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Jews As The Victims Of Fascism As Reflected In Anne Frank’s Novel “The Diary Of Young Girl”


Academic year: 2016

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Approved by the Department of English, Faculty of Cultural Studies University of Sumatera Utara (USU) Medan as thesis for The SarjanaSastra Examination.

Head, Secretary,


Accepted by the Board of Examiners in partial fulfillment of requirements for the degree of SarjanaSastra from the Department of English, Faculty of Cultural Studies University of Sumatra Utara, Medan.

The examination is held in Department of English Faculty of Cultural Studies University of Sumatra Utara on Monday Mei 25, 2015

Dean of Faculty of Cultural Studies University of Sumatra Utara

Dr.H.SyahronLubis, MA NIP.19511013 197603 1 001

Board of Examiners

Dr. H. MuhizarMuchtar, MS. ...

RahmadsyahRangkuti, M.A., Ph.D. ...

Dr.Drs. ParlindunganPurba, M.Hum. ...





Signed :








Signed :



In the name of Allah, the Most Gracious and the Most Merciful. Alhamdulillah, all praises to Allah for the strengths and blessing in completing this thesis. Shalawat is also sent to Prophet Muhammad shallallahu ‘alaihiwasallam who had delivered the truth to human beings in general and Moslem in particular.

In accomplishing this thesis, a lot of people have provided motivation, advice, support, and even remark that had helped the writer. In this valuable chance, the writer aims to express her gratitude and appreciation to all of them. First, the writer would like to say thank to Dr. Siti Norma Nasution,M.Humas my supervisor and Mahmud AriefAlbar S.S, M.A as my co- supervisor for constructive comments, guidance, suggestion and corrections given to me in accomplishing this thesis. The writer presents her sincere appreciation goes to Dr. SyahronLubis, M.A as the Dean of Faculty of Cultural Studies, Dr. MuhizarMuchtar, M.S as the chairman of English Department, and RahmadsyahRangkuti, M.A. Ph.D for their valuable corrections and suggestions also for all staffs either in department or in faculty who have helped the writer in managing all formal needs during this thesis arrangement.

The writer would like to say deepest gratitude goes to my beloved father John Pattie and my beloved mother HanifaSinulingga for the uncountable love and always support me in accomplishing this thesis. The writer also say thank to her sister EkaPutri, and my Sinulingga family especially ma Con (Edi Con Sinulingga) ma Taufik (TaufikSinulingga) bibi (ArianiSinulingga) mami (Adryana) who always support me.


DessyNamiraNurul, RizqyAldilini Akbar, ElviRahmi, Nia Asti, Irma Chaniago, FahruniAdliaalso goes to all her friends in English Department who cannot be mentioned here one by onefor their amazing friendship, encouragement, help and support during writing this thesis.

Medan, September 2015



This thesis which is entitled Jews as the Victims of Fascism as Reflected in Anne Frank’s Novel the Diary of Young Girl is an analysis about the experience of Anne Frank, a girl who lives in the era of Adolf Hitler leads German. Anne Frank is a daughter of Jews who hides from the chase of German Nazi which is leaded by Adolf Hitler who embraces ideology of Fascism. Several Hitler’s programs are to pursue and eliminate Jews people who live in German and countries which are lived by German. This is the experience of Anne, the daughter of Jews who lives in that period.The writing purpose of this thesis is to let the readers know the portray of Fascism which is experienced by Jews is explained by Anne Frank in her diary and presented to become the novel of The Diary of Young Girl. In analyzing this thesis, historical approach is fit to analyze this novel which the novel is historical novel and presented from true story of Anne Frank who lives in that period.



Skripsi yang berjudulJews As The Victims Of Fascism As Reflected In Anne

Frank’s Novel The Diary Of Young Girl

iniadalahsuatustudianalisismengenaipengalamandirasakan Anne frank, yang hidup di zamanketika Adolf Hitler memimpinJerman. Anne Frank seoranganakyahudi yang bersembunyidarikejaran Nazi German yang dipimpinoleh Adolf Hitler yang menganut ideology fasisme.Beberapa program pemerintahan Hitler adalahmengusirdanmembasmi orang yahudi yang ada di Jermandan Negara-Negara yang didudukiJerman.Hal inilah yang dialami Anne seoranganakyahudi yang

hiduppadaperodeterseut.Tujuanpenulisanskripsiiniadalah agar pembacadapatmengetahuigambarandari ideology fasisme yang dialamioleh orang

yahudi yang dipaparkanoleh Anne Frank dalambuku diary nyadandiangkatmenjadi

novel The Diary of Youg Girl.

Dalammenganalisaskripsiinipendekatanhistorisadalahpendekatan yang cocokuntukmenganalisa novel yang merupakan novel bersejarahdandiangkatdarikisahnyata Anne Frank padaperiodetersebut.






ABSTRAK ……….ii

ABSTRACK ... iii



1.1 Background of the Study………. 1

1.2 Problem of the Study………... 5

1.3 Objective of the Study………. 5

1.4 Scope of the Study………...… 5

1.5 Significance of the Study………. 6


2.1 Sociology of Literature ... 7

2.2 Historical Approach ... 8

2.3 Ideology of Fascism ... 10

2.3.2 Anti-Semitism ... 13

2.3.2 Anti-Semitism and Nazi ... 14


2.4 Novel ... 17


3.1 Research Design ... 19

3.2 Data Collection ... 20

3.3 Data Analysis ... 20


4.1 Portray of Fascism ... 22

4.1.1 Fascism Under Nazi Regime……… 22

4.1.2Anti Semitism ... 26

4.1.3 Holocaust ... 30

4.2 The impact of Fascism toward Jews……….33

4.2.1Final execution………...………... 33

4.3 Finding ... 41


5.1 Conclusion ... 43

5.2 suggestion………44




This thesis which is entitled Jews as the Victims of Fascism as Reflected in Anne Frank’s Novel the Diary of Young Girl is an analysis about the experience of Anne Frank, a girl who lives in the era of Adolf Hitler leads German. Anne Frank is a daughter of Jews who hides from the chase of German Nazi which is leaded by Adolf Hitler who embraces ideology of Fascism. Several Hitler’s programs are to pursue and eliminate Jews people who live in German and countries which are lived by German. This is the experience of Anne, the daughter of Jews who lives in that period.The writing purpose of this thesis is to let the readers know the portray of Fascism which is experienced by Jews is explained by Anne Frank in her diary and presented to become the novel of The Diary of Young Girl. In analyzing this thesis, historical approach is fit to analyze this novel which the novel is historical novel and presented from true story of Anne Frank who lives in that period.



