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Academic year: 2017



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A Skripsi

Submitted to the Faculty of Language Education In a Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements For the Degree

Sarjana Pendidikan

Apriliani Kusmawati 20120540063

English Education Departement Faculty of Language Education Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta


A Skripsi

Submitted to the Faculty of Language Education In a Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements For the Degree

Sarjana Pendidikan

Apriliani Kusmawati 20120540063

English Education Departement Faculty of Language Education Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta



blessing, health, strength and love in completing my skripsi writing.

I wish to express my sincere thanks to my beloved parents, Bapak Sus Amanto, Ibu Sri Marwati, who always support and love me in my study and my life. I dedicate this skripsi to you, Pak, Buk. I love you so much. I am greatly thankful to my beloved sister and brother, Yeni Herawati and Agung Budi Kusmanto who always support me.

Special gratitude belongs to my beloved supervisor, Mm. Maryam Sorohiti, S.S., M.H.Sc., for supporting, guiding and helping me in finishing this skripsi writing. I also thank to my examiners, Sri Sudarsi, SS. MInT, and Arifah Mardiningrum, S.Pd., MA for all suggestions and valuable comments to improve my skripsi writing. I also place my thanks to all the lecturers of English Education Department of Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta, for teaching me during studying in this department.

I am grateful to the participants of this study, my friends in EED of 2012. Thank you for providing me the time and valuable information. I am also grateful to my beloved friends, “Kongkowers”, Evita, Ghaisani, Riza, Harahap, Ana,

Risna and Nova who support, color and help me as always, and all of my beloved friends at EED batch 2012 especially B class who cannot be mentioned one by one. Thanks for this friendship and togetherness.



Table of Contents

Cover ... i

Approval Sheet ... ii

Statement of authenticity ... iii

Acknowledgement... iv

Table of Contents ... v

Abstract ... vii

Chapter One : Introduction ... 1

Background of the Study ... 1

Statement and Limitation of the Problem ... 4

Research Question ... 5

Objective of the Study ... 5

Significance of the Study ... 6

Outline of the Study ... 6

Chapter Two : Literature Review ... 8

Presentation ... 8

Types of Presentation ... 8

Problems Faced by Students in Classroom Presentation ... 10

Students’ Opinion about the Implementation of presentation ... 11

Strategies to Prepare Presentation ... 12

Previous Related Studies ... 16

Conceptual Framework ... 18

Chapter Three : Methodology ... 21

Research Design ... 21

Setting and Participant ... 21

Data Collection Method ... 22

Data Analysis ... 23

Chapter Four : Findings and Discussion ... 25

Students’ Opinion about the implementation of presentation at EED UMY .... 25

Students’ strategies to prepare of presentation at EED UMY ... 35



Conclusion ... 44

Suggestion ... 45

References ... 47


vii Abstract

A presentation is an effective way for students to practice their ability, especially in communication and speaking skills. The lecturers at English Education Department of Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta (EED of UMY) use presentations as students’ assignment at EED of UMY. This study

aimed to know (1) students’ opinion toward the implementation of presentation at EED of UMY, (2) the strategies used by the EED students of UMY to prepare classroom presentation.

The researcher used qualitative research design. To answer the research questions, the researcher conducted interview to three participants of students at EED of UMY batch 2012 who had experience doing presentation in the class. The result of this study showed that students agreed with the implementation of

presentation at EED UMY. It was revealed that presentation were implemented as assignment; students first felt uneasy but enjoyed the presentation later on;

presentations improved the student’s skills in making slides and in presentation delivery. In addition, the students perceived that the implementation of

presentation at EED of UMY was effective, and presentation improved students’

speaking skills, confidence, and knowledge.



and mimic, knowing about who the audiences are and how to delivering a presentation, making note, preparing appearance.


Chapter One Introduction

This chapter discusses the background of the study, the statement and limitation of the problem, the research questions, the objective of the study, the significance of the study, and also the outline of the study.

Background of the Study

When we learn English, there are four skills to master. They are listening, speaking, reading and writing skills. Speaking plays an important role in parts of language skills as speaking is related to a process of communication and delivery of ideas and opinions. According to Bygote (as cited in Urrtia and Vegacely. 2010) speaking is “a skill which deserves attention as much as the literary skills in

both native and foreign language” (p.3). The aim of learning a second language is

to be able to communicate. According to Nunan (1991) mastering the art of speaking is the single most important factor of learning a second or foreign language, and the success of measuring speaking ability can be seen through conversation. When students share about their opinions and ideas,

students must think about what they will say and think about the accuracy of the language aspects such as vocabulary, grammar and pronunciation correctly.

In learning English, a speaking skill is learned in various ways such as role play, discussion, storytelling, and presentation. As one of the ways in learning speaking, presentation can be used to improve students’ speaking skill, since it


“presentation is an effective communicative activity that has been widely adopted

by English Foreign Language conversation teachers to promote oral proficiency”

(p.402). The process of students presenting in front of the classroom provides them an activity to practice their speaking skills. In the future, they can express their opinions and ideas in front of audiences more confidently. According to Meloni & Thompson (as cited in King, 2002) “presentation, if properly guided

and organized, provide a learning experience and teach lifelong skills that will be beneficial to learners in all school subjects and in their careers later” (p.402).

However, when presentations are assigned in class, sometimes the teacher will get a complete silence from students who find the idea of presentation

frustrating. Students have some problems to speak in front of public, such as less-confidence or anxiety to speak English. There are many students who have

brilliant ideas and good opinions but cannot explain them in front of class because of the lack of exercise in speaking or having less confidence. Based on the

personal observation in the classroom activities, especially in classroom presentations, students often have difficulty in speaking English. Actually students have opinions and ideas, but they just do not know how to express their ideas correctly. Students must think how the audience can understand the meaning of what students speak. Students are afraid if they use grammar and pronunciation incorrectly. Sometimes students feel nervous because they lack of vocabulary, so they prefer to choose to be silent and keep their ideas and opinions for themselves. In addition, students’ fear makes students passive during the teaching and learning


Generally, students do not have a chance to speak English if they do not practice speaking English in the classroom. Students may never learn to speak English. Therefore, the presentation is an effective way to overcome the students’ problem

in developing their speaking ability.

