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IMPROVING STUDENTS' VOCABULARY MASTERY BY USING WORD WEBS (A Classroom Action Research on the Third Grade of SDN Sidorejo Lor 1 Salatiga in the 2009 2010 Academic Year)


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This thesis is submitted English Depa




Action Research on the Third Grade of SDN 1 Salatiga in the 2009/2010 Academic Year)



tted to fulfill the requirement for Undergraduate D partment of Teacher Training and Education Facu






Sidorejo Lor

Degree in the culty


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Riana Indrawati. K2206007. Improving Students’ Vocabulary Mastery by Using Word Webs (A Classroom Action Research on the Third Grade of SDN Sidorejo Lor 1 Salatiga in the 2009/2010 Academic Year). Thesis, Surakarta: Teacher Training and Education Faculty of Sebelas Maret University, Oktober 2010.

This research is aimed at finding out whether word webs can improve students’ vocabulary mastery and how word webs can improve students’ vocabulary mastery at the third grade of SDN Sidorejo Lor 1 Salatiga. It also finds out the problems arising when word webbing is implemented in the classroom activity.

The method used in this research is a classroom action research. The action research was conducted in two cycles, in which in the first cycle there were 4 meetings and in the second cycle there were 4 meetings. Every cycle consisted of five steps: planning the action, implementing the action, observing and monitoring the action, reflecting the observation, and revising the plan. In collecting the data, the researcher used observational technique consisting of interviews, field notes, and photographs. To analyze the qualitative data, the researcher used constant comparative method. There were four steps to analyze the data: data reduction, data classification, and data synthesis. To find the improvement of the students’ vocabulary mastery after the research implementation, the researcher conducted test. The tests were conducted before the action (pre-test) and after the action (post-test). The researcher analyzed the mean score of each test to find out the improvements of students’ vocabulary mastery after the action was conducted.

The result of the research shows that word webs can improve the students’ vocabulary mastery. Implementing word webs as brainstorming, main activity, and post activity made the students actively involve in the teaching learning process. The students were eager to join all activities. Almost all students could pronounce, find word meaning, spell, and use words correctly. Implementing word webs made the students remember the vocabulary not only at the moment but also at the following meetings. Implementing word webs stimulates the students to tune in the lesson and also builds the students pre-knowledge. Then, as the main and post activity, word webs can increase their vocabulary by adding it according to the material from the teacher. The teacher led them to add their vocabulary based on the text. After the students had been familiar with the words, the teacher drilled them to pronounce, led them understand the meaning, spell, and use words in sentences. The problem faced in implementing word webs was when the students became very noisy in answering the teacher’s question. Good class management was needed, that is, asking the students to rise their hands before answering the teacher’s questions.


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Success is a journey, not a destination

~ Ben Sweetland ~

Deserve the best thing in this world because you are precious

~ Anonymous ~

Don’t worry about failure. Worry about the chances you’ll miss

when you don’t even try


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This thesis is dedicated to:


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Praise is to Allah the Almighty who has given His blessing so that the writer can finally finish this thesis as a partial fulfillment in achieving the Undergraduate Degree of English Education.

The writer realizes that this thesis could not be achieved without the help and assistance from others. Therefore, in this occasion the writer would give her appreciation to the individuals and institutions who have given their help during the process of writing so that this thesis is finally finished. She would like to express her deepest gratitude to the following:

1. Prof. Dr. M. Furqon Hidayatullah, M.Pd, the Dean of Teacher Training and Education Faculty.

2. Drs. Suparno, M.Pd, the Head of the Art and Language Education Department.

3. Drs. Martono, M.A, the Head of the English Department of Teacher Training and Education Faculty.

4. Dr. Ngadiso, M.Pd, as the writer’s first consultant for his guidance and advice.

5. Dewi Sriwahyuni, M.Pd, as the writer’s second consultant for her guidance and advice.

6. Drs. Purwanto, M.Pd, the Headmaster of SDN Sidorejo Lor 1 Salatiga for facilitating the writer in doing the research.

7. Septi Wulandari, her bestfriend and the colaborator in this Action research.


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9. Her beloved Mom and Dad for their caring, love, and sincerity. It’s my pleasure to be your daughter. Her sister and brother for this cheers and beautiful life.

10. Dhani Anggriawan for the spirit and prayer. It is fabulous to understand everything with you.

11. Lusiana, Anggita, Dewi, Upik, Vina, Wiwid, and all of her beloved friends in the English Dept’06. Thanks for every beautiful moment in this last four years.

12. Her beloved friends in Duta Kost and Romo Hadhie Kost, Iin Cs. Thanks for this friendship.

13. The last, thank you very much for Iin, Mayang, Nanang, Billy, Hana, Dhimas, Uzwa, and everyone who has ever played role in her story of life. The researcher realizes that this thesis is still far from being perfect. She accepts gratefully every comment and suggestion. Hopefully, this thesis will be useful for the readers and English education improvement.

Surakarta, October 2010


commit to user A. Background of the Study ……… B. Problem Limitation ... C. Problem Statement ……….. D. The Objectives of the Study ……… E. The Benefits of the Study ………


1. The nature of Vocabulary ……….. 2. Vocabulary Mastery ……….. 3. Teaching Vocabulary to Young Learners …………. B. Review on Word Webs ………... 1. The Definition of Word Webs ………... 2. Procedures of Making Word Webs ………... 3. Word Webs in Teaching Vocabulary to Young

Learners ………. C. Teaching English to Young Learners ……….. 1. Young Learners and Their Characteristics …………


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2. Teaching English at Elementary School …………... D. Rationale ……….. E. Hypothesis ………...

CHAPTER III RESEARCH METODOLOGY ... A. The Setting and the Subject of the Research …………... B. Research Method .... ……… 1. The Definition of Action Research ………... 2. The Feature of Action Research ……… 3. The Process of Doing Action Research ………. C. Technique of Collecting the Data ……… D. Technique of Data Analysis ………

CHAPTER IV RESEARCH FINDINGS AND DISCUSSION ... A. Introduction ... B. Research Findings ... C. Discussion ...



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List of students’ name... Field notes... The result of pre-test and post-test... T-test computation... Sample of students’ worksheet ...


