• Tidak ada hasil yang ditemukan


2. The Improvement of the Students‘ Interpretative

The use of Duplicated Answer Sheets method is effective to improve the students‘ reading comprehension in term interpretative which has focused on the concusion. It can be seen from table below based on the students‘ score of interpretative.

Table 4.2 The Students‟ Interpretative Comprehension

Indicators The students‟ score Improvement ( % ) Pre-test Post-test

Conclusion 74.29 88.21 18.7

⃑⃑⃑ 74.29 88.21 18.7

The table above shows that there is improvement of students‘

interpretative comprehension. It‘s proved by seen the achievement of the students from the pre-test and post-test. The mean score of pre-test is 74.29, after giving


treatment and test in post-test, the mean score become 88.21. It means that there is improvement 18.7 %.

To see clearly the percentage score improvement of the student‘s interpretative comprehension following chart is presented:

Chart 4.2 The Improvement of the Students‟ Interpretative Comprehension

20 19 18 17

16 Conclusion

15 Improvement 14


12 10

Pre-Test & Post-Test

The chart above shows the achievement of the students‘ interpretative comprehension focused in conclusion which is 18.74%. The students‘ mean score in post-test of interpretative is higher than students‘ mean score in pre-test of conducting treatment.

3. The Improvement in Reading Comprehension

The improvement of the students‘ reading comprehension, which focused


On literal and interpretative comprehension as variables in the eleventh grade of SMAN 1 Tanete Rilau as result of the students‘ assesment of pre-test and post-test can be seen clearly in the following table:

Table 4.3 The improvement of the Students‟ Reading Comprehension

Variables The students‟ score Improvement Pre-test Post-test (%)

Literal 55.7 70.4 26.39

Interpretative 74.3 88.2 18.7

2100.6 2671.8 27.19

⃑⃑⃑ 60.02 76.34 27.19

The table above is clearly indicates the students‘s improvement in reading comprehension covering literal and interpretative comprehension. We can see that in pre-test mean score 60.02 and post-test mean score 76.34. It is highly improving from pre-test to post-test after giving treatment using Duplicated Answer Sheets method. So the students‘ improvement that is shown in the table is 27.19%.


Based on the table above can be seen also on the chart below:

Chart 4.3. The Improvement of the Students‟ Reading Comprehension

80 70 60

50 Literal

40 Interpretative 20

10 Pre-test Post-test

The chart above shows that the students‘ mean score in post-test of literal and interpretative are higher than the students‘ mean score in pre-test after conducting treatment.

Table 4.4 The Students‟ Classification of Pre-test and Post-test Variables Mean score

of Pre-test

Classifation Mean score of Post-test


Literal 55.7 Fair 70.4 Fairly good

Interpretative 74.3 Fairly good 88.2 Very good

The table above shows that the students‘ classification of literal in pre-test is fair 55.7, and post-test is fairly good 70.4. The students‘ classification of interpretative in pre-test is fairly good 74.3 and post-test is very good 88.2. It


means that the classification of literal and interpretative in post-test are greater than pre-test. So, there is an improvement from pre-test to post-test.

4. Hypothesis Testing

To indicate that there is a significant difference between the mean score of post-test and pre-test. The mean score of the pre-test is 60.02 and post-test is 76.34. It means that, there is significant difference between the students‘ reading comprehension before and after using Duplicated Answer Sheets method.

From the explanation above it means that, the alternative Hypothesis (H1) is accepted and the Null Hypothesis is rejected. In other words, Duplicated Answer Sheets method can be used to improve the students‘ literal and interpretative comprehension.

B. Discussion

The research finding indicates that the students‘ reading comprehension achievement using Duplicated Answer Sheets method shows the improvement of the students‘ literal comprehension has focused on main idea and supporting idea and interpretative comprehension has focused on conclusion. From the improvement shows the process in pre-test and post-test. The result of the students‘ reading comprehension of literal and interpretative in pre-test is fair before the application of Duplicated Answer Sheets method.

The researcher only gave exercise (pre-test) to know their knowledge before applying Duplicated Answer Sheets method. At the beginning, the students


didn‘t understand how to comprehend the text of literal (main idea and supporting idea) and interpretative (conclusion).

Almost all of them were hard to comprehend the text repeatedly.

Therefore, the researcher gave the treatment by applying Duplicated Answer Sheets method and gave guidance intensively to the students. As the result the students become active and enjoy with their activity in the classroom. The description of data collection through written test as explained in previous findings section show that the students‘ achievement after the application of Duplicated Answer Sheets method is significant.

In applying of Duplicated Answer Sheets method in reading process, the researcher find that the mean score of post-test of the students‘ achievement is greater than pre-test. In the table 4.1 shows the score of literal comprehension which the mean score of pre-test is 55.7 and after applying the Duplicated Answer Sheets method the mean score of post-test is 70.4. In the table 4.2 the score of interpretative comprehension which the mean score of pre-test is 74.3 and the mean score of post-test is 88.2.

