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Somatotypes of Bekasi Children and Adolescent Aged 3-20 Years


Academic year: 2017

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By this writing I clarify that the undergraduate thesis Somatotypes of Bekasi Children and Adolescent Aged 3-20 Years is my own work under the supervisions of the advising committee and hasn’t been proposed for any university. Copied information source of published and unpublished writing of other author has been mentioned in the text and incorporated in the references at the last part of this thesis.

By this writing I hand over the copyright of my undergraduate thesis to Bogor Agricultural University.



SITI NUR FAUZIAH. Somatotypes of Bekasi Children and Adolescent Aged 3-20 Years. Supervised by BAMBANG SURYOBROTO and PUJI RIANTI.

One of quantitative method to describe body shape and composition is somatotype. It is represented by three-score rating that represents endomorphy, mesomorphy, and ectomorphy. Indonesia has diverse ethnic, socioculture, and socio-economic background therefore it is important to study variation of body shape and composition using quantitative method in each city. The aim of this study is to evaluate somatotype of children and adolescent aged 3-20 years in Bekasi. Measurement used technique of somatotype introduced by Heath and Carter. Components of somatotypes changed with ages. At age 3 years girls had somatotype of mesomorph-endomorph. Somatoype changed to endomorph with balanced mesomorph and ectomorph after 12 years. Somatotype of boys at age 3 years is endomorph-mesomorph. Then somatotype changed to balanced endomorph at age 13 years. At age 20 years, somatotype of boys persisted as balanced endomorph. In general, girl had increased endomorphy but boy decreased. Mesomorphy and ectomorphy components of boy were higher than girl at each age group.

Keywords: Bekasi, children and adolescent, somatotype


SITI NUR FAUZIAH. Somatotipe Anak dan Remaja Usia 3-20 Tahun di Bekasi. Dibimbing oleh BAMBANG SURYOBROTO dan PUJI RIANTI.

Salah satu metode kuantitatif untuk mendeskripsikan bentuk dan komposisi tubuh adalah somatotipe. Somatotipe dinyatakan dalam tiga urutan angka yang masing-masing mewakili endomorf, mesomorf, dan ektomorf. Indonesia memiliki suku, sosiokultur, dan latar belakang sosio-ekonomi yang beragam sehingga penting untuk mempelajari variasi bentuk dan komposisi tubuh menggunakan metode kuantitatif di setiap kotanya. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah menjelaskan somatotipe anak dan remaja usia 3-20 tahun di Bekasi. Pengukuran somatotipe menggunakan metode yang diperkenalkan Carter dan Heath. Komponen somatotipe berubah seiring pertambahan usia. Pada usia 3 tahun perempuan memiliki somatotipe mesomorf-endomorf. Somatotipe berubah dari endomorf menjadi mesomorf dan ektomorf yang seimbang setelah usia 12 tahun. Somatotipe laki-laki pada usia 3 tahun adalah mesomorf-ektomorf. Somatotipe lalu berubah menjadi endomorf berimbang pada usia 13 tahun. Pada usia 20 tahun, somatotipenya tetap endomorf berimbang. Secara umum, komponen endomorf perempuan naik sedangkan laki-laki turun. Komponen mesomorf dan ektomorf laki-laki lebih tinggi daripada perempuan di setiap tingkat usia.


An Undergraduate Thesis Intended to Acquire Bachelor Degree In Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Science

Bogor Agricultural University








Undergraduate Thesis Title : Somatotypes of Bekasi Children and Adolescent Aged 3-20 Years

Name : Siti Nur Fauziah

NIM : G34090047

Approved by

Dr Bambang Suryobroto Supervisor I

Puji Rianti, MSi Supervisor II

Acknowledged by

Dr Ir Iman Rusmana, MSi Head of Biology Department



All praise to God for all the gift and grace, therefore I can finish this study. It was conducted from February until April 2013 on Bekasi with an experiment entitled Somatotypes of Bekasi Children and Adolescent Aged 3-20 Years.

