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Techniques for Analyzing Items Test

Dalam dokumen E. Significances of the Research (Halaman 31-35)

Analyze the items test of learning outcomes can be done in three aspects: (1) from analyze difficulty index, (2) analyzediscriminatory power item, (3) analyze function of the distractor.

1. Analyze difficulty index

Sudijono (2008:371-372)The quality items test of learning outcomes firstly can be known from difficulty index or the level of difficulty that each item has. Learning outcomes test items can be expressed as good items if the item test is not too difficult and not too easy. In other words, the difficulty index is should be medium or sufficient. The number of difficulty index items can be obtained using a formula by Du Bois :

Where :

P : Proportion difficulty Index

B : The number of testees who can answer correctly item test JS : The number of testees who take the learning test

P Interprestation

Less than 0,30 Difficult

0,30 – 0,70 Medium

More than o,70 Easy



2. Analyze discriminatory power item

Sudijono (2008:387-389) Discriminatory power item can be seen through by looking at the size of the item discrimination index. Discriminatory power item basically calculated testee division into two groups, there are the higher group which is classified as clever and the lower group which is classified as stupid.

Where : Index discrimination


Classification Interprestation

Less than 0,20 Poor The item in question has a bad discriminatory power 0,20 - 0,40 Satisfactory The item in question has a medium

discriminatory power 0,40 – 0,70 Good The item in question has a good

discriminatory power

0,70 – 1,00 Excellent The item in question has a very good discriminatory power

Negative (-) - The item in question has a very bad discriminatory power

I. Previous Study

Feni Andri Astuti (student number: 200932073). On 2013 She has also a student of English Education Department. Teacher Training and Education Faculty. Muria Kudus University. The title of her research is “ The Analysis of English Final Examination test for twelve Grade Students of the odd semester 2012/2013 of SMK N 1 Kudus” This research aims to know how is the face validity of the teacher-made english final examination test, how is the content validity of the teacher made english final examination test, and how is the descrimination power of teacher made english final examination test of SMK N 1 Kudus use by english teacher of SMK N 1 Kudus. This research is descriptive Qualitatif research of the

English final examination test items for twelve grade in 2012/2013 and students‟

score od office administration class as a sample.

Sri Rahayu Ningsih (2016) from Universitas Muria Kudus conducted a research entitled ”The Item Analysis of Teacher-Made Test of English Final Examination Test at the Second Semester of the Eleventh Grade Students of SMA 2 Kudus in 2013/2014 Academic Year. The purposes of this research are divided into three parts. firstly is to find out of the face validity item test English final examination of the eleventh grade students of SMA 2 Kudus in academic year 2013/2014. The second is to discuss the content validity of test design for the eleventh grade students of SMA 2 Kudus in academic year 2013/2014. And the last is to know item diffuculty of test design for the eleventh grade students of SMA 2 Kudus in academic year 2013/2014. The research used qualitative as the research method.

The object of the research is the item in final examination design by teacher for the eleventh garde students of SMA 2 Kudus in academic year 2013/2014. In order to collect the data, the researcher analyzed the test items,which consist of 40 multiple choice items where option A, B, C, and D being applied and the focus of this research is about face validity and content validity.

From two theses above, the similarity of this research with those theses is on the subject of the research. They are analyzing the English final examination test. Then, the difference of this research with those theses above is on the research focus. In this research the writer only focus on analyzing the validity of the test; especially, face validity and content validity of the test.


A. Method and Design of the Research 1.

Method of the Research

The method of the research is qualitative research . It is based on the research focus; to analyze the face validity and content validity of a test designed by teacher at the first grade students of islamic senior high school mahdaliyah jambi. According to Marshall(1999:2:3) qualitative research is an approach to the study of social phenomena; its various genres are naturalistic and interpretative, and they draw on multiple methods of inquiry p (2-3). Some characteristics of qualitative research are: take places in the natural word, use multiple methods that are interactive and humanistic, it is emergent rather than prefigured and fundamentally interpretative.

According to Sugiyono(2009:15) Qualitative research is research method that is based on the philosophy postpositivisme, used to examine the condition of natural objects in which the researcher is a key instrument, sampling is done by purpose data sources, gathering with triangulation techniques, data analysis is inductive/qualitative, and outcomes research emphasizes qualitative meaning rather than generalization.Qulaititave research relies on natural background holistically, human position as a research tool, inductive data analysis, more concerned with process than outcomes and results of research conducted by researchers agreed upon and subject of reserach.


Design of the research

The study will be conducted by using a descriptive qualitative analysis method. Bodgan and Taylor (2002:3) state that descriptive qualitative analysis method is a research produce which produces

descriptive data in form of written and spoken of peoples or behaviour that observed Whereas. Best in Sukardi (2003:157) declares that descriptive research is a method of research that attempt to describe and interpret the object naturally.The descriptive qualitative analysis will be used to describe the face validity and the content validity of the test. The researcher will analyze whether the test instrument designed by teacher already full fill all the criteria af face validity test also analyze whether the test or the instrument items cover all the standar competences.

Dalam dokumen E. Significances of the Research (Halaman 31-35)

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