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A. Background of the Study

Today, many elementary schools in Indonesia choose English as local subject choice. That decision is based on Peraturan Menteri Pendidikan Nasional

(Permendiknas) no. 22 tahun 2006 about “standar isi”. In that rule, the government

allows elementary schools in Indonesia to explore and improve their own competency. The competency deals with art and language skill. Almost all elementary schools in Indonesia choose English as local subject besides their own local language. English is chosen by almost elementary schools because it is useful for the students’ daily life. This language is used to face globalization era in which English is as the international language.


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language will be higher when a child is introduced to a second language at an early age (www.teachingenglish.org.uk/think/methodology/younglearner). After learning vocabulary, the students are expected to be able to pronounce, understand the meaning, spell and use the words properly.

Learning language is successful when learners can use the language in communication, both oral and written. The four skills in communication are listening, speaking, reading and writing. To comprehend the four skills, vocabulary mastery should be reached. Decarrico (in Celce and Murcia, 2001: 285) says that “vocabulary learning is central to language acquisition, weather the language is as first, second, or foreign language.” It means that vocabulary mastery is important for all languages. Communication cannot run smoothly without good vocabulary mastery.


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have internalized the words in their mind, they can also apply the words in the real communication.

Based on the writer’s pre-observation on the third graders of SDN Sidorejo Lor 1 Salatiga in the 2009/2010 academic year, the studdents had problems dealing with vocabulary mastery. First, they couldnot pronounce the words correctly. Second, they found it hard to remember words and words meaning. Third, they found it hard to spell words correctly. The last they could not use words in proper context.

Those problems above arise because of some factors. Firstly, factors from the students theirselves. They did not particpate in the teaching learning process. Some of them just chatted each other and played with their friends. The teacher always reminded them to pay attention to the lesson, and even the teacher should scold them. The second factor coming from the teacher. In English lesson, the teacher just asked the students to do a lot of assignments from the LKS. She just gave the meaning when the students asked about some difficult words. The last factor is the condition of the class. The communication just occured when the students found difficulties in doing the assignments. There was no discussion and teamwork among students and teacher. The lesson was just doing assignment. It made the students could not pronounce, remind word meaning, spell, and use words properly.


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students remember the words. The teacher also uses media, such as picture, to help the students comprehend the aspects in understanding words (pronunciation, spelling, grammar, and usage). The use of the picture is very helpful, but sometimes students feel difficult to organize and associate the words they have learned. Besides pictures, the teacher can use word webs to demonstrate word association. Decarrico in Celce and Murcia (2001: 288) says that the teaching of words through word association techniques has proven to be a successful way to learn a large number of words and retain them over time. This technique can be collaborated in teaching the four skills to help students learn words. This is a good technique before, during, and after activity to improve students’ vocabulary.

According to Decarrico (in Celce and Murcia, 2001: 288), “Word Webs is an activity that helps bring into consciousness relationships among words in a text and helps deepen understanding by creating associative networks for words.”


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Considering the importance of the technique in teaching vocabulary, the writer decides to conduct a research on “Improving Students’ Vocabulary Mastery by Using Word Webs (A Classroom Action Research on the Third Grade of SDN Sidorejo Lor 1 Salatiga in the 2009/2010 Academic Year)”.

B. Problem Statement

Based on the background of the study, the problems can be formulated as follows:

1. Can word webs improve the students’ vocabulary mastery at the third year students of SDN Sidorejo Lor 1 Salatiga in the 2009/2010 academic year? 2. How do word webs improve the students’ vocabulary mastery?

3. What problems arise when word webs is implemented in the classroom activity?

C. The Objectives of the Study

The objectives of the study are used to find out the answers of the problems above. The objectives of the study are as follows:

1. To identify the improvement of the students’ vocabulary mastery at the third year students of SDN Sidorejo Lor 1 Salatiga Academic year 2009/2010.

2. To identify how word webs can improve the students’ vocabulary mastery. 3. To identify problems arising when word webs is implemented in the classroom


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D. The Benefits of the Study

The benefits expected by the writer are as follows:

1. It enables the teacher to get information and apply appropriate technique in teaching vocabulary mastery. It is important for the teacher to use and develop appropriate technique in his teaching learning process in order that the students can be interested in the teaching learning process and retain the lesson in long time.

2. The result of this study is expected to be able to give more information about word webs so that it can be applied in SDN Sidorejo Lor 1 Salatiga and also other elementary schools.

3. It increases students’ interest in learning vocabulary. Memorizing vocabulary is not always monotones by making words list, then, the students translate them. The student can use webs as more interesting technique.

4. For the writer herself, the study can bring a better understanding of bringing the changes and the improvement in students’ vocabulary mastery.


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A. Review on Vocabulary

1. The Nature of Vocabulary

Linse (2005: 121) defines vocabulary as the collection of words that an individual knows. Ur (1996: 60) defines vocabulary as follows:

“Vocabulary can be defined, roughly, as the words we teach in the foreign language. However, a new item of vocabulary may be more than just a single word: for example, post office and mother-in-law, which are made up of two or three words, but express a single idea. A useful convention is to cover all such cases by talking about vocabulary items rather than words.”

Diamond and Gutlohn (2006) in www.readingrockets.org retrieved on December 3rd, 2009, state that vocabulary is the knowledge of words and word meanings. The knowledge of words and word meaning here implies how that word fits into the world, not only implies a definition.


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Nation (2008: 7 -12) divides vocabulary into three of four levels largely on the basis of how often it occurs in the language (its frequency) and how widely it occurs (its range).

a. High frequency words

High frequency words are word needed in formal and informal uses of the language, in speech and in writing, and in novels, conversation, newspapers, and academic texts.

b. Academic words

Academic words do not occur so often in other kinds of language use. These words are used in academic writing and academic text book like economics or geography texts, academic articles such as articles from journals, and laboratory manuals.

c. Technical words

Technical words are words with more special purposes and these area the words that are very common in one particular area, such as the vocabulary of Physics or the vocabulary of Applied Linguistics.

d. Low frequency words

Low frequency words include (1) words that are not quite frequent or wide range enough to be high frequency words (abort, absorb, accelerate,

accent, accusation, acid, acre), (2) technical words from other areas (one


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Each sentence consists of words (vocabulary) having different function. Each of the functions is classified as a different part of speech (Frank, 1972: 1). They are as follows:

Part of Speech Explanation Example

a. Noun

Noun could be the name of person, place, things or idea

magazine, umbrella, coffee, stone, etc.

b. Verb

It is words expressing action

to teach, to play, to cook, etc

c. Adjective

It is the word used to

qualify noun or pronoun Mr. Adam is smart; smart is the adjective d. Adverb

It is a word used for qualifying the meaning of verb, adjective, or another adverb

Mrs. Nurul is teaching in the classroom

e. Conjunction

It is a word used to relate one word to another one, or one sentence to another one

I have to call him sentence to express a sudden feeling of mind or emotion

Hurrah! I am the winner

Based on the explanation above, vocabulary is words related to the worlds to give name for everything in the world. Vocabulary taught in school is not only noun, but also the other parts of speech like verb, adjective, adverb, conjunction, pronoun, and interjection.


