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The Hills Shire Council

Dalam dokumen ORDINARY MEETING OF COUNCIL (Halaman 117-146)





The Hills Shire Council

Budget Summary PAGE 6

Description Original Approved Changes Current YTD Actual Projected Recommended Changes Ref

Budget Quarter 1 Quarter 2 Quarter 3 Budget Include Revised For Council Resolution *

2018/19 Review Review Review 2018/19 Commitments Budget Contra Var. Other Var.

$'000 $'000 $'000 $'000 $'000 $'000 $'000 $'000 $'000


Capital Purchases 4,107 492 0 0 4,599 3,816 4,643 45 0

Transfer to/ (from) Plant Reserve (3,009) (492) 0 0 (3,501) (3,501) (3,536) (35) 0

Sale of Plant Assets (1,097) 0 0 0 (1,097) (1,261) (1,107) (10) 0

Transfer to Section 7.11 0 0 0 257 257 257 257 0 0

Sale of Fixed Assets 0 0 0 (257) (257) (257) (257) 0 0

Net Capital Purchases (0) 0 0 0 0 (946) 0 0 0


New & Renewal 45,981 65,921 2,497 (27,155) 87,245 59,571 86,630 0 (615) 5-8

Land Acquisition 111,067 0 8,365 (17,937) 101,495 88,390 101,495 0 0

Project Development & Delivery 5,318 0 0 0 5,318 4,336 5,318 0 0

Total Expenditure 162,367 65,921 10,862 (45,092) 194,058 152,298 193,443 0 (615)

Grants and Contributions (2,650) (3,534) (36) (332) (6,552) 0 (6,659) 0 (106) 5

Transfer to/(from) Reserves (23,650) (7,448) (914) 1,342 (30,669) (30,669) (30,098) 0 571 6-8

Transfer from Prior Years Section 7.11 (136,067) (54,655) (9,912) 44,081 (156,553) 0 (156,403) 0 150 8

Transfer from Prior Years Income 0 (283) 0 0 (283) 0 (283) 0 0

Total Funding (162,367) (65,921) (10,862) 45,092 (194,058) (30,669) (193,443) 0 615

Net Capital Expenditure 0 0 0 0 0 121,628 0 0 0


Opening Balance (Surplus)/Deficit (141,617) 0 0 0 (141,617) (141,617) (141,617) 0 0

Income (134,195) (1,702) (9,562) 73,832 (71,628) (57,594) (71,628) 0 0

Interest Received/(Paid) (1,719) 0 0 (1,097) (2,815) (2,498) (2,815) 0 0

Expenditure (Inc VPA) 136,067 54,655 9,912 (39,071) 161,563 134,708 161,413 0 (150) 8

Movement for the year 153 52,953 350 33,664 87,120 74,616 86,970 0 (150)

Section 7.11 Balance (Surplus)/Deficit (141,464) 52,953 350 33,664 (54,497) (67,001) (54,647) 0 (150)


Assets at Book Value 1 July 2018 95,936 0 0 0 95,936 95,936 95,936 0 0

Development Costs 0 2,443 0 0 2,443 7 2,443 0 0

Transfer from Reserves 0 (2,443) 0 0 (2,443) (7) (2,443) 0 0

Sales 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Transfer to Reserves 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0


* Comments on above references are detailed in Business Paper Report to this attachment.

Statutory Format 2018/2019



The Hills Shire Council

Statement of Income By Program PAGE 7

Description Original Approved Changes Current YTD Actual Projected Recommended Changes Ref

Budget Quarter 1 Quarter 2 Quarter 3 Budget Include Revised For Council Resolution * 2018/19 Review Review Review 2018/19 Commitments Budget Contra Var. Other Var.

$'000 $'000 $'000 $'000 $'000 $'000 $'000 $'000 $'000


Corporate Management (70,748) (39) (90) (357) (71,235) (71,306) (71,235) 0 0

Infrastructure & Transport Planning (2,338) 863 (39) 0 (1,514) (1,511) (1,514) 0 0

Forward Planning (750) (73) (220) (626) (1,670) (1,621) (1,670) 0 0

Asset Management, Traffic & Parks (1,016) (909) (234) (276) (2,434) (1,915) (2,460) 0 (26) 1

Property Dev, Buildings & Special Projects (4,531) 34 0 (1,128) (5,626) (5,149) (5,626) 0 0

Fire Control (410) 0 0 (18) (429) (429) (429) 0 0

Buildings Operations 0 (10) 0 0 (10) (10) (10) 0 0

Councillors & Executive Services (8) 0 0 0 (8) (9) (9) (1) 0

Finance, Budgeting, IP & R, Payroll & Rates (616) 0 0 46 (570) (372) (570) 0 0

Expenditure & Revenue (12,404) 2,732 11 0 (9,661) (7,974) (9,661) 0 0

Fleet and Workshop (437) 0 0 0 (437) (326) (437) 0 0

Civil & Roads Maintenance (963) 0 0 0 (963) (573) (963) 0 0

Parks & Bushland Maintenance (300) 0 0 (10) (310) (223) (310) 0 0

Development Assessment (3,946) 0 0 0 (3,946) (2,733) (3,946) 0 0

Subdivision & Development Certification (5,828) 0 0 511 (5,317) (4,153) (5,317) 0 0

