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The Journal of the Melbourne Medical Students' Society


Academic year: 2023

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This agency was established in 1917 to look after the interests of members of the B.M.A.; to give members confidence in the sale and purchase of practices; and to ensure that only reliable locum tenentes are engaged. As the agency belongs to members of the British Medical Association, they should support it at every opportunity.

Colloidal Manganese and similar preparations are also of very doubtful value in the treatment of boils and other pustular infections. Ultraviolet light is used as a stimulant in Alopecia Areata and to treat indolent ulcers.

An CIO Clinical 'Notebook

The following observation concerns a similar case, which was not cured "because of the ignorance of the surgeons". Each new case tackled on the above lines adds to the beginner's abilities and confidence.

Ebe Common Eltsorbere of Cbttbboob

Treatment.—Having ascertained the nature of the condition by lumbar puncture, treat accordingly. There was considerable debate among the few who show any interest in the affairs of the MSS.


Although The Speculum contains little of the students' work, it is always usefully interesting by virtue of the articles written by our teachers. It is hoped that the generosity of the donors of the above will inspire others to make much needed additions to the shelves. - today we are still ignorant of the cause, although we are much further ahead in our knowledge of the changes in the biochemistry of blood and urine, each new discovery gives birth to another hypothesis.

The lesions are usually those of an acute nephritis, in which degeneration and necrosis of the epithelium of the convoluted tubules - the so-called nephrosis - the glomeruli are left unaffected. It has long been known that the death of the fetus has a beneficial effect on the disease. Recovery, with subsequent recurrence of convulsions and then termination in any of the above ways.

Eden distinguishes between mild and severe types, with two of the following signs indicating a severe case. The prognosis is always very serious, and eclampsia is one of the most dangerous diseases in pregnancy. The treatment of the true preeclamptic must be applied quickly and persistently, and it must be thorough.

A Case for Commentarp

It is usually in the upper right part of the abdomen, but it can be in the middle or even to the left of the midline. It is interesting to note how variable the position of the gallbladder is, as shown by films taken when it was filled with dye. If the shadow of the gallbladder does not appear at all, organic changes are generally present.

This may be due to a thickened wall, which limits the capacity of the gallbladder, or because the contents of the intestines are of such a nature that they cannot be displaced by the dye. Chronic cholecystitis is more often manifested by a reduction in the intensity of the shadow of the gallbladder than by its total absence in films. Thickening of the gallbladder wall, the presence of immovable contents, and partial or complete occlusion of the cystic duct are all thought to play a role.

The importance of liver function in the correct evaluation of the test will be referred to again. In the second case, serial films of the duodenum showed definite stenotic deformation, due to the ulcer. I regret that I have had very little experience in examining aspirated duodenal contents.

Cbe Pons anb the Cerebellar lbemispberes

This is not intended to be a summary of the arguments used in support of this theory by the author of Arboreal Man. Professor Berry says: "The degree of development of the pons varolii (pars basilaris pontis) is important as an indication of the degree of skillful movement of which the animal is capable." Recent work on the localization of function in the cerebellar cortex shows that almost the entire surface of the lateral lobes is concerned with the upper extremity, and especially with the hand.

It is entirely consistent with Weismann's "germ selection" and with the more recent work of the Mendelians or mutationists. Yet the bodily equilibrium of the bird is probably more perfect than that of any other animal. It is clear that in the bird the site of this function cannot be the lateral lobes of the cerebellum.

The brain of whales is remarkable for the large size of the cerebellum, and especially of its lateral lobes. the punch is now large and prominent." That the pons may not have been the only pathway that shared in the coordinated development of the cerebral cortex and the cerebellar hemispheres appears from the following quotations, also from Elliot Smith's article in Cunningham In an arboreal animal this tendency is at its minimum , hence the contraction, or, rather, the non-development, of the organ in the Anthropoidea.

Zbe 'Oman kobv

Instead, mainly due to the efforts of the Greeks, it was pushed to the world as a thing of beauty. 34;Then you remember my new arsenic preparation, which has been declared the therapeutic triumph of the century?". I started from the Beginning and chose a blank verse as best suited to the grandeur of the central idea.

Modern ideas about the fine structure of the nervous system originate from the discovery, around 1873, of the Golgi method of impregnation with silver chromate. Golgi, on the other hand, found that axons arose directly from the nerve cell; and he discovered the general scheme of the nervous system, viz., its structure of long conducting fibers and not of a network of anastomoses. Cajal denied the existence of lateral continuity of the type described by Golgi and Nansen; On the contrary, he concluded that the collaterals from the axons end freely in the gray matter and fit tightly to the body or dendrites of the nerve cells.

Apatie regarded them as the conducting units of the nervous system, in which he was supported by Bethe. Cajal maintained that the neurofibrils were confined to the body and dendrites of the nerve cell. The observation can be made with perfect clarity, and it is simply impossible to maintain Cajal's attitude that they are confined to the body and dendrites of the nerve cell.

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It is believed that animals. showing no clinical symptoms, but reacting to the tuberculin test, play only a very small role in the transmission of the disease. Herds with intermediate percentages were allocated to each list according to the owner's preference. Finally the enthusiasts of the Pathology class were taken from the Museum and the lecture continued.

The operation of vasoligation, to make the ductless glandular entity of the testis dominant, was shown in the rat. The resulting changes were shown by increased physical and sexual energy on the part of the animals. They had thrown away the substance of the river for the shadow of the screen.

When the rumble died, the wall of the rock opened and the whole great. Diki was exposed to the astonished eyes of the hidden band retreated into the forest. Of the other four, two pass, one behind each ear, one each through the temples.

As an interesting study in the psychology of the musician of the opposite sex, we quote a few personalities in connection with the members of the "Maryland Maids." Le Vina Lien and Gloria Rickard have a popularity that is proof of the saving that "Men prefer Blondes.". Some famous figures associated with almost the history of the student room have left us because of the exams.

The status of the Cas. student is now so close to that of R.M.O. as a certain little lady will allow. Therefore, a school was organized for the exposition of the finer points of the game, with various celebrities as teachers. Our budding fourth year social head is to be congratulated on his masterful handling of the arrangements.

One wonders where the stud in the piratical rig-out was during the last four dances of the evening and what he meant by it. On the sporting side of our year, we swell with conscious pride at the interest many of our teams have shown in college sports since the last issue of The Spec. This took place in the Melba Hall on Saturday 6th August and all who attended agreed to declare it one of the most enjoyable and successful dances of the year.


It is not surprising that the public has strange and wonderful ideas about medicine. Most recently, a prominent announcement stated that Professor Berry "thought there was something in it" in Bolton and Watson's work. He further stated "scientists would soon recognize the existence of a supragranular cap or steering layer in the brain."

He left it there for an hour, and when he returned to replace it with the patient, it was gone.



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It is the object of the second period that the student should acquire skill and efficiency in clinical methods, and in the examination and treatment of patients, and, to quote Sir

An extra amount of training in pure science gives a broader base for work ; and it is an advantage to have held a resident appointment at a hospital, as this gives a balance and sense