After applying Duplicated Answer Sheets method, the researcher find that such this method is effective to apply in the classroom.this assumptions is stated with evidence. During the application process of treatment, the researcher shows that the students ar very interested to the material that the researcher present through Duplicated Answer Sheets method. Based on the result of reading test, the students‘ reading comprehension was improved. It is proved by the result of post-test of literal and interpretative comprehension. this method can change the


category of the students‘ knowledge. The category score of literal which the score of pre-test is fair (55.7) and the post-test is fairly good (70.4). The category score of interpretative which the score of pre-test is fairly good (74.3) and the pos-test is very good (88.2). we can see the improvement of the students in pre-test and test in the table, the improvement of the students‘ score of pre-test and post-test on literal comprehension is 26.39%, while the improvement of the students score of pre-test and post-test on interpretative comprehension is 18.7%. It is taken from the comparison between students pre-test and post-test. The percentage of students‘ reading comprehension of literal and interpretative is 27.19%.

By the explanation above, the researcher conclude that Duplicated Answer Sheets method is effective to improve the students‘ reading comprehension which focused on literal and interpretative comprehension.




This chapter contains conclusion and suggestion based on the research findings in previous chapter, the researcher puts forward the following conclusion and suggestion.

A. Conclusion

Based on the result of teaching students by Duplicated Answer Sheets method in the previous chapter, the researcher would like to present the conclussion as follows:

1. The application of Duplicated Answer Sheets method can improve the students‘ literal comprehension. It is proved by their improvement in pre-test is 55.7 and post-test is 70.4.

2. The application of Duplicated Answer Sheets method can improve the students‘ interpretative comprehension. It is proved b their improvement in pre-test is 74.3 and post-test is 88.2.

B. Suggestion

Based on the conclusion above, the researcher stated suggestion to improve the students‘ reading comprehension through Duplicated Answer Sheets method as follows:

1. It suggest that the researchers, to use Duplicated Answer Sheets method as one


Alternative ways among other teaching methods that can be used in teaching reading comprehension and to give attention at the interesting strategy in teaching to make students interested in learning English, especially to teaching reading for comprehension.

2. In learning and teaching reading process. The students training to improve their efficiently in learning reading through Duplicated Answer Sheets method.

3. The library should prepare many books related to reading comprehension to facilities the students to improve their ability in reading.

4. For next researcher, they use discovery learning model in researching other materials that can be use in English learning.



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Petunjuk pengerjaan:

1. Isilah nama dan kelas di lembar jawaban dengan benar

2. Bacalah teks bacaan yang tersedia dengan seksama lalu jawablah pertanyaan pilihan ganda yang ada di bawah teks bacaan tersebut dengan memilih jawaban yang dianggap paling benar.

Contoh :

D adalah jawaban yang benar

Jika anda ingin meralat jawaban anda berilah tanda „=‟ pada jawaban sebelumnya

A adalah jawaban yang benar

3. Jawablah pertanyaan essay yang ada di bawah teks bacaan dengan singkat dan jelas.

4. Jawablah soal tersebut dilembar jawaban yang telah disediakan 5. Alokasi waktu = 90 menit

Jumlah butir soal:

1. 20 soal untuk pilihan ganda 2. 5 soal untuk essay

Reading text I

Two new species of dinosaurs, one a quick-moving meat-eater and the other a giant-plant-eater, have been discovered in Antarctica. The 70

million-year-A B C D E



old fossil of the carnivore would have rested for millenniums at the bottom of the Antistatic Sea, while the remains of the 30-meter-long plant-eater were found on the top of a mountain.

The little carnivore-about 1.8 meters tall – was found on James Ross Island, off the coast of the Antarctic Peninsula.

Not yet named, the animal probably floated out the sea after it died and settled to the bottom of what was then a shallow area of the Weddell Sea. Its bones and teeth suggest it may represent a population of two-legged carnivores that survived in the Antarctic long after other predators took over elsewhere on the globe. ―For whatever reason, they were still hanging out on the Antarctic continent,‖ Case said in a statement.

A second team led by William Hammer of Augustana College in Rock Island, Illinois, found the 200 million-year-old plant-eater‘s fossils on a mountaintop 13,000 feet (3,900 meters) high near the Beardmore Glacier. Now known as Mt. Kirk Patrick, the area was once a soft riverbed.

Jawablah pertanyaan 1-7, berdasarkan teks bacaan diatas!

