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An Analysis Of The SYmbol Meaning In Advertisement In “Times”


Academic year: 2016

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First of all, the writer gives praise, and glory to the Almighty Allah SWT and my Shalawat and Salam to the Prophet of Muhammad who has guided us from the darkness to the enlightment in this world and in the next world. He has given His blessing and love through his live and has strengthened him in hard time in life especially during the preparation and the process of writing this thesis.

The writer would like to thank to his Supervisor, Drs. Chairul Husni, M.Ed.TESOL for his supervision and guidance that he has done to accomplish this thesis. The writer would also like to express his gratitude to his Co-Supervisor, Drs. M. Syafii Siregar, MA for his suggestions and numerous improvements of thesis.

The writer would like to thank to Dra. Suezanna Mardiana Lubis, the head of English Department and Drs. Yulianus Harefa, M.Ed.TESOL M.S, The Secretary of English Department for their guidance and facilities given to him, and to all the lectures of the English Department for transferring their knowledge during his study in this faculty.

He is grateful to his beloved parents, his father Asyatabi Harahap, and his mother Hj. Asiah Pasaribu,. He especially gives thank to all his family who always give their supports and encouragement.

The writer’s gratitude goes to his friends, especially to Ahmadin, and Erman Saleh Harahap who has helped him to finish this thesis.



Skripsi ini berjudul An Analysis of the symbol meaning in advertisement in The “Times” yang menganalisis makna kalimat – kalimat sebagai symbol dan gambar-gambar sebagai objek yang terdapat dalam iklan berbahasa Inggris yang ada di majalah Times dengan menggunakan pendekatan semantik.

Tujuan dari penelitian ini yaitu, pertama untuk mendeskripsikan atau menjelaskan makna kalimat-kalimat dan gambar-gambar yang terdapat dalam iklan di majalah Times, kedua adalah mendefenisikan pesan yang ingin disampaikan oleh pengiklan tentang produknya dan ketiga untuk mengetahui berbagai macam jenis produk dalam iklan yang paling banyak terdapat dalam majalah tersebut, dan dalam mencapai tujuan tersebut ada dua langkah yang diambil penulis, pertama penulis mengambil kalimat-kalimat yang ada di dalam iklan sebagai simbol, dan gambar-gambar sebagai sebagai objek dari referent, dan kedua penulis menjelaskan maksud dan tujuan yang ingin disampaikan oleh seorang pengiklan kepada pelangganya.

Dalam mengumpulkan data penulis menentukan jenis produk yang akan dianalisis yaitu produk minuman beralkohol, perusahaan penerbangan, mobil, dan jam tangan, dari tiap produk diambil 5 iklan. Jadi ada 20 data yang akan dianalisis. Langkah selanjutnya, penulis mengelompokkan kalimat-kalimat yang ada di iklan sebagai simbol, dan gambar-gambar yang diiklankan sebagai objek, kemudian menganalisis makna sebenarnya dari setiap iklan.



3.1 Understanding of Advertising ... 14

3.2 Classification of Advertising ... 15



1.1 Background

Language is a process of communication. Kreidleer (1998 : 6) states, “A language is system of symbol which people can communicate “. The symbols can be

spoken, written, or gestured by the hands. It means that people who use a language can communicate to one another and live in one society. Whatever they do in their life, whether they work, play, sing a song, talk to each other and so on, they always use language either in written or spoken form to convey the messages, ideas, and feeling. So, learning language includes learning about meaning of words and how to combine the words in the sentence to convey the messages.

Language is a means or an equipment of communication. In studying a language we need a knowledge about it. It is called linguistics, one of the linguistic branches which learn about meaning of language that is semantic, we can use the semantic’s approach to help us to understand something about the nature of language.

As we know that language is a complex system of symbols or signs, that are used by members of community. It will be useful to understand other signs that we know and how we react to them.

Human does not produce a symbol but also a system of symbols. Because a set of symbols can produce a language and a symbol can be translated into anything.


that another interpretation is possible to happen. The advertisers have caught the attention and hopes so that the readers will buy the products.

By listening to many discussions of modern advertising, one would assume that it is an art to persuade people to buy goods, ideas, or services through spoken or written advertisements is a recent innovation.

