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An Analysis Of Cigarette Advertisement Slogans (A Study of Syntax and Semantic)


Academic year: 2017

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Submitted to fulfill one of requirements ofSarjana SastraDegree





I hereby certify that the skripsi entitled AN ANALYSIS OF CIGARETTE ADVERTISEMENT SLOGANS (A Study of Syntax and Semantic) is honestly my own work. I am fully aware that I have quoted some statements and ideas from

various sources, and they are properly acknowledged in the text.

Bandung, July 2010



conducted to describe and analyze the features of meaning build the characteristics in cigarette advertisement slogans and what the effects are made in cigarette advertisement slogans through slogan language. The theory used in this research is theory adopted from Geofrey Leech about the meaning which is more specified to denotative and connotative meaning added with theories of advertisement adopted from several references. Advertisement language is one of the linguistic phenomena, in this case slogans or taglines that have differently unique in their structures and dictions. By using good and effective language, the consumers will comprehend the delivered message of the product offered.

The method used in this research is analytic descriptive. The data collection technique is by classifying slogans into two types of meaning namely; denotative and connotative. The data were taken from internet, banners, local and foreign TV commercial programs, and billboards.

After conducting the research, the writer takes some conclusions that: (1). the features of meaning build the characteristic in the cigarette advertisement slogans are divided into denotative and connotative meaning. The denotative meaning of slogans absolutely talk about the messages delivered directly to attract consumers’ attention about the product offered. The connotative meaning will be largely explained by using the figurative of speech namely metaphor, metonymy, hyperbole, euphemism and synecdoche. Those all are used to create good slogan, so that the consumers are willing to buy the product offered. (2). the effects are made in the cigarette advertisement slogans are divided into three types namely; Declarative type is used to reveal the benefit of product, Imperative type is used to ask the consumers to do the activity as the slogan recommends, and the Interrogative types is used to get more attention or impression of consumers about the product offered.



karakteristik slogan iklan rokok dan dampak apa yang dibuat dalam slogan iklan rokok melalui bahasa slogan. Teori yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah teori yang diadaptasi dari Geofrey Leech tentang makna yang lebih difokuskan pada makna denotatif dan makna konotatif, dan teori-teori periklanan yang diadaptasi dari beberapa referensi. Bahasa iklan merupakan salah satu fenomena linguistik, dalam hal ini slogan atau tagline yang mempunyai keunikan yang berbeda dalam struktur dan diksinya. Dengan menggunakan bahasa yang baik dan efektif, konsumen akan memahami pesan yang disampaikan terhadap produk yang ditawarkan.

Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah deskriptif analisis. Teknik pengumpulan data adalah dengan mengklasifikasikan slogan-slogan tersebut menjadi dua jenis makna yaitu makna denotasi dan konotasi. Data diambil dari internet, banner, iklan TV lokal dan interlokal, dan billboard.

Setelah dilakukan penelitian, penulis dapat menarik simpulan bahwa: (1). fitur-fitur makna yang membentuk karakteristik pada slogan-slogan iklan rokok terbagi menjadi makna denotasi dan makna konotasi. Makna denotasi bertujuan benar-benar untuk menarik perhatian konsumen secara langsung terhadap produk yang ditawarkan, sedangkan makna konotasi akan dijelaskan secara luas lagi dengan adanya penggunaan gaya bahasa seperti gaya bahasa metaphor, metonimi, hiperbola, eupemisme, dan sinekdok. Gaya bahasa tersebut digunakan untuk menciptakan suatu slogan yang bagus sehingga konsumen berkeinginan untuk membeli produk yang ditawarkan. (2) dampak yang dibuat dari slogan-slogan iklan rokok dibagi menjadi tiga tipe yaitu tipe deklaratif digunakan untuk mengungkapkan keunggulan produk, tipe imperatif digunakan untuk mengajak konsumen melakukan kegiatan seperti yang diperintahkan di slogan tersebut, dan tipe interogatif digunakan untuk mendapatkan perhatian dan kesan yang lebih dari konsumen terhadap produk yang ditawarkan.










1.1 Background to the Study 1

1.2 Research Question 4

1.3 Objectives 4

1.4 Significant to Knowledge 4

1.5 The Framework of Theories 5


2.1 Theory of Semantics 8

2.1.1 Definition of Semantic 8

2.1.2 Meaning 10

2.1.3 Interpretation of Meaning 11

2.1.4 Types of Meaning 11



2.2.1 Definition of Advertisement 22

2.2.2 Positioning and Brand Image 24

2.2.3 The Purpose of Advertisement 24

2.2.4 Slogans/Taglines 25

2.2.5 The Understanding of the Slogans/Taglines 28


3.1 Research Object 30

3.2 Research Method 31

3.2.1 Data Collection 32

3.2.2 Data Analysis 33


4.1 The Analysis of Cigarette Advertisement Slogans that have 37

Connotative Meanings

4.2 The Analysis of Cigarette Advertisement Slogans that have 58

Denotative Meanings


5.1 Conclusions 75



1.1 Background to the Study

Advertisement is a tool of communication which can be delivered verbally,

nonverbally, or both, to let people know about certain products. The

encyclopedia of knowledge (1991: volume 1), states that advertisement is a

message printed in the newspaper or magazine, broadcasted on radio or

television, sent to individuals through the mails, or disseminated in some other

fashion that attempts to persuade readers or listeners to buy particular product,

favor a particular organization or to agree with the particular idea.

Advertisement has become important media for people’s life today which is

used to disseminate information about the newest product. We can find

advertisements when we read a magazine and a newspaper, listen to the radio,

watch the television, browse over the internet, or just walk. The aim of the

advertisement is mostly to inform people of a new product, to introduce new

variant of old product and to maintain of old product in order to still be known,

it also creates a desire to possess the product. Nevertheless, not everyone can


which contains unique and interesting slogans. One of the elements of

advertisement is slogans or taglines. In slogans or taglines; language is the

important tool. The advertisement language aims at persuading the consumer

to buy the products. The advertiser/copywriter spreads the information of their

products by using good and effective language. By using good and effective

language, the consumers will get impression of the products offered.

As having explained before, one of the elements to mediate the language of

advertisement is slogans or taglines. Almost all products have the slogans;

Tom Altstiel (2008:165) mentioned that slogans are usually in form of a short

phrase or sentence, which gives space for readers to explore the meaning of it

freely. The advertisers choose the creative and interesting words to be the

language of their slogans. The language of slogans represents the particular

product. The slogans of a product have the characteristic that is different from

other product.