Skripsi yang berjudulJews As The Victims Of Fascism As Reflected In Anne

Frank’s Novel The Diary Of Young Girl

iniadalahsuatustudianalisismengenaipengalamandirasakan Anne frank, yang hidup di zamanketika Adolf Hitler memimpinJerman. Anne Frank seoranganakyahudi yang bersembunyidarikejaran Nazi German yang dipimpinoleh Adolf Hitler yang menganut ideology fasisme.Beberapa program pemerintahan Hitler adalahmengusirdanmembasmi orang yahudi yang ada di Jermandan Negara-Negara yang didudukiJerman.Hal inilah yang dialami Anne seoranganakyahudi yang

hiduppadaperodeterseut.Tujuanpenulisanskripsiiniadalah agar pembacadapatmengetahuigambarandari ideology fasisme yang dialamioleh orang

yahudi yang dipaparkanoleh Anne Frank dalambuku diary nyadandiangkatmenjadi

novel The Diary of Youg Girl.

Dalammenganalisaskripsiinipendekatanhistorisadalahpendekatan yang cocokuntukmenganalisa novel yang merupakan novel bersejarahdandiangkatdarikisahnyata Anne Frank padaperiodetersebut.




1.1 Background of the Study

Literature is the expression of society as speech is the expression of man (Levin, 1983 : 56). It means that literature is the medium of expression of whatever happens in the society. It becomes a picture of one’s life, his success or failure and his experiences in his lifetime. Broadly, literature is the picture of a social condition of a country and even telling a history. Specifically, Zeraffa (1973 : 40) states, “the novel was born and established itself as a genre on account of, and to account for, historical and social phenomena. Therefore, the novel tries to reveal the condition of a society and history, in a given time. The statement supported by Levin (1983 : 62) states that : “the relation between literature and society is reciprocal literature which is not only the effect of social causes but also the cause of social effect” .

Literary work has some functions in life such as the entertainment and as social documents. That because the common approach to the relation of literature and society is the study of literary work as social document, as assumed pictures of social reality. Rene Wellek and Austin Warren in “Theory of literature” mentioned,

“literature was primarily a treasury of costumes and customs, a source book for the history of civilization, especially of chivalry and its decline. As a social document, literature can be made to yield the outlines of social history” (103 ).


for two years with her family during the Nazi occupation in the Netherlands. Anne wrote her activity and her feeling inside her diary. She wrote her situation about Jews live in that period.

The novel is about Anne frank’s diary, which tells her daily activities. It is started from her feeling as a child of a Jewish family to the political condition in that period. They had to run away and went into the hiding place because the Nazi had started to capture and imprisoned all Jews. That what makes Anne father brought her family to the hiding in the secret pavilion. Secret pavilion was an office building in the central Amsterdam in the Netherlands. Anne’s father and his friend as the owner of that building made a secret room behindthe building for them for living and hiding. In that secret pavilion Anne wrote in her diary about her condition. She also wrote why they should receive different treatment from other people who are not Jews. Anne and her family hide in the secret pavilion for almost two years, along with another family with three members and a doctor. There were a total of eight Jews hide in there.


In the novel “The Diary of Young Girl” there is fascism ideology will be analyzed in this thesis. Fascism is a form of radical authoritarian nationalism that came to prominence in early 20th century Europe. Once in power of Adolf Hitler turned Germany into a fascist state. Fascist was originally used to describe the government of Benito Mussolini in Italy. Mussolini's fascist one party state emphasized patriotism, national unity, hatred of communism, admiration of military values and unquestioning obedience. Hitler was deeply influenced by Mussolini's Italy and his Germany shared many of the same characteristics. Hitler and the Nazis blamed the decline in Germany’s power on Jews and radicals and preached the supermacy of the so called German Aryan race. Hitler declared aryas is the master race creators of all civilization and fitted by nature to rule the world.

Jews and fascist are the topics that are very interesting to be discussed. Both of them are the most remembered in the history of German. There are some literary works such as a novel tells a story about it. Most of that novel takes from true story by experience of Jews people in that time. It is because world war left dark story about Jews people in the world. Some of that story came from true story of the Jews people that run and hiding. And how they struggle to be a life and being normal people.


German, they were a constant source of ideological infection and a threat to German racial purity.

By this background, historical approach is suitable approach to analyzing this paper. Historical approach is one of the method to analyze literary work in which the author and the reader comprehend the message of the literary work by remembering the moment or historic moment a long with the literary work written.This analysis is analyzed based on the event that happened in the past where connected with problem in this study. First, find out about history of fascism. And then, find impact of fascism toward Jews. This is connected with German under Adolf Hitler and Nazi occupation. Collect all the data about the fascism, and then connect that data between fascism and the Jews.

The problem in the novel is one of social problem in that time. This is what studying in sociology of literature. Literature is not just a study about literay work. In literature there is sociology of literature. By studying sociology literature someone can identify the problem in society. Literature is the reflection of society itself. Some literary work such as novel, drama, poetry are inspire from real life. Sometime not just inspire but some of that literary work cames from true story such as this novel. By analyze the literary work can take knowledge about the problem in society.


Sociology of literature derived from the sociology and literature. Literature is a reflection of society. Through literature, the author reveals the problems of life. Literary works are influenced by the society and at the same time able to make an impact on society. Sociology can be defined as the science or systematic knowledge about the life of human group in relation to other human beings is generally called society. The sociology literature is a subfield of the sociology of culture. It studies the social production of literature and its social implication.

1.2Problem of the Study

The focus of this proposal is to analyze of fascism against Jews in “The Diary of Young Girl” by anne frank. Therefore, the questions are addressed in this thesis


1. What is the ideology of fascism reflected in Anne Frank’s “The Diary of Young Girl”?

2. What are the impacts of fascism toward Jews in Anne Frank’s “The Diary of Young Girl”?

1.3 Objective of the Study

1. To identify the ideology of fascism in Anne Frank’s“The Diary of Young Girl”. 2. To identify the impacts of fascism toward Jews in Anne Frank’s “The Diary of

Young Girl”.


In doing analysis, scope is needed to determine the limitation of the problem that will be discussed. The scope of the analysis the novel “The Diary of Young Girl”is limited on the impact of facsism toward Jews under Nazi occupation.

1.5 Significance of the Study

The significance of the analysing of Anne Frank’s novel “The Diary of Young Girl”, is to reveal the tragedy of human life. To show the readers about unbearable

suffering because of fascism ideology by the Nazi 's authority and this tragedy is expected not to recur in the history of mankind.

