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Teachers’ Perception toward the Implementation of Collaborative

Learning Method at English Education Department of Universitas

Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta

A Skripsi

Submitted to the Faculty of Language Education In a Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements

For the Degree Sarjana Pendidikan

Sholehah 2012 0540 021

English Education Department Faculty Language Education Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta



Teachers’ Perception toward the Implementation of Collaborative

Learning Method at English Education Department of Universitas

Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta

A Skripsi

Submitted to the Faculty of Language Education In a Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements

For the Degree Sarjana Pendidikan

Sholehah 2012 0540 021

English Education Department Faculty Language Education Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta



Statement of Work’s Originality

I honestly declare that this undergraduate thesis, entitled “teachers’

perception toward the implementation of collaborative learning method at

English Education Department of Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta”,

which I have written, does not contain the work of other people, except those cited

in the quotations and references are quote in accordance with ethical standards of

scientific paper.

Yogyakarta, December 26th, 2016

The Writer




In the Name of Allah, the Beneficent, the Merciful.

Foremost, praise be to Allah SWT, the lord of this world. The almighty

Allah SWT for the blessing, guidance, health and inspiration who has bestowed

upon the writer in completing this skripsi. Peace be upon Muhammad SAW, the

last messenger of Allah SWT and to all of his families, companions and followers.

This “skripsi” is presented to English Education Department of Faculty

Language Education of Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta as a Partial

Fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of strata 1 (S1) entitled: “teachers’

perception toward the implementation of collaborative learning method at

English Education Department of Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta”

I would like to thank and great appreciation to my beloved father (Halawi)

and my beloved mother (Satem) who gives me support materially and mentaly.

They also encourage me to continue my studies and finish this skripsi. Moreover,

the writer also thanks to my beloved brother (Hasruri) and my beloved sisters

(Hikmah Tullah) and (Nur Kholisah) who have motivated me, so that I can finish this skripsi.

In this occasion, the writer would like to express my sincere gratitude and

thanks to Mrs. Indah Puspawati, S.Pd., M.A. as my supervisor. Thanks for her

time, guidance, kindness, contribution, responsibility and patience in correcting



I also want to express my sincerely thank to three teachers at EED of

UMY as respondents of this study. Thanks for giving me a time to interview and

giving me valuable information about this study. Unforgettable, thanks to Mrs.

Fitria Rahmawati, S.Pd., M.Hum as my examiner 1 and Mrs. Rizky Dwi Oktaviani S.Pd., M.Pd as my examiner 2 of this skripsi. Thanks for guiding and correcting my skripsi. Furthermore, I am grateful to all of teachers at English

Education Department of Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta for teaching

and guiding me during I study at UMY.

The writer also thanks all wonderful friends in English Education

Department in academic year 2012: Mentari Purnamasari, Athina Rahmah A,

Ghaisani R, Suharni, Eka Hidayati and other that can not be mentioned one by

one. Thanks for your support, sharing, advices and kindness during this study.

Then, expecially thanks to Is Dewangga and Putri Dian Lestari for supporting,

advicing, caring, accompanying me whenever I need. Thanks for everything. You

give me beautiful memory that I can not forget it.



Table of Content

Cover. ... .... ii

Approval Page...ii

Statement of Work’s Originality ... iii


Background of the Research ... 1

Identification of the Problem ... 5

Limitation of the Problem ... 6

Formulation of the Problem ... 6

Purpose of the Research ... 6

Significance of the Research ... 7

Chapter Two: Literature Review ... 9

Theories of Collaborative Learning Method ... 9

Definition of Collaborative Learning Method ... 9

The Purposes of Collaborative Learning Method ... 10

The Techniques of Collaborative Learning Group ... 11

The Steps of Collaborative Learning ... 19

The Forms of Collaborative Learning ... 20

The Advantages of Collaborative learning on Students ... 23

The Disadvantages of Collaborative Learning on Students ... 25

The Principles of Collaborative Learning Method... 25



Chapter Four: Findings And Discussion... 39

Teachers’ Perception toward the Implementation of Collaborative Learning Method at EED of UMY ... 39

Teachers' perception toward the implementation of collaborative learning method at EED of UMY...40

Teachers’ perception toward collaborative learning techniques used by the teachers. ... 41

Teachers’ perception toward the purposes of using collaborative learning method. ... 43

Teachers’ perception toward the steps that teacher are used in collaborative learning process...………...……….. 47

Teachers’ Perception toward the Advantages of using Collaborative Learning Method on Students at EED of UMY ………...……. 58

Teachers’ Perception toward the Disadvantages of using Collaborative Learning Method on Students at EED of UMY……… 60

Chapter Five: Conclusion And Recommendation…... ....63

Conclusion...……….... 63

Recommendation ...………. ….……….. 66



i List of Figure



List of Appendix



One of the ways to control and manage students in teaching and learning

process is by using collaborative learning method. Collaborative learning method

is interesting to be investigated by the researcher, because the majority of teachers

at EED of UMY implement collaborative learning method and it also has the

kinds of collaborative learning technique, so that it has the impact on students.

This research is purposed to find out (1) teachers’ perception toward the

implementation of collaborative learning method at EED of UMY, (2) the

advantages of using collaborative learning method on students at EED of UMY,

and (3) the disadvantages of using collaborative learning method on students at


This research used descriptive qualitative as a methodology and in-depth

interview as the instrument. Furthermore, this research was conducted at EED of

UMY with three English teachers at EED of UMY as respondents.

The result of this research showed that (1) There are two collaborative

learning techniques that teachers used in the teaching and learning process, such

as techniques for discussion and techniques for reciprocal teaching. Then, there

are eight purposes of using collaborative learning method. The first is to

encourage students to study hard. The second is to encourage students’ activeness.

The third is to help students in understanding the materials. The fourth is to

implement students’ critical thinking. The fifth is to make students enjoy in

learning process. The sixth is to practice students’ speaking skill. The seventh is


eight is to give background knowledge to students. The ninth is to share students’

idea. (2) There are five advantages of using collaborative learning method on

students at EED of UMY. The first is the students are more active in learning

process. The second is the students promote academic achievement. The third is

the students can implement their critical thinking. The fourth is the students can

practice their speaking skill. The fifthis the students promote communicative skill.