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Cameron (2002) in http://scribd.com/doc.18475644/vocabulary-mastery, retrieved on December 6th, 2009, says that “Persons said to ‘know’ a word if they can recognize its meaning when they see it”.

Nation in Nation (2008: 61) give the aspects in knowing a word, they are as follows

In column 3, R = receptive knowledge, P = productive knowledge Form Spoken R


What does the word sound like? How is the word pronounced? Written R


What does the word look like? How is the word written and spelled Word parts R


What parts are recognizable in this word? What word parts are needed to express the meaning?

Meaning Form and meaning


What meaning does this word form signal? What word form can be used to express this meaning?

Concept and Referents


What is included in the concept? What items can the concept refer to? associations R


What other words does this make us think of?

What other words could we use instead of this one?

Use Grammatical Function


In what patterns does the word occur? In what patterns must we use this word? collocations R


What words or types of words occur with this one?

What words or types of words must we use with this one?

Where, when, and how often would we expect to meet this word?

Where, when, and how often can we use this word?

Ur (1996: 60) also give the knowledge needs to be taught in teaching vocabulary:

a. Form: Pronunciation and spelling


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The learners have to know what a word sounds like (its pronunciation) and what it looks like (its spelling).

b. Grammar

When teaching a new verb, for example, we might give also its past form, and we might note if it is transitive or intransitive. Similarly, when teaching a noun, we may wish to present its plural form or draw learners’ attention to the fact that it has no plural at all.

c. Collocation

The collocations typical of particular items are factor that makes a particular combination sound ‘right’ or ‘wrong’ in a given context. In the other words, Collocation is words organization.

d. Aspects of meaning

1) Denotation, connotation, appropriateness

The meaning of a word is primarily what it refers to in the real world is called denotation. A less obvious component of the meaning of an item is its connotation: the associations, or positive or negative feelings. A more subtle aspect of meaning that often needs to be taught is whether a particular item is the appropriate one to use in a certain context or not.

2) Meaning relationships


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a) Synonyms: items that mean the same b) Antonyms: items that mean the opposite

c) Hyponyms: items that serve as specific examples of a general concept

d) Co-hyponyms or co-ordinates: other items that are the ‘same kind of thing’.

e) Superordinates: general concepts that ‘cover’ specific items.

f) Translation: words or expressions in the learners’ mother tongue those are (more or less) equivalent in meaning to the item being taught.

e. Word formation

Vocabulary items, whether one-word or multi-word, can often be broken down into their component ‘bits’. Exactly how these bits are put together is another piece of useful information – perhaps mainly for more advanced learners.

Hornby (1995: 721) defines mastery as complete knowledge or complete skill. It is supported by Swannel (1994: 656) who states that mastery is comprehensive knowledge.


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(for advance learners). The knowledge is used to expresses physical objects or ideas, moreover, it can be used in the appropriate context in communication.

3. Teaching Vocabulary to Young Learners

Decarrico (2001: 285) states “vocabulary learning is central to language acquisition, whether the language is first, second, or foreign.” In every language, vocabulary mastery is important because the lack of vocabulary makes the communication not run smoothly. Because of that reason, vocabulary should be introduced to the learners with the appropriate technique.

According to McKeown and Beck in Linse (2005: 122), it is important to use both formal and informal vocabulary instruction that engages students’ cognitive skills and gives opportunities for the learners to actually use the words. The cognitive skills are needed by students to think and analyze which of two words would be a better choice in a sentence

Linse says that teaching vocabulary should be integrated into teaching the four skills – listening, speaking, reading and writing. For example, the teachers introduce students to specific lexical items that they would encounter as part of their reading lesson (2005: 122).

Nation in Nunan (2003: 135 - 140) mentions the principles for teaching vocabulary as follows:


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Teaching useful vocabulary before less useful vocabulary gives learners the best return for their learning effort. The most useful depends on the goals of the learners (for example vocabulary for elementary school, junior high school, senior high school, or vocational school).

b. Focus on the vocabulary in the most appropriate way

Here are the examples of vocabulary learning strategies: word parts, guessing from context, using word cards, and using dictionaries.

c. Give attention to high frequency words across the four strands of a course Vocabulary should get deliberate attention through teaching and study and should be met and used in communicating messages in listening, speaking, reading and writing.

d. Encourage learners to reflect on and take responsibility for learning

There is an important principle that lies behind choosing and learning and that is that learners need to realize that they must be responsible for their own learning.

Nation in Cameron (2001: 85) gives basic techniques by which teachers can explain the meaning of new words in the young learner classroom:

a. By demonstrating

1) Using an object, a cut-out figure, pictures, photographs 2) Using gesture or performing an action


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b. By explanation

1) Analytical definition

2) Putting the new word in a defining context (e.g. an ambulance takes sick people to hospital)

3) Translating into another language

Ur (1996: 63) also gives ways of presenting new vocabulary to the students as follows:

a. Concise definition (as in a dictionary; often a superordinate with qualifications: for example, a cat is an animal which . . . )

b. Detailed description (of appearance, qualities, . . . ) c. Examples (hyponyms)

d. Illustration (pictures, objects) e. Demonstration (acting, mime)

f. Context (story or sentence in which the item occurs) g. Synonyms

h. Opposites (antonyms) i. Translation

j. Associated ideas, collocations


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induced to go along with teaching that is tempered by ‘fun’ activities.” In line with that opinion, teaching vocabulary for young learner should be presented in fun activities.

Based on the explanation above, teaching vocabulary for young learner should be integrated into teaching the four skills – listening, speaking, reading and writing. The teachers should choose appropriate technique to introduce new words to young learner. Remembering that young learner can not concentrate on one thing in a long time, the technique chosen should be ‘fun’ as the children’s life. Dealing with this research, technique chosen to introduce new words is using diagram but it is presented in ‘fun’ activity, like a game. The diagram is word webs. To explain the meaning, pictures are chosen because they are fun and children like it.

