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An Analysis Of Non-Literal Meaning In Selected Song Lyrics Of The Corrs


Academic year: 2016

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Firstly, I would like to express my gratitude to ALLAH SWT, the

almighty, merciful and the most gracious who has blessed me with health and

capability in finishing this paper. Then, I never forget to say salawat to our big

prophet Muhammad SAW who has brought us to the life full of knowledge and


Secondly, I would like to express my appreciation to those who have given

me advice, motivation, and help in accomplishing my paper. My beloved parents,

Dad Syukri and Mom Aina Elida who have supported me in material, education,

motivation, and always pray for me so that I am always healthy and can

accomplish my paper and also my little sister and brother, Ella and Arbey, who

always given me spirit. My Romeo, Tony Ardhi, who has given me love,

attention, and support.

Dr. Syahron Lubis, M.A. as the dean of Faculty of Letters, University of

Sumatera Utara. Dra. Swesana Mardia Lubis, M.Hum. as the head of English

Literature Department who has agreed the title and proposal of my thesis and for

her advice and help. Roma Ayuni Lubis, M.A. and Rahmadsyah Rangkuti,

M.A. as my supervisors who has spent their time in correcting this thesis and

giving advice and guidance to finish my thesis. All lecturers in English


My Firing Fecah Crew, Bundo, Tha, Neni, Zai, Ndah, Chayie, Era,

Nana, Eka, and Tice who helped me some motivations and my besties kak

Shinta4L4Y as the leader of Gank 4L4Y, kak Na, kak Yen, and Reni who have

given me spirit. All of my friends in English Literature Department.

Finally, I realize that this paper is far from being perfect and without any

help, support, and spirit from my beloved parties, this paper could not be


Medan, 2010

The Writer,



Penyusunan skripsi ini adalah sebagai salah satu syarat untuk menyelesaikan kuliah di Departemen Sastra Inggris, Fakultas Sastra, Universitas Sumatera Utara. Penulis memilih judul “An Analysis of Non-Literal Meaning in Selected Song

Lyrics of The Corrs” karena penulis menyadari bahwa pembahasan tentang



I am, SILVIANA MANGGANO, declare that I am the sole author of this thesis.

Except where reference is made in the text of this thesis, this paper contains no

material published elsewhere or extracted in the whole or in part from a thesis by

which I have qualified for or awarded another degree.

No other person’s work has been used without due acknowledgement in the main

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degree in any tertiary education.

Signed : ………..




Title of paper : An Analysis of Non-Literal Meaning in Selected Song

Lyrics of The Corrs

Qualification : S-I/Sarjana

Study Program : English Literature Department

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discretion of the Librarian of the English Literature Department Faculty of

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2. I am not willing that my paper be made available for reproduction.

Signed : ……….










1.1. Background of The Analysis


1.2. Problem of The Analysis


1.3. Objective of The Analysis


1.4. Scope of The Analysis


1.5. Significance of The Analysis


1.6. Methods of The Analysis


1.7. Review of Related Literature



2.1. Data Source ………….………..

2.2. Data Collecting Method ………

2.3. Data Analysis Method ………..


3.1. Types of Meaning ……….

3.2. Definition of Literal Meaning ………..

3.3. Kinds of Non-Literal Meaning ……….

3.3.1. Personification ………

3.3.2. Hyperbole ………..

3.3.3. Synecdoche ………

3.3.4. Simile ……….

3.3.5. Metaphor ………


4.1. Findings ……….

4.1.1. Personification ………

4.1.2. Hyperbole ………

4.1.3. Synecdoche ……….

4.1.4. Simile ……….

4.1.5. Metaphor ………

4.2. Analysis ………

4.2.1. Personification ………

4.2.2. Hyperbole ………..

4.2.3. Synecdoche ………

4.2.4. Simile ………



5.1. Conclusions ………

5.2. Suggestions ………




Penyusunan skripsi ini adalah sebagai salah satu syarat untuk menyelesaikan kuliah di Departemen Sastra Inggris, Fakultas Sastra, Universitas Sumatera Utara. Penulis memilih judul “An Analysis of Non-Literal Meaning in Selected Song

Lyrics of The Corrs” karena penulis menyadari bahwa pembahasan tentang



1.1. Background of The Analysis

People as human beings have capabilities to communicate with each

other. They communicate among themselves, about their activities, and others. All

the words which they communicate are called language. Language organizes the

content of communication, what human beings want to talk about, into sounds that

are heard or written symbols that are read.

People have various ways to talk to each others, by using spoken

language, written language, or gesture. All of them have meaning and message to

be conveyed by speaker to hearer. Robert (1957:18) states that language is a

system of speech sounds by which human beings, communicate with one other.

The aim of speaker expresses his idea through language is to make the

hearer understand through the meaning in the language. Meaning is a part of

language and through language we give and take meaning. Linguistics as the

study of language is an interesting study because of development and changes of


Semantics is one of the branches of linguistics that studies meaning,

Leech (1981:5) says, “The aim of semantics is to explain and describe meaning in

natural language”. The meaning of a word can be defined based on the particular

context and discipline; as example, yellow is the colour between orange to bright

red and green; while in the context of traffic light yellow means be careful. In


Meaning can be divided into literal and non-literal meaning. Literal

meaning means exactly what the speaker says. Literal meaning is we mean what

our words mean, as example, you are brilliant, means you are clever. Non-literal

meaning is we mean something different from what our words mean. You are

brilliant literally means “you are clever” but when the speaker says to somebody

that has made a mistake “you are brilliant” means “you are stupid”. The goal of

speaker convey his idea through language is to make the hearer understand what

the speaker want to express or share. Sometimes the hearer gets the wrong

interpretation because the speaker utters a word that has other meaning from the

original meaning. That is called non-literal meaning.

In non-literal meaning, there are number of different ways one can speak

non-literally, that is by using figures of speeches. Richard (1985:105) says,

“figure of speech is a word or phrase which is used for special effect, and which

does not have its usual or literal meaning”.

There are some most common kinds of figurative speech namely

metaphor which compares two unlike objects and substitutes one for the other,

personification is an expression of giving in inhuman thing of human qualities,

hyperbole is an expression that exaggeration, simile is an expression of a

comparison of two unlike object things that show similarity, synecdoche is an

expression that show a part represent the whole object or idea, litotes mean saying

less than is actually the case.

