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Admission to the higher years of the course is conditional upon satisfactory performance in this First Year, and students must be approved by the Faculty of Arts as candidates for the Degree with Honours before entering the Second Year of the Honour School. The Professor of French will normally recommend such approval for candidates who have gained at least Second Class Honours in French Part I. Other candidates who wish to continue in the Honour School must interview the Professor of French, who will be guided in his recommendation by the merits of the case.

A student who has completed the First Year of the course for the Ordinary Degree, and has passed in French Part I may, with the permission of the Faculty, enter the Honour School. Such a student must make special application to the Faculty, through the Sub-Dean, and, if permission is granted, the Faculty will prescribe what further work must be completed before the student is allowed to proceed to the Final Examination.

3. In their Second Year, candidates will take the Honour course in French Part II, French Language and Literature Part I, and the second part of their sub-major or the remaining additional subject. In order to proceed to the Third Year, they will require to be "recommended to proceed" at the end of the Second Year

4. In their Third Year, candidates will take the Honour courses in French Part III, and French Language and Literature Part II, and will attend certain prescribed lectures in Fine Arts (Pass) . In their Fourth Year, candidates will take the Honour courses in French Part IV, and French Language and Literature Part III. During both the Third and the Fourth Years they will attend such short lecture courses on background studies as may from time to time be prescribed.

The Third and Fourth Years have been planned as a continuous course of study, hut candidates will sit for a preliminary Final Examination, both written and oral, at the end of the Third Year.

5. The Final Examination in the School of French Language and Literature will be based on the recorded class work of the Third and Fourth Years, on the Third Year Examination and on the following papers to be taken at the end of the Fourth Year :

I. French Literature of the XVIIth or XVIIIth Century (General Study), 2. French Literature of the XVIIth or XVIIIth Century (Special Study), 3. Mediaeval French Literature,

4. Modern French Language and Texts,

together with a viva voce examination covering all the Honour work of the Fourth Year.


A course of lectures as for the Ordinary Degree, together with special tutorial classes, throughout the year.

SY LL AВUs. As for the Ordinary Degree, with special stress on unseen trans- lation from and into French and on the comprehension and reading of spoken French.

Вooкs. (a) Recommended for preliminary reading : R. L. G. Ritchie--Frггn ce. (Methuen.)

A. Tilley—Modern France. ( C.U.P.) 127

(b) Prescribed text-books :

*А. Daudet—Tartarin de T arascon. (Dent's Treasury.)


Berthon—Nine French Poets. (Macmillan.) (As for the Ordinary De- gree.)

*P. Мérimée--Chroпique dіг гупe de Charles IX. (Nelson or Gamier.)

*А. R. Chisholm—A Manual of French Pronunciation. (Robertson & Mullens.)

`Jamieson and Heacox—Chants de France. (Heath.)

*V igneras—Chansons de France. (Heath.)

ExAMINATIoN. Two 3-hour papers (the first on unseen translation into Eng- lish, composition and prescribed texts ; the second on modern French literature) ; tests and class work as for the Ordinary Degree, with special stress on dictation and reading.


( For those students who began their courses before 1950.)


A course of lectures and special tutorial classes weekly throughout the year, together with additional lectures.

SYLLAвus. (i) French Literature of the 17th or 18th Cenntur r (advanced treatment of the work set out for French Part II, Ordinary

Degree) .

(ii) Special Literary Stud y. (Paul Valéry. )

(iii) Seminars on selected contemporary French authors.

(iv) Advanced translation into English, prepared and unseen.

(v) Advanced translation into French, prepared and unseen.

(vi) Spokеn French.

EssAY Woax. Candidates will be required to submit essays during the year (in lieu of the Annual Examination in this section) on the Special Literary Study.

ORAL WVORK. Students will read the plays prescribed and present them for oral examination as required during the year.

вooкs. (a) Recommended for preliminary reading:

As for French Part II (Ordinary Degree) . (b) Prescribed text-books : As for the Ordinary Degree.

For oral work (Part (vi) of the syllabus)

Three plays of each of the dramatists : Corneille. Мoliêrе and Racine (Course A) . For Course В, see under French Part III.

(c) Recommended for reference : For Part (i) of the Syllabus :

As for French Part II (Ordinary Degree) and French Part III (Ordinary Degree) , and in addition as set out under French Part III (I Ionours) . EXAMINATION. As for the Ordinary Degree. There will be no formal examination at the end of the year on the Special Literary Study, knowledge of which will be tested by essay work during the year.