Tom Altstiel states that slogans or we call them taglines are usually the

catchphrases that appear after the logo in a print ad or at the end of the

commercial, and, in most cases, they are very forgettable. However, taglines or

slogans can be the most important element of a campaign. The language of

advertisement is divided into two types: spoken and written language,


people’s attention; it must be communicative and make people easy in

comprehending the message. Language of an advertisement aims at making

consumers be interested in products offered, so that it emerges some people’s

assumptions toward the products. Slogan is a tool to create the product offered

being interesting.

As linguistic phenomena, language in advertisement, in this case the

slogans is carefully designed and thoughtfully planned to attract many

different people’s attention toward the advertisement. However, the lack of

understanding in composing the structure of advertisement slogans causes the

diversity in meaning, such as the interlocking relationship. The intensity of

various sentence structures becomes the characteristic of a sense of the

language which occurs in advertisement slogans.

The research object is slogan’s cigarette advertisement and the data are

taken from television, banner and internet. The slogans are released from 2001

until 2010. The writer chooses slogans since slogans often play important role

in grabbing consumers’ attention among many products offered by many

companies. Cigarette advertisements are kinds of advertisement mostly are

performed by men. This may be an indication that copywriters create

advertisements by considering gender.

From the explanation above the writer is interested in conducting a

research dealing with the analysis of slogan’s cigarette advertisement as a


of meaning that build the characteristic of slogans and describes the emphasis

made in the slogans through the slogan language. The writer hopes that the

result of this research could help us to understand more on the language used

in advertisement and how the slogans can influence the society as the


1.2 Research Questions

Problems of the present study are formulated in the following questions:

1. What features of meaning build the characteristic of the slogan?

2. What effects are made through the slogan language?

1.3 Objectives

Below are some focuses expected to be accomplished through this research:

1. To find out the features of meaning build the characteristic of the slogan.

1. To describe the effects are made in the cigarette advertisement slogan

through the slogan language?

1.4 Significance to Knowledge

The writer hopes that this study can have knowledge about what the

meaning of the cigarette advertisement slogan is by using semantic analysis as the

ground theory and the research applies the advertisement theory as supporting


of an advertisement and will help copywriter/advertiser to be able to produce a

good tagline/slogan. In addition, the writer hopes that the study can give

contribution to the theory of meaning that is to prove that the theory of meaning

which is combined with advertisement theory can give solution to the problems in

understanding some advertisements. Through a semantic analysis and

advertisement theory, the writer wants to know the process of producing the

advertisement in cigarette advertisement slogans. Moreover, the writer hopes that

the result of this study can give contribution to the students in Indonesia

University of Computer, especially the students of English Department for

understanding deeply the features of meaning and the emphasis made in cigarette

advertisement slogans by applying semantic analysis and advertisement theory.

1.5 Framework of the Theories

This research uses grand theory from Geofrey Leech (2003:19) in the book

entitled “Semantics” that he states there are seven meanings in which each of them

shows the different functions in communication. The theory actually purposes two

strategies that are denotative and connotative. The connotative meaning will be

largely explained by using Keith Allan’s theory about figurative of speech namely

metonymy, hyperbole, synecdoche, metaphor, and euphemism. Thus, the

theoretical foundation of this research is precisely directed by using syntax,

semantic and advertisement theory. The supporting theory is used from Pateda and


theories from several references added to find out the brand image and positioning

the cigarette advertisement slogans. By examining the structure of the phrase or

clause of the slogan will be known the differences structure of slogans influence

the purposes of the message delivered. There are three types namely: declarative,

imperative and interrogative. The below scheme will give a description about this


Scheme of the research

Qualitative Data Two Kinds of Meanings

Denotative meanings:

A Live with Pleasure, Fresh is Cool is, Others can Only Follow, Cool Groove, Make Up Your Today’s Mind,

Indonesia’s Unique Clove Cigarette, Slim Smooth Square, My Life My Adventure, Cool.Calm.Confident, Enjoy the Adventure, Deeply Enjoyable

Connotative Meanings:

Come to Marlboro Country, Come to Where the Flavor is, The Flavor of Adventure, Taste Me, Light Up the Night, Mild Plus for Male Plus, How Low can You Go, Think Black, King Size, It’s Time for Classic, Show Your Red, Trial Game

Statement of the problem

How is the application of the Semantic Analysis in the Cigarettes Advertisement Slogan?

Question 1:

What features of meaning build the characteristic of the slogan?

Question 2:

What effects are made through the slogan language?

The application of principles of semantic analysis (describes the lexical meaning then the representative word can be supported to determine the feature of meaning)

Analysis of the denotation or connotation word, thus it can be associated with the characteristics of slogan language structures. The using of (phrase and clause type:

Declaratives. Imperatives,

Interrogatives, and Exclamatives) to find out the purposes of the effects are made in the cigarette

advertisement slogan.


8 2. 1 Theory of Semantics

2.1.1 Definition of Semantics

In correlation to this study, it is important to know the general description

of semantics. Lyons (1997:1) said, “Semantics is generally defined as the study

of meaning, and this is the definition which we shall initially adopt”. Fromkin

and Rodman (1974: 206) said in their books that the words, phrases, and

sentences have the linguistic meaning is known as semantics. In order to

support this statement, Adrian Akmajian(1995:213) states that semantics is

generally considered to be the study of meaning (and related notions) in

languages, whereas in the field of logic, semantics is generally considered to

be the study of linguistic reference or denotation and truth conditions in

languages. Besides that, O’Grudy and Dobrovolski (1989), defines that

semantic is the study of human language.

Based on the above definition, it can be concluded that semantics is a study

in which meaning or sentence of a certain language becomes the object. In this

case semantic can be used to figure out the meaning and effects are made in


correlation between semantic and advertisement language; in this case, slogan

is one of the linguistic phenomena that has lack of understanding in composing

the structure of advertisement slogan which causes the diversity in meaning

such as the interlocking relationship. It also makes the intensity of various

sentence structures become the characteristic of a sense of the language which

occurs in advertisement slogans. For example: the slogan “Come to Marlboro

Country” begins with the words “Come to” the word’Come” lexically means

to move toward, into, etc.Semantically, the use of the word “Marlboro”in the

slogan has connotative meaning, where the phrase of Marlboro Country is

associated with the name of the state. In truth condition, Marlboro is not the

name of the state but it refers to the cigarette product on red package. Besides

that, the phrase Marlboro Country creates new characteristic as an identity,

namely: they create character of cowboys, men with their personality which

fascinate the readers and the men who race a horse. The phrase Marlboro

Country means Marlboro smokers’ association who has characteristics and

creates an image of cowboys. The slogan portrays the fresh, healthy, natural

attitude, as they also embody the image of cowboys as tough individuals who

are rugged, strong and independent. In this case, the word Marlboro involves

to metonymy in which the word Marlboro is used to replace the Marlboro

cigarette product. This image of the slogan suggests that Marlboro is for the


intimately invitation for people to be smoker theMarlboro cigarettewhich has

particular taste.

