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Academic year: 2017



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This thesis is submitted to meet one of the requirements to achieve Sarjana Degree in English Education









The Undersigned:

Name : Fitria

Student ID Number : 201010100311072

Program of Study : English Department

Faculty : Faculty of Teacher Training and Education

I declare that the work presented in this thesis was carried out by myself and does not

incorporate without acknowledgement any material previously submitted for a degree

or diploma in any university. To the best of my knowledge this thesis does not

contain any material previously publish or written by another person except where

due reference is made in text.

Malang, February 4, 2016



“When you have never made a mistake, it means you have not tried anything” -Unknown-

Indeed Allah is with those who patienly endure

(Qur’an, 8:46)

“Verily, with the hardship, there is a relief” (Qur’an, 94:6)

This thesis is dedicated to:

My beloved Father and Mother

H. Sholichin and Hj. Siti Juwariyah

Who always give me motivation, support, guidance and especially pray for success of my study and my life.

My Sister

Novia Maulina, S.Farm

My brother

M. Maulana Muchtiyali

All of my close friends

Elny Risnawati, Novia Andini, Sonya, Hilwannahl, and Anita Kusumawati for sharing happiness and sadness.

And my partner in life

Irham Kriesna Bahari, S.Kom



First, praise is to Allah SWT for all the glory guiding the writer through hard

days in finishing this thesis. Next, my greeting goes to Rasulullah Muhammad SAW.

Frankly, a thesis like this does not come about without a lot of help from a lot

of people. First is to my advisors Drs. Estu Widodo, M.Hum and Dr. Sri Hartiningsih,

M.M who have patiently spend their valuable time to guide, give suggestion,

scrupulously examine and correct this thesis, so that I can finish it on time. Beyond

that, their criticisms have encouraged me to struggle very hard to get the success

especially in completing this thesis soon. Without their real understanding and strong

motivation, this thesis would have never found its completion.

The next, the special thanks are given to the writer beloved parents, brother

and all of friends who gave much love, encouragement and spirit of doing the best.

Last but not least, I would like to say thank you very much to the MA

Bilingual Batu, especially Mr. Supian Syah, S.Pd who has support, permitted, and

helped my research.

From the bottom of my hearth

The Writer











CHAPTER 1: INTRODUCTION 1.1 Research Background ... 1

1.2 Research Problem ... 3

1.3 Problem Limitation ... 3

1.4 Research Objectives ... 3

1.5 Research Benefits ... 3

1.6 Definition of Terms ... 4


2.2 Type of Bilingual ... 5

2.3 The Education of Bilingual Program ... 6

2.4 Type of Bilingual Education... 7


2.4.2 Maintenance Bilingual Education ... 8

2.4.3 Immersion Bilingual Education ... 8

2.5 The Operational Factor of Bilingual Education ... 9

2.5.1 Curriculum ... 9

2.5.2 Subject ... 9

2.5.3 Evaluation ...10

2.5.4 Materials ...10

2.5.5 Teachers ...10

2.6 The Strategies in Bilingual Classroom ...11

2.6.1 Translanguaging ...11

2.6.2Translating ...11

2.6.3 Previewing and Reviewing ...12

2.7 The Problem Areas in The Practing of Bilingual and Possible Solutions to Solve Those Problems ...12

2.7.1 Motivation and opportunities to use foreign languages ...12

2.7.2 Students’ Language Proficiency Level ...13

2.7.3 Language and Content ...13

2.7.4 Development of Biliteracy ...14

2.7.5 Language and Culture ...14

2.7.6 Materials and Human Resources ...15



3.1 Research Method ...17

3.2 Research Setting ...17

3.3 Research Subject ...18

3.4 Instruments and Data Gathering Technique ...18

3.4.1 Instruments ...18 Observation ...18 Interview ...19

3.4.2Data Gathering Technique ...20

3.5 Data Analysis Technique ...20

3.6. Research Procedure ...21


4.1.1 The Implementation of Bilingual Program at MA Bilingual Batu ...22 Implementation of Bilingual program in a class ...23 The Implementation Of Bilingual Program Outside The Class...28

4.1.2 The Obstacle In implementing Bilingual Program ...30 Learners’ problems ...30


4.1.3The Possible Solution in Solving The Obstacles in

Implementing Bilingual Program ...30

4.2 Discussion ...31


5.2 Suggestions ...36

5.2.1 To The Headmaster and Vice Headmaster ...36

5.2.2 To The English Teacher...36

5.2.3 To Further Researchers ...36





1st Observation

Day/Date : 15 March, 2015

Time : 11.00-12.15

Materi : Writing (The differences of “will” and “be going to”)


 The teacher gave greeting to the students.