For examples:


2. I will give all the love in the world.

3. Don’t want your hand this time, I will save my self.

4. He eats like a pig.

5. A glooming girl.

The first sentence is personification, the word moon is considered as having the

ability of an inanimate thing that is running away. It means that the night is very

dark since the moon does not shine brightly as if run away. The second sentence is

hyperbole, it means that she/he will give everything to her/his beloved one. The

third sentence is synecdoche. Hand here does not mean she/he does not want

somebody’s hand but here hand means/refers to somebody, the use of apart to

mean the whole thing. In simple the sentence means I don’t need you, I can do it

alone. The fourth sentence is simile, in the expression the way of he eats is

compared with a pig. A pig has a connotation with dirty, smell, and greedy. So the

expression above means he eats greedily. The fifth sentence is metaphor, the word

glooming means growing. The sentence means a girl which is growing adult.

Hornby (1995:1133) says that a song is a piece of music with words that

is sung. Song lyric is composed by a composer to expresses his feeling. The

composer also use non-literal meaning to beautify his song lyric. Song lyric is one

of interesting works that give the enjoyment by read or hear it, it also tells some

information that expressed a deep meaning.

The Corrs is a celtic folk rock group from Dundalk, Ireland.The Corrs,


and Jim Stephen Ignatius Corr. The Corrs is one of music composer that compose

many interesting song lyrics that give non-literal expression in their works.

In this thesis, the writer adopted figurative expression that are found in

the selected song lyrics of The Corrs. The writer chooses the lyric as the object of

her analysis because there are many figurative/non-literal meaning found in the

selected song of The Corrs. The Corrs is one of the writer favorite group music.

1.2. Problem of The Analysis

In analyzing non-literal meaning in the selected song lyrics of The Corrs,

there are two problems namely, they are:

• What kind of non-literal meanings found in the selected song lyrics of The


• What is the meaning of each of non-literal meanings that found in the selected

song lyrics of The Corrs?

1.3. Objective of The Analysis

By doing this thesis, the writer wants to achieve some objective that

stated as follow:

• To find out the kinds of non-literal meanings that are found in the selected

song lyrics of The Corrs.

• To describe meaning of the each of non-literal meanings in the selected


1.4. Scope of The Analysis

The writer limits the analysis only in the non-literal meaning from the

selected song lyrics of The Corrs based on some figurative meaning namely

personification, hyperbole, synecdoche, simile, metaphor (Kennedy

(1982:584-595)). The writer chooses 16 hit songs from 3 albums of The Corrs; In Blue

(2000), Best of The Corrs (2001), and Borrowed Heaven (2004) that contain many

non-literal meaning. The sixteen songs are All The Love in The World,

Breathless, Irresistable, One Night, Radio, Runaway, So Young, Summer

Sunshine, Would You Be Happier, The Hardest Day of My Life, Make You Mine,

Only When I Sleep, Black is The Colour, Forever May Not Be Long, Heart Like a

Wheel, and Looking Through Your Eyes. The sixteen songs are collected because

the writer assumes that they are represented enough to be the data.

1.5. Significance of The Analysis

The significances of this thesis are expected:

• To be one of the references for the students who are interested in this


• To give information and description about non-literal meanings that can be

found in The Corrs’ lyric.

1.6. Methods of the Analysis

In writing this thesis, the writer applies descriptive analysis and library


prosedur pemecahan masalah yang diselidiki dengan

menggambarkan/melukiskan keadaan subyek/obyek penelitian (seseorang,

lembaga, masyarakat, dan lain-lain) pada saat sekarang berdasarkan fakta-fakta

yang tampak atau sebagaimana adanya”. The writer reads some books and

references that related to the subject matter, the writer collects and selects the

relevant data. In analyzing the data, the writer peels several kinds of non-literal

meaning which found in The Corrs selected song lyrics. The kind of datais

qualitative data. Nawawi (1991:97) says that “Data kualitatif dinyatakan dalam

bentuk kalimat atau uraian”. Besides that, some information are searched through

web sites.

1.7. Review of Related Literature

There are two kinds of meaning in semantic; they are literal and

non-literal meaning. This thesis deals with a semantic analysis, which is focused on

non-literal meaning.

Peregrine (2003) words literal expressions denote what they mean

according to common or dictionary usage, while words in non-literal expressions

(figurative) connote additional layers of meaning.

Miller and Greenberg (1986:66) state, “Non-literal language used a

means of indirect statement that says one thing in terms of another”. From the two

opinions above the writer infer that in literal meaning, speaker mean something

from what their words mean. In non-literal meaning, we mean something different


Kennedy (1982:584-595) says, “A figure of speech may be said to occur

whenever a speaker or writer for the sake of freshness or emphasis, depart from

the usual denotation of words”. He defined the figure of speech as follows:

• Metaphor is statement that one thing is something else, which in literal

sense, it is not.

• Personification is a figure of speech in which a thing, an animal or abstract

term(truth, nature) is made human.

• Hyperbole is a statement containing exaggeration to emphasized a point. • Metonymy is the name of the thing is substituted for that another closely

associated with it.

• Synecdoche is the use of a part of thing to stand for the whole of it or vice


• Simile is a comparison of two things indicated by some connective, usually

like, as, than or such resembles.

In completing this thesis, the writer also refers to some related literature

from previous thesis, they are:

Idham (2003) in his thesis An Analysis of Non-literal Meaning in

Obscene Language Used in Slipknot’s Selected Song, he concluded that there are

32 cases of the using non-literal meaning in the song, they are 16 cases for

facetious way, 9 cases for sarcastic, 7 cases for ironic, 14 cases for exaggerated

way and 2 cases for figurative way.

Salim (2005) in his thesis An Analysis of Non-literal Meaning Found in


Based on the finding of theses above, the writer wants to explain that my

analysis focuses on the non-literal meaning in The Corrs’ selected lyrics. Actually,

this analysis has same scope with theses above, that is the non-literal meaning but



2.1. Data Source

Semantics is defined as the study of meaning. It deals with all linguistic

aspects from words, phrases and sentences in language. Semantics is relatively of

recent origin, being coined in the late 19th century from a Greek verb meaning “to

signify”. The term ‘semantics’ it is a recent addition to English language.