Environment & Public Health (573) (22) 0 0 (594) (551) (594) 0 0

Resource Recovery (28,021) 90 0 (415) (28,346) (28,523) (28,346) 0 0

Regulatory Services (1,933) 0 0 0 (1,933) (1,601) (1,933) 0 0

Children's Services (4,923) 0 0 (315) (5,238) (4,379) (5,238) 0 0

Hills Community Care (6,083) (184) 0 1 (6,267) (5,354) (6,267) 0 0

Customer Relations (1) 0 0 0 (1) (0) (1) 0 0

Community Outcome (4,078) 64 0 0 (4,014) (3,536) (4,014) 0 0

Library Services (519) (9) (19) (87) (633) (548) (634) (1) 0

Total Recurrent Revenue (150,426) 2,537 (590) (2,675) (151,154) (142,797) (151,182) (2) (26)

Externally/Internally Restricted Income (138,564) (5,236) (9,598) 72,659 (80,739) (69,936) (80,846) 0 (106) 5

Gain/Loss on Sales of Asset (696) 0 0 0 (696) (1,077) (696) 0 0

Revenue as Per Income Statement (289,686) (2,699) (10,188) 69,984 (232,589) (213,811) (232,724) (2) (132) Notes

* Comments on above references are detailed in Business Paper Report to this attachment.

Statutory Format 2018/2019



The Hills Shire Council Statutory Format 2018/2019

Statement of Expenditure By Program PAGE 8

Description Original Approved Changes Current YTD Actual Projected Recommended Changes Ref

Budget Quarter 1 Quarter 2 Quarter 3 Budget Include Revised For Council Resolution * 2018/19 Review Review Review 2018/19 Commitments Budget Contra Var. Other Var.

$'000 $'000 $'000 $'000 $'000 $'000 $'000 $'000 $'000


Corporate Management 7,867 642 3 (124) 8,389 6,034 8,342 (96) 50 3

Infrastructure & Transport Planning 5,850 (2,788) 5 0 3,067 2,004 3,064 (3) 0

Forward Planning 4,490 319 211 537 5,557 3,846 5,547 (10) 0

Asset Management. Traffic & Parks 4,698 4,062 148 5,429 14,336 12,470 14,327 (9) 0

Property Dev, Buildings & Special Projects 4,007 1,121 19 16 5,163 3,747 5,158 (5) 0

Fire Control 3,812 442 0 18 4,272 2,908 4,272 0 0

Buildings Operations 8,171 (92) 43 233 8,354 6,710 8,364 10 0

Councillors & Executive Services 1,742 222 7 (97) 1,875 1,549 1,875 0 0

Finance, Budgeting, IP & R, Payroll & Rates 5,195 239 7 63 5,504 4,847 5,496 (8) 0

Human Resources & Wellbeing 1,873 51 25 21 1,970 1,577 1,965 168 (172) 2

Expenditure & Revenue 2,237 (144) (9) 2 2,085 1,527 2,082 (3) 0

Project Delivery 1,217 0 2 0 1,218 1,003 1,218 0 0

Fleet Management 4,500 103 0 10 4,612 3,857 4,612 0 0

Civil & Roads Maintenance 12,517 (413) 58 (321) 11,841 10,809 11,841 (0) 0

Parks & Bushland Maintenance 11,952 403 94 692 13,141 11,977 13,143 2 0

Development Assessment 6,125 70 (128) (8) 6,058 4,756 6,048 (10) 0

Subdivision & Development Certification 3,857 0 (13) (111) 3,733 3,101 3,771 38 0

Environment & Public Health 3,755 129 16 0 3,901 2,982 3,892 (9) 0

Resource Recovery 28,021 121 0 (1,487) 26,655 21,980 26,655 0 0

Regulatory Services 3,985 0 1 89 4,074 3,101 4,018 (56) 0

Marketing & Communications 2,043 5 9 2 2,059 1,643 2,055 (4) 0

Children's Services 5,029 0 0 315 5,344 4,552 5,344 0 0

Hills Community Care 7,825 167 0 653 8,645 6,130 8,645 0 0

Information Technology 6,474 529 (53) 0 6,950 5,369 6,940 (9) 0

Customer Relations 3,570 7 9 0 3,585 2,984 3,576 (9) 0

Community Outcome 11,592 (12) 7 0 11,587 8,952 11,579 (8) 0

Library Services 6,752 73 11 95 6,930 5,715 6,920 (11) 0

Internal Recoveries (47,504) (85) (5) 105 (47,490) (39,349) (47,490) 0 0

Total Recurrent Expenditure 121,648 5,169 465 6,133 133,415 106,780 133,260 (32) (123)

Depreciation and Amortisation 15,677 6,641 0 0 22,317 18,756 22,317 0 0

Expenditure as Per Income Statement 137,325 11,810 465 6,133 155,733 125,536 155,578 (32) (123) Notes

* Comments on above references are detailed in Business Paper Report to this attachment.



The Hills Shire Council

Income Statement PAGE 9

Description Original Approved Changes Current YTD Actual Projected Recommended Changes Ref

Budget Quarter 1 Quarter 2 Quarter 3 Budget Include Revised For Council Resolution * 2018/19 Review Review Review 2018/19 Commitments Budget Contra Var. Other Var.