(3) There are four disadvantages of using collaborative learning method on

students at EED of UMY. The first is some students are less serious. The second

is some students are less control in learning process. The third is some students

become free ridder in discussing process. The fourth is some students do not care

when other students share their ideas.


Chapter One Introduction

This chapter presents the introduction of this research. This chapter is

divided into six sections, namely background of the research, identification of the

problem, limitation of the problem, formulations of the problem, purposes of the

research, and significances of the research.

Background of the Research

Language instruction is a teaching and learning process that should be

organized in imparting the knowledge in the classroom. According to Mahfoodh

and Bhanegaonkar (2013), “language instruction has five important components.

Those are the students, the teachers, the materials, the teaching methods and the


Students are the human resources that can evaluate their own language

proficiency. So the students should have a responsibility toward their own

learning and students should to participate in every learning process in order to

create good communication with other students, so that the students can help each

other in mastering the academic content in learning process (Makewa, 2013).

Furthermore, teachers are a model of teaching that provides the knowledge and

information for the students in learning process in the classroom. Whereupon, the

teachers’ role are to assist the students in the process of acquiring skills, acquiring

students’ understanding about the lesson, being a motivator, and being a

supervisor to students in learning process (Crisol, 2011). Moreover, Njoku (2015)


make lively and interesting class. The kinds of materials are textbooks, video,

audio tapes, computer software, and visual aids. Using that materials are purposed

to make the students to learn faster, remember longer, and gain more accurate

information. In addition, Yiming (2014) highlights that teaching method is an

umbrella term for a series of teaching model that are applied by teachers when

teachers and students are achieving teaching objectives, completing the teaching

tasks together in teaching process. The effectiveness of teaching method can

improve students’ understanding of the lesson. Furthermore, Hornby (1998) as

cited in Njoku (2015) states that evaluation is a process of assessing and forming

an idea of quality of something. Evaluation provides the teacher with the

information which can be used to determine whether the students have understood

or have not understood about the lesson that teachers teach in the classroom.

Teaching method is one of the important components in making students’

active participation and students understand in learning process, so that one of the

teachers’ roles is to use an appropriate method in teaching and learning process in

the classroom. It is supported by Ganyaupfu (2013) argues that the teachers

should apply appropriate teaching methods in the classroom in order to achieve

students’ understanding in learning process. Furthermore, there are many teaching

methods applied by teachers in teaching and learning process at EED of UMY,

namely demonstration method, problem based learning method, project based

learning method, collaborative learning method, and contextual learning method.

One of the methods is often implemented by teachers at EED of UMY that is


learning method has increasingly become a popular form of active pedagogy

employed in academic institutions and it has been found to be an effective

pedagogical tool in a broad range of subjects. Moreover, Slavin (1995) as cited in

Adekola (2014) argues that collaborative learning is a method in which students

work in a groups to share their knowledge, help their friends to master academic

content, and teach responsibility for learning and to help others to learn.

There are some reasons why the researcher is interested to investigate

collaborative learning method. Firstly, collaborative learning method becomes one

of the methods that implemented by teachers at EED of UMY and collaborative

learning method is useful for the students. Based on the researcher’s experience,

there are some benefits of collaborative learning method, namely collaborative

learning method makes students’ active to participate in learning process and help

each other to master academic content, so that many students are more likely to

work together than individually in learning process in the classroom. Secondly,

collaborative learning method also has many various teaching-learning of

collaborative, so that the researcher wants to investigate detail information about

collaborative learning method.

According to Panitz (1999) as cited in Saefurrohman (2004), find that

benefits of collaborative learning method as follows:

A primary benefit of collaborative learning method is that it enhances

students' self-esteem in which in turn motivates students to participate in

the learning process. Collaborative efforts among students result in a


other in collaborative learning process, so that they build a supportive

community which they raise the performance level of each member. This

in turn leads to higher self-esteem in all students (p.2).

Beside those benefits of collaborative learning method, there are some

problems in implementing collaborative learning method at EED of UMY. Based

on the researcher’s experience, there are some problems in applying collaborative

learning method at EED of UMY. Firstly, the students felt bored when the teacher

applied collaborative learning process in the classroom. They argued that it was

not effective in achieving students’ understanding which the condition of the class

that had more than 20 students and it make noisy class. Second problem was in

dividing a group discussion, the teachers often divided in many group members. It

will influence students’ understanding and students’ active in collaborative

learning process. Another problem is in collaborative learning process, the

students were often passive recipients of knowledge rather than being active in the


It is supported by Sheehy (2004), there are three parts of the problem in

applying collaborative learning method in the classroom. Those are the

environment, the group member and the individual. It means that the size of the

class, the number of group members and access to manipulative along with roles

that group members take on the aspects of the environment promoting or creating

self or other tensions. Issues of being polite or being selfish, being active or


by respondents as potentially problematic aspects of working with group members

and are often difficult to reconcile.

Based on the problems above, the researcher wants to investigate about

teachers’ perception toward the implementation of collaborative learning method

at EED of UMY, teachers’ perception toward the advantages of using

collaborative learning method on students at EED of UMY, and teachers’

perception toward the disadvantages of using collaborative learning method on

students at EED of UMY.

Identification of the Problem

Collaborative learning method encompasses a lot of areas to be studied,

such as the impacts of using collaborative learning method toward students’

achievement at EED of UMY, students’ perception toward the implementation of

collaborative learning method, the strategy of implementing collaborative learning

method at EED of UMY. Hence, this research investigate teachers’ perception

toward the implementation of collaborative learning method at EED of UMY and

teachers’ perception toward the advantages of using collaborative learning method

on students at EED of UMY and teachers’ perception toward the disadvantages of

using collaborative learning method on students at EED of UMY.