This paper is made to answer why Jews as the victim of fascism and the

ideology of fascism. The readers are expected know about the fascism and the

condition of Jews under Nazi occupation. By reading this thesis, we may improve

our horizon and the knowledge of the students about social condition in the past. Expecting to make people understand with social problem in other people




2.1 Sociology of Literature

Sociology is objective and scientific study about human in society, the study of institutions and social processes. Sociology tried to figure out how society is decent, how it progresses, and how they constantly. By studying social institutions and all the economic problems, religious, political, etc. All of which constitute the social structure we can get the way about human, humans adapt to their environment, about the mechanisms of socialization, acculturation process that puts society in they respective places.

As well as sociology, literature deals with humans in society: human effort to adapt and his efforts to change the society. In this case, the real sociology and literature share the same problem. Thus the novel is the main genres of literature in this industrial age. It can be regarded as an attempt to recreate the social world: the human relationship with his family, the environment, politics, state, and so on. In terms of pure documentary, it is clear that the novel deals with the texture of social, economic, political and also a matter of sociology.


society. The sociology literature is a subfield of the sociology of culture. It studies the social production of literature and its social implication. Wellek and Warren (1976:94) stated

literature is a social institution, using as its medium language, a socialcreation. They are conventions and norm which could have arisen only in society. But, furthermore, literature represent ‘life’ and ‘life’ is, in large measure, a social reality, eventhough the natural world and the inner orsubjective world of the individual have also been objects of literary ‘imitation’. The poet himself is a member of society, possesed of a specific social status; he recieves some degree of social recognition and reward; he addresses an audience, however hypothetical.

Sociological approach most widely practiced today pay great attention to the documentary aspects of literature: the foundation is the idea that literature is a mirror at that time. This view assumes that literature is a direct mirror of the various aspects of the social structure, kinship, class conflict, and others. In this case, the task of sociology of literature is to connect the experience of imaginary characters and situations character creation with the author of the historical circumstances, which constitute origin. Themes and styles that exist in the literary work, of a personal nature, it must be changed into matters of social nature.

2.2 Historical Approach


…No sociology can be realistic until it is historical, just as no historical research can be scientific and realistic unless it is sociological. Not only are there no distinctively social fact, and other human facts, which are historical: there are not even two analytically distinct dimensions of these facts, which could be attached to two difference sciences. Thus the need to study human facts both in their concrete reality requires a method, which is simultaneously both sociological and historical.

Thus the effort to analyze the facts of humanity, both in structure and essential or in fact it is concrete that requires a method that simultaneously which is sociological and historical. If sociology separated from history, it will be inconclusive disciplined and abstract, as well as with history.

One of the approach in which is used in the analysis of “The Diary of Young Girl” is historical approach. A historical approach analyses literary work according to

its history. Historical approach is one of the approach to analyze literary work in which the author and the reader comprehend the message of the literary work by remembering the moment or historic moment a long with the literary work written.

Historical approach is generally more relevant in the framework of the history of traditional literature, the history of literature with the implication of authors, literary works, and the periods of specified points with the objects of individual literary works. There are several objects of this approach based on the indicator of history and literature, they are:

1. Change of the language of literary work as the result of republication. 2. The function and purpose of literary work at the time it is published. 3. The position of author at the time of writing.


All of that several object it is suitable for analysis novel “The Diary of Young Girl” in this thesis. It is because the novel is one of historical novel that wrote by Anne Frank in 1942 until 1944 in period World War II. The story that Anne wrote in it is representation of condition in that era because the story in the novel tells condition of Jews at the time. It is made Historical approach is approach that suitable for analysis this thesis.

2.3 Mimetic

Mimetic term comes from the Greek 'mimesis' meaning 'imitate', 'imitation' or 'embodiment'. Generally mimetic can be interpreted as an approach which see literature as imitation or reflection from the world of real life. Mimetic can also be interpreted as a theory that the method to form a literary work that based on the reality of social life experienced and then developed became a literary work with the addition of scenario arising from imagination and the creativity of the author in real life. In analysis the novel “The Diary of Young Girl” the writer used mimetic as approach to analysis. It is because “The Diary of Young Girl” is a one of the novel that came from true story. This story in it is arisen by the author and came from her real life itself.

2.3 Ideology of Fascism


Fascists tried to organize a nation according to corporatist perspectives, values, and systems, referred to the political and economic system. (William ebenstain, ismeisme yang mengguncangdunia, (103). They advocated the formation of a single-party totalitarian state, which seeks the mass mobilization of a nation and the creation of an ideal State to form a governing elite through indoctrination, physical education, and euginika policy of family. Fascists believe that the nation requires strong leadership, singular collective identity, and the ability to commit violence and war to keep the nation strong.

Fascist governments forbid and suppress opposition to the State. Fascism exalts violence, war and militarism as providing a positive change in society, in giving spiritual renovation, education, instilling a desire to dominate the character of people, and created a national fraternity through military service. Fascists see violence and war as an act that created the regeneration of spirit, national and vitality.

The word fascism is almost unknown in Europe until 1920, when Benito Mussolini adopted the word as the name of the new revolutionary movement. Fascism is derived from the Latin fases which means 'bond'. In 1935 fascism has become a moving mass that dominates the Italian and German.


the body of the German nation to be free from occupation and became the high nation, and it is build the ideology of fascism.

Fascism in Germany is called Nazism. Nazi is a party under the leadership of Adolf Hitler. After World War I, Germany turned into a Republic, which originally was the kingdom. The first leader was Ebert, in power between the years 1919-1925. The next leader is Hidenburg president (1925-1934). In the government of this republic, the German experience various difficulties, both in the financial (inflation) and economic chaos. In that chaotic state of the country, the German people are expecting a strong man to fix that condition. In this chaotic atmosphere comes Adolf Hitler with a Nazi party.

Adolf Hitler has always emphasized to the young German that the German nation is a great nation which is destined to rule the world as the German nation is a nation bleed Arya, which is the base of German strength. But that power is being shackled by a foreign power, namely the Jews and communists. (Russel, seri orang termasyhur: Adolf Hitler, (Jakarta:MM Corp, 2005),22.)

According to the fascist doctrine, a state must be totalitarian. That means that the state should have total control over all aspects of people's lives. In the fascist state is no longer separation between public and private life, between people as citizens and as individuals. They believe that the government allows citizens to vote as they wish to the parties, will encourage personal selfishness and ends in anarchy.


blessing that he was confident, "history proves that the whole of modern civilization comes from the white race. "For Gobineau, 'jewel' of the white race is the tribe aria," This is the most famous descendant of a noble among whites. Gobineau convince the German that they themselves are the true heirs, being descendants of the aria. Nazi beliefs will superiority aria (Germany) and the inferiority of other races is what produces a scary Hitler campaign, with the main purpose of mass destruction (genocide) of the Jews.