$'000 $'000 $'000 $'000 $'000 $'000 $'000 $'000 $'000


Rates & Annual Charges (99,455) 0 (39) (752) (100,245) (100,398) (100,245) 0 0

User Charges & Fees (21,603) (1) 38 540 (21,026) (16,975) (21,028) (1) 0

Investment Revenues - Operational (7,234) 0 0 0 (7,234) (6,244) (7,234) 0 0

Investment Revenues - Restricted/Capital (1,719) 0 0 (1,097) (2,815) (2,760) (2,815) 0 0

Other Revenues - Operational (6,952) (13) (232) (1,518) (8,714) (7,891) (8,714) 0 0

Other Revenues - Restricted/Capital 0 0 0 0 0 (78) 0 0 0

Grants & Contributions - Operational (15,182) 2,551 (358) (945) (13,934) (11,289) (13,961) (1) (26) 1

Grants & Contributions - Restricted/Capital (136,846) (5,236) (9,598) 73,756 (77,924) (67,099) (78,030) 0 (106) 5

Profit From Disposal of Assets (696) 0 0 0 (696) (1,077) (696) 0 0

Total Revenue (289,686) (2,699) (10,188) 69,984 (232,589) (213,811) (232,724) (2) (132) Expenditure

Employment Costs 57,076 62 (5) (286) 56,847 45,155 56,675 0 (172) 2

Materials, Contracts & Plant Running Exp 42,893 1,189 28 387 44,495 38,857 44,461 (35) 0

Depreciation and Amortisation 15,677 6,641 0 0 22,317 18,756 22,317 0 0

Other Expenses 21,680 3,918 442 6,032 32,073 22,768 32,125 2 50 3

Total Expenditure 137,325 11,810 465 6,133 155,733 125,536 155,578 (32) (123)

Operating Result (Surplus)/Deficit (152,361) 9,111 (9,723) 76,117 (76,856) (88,275) (77,146) (35) (255) Add

Transfer to/(from) Reserves 28,780 (4,358) 213 2,347 26,982 26,982 27,139 35 123 4

Transfer from Prior Years Section 7.11 0 0 0 (5,010) (5,010) (5,010) (5,010) 0 0

Transfer from Prior Years Grants (50) (3,429) (77) (768) (4,323) (3,555) (4,323) (0) 0


Depreciation & Amortisation (15,677) (6,641) 0 0 (22,317) (18,756) (22,317) 0 0

Investment Revenues - Restricted/Capital 1,719 0 0 1,097 2,815 2,760 2,815 0 0

Other Revenues - Restricted/Capital 0 0 0 0 0 78 0 0 0

Grants & Contributions - Restricted/Capital 136,846 5,236 9,598 (73,756) 77,924 67,099 78,030 0 106 5

Profit/Loss From Disposal of Assets 696 0 0 0 696 1,077 696 0 0

Net Budget Result (Surplus)/Deficit (47) (80) 11 27 (90) (17,600) (116) (0) (26)


* Comments on above references are detailed in Business Paper Report to this attachment.

Statutory Format 2018/2019



The Hills Shire Council

Monthly Budget Review 2018/2019

Cash & Investments Page 10

Description Original Current YTD Projected Ref

Budget Quarter 1 Quarter 2 Quarter 3 Budget Actual Revised *

2018/19 Review Review Review 2018/19 Budget Contra Var. Other Var.

$'000 $'000 $'000 $'000 $'000 $'000 $'000 $'000 $'000

Externally Restricted

Section 7.11 141,464 (52,953) (350) (33,664) 54,497 78,905 54,647 0 150 8

Grants & Contributions 7,091 (3,712) (77) (768) 2,534 7,461 2,534 (0) 0

Domestic Waste 4,295 0 0 1,902 6,197 6,197 6,197 0 0

Internally Restricted

Reserves 218,151 (14,741) (701) 1,787 204,497 205,046 205,190 0 694 4,6-8


Trust Fund 23,457 0 0 0 23,457 27,066 23,457 0 0

Unrestricted Cash 7,388 80 (11) (1,124) 6,334 31,474 6,360 (0) 26 #

Total Cash & Investments 401,846 (71,326) (1,139) (31,866) 297,515 356,149 298,385 (0) 870

Note :

* Comments on above references are detailed in Business Paper Report to this attachment.