Limitation of the Problem

This research focused to investigate about teachers’ perception toward the

implementation of collaborative learning method at EED of UMY, teachers’


students at EED of UMY and teachers’ perception toward the disadvantages of

using collaborative learning method on students at EED of UMY.

Formulations of the Problem

In this research, there are three research questions:

1. What are the teachers’ perceptions toward the implementation of

collaborative learning method at English Education Department of

Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta?

2. What are the teachers’ perceptions toward the advantages of using

collaborative learning method on students at English Education Department

of Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta?

3. What are the teachers’ perceptions toward the disadvantages of using

collaborative learning method on students at English Education Department

of Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta?

Purposes of the Research

In this research, there are three purposes of the research. The first is to find

out teachers’ perception toward the implementation of collaborative learning

method at EED of UMY. The perceptions toward the implementation of

collaborative learning method which are being investigated in the present study

are in terms such as teachers’ perception toward the implementation of

collaborative learning method at EED of UMY, teachers’ perception toward the

techniques of collaborative learning that usually used by teachers at EED of

UMY, teachers’ perception toward the purposes of using collaborative learning


collaborative learning method that usually used by the teachers in the classroom,

such as kinds of the group (formal, informal, or base group), size of the group, the

ways to form the students into a groups, advantages and disadvantages of small

group. The second is to find out teachers’ perceptions toward the advantages of

using collaborative learning method on students at EED of UMY. The third is to

find out teachers’ perception toward the disadvantages of using collaborative

learning method on students at EED of UMY.

Significances of the Research

There are three significant points of this study that provide the valuable

contribution to the students, the teachers, and the future researchers.

The students. This research discusses the information about teachers’ perception toward the implementation of collaborative learning method at EED of

UMY. Hence, this research can promote students’ knowledge about the

implementation of collaborative learning method, techniques of collaborative

learning activity, steps of collaborative learning method, advantages and

disadvantages of implementing collaborative learning method on students at EED

of UMY.

The teachers. The result of this research helps teachers in finding knowledge about the strategy of using collaborative learning method and effects

of using collaborative learning method on students at EED of UMY. Furthermore,

teachers can reflect and promote their teaching competence especially in applying


The future researchers. This research is expected to inspire the future researchers in conducting the next research related to collaborative learning

method. The future researchers may use this research finding as the reference in

their thesis. Moreover, this research help researchers in applying collaborative


Chapter Two Literature Review

This study aims to investigate teachers’ perception toward the

implementation of collaborative learning method at EED of UMY. To get the

framework of the issue, this literature review discusses some important aspects

related to the study. Firstly, this chapter presents some definitions of the

terminology used in this study. Secondly, this chapter presents review of related

the study. Thirdly, this chapter presents conceptual framework of the study.

Collaborative Learning Method

This part discusses some important aspects related to the study, namely

definition of collaborative learning method, purposes of collaborative learning

method, techniques of collaborative learning, steps of collaborative learning

method, form of collaborative learning (such as the kinds of group, the size of

group, the ways to form the students into groups, and advantages and

disadvantages of small and large group), advantages of collaborative learning

method on students, disadvantages of collaborative learning method on students,

and principles of collaborative learning method.

Collaborative learning method is not new phenomenon. It has been

discussed among many experts, practitioners and decision maker in language

education. Collaborative learning method offers the ways to organize group work

to enhance students’ learning and increase students’ academic achievement.

According to Montiel (2005), “collaboration as a process in which two or more


learning”(p.1). Furthermore, Palmer (2005) elaborates that “learning is seen as an

active rather than a passive process, as ultimately each individual reconstructs

their own understandings in responding to environmental stimulus” (p.1855). Bull

(2008) states that “method is the way of doing something” (p.277). In addition,

Laal and Laal (2012) states that collaborative learning is educational approach to

teach and learn that involves groups of students working together to solve a

problem, complete a task, or create a product.

From some expert opinions, the researcher can simplify that collaborative

learning method is an education method that emphasize the importance of groups

learning activity to solve the problem and encourage students’ active participation

in learning process. Collaborative learning method can help each student to

achieve higher levels of thought and retain information longer than students who

work individually. In collaborative learning setting, the students have the

opportunity to converse with peers, present and defend the ideas, exchange

diverse beliefs ask the questions with other friends and be active in learning

process in the classroom.

The Purposes of Collaborative Learning Method

There are many purposes of collaborative learning method according to

some experts. Azmir, Rahim, and Sulaiman (2011) note that collaborative

learning method increase students’ retention and enhance students’ academic

performance in the classroom. Collaborative learning method also promote higher

achievement, enhance self-esteem, social acceptance and help the student in


according to Ikuma (2012) collaborative learning promotes students’ motivation

in learning process, generates students’ critical thinking skills, improves attitudes

toward the subject, improves students’ academic achievement, heightens students’

confidence, creates caring among other students, and trains students’


From the statements above, the researcher concludes that the purpose of

collaborative learning method is to increase students’ participation, build the

knowledge, share the knowledge, promote a responsibility for working together,

facilitate each student, and provide an opportunity for students to interact and

learn together with each student, so that students improve their understanding

about the lesson and knowledge.

The Techniques of Collaborative Learning

Barkley, Cross, and Major (2005) asserts that there are two parts of

collaborative learning techniques. The first part is techniques for discussions that

consist of think-pair-share, round robin, buzz groups, talking chips, three-step

interview, and critical debates. The second is techniques for reciprocal teaching

that consist of note-taking pairs, learning cell, fishbowl, role play, jigsaw, and

test-taking teams.

Techniques for discussions. Techniques for discussion is an activity in which the students give and take discussion that can produce unmatched learning

experiences, because the students articulate their ideas, respond to their

classmates' points, and develop students’ skills in evaluating the evidence of their


Think pair share. It purposes to increase students’ participation to interact and share ideas which can lead to the knowledge building among them. Think pair

share consists of three stages. The first stage is think individually in which each

student should think about the task that has given by the teachers. They will be

given time to jot down their own ideas before discussing with their pair. The

second stage is pair with partner in which the students need to form pairs and each

pair of students will discuss their ideas about the task. Each pair will conclude and

produce the final answer. The third stage is sharing in which the teacher asks pairs

to share their response with all of the students in order to find similarities or

differences opinions from various pairs.