Talking about advertisement, we will use the word either to describe the process of using the advertisements to sell goods or refer to the company which produces the advertisement. As we know that the word is a part of language, we may see an implementation of the influence of language in the advertisement. Language in advertisement is an important thing, because language as the keystone in promoting the products. Sometimes a language can help the advertisers to convey the messages, and if they can give a good interpretation, people must have a good reaction and interest with the messages. So, the advertisement still needs the language to communicate the message for their products.


according to semantic theory we call it as the referent and the words we called it as the symbol to convey the advertiser’s message


1.2 Objective of Analysis

The objective of analysis of this thesis is to identify the advertisement meaning which is found in the Times.

Many people see the advertisement magazine and the words used in this magazine are various because of different topics, products, and many other aspects. The advertisers are the creative person who find the interesting word to promote the products. The writer is eager to know the meaning of advertisement in fourth advertisement products which is found in Times, they are Alcoholic drink, Airlines, Cars, and Watch., where those advertisements are regularly appeared in Times.

Some specific purposes of writing the thesis are as follow :

- To give description and explanation about the semantic theory and advertising theory.


1.3 The Scope of Analysis

This analysis intends to interpret the meaning of the language in the advertisement of the Times based on the reference explanation i.e. symbol/word, referent/object/picture.

The writer chooses those products as an object of the analysis which will be analyzed. There are so many advertisements in the magazine so the writer only takes four products namely Alcohol drink, Airlines, Cars, and Watch.


1.4 Research Method

In working this thesis, the writer divides it into two steps, collecting and analyzing the data. In collecting the data, the writer applies the qualitative research. David Doofey (1984: 267) says, "The term qualitative research will refer here to social research based on non qualitative observations made in the field and analyzed in non statistical way." Therefore, the analysis will not be in statistical form. This is mere analysis on meaning and symbols.

Nawawi (1993 : 97) mengatakan, “data kualitatif banyak dipergunakan dalam penelitian filosofis dan sebahagian juga terdapat dalam penelitian deskriptif dan penelitian historis. Data kualitatif dinyatakan dalam bentuk kalimat atau uraian”.(The qualitative data is used in many philosophy research and also some of them are founded in the descriptive and the historical research. The qualitative data is expressed in sentences or statements.)

The writer chooses the four different products in Times magazine. The advertisement products that are going to be analyzed in this thesis are alcohol drink, airlines, car, and watch.


1.5 Review of Related Literature

In supporting the idea of the analysis, the writer has used some books which are absolutely relevant to the framework of analysis. The main theories can be mentioned as follows:

Nawawi (1993 : 30) mengatakan, ”penelitian kepustakaan dilakukan dengan menghimpun data dari berbagai literatur, baik di perpustakaan maupun dari tempat lain. Literatur yang dipergunakan tidak terbatas hanya pada buku-buku tetapi juga berupa bahan-bahan dokumen, majalah-majalah, koran-koran dan lain-lain berupa bahan tertulis. Dari literatur tersebut dapat ditemukan berbagai teori hukum, dalil, prinsip, pendapat, gagasan dan lain-lain yang dapat dipergunakan untuk menganalisa dan memecahkan masalah yang diselidiki.” (The literature research is done by collecting the data from some of literatures either in a libraries or in the other places. The literature which is unlimited only in books but also in documents, magazines, newspaper, and other printed materials. From that literature we can find some theories, arguments, judgements, principles, ideas, opinions, etc which can be used to analyse and solve the problems.)

Bloomfield (1993 : 139) cites that in defining the meaning of a speech form, it can accurately be done with some matters of which we possess scientific knowledge but there is no precise way of defining word like love, or hate, which concerns the situation that have not been accurately classified.

Kreidler (1998 : 3) says that semantics is the systematic study of meaning, and linguistic semantic is the study of how languages organize and express meanings.


Leech (1981 : ix) says that semantics as the study of meaning is the central to the study of communication while communication is a factor in special organization.

Parera (1991 : 31) mengatakan, “semantik general adalah studi tentang kemampuan manusia untuk menyimpan pengalaman dan pengetahuan lewat fungsi bahasa sebagai penghubung waktu, bahasa mengikat waktu, bahasa mengikat umur manusia bersama”. ( the general semantic is a study about the human ability to keep their experience and their knowledge through the language function as the time connection, language ties the time and also the human age together. )

While Palmer (1972 : 1) states that semantics is technical term used to refer to the study of meaning.

