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Academic year: 2017



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A Thesis

Submitted to the English Applied Lingustics Study Program in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements

for the Degree of Magister Humaniora



Registration Number: 8146112030








Huda, Rahmat. NIM: 8146112030. Representasi Pengalaman dalam Pidato Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono pada Asia Pacific Regional Conference of Open Government Partnership. Tesis. Program Studi Linguistik Terapan Bahasa Inggris. Pascasarjana, Universitas Negeri Medan. 2016.

Penelitian ini tentang representasi pengalaman atau fungsi experiensial dalam pidato Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono yang diselenggarakan di Nusa Dua Bali. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk menemukan pola-pola fungsi eksperiensial yang dominan muncul yang dibentuk oleh transitivitas (proses, partisipan dan sirkumtan) serta konteks situasi yang dibentuk oleh field (tempat, karakteristik partisipan dan semantik domain). Penelitian dilakukan dengan menerapkan pendekatan kualitatif yang berhubungan dengan angka. Data diperoleh dari pidato pembukaan Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono pada tanggal 6 Mei 2014. Data dikumpulkan dengan menggunakan teknik dokumentari. Dari hasil temuan menunjukkan bahwa terdapat lima jenis proses dari enam proses berdasarkan teori linguistik sistemik fungsional yang muncul pada pidato tersebut. Pola total masing-masing proses berbeda satu sama lain, yaitu pola material sebanyak 59 (55.67%), mental 19 (17.92%), relasional; identifikasi 3 (2.83%), attribusi 10 (9.43%), posesi 7 (6.60%), verbal 5 (4.71%) dan eksistensial 3 (2.83%). Dari persentase tersebut, pola yang paling dominan dibentuk oleh material proses. Sebaliknya, pola behavioural yang berhubungan dengan fisiologi dan psikologi tidak ditemukan pada pidato tersebut. Sementara itu, konteks situasi pada pidato tersebut merujuk ke field dan didominasi oleh arena yang merujuk tempat dimana aktifitas berlangsung, khususnya [+institusionalisasi]. Itu berarti aktifitas diselenggarakan dibawah aturan kelembagaan yang bersangkutan, yaitu

Asia Pacific Regional Conference of Open Government Partnership (OGP).




Huda, Rahmat. NIM: 8146112030. Representation of Experience in Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono’s Speech at the Asia Pacific Regional Conference of Open Government Partnership. A Thesis. English Applied Linguistics Study Program. Postgraduate School. State University of Medan. 2016.

This study presents a research conducted of Experiential Function in Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono’s speech at the Asia Pacific Regional Conference of Open Government Partnership (OGP) which hold in Nusa Dua Bali. The main objective found the dominant pattens of representation of experience formed by transitivity (process, participant and circumtance) and described of situational contexts (arena, participant’s characteristics and semantic domain). It presented a qualitative design dealing with quantifiable (numeric) mode. The source of the data was taken from the opening speech of Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono on May 6, 2014. The data were collected by applying documentary technique. The data analysis found out the findings that there were five types of process from six types of process (material, mental, relational, behavioural, verbal and existential). The patterns of each process were different from others, namely material patterns 59 (55.67%), mental 19 (17.92%), relational; identification 3 (2.83%), attribution 10 (9.43%), possession 7 (6.60%), verbal 5 (4.71%) and exsistential 3 (2.83%). The percentage shows that the dominant patterns are formed by material process. Whereas, the behaviuoral pattern related to pshyological and psychological did not find in the speech. Meanwhile, the context of situation of the speech tend to the field and dominated by arena or social activity which refers to the location where social activities were performed, especially [+institutionalized]. It means that an activity is conducted or constrained by institutional rules, namely Asia Pacific Regional Conference of Open Government Partnership (OGP).




First of all, I would like to express my gratitude to the Almighty God Allah s.w.t, the most gracious and the most merciful who has given healthy, chance, strenght, and patience in the process of completing this thesis. Then, shalawat and salam to the messenger of Allah Prophet Muhammad s.a.w who has brought our soul from the darkness to the lightness until this time.