In addition, Barragato (2015) explains that think pair share is an effective

formative assessment technique that can help students’ confusion in learning

process, so that this activity provides the students an opportunity to work

collaboratively with their peers in order to co-construct their learning. The

purposes of this activity is to introduce a new topic to students, check students’

level of understanding before moving deeper into the subject matter and give

students an opportunity to apply what they are learning, thus making your content

more meaningful.

Round robin. Round robin is a brainstorming technique which the students share their ideas without elaborating, explaining, evaluating or asking

their ideas with other friends. Every group members should participate and they

also share their ideas. The aim of this activity is to create an extensive idea and


Furthermore, Tyas (2014) argue that round robin is a technique that makes

the students to take turn responding orally. In this activity, the teacher gives a

problem to each group. Then, every group member has to response or give

solutions. Then, the teammates have to listen what the student share about her or

his perspective and the teammates have to understand about each perspectives

from each teammates.

Buzz group. It is formed by dividing large groups into small discussion groups that consist of four to six students who meet simultaneously for a specified

time to discuss a specific question or the problems. Buzz group is used a stimulus

to discuss in the classroom. This activity is effective to know the information and

the knowledge in quick time. Moreover, Kumar and Rangasamy (2011) assert that

buzz group is an effective activity of small group discussion that consist of three

to six students every group. It purposes to encourage students’ active

communication in learning process, and stimulate thinking which leads to the

generation of new ideas.

Talking chips. It is an activity that encourages students to be active in the classroom and learn in a group discussion. This technique makes the students

have chance to participate, because the students are divided into several groups

and each member of group will have a role to share their ideas. Then, Syaripudin

and Nuristiana (2014) elaborates that talking chips is an activity which makes the

students work in group. In this activity, the students will be given chips and the

chips are used for every time they speak, they must put the chips in the center of


speak until chips of all members of group are over too. If all of the chips have

been used while the tasks have not been finished, the students can be given the

chips again. It purposes to encourage the students to be active in the classroom

and improve students’ speaking skill.

Three-step interview. It is common as an ice-breaker or a team-building exercise. This structure can be used to share the information such as hypotheses or

reactions to a film or article. There are three stages in this activity. The first, the

students form dyads, one students interview the other. The second, the students

switch roles. The third, the dyad links with a second dyad. This four- member

learning teams, then they discuss the information or insights gleaned from the

initial paired interviews.

In addition, Permanasari (2014) highlights that three steps interview is the

students work in a group that consist of four students. Students will be

accustomed to have a conversation for the purpose of analyzing and synthesizing

new information by listening and appreciating the others’ opinion. It aims to

improve students’ speaking skill, because the students have to make an interaction

with their partner in order to share the opinion orally. The procedures of three

steps interview are as following: Firstly, teacher makes a group of four students

and gives them labeled, such as A, B, C, D. Secondly, teacher pairs the student A

with student B, and student C with student D. Thirdly, teacher gives topic to the

students and students are in pairs, one is interviewer and the other is interviewee.


students reverse roles. Fifthly, each students share with team member what has

learned from two interviewees.

Critical debates. It is a speaking situation in which opposite points of view are presented and argued. Debate is about the real or simulated issue. The

students’ roles ensure that they have adequate shared knowledge about the issue

and different opinions or interest to defend. Debate can develop students’

communication skill and students’ critical thinking. Moreover, According to

Nisbett (2003) as cites in Krieger (2005), critical debate is an activity which the

students have to debate with other students with the certain topic. It aims to

improve students’ critical thinking skills and students’ speaking skill.

Techniques for reciprocal teaching. Techniques for reciprocal teaching are an activity in which the students should master the academic content to

explain their opinions to other students. Then, the other students provide a

feedback to other students. The kinds of techniques for reciprocal teaching as


Note-taking pairs. The students use their class lecture notes in this variation of the think-pair-share activity to review their knowledge. Note-taking

pairs give an opportunity to students to see and check their notes while learning

process. Each partner help the students to get information that the students have

not notes in learning process. The purpose of this activity is to give an activity

structurally toward the students to collect the information, check each note, and


Then, note taking pairs is an activity where the student partners work

together to improve their individual notes. Working with a peer provides students’

opportunity to check notes with another source. It aims to help each other acquire

missing information and correct information and improve their notes on reading

assignments or other kinds of learning activities (Marlina, 2014).

Learning cell. It is learning process where two students alternate asking an answering question on commonly read materials. The aims of learning cell are to

involve the student’s actively in thinking about the materials and encourage the

students to emerge the questions about the materials in order to be asked by their

pair. Learning cell also improve students’ interpersonal skill, such as give a

feedback with their pair, keep a focus, and develop students’ communication skill.

In addition, Yu, Yang, Cheng, and Wang (2015) claims that learning cell

is a model of learning activity which each group consist of two students. In this

activity, each students give some question related with the materials that they are

studying in the classroom to their partner. Then, the roles reverse. This activity

can open students’ mind and evolve a deeper understanding about the lesson.

Fishbowl. It is the activity that helps students practice being contributors and listeners in a discussion. The students ask questions, present the opinions, and

share the information when they sit in the fishbowl or inside circle, while the

students on the outside circle listen carefully to present the ideas and pay attention

to process. This activity is useful to make sure all students participate in the


questions or ideas that students can explore more deeply in an independent


Furthermore, based on the website of facing history and ourselves,

fishbowl is learning activity that forces the students to be contributors in order to

each students share their knowledge or opinions. Then, other students become a

listener actively in fishbowl process. In this activity, there are two groups. The

first group is as fishbowl circle. Their roles are to answer the question, and share

the information. The second is as fish circle. Their roles are to give some question

to fishbowl circle and become a listener carefully to the ideas presented and pay

attention to process. Then, the roles reverse. This strategy is useful to make sure

all students participate in the discussion and make sure whether all of group

member agree about the discussion or there is a controversial suggestion.

