• Tidak ada hasil yang ditemukan


G. Technique of Analyzing Data

The methods of analyzing the data from both experimental reseach based on the pre-experimental were calculated as follows:

1. Scoring the students' correct answer in pre-test and post-test using the following formula by Depdiknas (2005) in Rahim (2016).

total correct answer

A Student's score = ---;---;--- —--- x 100 total number o f items

2. Classifying the students' score into the following criteria by Depdiknas (2005) in Rahim (2016)

81 to 100 : Very Good 61 to 80 : Good

41 to 60 : Fair 21 to 40 : Poor 0 to 20 : Very Poor

3. The formulate of calculation the mean score as fallows:

Where :

x EX N

X= means score

YX = the total number of the students score N = the number of the students

(Gay, 2006:320)

4. Calculation the standard deviation of students by using the following formula:

SS= ss

N - 1

Where :

SD = I x 2



M N - 1

(Gay, 2006:320)

SS : Sum squares

N : the number of subject SD : standar deviation

5. Finding out the significant difference between the pre-test and post­

test by calculating the value of the t-test using this faormula:

t= D

y p 2 - ( I D ) L U N

N ( N - l ) 2

(Gay, 2006:334)


t = test of significance D = mean difference

£D2 = the sum of differenceo

(£D)= the square of the sum of the difference

N = total sample



This part addresses two important issues that concern the statistical evidence of the data analysis and what the finding imply to the overall research.

A. Findings

The findings consist of data analyses of the instruments that is pre­

test and post-test score. The findings report the results of the data analyzed by means of statistical formula by (Gay, 2006:320) to identify the significant difference of the students' reading comprehension between pre-test and post-test.

Test Instrument Analysis

The analysis of the data obtained from the second semester University of Timor is presented in the following table.

1. Students’ score Pre-test and Post-test

Data were collected from 20 participants of pre-test .The pre-test was given to all participants before and after providing treatment. Below is the score of the students pre-test and post-test.

Tablel.The Score of the Students’ Pre-test and Post-test

Students’ Number Score of Pre­


Score of Post-test

1 62,5 70

2 12,5 90

3 25 80

4 37,5 70

5 50 60

6 50 80

7 25 90

8 37,5 70

9 25 70

10 12,5 70

11 62,5 60

12 50 80

13 50 80

14 25 70

15 50 70

16 37,5 70

17 62,5 90

18 50 80

19 12,5 80

20 50 40

Total 788 1470

Table 1. To see the defference of result pre-test and post-test is post test score the higher than the pre-test. So, the total score of post-test is 1470 and pre-test is 788. It means that, after the treatment of skimming strategy, the post test was carried out. The same reading test as given in the pre-test was re-administered to the students. Even so, during treatment, the students were not given the point in the pre-test to avoid treatment. The result of the post-test used as the data of students reading comprehension after skimming strategy treatment. So, there is a defference of total score between pre-test and post-test.

To facilitate the analysis of data, the writer classifies the score based on the measurements mention before. The percentage of each category is in the table 2.

Table 2. The classification and frequency of the students' pre-test score.

Classification Score Frequency

Very Good 81 to 100

61 to 80

-Good 3

Fair 41 to


Poor 60


Very Poor 21 to 40

0 to 20 3


Based on the pre-test score, no one student score in very good and three students belonged to a good category. There were 7 students

classified as fair. There were 7 students classified as poor and three of the students classified as very poor.

The analysis of the frequency of the data is classified in the following table.

Table 3. The classification and frequency of the students' post-test score

Classification Score Frequency

Very Good 81 to 100 3

Good 61 to 80 14

Fair 41 to 60 2

Poor 21 to 40 1

Very Poor 0 to 20


The result of the data analysis indicates that 3 students got very good score, 14 students got good score, 2 students got fair score, one student got poor score and none of student got very poor score. This number provides information that there was an improvement of reading comprehension after the treatment of skimming technique.

The result of students reading comprehension mean score from pre­

test and post-test

After analyzing the percentage of the students reading score in both pre-test and post-test, the defference of the significance of the mean score between pre-test and post-test. The calculation was assisted by using formula.

Table 4: the result of students reading comprehension score from pre­

test and post-test

Mean N Std. Deviation

Pre-test 39,38 20 16,79

Post-test 73,50 20 11,82

Table above indicates that, To seen the defference of result pre-test and post-test is post test score the higher than the pre-test. So, the mean score of post-test is 73.50 and the mean score of pre-test is 39.38. than the score of standart devation pre-test is 16.79 and the score of standart devation post-test is 11.82. It means that, there is the a defference of mean score between pre-test and post test. It can be concluded that students reading comprehension has improved after the students taught by skimming strategy.

The result of the t-test of the students reading comprehension score from pre-test and post-test

After analyzing the result of the mean score pre-test and post-test, the deference of the significance t-test between pre-test and post test.