Baird, A. Craig (1971 : 157) cites, "One of the most important concepts for you in understanding language and communication is the concept of meaning". In this case, the meaning of words in advertisements should be able to represent and reflect the product words where by our goal can be achieved.

Linda and Roger Flavell (1992) say that a symbol is a word phrase, or other expression having complex of associated meanings. Symbol is viewed as having valves different from those of whatever is being symbolized.



2.1 The Understanding of Semantics

The study of word meaning has a very long history whose practical effect and has produced many dictionary. The meaning of some kinds of sentences in particular those used to make statements has been studied by logicians for more than two millennia. The studies of the science of meaning as we call semantic. Unfortunately the term meaning covers a variety of language aspects and there is no general agreement either about what meaning is or about the way in which it should be described.

The term meaning is of course, much more familiar to us. But the dictionary will suggest a number of different meanings of meaning which more correctly.

In our practical language, sometimes we find that words or phrases could have meaning that is different from its words meaning For example, clouds mean it will rain or a red light means stop. The words rain and stop refer to signs. Sign indicates something that is happening or will happen, or something that has to be done. Such signs provide information or give instruction, and it is easy to a s s u m e t h a t language consist of signs of a similar kind.

Now, let us see the definition of semantic given by the linguist below:

Kreidler (1998:3) says, "Semantics is systematic study of the meaning and linguistic semantics is the study of how language is organized and express meaning”.


2.1 The Scope of Semantics

Semantics can be recognized as a level of linguistic description and as a component of linguistic.

What one does really try to do in semantics is to explicate or to make explicit the sentence with various grammatical constructions which are used and understood by native or fluent speaker of a language. Sentence consists of words, and the words which are used in a part of speech as a component of sentence. Nonetheless semantics can be considered from the word meaning point of view and from the sentence meaning.

Language might be thought as a system of communication which the one is called as the signifier, and the other one is called as the signified. The signifier is a word in the language and the signified is the object in the word that it 'stands for', 'refers to' or denotes. Words, that is to say, they are ‘names’ or ‘labels’ for things and activities.

In learning the names of things, we also create a word and say something. The use of word always has a strongest view which relates sentences to actual things and events. The view we have just been criticizing relates words and things directly and relates them through the mediation of concepts of the mind.

2.2 Concept

Concept is the idea of mind, to represent the word for the purpose of communication and also constitutes of mental experience (on interpretation). John Locke in his An Essay concerning Human Understanding 1960 echoes Aristotle, before going on to say that there mental experiences of the word meaning that symbolize them.

Two of the best-known concept versions are the sign theory of de Sausure and 'triangle concepts' of Ogden and Richard. According to de Sausure, as we have seen, the.


a psychological associative bond. The noise we make and the objects of the world that we talk about are mirrored in some ways by conceptual entities.

Thought or Reference

Symbol Referent

a) Symbols

The symbol is of course, the linguistic element : the word, sentence. Symbols concern a continued system of terms, each of them represents an element of another system. Symbols have the various forms according to the language used because every language have a certain form of writing which is poured into a words or a sentences such as Arabic word,, Latin word, chinesse word, etc.

b) Referent

The referent is the object that we have seen. By looking an object we can describe what the object like is and translate it into words or sentence.

Ogden and Richard (1923) employed the term ‘referent’ for any object or state of affairs in the external world that is identified by means of a word or an expression and ‘reference’ for the concepts which mediates between a word or an expression and the referent.


c). Thought or Reference

Thought or reference is the concept of our minds. Whenever we have a word, there will be a concept and the concept will be the ‘meaning of the word’.

Thought or reference deals with the relationship between the linguistic elements, word, sentence, etc. It might seem reasonable to argue that semantic is concerned only with the way we relate our language to our experience and say that the reference is the essential element of semantic.

Thought or reference talks about the interpretation of sentence and how these interpretations are related to the things spoken about, without giving indication how we can proceed them from one to another.



3.1 The Understanding of Advertising

When it was originally borrowed from French into English, advertise

meant ‘notice’. It comes ultimately from the Latin verb advertere which means ‘turn towards’ . This was later reformed into advertir, on the model of its Latin original, and its stem form advertis was taken into English. This modern sense means ‘describing publicly in order to increase sales’ has used at the beginning of mid 18th century. In the 16th and 17th century, the verb was pronounced with the main stress on its second syllable, like advertise- in advertisement-.