B. Review on Word Webs

1. The Definition of Word Webs


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Decarrico says that word webbing is an activity that helps bring into consciousness relationships among word in a text and helps deepen understanding by creating associative networks for words (2001: 288).

Estes (1999) in Journal of Reading in Content Areas defines word webs as a strategy for graphically representing concepts. Word webbing builds a side-by-aside graphical representation of students’ knowledge and perspectives about the key themes. It is useful when teaching a key word or concept in depth. Students can help brainstorm words that relate to the key word or concepts and, with the teacher's help, categorize the words (http://www.readwritethink.org/lessons/lesson, retrieved on November 22nd, 2009).

The concept of word webs is like mind map. It is a diagram used to represent ideas linked to and arranged around a central key word or idea (www.wikipedia.com, retrieved on November 22nd, 2009). According to Linse (2006) word webs is graphic organizer to help learners visually organizing the information into different clusters.


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activity to organize the relationship between the previous vocabularies having been understood and the new ones.

2. Procedures of Making Word Webs

Anderson (in Nunan, 2003: 80) says that word webs are a very good activity for building students’ vocabulary mastery. Here are the procedures of making word webs:

a. Begin by writing a key concept in the middle of board/paper inside the rectangle/circle

b. Write secondary ideas inside the smaller circles The figure below gives the example of word webs:


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3. Word Webs in Teaching Vocabulary to Young Learner

Teaching vocabulary should be integrated with the four skills: listening, speaking, reading and writing. The important thing is how the teachers present the new words to the students. One activity of teaching vocabulary is brainstorming around a topic before the main activity. Ur (1996: 68 – 69) suggests to use diagram to show words association (word webs). This activity is mainly for revising words the class already knows, but new ones may be introduced, by the teacher or by students. This technique is not only for teaching noun, the teachers can also gives stimulus-words by asking the students think the possible verb, adjective or adverb dealing with the noun.

Teaching vocabulary to young learners is purposed to prepare them to communicate in both written and spoken. Young learner or children love games. In line with that reason, teaching vocabulary to young learner should be presented in fun activity. As what is stated above, word webbing is showing the words relationship to internalize the meaning and presenting in fun activity (like a game). This technique can be applied in teaching vocabulary to young learner.

Johnson and Pearson (in Cox, 1998: 61) suggest using the following strategy:


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b. Write the word in the middle of the chalkboard or large piece of chart-paper.

c. Brainstorm other words that are related to the key word, and classify the new words in categories that you or the students suggest.

d. Label the categories that emerge.

e. Discuss the words and their relationships and meanings.

Word webs is useful when teaching a key word or concept in depth. Students can help brainstorm words that relate to the key word or concepts and, with the teacher's help, categorize the words. The benefit of using word webs in teaching vocabulary are as follows:

a. Increase their knowledge of synonyms for common words b. Expand their written and oral vocabularies

c. Identify clues in context for more specific word choices

(http://www.readwritethink.org/lessons/lesson_view.asp?id=282, retrieved on November 22nd, 2009)

Based on the explanation above, word webs is appropriate technique for teaching vocabulary to young learners. Word webbing is a fun activity which can show the word relation by drawing diagram.

C. Teaching English to Young Learners


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Pribilova (2006: 10) says that young learner can be anybody from the age of three to the age of eighteen. Although they are categorized as young learners, of course, they have different learning development. There are some children learning faster, while the others need more time.

The term young learners can be used to categorize the following learners:

a. Pre-school learners b. Primary school learners

c. Secondary school or teenage learners (www.teaching-young-learners.htm, retrieved on November 22nd, 2009)

Young learners have different characteristics from the adults. The characteristics cover their ways of thinking and their attitude. Holden in Brumfit (1995: 7) writes that children cannot concentrate on one thing for a long period and the lesson should therefore be divided into a series of activities lasting no longer than five or ten minutes because children are bombarded with new experience and information. Here are the other characteristics of children in their language learning:

a. Children respond the language well through concrete things (visual things) rather than abstract things,


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c. Children will be enthusiastic if they are taught using fun activities or being involved in activities,

d. Children love to play, and learn best when they are enjoying themselves, e. Children learn well through something that is close to their culture, f. Children like to work together (

http://peni.staff.uns.ac.id/2008/10/10/young-learner-characteristics/, retrieved on November 22nd, 2009).

2. Teaching English at Elementary School

Teaching second language to all age groups is actually similar. Both adult and children are recognizing new language. The difference lies on how the teachers deliver the materials because the children’s way of thinking and attitude are different from adults.

Brumfit (1997) states the reason of teaching English for elementary students. One of the reasons is because in the early age, elementary student, for example, is the best time to learn second language. The earlier students start, the more time they get.


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English (www.britishcouncil.org/parents-help-how-children learnlanguages.htm, retrieved on December 20th, 2009):

a. Silent period

When babies learn their home language, there is a ‘silent period’, when they look and listen and communicate through facial expression or gestures before they begin to speak. When young children learn English, there may be a similar ‘silent period’ when communication and understanding may take place before they actually speak any English words. During this time, parents/teachers should not force children to take part in spoken dialogue by making them repeat words. Spoken dialogues should be one-sided, the adult’s talk providing useful opportunities for the child to pick up language.

b. Beginning to talk


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more language using it as a short cut to dialogue before they are ready to create their own phrases.

c. Building English

Gradually children build up phrases consisting of a single memorised word to which they add words from their vocabulary (‘a dog’, ‘a brown dog’, ‘a brown and black dog’) or a single memorised language to which they add their own input (‘That’s my chair’, ‘Time to play’). Depending on the frequency of exposure to English and the quality of experience, children gradually begin to create whole sentences.


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process of working out grammar rules of English or they may be a fault in pronunciation. ‘I goed’ soon becomes ‘went’ if the child hears the adult repeat back ‘yes, you went’; or if the adult hears ‘zee bus’ and repeats ‘the bus’. As in learning their home language, if children have an opportunity to hear the adult repeat the same piece of language correctly, they will self-correct in their own time.

English in elementary school in Indonesia hasn’t been a primary subject. It is not urgent, but it is quite important. According to Permendiknas

tahun 2006, English should be taught in elementary school in order that the

students have been ready to study English in the higher level (junior high school and senior high school). Every elementary school should consider English as the secondary subject after their own local language in order that the students can communicate using English and face technology improvement since the early age.