The language of advertisement is divided into two types: spoken and

written language, language used in the advertisement is arranged as good as

possible to get people’s attention; it must be communicative and make people

easy in comprehending the message. To sum up; semantic is the main

component to analyze the meaning of slogans which differently have unique

characteristic in their structures and dictions.

2.1.2 Meaning

A core issue in the field of semantics is the meaning, Lyons (1968:400) on

Pateda states semantics can be defined as the study of meaning. For that we

firstly want to answer, what is the meaning? The word ‘meaning’, in

accordance with the verb ‘mean’ is the most disputed terms in the English

language. All meanings are potentially reflected in fitness for communicative


According to O’Grady (1996:275), meaning can be defined as follows,

“meaning must be something that exist in the mind rather than the world and

that it must be more abstract than pictures and that more abstract to it than

just features. As having explained before, meaning is a process of thinking

systematically toward the core meaning of lexical words that something


of relationship between language and nature outside of language. The meaning

of slogans language is important in comprehending the messages of product

offered. The advertisers choose the creative and interesting words to be the

language of their slogans. The language of slogans represents the particular

product. The slogans of a product have the characteristic that is different from

other product.

2.1.3 Interpretation of Meaning

O’Grady (1996:284) states that “the meaning of a sentence is determined

by the meaning of its component parts and the manner in which they are

arranged in syntactic structure”.

There are several factors that can assist the interpretation of the meaning of

a sentence, namely:

The speaker’s and addressee’s background attitudes and beliefs, their understanding of the context in which a sentence is uttered, and their knowledge of how language can be used to inform, to persuade, to mislead and so forth(O’Grady, 1996:295).

2.1.4 Types of meaning

Leech in his book entitled ‘semantics’ (1974:19) divided meaning into

seven types in which each of them shows the different functions in

communication. Those are conceptual meanings, associative meaning;

including connotative, stylistic, affective, reflective, and collocative, and


meanings. They are chosen because the data found on the slogans of cigarettes

advertisement are mostly as the denotative and connotative meaning. Below

are further explanations of two meaning types stated by Geofrey Leech.

1. Denotative/Conceptual meaning

Leech (1974:20), mentioned:

The conceptual meaning has very complex and complicated compositions, which is clearly comparable and can be associated with a similar arrangement at the level of phonological language and syntactical.

Besides that, O’Grady defines that denotation is the meaning of a word or

phrase with the entities to which it refers…. (1996:273)”. For instance: the

word adventure means an unusual, exciting or dangerous experience. To

sum up; the denotative meaning is the same as the lexical meaning if the

lexeme is not associated with something outside the languages. In addition,

Keith Alan (2001:46) defines denotation is the relation between language

expression and things or events in world-not just the world we live in, but

any world and time that may be spoken. The writer takes conclusion that

denotative or conceptual meaning is meaning which contains in lexeme

without associating it with other things or the figurative meanings.

Moreover, the lexical meaning can support to define the denotative


Kridalaksana, (1982:103) on Mansoer Pateda defines:


entah dalam bentuk dasar atau leksem turunan dan maknanya kurang lebih tetap seperti yang dapat kita lihat dalam kamus. Makna leksikal ini dipunyai unsur – unsur bahasa lepas dari penggunaanya atau konteksnya.

It means that lexical meaning is the meaning of a stand-alone lexeme

simply by dictionary, because the meaning can change if the lexeme is

situated in the sentence.

2. Connotative meaning

Leech (1974:23) defines that Connotative meaning is the communicative

value of an expression according to what is referred to, exceed the above

contents are purely conceptual. For example: the word “woman” as

conceptual meaning has three characteristics Manusia, Perempuan,

Dewasa (+HUMAN,-MALE, ADULT)’ can be more explained as the

connotative meaning comprising ‘the nature of putative’ of reference,

caused by the views received by the individual or group or all members of

society. Thus, connotative meaning is owned by the communicative value

of the expression based on what it refers, over and above that is owned by

its conceptual meaning. Additionally, O’Grady (1996:273) defines “that

connotation is “the set of associations that a word’s use can evoke that one

notion that is closely linked with the concept of meaning”. Consequently,

Connotations vary independently of sense and denotation; and they vary


The connotat

that arise from

from experien

the expression

Based on the ex

meaning is vary

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2.1.5 Meaning and The changing of

meaning caused by

association's name and

see the similarity and

is metaphor and the

say that the changing

the lexeme put addr

lexemes which use

synecdoche. Below f

onnotations of a word or longer expression are semant

from encyclopedic knowledge about its denotation

riences, beliefs, and prejudices about the context

ion is typically used.

explanations before, it can be deduced that the c

ry from time to time, and one society to anothe

have caused the view of individual, group or al

varied based on their perceptions of the language re

and its relation to language style

of meaning can be seen from two points, namel

y the association between meaning and signific

and the name. Based on two aspects previously m

and nearness of meaning. The similarity between

he proximity between the meanings is metonymy.

ing of meaning can be classified into metonymy or

ddresses on a shift in meaning. Besides that, th

use the language style such as, hyperboles, euphe

further explanations of them:

antic effects

ation and also

exts in which

he connotative

her societies.

all societies’


ely: changes in

ficance, and the

y mentioned, we

en the meanings

. Thus, we can

y or metaphor if

there are some


1. Metaphor

The basic structure of metaphor is so simple, there is something we talked

about and something used to compare with something that we talk about. A

typical dictionary definition of metaphor is “the use of a word phrase to

mean something different from the literal meaning” (Oxford Advanced

Learner’s Dictionary). As Lakoff has persuasively argued, metaphor is all

pervasive in language, and is for the most part effortlessly interpreted, so it

deserves more constructive consideration. There have been many

suggestive commentaries on metaphor, however, leaving much to be

explained. The Greek word from which the term metaphor originated

literally means “transfer”. For Aristoteles, what was transferred was the

meaning of one expression to another expression. It means a metaphorical

meaning was always the literal meaning of another expression. According

to Lakoff on Alan Cruse (2000:205), metaphors are not merely decorative

features of certain styles, but are an essential component of human

cognition. Metaphor involves: a source domain, a target domain, and a set

of mapping relations or correspondences. In addition, some experts, such

as Badudu (1981:70) said that “gaya bahasa metafora ialah gaya bahasa

yang memperbandingkan suatu benda dengan benda lain, whereas Ogden

and Richards (1972:213) mentioned:


of facilitating the discrimination of an analogous relation in another group”.