1. Which of the following would be the best title ……….

a. the earth and its history b. the real giant

c. the fossil of dinosaurs d. the dinosaurs

e. the secret of Antarctic Sea

2. The article above informs us about…………

a. two species of dinosaurs

b. the newest discovery in Antarctica

lxxix c. the two kinds of new dinosaurs

d. the discovery of two species of dinosaurs in Antarctica

e. a team of researchers was funded by the National Science Foundation 3. Which of the following statement is TRUE according to the text?

a. a hundred years ago a real giant was discovered in Antarctic land

b. few people even knew that fossils are the remains of ancient living things c. hundred years ago some people ever saw dinosaurs in Antarctic sea

d. the little dinosaurs was found on James Ross Island e. the two species of dinosaurs still alive in the Antarctic sea 4. The main idea (ide pokok) of the first paragraph is ………

a. the two species of dinosaurs are carnivores and herbivores

b. the two species were founded by the National Science Foundation c. the two species are a quick moving meat-eater and a giant plant-eater d. the two species of dinosaurs were floating at the bottom of the Weddell sea e. two species of dinosaurs have been discovered in Antarctica

5. The following information is about the giant plant-eater dinosaurs, except…….

a. it is 30 meters long b. it is 200 million years old c. it is 1.8 meters tall

d. it is found on the top of a mountain e. it is found by William hammer


6. Which of the following tones represents for the way the writer put his idea in the text ……

a. sarcastic b. inform c. humorous d. serious e. sympathetic

7. What is the name of the animal probably floated out the sea after it died and settled to the bottom in the shallow area of Weddel Sea ……….

a. Hadrosaurus b. Haddonfield giant c. Predator

d. a, b, c are true e. not yet named Reading text II

There are three separate sources of hazard in the process of supplying energy by nuclear power. The radioactive material must travel from its place of manufacture at the power station. Although the power stations themselves are solidly built, the containers used for the transport of the materials are not. There are normally only two methods of transport available, namely road or rail.

Unfortunately, both of these involve close contact with the general public, since the routes are sure to pass near, or even thought, heavily populated areas.

Next, there is the problem of waste. All nuclear power stations produce wastes that in most cases will remain radioactive for thousands of years. It is impossible to make these wastes non radioactive, and so they must be stored in one of the inconvenient ways that scientist have in vented. For example they may


be buried under the ground, or dropped into abandoned mines, or sunk in the sea.

However, these methods do not solve the problem, since an earthquake could easily crack the containers open.

Finally, there is the problem of accidental exposure due to a leak or an explosion at the power station. As with the other two hazards, this is not every likely, so it does not provide a serious objection to the nuclear program.

Nevertheless, it can happen.

Separately, these there types of risks are not a great cause for concern. On the whole though, the probability of disaster is still high.

Jawablah pertanyaan 8-12, berdasarkan teks bacaan yang ada diatas!

8. The whole text tells us about ………….

a. the danger of transporting radioactive materials

b. the way to make radioactive wastes not dangerous for people c. the potential dangers in supplying energy by nuclear power d. the accidents caused by nuclear power stations

e. people‘s objections to the establishment of nuclear stations

9. What makes the transported of radioactive materials dangerously for people‘s lives?

a. the road b. the containers c. the rail

d. the power station e. the heavily populated

10. Which of the following statement is TRUE about radioactive wastes?


a. there will be no more danger when radioactive wastes

b. there is no chance of saving people‘s lives from radioactive wastes c. radioactive wastes become nonradioactive when they are sunk in the sea d. only earthquake can change radioactive wastes

e. natural disasters may cause very serious leaks in buried containers of radioactive wastes

11. In spite of the problems which are likely at occur in supplying energy by nuclear, the writer thinks that ………….

a. people will strongly object to it b. the probability of disaster is high c. hazards should be rigidly controlled d. it‘s worth conducting nuclear programs e. there is a great cause for concern

12. We may conclude from the third paragraph that the problem of accidental exposure is caused by……

a. human error b. an earthquake c. radioactive wastes d. hazards

e. bad design of nuclear station

lxxxiii Reading text III

Ultraviolet light means the invisible part of the spectrum beyond violet.

This light has always been regarded as very useful because it is used to cure certain skin diseases, kill bacteria, detect counterfeit money, from vitamins, etc.

Along with the increasingly extensive use of computers in financial activities, ultraviolet light has been widely applied by banks to identify the signatures of the costumers in passbook. When the card is removed, the trace of his signature will be left; this can be used to compare with the signature on the customer‘s withdrawal slip under ultraviolet light.

Ultraviolet light certainly has many practical applications, but it may also be harmful to human being on some occasions. To everyone‘s knowledge, the direct impact of the light on the yes for an excessive length of time may blind a person.

Even though it can cure certain skin disease, it is also very harmful to the skin. A study just completed in the United States says that the light may cause skin cancer. The ultraviolet rays of the sun have been ranked as the third most dangerous cancer-causing agent after alcohol and tobacco.

It is high time to warn sun-worshippers in the quest for a bronzed look to be careful of excessive and uncontrolled exposure to the sun.

Jawablah pertanyaan 13-17, berdasarkan teks bacaan yang ada diatas!

13. We may conclude that the main information of the text is about ………….

a. the advantages and disadvantages of ultraviolet light b. the use of ultraviolet light in business

c. the application of ultraviolet light in people‘s lives d. the effect of ultraviolet rays on human beings

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