 The teacher opened the class by giving short story about motivation in Bahasa Indonesia.

 The teacher checked the students’ attendance list.

 The teacher askfed the students about the previous material.

 The teacher gave the infomation about the material that will be discussed today.


 The teacher asked to the students to mention the kinds of verb in Bahasa Indonesia.

 The teacher asked to the students to mention those verb in English language.

 The teacher mentioned those verb again in English language and gave correction for the


 The teacher explained the material about the differences of “will’ and „be going to”.

 The students were asked by the teacher to make a sentence with the using of “will” and

“be going to”.


 The teacher checked the students’ work.

 The teacher made correction to the students’ work.

 The teacher gave the material about “will” and “be going to” in the form of song lyric of

One Way or Another from One Direction.

 The students were asked to read the text first carefully.

 The teacher asked to the students to sing together.

 The teacher asked to the students to analyze song lyric of One Way or Another from One


 The teacher asked to the students about the translation of song lyric in Bahasa language. .

 The students were asked to submit their work.


 The students were asked to make a conclusion about the material today.


2nd Observation

Day/Date : 30 March, 2015

Time : 11.00-12.15

Materi : Speaking (Telling Story)


 The teacher gave greeting to the students.

 The teacher checked the students’ attendance list.

 The students were asked about the previous material by the teacher.

 The teacher gave the information about the material that will be discussed today.

 The teacher gave warming up to the student with giving the instruction when the teacher

said “Sunday” the students must clap their hand once, for “Monday” two times, and for

“Saturday” three times.

 The teacher gave the punishment to the students who made a mistake and came in front

of the class to tell their activity in Sunday.


 The teacher gave the example about how to tell something used English language.

 The students were asked by the teacher to tell their activity in Sunday in pairs.

 The students in left side were asked by the teacher to sit down and students who are in the

right side to stand up.


 The students who are in the left side must show angry expression and students who are in

the right side must show calm expression.

 The next activity, the students were asked by the teacher to make a question in Bahasa

and wrote down in the piece of paper with giving their name and students’ number.

 The students were asked by the teacher to make an origami from those paper in the form

of plane.

 The students made a circle in the class.

 The teacher counted and the students must fly their plane paper in the air.

 Each students would take one paper plane and come to the owner of that paper and

answer their questions used English.

 Teacher came to the students one by one and gave the score.


 The teacher gave the conclusion about the material.


3th Observation

Day/Date : 04 Aprl, 2015

Time : 11.00-12.15

Materi : Speaking (Describing Picture)


 The teacher gave greeting to the students.

 The students were asked about the previous material by the teacher.

 The teacher gave the information about the material that will be discussed today.


 The teacher read the instructions of the rules of this class.

 The students read the instruction of the rules together.

 The teacher showed some pictures to the students.

 The students were asked by the teacher to analyze the picture.

 The teacher gave the example about how to describe picture with using English in front

of the class.

 The teacher describe one of the pictures in front of the class.

 The teacher gave some vocabulary related to the picture to the students..

 The students were asked to guees what is picture about.

 The students were given the assignment to describe the picture.

 The students came in front of class to describe the picture one by one.



 The teacher gave the conclusion about the material.



1st Observation

Day/Date : 15 March, 2015

Time : 11.00-12.15

Materi : Writing (The differences of “will” and “be going to”)

Type Of Bilngual Education The Example of Activity Immersion Bilingual Education Pre-Teaching

- What have you learned in the

- Everybody please pay attention to

your friend!

- You may sit down, Binti.

- Do you know what the material that we will discuss today?


- Everebody please mention some

verb in daily our activities!

- I will explain to you the

differences of will and be going to.

- Pay attention to me guys

- Do you get it what I mean?

- Now, its your turn to make two sentences, first use will and the second sentences use be going to.


- I will count down for 5 to 1 and you must submit your work to me

- I have a lyrics song from One

- Everybody stand up, please!

- One, two, three Let’s sing


- Girls and boy, you may sit down again.

- Now, What you have to do is

analyzing every sentences in that lyrics.

The strategy in Bilingual Classroom The Example of Activity Translanguaging

previously said in another language. For example :

- Do you get my point? (said twice) Apakah kalian faham?

- Is it understandable? (said twice) Apakah mudah untuk dipahami?


