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Australian Medical Journal: (February, 1914)


Academic year: 2023

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It was firmly wedged between the inferior terbinate and the septum in the back of the nose. The relationship of the medical profession to the community is like that of no other profession or profession.

Delivered at Australasian Medical Congress, N.Z.)

As a veterinarian, the treatment of these conditions with 'extract of the gland' has been disappointing. In a broader and more thorough understanding of the natural history and trend of untreated disease.


Ferguson: Boy, 12 years old; has been suffering from attacks of abdominal pain for three years; vomits sometimes with blood during attacks.


A segment about 1 inch long was then removed from the ureter and both the proximal and distal ends of the ureter were separated (for a short distance) and the ureter was fixed to the inside wall of the transplanted bladder segment by several chrome hose. sutures that pass through the entire thickness of the wall of the trans- plant and. A tube was then formed by suturing the ends of the transplanted bladder segment with a line of chromic bowel through and through, and a second line of sero-serous fine arterial silk. To prevent pulling of the ureter from the inside of the graft, several chromatic intestinal sutures were inserted through the walls of the ureter and passed above and below the entrance and exit of the ureter.

Parts of the bladder can be transplanted to take the place of segments of the dog's ureter. It is immaterial whether the shared ends of the ureter with the graft are exactly aligned or sutured to the inner surface in the manner described. Although the transplant takes place, it is soon converted to connective tissue that contracts the two ends of the ureters resulting in ureteral stenosis and hydronephrosis and hydroureter."-.

In almost every case the perforation was in the first part of the duodenum and within 1% inch of the pylorus.




Nowadays it is customary to compare what is called Lister's antiseptic method with the aseptic methods of the present day, with the more or less tacit implication that there is not merely a difference in method, but in principle. In the course of the case, one day he was driving away from the royal castle, after dressing the patient, when a terrible suspicion came over him. Lister could be said to have been "born in purple". because his father was an outstanding scientist who made an important contribution towards the perfection of the compound microscope.

This does not mean that the administrator was ignorant and unlearned; on the contrary, he was most thorough in the principles which would guide him in administration, and those principles were among the simplest. At first glance, it would appear difficult to be, for example, a more striking example of the interrelationship between 'laboratory research and clinic'. It is significant that the one doubtful opponent of the saccular theory of hernia is found in one of the most eminent anatomists of ours, small-c.

This view was of course based on the current belief in his time that hernia was the result of muscle weakness-.


The mention of this method gives me an opportunity of referring to the great loss which the surgical profession has recently suffered in the death of the distinguished French surgeon. An excellent description of the method has recently been published by an English disciple of Lucas-Championniere. One of the insights I have gained from treating fractures in this way is the extreme, almost sudden, rapidity with which a bone will unite; Everything seems to happen in the fourth week."

I then discovered that the alignment of the bones was not quite correct, but that there was... The great English statesman Gladstone has been truly said to have introduced a new and lofty standard of honor into international politics by his example. We of the medical profession believe (and I have no hesitation in risking indictment or arrogance by expressing that belief) that the greatest mien of our profession are the greatest men the race of humanity has to show.

Auguste Marie, medical director of the lunatic asylum at Villejuif, has published some interesting statistics on insanity in Paris with special reference to the phenomenon.



The hail was filled with delegates and their wives and members of the general public. His Excellency extended a most sincere and cordial welcome to the members of the Congress. Where men labored to eradicate diseases, it was the duty of the State to 'do all it could under the circumstances to help them.

The entertainment was arranged by the president and members of the New Zealand branch of the British Medical Association. In any scheme for effective treatment of the diseases, the establishment of night clinics was essential. All the cases in the children's wards and the majority of the married women were examples of innocent syphilis.

In the treatment of diphtheria by means of antitoxin, most of the best authorities now advocate the use of large doses.



The Surgical Anatomy of the Spleen

  • Step 2.—Separation of adhesions
  • of the pedicle. See Surgical Anatomy
  • of the area from which the spleen has been removed and final haemostasis
  • of abdomen in usual way
    • To prevent any tension being exerted on the pedicle

Step i.-The incision should be made on the outer edge of the left rectus, beginning at the costal cartilage and running down to or below the navel. In the last manipulation I unfortunately tore the splenic flexure of the colon wide. It is not advisable to rely on ligature of this ligament after removal of the spleen.

In a case of hydatid in the spleen of enormous size, on which I operated, and sent to me by Dr. The spleen was not enlarged in any of the six cases of pernicious anemia reported to date. However, it was in the results of the differential leukocyte counts that the most interesting features were seen.

It would seem to show that the removal of "the spleen gives a stimulus to the lymphatic apatitis of the body, and causes.







The fetal mortality was sixteen and nine-tenths per cent, more than half being among premature children dying from the maternal conditions which made delivery necessary, e.g. bleeding and eclampsia; the rest consists of the stillborn. When the interests of the child alone are considered, the value of ante-mortem Caesarean section on the dying mother is clear. The first case ruptured in the thinned lower uterine segment; in the second the fracture was small and at the lower angle of the incision; in the third and fatal case the rupture was extensive and took place directly through the fundus, where the earlier incision, owing to spinal deformity and consequent anterior displacement of the uterus, had necessarily been made.

This view is held and forcefully asserted in spite of the frequent criticism that a desire to establish a record in operative cases prompts the author's ardent advocacy of the operation. In the state of Wisconsin, a law drafted to promote eugenic marriages had the effect of temporarily putting an end to weddings of all kinds. Those familiar with the purchasing power of money in the United States will estimate the value of such a fee, and the medical profession has refused in a body to accept R .

The assistance of the courts is invoked because of the position of the doctors, and it is pointed out that the application of the Wassermann test would not only be a part of the consi:d:eratlon, for the payment of 12. ,s., but that throughout Wisconsin no ;more than 25 practitioners would be found able to use it.

In addition to the commonly accepted indications for section, the author has successfully operated when the child was too large, for accidental hemorrhage, in impacted facial presentations, for enteria after ventro-suspension, for tonic uterus. Maternal mortality in cases of eclampsia was high, respectively twenty-six and seven-tenths percent. The operation has been successfully performed twice for cord prolapse; in each case the cervix was long and only partially dilated.

The author 'insists that the competent operation, when indicated, not only carries little risk, but gives promise of great utility in reducing the still high obstetric morbidity. The operation advised by the author may be summarized as follows:- -+Incision into the uterus is carefully made, the organ is stationed by an assistant and brought to but not through the abdominal incision directed upwards from the navel not; ,membranes and placenta a. The usual method of closing the abdominal wound is employed and the usual post-operative care given.— (Albany :\led. Annals.).

It prescribes a medical certificate, based on the Wassermann test as a necessary preparation for any union, and sets the fee against which the consulted physician must provide the required document at what would amount to 12 s in our coins.


To avoid the danger mentioned, great care should be exercised in closing the incision, and spontaneous labor in future pregnancies never waited, but incision is performed shortly before or at its commencement.






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