A presentation is an effective way for students to practice their speaking skills. It is showed by the phenomenon in the classroom that many teachers use presentations to improve students’ speaking ability. Many schools and institutions

use presentation as a way to measure the students’ speaking ability (Gallo, 2010).

One of the institutions applying presentations to measure students’ speaking ability is English Education Department of Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta. The lecturers at English Education Department of Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta require the students to do a classroom presentation starting from the first semester until the seventh semester.


When students are required to make a presentation, they have to learn how to speak and explain a topic or material in front of the classroom clearly and effectively. To conduct a good presentation, students must prepare the

presentation well so that they are not nervous and afraid during presentation in front of audience. Murugesan (2005) stated that to avoid anxiety during

presentation the students can do practice and preparation before the presentation. Besides preparing the presentation, students must have certain strategies. The strategies are used by students can make their presentation better because they are more confident and can explain the materials of presentation well.

Based on the background, the researcher was interested in carrying out the study on the students’ perception towards the implementation of presentation. In addition, the researcher was also interested in finding out the strategies of English Education Department students of Universitas Muhammdiyah Yogyakarta to prepare classroom presentation.

Statement and Limitation of the Problem


This study was limited to certain scope in which it was conducted at English Education Department batch 2012 of Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta. In this study, the researcher investigated the students’ opinions

toward the implementation of presentation and the strategies that can help or support the students to make a good presentation used by the English Education Department students to prepare classroom presentation.

Research Question

There are some research questions that the researcher attempted to raise up in this research. Here are the research questions:

1. What are the students’ opinions toward the implementation of presentation at English Education Department of University Muhammadiyah


2. What are the strategies used by the English Education Department students of University Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta to prepare classroom

presentation? Objective of the Study

The objectives of this research are:

1. To know about the students’ opinions toward the implementation of presentation at English Education Department of University Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta.


Significance of the Study

The results of the study are hoped to give benefits for teachers, students, and the researcher:

For teachers. This study will give teachers some information about the students’ opinion towards the implementation of presentation and strategies used

by the students in preparing presentation. Teachers can know what problems are faced by students in doing classroom presentation and provide the best way how to avoid the problems and how to prepare presentation well.

For students. This study will give students ideas in improving their presentation skills. It can help students to know how to make them perform well in the classroom, by preparing activities where they will speak effectively.

For the next researchers. The research can be a reference for further researchers as it provides a literature about students’ strategies to prepare

presentation. The results of the study might give the researchers ideas to carry out similar research more widely.

Outline of the Study

The researcher made outline of this study report in order to make the readers easier to understand. The following showed the content covered in this research.

Chapter I is introduction. This chapter explained about general


presentation, types of presentation, problems faced by students in classroom presentation, students’ opinions about the implementation of presentation,


Chapter Two Literature Review

This chapter presents a review of related literature. It covered presentation, types of presentation, problems faced by the students in classroom presentation, students’ opinions about the implementation of presentation, and strategies to

prepare presentation. Previous related studies and conceptual framework are also presented in this chapter.


Presentation is one of ways to develop communication skills. Presenters must present their knowledge of a particular topic. According to Levin and Topping (as cited in Radzuan and Kaur, 2011) “presentation is planned and practiced speech that is not memorized or read from notes but is introduced by a presenter to an audience” (p.1437). Presentation as a formal conversation is

speaking to the group as a natural activity (Baker, 2010).

According to Zitouni (2013) presentation is an extension of oral

communication skill in which the presenter shows their knowledge on a particular subject. Then, Hamm and Dunbar (2005) also stated that presentation is a chance for students to explore or explain their knowledge of a topic to the others. It means that presentation is an activity to explain and share a topic or knowledge in front of audience.

The Types of Presentation

According to Chiver (2007) the types of student’s presentation in


Advocacy/Persuasion. It means that presentation can persuade the audience to make a decision and to do something. This type of presentation is a combination of factual content presented in a believable and positive style. Presenter must communicate clearly and briefly.

Teaching and Learning. All of presentations must have purpose to teach and learn. Typically, presentation is focused on a topic that will be learned. This can involve new knowledge that extends to how the topic has been previously been taught by the presenter.

Informing. The meaning of informing can be seen as same to teaching but the purpose of this type of presentation can be to communicate the information as much as possible in the time available. According to Chiver (2007) “This type of

presentation is used in many organizations where students or employees are expected to report progress at key stages of a project” (p.5).

Assessment. This type of presentation aims to assess or measure of student’s skill, like speaking skill. Chiver (2007) stated that:

Some presentations may not be assessed but used as an opportunity for students to practice and further develop their presentation skills, without the anxiety of earning marks for the quality of their

performance. There is a tension here for students, as most


events, seeing them as less important for their learning and achievement. This focus on marks earned, rather than experience gained, may influence some tutors to only use assessed presentations. (p.5)

Problems Faced by Students in Classroom Presentation

In the class, students usually do not show anxiety when expressing their ideas with their friend on face to face. They express their ideas each other comfortably. However, when their ideas are presented in front of the audience, they might face problems and difficulties. The difficulties that students usually face in presentation are feeling nervous, anxiety and afraid (Chuang, 2009; Abu El Enein, 2011; Alwi & Sidhu, 2013). King (2002) argued that speech anxiety and limited presentation skills are the major problems that lead to learners'

presentation failures.