# Proposed Budget Surplus for the period

Approved Changes Recommended Changes

For Council Resolution



Cash & Investments (Continued) Page 11


ATTACHMENT 1 PAGE 12 ILLS SHIRE COUNCIL rogram DescriptionEst. StartAct. StartEst. FinishAct. FinishOriginalCurrent%RevisedProposedVar DateDateDateDateBudgetBudgetCompBudgetVarRef es Windsor Rd, Kellyville - Pedestrian bridge crossingAug-15Aug-15Jun-190110,84495110,8440 O'Sullivan Place Reserve, Kellyville - Pedestrian bridge crossingAug-18Jul-18May-19050,0009550,0000 Brodrick Boulevarde Reserve to Raymond Cct, Kellyville - Pedestrian Bridge DesignJan-18Jan-17Aug-18Aug-180155,549100155,5490 Memorial Ave, Kellyville between Thomas Boulton Cct and Pellizzer Blvd - Pedestrian BridgeJul-17Jul-17Dec-1903,730,882503,730,8820 Over Smalls Creek, Kellyville between Gum Nut Cl Reserve and Balfour Ave - Cycleway CrossingMar-18Feb-18Sep-190472,80030472,8000 Pedestrian Bridge - Arnold Ave to Gormon Ave across Strangers CreekMar-18Jan-17Oct-190201,52150201,5210 Withers Road, Kellyville - Road Bridge over Smalls CreekAug-17Jul-16Jun-190379,55815379,5580 Brighton Drive Bridge renewal worksAug-17Aug-17Jul-18Jul-18050,39710050,3970 Cattai Ridge Road Bridge Renewal WorksOct-18Oct-18May-1965,00065,0002065,0000 Peel Road Bridge Renewal WorksOct-18Oct-18Jun-1965,00065,0002065,0000 Seven Hills Road Bridge Renewal WorksOct-18Oct-18Jun-1965,000115,00020115,0000 For Bridges195,0005,396,5515,396,5510 ings Castle Grand Pioneer Rooms - Multi purpose theatre spaceJul-15Jul-15Mar-19Nov-1801,041,098100732,638-308,4608 CCTV instatallation at Councils five Childcare Centres including Balcombe Heights, Castle Glen, Ellerman, Eurambie Park and Excelsior AvenueJul-17Aug-17Jun-19073,2141573,2140 Baulkham Hills Swimming Pool (Waves) - Feasibility Report and Concept DesignsJul-17Aug-17Dec-1902,718,812302,718,8120 Dural District Pony Club - New additional Storage Shed and minor works to existingOct-17Oct-17Sep-18Jul-18059,09010059,0900

hly Budget Review 2018/2019 t complete, funds proposed to return to Buildings Reserve.


ATTACHMENT 1 PAGE 13 ILLS SHIRE COUNCIL rogram DescriptionEst. StartAct. StartEst. FinishAct. FinishOriginalCurrent%RevisedProposedVar DateDateDateDateBudgetBudgetCompBudgetVarRef

hly Budget Review 2018/2019 Rural Fire Training Facility - Sackville NorthJun-19Dec-190300,0000300,0000 Balcombe Heights Estate - Stamford Hall - Install New AC UnitsFeb-19Sep-18Mar-19Oct-1850,00050,00010022,099-27,9018 Balcombe Heights Estate - Building 15 - Install Photovoltaic SystemNov-18Nov-18Mar-19Mar-1918,00018,00010018,0000 Castle Grand - Installation of 6 new Variable Speed Drives (VSD) to the chilled water and condenser water pumpsJul-18Jul-18Feb-19Feb-1950,00050,00010038,842-11,1588 Columbia Court - Council Admin Building - Shade sails to Level 2 BalconyOct-18Oct-18Jun-1920,00020,0001520,0000 Eric Mobbs Reserve Scout Hall - Install Accessible parking including new hand rail, ramp access to the main door and new parking areaSep-18Aug-18Dec-18Dec-1830,00020,93310020,9330 Gibbon Road Operations Centre - Install Security CamerasMay-19Jun-1915,00015,000015,0000 Upgrade Smoke and Security Alarms for central monitoring at Excelsior, Eurambie, Balcombe Heights and Castle Glen CentresAug-18Aug-18May-1925,00025,0007525,0000 Annangrove Park Amenities Building - ReplacementMar-17Jan-17Sep-190268,41210268,4120 Bella Vista Farm Park Homestead - Install roof anchors and renew verandah's/balconiesJan-17Jan-17May-19014,0118514,0110 Installation of CCTV to various community building venuesJul-17Aug-17Jun-190194,74115194,7410 Annangrove Park Amenities Building - Adaptive reuse of old existing buildingSep-17May-18Jun-19050,4401050,4400 Bella Vista Farm Park Fitzgerald's Cottage - Reinstate structure, add roof and stabiliseSep-17Sep-17Aug-18Aug-18021,10010021,1000 Castle Glen Community Centre - Refurbish septic tank including levelling off, new lid, bollards and pumpsAug-17Aug-17Oct-18Oct-18042,39810042,3980 Castle Grand Library - Redesign of Library spaceApr-19Apr-19Jun-19040,0005040,0000

t complete, funds proposed to return to Buildings Reserve. t complete, funds proposed to return to Buildings Reserve.


