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The Analysis Of Sigmund Freud’s Theory In Harper Lee’s Novel : To Kill The Mocking Bird


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Give thanks to the Lord, for He is good. His love endures forever. Maz, 118: 1.

The first time, the writer would like to say thank to Jesus Christ, the saviour, for his love, blessing and mercy so that the writer is able to finish this thesis. “Thank God. “

There are so many steps has been done by the writer to make this thesis complete and ready to presented as a thesis of the first graduate. The writer gets so many helps, support, motivation, and suggestion from many people to process of doing this thesis, from the beginning until the writer finish this thesis.

Her particularly gratitude must go to the lecturer, the writer would like to say thank to incredible lectures, Drs. Parlindungan Purba, M.hum as her supervisor and Drs. Siamir Marulafau, M.hum as her co – supervisor for their guidance and suggestion in accomplishing this thesis, the writer appreciate all they have contributed during the process of analyzing and writing this thesis. May God bless them.

Then the writer would like to say thank the dean of faculty of letters, University of Sumatra Utara, Prof. Syaifuddin, M.A, Ph.D., the head and the secretary of English literature department, Dra. Swesana Mardia Lubis, M.hum, Drs. Parlindungan Purba, M.hum, and all the lectures, and the staffs of English literature department who has given all the opportunities and facilities, during her study in this university and in completing this thesis.


and during her study until finishing this thesis. She always keeps pray for them, so that god may bless and give health for them. The writer aware, without them she cannot do anything. “I love you my beloved dad, mom, sister, and brother.

Then the writer would like with the grateful thank to her beloved boyfriend, Frans Simamora, for giving her support, great love, suggest and attention during doing this thesis. “Thank for loving me and give your unconditional love in my life.”

Thanks too for her best friend, Junastri, Roma, ovi, Debora, Miss, Ilda, Joni, Manoguh, Dix, Hendra, Ramces, that always help and give her support and spirit. And all her friend in Imsi, thank.

At last but not least she would like to say thank with her big family and specially thank to her sister K’nora Permana for their pray and give her supporting.

Finally, the writer hopes this thesis will be beneficial for all the readers.

Medan, 7 Juni 2010

The writer,



I’m nofamelina saragih, declare that i’m the soule authors of this thesis. Except where reference is made in text of this thesis, this thesis contains no material published else where or extracted in whole or in part from a thesis by which I have qualified for or award degree.

No other person’s work has been used without due acknowledgement in the main text of this thesis. This thesis has not been submitted for the award of another degree in any tertiary education.



Name : Nofamelina Saragih

Title of thesis : The Analysis of Sigmund Freud’s Theory In Harper Lee’s Novel: To Kill the Mocking Bird.

Qualification: S-1

Department: English Department Faculty of Letters, University of Sumatra Utara.

I am willing that my thesis should be available for reproduction at the discretions of the Librarian of the English department, faculty of letters, university of north Sumatra on the understanding that user are made aware of their obligation under of the republic of Indonesia.



Skripsi ini berjudul The Analysis of Sigmund Freud’s Theory in Harper Lee’s Novel : To Kill the Mocking Bird. Yaitu suatu analisis mengenai struktur kepribadian manusia yang direfleksikan lewat Atticus, Jem dan Scout sebagai tokoh utama dalam novel To Kill the Mocking Bird berdasrkan teori Sigmund Freud. Teori ini membahas tentang hasrat yang dimiliki pribadi manusia yang di dorong oleh libido. Teori ini mengemukakan bahwa di dalam kepribadian manusia itu ada tiga sistem atau aspek penting, yaitu Id, Ego dan Super – Ego dimana ketigaa sistem tersebut di dorong oleh libido atau hasrat dalam diri manusia itu sendiri. Id itu cendrung berusaha hanya untuk memuskan diri sendiri akibat dorongan libido tanpa memikirkan orang lain, bahkan waktu dan tempat, atau hanya suatu unsur kesengan saja. Ego muncul berdasrkan prinsip kenyataan dan berdiri di antra id dan Super Ego untuk menyeimbagkan dorongan id dan Super Ego dalam diri manusia. Super Ego, berusha mengutamakan nilai – nilai moral di atas dorongan libido.

Dalam anlysis ini, penulis menggunakan pendekatan psikoanalisis Sigmund Freud. Ada pun metode yang digunakan adalah metode deskriptif dimana data dalam skripsi ini berupa paparan bahasa yang mengandung pemikiran, sikap dan tikah laku tokoh utama dalam novel ini. Sumber data dalam anlisis ini adalah novel To Kill The Mocking Bird, dengan tehnik pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan cara membaca dan menonton novel tersebut secara berulang kali.









1.1 The Background Of Analysis ... 1

1.2 The Problem Of The Analysis ... 4

1.3 The Objectives Of The Analysis ... 4

1.4 The Scope Of The Analysis ... 5

1.5 Significance Of Analysis ... 5

1.6 Review Of The Related Literature ... 6


2.1 Methode ... 7



3.1 Literature and Psyhology ... 9

3.2 Personality Theory and Description

of Sigmund Freud’s Theory ……….…….... 19

3.2.1 Definition of Personality ……….. 19

3.2.2 Description of Sigmund Freud’s Theory …………. 35

3.3 Character ... ... 42





4.1 Id Personality ... 47

4.1.1 Attikus’s Id ... 48

4.1.2 Jem’s Id ... 49

4.1.3 Scout’s Id ... 51

4.2 Ego Personallity ... ... 52

4.2.1 Attikus’s Ego ... 54

4.2.2 Jem’s Ego ... 56

4.2.3 Scout’s Ego ... 57

4.3 Superego Personality ... 60

4.3.1 Attikus’s Super- Ego ... 61

4.3.2 Jem’s Super- Ego ... 65



5.1. Conclusion ... 68

5.2. Suggestions ... 69


... 70


Appendix 1 : Biography of the authors of the novel ... 72



Skripsi ini berjudul The Analysis of Sigmund Freud’s Theory in Harper Lee’s Novel : To Kill the Mocking Bird. Yaitu suatu analisis mengenai struktur kepribadian manusia yang direfleksikan lewat Atticus, Jem dan Scout sebagai tokoh utama dalam novel To Kill the Mocking Bird berdasrkan teori Sigmund Freud. Teori ini membahas tentang hasrat yang dimiliki pribadi manusia yang di dorong oleh libido. Teori ini mengemukakan bahwa di dalam kepribadian manusia itu ada tiga sistem atau aspek penting, yaitu Id, Ego dan Super – Ego dimana ketigaa sistem tersebut di dorong oleh libido atau hasrat dalam diri manusia itu sendiri. Id itu cendrung berusaha hanya untuk memuskan diri sendiri akibat dorongan libido tanpa memikirkan orang lain, bahkan waktu dan tempat, atau hanya suatu unsur kesengan saja. Ego muncul berdasrkan prinsip kenyataan dan berdiri di antra id dan Super Ego untuk menyeimbagkan dorongan id dan Super Ego dalam diri manusia. Super Ego, berusha mengutamakan nilai – nilai moral di atas dorongan libido.

