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This Report Presented in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree of Bachelor of Science in Computer Science and Engineering


Academic year: 2023

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Shafiqul Islam, ID No. Department of Computer Science and Engineering, Daffodil International University has been accepted as satisfactory in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of B.Sc. Department of Computer Science and Engineering Faculty of Science and Information Technology Daffodil International University. I also declare that neither this project nor any part of this project has been submitted elsewhere for the award of any degree or diploma.

First I express my deepest thanks and gratitude to the almighty God for his divine blessing enabling me to complete the last year project successfully. Deep knowledge and great interest from my supervisor in "Top Link Directory Website Design & Development" to carry out this project. His endless patience, scholarly guidance, constant encouragement, constant and energetic supervision, constructive criticism, valuable advice, reading many inferior drafts and correcting them at every stage have made it possible to complete this project.

Syed Akhter Hossain, Head, Department of Computer Science and Engineering, for his kind help in completing my project and also to other faculty members and staff of CSE Department of Daffodil International University. I would like to thank all my course mates at Daffodil International University who participated in this discussion while completing the course work. Top Link library website public user, student and teacher to easily find this special website link like job market, shopping, e-market, bank, hotel etc.

Anyone can easily bookmark his important link permanently to this website, just activities to find the sources and make the information.


  • Purpose
  • Input and Outputs of the Project
  • Libraries and the World of Information
  • Libraries Definition of top link directory web site
  • Planning
  • Tools and Technology Used
  • Short History of link directory

Libraries are yet where data and information in a wide variety of arrangements (print, audio, video, advanced) are assembled with the goal that individuals can handle and locate the particular things or learning they search for. Regardless of web-based data, libraries have begun building the most valuable bookmarks (records) of "best destinations." The library has been the storage facility for recorded data since the beginning of composition.

The work of the library has changed little since it housed the primary Earth Tablets. Then, as now, it had three main capacities: to collect, organize and make accessible its accumulation. Someone once said that the central goal of a library is to collect most of the realistic records of humanity.

The writers of the prominent Star Trek arrangement felt this way, after all - every cutting-edge starship has an electronic library of all known data (and not simply Earth's). Indeed, even in today's innovative world, such an undertaking would exceed the capabilities of any library. However, libraries collect and make accessible large amounts of unsorted data, and libraries provide organized access to the most up-to-date electronic types of data.

It is clear that individuals go to libraries for a number of extra reasons - to duplicate something, to read the current newspaper, to relax and keep an eye on new books, or just to meet a companion. A top link directory site is a name of linkinzone.it is a link directory site that can store a different category link on its home page. User can browse this website and they can bookmark different link on this website, just create a user account on this website.

Examples of web applications are person-to-person communication destinations like Facebook or web-based business sites like Amazon. Consider it: Your code solution is a website that can be reached from anywhere on Earth, connecting clients that are isolated by very many miles. They want to use the instruments you've made and see content you provide, some at home, some at work, some out and about, but all are interested in the task you've taken on.

Figure 1.6 Planning
Figure 1.6 Planning


  • Design and Development
  • Design of UI
  • Development
  • ER Diagram
  • Database schema

Development refers to the main non-design aspects of creating websites Web development, mainly from creating simple text pages to complex web applications and social network applications. There are two broad divisions of web development – ​​front-end development and back-end development. You can use the following technology or platform to develop a website like PHP, Laravel, Ruby on Rails, Asp.net, Perl, Java, Node. js, Python. The entity relationship schema (ERD) shows the relationships of entities stored in a database.

It is database designers who design the graph to help programmers understand the database and make it useful.


  • Test and Evaluation
  • Testing the system
  • Implementation and Maintenance
    • Phase One
    • Phase Two
    • Phase Three
    • Phase Four
  • Are Website Development Methods the Best Practice?
    • Functionality
    • Essential Guidelines For Functional Design
    • Creates a first impression
    • Future
    • Link Directory Software is Consisting of Following Features
    • Give feedback and highlight issues
    • Grants on the Web
    • Grant Portfolio
    • Here is Some Screenshot for this Website
    • This is Navigation Page
    • This is Sign-Up
    • This is Home Page
    • This is Link Archive Page

This procedure, presented in [9] is extremely theoretical and does not focus on the details of each phase. The creators proposed their approach to the advancement of the site after observing several accessible strategies, for example, the "Four Phase Model" (procedure, plan, generation and transport, planned by Siegel (1997) and the Development Process of Five). Testing the user interface of the design, as tests in the early stages can help prevent errors and site malfunctions in the future, making the entire site development process more efficient.

It consists of four steps that lead to the project from the design phase to the actual creation of the website. This is an ongoing fourth phase that does not stop after the website is developed. In addition to enabling the arrangement of tasks, it enables very successful tracking of the terrain.

The later effects of the study are exciting as only one substitute used a web improvement technique for the entire procedure. In view of the perception that there is "a gap between the techniques that scholastics create and the strategies that professionals require in business environments", the creators claim that there is "an absence of understanding of research results by specialists, or that the research results is not yet suitable for down-to-earth enhancement, and the field is not yet developed enough to have an adequate way of handling connected research.While this may be part of the topic, and is something I will discuss in a moment, it is not the beginning.

To determine the most important part of a website's usability prerequisite, ask the question "What is the motivation behind this current website?" The reason represents the performance that the site must satisfy. Focus on making sure numbers are entered where numbers are requested, dates are substantial and dollar amounts are specified and omitted to refer to the name of the performance you're selling tickets for, and that the site's usability is approx. nothing, no matter how. These are the components of a practical structure, a way to respond to the needs or desires of the general population, who will use the thing in a way that allows their needs or desires to be met.

Later modification of this early introduction may be uncertain, given the fact that we are difficult and unwilling to admit that we were wrong. Feedback with context: Each issue is displayed directly on the page where you flagged it. Welcome to the EPSRC Grants Online Office, which provides information on EPSRC-supported research and grant-making.

If it's not too much trouble, keep in mind that Grants on the Web is a dynamic device and the data is refreshed as well. We welcome feedback on the type of information you wish to have access to, as well as the general usability of this service.



Appendix A: Project Reflection

Appendix B: Related Diagrams


Figure 1.6 Planning
Figure 2.2 ER-Diagram of Link Directory Website


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CONCLUSION In conclusion of this study, most organization agree that E-Procurement is useful to improve their selling efficiency, simplify their selling process, increase their