Biggest acknowledgements are sending to Dr Bambang Suryobroto and Puji Rianti, MSi as my supervisor for the guidance and advice. I also want to thanked Dr Ir Aris Tjahjoleksono, DEA as an examiner for examination and suggestion. Special acknowledgment is sending to my family for all their love and support. To Dr Islamul Hadi, Dr Kanthi Arum Widayati, Dr Bambang Kiranadi, Dr Tetri Widiyani, Eneng Nunuz R, MSi, and Novita Tri A, MSi, and Sarah Nila, MSi, Agus Heryanto, SSi for the help during writing. To Mrs. Tini and Mrs. Ani for borrowing instruments. I also want grateful to instances, schools, and subjects which is belong in this study. To Kania, Heca, Ari, Okta, and Arvina for the spirit as long as work. To Surya, Jipao, Dewi, Abduh, and Azyra homemate for faithful encouragement. To Bio46, ZooCorner family, and BSH ‘11 for the togetherness and cheeriness.

At last, I hope this research will be helpful for all the readers.








Time and Place 1

Sample 2

Informed Consent 2

Measurement 2

Statistical Analysis 2








1 Equation for a decimal anthropometric somatotypes 3


1 The 50th pecentile value of somatotype components in girl (a) and boy

(b) at each group age 4

2 Plot of body mass index (BMI) and endomorphy component in girl (a)

and boy (b) 5


1 Map of Bekasi City 9

2 Permission of the Education Office of Bekasi 10

3 Example Informed Consent and Questionnaire 12



Body composition, size, shape, and proportion change during growth period (Bogin 1999). One of quantitative method to describe body shape and composition is somatotype. It is expresed in three-score rating that represents endomorphy, mesomorphy, and ectomorphy of the physique. Endomorphy is the relative fatness, mesomorphy is relative muscularity, and ectomorphy is relative linearity of the whole body (Carter 2002). Somatotypes in a particular age are influenced by many factors such ages, sexes, physical activity, genetics, socio-economic status, altitude, and environmental (Rebato et al. 2007, Singh et al. 2007, Amigo et al. 2009, Ashizawa et al. 2009, Aryo 2011, Singh 2011). The difference in these factors can make somatotype of one population differ with others.

The study of somatotype in children provide information for understanding their growth and maturity (Monyeki et al. 2002). In adolescent, the inception of puberty can be signed by spurt in somatotype component (Widiani et al. 2012). Variation in somatotype between different ages is also related to many aspects of exercise, sports sciences, and human biology (Gakhar and Malik 2002). It also shows health, secular trends, and usefull information about other factors such performance function and nutrition (Bolonchuk et al. 2000, Kalichman and Kobiliansky 2006, Singh 2007).

Indonesia has diverse ethnic, socioculture, and socio-economic background therefore it is important to study variation of body shape and composition using quantitative method in each city. Bekasi City is one of cities which had diverse multi-ethnic with high socio-economics. The city is located in West Java between Jakarta Province, Bekasi Regency, Bogor Regency, and Depok City. It has land area 210,49 km2 with 12-subdistric and altitude 11-81 m above sea level. It had estimated population of 2.422.922 with age cohort 0-24 years consisting of 598.628 female and 449.939 male (Bappeda Kota Bekasi 2012). Studied about somatotype in Indonesian children had not been reported except from Rahmawati et al. (2004), Aryo (2011), and Widiani et al. (2012). The aim of this study is to evaluate somatotype of children and adolescent aged 3-20 years in Bekasi.


Time and Place




The subjects of this study were 810 childrens and adolescents aged between 3-20 years old, consisted of 450 girls and 360 boys.

Informed Consent

During data collection, the children and adolescent were invited to participate. Parents or child guardians were given detailed information about the study. If they agree, they signed the informed consent and completed questionnaires on personal data.


