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Table A1: Attrition

(1) (2)

Variables Success

Agree to talk

Number of household members -0.01** -0.01**

(0.00) (0.00)

Household income -0.06*** -0.03**

(0.02) (0.01)

Poverty status = 2, Higher middle class 0.04 0.01

(0.09) (0.07)

Poverty status = 3, Middle class -0.08 -0.00

(0.08) (0.07)

Poverty status = 4, Lower middle class -0.11 -0.01

(0.08) (0.07)

Poverty status = 5, Poor -0.11 -0.00

(0.09) (0.07)

Poverty status = 6, Ultra-poor -0.08 -0.02

(0.10) (0.08)

Gender HH = 1, Male 0.01 0.01

(0.03) (0.02) Religion of the respondent (Reference: Muslim)

Hindu 0.06** 0.04***

(0.03) (0.01)

Buddhist 0.06 0.05*

(0.05) (0.03)

Christian 0.03 0.00 (0.12) (0.09)

Gender of the respondent (Male = 1, Female = 0) 0.02 0.03**

(0.02) (0.01)

Age of the respondent 0.01*** -0.00

(0.00) (0.00) Marital status of the respondent (Reference: Single)

Married -0.19 -0.02

(0.12) (0.11)

Widow -0.03 0.03

(0.02) (0.02)

Divorced -0.05 -0.00

(0.13) (0.11)

Separated 0.02 0.10**

(0.18) (0.04) Educational status of the respondent (Reference: No formal education)

Primary 0.02 -0.02

(0.04) (0.02)

Secondary 0.08** -0.01

(0.04) (0.02)

Tertiary 0.07 -0.07*

(0.05) (0.04)

Diploma/Vocational 0.13 -0.17

(0.12) (0.11)

Constant 0.88*** 1.21***

(0.20) (0.15)

Observations 3,795 2,100

R-squared 0.02 0.02

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