Nationalism and racism are the most famous pictured in fascism in the 1930s. A socialist believes that his or her race, whether it comes from English, German, Chinese, or sub-species of any kind of human descent, is superior to all other races. Racism is closely associated with nationalism. A nationalist is one who has pride in his people, until sometimes to some adoring. Being what other people meant by 'the people' here is a collective term that includes the State (a system of government), community (a racial group united by ties of blood), as well as the culture and traditions that have evolved for centuries. In context of political movement there are no carrying nationalism and racism as fascists, to some degree to the level of worship nation and attack other races.

2.3.2 Anti-Semitism


anti-Semitism became official policy under the government of nationalist socialism (Nazism).

After the outbreak of World War II, the tempo of anti-Semitic activity increased in a terrible way. Across Europe, government always dependent, or military administration such as France, Italy, Poland, and the Ukraine urged by Germany to adopt anti-Semitic programs. In Germany itself, Hitler announced a "final executionto the Jewish problem”, namely the merciless slaughter of the Jewish community, a type of crime that is now recognized under international law as a form of genocide (extermination order against a nation).

2.3.2 Anti-Semitism and Nazi

On the basis point of view of anti-Semitic, Nazi leader Adolf Hitler attacked the impressive role of the Jewish people who played in German society during the German republic power, especially in the world of intellectual and left-wing politics. He considers them as plague and cancer. In his book, Mein Kamp published in 1926, Hitler blamed the German conditions worsening at the end of World War I as an international conspiracy of Jewish people and use terms such as eradication and expulsion in relation with the Jewish people. He claimed that the Jewish people have achieved economic dominance and the ability to control and manipulate the mass media to their own advantage.


those who controlled the Jews. For Hitler, Nazism was a doctrine of salvation of the world to save humanity from the doctrine of Jewish Bolsheviks. He believed that the German race must obtain and maintain total supremacy through total war against the Jewish people. Such a war would be a war that just being an alternative, on one side, for victory or destruction.

Hitler Anti-Semitism program began in 1933 with the boycott of Jewish businesses. Then, in 1935, the first Nuremberg laws revoke the citizenship of German Jews and lowering their status to 'subject' third grade. For several years later, 13 supplementary provisions to outlaw the Jews altogether so that they are not going to be the occupant escape camps concentration without rights or possessions. Last revocation is life itself.

2.3.3 The Holocaust

The Holocaust was killed by definition of the Holocaust that includes the additional five million non-Jewish victims of Nazi mass murders, bringing the total to approximately eleven million. Killings took place throughout


killed, including approximately one million Jewish children. Of the nine million Jews who had resided in Europe before the Holocaust, approximately two-thirds were killed. A network of about 42,500 facilities in Germany and German-occupied territories were used to concentrate, confine, and kill Jews a Between 100,000 and 500,000 people were direct participants in the planning and execution of the Holocaust.

The persecution and genocide were carried out in stages. Initially the German government passed laws to exclude Jews from civil society, most prominently the starting in 1933 a in 1939. In 1941, as Germany conquered new territory in eastern Europe, specialized paramilitary units called Jews and "partisans", often in mass shootings. The end of 1942, victims were being regularly transported by freight train to specially bui they survived the journey, most were systematically killed campaign of murder continued until the 1945.


2.4 Novel

Novel, an invented

complexity that deals imaginatively with human experience, usually through a

connected sequence of events involving a group of persons in a specific Within its broad framework, thef the novel has encompassed an extensive range of types and styles: picaresque, epistolary, Gothic, romantic, realist, historical

the novel is directly concerned with the nature of our situation in history.

In the sociology of the novel, sociology is dealing with an art. True, narrative fiction is contained within language and takes most of its own character from it; the form and content of the novel derive more closely from social phenomena than of other arts, except perhaps cinema novels often seem bound up with particular moments in the history of society.

From petit Jelian de saintre( by Antoine de la salle, 1398 – 1460) to cousin pons, the novel doubly establishes literature as institution. Its not only demonstrates that there is no human condition outside history or society, but also makes that circumstance explicit, and illustrates it with precise and coherent examples. The ‘sociability’ of the novel served to endow it with sizeable cultural, political and ideological functions.

In the sociology of the novel, sociology is dealing with an art. Novel is really close to the social phenomenon that happens in the society. It is as what Michel Zeraffa says (in Burns and Burns 1973: 35), Sociology of Literature and Drama: Selected Readings that:


novel often seem bound up with particular moments in the history of society.




3.1 Research Design

In analyzing the subject matter of the problems, the writer uses descriptive qualitative. Qualitative research is concerned with non-statistical methods of inquiry and analysis of social phenomena. Qualitative research uses detailed descriptions from the perspective of the research participants themselves as a mean of examining specific issues and problems under study. According to Denzin and Lincoln in Wahyuni (2004), “qualitative research is multi-method in focus, involving an interpretive, naturalistic approach to its subject matter. It means that qualitative researcher discussing about natural settings. Attempting to make sense of, or interpret phenomena in terms of the meanings people bring to them. Qualitative research involves the study use and collection of variety of empirical materials-case study, personal experience, introspective, life story, interview, observational, historical, interactional and visual texts, that describe routine and problematic moments and meanings in individual’s live.” Through this method, will describe about influence the condition the society in that era which isAnne Frank wrote in her diary.

The library research also applied to analyze this thesis by searching and collecting the reference that contain and support the topics from the library. The writer used some books for primary and secondary source of data. “The Diary of Young Girl” is the main source of my analysis and some other books that contained


3.2 Data Collection

In collecting the data for completing this thesis, that are some procedures used in completing this thesis. First, the writer collected the data by reading the novel in English version and the translation version in order to have full understanding about what is being told about and to find out the problems, which are contained in the novel. Then, the writer jotted down important statements and information from the novel in which can use as the data of this thesis. In selecting data, the important data must be selected in order to support the analysis.

There are secondary data that gathered from several books which are related to the topic of this thesis. The writer collected the datas which give understanding with the with the problem and objective in this thesis. Some imformation are also found from the internet to support the analysis. All the data and information related to the topic of this thesis are collected. The data will be selected and used in the process of finishing this thesis.

3.3 Data Analysis

There are several steps in order to analyze the data. The first step is classifying the data based on the important data itself. In analyzing the data, sociology of literature theory and historical approach are applied. Firstly, the data are identified from some statements that corresponding historical moment. It means the statements that have connected with History related between Fascist and Jewish the past, Then going to be identified in the novel “The Diary of Young Girl“.After accomplishing all of steps the writer draws the conclusion to answers the stated



READ THE NOVEL: The Diary of Young Girl by Anne Frank




Historical Approach





4.1 Portray of Fascism

4.1.1 Fascism Under Nazi Regime

The Novel “The Diary of Young Girl” by Anne Frank is one of historical novel. Historical approach and mimetic approach are approach that usedto find the portrayal of Fascism in the Novel. In analyzing this thesis, the writer tried to comprehend the message of the novel and connect it with historical moments. The story in it tells about Anne diary, a sixteenyears old girl. The diary was written by Anne in 1942 until 1944 in Amsterdam, while German occupy Netherland. In her diary, Anne tells about her experience and feeling as Jews in that period.