2nd Observation

Day/Date : 30 March, 2015

Time : 11.00-12.15

Materi : Speaking (Telling Story)

Type Of Bilngual Education The Example of Activity Immersion Bilingual Education Pre-Teaching

- Before we starting our lesson today,

let’s pray together.

- We have to focus to Arifin’s voice. - Could you please tell us about your

Sunday morning?

- Everybody listen to my instructions and do my instructions!

- When I say Sunday, you must clap your hand once, when I say Monday you must clap your hand twice, and for Saturday three times.


please! you have to angry to your friends.

- Do not change or do not stop until I eyes, I will ask you something.


- It’s time for you to take a plane you


- Whose plane you have? Everybody,

please come to the name and answer the question!


- Is there any question?

- Oke thank you wassalamualaikum.

The strategy in Bilingual Classroom The Example of Activity Translating

Previewing and Reviewing

Teacher repeats what they have previously said in another language. For example :

Fold (said three times) Melipat

Meaningful form (said twice)


Teacher gives initial understanding, then it considered in depth in the majority


3th Observation

Day/Date : 04 Aprl, 2015

Time : 11.00-12.15

Materi : Speaking (Describing Pictures)

Type Of Bilngual Education The Example of Activity Immersion Bilingual Class Pre-Teaching

- First, let’s pray together.

- Now, we are going to have a photo.

- Anyone of you wanna say something?

- Look at this picture! Nobody is sleepy and nobody is hungry.

- It’s time for us to have speking class


Whilst Teaching

- Look at this one!

- Please all of you do not close your eyes, pay attention on the white board and pay attention on the instructions!

- Look at this one! Whay you need to do are... please read together.

- Is it understandable?

- Is it clear enough?

- Any question for all my instructions?

- Look at the first picture! Abyone of you want to try to guess?

- Guess what is it about!

- You may stand up, Zufar.

- Give applause to Zufar.


- For example, in this picture there is a

word “what we are doing?”

- The word “we are doing” is formula

of Simple Present Continous Tense.

- This is the way that you are talking forward, I will choose by my self.

Post Teaching

- Any question for our material today?

- Let’s pray together.

The strategy in Bilingual Classroom The Example of Activity

Translating Teacher repeats what they have previously said in another language. For example :

The call of praying (said twice) Adzan

Slipper (said twice) Sandal jepit



Interviewer : Fitria

Interviewee : Mr. SS, S.Pd Date : 10 August, 2015 Time : 09.00- 10.00 Place of Interview : MA Bilingual Batu

Question and Answer

1. Apa yang di maksud program Bilingual?

Program bilingual adalah program yang dibuat sekolah dengan menggunakan dua bahasa

dalam kesehariannya. Kesehariannya yang di maksud adalah menggunakan dua bahasa di

dalam kelas ataupun di luar kelas. Di Madrasah Aliyah Bilingual Batu ini, sekolah

memaksimalkan dulu untuk didalam kelasnya, sedang di luar kelas masih belum ada kontrol

yang memadai. Contoh didalam kelas yaitu pada saat menyampaiakan materi menggunakan

bahasa pengantar yaitu bahasa Inggris, karena yang dimaksud Bilingual di sekolah ini

menggunakan Bahasa Inggris dan bahasa Arab. Namun, karena tidak semua siswa yang

masuk sekolah ini tidak dari Mts atau sekolah yang berbasis agama, maka di sekolah ini, di

titik beratkan kepada penggunaaan bahasa Inggris. Jadi porsi untuk bahasa Inggris 70% dan

bahasa Arab 30%.

2. Bagaimana Bapak menerapkan (mengimplementasikan) program Bilingual tersebut di dalam kelas?

Dalam penerapannya saya sebagai guru bekerja sama dengan waka kebahasaan, ada kegiatan


1. English hour

kegiatan yang pada jam-jam tertentu murid diwajibkan harus menggunakan bahasa

Inggris, jika ada siswa yang melanggar dengan menggunakan bahasa Indonesia, maka

ada punishment (hukuman) untuk siswa tersebut. Punishment yang dimaksudkan disini

yaitu bukan berkaitan dengan fisik, namun penambahan kosakata bahasa Inggris untuk

siswa. Kegiatan ini lebih menekankan pada grammar,

2. English program

kegiatan ini dilakukan pada saat jam terakhir. Disini siswa dipaksa untuk menggunakan

bahasa Inggris karena lebih memberatkan pada speaking. Kita tidak menggunakan teknik

TTT (Teacher Talking Time) kita kurangi, tetapi STT (Student Talking Time) nya kita

maksimalkan agar murid lebih aktif dengan memberi mereka berbagai kesempatan untuk

melakukan conversation dengan temannya menggunakan bahasa Inggris.