Elementary school students are categorized as young learners. Superfine (2006), a freelance teacher, mentions the characteristic of young learner (children) in learning language as follows:

a. Young learners only just start their schooling so teachers have a clear opportunity to mould the mind of the children and their expectation of life in school.


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c. Young learners need physical movement and activity as much as stimulation for their thinking. They have a short attention span and have very little inhibition. They are usually very spontaneous so an activity in the form of games, songs and drama is recommended. When reviewing the situation we return to the main explanations for better learning at a younger age and the suggestion that the young brain is more adaptable before puberty and the acquisition of languages is less inhibited in the younger learner.

Considering the characteristic of young learners who tend to be keen and enthusiastic and are usually very spontaneous, the use of word webs is recommended. It is because word webs can attract the young learners. When the teacher writes the main idea on the board then asks the learners “what is in your mind when you hear this word?”, the students enthusiastically will answer the teacher’s question. That activity can be used as brain-storming before activity. During activity, the teacher can add the new words to the diagram. After activity, the teacher can use word webs as a game. The teacher can prepare words written on cards, then, ask the students to organize or classify the words.


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themselves, it is wished that they can keep the knowledge for a long time. By using word webs as a game, the learners experience in learning new words. Finally, they are expected to improve their vocabulary mastery.

Clark (1990: 6-8) states the characteristics of the children are as follows:

a. Children are developing conceptually. They develop their way of thinking from the concrete to the abstract thing.

b. Children have no real linguistic. They teach subject what school provides for them

c. Children are still developing their common skill such as turn taking and the use of body language. They learn more slowly.

d. Young children are very egocentric. They tend to resolves around themselves.

e. Children get bored easily, they have no choice to attend school. The class activities must be fun and interesting by setting up the interesting activities.

f. Children are at early of their education, ensuring success and enhancing the children’s motivation are important factors in promoting the success of early start in foreign language learning.


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h. Children forget quickly. Therefore, the teacher in teaching English needs repetition.

The diagram shown in word webs can help students see how the words relate one to the others. The lines of the diagram help students who still develop their way of thinking from concrete to abstract. Word webs as game, can attract the children who are easily bored in learning. Because children have short term memory, they need a unique technique in making note of the new vocabulary. Here, word webs also help students to memorize words. The students can add small picture/template in the diagrams.

Based on the explanation above, teaching English at elementary school is quite important. The teachers should know the children’s need and want in learning foreign language. In order that the language can be received and retained by the students, the teacher should choose the appropriate methods and technique to teach English in elementary school.

D. Rationale


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Indonesian students in elementary school have difficulties in learning English because English is not their mother tongue and the difference system (rule) between Indonesian language and English. The teacher of young learners, as the caregiver, should know the students needs in learning the language. Teaching English for young learner is not easy. They have different characteristic with adults. Young learners, who like playing, will be interested in the learning language, when the activity is presented in fun and warm situation.

One technique of teaching vocabulary is by demonstrating the diagram. Considering that children like playing, the activity should be presented in game. Word webs are one fun activity to show words relationship through diagram. The teacher can use this technique to explain new word to the students. Word webbing is also unique way in making note of words. Usually, the teacher asks students to make a note by making a list of difficult words. By using word webs, students can make a diagram to show the relationship of each word. To explain the meaning of each word, the teacher can use picture by asking the students stick the appropriate words for each words in the word webs. By showing and recognizing the relationship among words and the meaning, the learners are expected to apply the words in wider context, such as in sentence, paragraph even in text. Then, it will be effective to use word webs to improve the students’ vocabulary mastery.


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This chapter covers the setting and subject of the research, the method of the research, and the steps of conducting the research. Each of them is discussed in the following section.

A. The Setting and Subject of the Research

This research deals with improving students’ vocabulary mastery by using word webs. It is conducted in SDN Sidorejo Lor 1 Salatiga. It is located in Diponegoro street No. 134, in the district of Sidorejo Lor, Sidorejo, Salatiga. There are 9 classrooms in the school because first until third grade have been parallel. SDN Sidorejo Lor 1 Salatiga has many facilities which can make the students feel endure there. There is a canteen between teacher’s office and fifth classroom. There are also students’ health centre, rest rooms, mosque, library, and learning centre. All the facilities are kept well. Every room is clean because there is a school guard and gardener who clean the school. The students also help them to clean their own classes.


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This research itself is conducted in class 3A. The teacher who is responsible to this class is Mrs. Meyna, S. Pd. This class consists of 25 students, 12 boys and 13 girls. The class is chosen because third grade of elementary school is the important stage of learning English. Based on the syllabus, third grade of elementary school students should be able to apply the words they learned (in first and second grade) in the sentence. 3A is chosen as the subject of the research because they have high motivation in learning, but they have difficulties in learning English.

Before doing research, the writer has done pre-research/observation in SDN Sidorejo Lor 1 Salatiga in January 2010. The next action includes pre-test, the action itself, and post test which are conducted from March to June 2010. Then, analyzing the result of action research will be conducted from June 2010.

Here is the schedule of the research: month


Jan Feb March April May June

Pre research (observation) Analyzing problems Planning the action Doing action Data analyzing Reflection


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This research will be conducted as classroom action research in order to improve students’ vocabulary mastery by using word webs. The vocabulary in this research is limited in the topics which are taught for the third grade student of SDN Sidorejo Lor 1 Salatiga, those are, “Things in My House” and “Food and Drink”. After the students’ words knowledge improves, they are expected to be able to apply those words in sentence, paragraph, and even real communication.

1. The Definition of Action Research

There some definitions given by some experts. According to Burns (1993: 30), “Action research is the application of fact finding to practical problem solving in social situation with view to improve the quality of action within involving the collaboration and cooperation of researchers, practitioners and laymen”. According to Little (2001: 4) action research is a process to identify and solve classroom instructional concerns within teacher’s own classrooms.

Kemmis (in Hopkin, 1993: 44) defines action research as:


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Bodgan and Biklen in Burns, 1999: 30 propose action research as the systematic collection of information that is designed to bring about social change. Wallace (1998: 18) says that action research is one method to develop the teachers professionally on a continuing basis by reflecting on interesting and/or problematic areas in a structured way to facilitate the ‘reflective cycle’.

Bramble and Mason (1997: 43) say that the results of action research have direct application to real-world problem. Classroom action research is kind of problem solving in the class to improve students achievement.

According to Kemmis and McTaggart (1998) in Burns (1999: 32), action research is a dynamic and complementary process which consists of four fundamental steps in a spiraling process. They are as follows:

1) Planning

Developing a plan of critically informed to improve what is already happening.