Advertising is a small part of the day life of business, governments and of the people who work in and with the endless excitement, fascination, and frustration.


3.2 Classification of Advertising

Advertising can be classified in several broad categories that are not necessarily mutually exclusive, there are:

- Commercial and non commercial advertising, and - Primary and selective demand advertising.

1) Commercial and non commercial advertising

Commercial advertising may be divided into consumer advertising and business advertising. Comercial advertising may be sub-divide into national and retail advertising. National advertising refers to any advertising by a producer of goods or services ; whereas retail advertising refers to any advertising by retailer ; Business advertising may be divided into several categories. It includes industrial advertising diverted at industrial product, trade advertising, directed at the various type of intermediate and professional advertising such as doctors, lawyers, certified public accountants and clergymen. Non commercial advertising is an advertisement which is not aim of gaining profit and usually does not serve a product in it but only serves an advices, information, announcement, for public. For example: the advertisement of election or public service advertisement.

2) Primary and Selective Demand Advertising


3.3 The Media of Advertising

The media of advertising can be divided into two, they are : printed media and broadcast media, further the printed media consist of newspaper, magazines, direct mail, outdoor advertising. Besides, televisions and radio are included into broadcast media.

1) Broadcast Media a. Television

Television is a device which produces sound and picture so that you can see the picture and sound of the advertisement who is broadcasted to you by the televison station.

Television is a dynamic medium, worldwide, which is now changing rapidly under the impact of new technology. The physical facilities which this medium provides for carrying the advertising massage to potential costumers are of prime importance to the advertiser.

b. Radio


2) Print Media a. Newspaper

The position of the Newspaper as an advertising medium seems secure. Newspaper is the most favorite of printed media. Besides, people can get it easily. The price is also not expensive It accounts for nearly one third of all advertising expenditures.

Newspaper has great flexibility for an advertiser. The advertiser can reach his audience daily, everyday, twice a week, or as often as they like. It is possible to concentrate the sales efforts during the most profitable season, and then to thin out their efforts during the slack periods. Copy can also be inserted, withdrawn, and changed within a few hours be for the newspaper are printed.

b. Direct Mail

Direct mail advertising is one of the oldest methods of reaching consumer. It consists of the printed matter that is sent directly by advertiser to the prospect. This material is usually sent by mail but it may be distributed by door to door or personal delivery. The portion of direct advertising is sent through the mail as it is called direct mail advertising.

Direct mail of advertising is supplementary to other forms of advertising and selling. Direct mail is usually a part of the general merchandising plan made by the advertiser.


c. Transit Advertising

Transit advertising is the term used for all types of advertising which is found in trains, subways, streetcars, buses, taxicabs and other such public transportation vehicles.

d. Outdoor Advertising

Outdoor advertising can be classified as the most expensive media. Many companies really realize that outdoor advertising is one of the best choices of promoting their products. Outdoor advertising always work just like the maker planning.

Out door advertising has two major types, they are: posters and painted bulletins. Outdoor advertising is generally considered as the dominant out of home medium.

e. Magazine Advertising


a. The Classification of Magazine

The most important classification of magazine includes general consumer magazine, women’s magazine, business and news magazine, and farm magazine.

1) General consumer magazine

This magazines are edited to attract to the general consumer, rather than to a certain community. Generally, they tend to be read by higher income consumers, who buy them either for entertainment or information The editorial content of these magazine consist of fiction, articles, pictures, and special features that are selected to appeal to the general reader to read it, for example Times Magazine, etc.

2) Women’s magazine

Women’s magazine gives information about women’s fashion, woman’s service, romance, society, dressmaking and needlework classier. The women’s service magazine is an important source of fiction and information about family and personal problems as well as fashion news, editorial feature information about the family, home, and house keeping. For example Cosmopolitan, Good House Keeping, Women’s Day, etc.

3) Business and News Magazine

This magazine contains information about business and recent news happening and it is usually has a small circulation, and their advertising rates per page are lower. For example: Newsweek, Business week, etc.

4) Farm Magazine


b. The Function of Magazine Advertising

Generally, the only function or purpose of advertising is to sell things, product, service, or an idea. The real goal of advertising is an effective communication between the company and the consumer. The function of magazine advertising, are:

1) Magazine will provide help to the advertiser 2) To help coordinate the selling programs.