ATTACHMENT 1 PAGE 14 ILLS SHIRE COUNCIL rogram DescriptionEst. StartAct. StartEst. FinishAct. FinishOriginalCurrent%RevisedProposedVar DateDateDateDateBudgetBudgetCompBudgetVarRef

hly Budget Review 2018/2019 Columbia Court Council Admin Building C - Replace waterproof membrane level 2 ramp carparkOct-18Oct-18Dec-18Dec-18080,00010080,0000 Cropley House Utilities Upgrade - relocation and water supply upgrade for the existing fire hydrant and power supply upgradeApr-18Apr-18Jun-190350,00095350,0000 Balcombe Heights Estate - Building 11 - Ceiling Replacement and electrical upgradesOct-18Oct-18Apr-19Feb-19200,000200,000100200,0000 Balcombe Heights Estate - Building 13b - External Renewal Works including slab replacement and drainage improvementsApr-19Apr-19May-19May-1930,00030,00010030,0000 Balcombe Heights Estate - Building 17 - Replace AC Ducted SystemOct-18Sep-18Mar-19Sep-1825,00025,00010010,950-14,0508 Balcombe Heights Estate Child Care Centre - Internal PaintingNov-18Oct-18Feb-19Feb-1930,00030,00010024,572-5,4288 Baulkham Hills Library - Roof Rectification Investigation and DesignOct-18Oct-18Jun-1950,00050,0002550,0000 Bella Vista Farm Park - Stormwater and Drainage DesignSep-18Sep-18Jun-1925,00025,000525,0000 Bella Vista Village Green Community Centre - Major Renewal Works including replacement of vinyl floor, internal painting, soft fall replacement and external repairs

Oct-18Oct-18Mar-19Feb-19150,00056,52810056,5280 Bernie Mullane Recreation Centre - Renew Court Flooring and Renew Roof SectionsAug-18Aug-18Jun-19200,000200,00045200,0000 Box Hill / Nelson Community Centre - Renewal Works including internal painting, roof repairs and renewal of the water tank platformAug-18Aug-18Nov-18Oct-1840,00037,77910037,7790 Castle Glen Community Centre - Full Replacement of Roof including ceiling repairsAug-18Aug-18May-19200,000200,00055200,0000 Charles McLaughlin Reserve - Amenities Building - Reseal & Waterproof RoofJul-18Jul-18Nov-18Nov-1830,00025,49610025,4960 Columbia Court - Council Admin Building - Design of balcony spaces for better utilisationDec-18Oct-18Jun-1910,00010,0001510,0000

t complete, funds proposed to return to Buildings Reserve. t complete, funds proposed to return to Buildings Reserve.


ATTACHMENT 1 PAGE 15 ILLS SHIRE COUNCIL rogram DescriptionEst. StartAct. StartEst. FinishAct. FinishOriginalCurrent%RevisedProposedVar DateDateDateDateBudgetBudgetCompBudgetVarRef

hly Budget Review 2018/2019 Columbia Court - Replacement of fluorescent lighting in staircases to LEDMar-19Mar-19Jun-1922,00022,0001022,0000 Dural Library - General Upgrade works including stacker doors, lighting upgrades and remodelling of the accessible toiletAug-18Aug-18Jun-19190,000190,00045190,0000 Dural Memorial Hall - Replace Septic Tank system with a suitable Sewer Management SystemN/AN/AN/AN/A75,00075,000N/A0-75,0007 Eric Mobbs Reserve (Fields 1 & 2) - Amenities Building - Major renewal works including door replacement, toilet upgrade, change room and activity rooms

Feb-19Jan-19Jun-19100,000100,00090100,0000 Eurambie Park Childcare Centre - Renewal Lighting WorksJul-18Jul-18Dec-18Dec-1840,00022,66010022,6600 Excelsior Avenue Child Care Centre - Internal PaintingSep-18Aug-18Feb-19Feb-1930,00025,60010025,6000 George Suttor Park - Amenities Building - Renew Amenities including the construction of a unisex accessible toilet and pathwaysFeb-19Feb-19Jun-19100,000100,00050100,0000 Glenhaven Community Centre / Child Care - Storage Design for sporting groups and Council's Operational TeamsSep-18Sep-18Jun-1920,00020,0001020,0000 Kids of The Castle Occasional Child Care - Replace Roof and Ceiling SectionSep-18Sep-18Feb-19Feb-1975,00075,00010075,0000 Les Shore Reserve - Amenities Building (Field 2) - Green Building - Renew Building to create three stores and accessible parking and pathwaysSep-18Aug-18Aug-19200,000200,00010200,0000 North West Disability Service (HADPAC) - Partial Roof Renewal on lower sectionSep-18Sep-18Jun-19100,000100,00035100,0000 Rural Fire Service Station - North Rocks - Full Replacement of Roof Tiles & CeilingSep-18Aug-18Jan-19Jan-1970,00043,03710043,0370 South Maroota Reserve Community Hall - Renewal Work including internal painting, toilet upgrades and floor treatmentJul-18Jul-18Dec-18Oct-1850,00033,80310033,8030 Torry Burns Reserve - Amenities Building Renewal Works including internal painting, toilet upgrades, benches in canteen, anti graffitti coating, cage storage and replacement of the damaged roof section Sep-18Sep-18May-19150,000150,00080150,0000 Balcombe Heights Estate - Sewer System Investigation & Refurbishment Design for future sewer upgrade worksNov-18Nov-18Jun-1975,00075,0001575,0000

se in the replacement of septic tank system at Dural Memorial Hall. Sydney Water is currently in the process of obtaining funding from various property owners to install a line to service the buildings. The project has been deferred until the final decision from Sydney Water is made. It is proposed to return the funds to Buildings Reserve.