Role play. It is an activity which the students learn in an imaginary situation or roles in order to develop the students' fluency. The situations and the

roles are made as a real life situation, so that the students know the functions of

English in real life. Role play is learning by doing in which role indicates that the

students should active in application the knowledge, skills, and comprehension to

speak and do the role that has given by their group members. Play indicates that

the students should use their imaginary to do their parts in role play. This activity

help students in practice speaking English, improve students’ communication skill

and develop students’ creativity.

Then, according to Kilgour, Reynaud, Northcote, and Shields (2015), role


should create an interaction between other students and simulate a scenario. This

activity can open the minds of students to comprehend of the scenario content.

The aims of this activity are to promote students’ motivation in learning process,

provide students’ opportunities to view situations from multiple perspectives,

improve students’ creativity in role play process, and enhance students’ speaking


Jigsaw. It is a learning activity which each group members should mastery of the knowledge that has discussed, so that each student depends on his

teammates to be able to provide the necessary information in order to perform

well with other groups. In application jigsaw activity, the teacher divides an

assignment or topic into four parts with all students from each learning team

volunteering to become “experts” on one of the parts. Then, the expert teams

work together to master their fourth of the material and also to discover the best

way to help others learn it. Then, all experts reassemble in their home learning

teams where they teach the other group members.

In addition, Tran (2013) explains that jigsaw is learning activity that each

student should become an expert in a small part of the whole learning material,

and then each student teach to other students in his group this part of the material.

The benefits of this activity is to promote more positive students’ attitudes toward

their own learning, enhance more positive relationships between each students,

develop self-esteem, and improve students’ learning skills.


activity involves three steps. The first step is the group studies for the exam

together. The second step is each group members take an exam individually. The

third step is the group takes the exam together. By working together to prepare an

exam, the students help each other to deepen their understanding of the content,

because each student takes the test independently. This technique emphasizes

individual accountability. By retaking the test as a team, individual students get

benefit from the collective knowledge of the group.

In addition, Bates and Petersen (2011) states that test-taking team is an

activity which each teammates solve the problem together. Each teammates

receive fast feedback on their performance, and the teacher spends less time

reviewing the exam (in class and with individuals). In this activity, the students

complete an individual test paper as well as a group test paper. The individual

component enforces individual accountability. The teacher can ask some

questions related with the result of a group discussion. Then, each group member

are asked to evaluate others’ ideas and synthesize a solution that incorporates the

best ideas generated by the members of the group. It aims to encourage students’

participate in discussion process and improve students’ academic achievement.

The Steps of Collaborative Learning

In order to be an effective of collaborative learning process, there several

steps should be done by students. Davidson and Major (2014) asserts that there

are five steps in collaborative learning process. Those are engagement,

exploration, transformation, presentation and reflection. In engagement phase, the


each student. The teacher divides a group based on good and low students’

achievement. In exploration phase, the teacher gives a task and students are given

an opportunity to work together with their group member. Every group member

should contribute in the form sharing their knowledge or opinion in order to solve

the problem. In transformation phase, every group members have different

abilities and they should share their opinions. Every student explores the

information, collate information, clarify, and elaborate, as well as learn synthesis

concepts. In this phase, all of students are expected to take part in the grouping of

information, giving opinions, and there was discussion of the results of

exploration. The teachers´ role is to monitor their students´ learning, to address

misconceptions among group members, or to provide additional information. In

presentation phase, every group should present the result of their discussion.

Group presentation can occur with varied audiences, such as the whole class or in

a combination of two groups of four into a group of eight. In reflection phase,

each student reflect what they have learned and the process what they have gone

through, so that students can gain a deeper understanding of both the content and

the learning process. Reflection students can be done individually or


The Forms of Collaborative Learning Group

There are four parts of the forms of collaborative learning, namely the

kinds of group, the size of group, the allocation of members into groups, and the

advantages and disadvantages of small group and large group. Those explained


The kinds of group. According to Barkley, et.al (2005) argues that there are three kinds of group in collaborative learning. Those are formal group,

informal group, and base group.

Firstly, formal group is the students have to undertake and complete a

complex task during several class sessions or even weeks. It aims to accomplish

the task, share their opinions, capitalize on different talents and knowledge of the

group, and maximize the learning of students in the group. Secondly, informal

group is temporary, the group randomly selects for one discussion. It aims to

ensure students’ active in learning process. These groups are normally made of

clusters of students who decide by themselves to work together in the classroom

to discuss an issue for better understanding, such as responding to a question and

brainstorming ideas. Thirdly, base group is long-term groups with a stable

membership, more like learning communities. It aims to provide a support,

encouragement and help students feel connected in communicating of learning

process. This way of group working is believed to foster deep learning, more

motivation to learn and stronger group cohesion.

The size of group. According to Macpherson (2007), the ideal size for collaborative learning group is four learners every groups. When a group has four

students, they can make a pairs working together at times and four working

together at other times. Moreover, Johnson and Johnson (2006) as cited in Roseth,

Garfield, and Zvi (2008) asserts that collaborative learning groups typically range

in size from two to five. Small group is typically more successful than large group


with several peers at once. Large group decreases students’ opportunity to

contribute in sharing their ideas and learning process. Whereas, small group

makes it easier to identify students’ difficulties in learning process and the

students can contribute in solving the problem and learning process in the


The ways to form the students into groups. According to Kriflik and Mullan (2007), there are four categories of the allocation of members into a

group. The first is random selection. Students are appointed into a group randomly

by themselves. One of the most popular ways in dividing a group is the call-off

system (by counting the number 1 up to 5). Then, groups are formed by putting all

the 1's, 2's etcetera together. The benefits of this category are students have an

opportunity to learn from new friends and enhance their communication skills.

The second is self-selection. Students are asked to form into groups themselves.

Here, students have an opportunity to choose their fellow group members, so that

they enjoy in learning process. The third is selective appointment. The teacher

divides students into a group based on some criteria, such as mark aspirations,

meeting times, complementary skills, specific competencies. The last is task

appointment. Students are appointed to groups based on a preference for a

particular assignment topic (offered from a range of choices). Here, students are

interested in topic and students work with members in similar interests.