2) Action

Act to implement the plan. 3) Observation

Observe the effects of the critically informed action in the context in which it occurs

4) Reflection


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Table 3.2 An illustration of Action Research Spiral

Based on the definition proposed by some experts above, classroom action research is not only a problem solving in teaching learning process, but also a reflection for the teachers of the way of their teaching in their class in order that the quality of their teaching and students’ achievement improve.

In this research, the writer conducts classroom action research as a way of problem solving being faced in teaching vocabulary for third year students of













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SDN Sidorejo Lor 1 Salatiga; moreover, this research is conducted to make social and educational change and improvement of students’ vocabulary mastery.

2. The Feature of Action Research

Here are several features of action research as quoted by Tinker-Sach (2000: 71):

Features Action Research

Duration Usually conducted over short period of time Size the Project Involves one or more teachers from a school or

several schools

Ethical Consideration Usually informal consent is given as the students participation are known to the teachers and the purpose is beneficial to the parties involved

Focus Investigates one or more practical teaching/learning factors

Design Practical and manageable in design to allow for teacher workload and teaching process

Research Tools and Data Collection Procedures

Utilizes one or more research tools to collect and analyze the data

Usually simple and straightforward procedures Results Usually localized to a specific class/ teaching/

learning community or context with practical implications

Sharing of Result May be formal or informal and reported in local international referred journals for the benefits of those who teach

Context Classroom-based or school-based and may involve one or more school contexts usually within the same region

Table 3.3 The Features of Action Research

3. The Process of Doing Action Research


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Burns (1999) proposes action research as a series of interrelated experiences involving the following phases:

a. Exploring

It is a starting point for conducting some initial action. Here, the researchers make the document of general observations of the situation and look for recent article or books to obtain ideas for research.

b. Identifying

This involves a ‘fact finding’ process which enables the researchers to refine their ideas about the general focus area, to prepare for systematic investigation and finally to suggest further action.

c. Planning

It involves developing variable plan of action for gathering data, and considering and selecting a range of appropriate research methods. This phase is aimed at trialing a particular course of action and collecting data on the outcomes of the action.

d. Collecting Data

During this period, the procedures selected for collecting data are developed and put into action.

e. Analyzing/Reflecting


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f. Hypothesizing/Speculating

The hypotheses drawn are based on the data that have been collected to this point, on the analysis and reflections that have arisen form the analysis. The hypotheses may form the basis for further action to test them out.

g. Intervening

This stage involves changing classroom approaches or practices in response to the hypotheses one has made. It may involve some further deliberate experimenting with different teaching methods.

h. Observing

This phase involves observing the outcomes of the intervention and reflecting on its effectiveness. This involves a new set of teaching strategies and activities and recycling back into a period of further data collection.

i. Reporting

This phase involves articulating the activities, data collection and results that have come out of the research process within the research group.

j. Writing

This is very important phase because it aims to ensure that the research has a chance of being disseminated to others, rather than remaining as a private or isolated activity.

k. Presenting


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A. Technique of Collecting the Data

There are two kinds of data: qualitative and quantitative. The qualitative data of the research will be collected by using some techniques of data collection including: observation, interview, research diary, and document analysis. To provide more accurate data, photographs are also taken during the implementation of the research. The data which is collected in this study consists of the information obtained during pre-research, the process, and the results of action research. The application of data collection in this study is summarized in the table 3.4.

Steps of the Study

Objectives Participants Techniques Data

Pre-Research To know the Implementation To know the

students vocabulary mastery

Researcher Observation Photographs

Table 3.4Table of Collecting Data


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a. Interview will be conducted to students and teachers.

b. Observation will be conducted during the implementation of the research. c. Photographs will be taken during the implementation of the research d. Document consists of lesson plan and students’ assessment.

e. Researcher’s diary will be noted during the research.

To take the quantitative data, the writer conduct test as the technique. Heaton (1998: 51-63) gives possible types of vocabulary test. Here are the types of the test:

a. Multiple-choice items (A) 1) Type 1

In this type of recognition item the stem is replaced by a picture. The testees see the picture and have to select the most appropriate word relating to the picture. This type is clearly very appropriate at the elementary stages.

2) Type 2

In this test, the testees have to select the correct option to which the definition. Example:

A person who receives and pay out money in a bank

a. broker b. accountant c. creditor d. cashier

3) Type 3


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a. support b. advise c. contradict d. damage 4) Type 4

The stem here consists of a sentence. Hence, this type of recognition items is generally to be preferred to the previous three types in so far as the ‘problem’ word appears in context. Example:

It is rained continuously for two whole days.

a. without stopping c. regularly

b. heavily d. at odd moments b. Multiple-choice items (B)

These kinds of test items are useful in many respects but may possibly belong more to tests of grammar and structure. Example:

Ann . . . me of a girl I used to know

a. recalls b. reminds c. remembers d. recollects

Although the collocations in such items may be tested equally well without a context, it is usually advisable to test them in sentence. Example:

I don’t believe you: I think you’re . . . lies. a. saying b. talking c. speaking d. telling c. Sets (associated words)

1) Type 1: Recognition Example:


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Son happy arrive Father married depart Boy engaged go away

Brother single leave 2) Type 2: Production

Each group of words is related to a particular subject. Write down the particular subject which is connected with each group of words.

Hand volume Wrist track Dial head Face spool

(= watch) (= tape recorder) d. Matching items


1. ‘I hear the prisoner . . . yesterday and the police are still looking for him’

2. ‘We were all relieved that Mr. Benson . . . . after the operation. (etc)

e. More objective items

1) Type 1: word formation test items


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Example: write a word in each blank. The word you write must be the correct form of the word on the left.

i. Care be _______ when you cross the road ii. Cruel to mistreat animals is a form of _________ iii. Interest do you think this book is __________? 2) Type 2: items involving synonyms

Example: write in each space the best word to replace the words underlined in each sentence.

Tom went at once to the dctor’s immediately I came across an interesting book __________ 3) Type 3: rearrangement items

Example: rearrange the following letter to make words. p – l – a – p (apple)

c – e – l – p – a (place), etc f. Completion items

Example: complete each blank with the most appropriate word to replace each number in the text.