In 1933, reisthag invite people to remove Jews from German civil service. Then, the application of quotas was adopted to limit the number of Jewish students. On 15 September 1935, reisthag meeting in Nurnberg and instituted two laws, known as Nuremberg laws. First, the legal citizenship reich (reich citizenship law), which states that only individual people "bloody of German" who is a German citizen. Second, the law protects the blood and glory of the German, who formalize various obstacles between German and Jews, forbade marriage and sexual relationship between Jews and German, prohibiting marriage and sexual relations between Jews with Aria nation. Thus, the Nazis deprive German Jews of civil and effectively removing them from the social and cultural life. Their policy then aim to take over Jewish poverty with a view to forcing Jews to immigration from Germany.

This information is about the elimination of Jews from citizenship German. It is corresponded with the reason that makes Anne’s family should immigrate. Anne wrote in her diary the causes that made their family moved away just because they Jews. It is as portrayed in the quotations below:

…As we are Jewish, we emigrated to Holland in 1933, (Anne, 1993:3)

… The rest of our family, however, felt the full of impact of Hitler’s anti-Jewish laws, so life was filled with anxiety. In 1938 after the pogroms, my two uncles (my mother’s brothers), escaped to the U.S.A my old grandmother came to us, she was then seventy-three. After May 1940 good times rapidly fled: first the war, then the capitulation, followed by the arrival of Germans, which is when the sufferings of us Jews really began. (Anne, 1993:3)


the Jews from German civil service. It corresponded with the explanation that was written by Anne in her diary about the reason that made they family moved to Holland in 1933. It shows that similarities between the novel and the historical information about the rule that made in that period while Jews citizenship removed. Anne Explained in her diary as Jews they felt anxiety and made some of their family, her uncle should move to another country too because of that rule. After that, Anne’s family as Jews leaved German and immigrated to Holland. Anne also wrote they still felt uncomfortable because of war and German occupying Holland. The condition that Anne and her family member received, it is reflected condition Jews in that period.

Hitler’s actions to remove the citizenship of entire Jewish people are form of fascist ideology. Hitler considers that German race (Arian) is the supreme race. Arian racial superiority is compared with other races and considers the Jewish nation is the lowest races. Besides that, Hitler Assumes that Jews the causes of the defeat of Germany in World War I, and made German must pay war damages. That makes weakening of German economy after World War I. That makes Hitler as leader of Nazi (the largest party in Germany) hated Jews and wanted to destroy them. After an agreement in 1933 that resulted in laws that remove the citizenship of German-Jews and lowering their status to 'subjects' third grade. For several years later, 13 complementary statutes deprive the legal protection of all Jews, so that is why those who did not escape, would be occupants to the camp concentration. That is what makes Anne and her family emigrated from German.


private jobs. In the end, they lose their means of livelihood. People reject the necessary Jewish life. There are mark that 'Jews are not allowed' appear in the some outside stores, mark 'the Jews are prohibited from entering the city's’ appears on the side of the road. There is always contained an element of Anti-Semitism in the German character. In many European Countries and it is sharpened by pressure and Nazi propaganda. It is corresponded with the events happened Anne Frank, and another Jews who were in countries that German-occupied in Europe. Anne wrote in her diary as Jews they are treated different. It is as portrayed in the quotations below:

…Jews are only allowed to do their shopping between three and five o’clock and then only in shop which bear the placard “Jewish shop.” Jews must be indoors by eight o’clock and cannot even sit in their own gardens after that hour. Jews are forbidden to visit theaters, cinema, and other places of entertainment. Jews may not take part in public sport. Swimming baths, tennis courts, hockey fields, and other sports grounds are all prohibited to them. Jews may not visit Christians. Jews must go to Jewish schools, and many more restrictions of a similar kind.” (Anne, 1993:4)

…Especially in summer, when one get warm at the game, so we usually finish up with a visit to nearest ice cream shop, Delphi or oasis, where Jews are allowed. (Anne, 1993:5)

…Now I can fully appreciate how nice a tram is, but that is forbidden luxury for Jews shanks’s mare is good enough for us. (Anne, 1993:8)


the store that allowed for Jews. As Jews their freedom is taken. Everyday they just can do the limited activity and allowed to Jews. She also wrote that she was only allowed to buy ice cream in the store for Jews. They are bannedto use a public transportation. It forced them to walk by themselves to everywhere. Even, Hitler wants to make Jews children should go to different school than other children who are not Jews. It can be seen in quotation below:

… I should really have stayed in the seventh from in the Montessori school. But was accepted for the Jewish secondary, when all the Jewish children had to go to Jewish school, the headmaster took Lies and me conditionally after a bit of persuasion. (Anne, 1993:12)

From that quotation above, it can be seen all treatment received by Anne Frank it shows racial policies that made by Hitler as the leader of the Nazi. Some of the treatment they received such as revoked their citizenship, dismissed from their job and, dismissed from public school. It portrays the condition of Jewish people under Nazi occupation. There is similarity between the historic moments about the revoke of Jews citizenship with the Anne condition in the novel. It is because “The Diary of young Girl” a novel made by Anne as Jews child who live in period while Adolf

Hitler as the leader of German adopted ideology of fascism.

4.1.2 Anti Semitism


Adolf Hitler. Some forms of Anti-Semitism contain racist doctrine and also contain elements of religious hatred. This Anti-Semitism can be seen in the novel “The Diary of Young Girl” from quotation below:

To our great horror and regret we hear that the attitude of a great many people towards us Jews has changed. We hear that there is Anti-Semitism now in circles that never thought of it before. This news has affected us all very, very deeply. The cause of this hatred of the Jews is understandable, even human sometimes, but not good. (Anne, 1993:238)

…I hope one thing only, and that is that this hatred of the Jews will be a passing thing, that the Dutch will show what they are after all, and that they will never totter and lose their sense of right. For Anti-Semitism is unjust! (Anne, 1993:239)


Prominent citizens innocent people are thrown into prison to await their fate. If the saboteur can’t be traced, the Gestapo simply put about five hostage against the wall. Announcements of their deaths appear in the paper frequently. These outrages are described as “fatal accidents.” Nice people, the Germans! To think that I was once one of them too! No, Hitler took away our Nationality long ago. In fact, Germans and Jews are the greatest enemies in the world. (Anne, 1993:39)

From the quotation above, itis concluded Anne really hated Hitler as the leader of German. Anne hated German for what they did. They killed people just because that people Jews. Even, the prominent citizenship as doctor and lawyer if they are Jews they should be captured and prisoned. It is because Hitler wants to destroy Jews from the German and all countries that occupy by German. Anne also wrote she hated German people but she is Germany, just because Hitler takes their citizenship from German made them as Jews should be immigrated. She tells German and Jews are the greatest enemies in the world because German is the causes of war, and Jews being hated because of Anti-Semitism adopted Nazi and some countries in Europe for many reasons. All forms of extermination against the Jews it is Kind of Anti-Semitism. Nazi adopted Anti-Semitism as official government policy.

