• Tidak ada hasil yang ditemukan

s s c i e t k ~ ~ (1) This Act shall be administered by the Minister and subject to the Minister by the registrar of co-operative housing societies. There shall be an office of the registrar to be known as the registry of co-operative housing societies.

47. a ~~~~~~~~~ of c


e registrar and y other officers required for the purposes ring this Act 11 be appointed and hold office under, subject to and in accordance with The Public Service Acts, 1922 to 1955.

( 3 ) The registrar shall have such duties, powers and authorities as nce or other cause, or during any vacancy in the ofice of the registrar, the duties, powers and authorities of the registrar may be performed and exercised by a deputy registrar appointed by

for the purpose of meeting expenses relating to the dissemination of information concerning the formation, registrati and operation of co-operative housing societies.

lor registration of a society or of any rule or document under this Act the registrar may require from the applicant such information and evidence as is reasonable in order to show that the application should be granted.

(2) The registrar may require from any society such information and evidence as is reasonable in order to show that the society is bona fide carrying on business in accordance with the provisions of this Act.

(3) The registrar may require from a society such evidence as he thinks proper of all matters required to be done and of the particulars in any document required to be lodged with, or delivered or sent to, him under this Act.

s. (1) The registrar may inspect, 07 may authorise in writing any officer employed in or in connection with the office of the registrar or, with the approval of the Minister, any officer of the public service of Queensland or any accountant or actuary to inspect any minutes, registers, books and documents of any society.

(2) The registrar or any person SO authorised may require any director or officer of the society to produce to him all the minutes, registers, books and documents of the society, and any person so required who, without reasonable excuse, fails in any respect to comply with the requirement shall be guilty sf an offence against this Act and liable to a penalty of not more than two hundred dollars.

50. Power of re ence. (1) On any application

CO-OPERATIVE HOUSING SOCIETIES ACT 1958-1 974 ss. 52,53 35 (3) Any bank in which a society keeps an account shall, when so required in writing by the registrar, furnish to the registrar a statement of such account and any other particulars required by the registrar to be so furnished and no bank shall incur any liability whether in respect of any breach of trust or otherwise, by rea y of the furnishing of any statement or particulars pursuant to this

Decimal currency reference s o section 7 of Decimal Currency Act of

52. Special ~ @ amdl i @ ~ ~ ~ ~ ( 4 ) The registrar shall on the

not less than one-third of the members of any society-

~ e ~ b @ ~ $ . oard or of

(a) Call a special general meeting of the society; or (b) Hold an inquiry into the affairs of the society.

evidence as the registrar directs for the purpose of showing that the applicants have good reason for requiring the meeting or inquiry, and that the application is made without malicious motive.

(3) Such notice of the application shall be given to the society as the registrar directs.

(4) The applicants shall give such security for the expenses of the meeting or inquiry as the registrar directs.

(5) The registrar may direct at what time and place any such meeting is to be held and what matters are to be discussed and determined at the meeting, and shall give such notice to members of the holding of such meeting as he deems fit notwithstanding any provision in the rules of the society as to the giving of such notice.

( 6 ) The meeting shall have all the powers of a meeting called in accordance with the rules of the society, and shall have power to appoint its own chairman, notwithstanding any rule of the society to the contrary.

( 2 ) The application shall be supported by su

appoi urpose of any

(8) All expenses of and incidental to the meeting or inquiry shall be d by the applicants or out of the funds of the society or by any or member or former ofl[icer or member of the society as the registrar directs, or in any two or more of such ways in such proportions as the registrar directs, and any amount thereof not paid by the registra ay be recovered by him by action as for a court of competent jurisdiction.


( 3 ) The provisions of subsections five, six and eight of the last apply to and with respect registrar or inspector U ~ Q I I inquiry. The provisions of Znquiry Acts, 1950 to 1954, shall apply for the purposes of any inquiry into the affairs of a society by the registrar or any inspector appointed for the purpose, and for the purpose of so applying those provisions the term “‘Commission” in those Acts shall be s at registry. Any person may on payment ct at the office of the registrar the registration and rules (b) Obtain from the r r a certificate of the registration of

any society and a d copy of the rules or of any part of the rules of any society; and

(c) With the permission of the registrar, inspect at his office and obtain lcrom him a certified copy of any other registered document, or of any part thereof.

strar. The registrar shall as soon as possible after the end of each financial year make to the Minister a report of his proceedings and of the principal matters transacted by him and of the administration of this Act generally during that financial year, and such report shall be laid before Parliament.

57. ~ Q - ~ ing ~ A~ ~~ Committee. ~ ~ ~ ~~ (1) The V~ ~Q ~ Governor in Council ma stitute a Housing and Building Societies

Advisory Committee of not less than three nor more than seven members-

preceding section shall so far as applic

ed to include the regis 55. ~~~~~~~~n of docu

r or inspector making the inquiry.

of the prescribed f e e -


(4) The committee shall meet at such times and places and conduct ner as may be prescribed or, in so far as not ( 5 ) Each member shall receive such fees and allowances, if any, its business in such

prescribed, it deems

as the Governor in Council may from time to time determine.

As amended by Act of 1971, No. 56, s. 6.

Section 6 (2) of Act of 1971, No. 56, reads ais follows:-

) The aItemtion in name of the cornmiittee shall not affect constitution of the committee as constituted immediately before the commencement of this Act under section 57 of the Principal Act and the members of that committee shall, ect t o the Principal Act as amended by this Act, continue to cons the committee under the said section 57 as amended by this Act,

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