For example: life is journey, metaphor borrows structuring ideas from the

domain of a journey and applies them to life. In this case, life is being

compared to a journey because of some point similarities and some

common characteristics.

2. Metonymy

In metonymy, a word is used to stand for something that is closely related

to it. Besides that, metonymy relies on an actual, literal association

between two components within a single domain and no restructuring is

involved. As stated by Jakobson and Halle (1956) on Alan Cruse

(2000:210) who said that “metaphor was based on resemblance, whereas

metonymy was based on contiguity which we can gloss without too much

distortion as association” Metonymy contains the nearness of meaning of

two things, occasionally a thing is used to replace a purposed item. For

example: if someone said “buy Bentoel”, it means Bentoel cigarette,

lexeme Bentoel directly refers to object which is called product of the


3. Hyperboles

Hyperboles or overstatements are found in euphemism. A hyperbole is a

metonymy or synecdoche with more said than the writer intended the


is not to be understood as if it were literal description. For example: flight

to glorymeansdeathand the expressionthey turned the world upside down

is an exaggeration. World is used to stand for people, in this case many

people but probably not all the people in the world. The hyperbole is used

to make statements or expressions feel more interesting and polite or

deliberate exaggeration.

4. Euphemism

A euphemism is talking about something distasteful in a nice way. Larson

(1984:116) defines that a euphemism is a figurative expression, there is the

substitution of one word for another, or one expression for another. All

languages have euphemistic expression which substitute for certain words,

and euphemism is used to avoid an offensive expression or one that is

socially unacceptable, or one that is unpleasant. For example: the Jews

avoided mention of the name of God by using the word heaven. All

languages have euphemistic expressions which substitute for certain words,

especially in the area of sex, death, and the supernatural. For example

English language has a way of saying die without using the word which

has the primary meaningdiebut they uses the wordpass away.

5. Synecdoche

Figurative senses based on part-whole relationships are also quite common

in some languages and are called synecdoche. For example: in the Lord’s


breadof the classfood, is substituted forfood.The prayer is really talking

about food , not just bread which is one part of the whole class food.

Synecdoche is used to describe the specific words that cover common


2.1.6 Truth Condition

The purpose of semantic theory provides an account of how speaker

has the ability to recognize the truth condition on statements. Keith Allan

(2001: 47) defines that a truth condition on a statement or proposition is the

condition that must be met for it to be assigned one of the truth values from the

range (true, false). In the meantime we rely on a common-sense understanding

of what it means for a statement to be either true or else false. For example: In

order to understand and evaluate the meaning of “It is raining or Kangaroos

are marsupials or De Gaulle was taller than Napoleon”. You need to know

the conditions under which these statements would be true. Knowing these

conditions allows you to make inference. In this case, by examining the truth

conditions of cigarette advertisement slogans are easy to determine the

condition of the features of meaning build the characteristic in the slogan.

2.1.7 The characteristic of language forms

Most languages have grammatical ways of indicating the illocutionary


1. Declaratives

The normal interpretation of this sentence would be that the speaker is

making statement. The declarative structure is probably what you would

think of as the most normal way of arranging sentence, with the subject

preceding the entire predicate. A declarative will be used, other things

being equal, to make statement. Now, obviously, a sentence in declarative

form can have a wide range of illocutionary force. Something like “He’s

leaving” can function to inform someone of the fact, to ask whether it is

true (normally with appropriate intonation), as a promise, or a threat, or a

command, or even a congratulation. In this sense, perhaps that the

declarative form can be viewed as basic, and prototypical manifestation, it

commits the speaker to the truth of the expressed propositions, and thus

belongs to the same family of illocutionary meanings as assert, state,

declare, claim, etc.

2. Interrogatives

All interrogatives, at least in their prototypical uses, express ignorance on

some points, and aim at eliciting a response from a hearer which will

remove the ignorance. The basic interrogative structure with just

subject-operator inversion gives us what is known as a yes-no interrogative is as a

question expecting the answer yes or no. Standardly assumed the


either this can be about whether something is or isn’t true or it can be a

request for more specific information.

3. Imperatives

The most common function of imperatives is to direct; so they aren’t like

statements, which can be true or false. In this case, speakers are directing

someone to do something, and this can include a range of things like

commands, requests, instruction, prohibition, permission, and even advice.

Palmer (1986:29-30) suggests that the basic meaning of the imperative is

the expression of a generally favorable attitude to the action indicated. The

prototypical use of the imperative is to elicit actions which are beneficial to

the speaker: case like ‘come in!’ in answer to knock on the door, or ‘have a

nice holiday!’ on this view would not be prototypical uses.

4. Exclamations

Exclamations cannot be performed by any performative verbs; that is,

those verbs one of whose functions is to signal specific speech acts, have a

certain peculiar properties which set them apart from non-performative

verbs,(Alan Cruse 2000:334). Exclamative sentence will typically be used

to make exclamations not surprisingly. The function of exclamative

sentence is much more restricted than that of any of the other sentence type


2.2 The Language of Advertisement

What the text in the advertisement tells the consumers and how the

message is told by the advertisers is sometimes more important than visual

aspect. The visual content and design have a very great impact on the

consumer, but it is language that helps people to identify a product and

remember it. The language of advertisement covers all aspects of advertising

languages, from the interrelation of language, image and layout to discourse

between reader and advertisement. The ultimate objective of advertisement

language is to attract consumer’s attention to the product or service on offer.

To achieve that aim, advertisers use language distinctively, they are

manipulating words or distorting their visual meanings to direct the consumers

to the action by influencing them with the written language. The

advertiser/copywriter spreads the information of their products by using good

and effective language. This causes the consumers to get impression of the

product offered. Basically the good advertisement has some elements which

are commonly used in the public media namely: headline, slogan/tagline, and

body copy. In this case, Tom Altstiel states that slogans usually are the

catchphrases that appear after the logo in a printed ad or at the end

commercial, and in most cases they are very forgettable. The advertisers

choose the creative and interesting words to be the language of their slogan.