The calculation was assisted by using formula:

Table 5: the result of t-test of the students reading comprehension score from pre-test and post test

Test Mean Improvement t t-table value



Pre 39.38 34.12 13.68 2.039 .000 19

Post 73.50

Based on the table 7, the calculation of the students mean score t- test from post test and pre-test is 39.38-73.50 = 34.12 it proves that there is a significant improvement. It is found the t-value is 13.68 is greter than t-table value, in which t-value are 13.68 and t-table 2.039 in 5% level significance 13.68 >2.039. The significance value that is 0.000 is lower than 0.05 level of significance 0.000 < 0.05. it means that, there is a defference of mean score between pre-test and post-test it can be concluded that students reading comprehension has improved after the students taught by skimming strategy and df(deference of freedom) is (n- 1)=(20-1) = 19 students.

B. Discussion

The current research concerns improvement of students' reading comprehension through the utilization of skimming technique. In addition, the present study did not only focus on the improvement of the subjects’

ability in reading comprehension but also on the subjects’ response after

having been treated using skimming technique. Then, the findings can be categorized into two major points as follows:

1. Skimming strategy improve students’ reading comprehension

After conducting the research, the researcher arrived at some findings concerning the use of skimming technique and reading text as reading material on the treatments. From the results of the data analysis, it is found that the total score of students’ pre-test score increases from 788 up to 1.470 in the post test. The difference of students’ score after applying the treatments is 682 points. The mean score in the pre-test is increases to 39.38 in the post-test. The data show that in pre-test most of the students have poor and fair reading comprehension. Hence, there is an improvement of the students’ score about 73.50. the data found from post-test reveals that most of the students have good reading comprehension. The calculation above indicates that there is a significant improvement of students’ reading comprehension of reading text after being taught through skimming technique at University of Timor.

Then the computation of the mean score of pre-test and post-test proves that, there is a significant improvement from pre-test and post-test.

The improvement is 34.12 in whice t-observed value is higher than t-table value at 2.093 level of significance see table 6 it means that the use t- table of skimming strategy to improve students reading comprehension is able to improve the students’ achievement and their ability to understand the reading materials. Therefore, the hyphotesis H1 which mentions that

there is a significant of skimming strategy to improve the students’ reading comprehension is accepted.

2. Skimming strategy improve reading comprehension

The finding of the study showed that the use of skimming technique improves students' reading comprehension. It can be seen through the improvement of finding main idea. The students' ability in comprehending such text improve because they were taught with effective ways, namely skimming technique. In fact, they known how to comprehend such text and they had many difficulties in comprehending text, but they could implement skimming technique to comprehend such text effectively in post-test and they could minimize the mistakes they had before.

The enhancement of reading comprehension improves because of skimming technique. Skimming is defined as a quick, superficial reading of a text in order to get the gist of it. Although there is some questions about exactly what readers do when they skim, it does appear to be a strategy for getting clues to the main ideas, divisions, points, or steps in an argument.

The first steps is to read the title. the students can be asked to read the first and last paragraph of the text to determine the main ideas of the text.

Alternatively, they can read the first paragraph in its entirety and the first sentence of each subsequent paragraph before determining the main

ideas. To provide the students with practice in skimming, the students must be given only a few minutes to accomplish this task, otherwise, they read the article rather than skim it.

The second steps skimming technique is: The teacher asked the students to highlight or underline the main points of the text and the answers to a set of questions posed to them just before reading. The students can be asked to read the text section by section, stopping at the end of each section to discuss the main ideas up to that point. In tests of skimming, the teacher instructed the students to glance through the text and to note the broad gist of the contents. They are then given a small number of questions concerning only the major points and general outline of the text. Sometimes at the end of skimming the students are allowed a few minutes to jot down any notes they wish to make but they are not usually allowed to refer back to the text. Then, The teacher should have the students work under time pressure while they are practicing skimming.

In addition, skimming technique successfully helps the students to improve their reading comprehension.skimming technique, which the teacher implemented, could improve the students' reading comprehension. This finding is supported by the research result stated in pre-test and post-test that the students' mean scores are improved from 39.38 to 73.50.


The result of analysis suggests an important basis of implementing skimming technique in enhancing the students' reading comprehension.

The overall discussion confirms a positive improvement of students’

reading comprehension ability after the treatment of skimming. Before the research, the students' ability in comprehending such texts was found to be extremely very low. Therefore, the researcher implemented a different technique, that is skimming technique to overcome the root of the problem so that the students' reading comprehension can be improved.

Most importantly,there is a significant difference on students’ it appears that skimming as important reading strategy strengthens the cognitive ability of learning in dealing with expository text. This findings has led research to level that learners reguire direct operational function to maximum the level of comprehension in ability to deal with varied forms of English text.

