspect for the students of BEEC program, they were lack of vocabulary, lack of grammar, lack of pronunciaton, lack of confidence, fear of making mistakes, and mother tongue.

It is also explained by Hilya’s statement as the students of Bulugading English Education Center (BEEC) program, the statement as follows:

109 Solihin, Interview, Jember, May 23 2019.

110 Ainun, Interview, Jember, July 04 2019.

“Based on my Experience before, I did not know how to pronounce the sentence, and I was lack of vocabulary. According to me, lack of vocabulary made our speaking will be stumble.

There were some obstacle aspects which was affected the students in speaking skill, they were they were lack of vocabulary, lack of grammar, lack of pronunciation, lack of confidence, fear of making mistakes, and mother tongue”.111

Based on interview above, it can be concluded that obstacle aspects of Bulugading English Education Center (BEEC) program in speaking skill were lack of vocabulary, lack of grammar, lack of pronunciation, lack of confidence, fear of making mistakes, and mother tongue.

According to the interview and observation above, the researcher concludes that the supporting aspects of Bulugading English Education Center (BEEC) Program in speaking skill were: 1. High motivation, 2.

High self-confidence, and 3. Good intelligence. While the obstacle aspects were: 1. Lack of vocabulary, 2. Lack of grammar, 3. Lack of pronunciation, 4. Lack of confidence, 5. Fear of making mistakes, and 6.

Mother tongue.