2.2.1Definition of Advertisement

Rhenald Kasali, (1998:9) defines that advertisement is part of a

promotion mix, and the promotion mix is part of the marketing mix. The

quotations simply defines advertisement as messages that offer a product

addressed to society through a media and ads aim at persuading people to

buy the product. In addition, Frank Jefkins on Rhenald Kasali, states

“advertising aims to persuade people to buy”.

(Table 1. The origin of the advertisement and promotions word,

Rhenald Kasali, 1998:10)

Asal kata (latin) Terjemahan Fungsional

Advertere (Advertising) To run toward

Promovere (Promotion) To move forward or advance

Sasaran iklan adalah mengubah jalan pikiran konsumen untuk membeli

Sasaran promosi adalah merangsang pembelian ditempat.(Immediately stimulating purchase).

The promotion is more intended as a sales promotion, namely the

promotion of display, prizes, raffle coupon etc that is directly provided in a

variety of distribution channels. Meanwhile the definition of advertisement is

a process that involves the preparation, implementation, and monitoring

delivery of advertisements. Advertisement is then used to create people’s

awareness of the company’s product or services, immediately people’s


actually buy the products or services. In fact, advertisement is also used to

persuade people to believe in things (believe that some thoughts offered by

an advertiser is a good, right and urgent one).

2.2.2 Positioning and Brand Image

In the process of marketing a product, two fundamental aspects must be

considered. These are positioning and brand image. Advertisers must consider

how they position their products. Positioningis"what the product does, and who

it is for". The same product could be positioned several ways. For example,

consider the positioning of a new cereal called "Start". Depending on the merits

of the product, the copywriter could put this cereal to senior citizens because it

contains high energy compounds that could allow seniors to partake in more

activities. The copywriter could also put this same cereal as a children's breakfast

cereal because the name is synonymous with the high energy level of children.

The positioning of any product will determine your target audience. A second

consideration is the brand image of the product. Image means "personality" and

every product has a personality. Many things go into developing a brand image

including the name of the product, the packaging, the price and the style of its

advertisement. Consider cigarettes advertisement, everyone has different tastes as

well as smokers who certainly have a special view of a particular cigarette brand.


For example: Marlboro's image appeals particularly to men who are identified

with adventure and thrill seeking. Marlboro sponsors many car races which

promote the image of the brand through association. Virginia Slims is positioned

as a product used by independent, successful young women and Camel cigarettes,

with the Joe Camel cartoon character, presents a brand image of perhaps slight

rebellion or naughtiness, yet "coolness" and is a favorite brand among young

smokers. Once again, it should be evident that, advertisement, like all forms of

media is a constructed message containing an ideology.

2.2.3. The Purpose of Advertisement

The ultimate purpose of all commercial advertisement is to persuade people to

buy. According to the interpretation of Tom Altstiel mentions that to be effective

a good advertisement must have:

1. The ability to get our attention. Hundreds of advertisement are seen/heard

each day. Therefore, an effective advertisement must stand out from the

competition and grab the consumer's attention.

2. The ability to sustain our attention. It is important that the potential

consumer learn something about the product. An effective ad involves the

reader in the details of the ad and carries the reader's attention through the


3. The ability to transmit the message. Clarity of message is important if the

message is in limited space. So that, the consumers are demanded to

understand deeply the messages delivered.

4. The ability to convince the potential consumers to accept the message of the

advertisement and the advertisement brand. Thus, the ability of the

advertisement is to persuade, to accept and to buy the product.

2.2.4. Slogans/Taglines

It’s hard to think of well-known brand without thinking of its taglines.

Taglines were once called slogans. The origin of the word slogan came from

the Gaelic slaughaiirm, used by Scottish clans to mean ‘war cry’. Slogans

have been an integral part of consumer advertisement since the civil war. In

the later part of the twentieth century, many slogans became shorter and were

acceptable for any companies. Alina Wheeler (2003:42) states in her book

“The tagline is short phrase that captures a company’s brand essence,

personality, and positioning, and distinguishes it from its competitors”.

Additionally Debra Koonttz Traverso, aouthor, Outsmarting Goliath on Alina

Wheeler defines A tagline is a slogan, clarifer, mantra, company statement or

guiding principle that describes, synopsizes or helps create an interest”.

According to the opinion of Tom Altstiel (2006:165) explain the taglines


after the logo in a print ad or at the end of the commercial, and, in most cases,

they are very forgettable. Taglines are the most important element in the

advertisement. Some consumers typically put more expectations on the

taglines, because it usually contains a description of the company taglines and

product positioning. The main purpose of the taglines is to build and

strengthen the presence of a product.

Having been explained before, that the slogans or taglines are often short,

memorable phrases used in advertisement and often play a large part in the

interplay among rival companies, also express the aims of nature of an

organization. Taglines frequently have a shorter life span than visual identities.

Like advertisement campaigns, they are more susceptible to marketplace and

life style changes.

An effective slogan usually has basic composition as follows: a tagline

must be short, be differentiated from its competitors, unique, must capture the

brand essence and positioning, easy to say and remember, cannot have any

negative connotations, typically displayed in a small font, protected and

trademarked, evokes an emotional response, and last it is difficult to create.

Based on the writing of effective slogans, as mentioned previously, hence

it emerges the ideas that writing slogans like developing whole concepts. Tom

Altstiel (2007:169) states the concept becomes the creative tree for taglines as

the figure below illustrates a brief template for a business to business client,


(Figure 2. A creative tree template for slogan Tom Altstiel 2003:169)

Based on the explanations before, the writer can take conclusion that

advertisement slogans start from one idea which later will be developed with

including wide selection, advanced design and superior customer. So that, it

results one tagline comprehended and in order to support the existence of

advertisement product which is supported.


This company makes innovative DC fractional horsepower motors used

in automotive, lawn and garden, marine, medical and appliance applications and provides complete

design, testing, and prototyping services.

Wide Selection Advanced Design Superior Customer Support

A world of solutions

The right choice The right selection Power solution worldwide

Creating one’s future

Forward thinking Leading the way New ideas to power one’s business

Moving to the next level


2.2.5. The understanding of the slogans/taglines

Xiaosong (1998:2) an expert of advertisement and translator of English to

Chinese divided slogan discussion into three levels namely, word level, syntax

level, and semantics level. In this study, the writer will focus only to semantics

level. In the semantics level, Xiaosong said,” ad slogans have to conform to

the code of commercial practices semantic ambiguity is needed to avoid any

sensible legal liability”.