Dalam anlysis ini, penulis menggunakan pendekatan psikoanalisis Sigmund Freud. Ada pun metode yang digunakan adalah metode deskriptif dimana data dalam skripsi ini berupa paparan bahasa yang mengandung pemikiran, sikap dan tikah laku tokoh utama dalam novel ini. Sumber data dalam anlisis ini adalah novel To Kill The Mocking Bird, dengan tehnik pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan cara membaca dan menonton novel tersebut secara berulang kali.




1.1 The Background of the Analysis.

Literature is an interpretation of man’s life by using language as its medium. According to (Robert, 1993: 1) literature is writing which expresses and communicates thoughts, feelings, and attitudes toward life. Some theorists also gives the definition that literature is like the other arts, can give us new ways of looking at the world and finding significance which the daily use of language in its more commonplaces has concealed. Among the arts, literature specially, seems also to claim “truth “through the view of life “Weltanschauung “which every artistically coherent work possesses. (Wellek Rene, 1985: 35 Theory of literature). Literature is very important to read, because those writers have lasted through many years, and so what they say must be important. Otherwise, they would have been forgotten. We read literature because it is an important part of our education. Like history is one part and math is one part and literature is one part. (Norman. 1984: 12 The language of literature)

Literature has three genres, namely prose, poetry, and drama. Prose is a fiction narrative kind of writing. In general, are called novel. Novel may contain passages with the type of imagery and word – selection generally associated with poetry. Poetry is the spontaneous overflow of powerful feelings (Martha, 2008: 6 Understanding Poetry by William Wordsworth.) Drama is a story, which is intended to be acted on the stage. All of these are works of imagination of the capacity for invention of the writers ‘world.


In doing analysis the writer give the definition of novel from some expert such us, Richard Taylor (1981: 46) says, a novel is a normally a quite a length of complexity which attempt to reflect and express something of quality of value of human experience. “It means that a novel is made by the author to express their idea about something based on their experience or people’s experience around their life. Human experience in life may influence the whole life of human including the way of life. It is natural that every human or every character of people in this world always has big desires in our self.

Every novel should have characters as its element. A character is a person who acts in the story. Human usually dominates characters in a novel and every human has their own personality. The personality will lead the character to act their mind, attitude and behavioral.

Furthermore, this thesis focused on term of character personality in To Kill the Mocking Bird by Harper lee, where this novel told about racism between black people and white people in America. In the novel, there are three people as a main character, namely, Atticus, Jam, and Scout. Jam and Scout are Atticus’ children. s Both of them are smart children, they want to know all about their father’s work.

To analyze their characters personality, the writer tries to analysis referring to Sigmund Freud’s personality theory, based on the psychology personality. Actually, the characters in fiction may be defined as a verbal representation of a human being and in the novel character is presented psychologically.


and desires and that sometimes being impulsive or selfish can hurt us in the end. It is the ego's job to meet the needs of the id, while taking into consideration the reality of the situation. The Superego is the moral part of us and develops due to the moral and ethical restraints placed on us by our caregivers. The three aspects are controlled by desire or libido.

The writer chooses To Kill the Mocking Bird as object of analysis, because the writer would like to find characters personality related with human mind or psychology in this novel based on Sigmund Freud theory, consists of three major structures; Id, Ego, and Super – ego. It is also the reason why the writer use or chooses Sigmund Freud’s theory, as an object of analysis because the writer thought it is applicable to analyze this novel, and especially to analyze their characters personality in this novel.

1.2 Problems of Analysis

During the process of analysis, it is important for us to make or to find some problems that are going to be analyzed in that novel, and also by finding the problems, the writer tries to make good description about the object of analysis itself.

So in this analysis, the writer finds some problems that became to be analyzed and have the objective answer. Thus, the problems are:

1. How is Atticus, Jem, Scout’s Id described in this novel Harper Lee’s to Kill the Mocking Bird based on Sigmund Freud’s theory?

2. How is Atticus, Jem, Scout’s Ego described in this novel Harper Lee’s to Kill the Mocking Bird based on Sigmund Freud’s theory?


1.3 Objectives of Analysis

The objectives of analysis one thing that we must achieved or are the statements about what we done in object that we are going to analysis depend on the problem of analysis. So, the writer makes an objective of analysis, they are:

1. To find out Atticus, Jem, and Scout’s Id in this novel Harper Lee’s to Kill the Mocking Bird based on Sigmund Freud’s Theory.

2. To find out Atticus, Jem, and Scout’s Ego in this novel Harper Lee’s to Kill the Mocking Bird based on Sigmund Freud’s Theory.

3. To find out Atticus, Jem, Scout’s super - Ego in this novel Harper Lee’s to Kill the Mocking Bird based on Sigmund Freud’s Theory.

1.4 Scope of Analysis

When doing analysis of literary works, actually there’s should be a scope of analysis, so that the object that are be analyzed become clearly and the purpose of the analysis easy to understand by the readers being.

In this thesis, the writer makes a scope of analysis is confined the characters personality in Harper Lee’s novel to kill the mocking bird, based on Sigmund Freud’s theory (1949). Freud contends that the personality consist of three major structures, the id, ego and super – ego. Actually in this novel there are so many characters who acted this story, but here the writer would like to analysis characters personality of the main characters namely, Atticus, Jem, Scout’s Id, Ego and Super- ego in this novel. That is a scope of analysis in this thesis.

1.5 Significance of Analysis


relation between literature and psychology in terms of Sigmund Freud’s theory Practically, through referring Sigmund Freud’s theory in analyzing characters personality and human mind or psychology in the main character of this novel, the writer hopes that this analysis can be as primary source and useful for those who wants to study literary works in relation to psychology especially for student.

1.6 Review of Literature

The writer collects several books in supporting the data of analysis. The books contain some information, which design to complete the thesis. They are:

1. Theory of Literature by Rene Wellek and Austin Warren, 1977.

This book provides the explanation about the theory of literature, so the writer can analyze the story of the novel easily based on the theory. According to that book, there are two kinds of approach in analyzing literary work; they are intrinsic approach and extrinsic approach.

2. The Language of English Literature by Raymond Chapman, 1982.

This book explains about the kind of language which use by the authors in their literary works, including novel as one of the genres of literature.

3. Understanding the Elements of Literature by Richard Taylor, 1981.

In this book, Richard Taylor explains about their major genres of literature; such as narrative fiction, drama, and poetry. They are defined and discussed in detail.