3) Enter a new geographic market or attack a new group customers. 4) Introduce a new product

5) Selling of the product

6) Give the right information to the audience about a product or service.

7) Build the consumer's eagerness for having or buying those advertised products or services.

8) Reach people inaccessible to the sales force. 9) Counter act prejudice or substitution.



The data of this thesis consist of four products that are taken from TIMES

randomly. The products are alcoholic drink, airlines, mobile, and watches. Each product consists of five samples. All the samples are encoded orderly according to the pattern.

Each product will be given the code A, B, C, and D. - A stands for alcoholic drink

- B stands for airlines - C stands for cars - D stands for watches

The sample of each product will be represented by the ordinal number 1,2,3, and 4. Both codes will go together to display certain case that can be found in as certain products and samples particularly.

Here are the analysis of the symbol and referent meaning such as concept, in Newsweek magazine advertisement.

1) Data A 1 Symbol :

The Lighthouse Israel


Referent :

The picture are a bottle of beer.

Reference :

The first phrase “The lighthouse Israel” refer to a place in the world, where the reader must know that the place, and from the sentence we can understand this place is the most popular place in the world with the comfortable and enjoyable atmosphere. There are another things from the advertisement, symbolic representation such as the image of the Heineken beer. The advertiser would say that the product can give more unique taste, the beer makes your feeling with a quality of substance made known by this sense. The lighthouse Israel is the symbol of the great pub and prestigious place in Israel, and from this place we might see the greatness picturesque countries. If we drink a Heineken beer, we can make to strive for perfection life, and this beer' is nectar.

2) Data A 2 Symbol :

Try a Remy Xo on the Roks

Remy Xo special. The xo of excellen by the fine champne cognac specialist.


Two people are a man and a women, the man takes an ice on the woman’s neck and she still enjoys.

Reference :


“Try a Remy Xo on the Rocks”. Remy Xo refers to the brand of wine product which gives a different taste with the best flavor. or the Remy Xo is the specialist cognac champagne. Exceptionally smooth and long-lasting means this product /brand is having a surface like that a glass, long-lasting means for a long time until the end.

The Referent / picture from this image we can see the women is adult female, and the man is adult male, they are seen very close so as to become fused. The advertiser want to convey the messages that Remy Xo is one product of wine that introduces you the elegant life. If your drink the champagne you will enjoy. Every drop of the champagne gives us a special taste with the smooth for a long time until the end.

3) Data A 3 Symbol :

Wildfire New Zealand

Step into wildfire and you could easily find yourself cough up in the heat of the moment. Perhaps it’s the seductive Spanish music, the Latin lovers in the corner, or the platter of flame – cooked Mediterranean food sitting on your table. Whatever the reason, you can relax, know that the wildfire cool room is always stocked to the ceiling with ice - chilled Heineken.

Referent :

Bottle beer the thing which seared on the fire

Reference :


advertisement we can interpret that when we come into wildfire New Zealand we found a best moment for relaxing. Spanish music is the symbol of romantic feeling, the Latin lovers in the corner refers to a dancer in the floor with the Latin dances. So this place gives a romantic atmosphere and a delicious Mediterranean food. The Wildfire always represents the atmosphere of calmness and quality for yourself.

Wildfire cool room refers to facilities in this place. And when you come to that place you must drink Heineken Beer. Besides, the relation between symbol and the picture is that the product is a large beer, which can be found in the great place of the world. Heineken beer is popular beer like Wildfire, in the referent we can see the bottle of beer with seared on the fire, that means the beer like the Wildfire in New Zealand are represent one of the most heat moment.

4) Data A 4 Symbol :

Blues Lafe’ Lisbon

In a city where night spots come and go with the regularity of the lights on a dance floor, this cafe has stood the test of time. Its well-heeled patrons come from all walks of life. There are shipping tycoons, bonkers, models and even some racing car drivers. Oddly enough, the blues seem to make them happy, then again, it could be the rather refreshing green served at the bar that does the trick.

Referent :

A. Silver blue trumpet.


extravaganza atmosphere. Blues café refers to a place in Lisbon Nightspots means nightclub, so blues cafe is the most popular nightclub in Lisbon. From the text blue cafe has a great facilities for nightlife and has built in many years ago. Patrons is one who countenances, protect, or gives influence to support, well-heeled is wealthy. The advertising message is people who comes to the cafe is wealthy and high class people with a professional profession. After that this cafe make visitors rejoice and the café’s represent the comfortable and cozy atmosphere. The relation advertisement with the brand of the beer product are Heineken beer is a choice for the most people who want to make different sense with another, and the beer reflect the glamorous and high-class representation.