2.2. Data Collecting Method

In this analysis, I use library research. I also take supporting materials by

reading some books of semantics. I collect The Corrs’ albums and I read all the

lyrics and I give the list from The Corrs’ songs. I take 16 song lyrics and they are

All The Love in The World, Breathless, Irresistable, One Night, Radio, Runaway,

So Young, Summer Sunshine, Would You Be Happier, The Hardest Day of My

Life, Make You Mine, Only When I Sleep, Black is The Colour, Forever May Not

Be Long, Heart Like a Wheel, and Looking Through Your Eyes.

2.3. Data Analysis Method

There are some steps in analyzing the sentences, they are:

1. Reading al lyrics in The Corrs’ songs that will be analyzed.

2. Giving the list to the sentences that have non-literal meaning.

3. Identifying the types of non-literal meaning found in the lyrics.

4. Interpreting the meaning of findings based on the context of each



3.1. Types of Meaning

A piece of language conveys its dictionary meaning, connotations

beyond the dictionary meaning, information about the social context of language

use, speaker’s feelings and attitudes rubbing off of one meaning on the another

meaning of the same word when it has two meanings and meaning because of

habit occurrence.

Broadly speaking, ‘meaning’ means the sum total of communicated

through language. Words, Phrases and sentences have meanings which are studies

in semantics.

Geoffrey Leech in his ‘Semantic- A Study of meaning’ (1974) breaks down

meaning into seven types or ingredients giving primacy to conceptual meaning.

The Seven types of meaning according to Leech are as follows.

1. Conceptual or Denotative Meaning

Conceptual meaning is also called logical or cognitive meaning. It

is the basic propositional meaning which corresponds to the

primary dictionary definition. Such a meaning is stylistically

neutral and objective as opposed to other kinds of associative

meanings. Conceptual meanings are the essential or core meaning

while other six types are the peripheral. It is peripheral in as sense

that it is non-essential. They are stylistically marked and subjective


because it has sophisticated organization based on the principle of

contrastiveness and hierarchical structure.

Examples :

/P/ can be described as- voiceless + bilabial + plosive.


Boy = + human + male-adult.

The hierarchical structure of ‘Boy’ = + Human + Male-Adult

Or “Boy” =Human – Male/Female-adult in a rough way.

Conceptual meaning is the literal meaning of the word indicating

the idea or concept to which it refers. The concept is minimal unit

of meaning which could be called ‘sememe’. As we define

phoneme on the basis of binary contrast, similarly we can define

sememe ‘Woman’as = + human + female + adult. If any of these

attribute changes the concept cease to be the same.

Conceptual meaning deals with the core meaning of expression. It

is the denotative or literal meaning. It is essential for the

functioning of language. For example, a part of the conceptual

meaning of ‘Needle” may be “thin”, “sharp” or “instrument”.

The organization of conceptual meaning is based on two structural

principles- Contrastiveness and the principle of structure. The

conceptual meanings can be studied typically in terms of

contrastive features.


“Woman = + Human, -Male, + Adult”.

On the contrary, word

“Boy” can be realized as:-

“Boy = “+ human, + male, - Adult”.

By the principle of structure, larger units of language are built up

out smaller units or smaller units or smaller units are built out

larger ones.

The aim of conceptual meaning is to provide an appropriate

semantic representation to a sentence or statement. A sentence is

made of abstract symbols. Conceptual meaning helps us to

distinguish one meaning from the meaning of other sentences.

Thus, conceptual meaning is an essential part of language. A

language essentially depends on conceptual meaning for

communication. The conceptual meaning is the base for all the

other types of meaning.

2. Connotative Meaning

Connotative meaning is the communicative value of an expression

over and above its purely conceptual content. It is something that

goes beyond mere referent of a word and hints at its attributes in

the real world. It is something more than the dictionary meaning.


adult but the psychosocial connotations could

be ‘gregarious’, ‘having maternal instinct’ or typical (rather than

invariable) attributes of womanhood such as ‘babbling’,’

experienced in cookery’, ‘skirt or dress wearing ‘etc. Still

further connotative meaning can embrace putative properties of a

referent due to viewpoint adopted by individual, group, and society

as a whole. So in the past woman was supposed to have attributes

like frail, prone to tears, emotional, irrigational, inconstant ,

cowardly etc. as well as more positive qualities such gentle,

sensitive, compassionate, hardworking etc. Connotations vary age

to age and society to society.

As example :

Old age ‘Woman’ - ‘Non-trouser wearing or sari wearing’ in

Indian context must have seemed definite connotation in the past.

Present ‘Woman’---- Salwar/T-shirt/Jeans wearing.

Some times connotation varies from person to person also.

As example :

Connotations of the word ‘woman’ for misogynist and a person of

feminist vary.

The boundary between conceptual and connotative seems to be

analogous. Connotative meaning is regarded as incidental,

comparatively unstable, in determinant, open ended, variable


meaning is not like that . It can be codified in terms of limited


3. Social Meaning

The meaning conveyed by the piece of language about the social

context of its use is called the social meaning. The decoding of a

text is dependent on our knowledge of stylistics and other

variations of language. We recognize some words or pronunciation

as being dialectical i.e. as telling us something about the regional

or social origin of the speaker. Social meaning is related to the

situation in which an utterance is used.

It is concerned with the social circumstances of the use of a

linguistic expression. For example, some dialectic words inform us

about the regional and social background of the speaker. In the

same way, some stylistic usages let us know something of the

social relationship between the speaker and the hearer.

For example :

“I ain’t done nothing”.

The line tells us about the speaker and that is the speaker is

probably a black American, underprivileged and uneducated.

Another example :

“Come on yaar, be a sport. Don’t be Lallu”.


Stylistic variation represents the social variation. This is because

styles show the geographical region social class of the speaker.

Style helps us to know about the period, field and status of the

discourse. Some words are similar to others as far as their

conceptual meaning is concerned. But they have different stylistic

meaning. For example, ‘steed ’, ‘horse and ‘nag’ are synonymous.

They all mean a kind of animal i.e. Horse. But they differ in style

and so have various social meaning. ‘Steed’ is used in poetry;

‘horse’ is used in general, while ‘nag’ is slang. The word ‘Home’

can have many use also like domicile ( official), residence (formal)

abode (poetic) , home (ordinary use). connotative meaning plays a

very vital role in the field of semantics and in understanding the

utterances and sentences in different context.

4. Affective or Emotive Meaning

For some linguists it refers to emotive association or effects of

words evoked in the reader, listener. It is what is conveyed about

the personal feelings or attitude towards the listener.

Examples :

‘home’ for a sailor/soldier or expatriate and ‘mother’ for a

motherless child, a married woman (esp. in Indian context) will

have special effective, emotive quality.