4. To Kill The Mocking Bird by Harper Lee, 1962.


5. A psychological Approach to Fiction by Bernard J. Paris.

The writer uses this book to give the definition about psychology. 6. Developmental Psychology by Ann Birch and Tony Malim, 1988

The writer use this book, to give definition about Id, Ego and Super – ego. 7. Freud by Benjamin Nelson, 1958




2.1 Method of analysis

In doing processes of analysis, the writer determines one object of literary works, become object of analysis. Actually the writer analyzed a literary works, To Kill the Mocking Bird by Harper Lee as source of data. Novel has two sides which related one and other they are intrinsic and extrinsic approach. In this analysis the writer used extrinsic approach, because the writer will discuss one object of literary out of literature namely, psychology or human mind through characters personality in the main character of this novel, where the writer would like to explain relationship between literature and psychology.

The writer analyzing their psychology through the novel which written by the author (Harper Lee’s), based on his experience in his life or pattern life style of the author him self.


character personality in dialogue, monologue also the narration which happened between the main character and the other character.

2. 2 Technique

In applying this method, the writer use several steps, the first step is reading the novel, To Kill the Mocking Bird, by Harper Lee, and then watched the film. The third step is collecting all relevant sources, with are related human personality, and interpreting that novel by writing down all of these cases within the text which deals with the main character’s personality namely: Atticus, Jem, Scout from how their act, behave and their mind in this novel. The fourth is quoting the data and classifying them into the group of the id, the ego, and the super – ego based on Sigmund Freud theory, the writer used this theory to support her analysis. Sigmund Freud states in his theory that human’s e controlled by sexualities or libido.

The writers also used library research, with the purpose collecting data and information with the assistance various material in the library. For example: Theory of literature, the literary work, metode penelitian sastra, psychology etc. Actually the data which we get it from the library is a basic one of the main tools to complete the thesis.




3.1 Literature and Psychology

The world literature derives from the Latin Litera (letter) which primarily refers to the written or printed words. It might be based on the idea that even today we still often think of literature almost exclusively as written expression. Literature has been exist or well known since last time by every people who love or have a talent to create a literary work likes story or novel. Especially he or she creates something from their work, all of them expression their knowledge through their experience in their life, such as , William Shakespeare’s in Romeo and Juliet , Emily Dickinson with her play I’ m no body and who are you.

The world literature is also frequently used in very general sense of the work to refer the whole body of writing in a culture regardless of his purpose. In this sense both informative writing, such as books on history or geography and imaginative writing belong to the realm of the literature.

Literature sprang up from the imaginative mind of people who have the talent to create the stories, they created it from their experience in their life, and they made it become a literary work as a reflection of a real life, we can see all social problems in the real life through the literary work.


Literary works may provide their readers with some knowledge as literary works contain various aspect of human life (social, cultural, moral, religious aspect) readers may get some lessons from them (“utile “ ). However, the idea that a literary work should teach (“utile “ ) was rejected in the 19 th century. Some scholars claimed, “Art is for the art’s sake ( I’ art pour I’ art) “, which means that art (literature) was created merely for the sake of art.

Literary works may incite the readers to the healing of pride of their notion or ethnic group because sometime, when the authors make one literary work based on the situation in one country or ethnic group, such as black people in American. Literary work may raise the reader’s intellect because they make the readers think a lot. To study the literary work, it can bring the readers to learn and think a lot more about literary work and of course it can make the readers has intellect and much knowledge about literature. There are three theories of literature which can be called imitative (mimetic theory), expressive theory (theory of expression) and pragmatic or (affective theory). However, here the writer just explains about mimetic theory, which have related to the analysis. The theory of imitation (mimetic theory is revealed or goes back to Plato and Aristotle.

Plato introduces this concept in his works and when he describes poetry ( or literature in general ) and painting in derogatory terms as imitation from reality, when the art copies of man – made objects are only copies of a copy.

However with Aristotle, has the negative of imitation, where in his poetic he says that tragedy is an imitation of an action that is serious and complete. Actually in Aristotle, the process of imitation we called it mimesis.


representation to an audience, and different levels of moral and ethical behavior as objects of the artistic representation. Thus, Aristotle distinguishes between tragedy and comedy essentially because of the fact that the former represents "noble" or "morally good" agents, while the latter portrays "ignoble" or "morally defective" characters. All forms of mimesis, however, including tragedy and comedy, come into existence because of a fundamental intellectual impulse felt by all human beings.

Aristotle's focus in the Poetics is on the genre of tragedy, but he also makes important comments on comedy and epic. His fundamental theoretical stipulations about the essential nature of mimesis must apply to all genres of literature (tragedy, comedy, epic, etc.) and all other forms of mimesis (music, dance, painting, sculpture, etc.). These basic stipulations are that mimesis is fundamental to our nature as human beings, that human beings are the most imitative of all creatures, that first learning experiences take place through mimesis, and that all human beings take pleasure in mimesis because all find "learning and inference" essentially pleasant. Since the focus of the Poetics is mainly on literary mimesis, it is necessary for us to concentrate on Aristotle's understanding of the way this aspect of mimetic activity leads to the intellectual pleasure he assigns to art.

Aristotle specifies that the function of literary mimesis is to represent a complete and unified action consisting of a beginning, middle, and linked by necessary and probable causes.

However, Plato, he does not regard this world as a mere of shadow of another. Moreover, he believes that the instinct of imitation is an important one.


character. A lot of novel have and used to look for the young people as the main character in a story, because as a young man, the people felt that they could to be most to face odds as usuallyand character in novel dominated by people.The writer thought that novel also as a mirror of our life, because the entire story in the novel took from the real life of human by the professional authors or a people who have a talent to write novel, it can be called novelist or authors.

Characters in novels have been specially created by authors. When authors create characters, they select some aspect of ordinary people, develop some of those aspects whilst playing down others, and put them together as they please. The result is not an ordinary person but a fictional character that only exists in the words of the novel

Novel, nearly always an extended fictional prose narrative, although some novels are very short, some are non‐fictional, some have been written in verse, and some do

not even tell a story. Such exceptions help to indicate that the novel as a literary genre is itself exceptional: it disregards the constraints that govern other literary forms, and acknowledges no obligatory structure, style, or subject‐matter. Thriving on this

openness and flexibility, the novel has become the most important literary genre of the modern age, superseding the epic, the romance, and other narrative forms.