There are a few style of writing advertisement slogans in order to slogans

to be short and easy to remember, namely:

1. To achieve an emphatic effect, the advertisement slogan is just like

a headline which uses initial capitalization to attract message

mentioned or to stress every words. It says to impress the reader.

For example: Toyota I love What You Do For Me

It aims to achieve an emphasis effect, such as advertisement

slogans headlines by using a capital letter in the beginning of every


2. Alliteration can help the slogans achieve the strong beating rhythm

needed to make it a repeatable sentence. Alliterations also achieve

an emphatic effect of the meaning.

For example: Greyhound Greyhound going great

3. In the present simple negative and interrogative sentence it is


more colloquial. In some occasions the auxiliary verb has totally

been left out in the questions.

For example:

Shouldn’t you company spend less on hotel bills? FT Hotel


4. Comparatives and superlatives occur in almost every

advertisement, often combined with the adjectives gives the


30 3.1 Research Object

This object of this research is the cigarette advertisement slogans. In doing

the analysis, the writer uses semantic and advertisement theory to describe the

usage of advertisement language in producing the cigarette advertisement slogans.

The data are taken from the internet, banners, local, national and foreign TV

stations, and billboards. The slogans have been produced from 2001 until 2010.

The chosen objects are actually based on the interest to see the phenomena of the

use of language in the advertisement that is differently unique in their structures

and dictions.

The next focus is the choosing of the research data based on two kinds of

meaning; namely denotative and connotative meanings. Then, by observing the

slogans that appear on television, there are some questions; what are the features

of meaning reflected in the cigarettes advertisement slogans and what effects are


3.2 Research Method

Characteristically, the research method used is qualitative approach since this

study attempts to describe the linguistic phenomena in cigarette advertisement

slogans covering what features of meaning build the characteristic of the slogan

and what effects are made through the slogan language. Also, a qualitative method

is used since the writer is interested in studying how the cigarette advertisement

slogans occur, and how the advertiser/copywriter comes to certain choice of

language used in the slogans.

To analyze a thing that typically refers to the social context, Creswell (1994:1)

has assumed that.

Qualitative research is designed to be consistent with the assumptions of a qualitative paradigm. This study is defined as an inquiry process of understanding a social or human problem, based on building a complex, holistic picture, formed with words, reporting detailed views of informants, and conducted in a natural setting.

As Kutha Ratna (2004:53) mentioned:“metode deskriptif analitik dilakukan

dengan cara mendeskripsikan fakta-fakta yang kemudian disusul dengan

analisis, secara etimologis deskripsi dan analisis berarti menguraikan”.

In addition, analytic descriptive will be used as the method of this research.

This method will be operated through the analysis of research data collection so


3.2.1 Data Collection

The process of collecting data goes along with some procedures. The writer

follows some stages below:

1. Preparing investigation or choosing the data source (observing).

The writer did the library research and searched the homepages as well as

website for some selected references, print advertisements, local, national

and foreign TV commercial, and banners.

2. Collecting the data (cigarette advertisement slogans).

In this process, the collected cigarette advertisement slogans were released

from 2001 until 2010. The cigarette advertisement slogans were

downloaded from website then they were transcribed to phrases and

clauses, and were categorized into type of cigarettes. The data were taken

from several sources such as internet www.youtube.com and


3. Choosing the data

In this process, the data collected are the slogans concerning with cigarette

advertisement. The 23 cigarette advertisement slogans are chosen as the

data. Then, the data are classified into two kinds of meanings namely:

denotative and connotative meanings. The classification data is purposed to

find out the difference of the characteristic and the effects are made in the


4. Specifying data

The writer classified 23 cigarette advertisement slogans into two kinds of

meanings. There are: Denotative Meanings areA Live with Pleasure, Fresh

is Cool is, Others can Only Follow, Cool Groove, Make Up Your Today’s

Mind, Indonesia’s Unique Clove Cigarette, Slim Smooth Square, My Life

My Adventure, Cool.Calm.Confident, Enjoy the Adventure, Deeply

Enjoyable and Connotative Meanings are Come to Marlboro Country,

Come to Where the Flavor is, The Flavor of Adventure, Taste Me, Light Up

the Night, Mild Plus for Male Plus, How Low can You Go, Think Black,

King Size, It’s Time for Classic, Show Your Red, Trial Game .The branded

cigarettes are promoted in a series of advertisements to provoke the

consumers about the product offered. The data classification based on the

type of meaning and they are classified into the features of meaning such

as metonymy, metaphor, synecdoche, hyperbole and euphemism.

3.2.2 Data Analysis

Analyzing data is one of steps conducted by the writer. Maxwell (1996:78)

mentioned that data analysis is probably the aspect of qualitative research that

most clearly distinguishes it from experimental and survey research. Analyzing

data is carried out with the purposes of analyzing the collected data in order to

clarify the theory applied. The data analysis is conducted by classifying the


based on Leech’s theory. By examining the lexical meaning of each word; it can

be found the features of meaning build the characteristic of the slogans. Next

process is by explaining what effects are made in the cigarette advertisement

slogans combining semantic, syntax and advertisement theories. Below is one of

the analysis examples.

Corpus 1

Product name : Marlboro

Slogan :Come to Marlboro Country

The phrase Marlboro Country itself raises questions like what is

Marlboro country? And where is it? The phrase is not meant to confuse the

readers or the consumers; in fact the slogan uses the phrase to evoke the

curiosity on the part of the consumers. Thus, the word Come as an

invitation is properly used in this slogan, meaning that if someone wants to

know what Marlboro Country is like, one should smoke Marlboro cigarette

and find out by himself what it is actually like. They create characters of

cowboys, men with their personalities which fascinate the readers. Thus

the cowboys are the Marlboro men with great personalities and values of

life. The slogan portrays the fresh, healthy, natural attitude, as they also

embody the image of cowboys as tough individuals who are rugged, strong

and independent. The word Marlboro is associated with the cigarette


mythical American hero and legend; the cowboys picture the ideal and

appealing American life style. This image of the slogan suggests that

Marlboro is for the people or men who love adventure in the natural word.

Semantically, the sloganCome to Marlboro Countrybegins with the words

“Come to”,the wordComelexically meansto move to, towards, into etc. a

place where the speaker or the writer is; to move in order to be with

somebody at a particular place or be present at an event.The word come

is also often used when somebody invites the other person to join him in an

occasion or to be with him. The use of word “Marlboro”in the slogan has

Connotative meaning, the Connotative meaning emerges by phrase

“Marlboro Country”, in truth condition, the word Marlboro is not a name

of country. The copywriter/advertiser uses the figure of speech which

means to offer the smokers Come to Marlboro Country to find out the taste

of Marlboro. The use of Marlboro word in a figurative sense involving

association called Metonymy. The word “Marlboro”is used to replace the

Marlboro cigarette products offered. In this case, the word Marlboro as a

form of rekayasa asosiatif where the copywriter does not use words that

refer directly to cigarette smoking was due to some ethic codes in

advertisement. It is used to refine the product offered into something

positive for consumers.