Rosnah : what’s the (1) ________ today? Mohamed : it’s the seventh


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Based on the explanation above, the types of test to test the students’ vocabulary mastery are: (1) rearranging items to test spelling; (2) multiple choice items A type 2 (definition) to test the knowledge of words meaning; (3) multiple choice items B to test the knowledge of word use; and to test pronunciation, the researcher asks the students the pronounce some words. In collecting data, there are two considerations. They are:

a. Validity

Wallace (1998: 36) says that validity means testing what are supposed to test, and not something else. Validity is the degree to which a test measures what it claims to be measuring. To measure the validity of the test, the researcher uses the internal validity. The formula is as follows:


= The coefficient of correlation between X and Y = The average of each student

Xt= The total number of the right answers of each student minus Xi

= The total number of the right answers divided by n

= The total number of the wrong answers divided by n


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b. Reliability

Reliability deals with the issue of fairness to all candidates. The researcher should consider if the research procedures used by Researcher A are exactly followed by Researcher B, the results will be the same each time?(Wallace, 1998: 36). Reliability is important for any test. A test will be reliable if it is held many times approximately the same result will be obtained. To measure the reliability, the formula which is used is as follows:

11 ∑2

Where :

= The reliability of the instrument = The number of valid item

B. The Technique of Data Analysis

There are qualitative and quantitative ways in analyzing data: 1. Qualitative


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a. Data Reduction

1) Unit identification. First, the smallest unit that is found in the data is identified. It must have close relationship with the research problems.

2) Having got the unit, the next step is making codification. It means that we have to code every unit in order to know where the data come from.

b. Data Classification

1) Categorization arrangement. It is aimed at choosing every unit that has the same characteristics.

2) Every category must be labeled. c. Data Synthesis

1) To synthesis means to look for the relationship between one category to the others.

2) Then related one category to the others must be given a label again. 2. Quantitative

To analyze the test (quantitative data), the writer compares the mean score of the pre test and post test.The mean of the pre test and post test can be calculated with the formulas as follows:



N Y Y =

In which:


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N = Number of pairs (Furchan (2004:158)


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This chapter discusses the result of research. Here, the researcher describes some findings and discussions about the implementation of the use of word webs to improve student’s vocabulary mastery. There are some objectives of the research. They are as follows:

1. To identify the improvement of students’ vocabulary mastery in the third grade students of SDN Sidorejo Lor 1 Salatiga after implementing word webs in teaching vocabulary.

2. To find the phenomenon that takes place when the teacher teaches vocabulary through word webs.

3. To evaluate the strengths and weaknesses of implementing word webs in teaching vocabulary.


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The researcher noted the results of pre-research in her field note. Pre-research was held before conducting the Pre-research in order to identify the problems occurring during the teaching learning process. In the pre-research, the researcher interviewed the teacher and students, and also observing the teaching learning process. The researcher also conducted pre-test to prove those problems faced by the third students of SDN Sidorejo Lor 1 Salatiga.

Based on the interview and observation in pre-research, English was taught in SDN Sidorejo Lor 1 Salatiga from the first grade. In the first and second grade, the students were just taught about the equivalent meaning of each English word in Indonesian. In the classes, the teacher used picture to help the students. Then, the researcher focused on the third grade students because they started to learn using words in simple sentences, or even simple text. Based on the mark that researcher got from the teacher, the third grade students’ vocabulary mastery was still low because the students felt that English was not their language. It is based on a student’s statement. She said, “Miss, kalau ngasih nilai jangan pelit- pelit donk. Kita khan

orang Indonesia, bukan orang Inggris.” They felt that English was so difficult. Based


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teacher never gave brainstorming, even, when they learned new text, the teacher just gave the meaning of difficult word to the students. The students were just given by a lot of tasks from the book. Consequently, the students got tired and bored in doing the assignment. The students could not remember the meaning of words well and use words in appropriate context. Moreover, they could not pronounce and spell words. The teacher rarely drilled them to pronounce and spell words.

Considering those causes, the researcher proposed to use new technique by using word webs in main activity, as warming up, and also post activity in presenting and practicing some vocabularies through classroom action research in order to improve students’ vocabulary mastery. The researcher wants to improve students’ vocabulary mastery which involves pronouncing the words correctly, recognizing the words meaning, using the word based on the context, and spelling the letters of the words.

B. Research Findings


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the action, observing and monitoring the action, reflecting the observation, and revising the plan. They could be explained in the following parts.

1. Cycle 1

a. Planning the Action

The action plan for first cycle was made based on the problems found in the pre-research which was proved by pre-test. The problems were identified as follows: (a) the students got difficulties in pronouncing words correctly; (b) the students got difficulties in remembering and grasping the word meaning; (c) the students got difficulties to use the words in sentences; and (d) the students got difficulties in writing words (spelling words) correctly. Those difficulties were also proved in the students’ pre-test. To overcome those problems, the researcher decided to hold an action research by carrying new technique in teaching vocabulary to the students in order to improve the students’ vocabulary mastery. Word webs is used as warming up, whilst activity, and post activity. It is expected that word webs could attract the students’ participation in learning English. After they participate in the learning activity, it is expected that English is not as difficult as they thought before, their motivation in learning English increases, and finally their vocabulary mastery improves.


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end of the cycle as a post-test; therefore, the writer knew the differences of the results between those tests. The researcher also prepared the materials, students’ worksheet, a lesson plan as teacher’s guidance in teaching vocabulary and everything needed in the action. The researcher as the teacher in this research was helped by a collaborator. They collaborated to observe the whole phenomena during the teaching and learning process in the classroom.

b. Implementing the Action

1. First Meeting

The first meeting was conducted on Tuesday, April 27th 2010 at 09.00 a.m. to 10.30 a.m. The topic to be discussed in second meeting was “Things in My House”, and the teacher focused on “Things in My Bedroom”.

Firstly, the teacher greeted students, then, checked the students’ attendance. The teacher introduced new topic to the student. She wrote the topic would be discussed on the board. She wrote ”MY HOUSE” and read it. The teacher asked to the students, ”What will we learn?”. All of the students said loudly, ”My house.” The teacher continued, ”Students, coba kalian

sebutkan part of your house, ruangan apa saja yang ada di rumah kalian.”