Novels can be distinguished from short stories and novellas by their greater length, which permits fuller, subtler development of characters and themes. (Confusingly, it is a shorter form of tale, the Italian novella that gives the novel its name in English.) There is no established minimum length for a novel, but it is normally at least long enough to justify its publication in an independent volume, unlike the short story.


skeptical and prosaic manner inappropriate to the marvels of romance. The novel has frequently incorporated the structures and languages of non‐fictional prose forms

(history, autobiography, journalism, travel writing), even to the point where the non - fictional element outweighs the fictional. It is normally expected of a novel that it should have at least one character, and preferably several characters shown in processes of change and social relationship; a plot, or some arrangement of narrated events, is another normal requirement.

One statement that the novel’s primary impulse is a mimetic one, we must add the qualification that the reality imitated is not general nature or the world of ideas but the concrete and temporal reality of modern empirical thought. The novel came into being in a world dominated by secularism and individualism, a world in which men were losing their belief in the supernatural and institutional bases of life. In many realistic novels, however, the classical moralistic perspective continues to exist alongside of, and often in disharmony with, the concrete, “serio problematic “representation of life.

Some novels are profoundly concerned with both character and society; others focus primarily on social or on psychological reality.

However, realistic fiction is more concerned with mimesis than it is with the theme and forms the latter are, nonetheless, very important elements in the majority of novels. Indeed, one of the basis problems of the novel as a genre is that it attempts to integrate impulses, which are disparate and often in conflict. As Northrop Frye observes, the realistic writer soon finds that the requirements of literary form and plausible content always fight against each other. Novels with more life than pattern, or in which life and pattern are not integrated, are wanting in the quality of their perception.


the defects of its virtues, and its virtues are very great indeed. Some novels, of course, are integrated: they are usually those in which the interpretive element either is almost nonexistent or is incorporated into the mimesis. Such novels have coherent theological structures, but they do not provide the kind of wisdom that Kettle, Watt, and many other critics seem to be looking for. It is because they contain highly individualized character or extremely detailed pictures of society that many novels lack total artistic integration. We go to literature for many things, and not the least of them is the immediate knowledge that it gives of variously constituted human psyches. The novel makes its relations not only through mimetic portraits of characters, but also in many cases, through the picture that it creates of the implied author.

So thinking about novel, the writer should try to see the informing structure; a society and characters that are in some ways at odds with this society. And it is true that some novelist are moralists – they examine the relation between individuals and society and put forward their ideas about how people should behave – but it would be simple to say that the important thing about their novels is the message that they preach.

The people in a novel are referred as a character but actually, the character in novels, they are not just like real life people. Characters in novels have been specially created by authors. When authors create characters, they select some aspect of ordinary people; develop some of those aspects whilst playing down other. Moreover, put them together as they please. The result is not an ordinary person but a fictional character that only exists in the words of the novel.


use a metaphor from art, they are lightly sketched in with a few broad lines, but there is a little light or shadow to them. This not to say that they have very little purpose in the novels in which they appear. Quite often, their presence is very important, but often the readers gain the impression that the author has put them there not because he or she is interested in them but because they serve a purpose in the total design of the novel.

For example; the case of Ida Arnold in Graham Greene’s Brighton Rock. She is the woman who decides to prove that pinkie, the boy who runs a gag of criminals, has murdered Fred Hale. Pinkie is a strange and deep character, but Ida is simple – she is friendly, worldly, and good-natured and has a strong, simple idea of justice.

Once Greene has established her character, he does not allow her to grow or change. What he wants is someone who is very different from pinkie, and who will fight for her idea of justice. Even at the moment when she decides to investigate Fred’s death, Greene makes it clear that there is nothing complex about her:

Somebody had made Fred unhappy, and somebody was going to be made unhappy in return. An eye for an eye. If you believed in god, you might leave vengeance t him, but you could not trust the one, the universal spirit. Vengeance was Ida is just as much as reward was Ida’s the gluey mouth affixed in taxis, the warm handclasp in cinemas, the only rewards there was. Moreover, vengeance and reward – they were both fun. ( Gill Richard 1985 : mastering English literature ).


Expectations, but that is not Greene purpose. He wants someone with a few characteristics who will have a place in the design of his novel Ida Arnold is the result.

When we read more and know about novel clearly, novel also contains so many knowledge, such as when the novel wrestles with fictitious figures, or character in the novel, novel presents the psychology and the psychology presents as a knowledge that discuss about human mind in human personality as a character.

Psychology is a science dedicated to the study of behavior and mental process. (Psychology: John W. Santrock: 2005), Psychology emerged from two disciplines: philosophy and natural science. The idea that the mind is not a physical entity came from philosophy.

Sometimes we might think that a psychologist only analyzes people or human problems, many psychologists do analyze people’s problems and try to help them cope more effectively. However, many psychologists are researchers, not therapists. In fact, psychology is also analyzed about the three concepts important to the definition of psychology: science, behavior, and mental processes. Psychologist use scientific methods to observe, describe, predict, and explain behaviors and mental processes. Behaviors are actions that can be directly observed, while mental processes are experiences that cannot be observed directly, such as thoughts and feelings.


the differences among individuals in such traits as anxiety, sociability, self – esteem, need for achievement, and aggressiveness, and social psychology studies about how people influence one another.

However, in this analysis and from those fields personality psychology have a relationship to literature. Psychology personality focuses on the relatively enduring traits and characteristics of individuals. However, literature and psychology are same or have the same analysis and focus on human behavior. There are several points where the interests of psychologists and literary scholars converge. This convergence is evident in the use of literature to test psychological theories and to understand human behavior in historical times, in the psychological analyses of literature, and in psychological studies of authors and readers.

Norman Holland finds it “hard to see how a psychology deal with a wok of art “and observes that in practice psychoanalytic critics do not. Psychology cannot consider works of art in themselves, he argues, because psychology as such is concerned not with literature but with minds. Any psychological system,” therefore, must deal not with works of art in isolation, but with works of art in relation to man’s mind.

A psychology cannot consider works of art themselves, and he argues, because psychology as such is concerned “not with literature but with minds “(p. 293).


Based on the explanation above, the writer can generally conclude, psychology and had the same equality in exploring person, and both of them can’t be separated one another, because psychology explores person from the real life, while literature explores fictitious person which is imitated from the real life.

3.2 Personality Theory and Description of Sigmund Freud’s theory 3.2.1 Definition of Personality

The field of personality addresses three issues that sometimes are difficult to reconcile: (1) human universal, (2) individual differences, (3) individual uniqueness. In studying universals, one asks: what is generally true of people? What are universal features of human nature and basic operating principles of personality? Regarding the second issue, individual differences, the question are: how do people differ from one another? Are there basic categories or dimensions of individual differences? Finally, regarding uniqueness, the primary questions are. What makes people unique? How can one possibly explain the uniqueness of the individual in a lawful scientific manner? Personality psychologist address dozens of more specific questions – why do some achieve and others not? Nevertheless, all these specific issues are addressed in terms of overarching questions about universal properties of personality, individual differences, and the uniqueness of the individual.