ATTACHMENT 1 PAGE 16 ILLS SHIRE COUNCIL rogram DescriptionEst. StartAct. StartEst. FinishAct. FinishOriginalCurrent%RevisedProposedVar DateDateDateDateBudgetBudgetCompBudgetVarRef

hly Budget Review 2018/2019 Investigation required for the structural stability of the communication towers at Hillside Fire Station, SES Headquarters Balcombe Heights Estate, Building 9 Balcombe Heights Estate and RFS Headquarters Angus Road

Jul-18Jul-18Jun-1920,00020,0002520,0000 Renewal of air conditioning at Baulkham Hills and Vinegar Hill Libraries, Baulkham Hills Baby Health, Castle Hill Seniors, Aberdoon House, Sth Maroota Hall, Wrights Rd and Castle Glen Community Centres, Kids of the Castle and Balcombe Heights Child Care

Aug-18Aug-18Apr-19Apr-1950,00050,00010050,0000 Upgrade of Electrical Distribution Boards at Balcombe Heights EstateMar-19Mar-19Jun-19100,000100,00020100,0000 West Pennant Hills Community Centre - General Renewal Works including keyless entry, internal painting, timber floor repairs and curtain replacementJul-18Jul-18Feb-19Oct-18150,000150,000100150,0000 Wrights Road Community Centre - Internal painting and floor treatmentsSep-18Sep-18Jun-1980,00080,0007580,0000 Demolition of Caretakers Cottage - Castle Hill ShowgroundOct-18Oct-18Dec-18Nov-18045,00010045,0000 Demolition of 191 Maguires Rd, MaraylyaMar-19Mar-19Jun-19045,0001545,0000 Demolition of 5 Garthowen Ave, Castle HillMar-19Mar-19Jun-19055,0001555,0000 Demolition of 6 Memorial Ave, KellyvilleMar-19Mar-19Jun-19050,0001550,0000 Balcombe Heights Energy Efficiency Upgrades - Building 7 AirconditioningApr-19Mar-19Jun-19Apr-1904,8001004,8000 Balcombe Heights Energy Efficiency Upgrades - Building 7 Ceiling Lighting ReplacementApr-19Apr-19Jun-1906,800256,8000 Balcombe Heights Energy Efficiency Upgrades - Building 8 Ceiling Lighting ReplacementApr-19Apr-19Jun-1906,800256,8000 Balcombe Heights Energy Efficiency Upgrades - Building 9 Ceiling Lighting ReplacementApr-19Apr-19Jun-1906,800256,8000 Balcombe Heights Energy Efficiency Upgrades - Building 10 Ceiling Lighting ReplacementApr-19Apr-19Jun-1906,800256,8000 Balcombe Heights Energy Efficiency Upgrades - Building 11 Ceiling Lighting ReplacementApr-19Apr-19Jun-1906,800256,8000 Balcombe Heights Energy Efficiency Upgrades - Building 16 Ceiling Lighting ReplacementApr-19Apr-19Jun-1906,800256,8000


ATTACHMENT 1 PAGE 17 ILLS SHIRE COUNCIL rogram DescriptionEst. StartAct. StartEst. FinishAct. FinishOriginalCurrent%RevisedProposedVar DateDateDateDateBudgetBudgetCompBudgetVarRef

hly Budget Review 2018/2019 Balcombe Heights Energy Efficiency Upgrades - Building 18 Ceiling Lighting ReplacementApr-19Apr-19Dec-1906,800306,8000 Balcombe Heights Energy Efficiency Upgrades - Building 20 Ceiling Lighting ReplacementApr-19Apr-19Jun-1906,800256,8000 For Buildings2,895,0008,228,3527,786,355-441,997 Arnold Ave - Playing fields, courts, amenities and embellishmentApr-16Aug-15Sep-1902,181,231852,181,2310 Rutherford Ave Reserve - EmbellishmentSep-15Sep-15Oct-1901,543,125451,543,1250 Caddies Creek Reserve - District Park, Embellishment and facilitiesJul-15Jul-15Jun-190680,60895680,6080 Kenthurst Park - Consolidation of playing fields - Stage 2Jan-17Jan-17Feb-200302,81150302,8110 Balmoral Road Sports Complex Reserve - Detailed Design and Tender DocumentationFeb-17Jan-17Jun-204,645,515876,82220876,8220 Bernie Mullane Sports Complex - De-commissioning of dam, tennis hitting wall and seatingJul-17Jul-17Mar-19Mar-190126,307100126,3070 Stringer Road Reserve - Northern Playing FieldsFeb-17Jan-17Mar-20050,0001050,0000 Oxlade Street Reserve - Completion of cycleway linkMar-19Feb-19Apr-19Feb-19065,00010065,0000 Castle Hill Heritage Park - Installation of a large undercover shelter near the existing amenities for picnics and educational purposesSep-17Sep-17Jun-190132,70725132,7070 Castle Hill Showground Redevelopment - Concept DesignSep-17Sep-17Jun-200898,5505898,5500 Greenup Park expansion of existing playing surface area including the installation of drainage, irrigation and a reuse water tankJul-17Jul-17Jun-190342,78740342,7870 AH Whaling Reserve - Redevelopment - Concept DesignSep-17Sep-17Jun-19034,3508034,3500 Castle Hill Cemetery - Construction as per Master PlanJul-18Jul-18Jun-203,500,00050,000550,0000 Sackville Cemetary - UpgradeJul-17Jul-17Dec-20030,0002030,0000