Besides, according to Juhana (2012) linguistic factors such as lack of vocabulary, lack of understanding of grammatical patterns and incorrect pronunciation are obstacles for students to present in the English class. On the other hand, Tanveer’s (2007) study revealed that sociocultural factors such as

“limited exposure to the target language and lack of opportunities to practice

speaking in such environments” are setbacks to the development of students’


Students’ Opinion about the Implementation of Presentation

For English learners, speaking English is common activity, but presenting a topic in front of audience can be a challenging activity for some students. Presenting in front of audience can make some students feel nervous or anxious. They must have skills to present well. Therefore, if being asked about

implementation of presentation, students might have different perception or opinion.

There are some researches about students’ opinions of the implementation

of presentation. According to Zivkovic (2014) students find doing presentation useful for them. They agree that presentations help them learn English better and practice their speaking skills. Beside that presentation can be speaking practice as well as a writing practice as proposed by Brooks and Wilson (2014) that students also have chance to practice their writing skills when they are asked to give presentation that include with visual component. Students must write the appropriate information on their slides when they prepare for presentation. Zivkovic (2014) also stated that presentations had become a useful and effective way to improve students’ awareness of communication skills. Presentation is

designed to help students to increase their communicate skills. Thus, students’

presentations become an important part in delivering positive learning experiences.

Other researcher also revealed students’ perception on the implementation


cooperative learning techniques generally employ formally structured groups of students assigned to complex tasks. According to Zivkovic (2014) the

implementation of presentations is a common part of many courses at colleges as they are one of the ways to develop learning of course material. It is also

supported by Girand and Trapp (2011) that students can gain knowledge not only from their topic and the other students who perform but also from observing the other presenter’ strength and weaknesses to develop better communication and

presentation skills. Zitouni (2013) mentioned that in presentation, it is necessary for students to know how to prepare and organize their presentation. In addition, they need to know how to deliver it because this will make its content more and more effective. King (2002) argued that presentation provides “a rewarding and stimulating experience both for teacher in developing facilitating skills and for students in training themselves to have a confident presentation in public” (p.402).

Zivkovic (2014) stated that students enjoy with activity that can help their understanding of the importance of presentations.

Strategies to Prepare Presentation

The success of a good presentation does not only depend on knowledge, experience or talent but also on strategy to prepare presentation. Practice before presentation is an important preparation for students. Preparation can help students avoid students’ anxiety during presentation. It is in line with the theory


how well you plan your speech” (p.18). Practice can help students improve

students’ confident skill. The following strategies can improve the effectiveness

of the time that one must invest in practice (Hafis, 2015, p.147):

Location. Practice in a situation that closely reflects the good presentation helps to understand the environment. It is better if a presenter can go to the place where the presentation will be held for their last practice.

Voice Control. The presenters must control their voice and tone for better delivery. So a presenter must practice the speech to clarify the different thoughts in speech.

Record and Listen. When practicing, presenters will be better to record their presentation exercise and listen to the tone, pitch, speed of sound and pronunciation of words. It will help the presenters practice to control their voice and breathe naturally and reduce anxiety.

Note Clear and Add Redirection. Note must be large, thick in the script so that it is easy to follow. The presenter has to look at the script several times to engage the audience and did not want to lose text when looking back. In addition to these one can add a direction such as "slow down" "see the audience" "pause" that may remind them of things they need to do during the presentation.


Overcome Stage Fright. Practice and prepare are the best ways to get rid of stage fright. Good command in the topic of the presentation is a way

to reduce fear. Practice in the same place can reduce anxiety. Watch or listen to the speech of others and create a mental image of presenters in front of an audience in exercise session can increase self-confidence. Breathe exercises can relax the nervous.

Etiquette. This means a presenter must prepare a set of rules or customs which control accepted behavior in particular social group or social situations, such as hand gesture while talking, facial expressions, and a perfect appearance and not too overwhelming.

Besides, there are some strategies that can be used by students to prepare their classroom presentation. Based on Patel (2010) technique of preparation is called the “Five Ws (and one H)” (p.6). The following is the techniques of


1. “Who”. It means that presenter must know about who the audiences.

Presentation is not only about the presenter, but presentation is also about the audiences’ needs and desires. A presenter must understand audiences, so the

audiences can respond and pay attention to the presentation.

2. “When”. A presenter must know the occasion of the presentation. The


length of the presentation and how many items a presenter can cover during the presentation.

3. “Where”. A presenter must understand where the presenter will

conduct the presentation. If the presenter will conduct in small room the presenter should not need a microphone or other tools. On the contrary if it is held in a large room, the presenter must need a microphone or other tools. A presenter must also consider any demonstration props that they have. Test out the demonstration in the location and in connection with the audio/visual equipment they will be using during the presentation. A presenter must practice all items in a demonstration, especially when there are multiple presenters with different components.

4. “What”. Here the presenter must prepare and understand what the

presenter want to say. The presenter must define topics that will be presented. They must be familiar about the topics. So they will feel confident to present in front of the audiences.

5. “Why”. It means that a presenter must understand the purpose to do

presentation. They must have a purpose in their presentation, like to tell new knowledge to audiences, to persuasive to do something or just to entertain.

6. “How”. A presenter must focus on how they will present the

information. The presenter must consider whether he/she will present in an informal chat, a seminar or a training workshop.


1. Visual Aid. It means that a presenter need to make the visual aids clear and easy to understand. So the audience can interest and easy to follow the presentation.

2. Knowing about the audience. As a presenter, the first thing to do when preparing a spoken presentation is to identify the audience as precisely as possible. Different audiences require and are prepared for different amount and depth of information. The success of a presentation depends on knowing those in advance.