Philosophers teach us that if one wants to know what a word staffs, one should see hoe the word is used (Wittgenstein, 1953) different people use the word personality in different ways. The public often uses the term to represent a value judgment: if you like someone, it is because he or she has a good personality or lost of personality. A boring person has no personality. Personality scientist, however, use the word differently. The scientist is not trying to provide subjective value judgments about people. A scientific definition of personality tells us what areas are to be studied and suggests how we might best study them.

For the present, let us use the following working definition of personality: personality refers to those characteristics of the person that account for consistent pattern of feeling, thinking, and behaving. This very broad definition allows us to focus on many different aspects of the person. At the same time, it suggests that we attend to consistent patterns of behavior and to qualities insider the person that account for these regularities, as opposed, for example, to looking exclusively at qualities in the environment that account for such regularities.

The regularities of interest to us include the thoughts, feelings, and overt (observable) behaviors of people. Of particular interest to us is how these thoughts, feelings, and overt behaviors relate to one another, or cohere, to form the unique, distinctive individual. Although one of definitions has been suggested here, others are possible. Alternative definitions should not be construed as right or wrong; rather, they may be more or less useful in directing us to important areas of understanding. Thus, a definition of personality is useful to extent that it helps advance the field as a science.


enable one to understand these regularities. One hopes that these theories also can be used to benefit human welfare it is to the nature of such theories of personality that we now turn. Now that we have provided a definition of personality, we can consider some new questions. They concern the goals of theorizing. When developing a theory of personality, what goals is the theorist trying to achieve? What questions is the personality theorist to answer? What do we seek to explain with a theory of personality? If we study individuals intensively, we want to know what they are like, how they became that way and why they behave as they do. Thus, we want a theory to answer the questions of what, how and why.

The refers to the characteristics of the Person and how these characteristics are organized in relation to one another. Is the person anxious, persistent, and high in end for achievement? If so, are they anxious and persistent because they are high in need for achievement? Alternatively, are they persistent and high in need for achievement because they are anxious? They how refers to the determinants of a person’s personality? How did genetics influences contribute to the individual’s personality? How did environmental forces and social learning experiences contribute to the person’s development? How did biology and environment interact with each other? How do people, through their own choices and efforts, contribute to their own personality development? The why refers to the reasons for the individual’s behavior?


hostility, she feels toward the child? Is a person depressed because of humiliation, because of the loss of loved one, or because of a feeling of guilt? A theory should help us understand to what extant depression are characteristic of a person, how this personality characteristic developed, why depression is experienced in specific circumstances, and why the person behaves in a certain manner when depressed. If two people tend to be depressed, why does one get out and buy things whereas the other withdraws into a shell?

In answering the questions of what, how and why a personality theory should cover four areas. There is (1), structure the basics units or building blocks of personality (2) process the dynamic aspects of personality including motives (3), growth and development how we develop into the unique person each of us is and psychopathology and behavior change how people change and why they sometimes resist change or are unable to change. Of each of these four areas is necessary to obtain comprehensive answer to questions about the what, how, and why of personality.


and unique. That is why, theory of personality focus on the personalization characteristic from human, and related with the concrete situation, such as, to approach the human condition as a subject and more concrete.

Theory of personality tries to see the human as a total subject with the specific aspect. For example: is the one people more emotional or more connotative. Therefore, the mains object of the theory of personality is the specific aspect from the psyche life in the relation with the total subject.

Theory of personality appear because of stimulated with the needs in human live, namely to know the people in their daily lives. Because in every people always there are the stimulate “azali “to know more other individual, as a partner in this lives. There are desires in every people to know the other people with the characteristic and psyches lives. For example : when a teacher want to teach their student and want to search the develop of the student as a individual that will touch of course the teacher give the attention to characteristic child which individual.

Personality, etymologies come from the word Latin “persona “means that “disguise “or in Indonesian “kedok. “ This disguise usually used by the people who act the drama in ancient time, to act one type of behaviors and character and it also come from the word “ personare “ it means that to pierce, where the actors through their disguise try to pierce out. To express one type of human picture, such us, the pictures of the people, who act sad, happy, and selfish. Therefore, the personality not only the actor it self but he or she want to describe one type of human.


and in other time, he or she became sad. It is very difficult to give the definition the really reality and character of some people.

Many people, which has pretend attitude, some times pretend to be well and used to do some thing different from the characteristic. Therefore, personality has a function to set free the disguise in human being and try to understand the characteristic. Therefore, there is a desire about the psyche lives from a people and other people. The personality directly related with capacity psyche of people and related with purpose of live.

Here, the writer also gives the definition about personality from some experts. We begin from the personality theory, which is composed by Sigmund Freud. Sigmund Freud (1856-1939) developed his ideas about psychoanalytic theory from work with mental patients. He was a medical doctor who specialized in neurology. He spent most of his years in Vienna, though he moved to London near the end of his career because of the Nazis’ anti-Semitism.


sense that both the id and the superego make life rough for the ego. Your ego might say, “I will have sex only occasionally and be sure to take the proper precautions because I don’t want the intrusion of a child in the development of my career.” However, your id is saying, “I want to be satisfied; sex is pleasurable.” Your superego is at work, too: “I feel guilty about having sex before I’m married.”

Remember that Freud considered personality to be like an iceberg; most of personality exists below our level of awareness, just as the massive part of an iceberg is beneath the surface of the water. Freud believed that most of the important personality processes occur below the level of conscious awareness. In examining people’s conscious thoughts about their behaviours, we can see some reflections of the ego and the superego. Whereas the ego and superego are partly conscious and unconscious, the primitive id is the unconscious, the totally submerged part of the iceberg.

How the ego resolves the conflict among its demands for reality, the wishes of the id, and constraints of the superego? Through defence mechanisms, the psychoanalytic term for unconscious methods the ego uses to distort reality, thereby protecting it from anxiety. In Freud’s view, the conflicting demands of the personality structures produce anxiety. For example, when the ego blocks the pleasurable pursuits of the id, inner anxiety is felt. This diffuse, distressed state develops when the ego senses that the id is going to cause harm to the individual. The anxiety alerts the ego to resolve the conflict by means of defence mechanisms.


many of which he believed are sexually laden, are too threatening and stressful for us to deal with consciously. We reduce the anxiety of this conflict through the defence mechanism of repression.

In the early 1900s, Sigmund Freud developed the psychodynamic view of human behaviour. This model relies on the premise that human behaviour is brought about by inner forces over which the individual has little control. Dreams and slips of the tongue are clues to what the individual is really thinking.

We may have one point in our lives been caught speaking a Freudian slip, or slip of the tongue. For example, we may have intentions of saying to a member of the opposite sex: “I believe we have not been properly introduced yet.” Instead, we might accidentally say: “I believe that we have not been properly seduced yet.”