Hitler makes a book with entitled Mein kampf published in 1926 and translated n 1939 and wrote the reason he hated Jews. In Hitler and Holoucaustby George Sanford Genhard L (2007:76) stated that:


mass media for their own benefit. He wrote about the need to eradicate their strong economic position, if necessary by using means physical extermination. (George, 2007:76)

From the information above, it is concluded the reason that made Hitler as the leader of German wants to destroy Jews because they was defeat in World War I. Another reason hated Jews because Jewish people are more dominant in German and control economy and mass media of German than Germany or Aria as the real blood of Germany. From that reason made Hitler wants to destroy them, and it is made they adopted Anti-Semitism that kind of elimination all of people that had Jews blood. The kind of Anti-Semitism adopted by Nazi it is based of racialism as the main factor that made they want to destroy Jews. For Hitler, Nazism is a doctrine for save the world and save humanity from Jews Bolshevik doctrine. He believes that German race should get and maintaining total supremacy through total war against the Jews. Such a war would be a war that just being alternative, one side, for victory and extermination. For Anne franks she is just a little girl and a child from Jews. In her diary Anne questioned why they should receive different treatment just because they are Jews. She also wrote a mistake from another Jews why it makes another Jews that don’t make mistake be detested too. It can be seen in quotation below:

…We have been pointedly reminded that we are in hiding, that we are Jews in chains, chained to one spot, without any rights, but with a thousand duties. We Jews mustn’t show our feelings, must be brave and strong, must accept all inconveniences and not grumble, must do what is within our power and trust in God. Sometime this terrible war will be over. Surely the time will come when we are people again, and not just Jews. (Anne 1993:207)


will be God, too, who will raise us up again. If we bear all this suffering and if there are still Jews left, when it is over, then Jews, instead of being doomed, will be held up as an example. Who knows, it might even be our religion from which the world and all peoples learn good, and for that reason and that reason only do we have to suffer now. We can never become just Netherlanders, or just English, and representatives of any country for that matter, we will always remain Jews, but we want to, too. (Anne 1993:207)

From the quotation above, it is concluded that as Jews they should be brave and strong to survive. She wrote as Jews they couldn’t show their feeling, because they are Jews and they are enemies for some countries, and they don’t have the rightness. Anne hopes one day the hatred to Jews will be missing. She hopes the war will end and god will raise up her again. Anne tells other people will remind them as Jews, but she didn’t care with that because she wanted to be known as Jews. She had a lot of dreams about the future after the war end. She wants being a Netherlanders or just English, it means as Jews they don’t have a citizenship because they already removed from German citizenship. She ever wrote she hated German because German people made them as enemy and should be destroyed. Anne hopes the war will be over and the Jews will be united again.

4.1.3 Holocaust


Nazi Holocaust, extermination by Armenian nation, and mass murder in Cambodia are examples of mass murder based onideology. This type of mass murder conducted in an effort to achieve an ideal social structure, which includes all members of society are the same or have the same beliefs. Fascism and communism are same ideology in 20th century, which try to form community based on similarity. Holocaust for example, which is controlled by Nazi racial theories, the German nation is a superior race, they call with Aria.

From the story in the novel “The Diary of young girl”, Anne wrote her diary since June 1942 until August 1944. It is around 2 years since they run and hide from the Nazi into a hiding place in the secret pavilion. The last day Anne wrote in her Diary in Tuesday, 1st August 1944. It is because in 4th august 1944,Anne and all of Jews in the hiding place were captured by Gestapo. On 3rd September, all of them are being part of thousand Jews who were sent to leave Holland. On the third night they arrived in Auschwitz in Polish. In the platform they areseparated between woman and man. It makes it as the last time Anne saw her father. At Auschwitz the healthier prisoners, their heads shaved, worked twelve hours a day to dig sod, being driven relentlessly by the sadistic kapos (criminals who served the SS as labor overseers). At night they were locked into crowded barracks. Outside the windows they could see the sky glow red above the crematories. This is corresponded with portray condition of Jews in Auschwitz. There are information from Hitler and Holoucaustby George Sanford Genhard L (2007:105) :


people could be in gas and then their body was cremated each day.

At Birkenau, the Nazis used cyanide gas, which is called Zyklon-B, made by the pest control company. While the second group of prisoners put into slave labor in factories industry for companies like I.G. Farben and Krupp.The Auschwitz complex itself, 405,000 prisoners recorded as laborers between 1940 and 1945. Of these, approximately 340,000 people died of execution, beaten, starved, and sick.

It is corresponded between historic information and the event happened to Anne in the novel. The information tells some people were died of execution, beaten, starved, and sick. All of those things happened to Anne and her sister. Anne’s sister was died in the camp concentration march 1945 because of typhoid. Shortly after the incident, her sister is written was died in the concentration camp. This information about Anne and her sister is written in the end of the novel. It can be seen from quotation below:

“Margot died at the end of February or beginning of March 1945. “Anne, who was already sick at the time,’” recalled a survivor, “was not informed of her sister’s death, but after a few days she sensed it, and soon afterwards she died, peacefully, feeling that nothing bad was happening to her,’” she was not yet sixteen.(1993:280)


and Nazi. Remove and destroy Jewish from German and some countries occupied by German is one kind of Nazi program Anti-Semitism. It shows as Jews they are the victim ideology of fascism Hitler. Even though, at camp concentration they are not killed with gas just like another people. They are part of group that employed as labor until they got sick and died in camp.