I would like to thanks all those who contributed to the making of this thesis. Firstly, I would like to thank to the first adviser Prof. Amrin Saragih, M.A, Ph.D and the second adviser Dr. Zainuddin, M.Hum who taught, guide and supervised my thesis in systemic functional linguistics during my academic years at the State University of Medan in 2014-2016.

Secondly, the writer would also like to express the gratitude to the Head of English Applied Linguistics Study Program, Dr. Rahmad Husein, M.Ed and his secretary Prof. Dr. Sri Minda Murni, M.S., also to their staff Farid Ma’ruf for their assistance regarding to the administrative procedures. Special thanks to the all lecturers of the English Applied Linguistics program, who has given me the valuable knowledge in their lectures. The writer would also like to convey the greatest thanks to the reviewers and examiners Prof. Dr. Lince Sihombing, M.Pd, Prof. Dr. Sumarsih, M.Pd and Dr. Rahmad Husein, M.Ed who has examined my thesis, suggesstions and improvement to be the good one.

Thirdly, the writer would like dedicated my love to the beloved father, Damroh Nasution (Alm.) and the greatest mother Nelly Wati who have guide me to be the best son, and thanks to my brothers; Syafri, ST., Khairul Amri, M.Pd, Afrizal, Amin Saputra, then my sisters; Annahari, S.Pd, Leli Purnama, S.Pd, Naimah, S.Pd, Nurhidayah S.Pd, and Mutiah, M.Pd, for their supporting to the writer in taking his Master Degree Program.

Fourthly, thanks to my colleagues; Bahrin Simamora, Saddam Syarif Nasution, Edward Wilson Purba, Gabby Maureen Pricilia, Sartika Dewi Harahap, Makhraini Agustina, Frida Dian Handini, Orli Binta Tumanggor, Ina Swari Sijabat, Mairtati Dewi, Nur Alfi Syahri, Hajar Affiah, Nurlaili Khaira Khalid, Tita Nirmala Ginting, Afer Jayanti Mendrofa, Jien Rizki Magsara Rumahorbo, Marwah, Isrami Andika Pebianti, Minta Ito Simamora, Sri Wahyuni Hasibuan and Yoshiko B. Pertiwi, for their sincere, love and support.

Lastly, thanks to my best friends of Muarasipongi Community in Medan; Chandra Sakti, Sukri Aldi, Erdiansyah, Khairul Saleh, Abdi Hariyadi Imsyar, Hakim Ma’ruf, Sukri Lubis, Mhd. Idris, Mhd. Yamin, Mahyaruddin Salim, Anwar, Shasly Rais and Warid Almahdi, for their helping and supporting.

Medan, 3rd March 2016 The writer



CHAPTER II : RIVIEW RELATED TO LITERATURE 2.1. Systemic Functional Linguistics ... 8