In affective meaning, language is used to express personal feelings


I.A. Richards argued that emotive meaning distinguishes literature

or poetic language from factual meaning of science. Finally it must

be noted that affective meaning is largely a parasitic category. It

overlaps heavily with style, connotation and conceptual content.

5. Reflected Meaning

Reflected meaning and collocative meaning involve

interconnection. At the lexical level of language, reflected meaning

arises when a word has more than one conceptual meaning or

multiple conceptual meaning. In such cases while responding to

one sense of the word we partly respond to another sense of the

word too. Leech says that in church service ‘the comforter and the

Holy Ghost ’refer to the third in Trinity. They are religious words.

But unconsciously there is a response to their non-religious

meanings too. Thus the ‘comforter’ sounds warm and comforting

while the ‘Ghost’ sounds ‘awesome’ or even ‘dreadful’. One sense

of the word seems to rub off on another especially through relative

frequency and familiarity (e.g. a ghost is more frequent and

familiar in no religious sense).

In poetry too we have reflected meaning as in the following lines :

‘Are limbs so dear achieved, are sides,

Full nerved still warm-too hard to stir’

Owen here uses ‘dear’ in the sense of expensiveness. - But the


Another examples :

“The could not but be gay

In such jocund company”

The word ‘gay’ was frequently used in the time of William

Wordsworth but the word now is used for ‘homosexuality’.

In such type cases of multiple meaning, one meaning of the word

pushes the other meaning to the background. Then the dominant

suggestive power of that word prevails. This may happen because

of the relative frequency or familiarity of the dominant meaning.

This dominant meaning which pushes the other meaning at the

background is called the reflected meaning.

Reflected meaning is also found in taboo words. For examples are

terms like erection, intercourse, ejaculation. The

word ‘intercourse’ immediately reminds us of its association with

sex (sexual intercourse). The sexual association of the word drives

away its innocent sense, i.e. ‘communication’. The taboo sense of

the word is so dominant that its non-taboo sense almost dies out. In

some cases, the speaker avoids the taboo words and uses their

alternative word in order to avoid the unwanted reflected meaning.

For example, as Bloomfield has pointed out, the word ‘Cock’ is

replaced by speakers, they use the word ‘rooster’ to indicate the

general meaning of the word and avoid its taboo sense. These


ejaculate-throw out somebody) but because of their frequency in

the lit of the physiology of sex it is becoming difficult to use them

in their innocent/nonsexual sense. Thus we can see that reflected

meaning has great importance in the study of semantics.

6. Collocative Meaning

Collocative meaning is the meaning which a word acquires in the

company of certain words. Words collocate or co-occur with

certain words only e.g. Big business not large or great.Collocative

meaning refers to associations of a word because of its usual or

habitual co-occurrence with certain types of

words. ‘Pretty’ and ‘handsome’indicate ‘good looking’.

However, they slightly differ from each other because of

collocation or co-occurrence. The word ‘pretty’ collocates with –

girls, woman, village, gardens, flowers, etc.

On the other hand, the word ‘handsome’ collocates with – ‘boys’

men, etc. so ‘pretty woman’ and ‘handsome man’. While

different kinds of attractiveness, hence ‘handsome woman’ may

mean attractive but in a mannish way. The

verbs ‘wander’ and ‘stroll’ are quasi-synonymous- they may have

almost the same meaning but while ‘cows may wonder into another

farm’, they don’t stroll into that farm because ‘stroll’ collocates

with human subject only. Similarly one ‘trembles with fear’ but


invoked only when other categories of meaning don’t apply.

Generalizations can be made in case of other meanings while

collocative meaning is simply on idiosyncratic property of

individual words. Collocative meaning has its importance and it is

a marginal kind of category.

7. Thematic Meaning

It refers to what is communicated by the way in which a speaker or

a writer organizes the message in terms of ordering focus and

emphasis .Thus active is different from passive though its

conceptual meaning is the same. Various parts of the sentence also

can be used as subject, object or complement to show prominence.

It is done through focus, theme (topic) or emotive emphasis.

Thematic meaning helps us to understand the message and its

implications properly. For example, the following statements in

active and passive voice have same conceptual meaning but

different communicative values.

For example :

a. Mrs. Smith donated the first prize

b. The first prize was donated by Mrs. Smith.

In the first sentence “who gave away the prize” is more

important, but in the second sentence “what did Mrs. Smith gave


The first suggests that we already know Mrs. Smith (perhaps

through earlier mention) its known/given information while it’s

new information.

Alternative grammatical construction also gives thematic meaning.

Example :

a. He likes Indian good most.

b. Indian goods he likes most.

c. It is the Indian goods he likes most.

Like the grammatical structures, stress and intonation also make

the message prominent. For example, the contrastive stress on the

word ‘cotton’ in the following sentence give prominence to the


a. John wears a cotton shirt

b. The kind of shirt that john wears is cotton one.

Thus sentences or pairs of sentences with similar conceptual

meaning differ their communicative value. This is due to different

grammatical constructions or lexical items or stress and

intonations. Therefore they are used in different contents.

“Ten thousand saw I at a glance”

Wordsworth here inverts the structure to focus on ‘ten thousand”.

Sometimes thematic contrast i.e. contrasts between given and new


Example :

a. John owns the biggest shop in London

b. The biggest shop in London belongs to John.

c. The ways we order our message also convey what is

important and what not. This is basically thematic meaning.

Associative Meaning:

Leech uses this as an umbrella term for the remaining 5

types of meanings( connotative, social, affective, reflective

and collocative).All these have more in common with

connotative than conceptual meaning. They all have the

same open ended, variable character and can be analyzed in

terms of scales or ranges ( more/less) than in either or

contrastive terms. These meanings contain many

imponderable factors. But conceptual meaning is stable.

CONCEPTUAL MEANING or Sense Logical, cognitive, or denotative content ASSOCIATIVE



What is communicated by virtue of what language refers to


What is communicated of the social circumstances of language use


What is communicated of the feelings and attitudes of the speaker/writer


What is communicated thorough association with another sense of the same expression


What is communicated through association with words which tend to occur in the environment of another word THEMATIC MEANING What is communicated by the way in which the message is


Other authors, of course, use a different classification of meaning. If we

extend our interest beyond onomatology we may distinguish lexical and

grammatical meaning, which is a distinction corresponding to Aristotle's material

and formal meaning. Lexical meaning then is the meaning as discussed in

onomatology and grammatical meaning, also called structural meaning, is of three

kinds: (i) morphological meaning, (ii) the meaning of the minor parts of speech,

(iii) the meaning linked with grammatical functions, eg 'subject-of', (iv)

the meaning associated with sentence types, eg declarative.