Measurement used technique of somatotype introduced by Heath and Carter (Carter 2002). Somatotype was calculated based on ten anthropometric dimensions (Table 1). Body weight was measured using digital weight scale of Oxone with 0.1 kg interval. The subject stood straight on the scale, barefoot, motionless and straight view. Body height was measured using the measurement scale with 0.1 cm interval. The subject stood straight, touching the wall with heels, buttocks and back.

Four skinfolds (triceps, subscapular, supraspinale, and calf) were measured using the skinfold caliper with 0.1 mm interval. Skinfolds were measured after pressing the skin about 2 sec before reading the value. All skinfolds were taken on the right side of the body.

Biepicondylar breadths of the humerus and femur were measured using the caliper with 0.01 mm interval. The caliper was placed in medial elbow and femur with firm pressure to compress the subcutaneous tissue. All biepicondylar breadth was taken on the right side of the body.



Statistical Analysis

Somatotype components of boy and girl were presented by 50th pecentiles at each age group. Percentiles were determined using generalized additive models for location scale and shape (GAMLSS) (Stasinopoulus and Rigby 2005) implemented in R program version 2.15.2 (Development Core Team 2012).


Figure 1 presents percentile 50 of somatotype components for each age group. In the girls, endomorphy component was decreased from age 3-8 years but increased in the subsequent ages. Mesomorphy component was decreased at age 3-11 years and stable in the subsequents ages. Ectomorphy component was increased at age 3-12 years and stable until age 20 years. At age 3 years girls had somatotype of mesomorph-endomorph (5.5-5.0-0.7). Somatoype changed to endomorph with balanced mesomorph and ectomorph (5.3-2.8-2.7) after 12 years (Figure 1a).

In the boys, at age 3-20 years endomorphy component was decreased except at age 10 and 12 years. Similarly, mesomorphy component was decreased although at age 12-15 years mesomorphy was briefly increased instead. Ectomorphy was increased until age 15, and stable afterwords. Somatotype of boys at age 3 years is endomorph-mesomorph (5.4-5.7-0.8). Then somatotype changed to balanced endomorph (4.5-3.4-3.3) at age 13 years. At age 20 years, somatotype of boys persisted as balanced endomorph (3.8-2.9-3.1) (Figure 1b).

In general, girl had increasing endomorphy component but boy decreased. Endomorphy of girl higher than boy. Mesomorphy and ectomorphy components of boy were higher than girl at each age group.

Table 1 Equation for a decimal anthropometric somatotypes (Carter 2002) Somatotype components

Endomorphy = -0.7182 + 0.1451 (X) - 0.00068(X2) + 0.0000014 (X3)

Mesomorphy = 0.858 × humerus breadth + 0.601 × femur breadth

+ 0.188 × corrected arm girth + 0.161 × corrected calf girth - height × 0.131 + 4.5 Ectomorphy = HWR × 0.463 - 17.63 (if 38.25 < HWR < 40.75)

Ectomorphy = 0.1 (if HWR ≤ 38.25)

where X = (sum of triceps, subscapular, and supraspinale skinfolds) multiplied by 170.18/height (in cm)

Ectomorphy = HWR × 0.732 - 28.58 (if 40.75 ≤ HWR)



Body mass index (BMI) and endomorphy component were related to body mass (Freedman 2009). Relationship between BMI and endomorphy component were analyzed as presented in Figure 2. There was possitive correlation in girls (R2= 0.633, P < 0.05) and boys (R2=0.515, P < 0.05). It indicated that increasing of BMI was parallel with increasing of endomorphy component. Although both Figure 1 The 50th pecentile value of somatotype components in girl (a) and boy

(b) at each group age



5 sexes showed possitive correlations, girls had higher correlation value than boys because girls had more endomorphy component.

Figure 2 Plot of body mass index (BMI) and endomorphy component in girl (a) and boy (b)





Endomorphy was correlated with fat mass, mesomorphy with musculo-skeletal, and ectomorphy with height and weight (Jürimäe and Jürimäe 2001). In Bekasi children, endomorphy was the greatest somatotype component. It might because the children had surplus of calorie intake. The surplus of calorie would be gained as the fat mass and laid down in the body. They also might had low activity in their lifestyle. Inactive children whom had low physical activity had higher relative fat, subcutabeous fat layer, and endomorphy component than active children (Thót 2007).