2.2. Experiential function ... 10

2.3. Transitivity System ... 11

2.3.1.Process ... 12

2.3.2.Participant ... 19

2.3.3.Circumtance ... 20

2.4. Variety of Language with Reference to Field ... 22

2.4.1.Arena ... 22

2.4.2.Participant’s Characteristic ... 24

2.4.3.Semantic Domain ... 25

2.4.4.The System Network of Field ... 27

2.5. Speech ... 28

2.6. Types of Speech... 29

2.7. Open Government Partnership (OGP) ... 30

2.8. Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono (SBY) ... 31

3.4. Instrument of Collecting Data ... 42

3.5. Technique of Analyzing Data ... 43




4.1. Data ... 47

4.2. Data Analysis... 49

4.3. Findings ... 66

4.4. Discussions ... 68


5.2. Suggestions ... 71





Table 2.1 Typical of functional group and phrase clauses ... 12

Table 2.2 The process and its categorization ... 18

Table 2.3 Types of process and participant ... 20

Table 2.4 Circumtance ... 21

Table 4.1 Clauses ... 47

Table 4.2 Proportion of process types and its percentage ... 49

Table 4.3 Proportion of circumtances types and its percentage ... 50





Figure 2.1 The types of process in spectrum ... 14

Figure 2.2 The system network of social activity ... 23

Figure 2.3 The system network of participant’s characteristics ... 25

Figure 2.4 The system network of semantic domain ... 26

Figure 2.5 The system network of field ... 28





1.1. Background of the Problem

Language users enables to conceptualize and describe patterns of experience which was encoded in the clause as representation (experiential function) and dealt with the types of processes, the participants and circumstances associated with them. A study on language based on the Systemic Functional Linguistics (SFL) is oriented to the description of language as a resource for meaning rather than as a system of rules and to the speakers’ meaning potential (what they can mean) rather than the constraints on what they can say. It is concerned with text rather than sentences as the basic unit in which meaning is negotiated. It treats grammar as the realization of discourse, naturally related to its semantics. In modelling language as systems of meaning potential, choices becomes the basis for language use. Not only is language in use or text shaped by choice, it is also influenced by social context of situation and culture.

Halliday’s Functional Grammar is a tool to explore the specific type of linguistic choices that are used for some specific purposes. Systemic Functional Grammar deals with three major functions; Ideational, interpersonal and textual. Ideational functions allow the user to convey the meanings with an understanding of the context, community and material world. Interpersonal functions of language illustrate the connection between



the sender and the receiver through different angles, while textual functions refer to the internal formation and association of a text.

The ideational function is the content function of language. It is realized in transitivity and serves to represent situations and events in the world and the entities, actions and process involved. It is in the ideational function that the text-produces embodies in language their experience of the phenomena of the real world. Transitivity system fits into experiential metafunction of language and explores the variation of experience. It works within clause level and each clause determines its following components, such; process, participant and circumtance.

Halliday suggested six types of process and Martin, Matthiessen and Painter (1997) elaborated them in detail in their book “Working with Functional Grammar”. They further describe them and specify their participants, they are: material, mental, relational, behavioural, verbal and exitential.



The context of situation which obtains through a systematic relationship between the social environment on the one hand, and the functional organization of language on the other. Language as a tool to express views and notions. Most of the politicians use language to spread a specific ideology. A politician usually employs various process to achieve his/her purpose. It becomes almost a rule that at least one process dominates in a particular discourse due to the particular register it belongs to.

When people speak or write, they produce text, the term ‘text’ refers to any instance of language, in any medium, that makes sense to someone who knows the language (Halliday and Hasan, 2004:3). Human in society need to interact, to communicate or to show their ideas to the other, speech has a relationship with languages. It is one of the ways to communicate or express one’ idea.

We use language to construct houses, to carry on arguments, to convey information from one person to another, to entertain; in short, to communicate. The role of language is determined by its communicative functions which are influenced by the use of language units. The units structured systematically are used to express meanings by considering to whom the language is delivered or the aim of the communication. Thus, form and function are two things that should be taken into consideration in communication.



how people use language and how language is structured. The structured of language is relevant to the aim of communication. The different objectives of language use need different units of language. The difference in the use of language is influenced by the values or perspective that writer holds. The ideology guides the writer to use the language; and ideology invest language in various ways at various levels (Fairclough in Gurning, 1992:88).

Text as unit of functional language is realized by clauses or sentences in context; there is no text without context. Thus, text that is used to express information in certain context will be different to the text in different context. The difference is in the way of expressing information and the characteristic or knowledge or science should be relevant to the basis of ideology or genre. The difference is still related to the elasticity of language which can be easily adjusted to the grammatical structure, so that language can be used to express information in speech.