3. Time allocation. A presenter must gain the mastery of organizing and selecting their arguments or pieces of information so as to respect the time allocated.

4. Summarize the material. Students can summarize the main points and give a strong concluding remark that reinforces why the information or

presentation is of value.

5. Appearance. A presenter needs to look presentable. It means to dress well for the presentation. Usually a formal outfit is preferred to show the level of professionalism. Appearance says a lot about someone’s personality and


Previous Related Studies


pathophysiology. This study was conducted at Nelson R. Mandela School of Medicine (NRMSM; Durban, South Africa). During the period of 1997–2001, second-year medical students. Students were asked to complete semi structured questionnaires, which elicited feedback on various aspects of the learning exercise, including whether it must be continued and how it could be improved upon, especially if they were in groups that did not function well. The feedback obtained revealed that most students perceived the presentations to be fun, informative, creative/innovative, and most importantly, beneficial to their learning. The majority of students felt that this exercise improved their

understanding of pathophysiology, taught them to research independently, and encouraged better class interactions and group learning. The inclusion of such initiatives is beneficial not only to students’ understanding and their experience in

studying physiology but also for the development of skills useful in their future careers.

The second previous study was conducted by Slanada Zivkovic in 2014. It has examined how students comprehend the importance of oral presentations in the engineering course. The investigation was performed at the Faculty of Civil Engineering and Architecture in Niš based on the sample of 85 students.

The collecting of data was done in the spring semester, March, 2014. Data analysis was carried out through qualitative analysis technique. The result presents that the importance of classroom oral presentations for university


students whether they are expected to give presentations at conferences other meetings. Oral presentations have become a useful and effective way to increase students’ awareness of communication skills. Students’ presentations become an

important element in delivering positive learning experiences. They are an integral part of almost every professional environment, as professionals need to

communicate with other professionals at meetings, seminars, and conferences. Conceptual Framework

This section discusses the related concepts summarized from chapter two. The objective of this study is mostly to find out students’ opinion about the implementation of presentation and the students’ strategies to prepare their


Figure: Conceptual Framework

Students’ opinion about the implementation of presentation:

- Presentation can help students improve their communicative abilities, such as pronunciation, intonation, vocabulary, ability to express andunderstand ideas, and a decrease of mental translation (Alfonso, 2010) - Zivkovic (2014)that students

have usefulness the

implementation of presentations. They agree that presentations helps them learn English better and improve their speaking, writing, communication and knowledge skills. Students enjoy with activity that can help their understanding of the importance

The strategies to prepare presentation (Hafis, 2015; Patel, N. K.2010)

- Location - Voice control - Record & Listen


Chapter Three Methodology

This chapter is about the methodology of this research. It consists of some parts, namely research design, setting and participants, data collection method also data analysis.

Research Design

To answer the research questions of this study, the researcher used qualitative research design. The researcher used qualitative research because the researcher was directly analyze students’ statements in more detailed way.

According to Creswell (2012), qualitative research is suitable for the researchers that do not know the variables of research problems and need to explore more detailed. It means that through qualitative research the researcher can explore a problem and develop a detailed understanding of a central phenomenon. In this case, the researcher investigated the students’ opinion on the implementation of presentation and the strategies used by the EED of UMY students to prepare classroom presentation.

Setting and Participant

Setting. This research was conducted at English Education Department of Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta. There were two reasons why the

researcher chose the English Education Department as the research setting of this research. The first reason was that English Education Department applied


with the setting. Therefore, the English Education Department was suitable for the setting of this study. These factors supported the researcher in collecting the data more effectively.

Based on the reasons above, the researcher decided the English Education Department as the setting of this research. The research was carried out in March 2016.

Participant. The researcher took three female participants. In qualitative research there is no sample size of the participants. Creswell (2012) explained that one of the characteristics in qualitative research is small sample size and there is no definite sample size. The participants were from batch 2012. It was assumed that the participants have enough knowledge, experience and opinion related to presentation. Therefore, the researcher explored their perception related to the strategies to prepare a presentation. In this qualitative research, the sampling technique that was used by the researcher was convenience sampling. It was because the researcher only chose three participants from students English Education Department batch 2012 who was accessible and available at that time. According to Creswell (2012), convenience sampling is a sampling that the

researcher selects participants because they are willing and available to be studied. Data Collection Method

The data was collected through interview as the research instrument. The researcher prepared the questions before doing the interview. A voice recorder was prepared to record the conversation during the interview process. The


questions and records the answers from just one respondent at a time. According to Creswell (2012), “one on one interviews are ideal for interviewing participants

who are not hesitant to speak, who are articulate and who can share ideas

comfortably” (p.218). The researcher asked open-ended questions design focusing on students’ strategies to prepare presentation and students’ opinion to the

implementation of presentation. Creswell (2012) stated that using open ended questions, the participants can explore more detail their experiences unconstrained by any perceptive of the researcher or past research findings. The researcher conducted the interview and asked the questions by using Indonesian language. The researcher used Indonesian language in order to prevent the misunderstanding during the interview.

Data Analysis

Before analyzing the data, the researcher transcribed all the data that was got from interview. To ensure the validity of the data, the researcher carried out member checking by showing the transcript of the interview to be checked by the participants to make sure there is no addition and deletion of the information. The result of the member checking was the participants agreed what were written in the data transcription. Frankel & Wallen (2006) stated that member checking means asking participant to review the accuracy of data. Then, the researcher chose the data and categorized the data by coding. In coding there are three steps namely open coding, axial coding and selective coding. The first step, the


Chapter Four

Findings and Discussion

This chapter presents the findings and discussion. The findings present the data of interview from the participants. Then, the researcher discusses the findings related to the theories in literature review. This chapter presents the answers of two research questions. The first research question is “What are the students’ opinions toward the implementation of presentation at EED UMY?". The second is “What are the strategies used by the EED students of UMY to prepare their classroom presentation?”