When the relationship between naming units and the extralinguistic reality is

considered we may come across terms used in the above paragraphs (conceptual,

denotative, cognitive and basic meaning) and across other

terms, eg referential meaning (the naming unit refers to an item of extralinguistic

reality), factual meaning, objective meaning, descriptive meaning. When the

relationship between language and the emotional, personal state of the speaker is

considered, the terms used are attitudinal, emotive, and expressive meaning, all

corresponding to affective meaning in Leech's system. Contextual meaning is

another term for collocative meaning. Phonetic meaning is connected with sound

symbolism and phonological meaning is connected with alliteration and rhyme in


TERMS, technical, scientific, linguistic etc, differ from non-terms in that

their conceptual meaning is well defined and in that they have no connotative,


Similarity of meaning is the only principle according to which the

paradigmatic features of naming units can be put into relationship. The terms used

in the description are polysemy, homonymy, paronymy, hyponymy,

synonymy and antonymy. Although polysemy is a feature of an individual naming

unit and the other five are features connected with the relationships between

naming units they are linked together. Polysemy was mentioned in the previous

chapter (crane, duše) and so was homonymy (bank, kolej). If we take crane -

jeřáb as an example of polysemy, we might separate the meanings of 'bird' and

'device' because the metaphor between the two is no longer visible as the shapes

of the modern lifting devices are not similar to the bird. The result of this

separation would be two homonyms. If we take bank and kolej as examples of

homonymy, we might disregard the origin and the meaning of bank as 'institution',

'raised ground' and 'row of objects' and of kolej as 'rut, rails' and 'hall of residence'

and join them in one polysemous naming unit, as the Collins Cobuild dictionaries

did in their first editions.

While polysemy, homonymy, synonymy and antonymy function on the

horizontal level, hyponymy functions on the vertical level because it imposes

hierarchical structure on sections of the vocabulary. Hyponyms are members of a

paradigm defined by a hyperonym, also called a superordinate. Scarlet,

vermilion andcrimson are immediate hyponyms of red, the hyperonym, because

their meanings are included in the meaning of red: scarlet 'a vivid red colour,


three. Hyponymy is not an absolute feature because in taxonomical structures we

can choose several levels, eg in the animal kingdom we can take the subphylum

('podkmen') of vertebrates('obratlovci') and move either upward in the structure to

the phylum of chordates ('strunatci') or downward to the classes (leaving out the

divisions 'oddělení', which are too technical for the our purpose): eg fishes,

amphibians, reptiles, birds, mammals. If we continue downward we reach the

breed of the already mentioned the English setter as one of the hyponyms

of setter.

Hyponymy does not operate systematically outside the systems of

scientific taxonomy because there are many gaps, asymmetries and

indeterminacies in the natural languages. LYONS (1968.456) gives the following

example: there is no superordinate term in English of which all the colour-words

are co-hyponyms becausecoloured is sometimes in contrast with white (laundry,

race, chalks) as well as with transparent (liquid). Lyons also quotes come, go,

person, thing, event as lexical items with very general application. If they were

regarded as hyperonyms the numbers of hyponyms would run into hundreds and


A word is a synonym 'if it or one of its senses shares with another word

or sense of a word one or more elementary meanings' (Webster's Collegiate

Thesaurus). The elementary meaning of nose is 'the prominent part of the human

face that bears the nostrils and covers the nasal passage'. This elementary


'nose', proboscis 'elephant's trunk' or 'long flexible nose of the tapir', schnozzle -

American slang word based on Yiddish, smeller, sneezer - slang words, snout -

British derogatory slang word. The lists show that there is no absolute, total

synonymy and that to the elementary meaning is added the description of the

shape, or the typical bearer of the part of body, or a stylistic meaning. The lists

also show similarities in the use of metaphor in English and in Czech.

Near-synonyms are words which are closely related with the members of

a synonym group (or, in other words, a semantic field), eg the verb mix has a

number of synonyms such as admix, blend, fuse, make up, merge, mingle etc and a

number of near-synonyms, or related words, such as associate, combine, join,

link, unite.

The relationships between near-synonymic members of a semantic field

are shown in the following tables. The first one, based on Leisi, deals with various

types of sounds and their causes.

The inner circle (I) gives the most general terms, sound and noise,

without any connection to a cause. The next circle II links the sound and the

cause. The words outside the circle (III) refer to the cause only, the sound being

irrelevant. The words in III then do not belong to the field proper. (The diagram

does contain all types of sounds, among those missing are


Pairs of words which are opposite in meaning are traditionally

called antonyms. Some words have a single opposite, eg the opposite

of large is small and the opposite of small is large. A very frequent type of

antonymy is based on negation, eg charming charmless, legal illegal, like v.

dislike, like adj. - unlike, polite - impolite. Polysemous words and words with

complex meaning may have two antonyms, eg the adjective single in

the meaning of 'being without a spouse' (Cz. svobodný) has the

opposite married and in the meaning of 'one as distinguished from two or more or

all others' (Cz. jediný) has multiple as an opposite. We find similar relationships

in cheap - costly, expensive, precious, noble; late - early, prompt, punctual; long -

short, brief; lose - gain, win; loud - low, soft. On the whole, only a very small

proportion of words has antonyms. There are no words of

opposite meaning to cemetery, engine, feather, gin, pudding, puppet, to whistle


Near-antonyms are words which are clearly contrastable with the

members of a synonym group, eg divide, part, separate, sever are near-antonyms,

or contrasted words, of the verb mix and its synonyms.

In the area traditionally called antonymy, LYONS (1968.460-70)

distinguishes three types of 'oppositeness' of meaning: antonymy,

complementarity and converseness. Antonymy is a relation limited to gradable

items. Complementarity is a type of oppositeness which holds between pairs of


pairs are complementaries because the denial of one implies the assertion of the

other and the assertion of one implies the denial of the other.

Lyons (1977:2) says that “the meaning can be, distinguished by the

technique of substituting other words in the same context and inquiry whether the

resulting sentences are equivalent. Dongoran (1991:1) says that the meaning is

ideas or concept, which can be transferred from the mind of the speaker to the

mind of the hearer by embodying them, as it was, in the forms of language or

another. Nikelas (1988:231) says that meaning is a complex phenomenon

involving relationship between a language and the mind of its speakers and the

practical use to which it is put.