By considering the meaning of the words, it can be deduced that the


with Verb “Come”, there is no Subject here, and the intended subject in

this slogan is clearly the hearer or second person “you”, the main

component of Imperative type is to get someone to do something such as

order, command, request, etc and it means you are requested intimately to

Come to Marlboro Country. Imperative type is used to tell the consumers



4.1 The Analysis of Cigarette Advertisement Slogans that have Connotative meanings.

Corpus 1

Product name : Marlboro

Slogan :Come to Marlboro Country

The phrase Marlboro Country itself raises questions like what is

Marlboro country? And where is it? The phrase does not mean to confuse

the readers or the consumers; in fact the slogan uses the phrase to evoke

the curiosity on the part of the consumers. Semantically, the slogan Come

to Marlboro Country begins with the words “Come to”, the word Come

lexically meansto move to, towards, into etc. a place where the speaker or

the writer is; to move in order to be with somebody at a particular place or

be present at an event. The wordcome is also often used when somebody

invites the other person to join him in an occasion or to be with him. The

use of word “Marlboro” in the slogan has Connotative meaning, the


phrase of Marlboro Country is associated with the name of the state. In

truth condition, the word Marlboro is not a name of state, but it refers to

the cigarette product on red package,Marlborocan also be associated with

the mythical American hero and legend; the cowboys picture the ideal and

appealing American life style. The phrase Marlboro Country creates new

characteristic as an identity namely they create character of cowboys, men

with their personality which fascinate the readers and the men who races a

horse. The phrase Marlboro Country means Marlboro smokers’

association who has characteristic and creates an image of cowboys. The

slogan portrays the fresh, healthy, natural attitude, as they also embody the

image of cowboys as tough individuals who are rugged, strong and

independent. In this case, the word Marlboro involves to metonymy in

which the word Marlboro is used to replace the Marlboro cigarette

product. This image of the slogan suggests thatMarlboro is for the people

or men who love adventure in the natural world and also create intimately

invitation for people to be smoker the Marlboro cigarette which has

particular taste. The copywriter/advertiser used the figure of speech means

to offer the smokers Come to Marlboro Country to find out the taste of

Marlboro. In this case, the word Marlboro is as a form of rekayasa

asosiatif where the copywriter does not use words that refer directly to

cigarette. Smoking is due to some ethic codes in advertisement. It is used


By considering the meaning of the words, it can be deduced that the

structure of slogan is imperative type. The structure of the slogan is started

with Verb “Come”, there is no Subject here, and the intended subject in

this slogan is clearly the hearer or second person “you”, the main

component of imperative is to get someone to do something such as order,

command, request, etc and it means you are requested intimately to Come

to Marlboro Country. Imperative type is used to tell the consumers that

they should do the activity as the slogan recommends.

Corpus 2

Product name : Marlboro

Slogan :Come to where the flavor is

Once again this is the branded cigarette which is famous of their

creation of cowboys, men with their personality which fascinate the

readers. Thus the cowboys are the Marlboro men with great personalities

and values of life. The present images of Marlboro man is when he races to

the sunset on his horse with no more than a hint of the joy of adventure in

Marlboro cigarette; the brand name or the red package. The slogan

portrays the fresh, healthy, natural attitude, as they also embody the image

of cowboys as tough individuals who are rugged, strong and independent.

The word Come lexically means to move to, towards, into, etc. a place


a particular place or be present at an event. The word come is also often

used when somebody invites the other person to join him in an occasion or

to be with him. Thus, the use of the word come in this slogan implies an

invitation from the company of the cigarette to the consumers to come and

to try to smoke this brand of cigarette which delivers different tastes than

others. Semantically, the word flavor means taste and smell; a particular

type of taste.The lexical meaning shows that the company is trying to say

this brand of cigarette has a certain taste and smell which is particular or

different from the other brands of cigarettes. The phrase Where the Flavor

is creates characteristic as an identity that the flavor is in Marlboro. It

implies that Marlboro is the center of the flavor that it has characteristic the

best flavor which is distinct from any other cigarettes’ flavor. Thus, the

slogan invites people to come and to try, because Marlboro creates the best

flavor, there are taste and smell identically the flavor of image cowboys

which is different from the taste and smell or flavor of the other brands of

cigarettes. The word“flavor”has connotative meaning.The entire context

of the slogans emerges the connotative meaning as if wherever there is a

taste in this brand of cigarette, the consumers will come to try and prove it.

In truth condition, somebody will try the taste of the product and the

product offered is expected to influence the consumers to try this brand of

cigarette. The word flavor is associated with Marlboro products which


enjoyment of a cigarette products offered. In this case, the figurative sense

based on part-whole relationships is also quite common and are called

synecdoche. The slogan “come to where the flavor is” is really talking

about the taste of cigarette, not just flavor which is one part of the whole

class of cigarette. The word flavor is a part of cigarette which is used for

the whole part and one specific memberflavorof the classcigarette.

By examining slogan based on the meaning type, the slogan can be

figured asimperativetype, it emerges in the first word“come”as function

as verb, imperative differs structurally from other type: an imperative will

typically call a ‘directive’- a term that covers request, commands,

prohibitions and instructions. The imperative type used in this slogan

purposes to invite or to ask the consumers to do the activity as offered.

Corpus 3

Product name : Marlboro

Slogan :The Flavor of Adventure

The slogan begins with the word flavor; the word flavoris defined

as taste and smell, a particular type of taste and a special quality. The

wordflavorimplies that the flavor is in the Marlboro brand. It also implies

thatMarlboro is the center of the flavor that it has the best flavor which is

distinct from any other cigarette’s flavor. The taste and smell are different


lexical meaning of adventureisunusual, exciting or dangerous experience

and excitement associated with danger and taking risk. The slogan has

connotative meaning because the slogan has a figurative of sense which is

caused by a sense ofadventure, in truth conditionadventure does not have

a sense, which has a sense only the products offered. The phrase the flavor

of adventurecreates new characteristic as an identity that the smokers think

that smoking is not an adventure but an object inhaled. The copywriter uses

words figuratively to make these products attract consumers, especially the

smokers. The word adventure is associated with the sense of product

offered. It means the word adventure belongs to metaphor, the word

adventure is comparison to the product offered, and the word adventure

transferred was the meaning of one expression to another expression.