According to Freud, such events are not just random slip-ups. Rather, such slips of the tongue may be an indication of deeply felt emotions and thoughts that reside in the unconscious, a part of the personality of which a person is not aware. The unconscious is the safe haven for our recollection of painful events and it is where we store our instinctual drives. The most compelling criticisms of Freudian personality point out that this theory is created upon a lack of scientific data. There are no physical parts of a person’s brain that represent three elements of personality. Freud based on his theory on a wealth of individual assessments, but there are no actual concrete data. Another criticism is that we can often explain behaviour after the fact using Freudian concepts, but we can rarely predict behaviour. In addition, Freud made his observations and thus derived his theory from a limited population, primarily upper-class Austrian women living in a strict era of the 1900s.


personality have often leaded us to wonder about our own motivations for our behaviour. Freud’s emphasis on the unconscious has been partially supported by some current cognitive psychology research. Such work has revealed that mental processes about which people are unaware have an important impact on thinking and actions.

The most important contribution of Freud’s psychoanalytic theories is perhaps the fact that it ignited more study of the human mind, and the motivation behind an individual’s behaviour, thus leading to more study and discovery of new ideas and theories.

After Freud’s opinion, there is another personality theory, which is composed by Alfred Adler (1870 – 1937). For approximately a decade, Alfred Adler is an active member of the Vienna psychoanalytic society, however , in 1911, when he created his views to the other member of the group, the response is so hustle that he leaves it to form his own school of individual psychology.

Most significant in Adler’s split from Freud is his greater emphasizes on social urges and conscious thought than on instinctual sexual urges and unconscious processes. Early in his career, Adler becomes interested in organ inferiorities how people compensate them. A person with a week organ may attempt to compensate for this weakness by making special efforts to strengthen that organ or to develop other organs. For example, someone who stutters as a child may attempt to become a great speaker, or someone with defect in vision may attempt to develop special listening sensitivities.


becomes an important part of Adler’s thinking. At first, Adler speaks of a will to power as an expression of the person’s effort to cope with feelings of helplessness dating from infancy, this emphasis, gradual, shifts to an emphasis on striving for superiority. In its neurotic from, this striving could be expressed in wishes for power and control over others; its healthier form, it could be expressed as a great upward drive toward unity and perfection the healthy person, the striving for superiority is expressed in social feelings and cooperation as well as in assertiveness and competition. From the beginning, people have a social interest, that is, an innate interest in relating to people and innate potential for cooperation.

Adler’s theory is also noteworthy for its emphasis on how people respond to feelings about their self, how people respond to goals directly their behaviour toward the future, and how the order of birth among siblings can influence their psychosocial development. In relation to birth order, many psychologist note the tendency for only sons or first – born sons to achieve more than later sons in a family do.

Then, after Adler’s theory, Carl G. Jung (1875 – 1961) presents with his analytical psychology about personality. Like Adler, Jung is distressed with what he feels is an excessive emphasis on sexuality. Jung’s views the libido not as sexual instinct, but as generalized life energy. Although sexuality is a part of this basic energy, the libido also includes strivings for pleasure and creativity. To Jung, this reinterpretation of the libido is the primary reason for his break with Freud.


try to acquire a meaningful personal identity and a sense of meaning in self. Indeed, people are so forward – looking that they commonly devote efforts to religious practises that prepare them for a life after death.

A particularly distinguishing feature of Jung’s psychology is his emphasis on the evolutionary foundations of the human mind. Jung accepts Freud’s emphasis on the unconscious as a storehouse of repressed experiences from one’s life. However, he adds to this idea the concept of the collective unconscious the cumulative experiences of past generations. The collective unconscious, as oppose to the personal unconscious, is universal. All humans because of their common ancestry share it. It is a part of our human as well as our animal heritage, and thus is our link with the collective wisdom of millions of years of past experience.

This psychic life is the mind of our ancient ancestors, the way in which they thought and felt, they way in which they conceived of life and the world, of gods and human beings. The existence of these historical layers is presumably the source of belief in reincarnations and in memories of past lives “ ) Jung 1939, p.24)


Another important aspect of Jung’s theory is his emphasis on how people struggle with opposing forces with them. For example, there is a struggle between the face and mask we present to others, represent in the archetypes of the persona, and the private or personal self. If people emphasize the persona too much, there may be a loss of self of sense and a doubting about who they are. On other hand, the persona, as expressed in social roles and costumes, is a necessary part of living in society. Similarity, there is the strangle between the masculine and feminine parts of ourselves. Every male has a feminine part; an every female has a masculine part to her personality. If a man rejects his feminine part, he may emphasize mastery and strength to an excessive degree, appearing cold and insensitive to the feelings of others. Jung emphasize that all individuals face a fundamental personal task; finding unity in the self. The task is to bring the harmony, or to integrate the various opposing forces of the psyche.

The person is motivated and guided along the path to personal knowledge and integration by the most important of all Jungian archetypes; the self. In Jungians psychology “the self “does not the refer to one’s conscious beliefs about one’s personal qualities. Instead, the self is an unconscious force, specifically, an aspect of the collective unconscious that functions as an “organing centre “of the person‘s entire psychological system. Jung believes that the self often is represented symbolically in circular figures – the circle representing a sense of wholeness that can be achieved through the self-knowledge.


with an id and an unconscious that would, if permitted expression, manifest itself in incest, murder, and other crimes. According to this view, we are at heart irrational, unsocalized, and destructive of self and others. For roger, we say at times function in this way, but at such times we are functioning freely, we are to experience and to fulfill our basic nature as positive and social animals.

In attempting to understand human behavior, Rogers always starts with clinical observations, and then uses these observations to formulate hypothesis that could be tested in a rigorous way. He views therapy as a subjective “letting go “experience, and research as an objective effort with its own kind of elegance; he is as committed to one as a source for hypotheses as he is to the other as a tool for their confirmation. Throughout his career, Rogers attempt to bridge the gap between the subjective and the objective, just as in his youth he feels a need to bridge the gap between religion and science. Within the context, Roger is concerned with the development of psychology as a science and with preservation of people as individuals whoa re not simply the pawns of science.

Roger’s focus is on the process of psychotherapy and his theory of personality is an outgrowth of his theory of therapy. His work contrast with psychoanalysis in terms of both theory and research methods. Regarding to the theory, psychoanalytic theory emphasizes biological drives, the unconscious, tension reduction, and early character development. In contrast, Roger’s phenomenological approach emphasizes conscious perception, feelings regarding social interactions, self – actualization motives, and processes of change.


categorize of behavior. According to Kelly, person experiences events, interpret them, and places a structure and a meaning on them.