Students’ opinions toward the implementation of presentation

As an introductory question, the researcher asked the participants about the definition of presentation. The researcher asked this question to ensure that participants had knowledge about presentation. The first participant said “presentation is an activity to present the information such as summary, news,

factual or review of some summaries” (R1.1). While the second participant argued

“presentation is the way to show and to introduce orally about a topic with media like slides” (R2.1). The third participant said “presentation is an activity aimed to

explain material with slide in front of the class room” (R3.1).

Based on the result of the interview, all the participants had the same opinion on the meaning of presentation. Based on three participants’ statements,

presentation is an activity to explain a topic or material in front of class or


presentation is in line with Hamm and Dunbar (2005) who stated that presentation is a chance for students to explain their knowledge or topic to the audience.

Related to students’ opinion toward the implementation of presentation at

English Education Department of Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta, based on the result of the interview the researcher found some findings as follows:

Finding 1: The students agreed with the implementation of presentation at EED UMY. Students agreed with the implementation of presentation at EED UMY as it can be one of alternatives to improve students’ ability. The three participants said that they agreed with the implementation of the presentation to improve or develop their ability. As showed in their answers, the first participant said that “I strongly agree with the implementation of

presentation, because with the implementation of presentation I can practice the speaking ability well, correctly and fluently. So the audience can understand what we speak” (R1.5). Similarly the second participant argued “I strongly agree if in

every subject there is an assignment to do a presentation, because with that students can develop and make correction in the way their communication, so it becomes media or chance for students to improve their ability” (R2.4). In

addition, the last participant said “I agree with the implementation of presentation


It is clear that all of participants agreed with the implementation of presentation in classroom activity at EED UMY, since presentation can improve or develop their ability. The same result was also showed by Zivkovic (2014) that the students in his research agreed with the implementation of presentation as doing presentations help them learn English better and practice their speaking skills.

Finding 2: Presentations were implemented as assignments. Based on the interview done with three participants, all the participants said that they did presentations as assignments from the lecturers. The followings are the statements of the participants. The first participant said “I often do presentations as the

assignments from my lecturers” (R1.2). The second participant also stated “presentations are usually for assignments, there are group and individual

assignments” (R2.2). The last participant mentioned “doing presentation for

assignments” (R3.2).

From the three participants’ statements above, it was revealed that presentations in EED UMY were implemented as the assignments from the lecturers.

Finding 3: Students first felt uneasy but enjoyed the presentation later on. From the interview result, the first and third participants had the same


nervous and less confident, because I knew my speaking ability was low, and I was afraid of making mistakes when I spoke” (R1.3). The third participant also

stated “in the past, I felt nervous, less confident, and shy when doing a

presentation in front of the class” (R3.3).

The students’ opinion of the implemented presentation was that the

students felt nervous, less confident, and afraid to speak incorrectly in front of the class. It is in line with (Chuang, 2009; Abu El Enein, 2011; Alwi and Sidhu, 2013) who stated that there are difficulties faced by students in presentation such as feeling nervous, anxious, and afraid. These feelings are commonly experienced when delivering presentation in the class or in front of public. Besides, it is also supported by Tanveer’s (2007) that the lack of opportunities to practice speaking

make the students feel shy when they are required to present in front of audience.

Although in the beginning the participants felt uneasy, they also claimed they enjoyed doing presentation. From the interview result, the first participant explained that she enjoyed doing presentation, since student could improve their ability. This is stated by the first participant. She said “when doing a presentation

I feel happy because I can practice my ability” (R1.4). The second participant also

had same opinion that she enjoyed doing presentation. With presentation student have chance to communicate with the others. Here is the statement from the second participant, “My feeling is it is very fun, because we are given a chance to


The statements above indicate that students felt happy doing the

presentation since it could give them advantages. Students had chance to interact or communicate with the others and they could improve their ability. It is in line with by Zivkovic (2014) who stated that students enjoy the activity that makes them understand the importance of presentations.

Finding 4: Presentations improved the student’s skill in making slides.

The finding showed that the third participant admitted that in her first presentation she could not make well-structured slides. However, after several presentations she could make slides well. This can be seen from the following statement. The third participant said “presentation can train me how to make slide well” (R3.9). She also added “In the first semester, I still made slide in unorganized way. But

after doing presentations until the eight semester, I made slides more organized, just put the points” (R3.11).

Based on the statement above, the third participant perceived that she could not make slide well in the first time. After she did presentation a lot of times she could make slide well. This means the participant’s skill in putting ideas in the

slides improved. The finding is supported by Brooks and Wilson (2014) who stated that students also have chance to practice their writing skills when they are asked to give presentation that include visual component. Students must write the appropriate information on their slides when they prepare for presentation.

Finding 5: Presentation improved the student’s skill in presentation


presentation was that presentation improved the way the students deliver the presentation. It can be seen in the following statement. Participant three said, “In

the first semester, I still read, read the text, more reading than explaining. But after eight semester, I speak more than reading the text” (R3.12). In addition, the first participant also answered, “after doing presentation, the ability how to deliver

also develops more” (R2.9). From the statements it can be indicated that the

participant’s presentation skill improved, especially in how to deliver, from

reading the text only into explaining well without reading the text much.

Related to delivery, one of the participants also argued that the participants could learn about gesture and mimic well since doing presentation. With the presentation, students could practice how to use their gesture and mimic when delivering a topic in front of audiences properly. As stated by the first participant, “we also learn a lot of things about gesture and mimic well when doing

presentation” (R1.6).

The statement above revealed that from the implementation of

presentation, the participants could learn about the gesture and mimic well. The participants could practice and improve how to use their gesture and mimic when delivering information to audience, so their information could be understood by the audience well.