3. Program LT (Language Training)

Kegiatan ini dilakukan pada di luar jam sekolah selama dua minggu di rumah salah satu

guru. Kita melakukan pendekatan kepada mereka agar lebih menyukai bahasa Inggris. Ini

ditujukan kepada siswa yang ditahun kedua mereka masih rendah kemampuan berbahasa

Inggrisnya dan tidak sesuai dengan target.

3. Adakah persiapan Bapak sebelum menerapkan program Bilingual di dalam kelas? Apa saja?

Harus ada persiapan karena sudah standard dari sekolah. Seperti umumnya kita membuat:

1. Lesson Plan


Dalam mempersiapkan materi guru terkadang kesulitan, karena sebagian besar adalah

speaking, kita sering mengadopsi materi dari berbagai sumber termasuk internet dengan

mencocokkan kapasitas kemampuan siswa.

3. Demo Media

Demo media adalah kegiatan yang mengharuskan semua guru Bahasa Inggris MA

Bilingual Batu berkumpul sebelum memberikan materi kepada siswa. Guru-guru

berdiskusi tentang penyesuaian media dan materi yang akan mereka ajarkan bisa

dimengerti siswa atau tidak.

4. Apakah strategi Translanguaging, Translating, atau Preview-Reviewing yang Bapak gunakan didalam penererapan program Bilingual?

Strategi ini tergantung pada saat saya (guru) menyampaikan materi didalam kelas.

Contohnya, saya menggunakan Translanguaging saya memberikan sebuah masalah

menggunakan bahasa Indonesia, tugas mereka adalah problem solving menggunakan bahasa

Inggris. Kemudian mereka speaking di depan kelas bagaimana mereka menyelesaikan

masalah tersebut dengan menggunakan bahasa Inggris. Penilaian bukan kepada apakah

siswa sudah benar dalam menyelesaikan masalah sesuai prosedur, namun bagaimana siswa

berbicara bahasa Inggris dengan berani dan percaya diri didepan kelas.

Untuk Translating, seperti biasa guru menggunakan repetation (pengulangan) saat

menyampaikan materi, karena tidak semua siswa mengerti apa yang saya jelaskan dalam

bahasa Inggris. Sekolah membagi mereka dengan 3klasifikasi untuk penekanan bahasa

Inggris yaitu low, basic, middle, dan upper. Untuk mengatasi siswa yang low dalam bahasa

Inggrisnya, agar mereka mengerti dengan apa yang dijelaskan guru, guru mengulang dua


dalam bahasa Indonesia. Di kelas basic, pertama menggunakan bahasa Inggris untuk

instruksinya, kemudian kita terjemahkan kedalam bahasa Indonesia. Karena ada kelas basic

dan intermediate. Jadi tergantung di kelas manakah kita menggunakan strategi untuk

menerapkan program Bilingual ini.

5. Adakah kelemahan atau kelebihan dari program Bilingual tersebut? Untuk saat ini lebih banyak kelemahan karena beberapa faktor antara lain:

Kita tidak hidup di English Speaking Country, Kita berbasic aliyah sekolah belum didukung

adanya asrama,tidak semua siswa diasramakan sehingga pihak guru kesulitan mengontrol

bahasa yang mereka gunakan sehari-hari. Kemampuan bahasa Inggris mereka terbatas hanya

disekolah saja. untuk mengatasinya, setiap selesai jam pertama yaitu mengaji kita

memberikan mereka vocab, idiom, expression, dan sebagainya dan diserahkan kepada wali

kelas. Ini juga meruapakan salah satu implementasi dari program Bilingual ini.

Kelebihan :

Dalam hal akademik ada peningkatan walaupun tidak signifikan. Beberapa dari mereka yang

awalnya tidak bisa bahasa Inggris dalam speaking sewaktu mereka SMP, sekarang mereka

bisa minimal mau mengikuti event yang berhubungan dengan bahasa Inggris, contoh debate,

speech, telling story dan sebagainya. Ada beberapa dari mereka menunjukkan kemampuan

hal akademiknya dengan menjuarai tingkat Batu, Malang, yang terakhir sekolah bisa

mengirimkan delegasi untuk perwakilan Jawa Timur Tingkat Nasional dalam bidang speech.