Speech is one of the ways to communicate or express one’s ideas, from those definition, we may conclude that speech is a part of language because it is a system of voluntary produces by symbols. Beside that, speech permits all people to communicate or interact. Language is not only a means of communication, but also a social phenomenon. Speech, for some cases, can be a social phenomenon. For example, a speech can motivate somebody or group of people to do something.



audience. In public speaking, as in any form of communication, there are five basic elements, often expressed as "who is saying what to whom using what

medium with what effects?" Reshaped by functions and contents, political speech is also a kind of text presented by concerned authorities.

In order to make sense of a text, the natural tendency is to think of a text as a thing a product while see the text in its aspect as a process. The theory of experience can answer what is going on and how the interaction take place by analyzing the text and counting the percentage of process and circumtance. But, not only by counting the percentage to answer the questions, it can be analyze the patterns of experiential function element and context of situation in the text.

Referring to the explanation that has already mentioned previously, the researcher interests to analyze the representation of experience of the clauses found in SBY’s speech at the Asia-Pacific Regional Conference of Open Government Partnership (OGP), which hold in Nusadua-Bali 2014 to prove whether the patterns of representation of experience and the context of situation in the speech.

1.2. Problems of the Study

Based on the background that has been mentioned previously, the problem of the research are:



1.2.2. In what context are the patterns in representation of experience used in SBY speech at the Asia Pacific Regional Conference of Open Government Partnership?

1.3. Objectives of the Study

In line with the problems, the objectives are:

1.3.1. To describe the patterns of representation of experience in SBY speech at the Asia Pacific Regional Conference of Open Government Partnership.

1.3.2. To elaborate the context of experience representation in SBY speech at the Asia Pacific Regional Conference of Open Government Partnership.

1.4. Scope of the Study



represent (ideational), (2) to exchange (interpersonal), and (3) to organize experience (textual).

In this case, the experiential function being discussion where language is used to describe experience. The discussion explained how the pattern in represent of experience used in the speech.

1.5. Significance of the Study

The findings of this study are expected to be useful theoretically and practically for those who are interested in analyzing of SBY speech in written form based on the ideational function (experiential function), which is one of the aspects of language.

1.5.1. Theoretically, the findings are expected

a. To add up new horizon in theories of functional linguistics.

b. To be references for further studies related to experiential function in language other than English

1.5.2. Practically, the findings can





5.1. Conclusions

This thesis has been analyzed by applying experiential function analysis. The researcher presents some valuable conclusions.

(1.a) There are six (6) types of process in experiential function; material, mental, relational, behavioural, verbal and existential process. Based on analysis and findings, the SBY’s speech at the Asia Pacific Regional Conference of Open Government Partnership in 2014, there were five (5) processes that formed the patterns of representation of experience namely; material, mental, relational, verbal and existential.

(1.b) Material is the most dominant patterns in SBY’s speech at the Asia Pacific Regional Conference of Open Government Partnership in 2014. It means that materia process is known as process of doing. It deals with the notion that some entity ‘does’ something which may be done ‘to’ some other entity.

(2) There are nine types of circumtances found in the speech, namely

extent, location, manner, cause, contingency, accompaniment, role,

matter and angle. The most dominant circumtance appeared is

circumtance of manner with total number 28 circumtances, while less circumtance is matter.



(3) Context of situation related to the field in this study. Field stand for three entries, namely arena [+institutionalized/-institutionalized], participant’s characteristics [personal/social] and semantic domain

[+specialized/-specialized]. The most dominant entry appeared in the speech were arena, especially [+instituionalized]. It means that an activity is conducted or constrained by institutional rules, which the context refers to the political issue.

5.2. Suggestions

Related to the conclusions above, there are some suggestions:

(1) It is suggested to other researchers to find the new findings related to systemic functional linguistics and metafuncion.

(2) It is suggested to Pusat Bahasa and Kemendikbud to develop teachers and lecturers’ competency to apply and to teach systemic functional linguistics early.

(3a) It is suggested both of English teachers and lectures to teach new grammar system like systemic functional linguiistics beside the tradional grammar, so it can be avoid confuseness for the English learners in the future.




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Table 2.1
Figure 2.1 The types of process in spectrum .........................................


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