Finding 6: The implementation of presentation at EED UMY was effective. From the interview data, one participant explained that the


statement. “For teaching and learning activity in the classroom I think

presentations are effective to be implemented” (R.3.5).

From the statement above, the third participant indicates that presentation was effective technique for students. The finding is supported by Zivkovic (2014) that presentations have become a useful and effective way to improve students’

awareness of communication skills. Thus, students’ presentations become an

important part in delivering positive learning experiences.

Finding 7: Presentation improved students’ speaking skill. From the

data, all of participants perceived that presentation can make the students

communicate and interact each other. Students can communicate and interact with their friends in the class. As claimed by the first participant about the

implementation of presentation in the class, she said, “The reason of EED to

implement presentation, in my opinion, is that the prospective graduate of EED is not only to become a teacher. Many jobs need students able to communicate with others” (R1.7). She also argued “In my opinion the implementation of

presentation is very advantageous; it can improve speaking ability, especially English speaking” (R1.8). In addition, the second participant also explained

“presentation have strong effect to students’ development; in the beginning

students can’t speak, now they can speak” (R2 5). She also stated, “We can also

communicate face to face then interact with audience” (R2.11).


presentation has question and answer session, so my speaking ability develop. Speaking ability in delivering the material also improves” (R3.10). She also answered “I can practice speaking skill” (R3.8).

From the participants’ responses it can be concluded that presentation

gives stimulation for students on how to communicate or to interact with each other by presenting in the class. Students also had chance to improve their speaking skill with the implementation of presentation. It is line with Zivkovic (2014) who argued that presentation is designed to help students increase their communication skills.

In addition, as speaking is related to some aspects, presentation also can improve another parts of speaking skills such as vocabulary, pronunciation, voice control and spelling. Based on the interview, two of three participant’s perceived

that the participants could improve vocabulary when doing presentation. As seen in the first participant statement, “with presentation I can improve vocabulary”


Besides, the second participant also perceived the same idea as participant two. She argued that her vocabulary also improved. The following statement revealed the finding. “I often do presentation, often practice so the aspect of

vocabulary also got improved more” (R2.8). The first and second participants had


Furthermore, the presentation enables students to improve their

pronunciation well. As stated by the first participant, she said “I can learn how the

way to speak with pronunciation correctly” (R1.10). This statement indicates that

when students used presentation in the class, they could practice and improve their pronunciation better.

From the interview result, the implementation of presentation made the students able to learn spelling and voice control. Students can practice their spelling and voice control by doing presentation. Here is the statement from the first participant, “I also learn to pay attention on spelling and not to be hurried to

present the material” (R1.11).

The first participant perceived that students could learn spelling and voice control when doing presentation. Students could practice how to speak in

delivering material with spelling and voice control correctly. The same finding was also showed by Alfonso (2010) that different factors related to oral

communicative abilities, like pronunciation, intonation, vocabulary, ability to express and understand ideas, and a decrease of mental translation improved by participating in class activities.

Finding 8: Presentation improved students’ confidence. Based on the

result, all of the participants perceived that presentation could improve students’ confidence. After doing presentation all of participants argued that their self-confidence increase. The first participant mentioned “after doing presentation I


opinion “the change is self-confidence. My self-confidence get improved” (R2.10). She also answered “there are many advantages of presentation;

previously when I want to speak, I must think long before I speak, but after I often do presentation I become more confident. Because I often communicate in front of the class and in front of friends I get more confident” (R2.6).

The last participant also gave the same statement “after doing many

presentations I feel comfortable when doing presentation, I didn’t feel nervous again and become more confident” (R3.4). She also argued “the benefit of

presentation is I become more confident” (R3.7).

It is clear that all of participants perceived that presentation can improve their confidence. It is supported by King (2002) who has mentioned that

presentation provides “a rewarding and stimulating experience both for teacher in

developing facilitating skills and for students in training themselves to have confident presentation in public” (p.2).

Finding 9: Presentation improved students’ knowledge. The next

finding of students’ opinion about the implementation of presentation is students

could develop their knowledge. Before presentation students must read and understand the material, so it can develop their knowledge about a topic that will be presented. Here is the statement of participant two, “from aspect of knowledge,


Based on the statement above, the second participant perceived that she could improve her knowledge. Before she did presentation she had to read and understand the topic. This means the participant’s knowledge improved. It is in

line with Zivkovic (2014) who stated that presentations are a common part implemented in many courses at colleges as they are one of the ways to develop learning of course material. It is also supported by Girand and Trapp (2011) that students can gain knowledge not only from their own topic and other students who perform presentation, but also from observing the other presenters’ strengths

and weaknesses to develop better communication and presentation skills.

Students’ strategies to prepare presentation

As the result of the implementation of presentation in the class, the students have to prepare their presentation so that they can present well. As introductory question the researcher asked the participants whether they did preparation. Based on the interview result, all of participants claimed that they did preparation as preparation has an effect on presentation. This is stated by the first participant, “Preparation has strong effect of presentation. Because when we

prepare one week before presentation, automatically our preparation is ready so we feel more relaxed when doing presentation” (R1.14).

The second participant also argued same idea, she said, ” of course there is


opinion, less preparation surely will make my mental down, but if I do a lot of preparation surely I am ready doing presentation” (R2.18).

In addition, the last participant also did preparation before presentation as seen in her statement, “I prepare before presentation” (R3.13). Presentation

without preparation will cause less success. In my opinion presentation without preparation, my presentation will fail and be not good” (R3.14). Based on the

statements above, it was summary that all of the participants doing preparation before presentation. The finding is supported by Zitouni (2013) that there are three keys of making a good presentation is preparation. The same result was showed by Tarcy (2000, p.18) who stated that “fully 90 percent of your success as

a speaker will be determined by how well you plan your speech.”