By examining the lexical and type of meaning, it can be deduced

that this slogan The Flavor of Adventure belongs to Declarativestructure.

As we have said, a declarative will be used, other things being equal to

make a statement and roughly to tell the reader or hearer about something.

In this case, the copywriter suggests that this brand has the advantages of


Corpus 4

Product name : Camel

Slogan :Taste Me!

Most current Camel cigarette contains a blend of Turkish and

Virginia tobacco. The producer uses this sort of tobacco in order to make

smoking ofCamelmore pleasant that makes this brand different from other

cigarettes, this makeCamelbrand’s taste very original, unique and smooth.

This slogan became a vagueness to understand, because the copywriter use

the word meas a reference to the wordtaste,which the word meis a form

of first person pronouns (grammatically). The lexical meaning of taste is

defined as the sense by which a flavor is recognized, causing a particular

sensation when it comes into contact with the tongue. This slogan has

connotative meaningbecause in the context, the wordmeis associated with

the kind of this cigarette namely Camel cigarette. The word me means

something that can be tasted as delicious as foods. The word me creates

new characteristic as an identity that the cigarette product which is known

has original taste, unique and smooth. The copywriter intends to further

familiarizing consumers that Camel cigarette products is very easy to

smoke because it offers a very smooth and different unique tastes with

other tobacco products where this product produced from a mixture of

Turkish and Virginia tobaccos. The copywriter suggests that the consumer


used the exclamation as the emphasis that the copywriter means to strongly

influence consumers to try the products offered. The connotative meaning

is associated with cigarette product, this premises lead to the existence of

figurative sense of the word me involvesmetonymy. The word me is used

to replace tobacco products offered.

By examining the meaning type, it can be sketched that this slogan

belongs to imperative structure; it is marked by the verb at the beginning

that aims at giving the order or solicitation to consumers to try the product

being offered. The imperative structure of slogan is purposed at making

demands or asking the consumer to do the activities by trying this product

which has particular tastes and different from other products.

Corpus 5

Product name : Pall Mall

Slogan :Light Up the Night

The slogan Light Up the Night uses the exaggerating power of the

imagery. Actually the act of lighting upa cigarette will only cause a small

flickering light, but in the imagery, it is made as if the act of lighting upa

cigarette can light up the whole darkness of the night around the entire

world. Thus the slogan suggests the exaggerating of imagery used in the

slogan by the advertisers to indicate that Pall Mall is a unique, distinctive


the dynamic night-life. The slogan is also considered persuasive since it

uses the appealing dynamic life-style for youngsters and the opportunity

for more leisure time whenever they smoke Pall Mall added with the pride

of the youngster’s personal appearance that makes better image for those

who choose Pall Mall. The word light up has several meanings, the

meanings are to make a person’s face to become right or lively; to provide

something with light; to begin to smoke a cigarette. The word night is

defined asthe time of darkness, the evening. Then we can take conclusions

that this slogan has connotative meaning. Since, the night is associated

with dark, it needs light, and thus it is necessary to light up a light to

brighten the night. The slogan suggests that this brand of cigarette is

necessary to be smoked, especially at night times. The word night creates

new characteristic as an identity namely the night-life activities such as

going clubbing, dancing, and having fun. The word night which

corresponds to darkness, can also refer to the dark moments of a person’s

life, it means the person has difficulties and problems in his life. Night life

refers to night life activities are usually liked by young people, thus the

market target of this brand of cigarette are the young people who like a

dynamic night life. The copywriter is trying to say that if somebody wants

to make his night-life complete, then he should smoke this cigarette.

Besides that, the word light up may imply the spiritual brightness. The


difficulties and sadness. Thus, this slogan may represent the time of

darkness in life. The copywriter/advertiser used the figure of speech means

to offer the smokers this slogan suggests that if one smokes this brand of

cigarette, spiritually his life will be bright and he will be able to think of

the solution of his problems or he might cheer himself up by smoking this

brand of cigarette. The use of night word in a figurative sense involving

association is calledMethapor.Using the wordnightin a figurative way to

represent the night-life activities such as clubbing, there is an associative

relationship which makes the figurative sense. The metaphor borrows

structure ideas from the domain of a night-life activities. In this case, Pall

Mall cigarette encourage the smoker to smoke this cigarette. Night-life

activity is being compared to the Pall Mall cigarette because of some point

similarities and some common characteristics. It can be concluded that the

copywriter suggests that if someone has problems, he should not be

worried, he just needs to calm down and smokes this cigarette and he

would be able to solve this problem.

By examining the type of meaning, the slogan belongs to

Imperative structure, it means the copywriter is trying to make a command

and demand to do something not very original but you get the message.

Imperative usually is started with a verb and tells command message. The

copywriter indicates that Pall Mall is unique and distinctive cigarette from


Imperative structure is used to invite the prospective consumers to do

activities as instructed in the product offered.

Corpus 6

Product name : Bentoel

Slogan :Mild Plus for Male Plus

The phrasemild plusfrom the slogan may evoke an image, creating

a mental picture in the minds of the readers of the slogan. The image of

this slogan is life of the western. Western people usually smoke mild

cigarette which has a low standard of nicotine, one may reduce the risk of

smoking. The implication of the imagery is that if one smokes the

cigarette, one may share the good quality of life of the western people.

Thus if one smokes mild cigarette, he will look like a westerner who

knows how to reduce the risk of smoking by smoking mild cigarette.

Bentoel mild offers the ultimate satisfaction and smoothness of mild

cigarette formulated through the latest technology from the best blend of

tobaccos and cloves provides the distinctive taste and aroma. Thus, the

mild plusis dedicated to the male plus. The open-ended slogan is designed

to trigger the readers and the viewers about the image of themale plus.The

male plus is the man with positive attitude. The wordplus lexical meaning

is a positive quality, and advantage. The word plus can also be associated


of the wordplusin this slogan is to tell the consumers thatBentoel mildhas

a positive quality better than other mild cigarettes. Thus, the phrase mild

plus suggests that this cigarette has positive quality in terms of the low

quality of nicotine. This slogan also mentionsmale plus,this phrase creates

characteristic as an identity that can be understood as a male person, a man

with attitude who has a positive quality better than other males. Moreover,

the slogan wants to say thatBentoel mildis not for anybody, it is for males

or man who is “plus” who also have positive qualities. S


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