6. Apakah fasilitas, motivasi murid, dan media dari sekolah mendukung penerapan program Bilingual ini?

Untuk fasilitasnya kurang mendukung, karena lab bahasa juga masih merintis, namun hal ini


LCD. Dalam hal media kita juga dibantu oleh pihak MGMP. Untuk sumber belajar kepala

sekolah berperan aktif untuk memberikan pengarahan terhadap guru-guru berkaitan dengan

bahasa Inggris. Untuk diluar kelas, seperti contoh penjaga kantin, kita mengambil dari

alumni MA Bilingual sendiri yang mempunyai kemampuan yang bagus dalam bahasa

Inggrisnya sehingga siswa wajib membeli sesuatu dengan menggunakan bahasa Inggris.

7. Apa hambatan yang Bapak temukan dalam menerapkan program Bilingual ini? Hambatan dari siswa

Kurangnya motivasi siswa menggunakan bahasa Inggris karena memang dari mereka tidak

semuanya mempunyai background bahasa Inggris yang bagus ketika SMP.

Hambatan dari guru

Karena sekolah kita full day, beberapa dari guru terkadang kurang fokus dalam

menyampaiakn materi sehingga hanya menyuruh murid mengerjakan tugas saja dan kurang

mengontrol speaking mereka.

8. Apakah penyebab dari hambatan tersebut? Dari Siswa

mereka tidak suka bahasa Inggris, ini bisa kita ambil dari program sekolah yang dinamakan

need analysis. Kira-kira mereka belajar Bahasa Inggris untuk apa.

Memilih sekolah bukan karena kehendak siswa sendiri, karena dorongan dari orang tua.

Mereka berpikir bahasa Inggris sulit.

Dari Guru

Faktor dari diri kita sendiri bisa karena kita kelelahan karena kita disekolah yang


9. Bagaimana Bapak memecahkan/menyelesaikan hambatan tersebut?

Untuk Siswa

ketika siswa merasa down, kita memberikan motivasi sebelum mereka belajar dengan

menggunakan bahasa Indonesia, kita memberikan reward bisa berbentuk benda atau pujian

ketika mereka berhasil didalam kelas.

10.Bagaimana respon siswa dengan adanya program Bilingual ini? Respon siswa bertahap :

 Mereka tidak betah dengan program ini, ditunjukkan dengan adanya wali murid yang

datang kesekolah menyampaikan pendapat mereka.

 Ada beberapa siswa yang tidak bisa berbahasa Inggris sehingga merasa minder.

 Setelah dianggap bisa berbahasa Inggris, kita beri reward pujian agar mereka bisa lebih

bersemangat untuk meningkatkan kemampuan mereka.

 Didalam kelas, mereka lebih aktif berdiskusi dengan temannya dengan menggunakan



Ary, Donald et.al.2002, Introduction to Research in Education. USA: Holt, Riachart and Winston, Inc.

Baker, Colin. 2001. Foundation of Bilingaul Education and Bilingualism. 3rd Edition. England : Multingual Matters Ltd.

Bialystok, Ellen. 2003. Bilingualism in Development: “Language, Literacy, And

Cognition”. Australia : Cambridge University Press

Bogdan, Robert C and Biklen, sari Knopp. 2007 Qualitative Research For Education. The United States: san Fransisco State University.

Brown, H. Doglas. 2002. Introduction To Research In Education. USA : Holt Riachart And Winston, Inc.

Cenoz, Jasone. 2009. Towards Multilingual Education; Basque Education Research from an Intrenational Perspective. USA : British Libarary Catalonguing in Publication Data.

Fullan, Michael. G. 1992. The New meaning of Educational Change. England: British Libabry Cataloging

Garcia, Ofelia. 2009. Bilingual Education in the 21st Century : “A Global

Perspective”. United Kingdom : Willey-Blackwell

Hoffman, Charlotte. 1991. An Introduction to Bilingualism. New York : Longman

Karosas, Susanna. 2004. Bilingualism in Theory and Practice. (Online), http://www.svenskamammor.com/uppsats.htm. Retrieved at February 26, 2015.

Marie, Anne and Meija. 2002. Power, Prestige, and Bilingualism : International Perspectives On Elite Bilingual Education. England : Multingual Matters Ltd.

Munroe, Susan. 2007. Bilingualism. (Online), http://canadaonline.about.com/cs/bilingualism/g/bilingualism.htm.

Retrieved at February 26, 2015.

Ovando, Carlos J and Mary Carol Combs. 2012. Bilingual and ESL Classrooms : Teaching in Multicultural Context. 5th Edition. New York : McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc.