ATTACHMENT 1 PAGE 18 ILLS SHIRE COUNCIL rogram DescriptionEst. StartAct. StartEst. FinishAct. FinishOriginalCurrent%RevisedProposedVar DateDateDateDateBudgetBudgetCompBudgetVarRef

hly Budget Review 2018/2019 Lewis Jones Drive Reserve, Kellyville - Play areas, pathways, planting - Design and ConstructionSep-17Sep-17Oct-18Aug-180313,464100313,4640 Kumbatine Road Reserve, Kellyvile - PlaygroundJul-17Jul-17May-19035,1176535,1170 Samantha Riley Drive Reserve, Kellyville - Southern Playing Fields near Glenhaven Rd - DesignOct-18Jan-18Nov-19050,0002550,0000 Gum Nut Close Reserve Landscaping - DesignOct-17Oct-17May-1903,525653,5250 Springbrook Boulevard Reserve - Design and Construct Local ParkAug-18Aug-18Jun-19194,344215,93825215,9380 Box Hill Release Area - Design of Settlement Drive Reserve and Equinox Drive Reserve & 3 Local Parks carried over from 17/18Mar-18Nov-17Jun-19218,880399,96060399,9600 Conie Avenue Reserve, Baulkham Hills - EmbellishmentApr-18Mar-18May-190251,90595251,9050 Colbarra Place Reserve - Install Playground and Dog Off Leash AreaFeb-19Jan-19Mar-20300,000300,0005300,0000 Bella Vista Farm - New Access Driveway from Bella Vista OvalAug-18Aug-18Sep-18Aug-1850,00035,32810035,3280 Bella Vista Village Green - Junior - Shade Over PlaygroundAug-18Jul-18Apr-19Apr-1920,00020,00010020,0000 Blinkhorn Circuit Reserve, Kellyville Design and Constrcution of Local ParkJul-18Jul-18May-1911,56811,5686511,5680 Castle Glen - Pathway from Batting Tunnel to Excalibur AvenueSep-18Sep-18Sep-18Sep-1840,00027,36310027,3630 Cattai Creek Drive - Development of Cycleway LinkAug-18Aug-18Jan-19Dec-18100,00037,56210037,5620 Col Sutton Reserve - Installation of Lighting to Training StandardAug-18Jul-18Mar-19Mar-19130,000130,000100118,248-11,7528 McMillian Circuit Reserve - Design and Construct Local ParkJul-18Jul-18May-1922,89722,8976522,8970 Kellyville Park - Drainage and Irrigation Fields 2/3N/AN/AN/AN/A250,0000N/A00

t complete, funds proposed to return to Capital Works Reserve.


ATTACHMENT 1 PAGE 19 ILLS SHIRE COUNCIL rogram DescriptionEst. StartAct. StartEst. FinishAct. FinishOriginalCurrent%RevisedProposedVar DateDateDateDateBudgetBudgetCompBudgetVarRef

hly Budget Review 2018/2019 Kellyville Park - Renew Lighting to Fields 2/3 to 100 LuxN/AN/AN/AN/A250,0000N/A00 Prentice Avenue Reserve - Design and Construct Local ParkAug-18Aug-18Jun-20461,17580,0001580,0000 Ted Horwood Reserve - Sportsfield Lighting Field 5 & Fencing Alterations To Create Larger SportsfieldJul-18Jul-18Aug-19220,000245,00020245,0000 Brindle Parkway Sports Complex - Design of Sports FieldsJul-18Jul-18Jun-20604,874604,8745604,8740 The Water Lane, Box Hill - Design of Sports FieldsJul-18Jul-18Jun-20621,624621,62410621,6240 Arnold Ave - missing section of concrete cyclewayMar-19Mar-19Jun-19035,521535,5210 VPA Box Hill North - Dedication of Parks (SE Riparian Park landscaping), The Gables, Box Hill North - OSE1211Oct-18Oct-18Oct-18Oct-180695,600100695,6000 VPA Box Hill North - Dedication of Parks (Western Drainage Park), The Gables, Box Hill North - OSE1212Oct-18Oct-18Oct-18Oct-180232,000100232,0000 VPA Box Hill North - Dedication of Parks (Pocket Park 4 landscaping), The Gables, Box Hill North - OSE1216Oct-18Oct-18Oct-18Oct-180270,000100270,0000 WIK Design of local parks Box Hill Release Area - Ceres Way Reserve (LOCALBHLP06)Apr-19Apr-19Dec-190450,0005450,0000 Hills Centenary Reserve - Conversion of Baseball Field to Soccer FieldMar-19Mar-19Jun-19038,0375038,0370 Ted Horwood Reserve - Electrical WorksSep-14Jul-14Jun-190144,14515144,1450 Various Reserves - Standardisation of SignageNov-16Nov-16Jun-19025,9299525,9290 Crestwood Reserve new Sports FieldJul-16Jul-16Sep-190395,51050395,5100 Kellyville Park extension - Play area, baseball field, amenities & embellishmentMar-17Feb-17Jun-19084,1849084,1840 Crestwood Reserve - Upgrade powerNov-16Nov-16Jun-190198,85590198,8550 Fred Caterson Reserve renew radio control car viewing platform for DDA AccessibilitySep-17Sep-17Aug-18Aug-18026,28010026,2800