5) Data B1 Symbol :

Free escapes to exotic locales. Now available to people who work for a living. Enroll in world Perks, Asia’s most generous frequent-flyer program, and fly free with fewer miles. Proof: Just 50.000 miles earns a free round trip to the U.S. Plus, you can award trips to anyone get 50% more by flying first on world business class, even earn miles flying any of our partness. And they never expire. Visit www.nwa.com/world persasia to enroll. The earn and redeem your miles almost anywhere.

Referent :

The seashore with two heat chair

Reference :


located in front of the sea and the chairs offer the readers to relax themselves on it. This is a condition in the aeroplane. On the other word you get more luck when flying with wordlperks, because they have many convenient service to make you sure to choose this airlines. The advertiser speaks directly to the readers about the facilities in the airlines.

6) Data B2 Symbol :

The Emirates Experience A taster

You’ve been greeted and seated. After take off, you can choose a drink to help you settle into the flight. A.S. Course gourmet meal awaits you, accompanied by a choice of award winning wines. Meanwhile, with your own personal video system bringing you up to 18 video and 12 audio channels of entertainment, you could be forgiven for thinking. “Why can’t life always be this good?” Be god to your self. Fly Emirates.

Referent :

One glass full of wine with a bubbles alcoholic a plane.

Reference :


taster wants to describe the Emirates is like a wine flavor give us peaceful. The next explanation is about what the readers take when they fly with The Emirates Airlines. ‘Be good to yourself’ means that if you fly with the Emirates Airlines you will get a complete convinces. The Emirates give a good service for everyone. The advertiser takes a word directly, because people could understand what the massage.

7) Data B3 Symbol :

Air France Making the sky the best place on earth.

The Paris-Charles-de-Gaulle Hub And suddenly the earth shrank

Handling inbound and outbound flights from every part of the world around the clock, Air France now offers 1.600 possible connections in under 2 hours, everydays.

Referent :

A globe with one aero plane flying out of the earth.

Reference :


8) Data B4 Symbol :

This morning, Mr. Lee awoke and purchased a seat in world business class. Little did he know bigger things awaited him.

Connect First AmericaSM is a free upgrade to our spacious First Class when you purchase a full World Business ClassSM fare and make qualifying connection to the U.S. Now, what space-loving business person could object to that?

Referent :

People sit on aero plane seat

Reference :

When we read advertisement above, we know that this advertisement give an explanation the activity of a man who flies with the airlines and it makes him comfortable and do not worry being late for his business meeting. The picture gives us the interpretation and emphasize the luxurious appearance of the chair. This

morning awoke and purchased a seat in world business class, the advertiser


9) Data C1 Symbol :

No road unconquerable No challenge unmet.

With cars in over 190 countries, from the seashore to the outback. Hyundai is winning the hearts of drivers the world over. Come experience what you've been waiting for. Hyundai. Always there for you.

Referent :

A car on the desert road

Reference :

We would understand that the text is presenting the mobile with powerful engine. Hyundai Always there for you means that there is no road impossible to subjugate. Hyundai is the most popular mobile in over 190 counties and make us in the wild experience. From the referent, the desert road illustrate are the wild adventure of the world. That is to make us to understand Hyundai always challenge a new adventure and the number one mobile for driver to choose for creating their wild experience. This mobile makes your dream comes true with new adventure with Hyundai you get a great moment on the earth.

10) Data C2 Symbol :

Daihatsu we make it compact


Japanese virtues of precision and relrability. So, for a driving experience beyond your expectations, drive Daihatsu.

Referent :

A car on the street of the bottle and the city.

Reference :

The advertiser wants to say that Daihatsu introduce a mobile feature which has a modern convience, actually you look the car is small performance but Daihatsu can walk in tiny path. Daihatsu are present more freedom to your driving experience. Because, Daihatsu is beyond your expectations.

Daihatsu gives your powerful inspiration something new experiment with traditional Japanese virtues of freedom from error and the quality they create Daihatsu as the futuristic mobile.

11) Data C3 Symbol :

Fits you life style


Referent :

One car with a more different shoes.