4.2 The impact of Fascism toward Jews

4.2.1 Final Execution

One of program Anti-Semitism by Nazi In 1942, they makes ‘final execution’ for All Jews. ‘Final execution’ is sending all Jews to camp concentration. In 20 January1942 there are a meeting that known as Wannsee conference. In the conference there are decision for exterminate All Jews, and send all Jews in the country that occupy by German in Europe to the camp concentration. It is reflected in the novel “The Diary of young Girl” while Anne’s sister named Margot received summonsfrom SS in 8 July 1942. SS (Schutzstaffel) is "Protective Squadron" is a large military and security organizations. Got a summon means they should report to SS and will send to camp concentration. It makes Anne father bring all family member hiding in the secret pavilion after received summon from the SS. This event can be seen in quotation below:


has gone to the Van Daan to discuss whether we should move into our hiding place tomorrow. (Anne, 1993:13)

… Margot told me that the call-up was not for Daddy, but for her. I was more frightened than ever and began to cry. Margot is sixteen, would they really take girls of that age away alone? But thank goodness she won’t go, Mummy said so herself, that must be what Daddy meant when he talked about us going into hiding. (Anne, 1993:14)

From the quotation above, it is concluded that rule made by the Nazi in 1942 about ‘final solution’ was happened in Anne’s experience. It is corresponded with the history in that period while Nazi wanted to destroy all Jews. ‘Final execution’ is one of kind Anti-Semitism to destroy all Jews and send them to the camp concentration. It can be seen Anne and her family very scared because of that summon, and Anne imagined about camp concentration. Camp concentration is a place that made by Nazi to accommodate all Jews captured.

They scared about camp concentration. It makes Anne’s father brings all of them to hide in secret pavilion. Anne’s father already made a plan for their escape a month before they got summon. He made a secret place in her office for them to hide from Nazi. After Anne’s sister got that summon, her father made them escape more early than his planning. They move to the secret pavilion at night because worry if SS will capture them. This situation can be seen in quotation below:


speeded up ten days because of the call-up, so our quarters would not be so well organized, but we had to make the best of it. The hiding place itself would be in the building where Daddy has his office. (Anne, 1993: 16)

From the quotation above, it can be seen Anne’s father already had a plan about hiding place. They send some good and necessity things and stuff to the hiding place. After got that summons, they moved more early 10 days from planning they made. The place they made for hiding is Anne’s father office. It is an office building in the center of Amsterdam. Anne’s father and his friends already made a secret room in that office for them to hide. That condition in the secret pavilion it shows the condition of Jews at the time it is not save. Nazi wanted to send all Jews to camp concentration where all people there were treated as prisoners and slavery just because they are Jews. Even, every house was checking to see there are Jews in it or not. If there are Jews in it, they will bring them. This is corresponded with Anne’s experience in the novel. It can be seen in quotation below:

…Evening after evening the green and gray army lorries trundle past. The Germans ring at every front door to inquire if there is family has to go at once. If they don’t find any, they go onto the next house. No one has a chance of evading them unless one goes into hiding. Often they go around with lists, and only ring when they know they can get a good haul. Sometimes they let them off for cash so much per head. It seems like the slave hunts of olden times. But it’s certainly no joke, it’s much too tragic for that… … I frightened when I think of close friends who have now been delivered into the hands of the cruelest brutes that walk the earth. And all because they are Jews! (Anne, 1993:53-54)


reason Anne’s sister got summons and call from the SS to report as Jews. So, they escape more early to hiding and hope will not capture by German. The army checks every house in lists that had Jews people. Even, if there are people are not Jews who help to hide a Jews in their house will be captured too. In hiding place Anne also wrote she worried about her Jews friends were being captured. She wrote about her friends were captured by the cruelest brutes that walk the earth. It means she thinksthat German will treat her friends inappropriately. All treatment they received, it is just because they Jews. Anne thinks as Jews they are treated just like slavery. It made her really hated with the people from German, because they wanted to capture and prison them just because they Jews.


where many prisoners are died. This statement corresponding with the information be obtained from Fasisme by Hugh Purcell state that:

The bearer first message of Hitler ideology is SS. They are the elite guard movement and therefore they represent the principal of Nazism. If you are young people who want to join the German SS, you have to prove the pure blood 'aria' to provide evidence of the family through several generations. Before you get married, your wife had to undergo similar tests. The training will turn you into an ideal Nazi, loyal, obedient, brave, and strong. (Purcell, 2003:93)

You can join with a number of organizations SS, all under the control of Heinrich Himmler overall. There are heads units that carry out the death of the concentration camp. There are Waffen SS, the combat forces, which provide strength ideology army and nearly a million men in battle. Then, there is the Gestapo as a powerful look like black octopus, SS captors disseminate tools across the 3rd Reich. For this reason, the Gestapo called 'alibi German nation'. It is responsible for so many atrocities in Nazi regime, where other German people put all the blame on his shoulders. (Purcell, 2003:94)

The information about SS and Gestapo it is connected with some of Anne’s experience in the novel. Gestapo and SS have responsibility for Jews persecuted in that period. Many of Jews at the time are captured and persecuted by SS and Gestapo. In Anne diary, there some tells about Gestapo and SS. One of that, while Anne’s sister got summon from the SS. Another experience while Anne got information there are so many of her Jews friends werecaptured by Gestapo and sent to camp concentration. It can be seen in quotation below:


lavatories, there is no separate accommodation. Men, women, and children all sleep together. One hears of frightful immorality because of this, and a lot of the women, and even girls, who stay there any length of time are expecting babies. (Anne, 1993:38)

Dussel has indirectly endangered our lives. He actually let Miep bring a forbidden book for him, one which abuses Mussolini and Hitler. On the way she happened to be run into by an S.S car. She lost her temper, shouted, “Miserable wretches,” and rode on. It is better not to think of what might have happened if she had to go to their headquarters. (Anne, 1993:103)

From the quotation above, Anne tells some of her Jewish friends are being taken and sent to the camp concentration by Gestapo. Anne wrote about their friends treated inappropriately by Gestapo. There are some of girls, and woman in camp concentration abused by Gestapo. He made some of them getting pregnant. Another quotation about their friend brings the book about abuse of Mussolini and Hitler as fascist leader and worried if capture by SS. It shows in that period to forbid the disfigured government. It is because some functions of Gestapo as a secret police captures and prisons people or organizations that opposite or disfigure government. Gestapo and SS really had a power in German and some countries to occupy by German for captured and persecution all Jews. Historically, SS and Gestapo were made to take responsibilities to make a camp concentration and as finder final execution to destroy Jews. All of these make the SS was able to walk on top of the law, it makes they treated Jews inappropriately.


extermination of Jewish people in Europe intensified. The first line is the three million Polish Jews. On July 1942, Himmler set up a schedule for their elimination in the death camps. During this operation, which has the code name operation reinhard, three major gas space center built: Belzec and Sobibor, in the southeast Poland not far from Lublin, and lastly Treblinka, Northeast of Warsaw. The process of killing by gas was started in three camps in the period from March to July 1942. From 750,000 to 950,000 Jews were killed in gas by Tribelinka; from 500,000 to 600,000 at Belzec; and about 200,000 in Sobibor. At the same time, Polish Jews were also sent to a death camp and then killed there. It also happens deportation of the Jews from other parts of Europe that occupied by Nazi heading east, the camp concentration area. In many European countries, SS team sent to directly vagrancy and deporting the Jews with the central train killing centers and concentration camps in polish.