3.2. Definition of Literal Meaning

In studying semantics, there are two kinds of meaning, they are literal

and non-literal meaning. Siregar (1992) says, “if we speak literally, than we mean

what our words mean”.

Literal meaning is a meaning without any other meanings besides the

lexical meaning or the surface meaning of words or sentences. Therefore, there

will be no differences between the linguistic meaning and speaker meaning.

Sometimes, a hearer is easy to understand what someone means. But in particular

condition, there are possibilities that are the hearer might have difficulties to

understand the utterance although what the speaker means is what the word really


particular reason is related to whether the speaker uses his/her sentences without

any hidden meaning in his/her sentences. It is reasonable to call it literal meaning.

The literal meaning is according to the letter scriptures, adhering to fact,

not figurative or metaphorical, being without exaggeration or embellishment and

based on the exact sense and characterized by a concern mainly with fact. The

examples below illustrate the literal meaning:

a. She loves swimming.

b. He is eating a pasta.

c. My aunt is an English teacher in TBI.

All the sentences above are literal meaning and easy to understand as

long as the writer intends them as what they really mean lexically.

There will be no important difference between linguistic meaning and

the speaker meaning. If a speaker is always speaking literally it means what his

words mean. But it does not mean that everyone can understand the utterance

what the speaker intends what the word really mean lexically. The listener would

enrich his vocabulary.

In other words, literal meaning also means true meaning. For example,

someone is saying “She is a beautiful girl”. In the case of literal meaning, the

speaker really means that the girl is beautiful. The speaker means exactly what his

words mean without having hidden meaning or particular intention when saying


3.3. Definition of Non-Literal Meaning

Non-literal meaning is included as a part of communication which is

directly meant as an activity that occurs when there is no conversation between

speaker and hearer. To make the communicative conversation, it is necessary for

the speaker to give her/his intentional meaning and, in the same time, the hearer

accepts the speaker’s intension and responds the sense by giving the intentional

meaning in return with words or sentences as the reaction. But when all of those

aspects do not come, the predictable result that probably happens is the

conversation may not continue any longer and it will be automatically stopped.

Therefore, before making further steps in conversation of non-literal meaning,

both of the communicants must concern to those aspect above and understand the

context that is sentences atmosphere being expressed.

Non-literal meaning occurs when the speaker means different from what

the words or sentences really mean. In other word, when the speaker speaks a

word and a sentence, which implies the different meaning from its real meaning

and that is the time for the speaker to speak non-literally. In addition, the word or

sentence which is spoken by the speaker had hidden meaning besides the lexical


Before having the conversation which has non-literal meaning in it, it is

important for the hearer to know or understand the context of the atmosphere of

the sentences being expressed it is quite difficult to understand the meaning

without any understanding to the context of the sentences atmosphere.


possibly happens, because non-literal meaning is way to express someone’s idea

abstractly or imaginatively and it might be the special way to express the idea

which seems very innovative and better for human’s ear.

Non-literal meaning is not always used for imaginative or abstract way

in expressing the idea, but it also has a certain purpose behind the lexical

meaning. Non-literal meaning might be the best way to substitute any offensive

words or the replacement of unpleasant words for some people.

3.4. Kinds of Non-Literal Meaning

Language in application may be divided into two ways, written and

spoken. When we use one of those ways, of course it is because we intend to

reveal something to other people or there is a meaning in what is spoken or


There are several meanings commonly found, and those meanings are

divided in speaker meaning and linguistic meaning. Sometimes, word is needed

by speaker in producing an utterance because it is necessary to be done when the

speaker wants to express something different from it really means, and that is time

when the speaker speaks non-literally.

In particular situation, we have to understand the different function of

the meaning of words in order to have the right and clear understanding. For

examples :


b. I keep my clothes in the closet

In (a), ‘keep’ means continuous activity, in (b), ‘keep’ means putting

something in a place.

3.4.1. Personification

Personification is the figure of speech in which a thing, an animal, or an

abstract term (truth, nature) is made or the object are likely considered as having

human since human characteristics are attached to the objects themselves. In

Oxford Advanced Learners Dictionary (2000) states that personification is the

arbitrary of human qualities to an inanimate object. The representing of the

imaginary creatures or things as having human personalities, intelligence, and


“Personification consists in giving the attributes of a human being to an

animal, an object, or an idea (Perrine, 1973). Personification is a special form of

metaphor that pictures inanimate things to act, speak, or talk like humans. An

example of personification is in the quotation of Keat’s Personification of autumn

as a harvester “sitting careless on a granary floor” or “on a half-reaped furrow

sound asleep” (Perreine, 1973). Shaw (1972:283) says that “Personification is a

figure of speech in which abstractions, animals, ideas, and inanimate objects are

having human form, character, traits, or sensibilities”. For example; “the wind

speaks in whisper”. It is already know that “speaks” is the characteristics of

human, and able to speak, it needs the articulatory organ to make it possible which

the wind does not has. Therefore this characteristic is given to personify the


Another example of the uses personification is “my heart says yes”. The

word “say” can be interpreted literally as an activity of a person to express the

person’s idea. But according to the sentence above, this activity is done by ‘heart’,

which is an inanimate object. Although, the idea of the sentence above is

non-literally meant as an expression of agreement of something.

3.4.2. Hyperbole

The word hyperbole itself derived from Greek. It is from two words,

hyper means over and balle means to throw. Hyperbole is one of the exaggerated

way which consist of exaggerated statement which is not mean to be literally.