A course of lectures and special tutorial classes weekly throughout the year, together with additional lectures.

SYLLAВus. (i) French Literature of the 17th or 18th Century (advanced treatment of the work set out for French Part II, Ordinary Degree) .

(ii) Special Literary Study. (Paul Valéry. )

(iii) Seminars on selected contemporary French authors.

(iv) Advanced translation into English, prepared and unseen.


(v) Advanced translation into French, prepared and unseen.

(vi) Sроkеn French.

EssAv WORK. Candidates will be required to submit essays during the year (in lieu of the Annual Examination in this section) on the Special Literary Study.

ORAL WORK. Students will read the plays prescribed and present them for oral examination as required during the year.

Воокs. (a) Recommended for preliminary reading:

As for French Part II (Ordinary Degree) . (b) Prescribed text-books : For Part (iv) of the Syllabus :

*Oxford Book of French Tlerse—from J.-В. Rousseau (inclusive) to the end, omitting Nos. 721-3, 233-4, 237-8, 240-1, 246, 251, 254, 271, 276, 278, 290, 295, 297.

For oral work (Part (vi) of the syllabus) :

Three plays of each of the dramatists : Corneille, Moliére and Racine.

(c) Recommended for reference:

For Part (i) of the Syllabus :

As for French Part II (Ordinary Degree) and French Part III (Ordinary Degree) , and in addition the following:


Michaud and Рouj oulаt—мёіnоires pour servir d l'historie de France. (Firmin Didot.)

Tallemant des Réaux—ЕI istoriettes, 8 vols. (Gamier.)

Michaut—Les Débііβts de м érе, Lа о Jeunesse de л oliéгe, Les Luttes de Мoliére au théátrе. (Hachette.)

Sainte-Вeuve---Port Royal. (Hachette.) 7 vols.

Strowski—Pascal et son temzmps. (Plon.) 3 vols.

Orcibal—Les Origines dі janséiisme. (Vriu. )

Gazier— Histoire générale du mouvement janséniste, 2 vols. ( Champion.) Вrëmond---Нistaire littéraire du sentiment relіgieuХ, 11 vols. (aloud and


Lancaster—Н scary of French Dramatic Literature in the X I/II th Century, 2 vols. ( Johns Hopkins Press.)

Picard---Les Salons littéraires. ( Brentano's.) Maulnier—Racine. (Gallimard.)

Tilley----Decline of the Age of Louis XI V. (C.U.P.)

Hazard—LØ Crise de la conscience eurо еnne, 1685-1715. (Boivin, 2 vols.) M. Turnell—Tlie Classical Moment. (Hamish Hamilton.)


Hazard—La Crise de la conscience еиroрéеnne, 1685-1715. (Boivin, 2 vols.) Hazard—La Pensée eurојéennе au XVIIIe siécle. (Boivin, 2 vols.) Тrahard----Les Maftres de la sensihilitd française au XVIIIe siécle. (Boivin.) Monglond----Lе Prérosnantisine français. (Arthaud.)

Lavisse— Histoire de France, t. VIII (ii), IX (i). (Hachette.) Taine—L'Ancien Régimе. (Hachette.)

de Tocqueville—L'Ancien Régime et la Révolution. (Hachette.) Funck-Brentano—The Old Rёуиme in France. (Arnold.)

Rëtif de la Bretonne—La Vie de Mon Pérе. (Rossard.) Roustan—The Pioneers of the French Revolution. (Benn.)

Vaughan--Studies in the History of Political Тhought. (Manchester U Р.) Vaughan—The Political Writings of Rousseau. (C.U.P.)

Picard—Les Salons littéraires. ( Brentano's.) Bury—The idea of Progress. (Macmillan.)

Le Breton—Le Roman f rançais au XVIIIe siécle. (Lecënе-Oudin. ) Petit de Julleville—Le Théâtre en France. (Colin.)

Gaiffe—Etude sur le Drame au XVIIIe Siècle. (Colin.) Lemaitre—Rousseau. (Calmann-Lévy. )

Bellessort---Essai sur Voltaire. (Perrin.) Dalsème—LØ vie de Beau,narchais. (N.R.F.)