The use of Skimming technique in teaching reading comprehension has been proven to be an effective way to improve students' reading comprehension. It is worth nothing that teaching reading comprehension is effective and efficient if the activity in the teaching and learning process involves the students’ use of effective technique.

Significant improvement by the students was evident during the implementation of Skimming technique in teaching reading comprehension. It is also apparent from the findings that the students were positively affected by the application of the skimming technique.

However, implementation of the techniques will require sufficient knowledge of theory to make it more effective.

Moreover, the students' reading comprehension improved significantly in their post-test. They committed minor mistakes in answering questions posed in reading comprehension question. They also knew the effective way to comprehend text and answer questions related to the skimming strategy of reading comprehension. Besides, during the teaching learning by using Skimming technique, the students become more active in the lesson. So that, the students easily in understanding the material.

The researcher puts forward some suggestions concerning several things that further research should implement. The first suggestion is that further researchers should try to analyze the use of skimming technique to improve students’ reading comprehension in other text genres since this research focuses only on the use of skimming technique to improve students’ reading comprehension in reading text. Skimming is a good technique when a reader wants to know if a text covers the information he/she needs. English reading is very important for english program, the students must practice their english reading by reading various kinds of

english book and english literature. The teacher should be creative to manage the materials and select the teaching method of teaching reading comprehension.


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Session 1

School : Universitas Timor Subject : English

Class/ Semester : second (dua)

Skill : Reading

Topic : skimming

A. Standar Kompetensi

1.1 memahami berbagai teks bacaan dengan berbagai teknik membaca B. Kompetensi Dasar :

1.2 Menemukan ide pokok berbagai teks dengan teknik membaca cepat (250 kata/menit

C. Indikator:

Siswa mampu :

1. Membaca cepat dengan kecepatan 250 kata/ menit 2. Menemukan ide pokok paragraf dalam teks

D. Tujuan Pembelajaran :

1. Untuk menemukan isi suatu teks dalam waktu yang terbatas

2. Untuk menemukan main idea dalam teks bacaan dengan baik dan benar.

E. Alokasi Waktu : 2 * 45 menit F. Materi Pembelajaran :

1. Definis tentang skimming

Skimming strategy is: one of the fast tehnique reading to detemine main idea in the text ( salah satu teknik membaca cepat untuk menemukan ide pokok dalam suatu bacaan).

2. Fungsi skimming

a. Untuk mengenali topic bacaan

b. Untuk mengetahui pendapat/opini orang

c. Untuk mendapatkan bagian penting yang kita butuhkan

d. Untuk mengetahui organisasi penulisan, urutan ide pokok, dan cara berpikir penulis

e. Untuk menyegarkan apa yang pernah di baca 3. Contoh dari skimming teks

The Navajo Indians were a very interesting tribe to learn and study about. The things that interested me the most were their simple

lifestyle. They had no electricity, running water, or indoor plumbing.

Life couldn't get much simpler than this!

Navajo Indians lived in houses called hogans. These houses were made of mud, wooden poles, and tree bark. Many Navajo today still live in humans..

The Pueblo Indians taught the Navajo many skills. They taught them to plant crops, such as melon, corn, beans, and squash. This is why the Navajo were referred to as farmers, sheep herders, and laborers. Other skills of the Navajo are sand paintings, jewelry making, and rug weaving.

Navajo Indians wore shoes called moccasins to protect their feet from the hot, desert ground and cactus. They were made from leather or rawhide.

Navajo Indians held ceremonies called Night Chants. They wore masks and shook rattles while praying for rain and good crops. The ceremonies lasted for nine days!

The Navajo were warlike. They would sometimes raid other Indians, Mexicans, and white men. They would steal horses, sheep, and cows. In 1863, Kit Carson marched 400 men through Canyon de

much livestock and destroyed so many crops, that the Navajo begged for peace. Carson gathered the Navajo and moved them to Fort Sumner in New Mexico. They were held prisoners there until 1867.

So as you can see, the Navajo Indians were a very interesting tribe to learn and study about.


What is the main idea of this passage?

a. The Navajo Indians were warlike.

b. The Navajo Indians were a very interesting tribe to learn and study about. (benar)

c. he Navajos had ceremonies called Night Chants.

d. The Pueblo taught the Navajo many skills.

Main idea selalu terletak pada kalimat pertama atau terakhir dari suatu paragraf, atau tersebar, tapi dalam hal ini yang sering dijumpai dalam soal, kalimat utama kebanyakan terletak diawal dan akhir)

What is the main idea of the third paragraph?

a. The Pueblo Indians taught the Navajo many skills.

b. The Navajo wore shoes called moccasins.

c. The Navajo were skilled at rug weaving.

d. The Navajo were referred to as sheep herders.

Pembahasan :

(Dalam soal diminta menentukan main idea untuk paragraf ke tiga, jadi kita hanya fokus pada kalimat pertama dan terakhir pada paragraf ketiga saja)

What is the main idea of the sixth paragraph?

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