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Daffodil International University


Academic year: 2023

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Obydul Islam, ID in the Department of Computer Science and Engineering, Daffodil International University has been accepted in satisfactory partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of B.Sc. Department of Computer Science and Engineering Faculty of Information Science and Technology Daffodil International University. Rubaiya Hafiz, Senior Lecturer, Department of CSE, Daffodil International University, Dhaka, deserves our deepest gratitude and appreciation.

Touhid Bhuiyan, Professor and Head of CSE Department and other faculty members and staff of CSE Department of Daffodil International University for their help in completing our project. We would like to express our gratitude to all our Daffodil International University classmates who participated in this discussion while doing the assignment. The IOT, enabled by a smart security system, represents the security of the home and also provides the user with a facility where he can constantly monitor the parameters of the surroundings in the house (such as gas, fire, voltage and intensity of movement) and can control them by collecting and exchanging data between things, on for example turning on/off devices (such as circuit breaker and gas valve based on these parameters).

When intruders enter the house, the intruder's image is captured by the system, even if the intruder escapes. The police must catch the intruder to recover the stolen items, which needs the intruder's photo in the police. The planned system captures the intruder's photo and sends it to authorized mail over the Internet via Simple Mail Transfer Protocol (SMTP). So home security is most effectively delivered in the smart way of communicating things.



  • Introduction
  • Motivation
  • Objective
  • Rationale of the Study
  • Expected Outcome
  • Research Questions
  • Report Layout

In the microcontroller based security system, PIR (Passive Infrared Sensor) sensors detect motion, voltage sensors detect high low voltage, fire sensors detect fire and gas sensors detect LPG gas leakage. As a result, with the help of this device, they can secure their home in a proper way for the long line. With the help of this gadget, an illiterate person can easily understand what is happening in the best interest of this country.

The aim of this project is to integrate technology into our agricultural practices. This system will help us save the time we would otherwise spend on reading and reviewing books. The expected outcome of this research-based project is to create a system that follows an efficient protocol and produces final results using a dataset. The researchers would like to propose the following questions to convey the feelings and results of this problem in order to provide a practical, effective and reliable answer to the problem.

Then the later part of this second chapter shows the scope that results from their limitation of this area.


  • Introduction
  • Related Works
  • Research Summary
  • Scope of the Problem

Every sector in this digital environment is experiencing significant changes due to the IT sector. However, the home security equipment industry is not as up to date as other industries. After research, we discovered that our project is extremely useful for home security systems.

In this project we will first check the voltage, then the gas level, the fire and the movement using sensors. We also received benefits, such as not having to pay special attention to the safety and protection of someone's home. In addition, we have collected data for our project in a specific way that we will forward.

The user can also see all the value ie (gas level, movement, fire, voltage etc.). In this section, we discuss the complexity of the issue that will arise in the future. It really requires a lot of investment and time if you want to install or replace the old one with a new one.

The main difficulties of this project are collecting equipment and processing data; contact with the different types of sensors was too difficult. Previously, those working with IOT-based protection systems were not able to make a precise decision on how to secure household appliances against high or low voltage. For this home security device, we have created a wireless messaging and SMS system to inform the user about the status of our system.

Now we use voltage detector sensors to detect high low voltage and warn the consumer so that the device can be controlled manually or automatically. We also detect gas, fire and motion with different types of sensors and generate alarms based on the sensor value.

Requirement Specification


Business Process Model

  • Motion Sensor
  • NodeMCU ESP8266 D1 Mini
  • Voltage Sensor- ZMPT101B
  • Gas Sensor – MQ4
  • Relay Module
  • Buzzer Module

We will go over some key points in depth, such as data collection, processing and the proposed model, complete with equations, graphs, charts and explanations. The section concludes with a good understanding of our project's quantifiable hypotheses as well as the usage criteria. If there is an intruder, an additional object detection and alarm system is necessary. It is a chip that runs first on a device and has an improved version of the famous Esp8266 Wi-Fi system.

A 32-bit ten-silica processor, an antenna, switches, RF balloon, power amplifiers, filters and power control modules, as well as a basic optical edge controller, are all included in the Esp8266 EX. It operates at a clock speed of 160 MHz and consumes very little power. Daffodil International University 12 operating framework (RTOS) and Wi-Fi stack, approximately 80% of the planning capacity will be usable for client application programming and development.[4]. The circuit's output waveform (5 VAC) is offset by DC voltage (about 2.5 V), and the amplitude can be changed with a potentiometer, but not higher than 5 V.