For some statement that iswritten by Anne mostly it is about concentration camps. First, the reason made them escape into the secret pavilion it is because they scared if captured by SS and they will send to the camp concentration. Anne gives explanation while her sister got summon. Anne scared and imagined if her sister is sent to the camp. Second, Another statement by Anne is while she wrote some of her Jews Friends are captured by Gestapo and sent to the camp concentration. She scared of imaginingabouther friends will be treated inappropriately by Gestapo and SS. It shows Jews at the time really scared of camp concentration that made by Nazi to prison and killed most of Jews.


concentration in Germany. Auchwitz complex is a scientifically already planned and efficiently into the execution place of murder during World War II. Most small camp known as Auchwitz I. Meanwhile, most large camp called Auchwitz II. Jewish race is the greatest victim in terms of numbers and Auchwitz has become the main symbol of what is known as the Holocaust against the Jewish people of Europe. At least one of the three people from about 5 million to 6 million Jewish people were killed by the Nazis during World War II died there. Nazi specific efforts to totally destroy the Jews, and Roma people, or gypsies, then it is known as the Holocaust.

This is another Anne’sstatement, which is written in her diary about camp concentration. It can be seen from quotation below:

There’s something fresh every day. This morning our vegetable man was picked up for having two Jews in his house. It’s great blow to us, not only that those poor Jews are balancing on the edge of an abyys, but it’s terrible for the man himself. (Anne, 1993:239)

The world has turned topsy-turvy, respectable people are being sent off to concentration camps, prisons, and lonely cells, and the dregs that remain govern young and old, rich and poor. One person walks into the trap through the black market, a second through helping the Jews or other people who’ve had to go “underground”, anyone who isn’t a member of N.S.B doesn’t know what may happen to him from one day to another. (Anne, 1993:240)


someone help Jews, it is kind of criminal. They will be captured and prisoned. She also wrote in the camp concentration they are young and old, rich and poor. It means their status doesn’t make them not captured. This can be reflection of condition at the time about camp concentration. Not only Jews, but for someone who opposite from German, and someone who help Jews will being captured and prisoned, even sent to the camp concentration.

4.3 Finding

There are some findings found after analyzing in the novel “The Diary of Young Girl” as follow:

1. Hitler is the leader of German who adopted the ideology of fascism. One of program fascist Hitler is hatred against Jews and removed citizen of all Jews in German. It makes Anne and her family should immigrate in summer 1934 to Holland because they are Jews. Hitler extreme nationalism made him exterminate another race; one of them is Jewish people who dominated German at the time. He also blamed Jews as the causes the defeat of Germany in World War I.


3. By using historical approach, it is related between Jews and fascist ideology adopted by Hitler. It is corresponding between the history and Anne experience while Hitleris a leader of German and removed Jews citizenship in 1933 it made Anne and a lot of Jews immigrating from German to Holland. In 1942 Nazi made Final executionto destroy all Jewish from all countries that occupied by German. It made Anne and her family run and hide in secret pavilion.




5.1 Conclusion

After having analyzed the novel “The Diary of Young Girl” the writer can get there are some points such as:

1. The Diary of Young Girl is a novel that reflectsthe ideology of fascism under Adolf Hitler regime.Fascism in German is called Nazism. Anne’s family as Jews should move from German because the rule that made by Nazi to remove their citizenship from German. As Jews their freedom is taken. Everyday they just can do the limited activity and allow to Jews.

2. Anti Semitism is reflected in Anne Frank’s “The Diary Of Young Girl”. As Jews Anne received the impact of Anti Semitism that is adopted by Adolf Hitler. Mass boycott in some countries against stores owned by Jews and also the professional Jews, such as doctors and lawyers.

3. Holocaust reflected in Anne Frank’s The Diary of Young Girl, Anne and her sisterare from thousands of people who died in the concentrationcamps. They are part of holocaust victims who died because of ideology of fascism that adopted by Hitler and Nazi.Anne and some of her family member as her sister and mother die in concentration camps.


5.2 Suggestion

By analyzing the novel “The diary of Young Girl” the writer hopes this study could enlarge the readers’ knowledge about ideology of fascism and history of Jewish people in the past. Extermination of people is a crime, and every human hasa rightness to live. A mistake that is made by a person from one community of one religion cannot be a reason to think that all people of that religion are bad. The condition of Anne Frank in the novel is portrayal the condition of Jewish people at the time that destroyed because of fascism ideology. The writer hope the condition of Jewish people in the past will not be happened in nowadays and in the future.



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i. Author’s Biography and works

Anne Frank is a Jewish girl who has to go into hiding during World War Two to avoid the Nazis. Together with seven others she hides in the secret annex on the Prinsengracht 263 in Amsterdam. After almost 2 years in hiding they are discovered and deported to concentration camps. Anne’s father, Otto Frank, is the only one of the eight people to survive. After her death Anne becomes world famous because of the diary she wrote while in hiding.


decide, just as many other German Jews, to leave Germany.

Otto can set up a business in Amsterdam and the family finds a home on the Merwedeplein. The children go to school, Otto works hard in his business and Edith looks after the home. As the threat of war in Europe increases, Otto and his family try to emigrate to England and the U.S.A. but these attempts fail. On 1 September 1939 Germany invades Poland and World War Two starts.

For a while there is hope that The Netherlands will not become involved in the war, but on 10 May 1940 German troops invade the country. Five days later The Netherlands surrenders and is occupied. Anti-Jewish regulations soon follow. Jews are allowed to go to less and less places, Anne and Margot must attend a Jewish school and Otto loses his business.

When a renewed attempt to emigrate to the U.S.A. fails, Otto and Edith decide to go into hiding. Otto furnishes the house behind his business premises on the

Prinsengracht and this becomes the hiding place. He does this together with his Jewish business partner Hermann van Pels and help from employees Johannes Kleiman and Victor Kugler.

On 5 July 1942 Margot Frank receives a call-up to report for a German work camp. The next day the Frank family goes into hiding. The Van Pels family follow a week later and in November 1942 an eighth person arrives; dentist Fritz Pfeffer . They remain in the secret annex for just over two years.


Gies and warehouse boss Johannes Voskuijl, Bep's father. These helpers not only arrange food, clothes and books, they are contact with the outside world for the people in hiding.

Shortly before going into hiding Anne receives a diary for her birthday. She starts writing straightaway and during her time in hiding she writes about events in the secret annex and about herself. Her diary is a great support to her. Anne also writes short stories and collects her favorite sentences by other writers in a notebook.

When the Minister of Education makes a request o


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