The advantages and disadvantages of small group. Nelson, Kift, Creagh, and Quinn (2007) state that the advantages of small group are each


regards to team dynamics), it is often easier for students to coordinate team

meetings, students feel more comfortable in participating and it may be easier to

reach consensus. Moreover, disadvantages of small group are limited the

knowledge in sharing the ideas and solving the problem, and need many times in

collaborative learning process.

The advantages and disadvantages of large group. Nelson, Kift, Creagh, and Quinn (2007) state that the advantages of large group are more ideas

are generated by each students, the students contribute a wider range of

perspectives and background knowledge, there are fewer teams in the class, more

time can be devoted to each team's work during marking, students presentations

are less likely to be repetitive, more complex and sizeable tasks can be addressed.

Furthermore, disadvantages of large group are group members have an

opportunity for free-riders and loafers, conflict can divide large group, it can be

problematic in the organization of meetings.

The Advantages of Collaborative Learning Method on Students

There are many advantages of collaborative learning method in students

learning process according to some experts. Johnsons and Pantiz (1999) as cited

in Laal and Ghodsi (2012) argue that the advantages of collaborative learning

include into four major categories. The first is social benefits. It means that

collaborative learning helps students to develop a social support system, leads to

build diversity understanding among students and staff, establishes a positive

atmosphere for modeling and practicing cooperation, and develops learning


learning is student-centered instruction that increases students' self-esteem,

improves students’ confidence, and develops positive attitudes towards the

teachers. The third is an academic benefit. It means that collaborative learning

promotes critical thinking skills, involves students actively in learning process,

improves students’ achievement, models appropriate student problem solving

techniques, and improves students’ motivation in learning process. The fourth is

alternate student and teacher assessment techniques. It means that collaborative

teaching techniques utilize a variety of assessments.

Furthermore, according to Zahedi and Tabatabaei (2012), there are many

advantages of collaborative learning method, such as gives students’ opportunity

to engage in discussion, so that students take responsibility for their own learning

so that they become critical thinker. Then, the students felt enjoy in learning

process, so that they can more understand about the lesson. Collaborative learning

method also can improves students’ confidence in learning process and improve

their relationship with other students as well as with their teachers, so that they

can communicate well each other. In addition, Enache and Crisan (2013) stated

that the effects of collaborative learning method are stimulating students’ curiosity

in learning, encouraging students to share their ideas and questions, creating an

opportunity for students to find, select, evaluate and compare information

necessary for solving work tasks, and improving students’ active, critical and


The Disadvantages of Collaborative Learning Method on Students There are some disadvantages of collaborative learning method in

students’ learning process in the classroom. According to Zakaria (2009)

elaborates that there are some disadvantages of collaborative learning as follows:

Firstly, collaborative learning takes much time to organize the group. The teacher

should maximize the groups that combine all students that have different culture,

educational background and motivation. Secondly, the students are not all

involved or on the task, the teacher should assign specific task to all the students.

Thirdly, in collaborative learning process, there are some groups too noisy. So

that other students are less focus and do not understand about the lesson that they

are discussing. Fourthly, there may be pressure from the group to conform to the

majority opinion. Most people do not like conflict and attempt to avoid it when

possible. By readily acquiescing to the majority opinion, the individual may agree

to a bad solution just to avoid conflict. Fifthly, usually there are some members

may rely too heavily on others to do the work. This is one of the most salient

problems that face groups. Some members do not pitch in and help and do not

adequately contribute to the group.

The Principles of Collaborative Learning

Collaborative learning comprises instructional methods in which the

teacher organize students into small groups, which work together to help one

another learn academic content. According to Johnson and Johnson (2009) as

cited in Tran (2013), there are five principles of collaborative learning. The first is


cohesive group to achieve learning objectives. Students must be responsible for

their own learning and for the success of other students. In other words, the

students must ensure that other members in their group complete the tasks and

achieve academic outcomes. The second is face to face interaction. It means that

each group efforts to accomplish the group’s goals. Students are required to

interact verbally with one another on learning tasks. It aims to exchange opinions,

explain things, teach others and present their understanding. The third is

individual responsibility. It means that students ask for assistance, do their best

work, present their ideas, learn as much as possible, take their tasks seriously,

help the group operate well, and take care of one another. The fourth is

appropriate using of collaborative learning. It means that students are encouraged

and helped to develop trust-building, leadership, communication to collaborate to

create a group dynamic interaction to learn from each other. The fifth is group

processing. It is defined as reflecting on a group session to help students to

describe what member actions are helpful and unhelpful and make decisions about

what actions to continue or change. Group processing improves students’

effectiveness in contributing to achieve the objectives of learning process.

The Review of Related Studies

This part discusses the review of related studies which the title teachers’

perception toward the implementation of collaborative learning method at EED of

UMY. Moreover, many researchers have studied about collaborative learning


Gillies and Boyle (2010) in research entitled “Teachers’ reflection on

collaborative learning: Issues of implementation”. The objective of this research

is to identify the teachers’ issues of implementing collaborative learning in the

classroom. Respondents are teachers in Brisbane, Australia. The writer used

qualitative research as a methodology and used an interview as instrument. The

result of the research showed that all teachers spoke positively about their

collaborative learning experiences, noting that students responded well to their

small group experiences and it helped them to better manage and structure their

lessons. The issues of implementing collaborative learning identified included

students socializing during group activities and managing time effectively. Other

issues that the teachers identified included the composition of the group (such as

gender, ability, friendship), and the type of task needed to motivate students.

Interestingly, all teachers agreed that preparation needed to occur if students were

to work successfully in the groups and this included training students in social


Saefurrohman (2004) in experimental research that entitled “Improving

students’ motivation through collaborative learning strategies: An action

research at SMU Negeri 1 Ajibarang, Banyumas, Central Java”. The objective of

this research is to know whether collaborative learning strategies can improve

students’ motivation in learning English. The researcher used action research as a

methodology. Action research provides teachers with an opportunity to apply the

findings of research to their own situations and to adapt theory to practice.