Reference :

There is something special in this car advertisement. The advertiser applies some characteristics, which usually belong to freedom to this advertisement. The sentence of the advertisement refers to the suitable or the way you create your own characteristic. Fit is used to show the care, profit and influence. From the picture of one car with more different shoes, we can imagine that Daihatsu belongs to every kind of people. The car makes you enjoy in your own style and create what you want to do for your activity comfortably when you are driving Daihatsu. Daihatsu design is very complete unique style like your life style, with Daihatsu you can succeed to reach your own dream car.

12) Data C4 Symbol :



Referent :

A Engagement with car as precious stone

Reference :

The advertisement choose the Engagement as the symbol of their product. Engagement reflects a relationship. The text is written in the black background. They have produced a black and white picture to enclose the idea of seriousness and to create an ‘artistic’ flavor at the same time. The advertiser emphasizes the seriousness relationship with their costumers, and than Daihatsu creates the best quality car and has a great value, for your better life, by having a clear idea of where you want to go. Daihatsu has specific unique style, by having a clear idea of where you want to go. And if you buy this car, it's going to fit you or you will get the excellence experience of the world.

13) Data D1 Symbol :


Referent :

A watch machine

Reference :

In this advertisement, the advertiser sends a message is a Rolex of Geneva Technology is more than just a powerful new machine. It is a combination of several advance watch, optimized to work in harmony together. And it makes whole new style self- winding. Rolex is based on a pearl, which has the instrument power to manage your time. So you can work and play longer. Moreover, every last details of our watches are designed for intensive use. Watches are like a pearls, present an elegance and exclusive sense with your own style, you can show the use of watches. So the watch like oyster, has a pearl inside, even so the watches have quality machine. Rolex design brings precious style to your world. It is their way to create the perfect watches for you and for the perfect design they have tested.

14) Data D2 Symbol :

lo, commandante Del Tempo

Commanding time ... discovering this secrets, revealing them to true connoisseurs, officine panerai : a workshop that transforms ideas into watches that defy time. Panerai where ideas come to life.

Referent :

One diver professional

Reference :


control the future, but you can. Build your wildest dream. Panerai gives you ideas to do something new in your life.

15) Data D3 Symbol :

Patek Philippe. Begin your own tradition

You never actually own Patek Philippe. You merely look after it for the next generation.

Referent :

Father and his son

Reference :

The advertiser use the father and son as the object, it is the symbol of regeneration and growth. On the other word, the advertiser emphasizes Patek Philippe as a brand of watches. Still hold out after your next generation. That must be create our own things, Patek Philippe has a high quality and up to date style design, because you still can use this watches eventhough your child can use it. From the text above, we know that Patek Phillips has power until your next generation, and you can create your own family tradition.

16) Data D4 Symbol :


Referent :

A Pierce Brosnan’s Photo

Reference :



5.1. Conclusions

After analyzing the advertisement symbol meaning in TIMES, finally I can make some conclusions as follow:

1) The advertising use simple language to get the attracted attention and the interest by consumer.

2) The advertising produce a belief as their impressions to get prospect act for their product.

3) The effectiveness of the word choice in the advertisement makes the consumer understand what they want to say.

4) The advertisement language is usually used to support the ideas and the usage of the product or service.

5) The language style is chosen based on the simple word because it will influences the reach of the consumer target for the product or service which they serve.

6) It is proved that the word choice, especially the ability in choosing the right word is the useful skill and will be helpful in campaign, speech, or advertisement.

7) The advertisement use the symbol as their message, and the object as their aims message, besides this two element has relation one to each other.


9) Advertising copywriters regularly produce texts which costitute a piece of literature, using the full resources of language and create a creative and subtle reading from their advertisement use.


5.2. Suggestions

I would like to provide my thesis in order to make people can take the advantages of reading my thesis. My thesis is about the symbols meaning based on the concept of meaning which can be found in Times Magazine. So, it might be useful for anyone who wants to make thesis by using the same theory.

Then my thesis can be one of the choice to be read. Besides, I hope that my thesis can be one of the references for every one who has the same interest in linguistic. I also hope that everyone who wants to write a thesis, try to find a new concerned topic of the advertisement to be analyzed and also try to apply the field research. Because it is very hard to define the meaning of advertisement only by the relation of the picture and the sentences in the advertisement.



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