• Tidak ada hasil yang ditemukan




also do not know the meaning of the word. So, they feel challenged in doing a task in UP-P (Unggulan Prestasi – Prestasi) Program. In the other hand is about computer problem.


After knowing the finding about the students’ responses toward the implementation of UP-P (Unggulan Prestasi – Prestasi) Program and the challenge that the students face while participating the program. There are several suggestions that can be addressed for some side:

1. The Headmaster

According to findings, it is suggested for the headmaster to really evaluate the program, not only for every year but it was better if they did it for every semester. However, there are several obstacles of this the program as the findings showed that often empty hours, the teacher does not come to the class. The headmaster should monitoring, analyze the challenges/obstacles then follow up that.

2. The Teacher

Based on the result of study, the UP-P (Unggulan Prestasi – Prestasi) Program is beneficial for the students but there are some students that is not enjoy in participating the program cause of the teacher. One of which is the teacher angry when the students ask the meaning. The teacher should recognize the students who joined the UP-P (Unggulan Prestasi – Prestasi) Program to know how the effective the program toward the students’ ability.

3. The Students

Based on the result of this study, the most important suggestion for the students is to more practice doing a multiple choice question test. If the teacher does not attend to the class, the students can study together with friends or study by themselves and compete with other friends in a healthy manner when doing test.

4. Future researcher

For the future researchers who are interested in the same topic, the future researcher can conduct similar research with different focus or analyze this research deeper. This study


has done with the research on students’ response toward the implementation of up-p program and the challenge that the students face while participating program. Therefore, the further researcher can analyze the things that the researcher does not mention here.


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