Endomorphy component in girl was higher than boy. This pattern was similar with Bantul, Yogyakarta, Bandung, and Magelang children (Rahmawati et al. 2004, Aryo 2011, Widiani et al. 2012). It was also becaused girls had more fat mass than boys. Before puberty, girls accumulates fat mass for menarche (first event of menstruation). Meanwhile, boys used fat mass for spermache (first event of nocturnal sperm emission) (Kawulur et al. 2012). Moreover, at the onset of puberty, reproductive hormone affected sex characteristic in children. Girls developed hips and breast, while boys musculo-skeletal during puberty. In consequence, fat mass in girls were higher than boys (Shepard 1991, Jürimäe and Jürimäe 2001).

Mesomorphy component in younger (age 3-8 years) have greater than older (upper age 8) children at both sexes (Figure 1). This phenomena does not mean the younger are more muscular than the older, because mesomorphy component is adjusted for height in the fact (Gakhar and Malik 2002). The high mesomorphy component in boys was becaused their physiology more tendency to had muscle mass. They would gained muscle mass, mostly in arm and calf during puberty (Shephard 1991). The mesomorphy component in this study also lower as compared to athlete (Malina et al. 2004, Amigo et al. 2009). The low value might because they did less physical exercise in their lifestyle. Children which less physical exercise had less relative muscle and bone than active ones (Thót 2007). Physical exercise or regular training will reduce fat mass and increase the mass of muscle (Amigo et al. 2009).

Growth pattern of ectomorphy component boys and girls relatively same. However, the peak of both sexes were different. The boys had at age 12-14 while girls at age 10-12 years. Ectomorphy component boys in this study heigher than girls. It was becaused they had greater height and weight. This phenomena similar with Bandung children (Aryo 2011). Compared with South African children, Bekasi children had lower ectomorphy component (Monyeki et al. 2002). The lower value might because the physical stress in Bekasi fewer than South Africa. The urban condition such as Bekasi suggested they can obtaining good nurition intake, enjoy their living, and lower threatening of disease (Singh 2011). The optimum living condition in urban children made them had bigger than rural children. The low activity and calorie adequate in their diet, thus exhibiting lower linearity (Malina et al. 2004, Singh 2011).


7 (Figure 2). This phenomena also similar with Bandung children (Aryo 2011). Heigher correlation in girls was becaused they had more endomorphy component.


Components of somatotypes changed with ages. At age 3 years girls had mesomorph-endomorph (5.5-5.0-0.7). Then after age 12 years, somatotype changed to endomorph with balanced mesomorph and ectomorph (5.3-2.8-2.7). Somatotype of boys at age 3 years is endomorph-mesomorph (5.4-5.7-0.8). At age 13 years it was changed to balanced endomorph (4.5-3.4-3.3) and then at age 20 years it was persistent balanced endomorph (3.8-2.9-3.1). In general, girl had increasing endomorphy but boy decreased. Mesomorphy and ectomorphy components of boy were higher than girl at each age group.


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Appendix 3 Example Informed consent and Questionnaire



Gedung Fapet Lt. 2 Wing 5 Jln Agatis Bogor 16680 Telp/Fax (0251) 8622833

Sehubungan akan diadakannya penelitian untuk penyusunan skripsi oleh : Nama : Siti Nur Fauziah

NIM : G34090047

Institusi : Departemen Biologi, FMIPA, IPB

Judul : Somatotipe Anak Usia 4 sampai 20 Tahun di Kota Bekasi

Maka saya memohon izin untuk menjadikan putra/putri Bapak/Ibu sebagai probandus (orang yang diteliti). Tujuan penelitian ini adalah mengetahui somatotipe anak usia 4 sampai 20 tahun di Kota Bekasi dan melihat perkembangan somatotipe di tiap kelompok usianya. Aplikasi dari penelitian ini adalah untuk menentukan status gizi dan kesehatan anak.