The result of this research showed that collaborative learning can increase

students’ motivation, make students’ passive become more active in the

classroom, give them chance to be communicative with the material and their

friends and make students become creative in finding a solution for the

problem that they have.

The discussions of previous researches give much information about

collaborative learning method for the researcher. The result of previous researches

show that the issues of implementing collaborative learning method are how to

composite of the group such as gender, ability, friendship, how to manage the

time in collaborative learning process, and the type of task needed to motivate

students. Besides, previous researches provide an effect of using collaborative

learning method, such as encourage students’ motivation and make passive

students become more active in the classroom. However, this research give some

views of implementing collaborative learning method, such as the kinds of

collaborative learning techniques, the steps of collaborative learning, how to

composite the students into the group, and what are the advantages and

disadvantages of using collaborative learning method on students. This research

can help the teachers to solve the problem in using collaborative learning method

in the classroom.

Conceptual Framework

This part discusses conceptual framework which summarized from chapter

two. The aimed based on formulating of the problem study is to find out teachers’


UMY, teachers’ perception toward the advantages of using collaborative learning

method on students at EED of UMY and teachers’ perception toward the

disadvantages of using collaborative learning method on students at EED of


Ibrahim, Shak, Mohd, Ismail, Perumal, Zaidi, and Yasin (2015) highlights

that the implementation of collaborative learning method makes students depend

on each other in their pursuit of knowledge and make the learning process more

meaningful and interesting. When the students are learning in a group, they will

not feel alone and isolated from the rest. When students are working in group,

they will be a part of a community whereby everyone will lend support to one

another. In addition, Seng (2006) as cited in Ibrahim, et.al (2015) finds that

collaborative learning would increase the chances of academic success. When

there are fun and interesting communicative activities in the classroom, students

enjoyed working in groups.

To create an interesting and enjoyable in learning process in the

classroom, teachers should pay attention the form of collaborative learning

method, such as kinds of group (formal, informal, or base group), size of group,

and the ways to form students into a group, and how advantages and

disadvantages of small and large group. Furthermore, the teachers should choose

appropriate techniques of collaborative learning. Kinds of collaborative learning

techniques, such as technique for discussion that consists of think-pair-share,


The second part is techniques for reciprocal teaching that consist of note-taking

pairs, learning cell, fishbowl, role play, jigsaw, and test-taking teams.

Collaborative learning method has advantages and disadvantages, so that

teachers should implement it in students’ learning process in the classroom well.

In implementing collaborative learning method, it give many advantages on

students at EED of UMY, such as making students’ active in learning process,

encouraging students’ responsibility in their learning, and encouraging students’

communication skill. Then, the disadvantages on the students at EED of UMY

were making students’ less serious and being free ridder. The research framework


Figure 1.1 Conceptual Framework

Implementation of collaborative learning method

The steps and forms of CLM learning method on students

The disadvantages of collaborative learning method


Chapter Three Methodology

This chapter discusses the methodology used in this research which is

presented in five parts. The first part presents the research design used in the

study. The second part presents setting and respondents taken in this study. The

third part discusses data collection method. Afterward, the part discusses data

collection techniques. Finally, data analysis is elaborated at the end of this

methodology chapter.

Research Design

The aim of this research is to investigate about teachers’ perception toward

the implementation of collaborative learning method at EED of UMY. Through

this research, the researcher chose three teachers at EED of UMY as respondents.

The respondents shared their experiences and opinions when they applied

collaborative learning method at EED of UMY. Based on the aim above, the

appropriate research design for this research was qualitative research. Qualitative

research was aimed to explain or express the experience and the opinion of

respondents. According to Creswell (2012), qualitative research is appropriate to

be employed when it will identify research respondents’ opinion, believe, or even

perception. Additionally, Kamberelis and Dimitriadis (2005) as cited

Onwuegbuzie and Leech (2007) explains that qualitative research is kind of

investigations and explorations in which the researcher collect the data by face to


mentions that qualitative is research procedures in which produce descriptive data

in the form of written words or spoken of the respondents and behavior observed.

Furthermore, the researcher used descriptive qualitative. According to

Williams (2007), descriptive research is a basic research method that examines the

situation and condition that it exists in current state. Descriptive research involves

identification of a particular phenomenon based on an observational basis. In line

with Arikunto (2006) highlights that descriptive research is usually used in some

research to give clear information about the data that deal with the topic of the

research. So, the researher used a descriptive research which the aim is to describe

collaborative learning method based on reseach questions.

Research Setting and Respondents

Research setting. This research was conducted at EED of UMY. There were some reasons why EED of UMY was chosen as the setting of this research.

Firstly, based on the researcher’s experiences, the teachers at EED of UMY

always used collaborative learning method in their teaching and learning process

from semester one until semester seven. This situation made the researcher

interested to investigate about teachers’ perception toward the implementation of

collaborative learning method at EED of UMY, teachers’ perception toward the

advantages of using collaborative learning method on students at EED of UMY,

and teachers’ perception toward the disadvantages of using collaborative learning

method on students at EED of UMY. Secondly, the researcher chose EED of


that it would be easier to conduct the research when the researcher also study at


Research respondents. The respondents of this research were three

English teachers at EED of UMY. In order to select the sample of respondents, the

technique sampling that was employed to take it was purposive sampling.

According to Teddlie and Yu (2007), purposive sampling is type of sampling in

which researcher selects units, such as individuals, groups of individuals, and

institutions based on specific purposes associated with answering of a research

questions in the research. In addition, the researcher chose the small respondents

based on Creswell (2012) who asserts that in qualitative research, the researcher

should select respondents or site who can really understand about the situation

that will be undergone.