ATTACHMENT 1 PAGE 20 ILLS SHIRE COUNCIL rogram DescriptionEst. StartAct. StartEst. FinishAct. FinishOriginalCurrent%RevisedProposedVar DateDateDateDateBudgetBudgetCompBudgetVarRef

hly Budget Review 2018/2019 Balcombe Heights Skate Park Renewal - Design and constructionNov-17Nov-17Apr-19Apr-190484,673100484,6730 Replacement of Bore Pumps - South Maroota Community and Kenthurst Park ReservesMay-18May-18Aug-18Aug-18010,98010010,9800 Balcombe Heights Estate - Building 25 Renew Softfall MaterialAug-18Jul-18Dec-18Nov-1835,00035,00010033,440-1,5608 Balcombe Heights Estate - Woodbury School Playground Renew Softfall MaterialAug-18Jul-18Oct-18Oct-1874,00074,00010074,0000 Bella Vista Farm - Renewal of Pathway - Car Park to Small StageSep-18Aug-18Oct-18Aug-18120,000117,700100117,7000 Bella Vista Village Green - Senior - Replace PlaygroundSep-18Jul-18May-19100,000100,00090100,0000 Brunette Drive Reserve - Replace PlaygroundOct-18Oct-18Jun-19100,000100,00025100,0000 Castlewood Reserve - Upgrade Lighting to 100 LuxSep-18Sep-18Jun-1970,00070,0003070,0000 Centenary of ANZAC Reserve - Replace Cricket Pitch Field 1Feb-19Aug-18Mar-19Sep-1815,00014,90010014,9000 Charles McLaughlin Reserve - Upgrade Sportsfield Lighting to 100 LuxOct-18Oct-18Apr-19Jan-19160,000160,000100160,0000 Christopher St Reserve - Replace playgroundOct-18Oct-18Nov-18Nov-18100,00099,73610099,7360 Connie Lowe Reserve - Replace PlaygroundFeb-19Nov-18Jun-19150,000150,00015150,0000 Crestwood Reserve - Renew Lighting Poles and Sports Lighting Field 3 to 100 LUXNov-18Nov-18May-19105,000105,00095105,0000 Francesco Cresent Reserve - LED Lighting to Replace Existing Lighting.Jul-18Jul-18Feb-19Dec-1850,00047,32010047,3200 Fred Caterson Reserve - Upgrade Lighting Field 2 and 3 to 100 LuxAug-18Aug-18Jun-19250,000250,00080250,0000 Castle Hill Heritage Park - New Roofing to SheltersJul-18Jul-18Dec-18Dec-1843,00043,00010043,0000

t complete, funds proposed to return to Capital Works Reserve.


ATTACHMENT 1 PAGE 21 ILLS SHIRE COUNCIL rogram DescriptionEst. StartAct. StartEst. FinishAct. FinishOriginalCurrent%RevisedProposedVar DateDateDateDateBudgetBudgetCompBudgetVarRef

hly Budget Review 2018/2019 Jack Read Reserve - Replace Retaining WallJul-18Jul-18Sep-18Sep-1830,00029,62010029,6200 James Greenwood Reserve - Replace PlaygroundJul-18Jul-18May-1970,00070,0008070,0000 Kenthurst Park - Renew Cricket Practice NetsJul-18Jul-18Jun-1990,00090,0002090,0000 Larchmont Place Reserve - Replace Playground.Aug-18Aug-18Apr-19Apr-1970,00070,00010070,0000 Mt Wilberforce Lookout - Renew Picnic ShelterJul-18Jul-18Jan-19Jan-1950,00050,00010050,0000 Richard Webb Reserve - Aiken Rd WPH - Replace PlaygroundAug-18Aug-18Apr-19Apr-19100,000100,000100100,0000 River Oak Circuit Reserve - Replace PlaygroundSep-18Sep-18Jun-19100,000100,00030100,0000 Russell Reserve - Replace Reuse water tankAug-18Aug-18Feb-19Feb-1960,00060,00010058,958-1,0428 Various Reserves - Defective Pole ReplacementsOct-18Oct-18Aug-19100,000100,0005100,0000 Replacement of lighting at Eric Mobbs ReserveOct-18Oct-18Oct-18Oct-18022,77910022,7790 Russell Reserve - Sports Field Lighting repairApr-19Apr-19Apr-19May-190124,000100124,0000 For Parks13,682,87715,995,19215,980,838-14,354 ays Rosebery Road to Woodstream Cres, Kellyville - CyclewayMar-17Feb-17Sep-19098,3661098,3660 St Pauls Avenue, Kellyville - Road Extension and CyclewayMay-19May-19114,365127,0720127,0720 Brighton Drive, Bella Vista to Wenden Ave, Kellyville - Cycleway (along rail corridor)May-18Nov-18Jun-191,162,1771,291,308501,291,3080 Barry Road Reserve, Kellyville - Pathways and seatingJul-17Jul-17May-19042,2197042,2190

t complete, funds proposed to return to Capital Works Reserve.

Dalam dokumen ORDINARY MEETING OF COUNCIL (Halaman 117-146)

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