To make their presentation successful, the students did a lot of strategies in preparing their presentation. The strategies cover checking tools and files,

practicing time, reading and understanding the material, practicing with others, summarizing the material, making slides well, practicing the gesture and mimic, knowing who the audience are and how to deliver, making notes, preparing appearance, preparing vocabulary and the last is drinking and eating. The findings are presented in the following discussion


presentation. I always check tools and file that will be used for presentation, whether the tools can be used or not and the files has been saved or not” (R1.13).

The above statement indicates that checking tools and files is one of the students’ strategies to prepare presentation. The findings is supported by Patel

(2010) who stated that a presenter must also consider any demonstration props that a presenter has. The presenter must test out the demonstration in the location and in connection with the audio/visual equipment that a presenter will be using during the presentation. A presenter must practice all items in a demonstration, especially when there are multiple presenters with different components.

Finding 2: practicing the timing. The second finding about the strategy to prepare presentation was practicing the time allocation. Based on the interview, the second participant explained that practicing the timing is also strategy to prepare before presentation. The second participant said “then also practice

timing, such as this slide must be explained in how many minutes, so if the maximum total is ten minutes we can manage material and time” (R2.16).

From the second participant statements’, it was revealed that the strategy

to prepare presentation was practice the timing. So the students do not overload doing presentation. The finding is supported by Zickovic (2014) that students must gain the mastery of organizing and selecting their arguments or pieces of information so as to respect the time allocated.


will be presented. The first and third participants explained that the students read and understood the material before presentation. When being asked their strategy, the first participant answered, “usually reading and understanding material”

(R1.15). The third participant also answered, “I read the material that will be presented before doing presentation” (R3.15).

In addition, the second participant perceived that the presenter must have a lot of knowledge about material more than audience. The presenter must know what will be presented in front of audience. The second participant stated, “For

preparation of material we must understand what will be presented. A presenter’s level of understanding must be better than the audience” (R2.19).

From the statement above, it indicates that all of participants had the same opinions about strategy used to prepare presentation. The strategy is is reading and understanding the material before presentation. The same result was revealed by Patel (2010) who stated that presenters must understand their topic thoroughly so that they can make it simple enough for the audience. They must read and identify the relevant information and align it to the audience’s interests.

Finding 4: Practicing with others. From the data, two of three

participants argued that one of strategies to prepare presentation was practice with others. Students can practice presentation with their family or friend before doing real presentation in front of audience. As seen in the first participant, she said that, “I practice in front of family or friend” (R1.18). She also answered that, “I just


used to present. (R1.20). She further also explained that if she did not know about the topic or material, she would ask her friend or her lecturer, as seen in her statement, “if I do not understand the topic, I ask my friend or lecturer” (R1.16).

In addition, the third participant explained that she practiced with friend if she got group presentation for assignment. When she had individual presentation, she practiced by herself. The following statements are from the third participant, “I practice by myself if it is individual assessment” (R3.18). She also answered,

“If it is in group I practice with friends” (R3.19).

From the first and the third participants’ responses, it can be concluded

that practicing with each other is also the strategy to prepare presentation. It is in line with Hamm and Dunbar (2005) that practice in front of friend, roommate or family is a strategy to prepare presentation. This is to get feedback on both the organization of the material and the delivery.

Finding 5: summarizing the material. Based on the interview data obtained, it was found out that two of three participants reported that students’

strategy to prepare before presentation was summarizing the material. After reading and understanding the material, students summarized or brainstormed the material. The first participant argued that, “I summarize the material of

presentation” (R1.17). The second participant also explained, “The first strategy is


summarizing, when the second participant summarized the material, she also prepared and chose the vocabulary that would be used in presentation.

The participants’ statements above indicate that the strategy of preparation

used by EED students is summarizing the material before doing presentation. The same result was revealed by Zivkovic (2014) who asserted that summarizing the main points gives a strong concluding remark that reinforces why the information is of value.

Finding 6: making slide well. After summarizing the material, usually students make slides. Slide can be used to help students’ presentation. Slide must

be interesting and easy to understand the topic. This can be seen in the statement of participant two, “In the slides, I put picture, then make the slide well” (R2.15).

The third participant also answered, “I make the slides” (R3.16).

From the second and third participants’ statements, it was revealed that making slides well is also a strategy to prepare used by EED students before presentation. The finding is supported by Zivkovic (2014) that a presenter needs to make the visual aids clear and easy to understand.

Finding 7: practicing the gesture and mimic. From the interview result, one participant argued that practicing the gesture and mimic is also the strategy to prepare presentation. Before presentation students practice their gesture and mimic in front of mirror or others. So their presentation can looks natural. This is stated by the first participant, “Before presentation, I practice gesture and mimic


Based on the statement above, the strategy of preparation used by students was practicing the gesture and mimic. It is in line with Hafis (2015) said that students must prepare hand gesture while talking and facial expressions that control accepted behavior in particular social group or social situations.

Finding 8: knowing about who the audiences are and how to deliver in a presentation. In a presentation, students must know about the audience. As a presenter, students must know the audience before presentation, so students can know the characteristics of audience, as seen in the statement of first participant, “before presentation we must know who the audiences are, whether they are lecturer or students” (R1.21).

The first participant perceived that students must know their audience before presentation. It was the strategy used to prepare presentation. The same result was showed by Patel (2010) that presenter must know about who the audiences are. Presentation is not only about the presenter, but presentation is about the audiences’ needs and desires. A presenter must understand the

audience, so the audience can respond and pay attention to the presentation. The same result was also supported by Zivkovic (2014) that the first thing to do when preparing a spoken presentation is to identify the audience as precisely as possible. Different audiences require and are prepared for different amount and depth of information. The success of a presentation depends on knowing those in advance.


the audience is their friends, students might present less informally. So students must know how to make the presentation interesting and not boring, but easy to understand. The first participant said, “So, I know how to deliver when doing

presentation” (R1.22). The second participant also claimed “And from aspect of

how to deliver, such as what we want to say, then how to say, we also must prepare it” (R2.13).