Other definition about personality namely:

 Gordon W. Allport says, personality is the dynamic organization within the

individual of those psychophysical systems, which determines his unique adjustment to his environment.

 May says, personality is social stimulus value.

 Morton prince says, personality is the sum – total of all the biological innate

disposition, impulses, tendencies, and appetites, instinct of the individual and the acquired dispositions and tendencies acquired by experience.

 H. C. Warpen says, personality is the entire mental organization of a human being

at any stage of his development. It embraces every phase of human character, intellect, temperament, skill, morality, and every attitude that has been built up in the course of one’s life.

 Prescott Lecky says, personality is unified scheme of experience and organization

of value that are consistent with one another.

 R. Linton says, personality is the organized aggregate of psychological processes

and states pertaining to the individual.


3.2.2 Description of Sigmund Freud’s Theory

The psychoanalytic approach to personality was created and articulated by Sigmund Freud (1856 – 1939) and elaborated by others. Freud’s was the first major theory of psychological development; he attempted not only to account for the origins of traits and other behaviour but also to provide a complete explanation of psychological functioning. This approach actually had its beginnings as a theory of mental illness based on Freud’s analysis of his patient’s cases.


Freud conceptualized the mind or the psyche, as consisting of there levels of consciousness: the conscious, the preconscious, and the unconscious. The conscious mind consists of what we are aware of any time. Consciousness however is only the tip of the iceberg to use Freud metaphor. Freud described cognitive functioning as taking place beneath the surface of consciousness. The precociousness consist of the part of the mind of which people are not aware but which can be brought to consciousness without much effort – for example , if they are asked what they did two summers ago. The unconscious embodies the parts of the mind that cannot be brought directly to consciousness. Within the unconscious lie the basic instinct and drives, particularly those that motivate aggression and sex. Freud conceptualized the psyche as having a fixed amount of psychic energy, the dynamic source of all motivation, the sexual part of which is called libido. Freud divided the psyche into three parts: the id, the ego, and super – ego. While the id is unconscious, the ego, and superego span all three levels of awareness.

The id: The id is the original reservoir of psychic energy and is present from birth. Aggressive, sexual, and other impulses from the id always demand immediate gratification. Thus, the id is said to operate on the pleasure principle, continually pressing for the immediate discharge of any bodily tension. One want the id reduces tension is to create an image of what it wants. This image, which cannot be distinguished from reality, is known as wish fulfilment, but wish – fulfilling mental images themselves cannot reduce tension. After all, hungry people cannot eat images. The failure of the id to deal with reality opens the way for the ego.


According to Freud, we are born with our Id. The id is an important part of our personality because as newborns, it allows us to get our basic needs met. Freud believed that the id is based on our pleasure principle. In other words, the id wants whatever feels good at the time, with no consideration for the reality of the situation. When a child is hungry, the id wants food, and therefore the child cries. When the child needs to be changed, the id cries. When the child is uncomfortable, in pain, too hot, too cold, or just wants attention, the id speaks up until his or her needs are met.

The id does not care about reality, about the needs of anyone else, only its own satisfaction. If you think about it, babies are not very considerate of their parents' wishes. They have no care for time, whether their parents are sleeping, relaxing, eating dinner, or bathing. When the id wants something, nothing else is important.


ego's job to meet the needs of the id, while taking into consideration the reality of the situation.

By the age of five, or the end of the phallic stage of development, the Superego develops. The Superego is the moral part of us and develops due to the moral and ethical restraints placed on us by our caregivers. Many equate the superego with the conscience as it dictates our belief of right and wrong.

In a healthy person, according to Freud, the ego is the strongest so that it can satisfy the needs of the id, not upset the superego, and still take into consideration the reality of every situation. Not an easy jobs by any means, but if the id gets too strong, impulses and self-gratification takes over the person's life. If the superego becomes to strong, the person would be driven by rigid morals, would be judgmental and unbending in his or her interactions with the world.

Freud believed that the majority of what we experience in our lives, the underlying emotions, beliefs, feelings, and impulses are not available to us at a conscious level. He believed that most of what drives us is buried in our unconscious.

If he remembers the Oedipus and Electra complex, they were both pushed down into the unconscious, out of our awareness due to the extreme anxiety they caused. While buried there, however, they continue to influence us dramatically according to Freud.

The role of the unconscious is only one part of the model. Freud also believed that everything we are aware of is stored in our conscious. Our conscious makes up a very small part of who we are. In other words, at any given time, we are only aware of a very small part of what makes up our personality; most of what we are is buried and inaccessible.


but still buried somewhat unless we search for it. Information such as our telephone number, some childhood memories, or the name of your best childhood friend is stored in the preconscious.

Because the unconscious is so large, and because we are only aware of the very small conscious at any given time, this theory has been likened to an iceberg, where the vast majority is buried beneath the water's surface. The water, by the way, would represent everything that we are not aware or have not experienced, and that has not been integrated into our personalities, referred to as the no conscious.

3.3 Character.

Therefore, the writer will give the definition of the character to complete the analysis. Here the writer will give the definition a bout character with related to the analysis and the type of character.


of literature. It is well known that Freud used many literary works including play by Shakespeare, to buttress some of his psychological conclusions and film as spellbound, the snake pit and final analysis have popularized the relationship between literary character and the science of psychology. Without doubt, the presentation and understanding of character has become a major aim of fiction and drama.

In fiction, a character may be defined as a verbal representation of a human being. Through action, speech, description, and commentary, authors portray characters that are worth caring about, rooting for and even loving, although there are also character you may laugh at, dislike, or even hate.

As Lucas presentations about character:

The characters created by the great realists, once conceived in the vision of their creator, live an independent life of their own; their comings and goings, their developments, their destiny is dictated by the inner dialectic of their social and individual existence. Character is a person who knows through a figure and personality in the story.

If we talk about character, means that, we talk about the character’s figure and personality, traits and characteristics. However, character in this sense of course has particular qualities, for the figure’s either moral or ethical values.

The types of character


Round characters

The basic trait of round character in that they recognize, change with, or adjust to circumstances. The round character – usually the major figure in a story– profit from experience and undergoes a change and alternations, which may be shown in (1) an action or actions (2) the realization of new strength and therefore the affirmation previous decision, (3) the acceptance of a new condition, or (4) the discovery of unrecognized truths.

Because round they usually play a major role in a story, round characters are often called the hero or heroin. Many major characters are anything but heroic, however, and it is therefore preferable to use the more neutral word protagonist, and exhibits the ability to adapt to new circumstance. To the degree that round, characters are both individual and sometimes unpredictable, and because they undergo changer or growth, they are dynamic. The round characters also known as the major character because they play a major role in a story of novel.