Whereas exaggerated way is an expression to make something looks bigger or

greater than it really is. In Oxford Advance Learners Dictionary, hyperbole is

indicated as a way of describing something in order to make it sound bigger,

smaller, better, worse, etc. than it really is. For example, “I miss you like crazy”,

here it does not really become crazy person but the strong feeling of miss

someone or it may mean “I miss you so much”. Another example of hyperbole is

“I’m dying again”. Dying is connected with or happening at the time of

somebody’s death. In addition, it happen to people only once in life. It is

impossible to say, “I’m dying again” as if ever happen before. “Dying” here may

means that the feeling of unpleasant, useless, and hopeless. So the sentence may


3.4.3. Synecdoche

“Synecdoche is a term derived from Greek word Synekdechesthai that

means ‘receiving together’” (Keraf, 1984). Synecdoche is a kind of figurative

language that mentions part of a thing to signify the whole thing or uses the whole

to signify the part. Shakespeare uses synecdoche when he says that the cuckoo’s

song is unpleasing to “married ear”, for he means “a married man” (Perrine,


Synecdoche is a kind of non-literal meaning, which states one thing

partly instead of its universe or vice versa. Keraf in Diksi dan Gaya Bahasa

(1991:142) says “sinekdoke adalah semacam gaya bahasa yang mempergunakan

sebagian dari sesuatu hal untuk menyatakan keseluruhan (pars pro toto) atau

mempergunakan keseluruhan untuk menyatakan sebagian (totum pro parte)”.

Based on those definition above, we notice that synecdoche is a kind of

figurative language that uses the name of a part of something as the name of its

whole part or vice versa. Synecdoche can be divided into two kinds, they are:

1. A part is used to mean the whole of the thing.

For example: “All eyes on you”.

The word “all eyes” represent “the people or public”, not only the eyes

of the people but also the whole of their body, since eyes are part of

human body.

2. The whole is used to mean a part.


In this sentence, Italy and England are used as substitution of some

players of both countries.

3.3..4. Simile

Simile is an explicit and direct comparison of similarities of two

different objects. Simile is usually characterized by the use of as or like to mark

the comparison between the objects (Keraf, 1984). Perrine (1973) adds that in

simile the comparison can also be expressed by some other words such as than,

similar to, resembles, or seems. The sentence “her lips are like a red coral” is a

classic example of simile where the writer compares someone’s lips to a coral,

whose colour is red. Siregar (1992:12) says, “Simile is a comparison between two

objects using ‘like’ or ‘as’”. For examples:

Your eyes like the stars. You are as fresh as daisy.

Your braveness as a lion.

In the first sentence, it does not mean that your eyes like stars. The writer

wants to compare your eyes and the stars. In literal, we can say that you eyes is

beautiful or you have beautiful eyes. In the second sentence, the writer wants to

compare you and daisy. The writer wants to compare the freshness between you

and fresh flower like daisy. In literal, it becomes you are fresh like a fresh daisy.

In the third sentence, the writer wants to compare you with lion. In literal, we can

say that you are a strong and brave person like a lion.

A simile is not just an ordinary comparison. If you say “my bag is like


comparison are important and necessary in daily conversation, but they are literal.

A simile must compare two basic things that are found to be alike in one respect.

3.3.5. Metaphor

Metaphor is the way to express the idea by using the substitution words

with the similar qualities as the representation of first object which is substituted.

It describes one thing or idea by using words usually use of something else. The

use of similar qualities does not mean one object is like another.

For example of metaphor “she hide from mortal eyes”. If we think about

mortal, we may consider it as a kind of dangerous thing as the eye. In this case,

the word mortal used to express the idea of someone who is having a sharp

looking. Another example is “Departing summer hath assumed”. The word

departing emphasizes a condition means by gone. Metaphorically it may mean




4. 1. The Data

4.1.1. Personification

1. My imagination just stole me away (A15)

2. So can’t you see I’m tortured, oh can’t you hear my pain (C11)

3. My heart aches with a hunger (D4)

4. Sharing summer kisses and city sounds (E3)

5. Wondering why my mind plays tricks (E17)

6. We are chasing the moon (G5)

7. Where our dreams collide (J6)

8. When the daylight takes you (K10)

9. It reaches through my skin (L7)

10. My sleeping cry (L39)

11. Open your heart, baby leave with me, don’t be afraid (N17)

4.1.2. Hyperbole

1. I live my dreams but it’s not all they say (A4)

2. Then I’ll give… all the love in the world (A10)

3. Just to get you through the loneliest days (A12)

4. And the nights grow colder (A26)

5. Go on, go on, leave me breathless (B1)


7. Don’t want you for the weekend, don’t want you for a day (C2)

8. It’s indefinable, it’s magical, illogical (C8)

9. I’ll be your summer rain (C13)

10. It can take you places, like never before (C24)

11. With a full glass and an empty heart (E5)

12. But you are in my head, swimming forever in my head (E7)

13. Tangled in my dreams, swimming forever… (E8)

14. Caught up in a distant dream I try (E14)

15. I would runaway with you (F6)

16. On these lazy summer days (G17)

17. You’ve been keeping me warm (H6)

18. In coffee city, we borrowed heaven (H9)

19. Do you ever think you’re someone else inside, when no one

understands you are (I3)

20. And wanna disappear inside a dream but never wanna wake up


21. Leave, love you wave goodbye (J14)

22. When loving you is my finest hour (J21)

23. Leaving you, the hardest day of my life (J22)

24. I feel empty inside (J27)

25. I’m falling for you everyday (K5)

26. I’, aching for you only I’ll never tire (K17)


28. You’ll never go astray (K28)

29. Fly with me, loose reality (K30)

4.1.3. Synecdohe

1. Wondering, waiting for the day to fade away (K1)

2. You’ll find that you can’t stand to be away (K24)

3. I love my love and well he knows (M5)

4. Its out of our hands, we can’t stop what we had begun (P12)

4.1.4. Simile

1.Just like I need you (the way I see you) (C5)

2.And I want you to see me, like no one before (C6)

3.My faith in love is like blood, it flows in everyone (N12)

4.Some say the heart is just like a wheel (O1)


And suddenly I know why life is worthwhile, that’s what I see

through your eyes (P7&8)

4.2. The Analysis

4.2.1. Personification

1. My imagination just stole me away

Imagination is not human, it is not real and it is in our brain. It’s

impossible if imagination can really stole someone. So, the

sentence above may mean that she/he is enjoying her/his fantacy.


Pain is not human, unseen, and it can’t be heard by people. But we

only can feel it. So “hear my pain” may mean that she/he wants

her/his beloved one feel her/his sadness.

3. My heart aches with a hunger

Heart is life (it is beating) but it can’t talk or walk. The sentence

above may mean that had lost her/his beloved one.

4. Sharing summer kisses and city sounds

City is not human, it cannot move or talk. So the sentence above

may mean that couple which expressed their love with sharing each


5. Wondering why my minds plays tricks

As we know mind is nit human and it can play anything. The

sentence above may mean that she/he had been fool by her/his


6. We are chasing the moon

The sentence above is not really mean that they will chase the

moon, because moon is up in the sky and human is on earth, so it is

impossible to catch or case the moon. The literal meaning is they

are looking for happiness, where they belong to and feel


7. Where our dreams collide

As we know, dream is imagination and it is not real. The word

“collide” here means loose. So the sentence may mean that they

lost their hope of something.