Based on the statements above, it was revealed that preparation was know how to present. Students will present with formal or informal. It was clear that the result was also supported by Patel (2010) that a presenter focus on how they will present the topic. The presenter must consider whether he/she will present in an informal chat, a seminar or a training workshop.

Finding 9: making note. Based on the data obtained, it was found that the second and third participants argued that before presentation students made note about the material. It was used to help the presenters if they forget about the point of material. Here are the statements from the participants, “I also use note, just to

write the points of material” (R2.20). The third participant also argued, “I make note of summarize the material on the paper” (R3.17).


Finding 10: preparing appearance. The next finding was preparing appearance. Appearance is also important preparation. A presenter must be interesting and good looking. For example, a presenter wears a dress that is appropriate for presentation. As seen in statement of the third participant, she said “about appearance, I usually wear dress that is appropriate for presentation, shirt,

skirt, and shoes” (R3.20).


Chapter Five

Conclusion and Suggestions

The last chapter of this study consists of two major parts namely

conclusions and suggestions. First, the researcher provides the conclusion of this study. In the second part, the researcher presents several suggestions for teacher, for students, and other researcher.


Speaking plays an important role in language skills. A

speaking skill is learned in various ways. One way that is used is by doing presentation. A presentation is an effective way for students to practice their speaking skills. The lecturers at English Education Department of Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta require the students to present in the class started from the first semester until the seventh semester.

This study used qualitative research design. This study was conducted at EED UMY with three participants. They are the students at EED UMY batch 2012. The researcher collected the data by doing interview. Then, the researcher analyzed the data by using coding.

Based on the students’ perception, the findings can be concluded that students got benefits of doing presentations. It was revealed that students improved their ability. There was some opinions and strategies found in the implementation of presentation. The students’ opinions were that the students


but later they enjoyed doing presentation, presentations improved the student’s skill in making slides and in presentation delivery. Besides that, the

implementation of presentation at EED UMY was effective, since presentation also improved students’ speaking skill, confidence, and knowledge. In addition,

there are some strategies used by EED students of UMY to prepare their presentation. The strategies used were checking tools and files, practicing the timing, reading and understanding the material, practicing with others,

summarizing the material, making slide well, practicing the gesture and mimic, knowing about who the audience are and how to deliver, making note, and the last is preparing appearance.


Based on the result about the students’ opinion the implementation of

presentation and students’ strategies of EED to prepare their classroom

presentation, this study provides some suggestions for students, teachers, and other researchers.

For the students, based on the problems that are faced by students, the students are suggested to realize and understand that the strategies of presentation is important to improve their presentation ability and to overcome their problems in classroom presentation. Furthermore, the students are suggested to have more practice to speak in public speaking especially speaking English.


students overcome their problems. Besides, the teacher can also give some additional strategies of presentation that they might create based on their experience in classroom presentation or public speaking.

For other researchers, the other researchers are recommended to

investigate related to the research in depth in the future. The topic can focus on the students’ perceptions about the implementation of presentation with different



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1. Apakah yang anda ketahui tentang presentasi?

2. Berapa banyak/sering anda melakukan presentasi?

3. Dalam hal apa anda melakukan presentasi? 4. Bagaimana perasaan anda tentang partisipasi

anda ketika melakukan presentasi?

5. Bagaimana pendapat anda tentang penerapan presentasi di PBI? Kenapa?

6. Apakah anda mendapatkan manfaat dalam penerapan presentasi di PBI?

7. Bagaimana pendapat anda tentang penerapan presentasi terhadap kemampuan anda

terutama kemampuan berbicara dalam bahasa Inggris?

8. Perubahan apa yang anda alami setelah melakukan penerapan presentasi tersebut?

1. Apakah sebelum melakukan presentasi anda melakukan persiapan terlebih dahulu?


Data Interview

A : saya akan mewawancarai mbak tentang penelitian saya yang berjudul the strategies of English Education Department Students to prepare their

classroom presentation, baik mbak ee siapa nama mbak B : nama saya …., biasa dipanggil …..

A : oke mbak langsung saja ya mbak,

Pertanyaan yang pertama apakah anda mengetahui presentasi?

B : ya, menurut saya presentasi ialah suatu kegiatan yang menyampaikan informasi berupa ringkasan, berita, fakta atau ulasan, bisa dari beberapa rangkuman ee misalkan dari apaa eemm ketika kita membaca buku, kemudian mempresentasikan hasil buku itu kepada teman, itu juga disebut sebagai presentasi. lalu ketika kita mengadakan seminar ee kita juga menyampaikan apa tujuan seminar itu juga disebut presentasi. eee mempromosikan barang dagangan kepada konsumen itu juga melakukan presentasi. menurut saya seperti itu prsentasi.

A : hmm,, berapa sering anda melakukan presentasi?

B : ee kalau untuk diperkuliahan, ee setiap matakuliah ee mengadakan presentasi, jadi saya sering mengadakan presentasi itu dalam hal, rangka mee apa namanya menyelesaikan tugas dari dosen saya, ketika itu dosen tersebut ee menyuruh saya untuk membaca buku dari halaman sekian sampai sekian lalu dirangkum dan setelah itu dipresentasikan kepada beberapa teman saya dikelas. Saya juga pernah mempresentasikan ee produk produk barang dagangan kepada teman saya nah, tentang spesifikasinya ee tentang tujuannya, tentang manfaatnya, seperti itu.


Figure: Conceptual Framework


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