This is an ideal sensor for detecting dangerous LPG leaks at home or at work, in storage equipment and in vehicles using LPG as fuel. This section is easy to integrate into an alarm circuit, start an alarm sound or even display a visual representation of the gas concentration. When input gas is present, the conductivity of the sensor increases and the concentration increases with it.

Venture board cards for issues and tow requests all list names, assignees, status, and who opened them. You can view and make minor changes to issues and drag requests in your drop-down board by clicking the title of the issue or drag request.[7]. If the voltage is high or low, or if motion, fire or gas is detected, the buzzer will turn on or off depending on the user's condition.

In PV systems, batteries are mainly used to calculate the energy produced by the PV display during the day and to supply it to the electrical loads as needed (during the night and dark atmosphere times). When it comes down to it, a battery charge controller is used to protect the battery from trickery and over-discharge at a very basic level in these devices.

Table 3.3.1 contains a list of components that we used in our project.
Table 3.3.1 contains a list of components that we used in our project.

Block Diagram

The power source is a battery, which is connected to the Vcc and Gnd pins of the Esp8266, and all sensor data lines are connected to the Gpio pin in the right order.

Fig 3.5.1: Circuit Diagram
Fig 3.5.1: Circuit Diagram

Design and Specification

  • Front-End Design
  • Back-end Design
  • Implementation Design and UX System
  • Implementation Requirements

The data is sent to the database, and the microcontroller makes a decision and displays the result on the LCD screen and Android applications appropriate for that security location. Back-end configuration is a form of programming that creates a logical data structure for a website, programming, or some other data framework. Backend development refers to the server side of development where you mostly deal with how the web works.

The database knowledge is passed to the software through code written by backend designers. A back-end developer creates something that cannot be seen with the naked eye, such as databases and servers. Firebase is a professionally managed framework for building iOS, Android, and mobile apps with features like automatic data sync and validation.

In basic (but not rearranged) language, the client-item interaction schedule is: it is the client-item interaction schedule. Finally, we can note that all the circles in this UX style are related. The most significant area of ​​research advancement is the design and improvement of new sensors suitable for home security applications.

In developing countries, where small ranchers cannot afford the high prices of available sensors, low-cost voltage, heat, motion, and gas sensors are critical. Those that are cheaper are not digital and cannot be synchronized with ICT networks in time.

Fig 4.2.1: Firebase Database
Fig 4.2.1: Firebase Database

Implementation and Testing

  • Introduction
  • Implementation of Database
  • Implementation of Interactions
  • Testing Implementation and Report
  • Summary

When any of the sensors are correctly placed, the user will be able to see all the sensor data as well as a clear prediction result. The results of each sensor's test will be used to generate output for different objects, which is a continuous operation. After conducting all the tests, we discovered that the sensors play a significant role in this segment.

For example, if the voltage sensor does not receive an input, it will not store the data in the database and will not be able to determine what the actuator should do. The most critical and initial component of this device is not only the voltage sensor, but also all the sensors. If the sensor detects values, it sends them to a wireless computer, which then stores them in a database.

If an error occurs when trying to save data to the database, the data will not be saved. You wouldn't be able to find it in the database if there is no data store. The prediction would be incorrect if the sensor range exceeds the specified range of the code section.

Conclusion and Future Scope

  • Introduction
  • Summary of the Study
  • Scope for the Further Developments
  • Conclusion

We can also add some sensors to this device, such as gestor control, vision system and motion control sensor, which gives us a high level of protection. In this paper, we present a method to design a particular home protection device that extends the life of the product and keeps it protected from accidents. Microcontroller makes a decision based on the circumstances and triggers an alarm, notifies the user and turns it off in an emergency.

Hopefully, as part of potential contributions to home protection systems, this strategy will be followed and improved, and will play an important role in increasing safety and making our lives more colorful.



Fig 3.2.1: Business process model
Table 3.3.1 contains a list of components that we used in our project.
Fig  Motion Sensor


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1 The Sage Group Asia P.2 APERCU: Environment and Traffic Study P.3 What’s new?P.4 Senior High School and The SPARK UNDER CONSTRUCTION The project officially began last June