Enthusiastically the students answered, ”Living room”, ”Bedroom”,

Kitchen”. Then, she made word webs from the students’ answer. ”Well, there

are living room, Bedroom, Kitchen, bathroom, dining room.” The teacher

asked the students to focus on the word “Bedroom”, then asked, “Siapa yang


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Aku, Miss, aku Miss.” A student, Adam, said, “Aku punya, Miss, tapi aku

boboknya sama kakaku.” the teacher asked Adam, ”Well, barang – barang

apa aja yang ada di kamarmu?”, but almost all students answered the

teacher’s question, ”tempat tidur, Miss”, ”lemari baju, Miss”, ”Selimut, Miss”. The class became very noisy. The teacher asked the students to calm down. Ri wrote the students’ answer. Then, she asked some volunteers to complete the word webs on the board.

The teacher gave the students a simple text. There were some pictures in the text. “Students, repeat after I read the sentence!” The teacher led the students to read the text. When there was a picture, the teacher helped the students to name the picture and spell the words. The teacher gave worksheet to the students. Based on the text, the teacher led the students to understand the meaning and word use. The teacher used word webs to lead the students to understand the meaning and word use. “Well, di kertas kalian ada diagram dan ada kotak. Kotak pertama ada tulisan “there are many clothes on my

bed”, so, jadi di branch pertama, yang ada tulisan “putting my clothes in . . .

.” titik – titiknya itu kalian tempel gambar apa yang sesuai.” The students


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The teacher used word webs in a game as the post activity. The students were divided into four groups. The game was “Whispering Game”. The teacher whispered words dealing with the topic to the students in the back line, then, they whispered the word to the students in front of them. The students in the front line looked for the appropriate picture according to what they had heard, then stack the pictures on the place which had been served by RI. In that game, the students were very enthusiastic. Every group tried to be the winner. Unfortunately, group 3 was disqualified because they were cheating. The winner was group 2. The members of the group were Silvi, Tata, Nisa, Yaya, Angel, and Ivon. RI gave reward to the winner.

Every student sat on their own chair. Group 2 was still happy with their victory. The class was so noisy. The teacher made them calm. The teacher checked the students’ understanding of the lesson and gave them homework. Finally, RI closed the lesson.

2. Second Meeting

The second meeting was conducted on Saturday, May 1st 2010 at 09.00 am to 10.15 a.m. The topic was still “Things in My House” and the teacher focused on “Eating Utensils”.

After the bell had rung, the researcher (RI) and observer (SW) went to class 3A. The teacher and observer looked the students entered to the class and they had sat on their own chair. The teacher greeted them, “Good


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After checking the students’ attendance and condition, the teacher also asked whether the students had been ready to join the lesson or not.

The teacher wrote the topic which was discussed on the board, then, she continued, “What rooms are in your house? Coba ada ruangan apa saja

di rumah kalian?” the students answered, “Ruang tamu, Miss.” “Ruang

makan, Miss,” “Dapur, Miss”, “Kamar tidur, Miss”. The teacher made the

word webs for the topic being discussed. “Well, there are living room, dinning

room, bedroom, and also kitchen” (she made the branches of the main topic).

Then, she asked the students to focus on the word “bedroom”. “Students,

where does your mother cook? Dimana ibu kalian memasak?” They

answered, “Kitchen”. The teacher raised her thumb, “very good”. She continued, “What things are in the kitchen which you usually use to eat? Barang – barang apa yang ada di dapur yang biasa kalian gunakan untuk

makan?” almost all students raised their hands. The teacher asked some

students to write their answer on the board to complete the word webs. The teacher asked the students to make the word webs on the black board. Every student did what RI said. The teacher gave some of pictures to the students. The pictures were about things in the kitchen. They should stick the pictures according to the appropriate rooms (in the kitchen) and gave the name. To help the students find the meaning, the teacher gave a simple text.


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job, the teacher drilled them to pronounce each word. After that, the teacher drilled the students to spell the words. “Students, how do you spell “spoon”?” The students spelled the word “spoon” orally. The teacher continued the other words. After spelling, the teacher also helped the students use some words in context, for example: I need two forks, put the noodle in the bowl, etc.

Unfortunately, the bell was ringing. On that day, the teachers of SDN Sidorejo Lor 1 Salatiga would have a meeting, so the students came home earlier. RI shared the worksheets to the students and asked them to do the task as homework. The teacher reviewed the lesson fast, then, closed the lesson, reminded them to do the homework. At last, they were praying together, and the teacher said “good bye and take care” to the students.

3. Third Meeting

The third meeting was conducted on Saturday, May 8th 2010 at 09.00 a. m. until 10.15 a.m. The topic in this meeting was “Things in My House”, and the teacher focused on “Things in My Kitchen”.


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Miss.” The teacher smiled and said, “Very good, you still remember. Last

meeting we had learned about eating utensils and also things in our bedroom

The teacher wrote the word “House” on the board. She added with the word “Bedroom” as the part of main topic. Then, she asked, “What are the other

rooms? Ruangan yang lain di rumah apa lagi?” The students answered,

Bathroom, Miss, dinning room, living room, kitchen.” The class became very

noisy because every student wanted to answer. After making the class calm, the teacher reminded the student, that they should raise their hand before answering the questions. Then, teacher would choose who should answer the questions. RI continued the lesson. She wrote every part of house. She asked the students to focus to the word “Kitchen”. “Well, students. Look at the word

“Kitchen”! Untuk apa ruangan ini?” The students answered, “Memasak,

Miss.” The teacher said, “very good. It’s place for cooking.” The teacher continued, “You also find eating utensils there.” The teacher made line for the word “eating utensils” for the word “kitchen”. The teacher reminded the students about things in the kitchen which are used to eat. She asked the students to mention the things which they used to eat as last meeting. Some volunteers came in front of the class to write their answer in the word webs on the board. Then, the teacher said, “You can also find cooking utensils there. Selain alat makan, kalian juga bisa menemukan alat memasak di sana. Apa


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students to calm down. Then, choose some volunteers to mention cooking utensils.

After finishing the word webs, the teacher gave the students a text. There were some pictures in the text. “Students, repeat after I read the

sentence!” The teacher led the students to read the text. When there was a

picture, RI helped the students to name the picture and spell the words. The teacher discussed the questions related to the text with the students. Those were about spelling, meaning, word use, and meaning. The teacher asked the students, “Kira – kira, setelah kalian baca text, ada benda yang belum

disebutkan di word webs nggak?” The students answered, “Ada, Miss. Cutting

board, cup, sink, refrigerator.” The teacher pointed some students to write the


Table 3.2   An illustration of Action Research Spiral
Table 3.3 The Features of Action Research
Table 3.4Table of Collecting Data
gambarnya. Capek, Miss. Haus, Miss tapi happy”. The other studens said,


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