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Treadmill walking protocols for patients with PAD

Resting ABPI is frequently a poor predictor of walking performance in patients with symptomatic PAD (Regensteiner and Hiatt, 1995), which means that monitoring ABPI alone is inadequate for assessing the impact of the disease on functional impairment. For this reason, walking performance is usually

assessed using a standardised treadmill test. A variety of different testing protocols have been used, including constant-pace tests (e.g. slow constant speed of 2.4–3.2 km·h1and fixed grade of 8–12%) and graded or incremental protocols (e.g. slow constant speed of 3.2 km·h1, with gradient increasing 2%

every 2 min). Treadmill testing is also used in the clinical setting to exceed the capacity of lower-limb collateral circulation in 5% of patients with PAD who have a normal resting ABPI, thereby helping to establish the diagnosis of exercise-induced leg pain (McDermott et al., 2002). After treadmill exercise, ABPI characteristically decreases in patients with PAD due to a decrease in systolic pressure at the ankle, relative to an increase in pressure proximal to the site of stenosis.

Following a Transatlantic conference on clinical trial guidelines in PAD (Labs et al., 1999), two internationally accepted treadmill protocols were recommended:

Constant-pace treadmill protocol Constant walking speed of 3.2 km·h1 at 12% gradient.

Graded (incremental) treadmill protocol Starting horizontally at constant walking speed, but with the gradient increasing in pre-defined steps (e.g. 2%) at pre-defined time intervals (e.g. every 2 min).

Measured variables

The main measured variables in tests of walking performance are (1) distance or time to the onset of claudication pain (claudication distance, CD), and (2) maximum walking distance or time (MWD), at which point patients can no longer tolerate the claudication pain. Patients must report the onset of claudi-cation pain verbally and CD is considered a less reliable walking performance measure than MWD, particularly in incremental treadmill tests (Hiatt et al., 1988; Gardner et al., 1991; Hiatt et al., 1995; Labs et al., 1999). To reduce measurement error, it is good practice to ensure that patients are fully accus-tomed to the testing procedures before assessment, as many elderly people are not familiar with treadmill walking. In addition, it is important to confirm that patients terminated the test due to intolerable claudication pain and not due to some other reason, for example, breathlessness or unrelated exercise pain due to co-morbidities that are common in this patient group.

Constant-pace vs. graded (incremental) treadmill protocols

Constant-pace tests are generally easier to administer and do not require a programmable treadmill. In addition, there is a larger historical database derived from constant-pace tests, as many of the earlier published studies used such protocols. However, incremental (graded) protocols have the advantage that they can be used to assess walking performance in more heterogeneous patient populations with wide-ranging walking abilities (Hiatt et al., 1995;

Regensteiner and Hiatt, 1995). In addition, incremental protocols are likely to 174 JOHN M. SAXTON AND NIGEL T. CABLE

be more useful for re-assessing patients after a treatment intervention (in which an improvement is expected), as they do not exhibit the ‘ceiling’ effects which are more characteristic of constant-pace protocols. Incremental treadmill pro-tocols are also considered to have higher test–retest reproducibility for MWD in comparison to constant-pace treadmill protocols (Hiatt et al., 1995;

Regensteiner and Hiatt, 1995; Labs et al., 1999). Coefficients of variation (CVs) in the range of 30–45% for CD and MWD have been reported for constant-pace tests, in comparison to CVs of 15–25% for CD and 12–13%

for MWD on incremental tests (Hiatt et al., 1995).

Incremental shuttle-walk test

An alternative or complementary exercise testing modality to treadmill walking for assessing the effect of the disease or treatment intervention on functional capacity is the incremental shuttle-walk test (Zwierska et al., 2004). Patients walk back and forth between two cones placed 10 m apart on a flat floor, at a pace that is controlled by audio tape bleeps. The initial walking speed for the incremental shuttle walk is 3 km·h1 and at the end of each minute, the time interval between audible bleeps is decreased, resulting in a step-increase in walking speed of 0.5 km·h1. The accuracy of the timed bleep can be assured by inclusion of a 1 min calibration period at the beginning of the audio tape. This test has been shown to have similar test–retest reproducibility to standardised treadmill testing (Zwierska et al., 2004) and performance is highly correlated with community-based measures of physical activity and physical function (Zwierska et al., 2002). An intra-class correlation coefficient of 0.87 has been reported for MWD between repeated incremental shuttle-walk tests in patients with symptomatic PAD, which was similar to that observed for repeated stan-dardised treadmill testing in the same patient group (Zwierska et al., 2004).


Exercise rehabilitation can be a relatively inexpensive alternative or adjunctive treatment approach to pharmacological (or surgical) interventions in many cardiovascular conditions that affect peripheral vascular function and can have a clinically important impact on functional capacity and quality of life.

Physiological adaptations resulting from exercise rehabilitation that can under-pin improvements in physical function include peripheral blood flow adapta-tions, changes in blood rheology, altered nitric oxide metabolism and improved systemic endothelial vasoreactivity, which can all enhance blood flow to exer-cising skeletal muscles. With appropriate training, the techniques described in this chapter can be used to indirectly monitor changes in peripheral vascular function following exercise and/or lifestyle interventions in individuals at increased risk of developing cardiovascular disease or in patient groups. The techniques can also be used to assess the relative efficacy of different exercise training regimens for promoting positive changes in peripheral blood flow and skeletal muscle oxygenation.


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Exercise intolerance in patients with chronic ventilatory disorders has important implications for quality of life (Ferrer et al., 1997; Jones, 2001), morbidity (Kessler et al., 1999; Garcia-Aymerich et al., 2003) and mortality (Hiraga et al., 2003; Oga et al., 2003). Consequently, cardiopulmonary exer-cise testing is considered an essential component in the routine clinical assess-ment of these patients’ functional status. The primary aims of this chapter are to describe the indications for cardiopulmonary exercise testing and to provide recommendations concerning methodology (e.g. exercise modality, protocols and measurements). An in-depth discussion of data interpretation is beyond the scope of this chapter, but the interested reader is directed towards a recent joint statement on cardiopulmonary exercise testing by the American Thoracic Society and the American College of Chest Physicians (ATS/ACCP, 2003). The following sections describe the general categories of ventilatory dysfunction and the health and economic burden of respiratory disease.