Prosedur penelitian ini melipti pengambilan data pribadi, data orangtua, dan pengukuran tubuh yang terdiri atas dua belas komponen. Kedua belas komponen tersebut adalah berat badan (BB), tinggi badan (TB), tinggi duduk (TD), lingkar lengan atas (LLA), lingkar tensed (LT), lingkar betis (LB), lebar siku (LS), lebar lutut (LL), tebal lipatan kulit trisep (LTKT), tebal lipatan kulit subskapular (TLKSb), tebal lipatan kulit supraspinal (TLKSp), dan tebal ilpatan kulit betis (TLKB).

Data hasil penelitian dijamin kerahasiaannya, tidak seorangpun mengetahui selain peneliti dan tidak akan digunakan atau disebarluaskan selain untuk pendidikan dan ilmu pengetahuan. Selain itu, keseluruhan data akan disatukan untuk dianalisis sehingga data secara individu tidak jelas. Terimakasih atas kerjasamanya.

Pernyataan persetujuan :



Spermake (Laki-laki) : SUDAH / BELUM, jika sudah usia tahun

Data Orang Tua

Tempat/tanggal lahir : Tempat/tanggal lahir :

Suku : Suku :

Penyakit (jika ada) : Penyakit (jika ada) :

Nama Ibu dari Ayah : Nama Ibu dari Ibu :

Tempat/tanggal lahir : Tempat/tanggal lahir :

Suku : Suku :

Penyakit (jika ada) : Penyakit (jika ada) :

Pengeluaran keluarga per bulan untuk makan (pilih salah satu) : 1. X < Rp. 500.000

2. Rp. 500.000 X < Rp. 750.000 3. Rp. 750.000 X < Rp. 1.000.000 4. Rp. 1.000.000 Rp. 1.250.000 5. X Rp. 1.250.000

Ket : X = Total pengeluaran keluarga per bulan untuk makan

Data Pengukuran

Pengukur : Pencatat :

No Parameter Kode Hasil Pengukuran

1 Berat Badan BB

9 Tebal Lipatan Kulit Trisep TLKT

10 Tebal Lipatan Kulit Subskapular TLKSb 11 Tebal Lipatan Kulit Supraspinal TLKSp



Appendix 4 List of partisipant schools

No Nama Sekolah Alamat

1 TK YASFI Jln Kampung Sawah, Jati Murni,

Pondok Melati

2 TK Al-Hidayah Jln Boulevard Ray, Perum Prima Regency

3 TK Zaid bin Tsabit Jln Jati Kencana III/118, Perum Mayang Pratama

4 SDIT YASFI Jln Kampung Sawah, Jati Murni,

Pondok Melati

5 SDIT Ibnu Hajar Jln Yon Armed 07/105, Cikiwul 6 SDN Mustikasari 3 Jln Caringin, Mustikasari

7 SMPT Widya Duta Jln Alinda Kencana Blok A1 No 2-6 Kaliabang Tengah

8 SMA YASFI Jln Kampung Sawah, Jati Murni,

Pondok Melati




Author was born on March 9th 1992 as the first child of four from the parent Pratigto and Zahro. In 2009, author graduated from SMAN 2 Bekasi and entered the Department of Biology, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Science, Bogor Agricultural University by USMI selection.

Author became laboratory assistance for Basic of Biology on 2010/2011 and Basic of Genetics on 2011/2012. Author had been active in Division Bioworld, Himpunan Mahasiswa Biologi (Himabio) as staff on 2010/2011 and as treasurer on 2011/2012. Author also joined in Katalis Bimbel as staff mentor of biology on 2010/2012. During attend the study, author got POM IPB, Djarum Plus, and Bank Indonesia scholarship.


Figure 1   The 50th pecentile value of somatotype components in girl (a) and  boy
Figure 2   Plot of body mass index (BMI) and endomorphy component in girl (a)


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