In line with those, the researcher chose the respondents based on her

observation in teaching and learning process in the classroom. There were some

reasons why the researcher chose three teachers at EED of UMY as the

respondents. The first reason was the teachers who have experiences in

implementing collaborative learning method in teaching and learning process in

the classroom. The second reason was the teachers who have implemented various

of collaborative learning techniques in the classroom. The third reason was the

teachers who had implemented several of the steps of collaborative learning

method in the classroom. Cresswell (2012) notes that “the standard used in

choosing the respondents and sites in whether they are information rich” (p.22).


characteristic that was important in order to gathering the data interview toward

their perception toward the implementation of collaborative learning method at


Data Collection Method

In data collection method, the researcher used the interview as instrument

to collect the data about teachers’ perception toward the implementation of

collaborative learning method at EED of UMY. According to Knox and Burkard

(2009) interview is a procedure to collect the data through face to face or

telephone interaction between an interviewer and respondents. Moreover, Johnson

and Christensen (2012) also mentioned that qualitative research as in-depth

interview, because this way is effective to obtain in-depth information from the

respondents’ knowledge, thought, motivation and feeling about the topic.

Therefore, in-depth interview was suitable for this research, because this

researcher aims to explore detail information about the implementation of

collaborative learning method at EED of UMY.

In this research, the researcher used the open ended questions as type of

questions in order to conducted in-depth interview. It is supported by Kerlinger

(1970) as cites in Snafi and Haji (2015) said that “using open ended questions

have minimum restraint and control on the respondents’ answer and expression”

(p.28). The researcher can probe and clear up misunderstanding from interviewee

when the teacher answers the question. In this research, the researcher had made

five questions that related with the title about teachers’ perception toward the


used Indonesian language for the interview, because using Indonesian language

would be easier the researcher to understand the answers of respondents and avoid

of misunderstanding in interviewing process.

In this research, the researcher also had recorded each interview with

respondents as a tool to make the researcher easier in transcribing the interview

and finding the result. The researcher used a voice recorder in a hand phone to

record the conversation of the interview with three respondents. In the interview,

the researcher spent 10-20 minutes for six questions.

Data Collection Technique

This research was conducted at EED of UMY, the researcher asked for

permission to the institution. Then, the researcher conducted some steps to collect

the data. Firstly, the researcher decided that the interview process used open

ended questions to collect the data in order to get board the answers from

respondents. Secondly, the researcher designed questions that were appropriate

with research variable. In designing the questions, the researcher used Barkley,

Cross and Majors’ book as guidance and the researcher also consulted with her

supervisor to get the validity of questions. Then, the list of questions was made for

guidance. After some questions were made, the next step to collect the data was

interview. Then, the researcher made an appointment with the respondents to

conduct the interview. When the researcher interviewed the respondents, the

conversations were recorded by the researcher. Moreover, after the interview had


Data Analysis

In this research, the researcher collected the data information by using an

interview record. After collecting the data by conducting interview, the next step

was to analyze the data. The aim of this research was to understand and interpret

the data in order to answer the research questions. There were three steps applied

in this research to gather, interpret and conclude the data, those were transcribing

the data, member checking and data analysis.

Transcribing the data. The first step was transcribing the data. The researcher transcribed the result of interview using verbatim transcription.

Halcomb and Davidson (2006) defined that verbatim transcription is the way of

transcription where the researcher must transcribe what they heard in the voice

recorder without editing or changing anything. The researcher used verbatim

transcription, because it would be easier in analyzing the result of the data.

Member Checking. The second step was member checking. The

researcher showed the transcription to the respondents to make sure whether those

data were valid or not and whether those data were manipulation the data or not. It

is supported by Creswell (2012), he argues that member checking is a process in

which the researcher asks the respondents to check the accuracy of the

transcription. Then, the researcher asked to the respondents whether the

transcription was complete and accurate to include in the data of the research.

Furthermore, the researcher did member checking to the respondents after doing

the transcription to get the validity of data. Then, the researcher got a feedback of


whatsapp and she stated that “I have read it and it is okee...” (R1: Respond, 2016).

The second respondent gave a feedback via whatsapp and he said that “Go on and

good luck” (R2: Respond, 2016). The third respondent gave a feedback via

hardcopy of transcription and she stated that “oke” (R3: Respond, 2016).

Data Analysis. The last step was data analysis. The researcher analyzed the data using coding that consisted of three parts. Those are open coding, axial

coding and selective coding. According to Strauss and Corbin (1998), open

coding was the part of the analysis concerned with identifying, naming,

categorizing and describing phenomena that find in the text. Essentially, the

researcher wrote each line, sentence, paragraph or unit of the text. Furthermore,

Strauss and Corbin (1998) stated that axial coding was the process of relating

codes (categories and properties) to each other, via a combination of inductive and

deductive thinking. In other words, the researcher divided the categories based on

criteria that are decided by the researcher that related to answer the research

questions. Additionally, Strauss and Corbin (1998) asserted that selective coding

was the process of choosing one category to be the core category and relating all

other categories to that category. Selective coding identified the result of core

categories in the text based on data collecting. Finally, the researcher analyzed the

result of the data based on the research questions. The result of the data collection


Chapter Four Finding and Discussion

This chapter presents the analysis of the data and discussion of the

research findings about teachers’ perception toward the implementation of

collaborative learning method at English Education Department of Universitas

Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta. As described in chapter three, the data collected in

this study were obtained by using interview technique. The discussion of the

research findings is divided into three sections. Those are teachers’ perception

toward the implementation of collaborative learning method at EED of UMY,

teachers’ perception toward the advantages of using collaborative learning method

on students at EED of UMY and teachers’ perception toward the disadvantages of

using collaborative learning method at EED of UMY. Those three findings were

explained in details.

Teachers’ Perception toward the Implementation of Collaborative Learning

Method at EED of UMY

In this part, the research found out teachers’ perception toward the

implementation of collaborative learning method at EED of UMY. The researcher

has interviewed three teachers at EED of UMY. There are four questions that

related toward the implementation of collaborative learning method. Firstly, what

are the teachers’ perceptions toward the implementation of collaborative learning

method. Secondly, what are collaborative learning techniques that teachers used in


Figure 1.1 Conceptual Framework
Table 1: The Questions of Interview


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