Roberts, Cheryl A. 1995. “Bilingual Education Program Models: A Framework


Setyosari, Punaji. 2010. Metode Penelitian Pendidikan Dan Pengembangan. Persada Media Group. Jakarta.

Trask, R.L 1990. Key Concepts In Language And Linguistics. New York : Routledge



In this chapter, the researcher discussed about research background, research

problem, problem limitation, research objectives, research benefits, and defifnition of

the key terms. Each section will be shown as below.

1.1Research Background

English as an international language which has an important role for

communication makes the Indonesian goverment gives more attention to English

teaching and learning at all levels. In other words, the Indonesian government places

high priority on this language, with the hope that the graduates are ready to face the

future for the world of job.Unfortunately, the graduates of Senior High School have a

low mastery of English. They have difficulties in using English grammar, words, and

pronunciacing words. Therefore, the school should have an initiative to make their

students have a good mastery in English.

To reach the target, opening a bilingual class can be a solution. Munroe

(2007) has stated, “Bilingualism is the ability to speak two languages.” Moreover,

Bloomfield (in Karosas, 2004) classified that a bilingual person has “native-like

control of two or more langauge.” In addition, bilingualism is the ability to

communicate naturally and fluently in more than one language in all areas of life.

Cenoz (2009) stated that bilingual education is the use of two languages in a school

which is aimed to help both teachers and students to practice two languages that is



This program, however, can be beneficial for the students to mastery their

English ability. Therefore, to keep up with this reality, the implementation of

bilingual education programs is designed to make the students stay ahead for

obtaining a better English proficiency from the classroom activities. In addition, such

a program can lead the schools to have a competitive orientation in upgrading


MA Bilingual is chosen because this school has a program to increase the

students’ mastery in English, called bilingual program. Bilingual class is different

from reguler class because this class uses both English and Indonesian language to

communicate during the classroom activities. They use both languages not only in

English lesson but also in other subject such as biology, mathematics, chemistry, or

physics. So, bilingual class helps students to improve their English skill in order to

get mastery in English.

According to Astika ( 2009) implementing a bilingual class needs some

stages. In the first year of using English as the students’ classroom instruction, the

teacher uses as much as 25 percent English and 75 percent of Indonesia language. In

the second year the teacher uses each 50 percent of English and 50 percent of

Indonesia language. And then, in the third year teacher uses 75 percent of English and

25 percent of Indonesia language.

Based on research above, the writer is interestedin observing how the

bilingual program is implementedto support and improve the students’ mastery in



investigate“The Implementation of Bilingual Program at MA Bilingual Batu”.

1.2 Research Problem

1. How does the English teacher implement the bilingual program at MA

Bilingual Batu?

2. What are the obstacles in implementing the bilingual program at MA bilingual??

3.What are the possible solutionsto those obstacles in implementing the bilingual

program at MA Bilingual Batu?

1.3 Problem Limitation

This study is limited on how the English teacher at MA Bilingual Batu

implementsthe bilingual program at MA Bilingual batu, the obstacles in

implementing the bilingual program, and the possible solution to the obstacles in

implementing the bilingual program at MA Bilingual Batu.

1.4Research Objectives

1.To describe the implementation of the bilingual program by English teacher at MA

Bilingual Batu.

2. To find out the obstacles in implementing the bilingual program at MA Bilingual


3. To dig out the possible solutions to those obstacle in implementing the bilingual

program at MA Bilingual Batu.

1.5 Research Benefits

The finding of the study is expected to give information about the



will be useful for the school principal in achieving the success of implementing of

bilingual program in this school. Second, the result of the study is expected to provide

a feedback to the English teacher, especially at MA Bilingual Batu.They will use

good ways in developing bilingual program to motivate their student in teaching

learning process. Third, for the student, the study is also expected to give the valuable

contribution to the students in order to realize that English is important and must be

increased to get success in the future.

1.6 Definition of Key Terms

To avoid misinterpretation and misunderstanding in the research, the several

terms are defined as follows:

1.Implementation is planning frame work which consists of the process of

putting into practice an idea, program, or set of activities and structures new to

the people attempting or expected to change (Fullan, 1991:65)

3. Bilingualism is the ability to speak two languages (Munroe : 2007).

The bilingual class is a class which uses both English and Indonesia in

language to communicate during the classroom activities. In bilingual class,

both teacher and students are expected to use two languages to communicate

during the classroom activities and also for the medium of instruction.

4. Obstacles are anything that the teacher are hard to do in implementing the bilingual program.


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