Flat characters

In contrast, flat character does not grow. They remain the same because they may be stupid, incentive, or lacking in knowledge or insight. They are static because they end where they begin. However, flat characters are not therefore worthless, for they usually highlight the development of the round characters. Usually, flat characters are minor (e, g. relatives, acquaintances, functionaries), although not all – minor character is necessary flat.


do not develop or change. They must be strong and clever enough to perform recurring tasks like solving a crime, overcoming a villain, or finding a treasure. The term stock character refers to characters in this repeating situation. To the degree that stock characters have many common traits, they are reprehensive of their class, or group. Such characters, with variations in name, age, and sexes, have been constants in literature since the ancient Greeks. Some regular stock character are the insensitive father the interfering mother, the sassy young sister or brother, the greedy politician, resourceful cowboy or detective, the overbearing or henpecked husband, the submissive or nagging wife, they angry police captain, the loveable drunk, and the town do – gooder.

Stock character stays flat as they merely perform their roles and exhibit conventional and individual traits. When they possess no attitudes except those of their class, they are labeled stereotype, because they all seem to be cast from the same mold or printing matrix. When author bring character into focus, however, no matter what roles they perform, they emerge from flatness and move into roundness. It means that the ability to grow and develop, to be altered by circumstances, makes character round; absence of these traits makes characters flat.

Here also the writer gives the explanation about character, which related with personality theory. I, psyche which express it self in behavior type and totally from “I “as human. And it is cause of the talent which carry out and the characteristic heredities since new born, and also influence by milieu and experience.

These characters bring up “I “as human who it is very contrast, characteristic, unique with the individual characters.


Type of character according to Plato based on Psychology;  Make sense

 Wish or desire  Natural appetite.

Ewald give the limitation characters as the totalities from the conditions and how the psyche toward the stimulus.

Theoretically, he makes it different namely:  Character since new born and  Character that we get.

Characters since newborn (Angeborener character, genotypes character, namely aspect, which represent the basic of the character, and genotypes character is very tight the relation with physiologies condition, namely, the qualities of centre of nerve structure.




4.1 Id Personality

Freud in psychology of personality (1948) states that one of the structures of human’s personality is the id. The id is the original reservoir of psychic energy and is present from birth. Aggressive, sexual, and other impulses from the id always demand immediate gratification. Thus, the id is said to operate on the pleasure principle, continually pressing for the immediate discharge of any bodily tension. One want the id reduces tension is to create an image of what it wants. This image, which cannot be distinguished from reality, is known as wish fulfilment, but wish – fulfilling mental images themselves cannot reduce tension. The id does not care about reality, about the needs of anyone else, only its own satisfaction. If you think about it, babies are not very considerate of their parents' wishes. They have no care for time, whether their parents are sleeping, relaxing, eating dinner, or bathing. When the id wants something, nothing else is important.


4.1.1 Atticus Id

His curtness stung me. The comb was midway in its journey, and I banged it down. For no reason I felt myself beginning to cry, but I could not stop. This was not my father. My father never thought these thought and my father never spoke so. (Harper lee 2004: 134)

He loves his children and he asks Alexandra aunt to tell something about finch for them. However, they did not hear and obey her advices. He’s id rise up and angrier with his children. He speaks with the big voice and make Scout cry. In the story the writer found Atticus’id when Atticus comes home from the trial, he meets with Alexandria aunt.

Atticus decided so that Alexandria stays together with them. He asks to his children so that they permit her stay with them. At the time, all of them are talking in front of their room. Atticus said that their aunt would give the suggestion about the reality of live about Finch. Actually, they did not love with her, that’s why when Alexandra begin to talk, Jem and Scout felt fed up, and angry. Suddenly with the big voice Atticus spoke with them and said must hear and obey her advices. Atticus id rise up he spoke with loudly without thought other people and even his children, he make them silent and trouble. They become stunned, and looked at each other and did not speak to him. Presently Scout picked up a comb from Jem’s dresser and run its teeth along the edge. Atticus angrier and speak loudly at scout. She is very shock and was cry she said that her father never thought like that and never spoke so.

4.1.2 Jem’s Id


“How’s that?” asked dill. “Strike a match under him.”

I told Jem if he set fire to Redley house I was going to tell Atticus on him

Dill said striking a match under a turtle was hateful.

“Ain’t hateful, just persuades him __‘s not like you’d chunk him in the fire,” Jem growled.

“How do you know a match don’t hurt him?’’ “Turtles can’t feel, stupid,” said Jem.

“Were you ever a turtle, huh?”

My stars, dill! Now let me think … Reckon we can rock him… (Harper lee 2004: 14)

Actually, in this novel, Jem and Scout have a close friend, namely Charles Baker Harris or they called his name Dill, he was from Meridian, Mississippi, was spending the summer with his aunt, miss Rachel, and would be spending every summer in Macomb from now on. Thereafter the summer passed in routine contentment. They always same together to do any thing, which make them happy. Such us; improving their tree house that rested between giant twin china berry trees in the back yard, fussing, running through our list of dramas based on the works of Oliver Optic, Victor Appleton , and Edgar Rice Burroughs . In this matter, they were lucky to have Dill.

Jem and Scout give explained about Radley place to Dill, Radley place fascinated him. In spite of their warnings and explanation it drew him as the moon draws water, but drew him no nearer then the light – pole on the corner, a safe distance from the Radley gate. There he would stand, his arm around the fat pole, staring and wondering. Radley place was the mysterious house, inside the house lived a malevolent phantom. Moreover, the people said that he existed and very mysterious. Because of it, Jem, Scout, and Dill try to make him come out, and they want to see what he looks like. Quoting from the dialogue above, Scout got angrier with Jem and Dill, because Jem would set fire to Redley place house.


Quoting from the dialogue above, it appears that Jem is angrier so much with Scout and Dill, because of their behaviour that make him annoyed. The id within jem are talking so that set fire the house.

Until it happened, I did not realize that Jem was offended by my contradicting him on hot steams and that he was patiently awaiting an opportunity to reward me. He did, by pushing the tire down the sidewalk with all the force in his body. Ground, sky, and houses melted into a mad palette, my ears throbbed, I was suffocating. I could not put out my hands to stop; they were wedged between my chest and knees. I could only hope that Jem would outrun the tire and me, or that I would be stopped by a bump in the sidewalk. I heard him behind chasing, shouting, and me, or that I would be stopped by a bump in the sidewalk. (Harper lee 2004: 37).

Jem was angry with Scout and when she contradicting him on hot steams, and that he was patiently awaiting an opportunity to reward scout, he did, by pushing the tire down the sidewalk with all the force in his body. Actually here, Jem want to get his satisfying by his desire to reward Scout. This id of Jem, where without use his mind, he pushing his sister because of impulses by his desire and irrational mind.


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