8. When the daylight takes you

Daylight is not human, it can do any activities, and it is impossible

to take people. The sentence above may mean that her/his beloved

one doing some activities outside the house.

9. It reached through my skin

“it” here mean love. The sentence above may mean that she/he

really feel the love so that it make her/his happy and comfortable.

10. My sleeping cry

As we know sleep is kind of activity, it is not human. The word

“sleeping cry” is not really mean that she/he is crying while sleep,

but it may mean that she/he really need her/his beloved one.

11. Open your heart, bay leave with me, don’t be afraid

Heart is part of our body and it is in our body. We can really open

our heart because we will need the surgery to open it. So the literal

meaning is someone try to make her/his believe or trust him and


4.2.2. Hyperbole

1. I live my dream but it’s not all they say

Dream is imagination, it is not human and it is not real. The word

“live my dream” is not mean that we really live and do activities in

a dream. The sentence above may mean that she/he is

dreaming/imagining something.

2. Then I’ll give… all the love in the world

The world “give all the love in the world” is not really mean that

we have to gathered all the love in the world and give it to our

beloved one. The sentence above may mean that she/he will give

everything to her/his beloved one.

3. Just to get you through the loneliest days

Day is not human and it cannot feel alone like human. The word”

loneliest days” here is not mean that the day is really quiet. The

literal meaning may mean that she/he wants her/his beloved one

also feel her/his sadness.

4. And the nights grow colder

Night is not human, it can be grow or feel the cold. The sentence

above may mean that she/he is alone and need her/his beloved one

to accompany her/him.


The sentence above is not really mean that someone has no breath.

The literal meaning may mean that her/his beloved one had left

her/him and makes she/he does not have spirit to live her/his life.

6. The daylights fading slowly

It is impossible if the sun lose its colour. The sentence above may

mean that she/he had lost her/his spirit.

7. Don’t want you for the weekend, don’t want you for a day

The sentence above is not really mean that she/he does not need

her/his beloved one. The literal meaning may mean that she/he

want to have/be with her/his beloved one completely (not in

temporary condition, but in permanent condition).

8. It’s indefinable, it’s magical, illogical

The word “magic” here it is not really mean that something made

by magic. The literal meaning may mean that she/he is really

impressed by her/his beloved one.

9. I’ll be your summer rain

“Summer rain” here may mean that is her/his beloved one in a

trouble/problem, she/he will always support and make her/his

beloved one calm down.

10.It can take you places, like never before

The word “it” here mean love. But the sentence above is not really


place. The literal meaning may mean that with love we can learn

everything or even the new thing that we never done before.

11.With a full glass and an empty heart

As we know heart is in our body, it fulfill with blood and liquid. If

our heart is empty, it means that we had died. The sentence above

may mean that she/he is lonely, eventhough in a crowd.

12.But you are in my head, swimming forever in my head

Head is part of our body, we cannot swim in our head. The literal

meaning may mean that she/he always think about her/his beloved


13.Tangled in my dreams, swimming forever…

The word “tangled in my dreams” is not really mean that someone

is fighting in a dream, because dream is not real. The sentence

above may mean that she/he is dreaming of her/his beloved one.

14.Caught up in a distant dream I try

The sentence above is not really mean that someone is trap in a

dream. The literal meaning may mean that she/he cannot

receive/accept the reality/fact and always shadowed by her/his


15. I would runaway with you

“Runaway” here is not really mean that someone is really run and

leave the city. The sentence above may mean that she/he want to


16.On these lazy summer days

“Day” is not human which can be lazy to do something. The

literal meaning may mean that the day which we can relax.

17.You’ve been keeping me warm

The word “warm” here is not really mean that someone is warmed

you as a fire or someone is next to the fire so you can feel warm.

The sentence above may mean that she/he feels comfortable with

her/his beloved one.

18. In coffee city, we borrowed heaven

We do not even know where heaven is, in our imagination is

beautiful place which made by ALLAH Swt. So the literal

meaning may mean that they are having fun in some place.

19.Do you ever think you’re someone else inside, when no one

understands you are

The sentence above may mean that she/he want to be a different

personality because no one believe her/him.

20.And wanna disappear inside a dream but never wanna wake

It is impossible to get in a dream and lost in it. Dream is an

imagination, we cannot go inside a dream. The literal meaning is

she/he cannot receive/accept the fact that happen to her/him.


The sentence above may mean that she/he can accept the reality

that her/his beloved one leave her/him with all of her/his heart and


22.When loving you is my finest hour

The literal meaning is her/his beloved one is really mean to

her/him, but she/he must brake up/leave her/his beloved one.

23.Leaving you the hardest day of my life

“Day” is not human, it cannot be touched or carried. The sentence

above may mean that she/he still love her/his beloved one but

she/he must let her/his beloved one go.

24.I feel empty inside

“Empty” here is not really mean that nothing in our body. The

literal meaning is she/he is lonely.

25.I’m falling for you deeper everyday

The word “fall” here is not really mean that someone fall from

some high place and get wound. The literal meaning may mean

that she/he more loving her/his beloved one.

26.I’, aching for you only I’ll never tire

“Aching” here is not really mean hurt or suffering of something.

The word “aching” mean need or addicted of love. The sentence

above may mean that she/he will always need and love her/his

beloved one.


“Life” is not human, it cannot walk or talk or ask us to do

something. The literal meaning is she/he will always support

her/his beloved one no matter what happen.

28.You’ll never go astray

“Astray” here is not really mean that someone go to somewhere,

get lost, and cannot go back home. The sentence above may mean

that she/he makes sure her/his beloved one will never regret for

choosing her/him.

29.Fly with me, loose reality

As we know, we as a human cannot fly like a bird. The literal

meaning is she/he wants her/his to let her/his burden and enjoy

life with her/him.

4.2.3. Synecdoche

1. Wondering, waiting for the day to fade away

The word “fade” here means the change of time. So the sentence

may mean that she/he is waiting for the time of her/his beloved

one’s back.

2. You’ll find that you can’t stand to be away

“Stand” here refers to help and love. The literal meaning is she/he

tell her/his beloved one that her/his beloved one cannot life alone


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