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Submitted to the English Department of UNIMED Medan In Partial of Fulfillment of the Requirement for

The Degree of Sarjana Sastra



Registration Number 2101220010





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Medan, Maret 2015



Okky Agastya. 2015. Non Literal Meaning in Edgar Allan Poe Selected Poems. A Research Faculty of Languages and Arts. State University of Medan.

This research is focused on non literal meaning used in Edgar allan Poe Selected Poems : Annabel Lee, The Raven, Alone, A Dream Within a Dream and A Valentine. The research was conducted by using descriptive qualitative method. The data was collected from every poems of Edgar Allan Poe. The findings of the research show that there are 76 lines of non literal meanings which classified into seven types non literal meaning. They are Metaphor (42), Hyperbole (15), Metonymy (12), Synecdoche (7), and there is no Litotes (0) and Irony (0). The most dominant type of non literal meaning that used in selected poems is Metaphor with 55,3%. It means that most of Edgar Allan Poe Works is fulfilled of the beautiful word that created by comparing two unrelated things that make a new word. Sometimes that new word is hard to findings the real meaning because it can be interpreted differently according the imagination of each people.



beloved people especially for the loyal supporters. Therefore, the writer would

like to express his sincere and greatest gratitude to :

Prof. Dr. Ibnu Hajar Damanik, M.Si., the Rector of State University of Medan.

Dr. Isda Pramuniati, M.Hum., the Dean of Faculty of Languages and Arts.

Prof. Dr. Hj. Sumarsih, M.Pd., the Head of English Department, Dra. Meisuri, M.A., Secretary of English Department,

Dr. Rahmah, M.Hum., the Head of English Literature Program and as his examiner.

Dra. Masitowarni Siregar, M.Ed., the Head of English Education Program.

Dra. Sri Juriati Ownie, M.A. and Syamsul Bahri, S.S., M.Hum, his Thesis Advisor.

Prof. Amrin Saragih, M.A, Ph.D., as his Academic Advisor.

 All beloved lectures in English and Literature Department who advised and guided the writer during academic years.

Mam Eis for her kind help in providing academic administrations to the writer.


brothers Donny Yudhistira Hutabarat, Youngky Yogaswara Hutabarat, Jeffry Stanzah Hutabarat, for their endless love, support, encouragement, motivation, prayers, and laughter shared during the writer’s life. He loves them so much. Also his great family for the support during the completion of this research.

 The writer’s best colleagues : Dwi Astarini, Adrian Rasyki, Luthfi Hidayat, Audra Febria Tistawan, Boediman Sihotang, Eko If Fery for the friendship, love, helps, laugh and tears, and for all the sweet and happy

memories shared. And all the of ELITE (English Literature) A and B

2010 : David, Fatur, Afdi, Leo, Jaka, Johanri, Pulungan, Hatoropan, Quin for all togetherness in fun, gaming and unforgotten memories.

All students of English Department in Applied Linguistics A and B Reg’10, that could not be mentioned one by one. Thanks for their support, info, assistance, and best moment ever during the academic years.

 All friends of high school for the support and cares.

 Everyone who has been involved directly and indirectly in the writing of this research that cannot be mentioned one by one, and thanks for all the

memories that the writer got during his study at his beloved campus.

Thank you very much. May Allah bless us all. Amin.

Without their deep and sympathetic understanding, this research could not

complete, may all the assistance can be their charity.

Medan, Maret 2015 The writer,

Okky Agastya




A. The Background of The Study ... 1

B.Word Meaning and Sentence Meaning ... 8

C.Literal and Non Literal Meaning ... 9

D.Types of Non – Literal Meaning ... 12

E. Literature ... 16

F. Poem ... 18

G.Edgar Allan Poe ... 19

H.Conceptual Framework ... 21


A.Research Design ... 22

B.Subject of The Study ... 22

C.The Technique of Collecting Data ... 22



A.The Data ... 24

B.The Data Analysis ... 24

1. The Raven ... 25

2. Annabel Lee ... 28

3. A Dream Within A Dream ... 31

4. Alone ... 33

5. A Valentine ... 36

C.Research Findings ... 38


A. Conclusion ... 39

B. Suggestion ... 40




Table 4.1 The Percentages of the Types of Non Literal Meaning ... 24

Table 4.2 Non Literal Meaning in The Raven ... 25

Table 4.3 Non Literal Meaning in Annabel Lee ... 28

Table 4.4 Non Literal Meaning in A Dream Within A Dream ... 31

Table 4.5 Non Literal Meaning in Alone ... 34



APPENDIX 1 The analysis of the Types of Non Literal Meaning in Edgar Allan Poe Selected Poems ... 43




A. Background of The Study

Every part of human`s lives is filled by language. Language is an

instrument for conveying meaning and communicating some ideas. According to

Halliday (1985) “Language is the study of how people exchange meaning through

the use of language. As a communication tool that is used daily by humans,

sometimes speakers use indirect language in conversation and some are using the

language directly. Language can’t be separated from the human life to express

thoughts, feeling, desires and intention both in spoken and written way. Spoken is

a way to expressing the ideas and feelings or giving information orally. Written is

done in writing activity, people may use it in article, short story, novel,

newspaper, poetry, and etc. the word meaning commonly found in spoken or

written language. The use of language, language functions and language structures

discussed in the study of linguistics. Linguistics is the study of the nature and the

structure of language. this studies aim to describe a language as it exists at a given

time. Linguistics has an important role to components of language include sound,

the arrangement of words. There are four branches of linguistics study. They are

phonology, morphology, syntax, and semantics.

Thomason (1996) State that semantics is the study of the meaning of

linguistics expressions. The language can be a natural language, such as English


Meaning in natural languages is mainly studied by linguists. In fact, semantics is

one of the main branches of contemporary linguistics.

Based on the definitions of Semantics, it could be concluded that

Semantics is a branch of linguistic which studies about the meaning of words,

phrases, sentences of sign or symbols that have meaning, relation between, and its

influence to human relationship in society, which is built by communication.

The phenomenal of semantics can be easily find in spoken or written

language. Conversation is one of the example of spoken language and Poems is

one of example of written language. The poem usually has many an implicit

meaning that we cannot understand if we do not understand about semantics,

especially about literal and non literal meaning. According to Saeed (2004) Non

literal uses of language are traditionally called figurative and are described by a

host of rhetorical terms including metaphor, irony, metonymy, synecdoche,

hyperbole, and litotes. Non-literal meaning always has hidden meaning besides

the lexical meaning of the sentence or the word; when a speaker or writer means

something different from the lexical meaning of the word or the sentence. And the

poem is one example of literature.

According to Meyer (1997:1), literature is a term used to describe written

text marked by careful use of language, including features such as creative

metaphors, well-turned phrases, elegant syntax, rhyme, alliteration, which are

aesthetically read or intended by the author to be aesthetically read and are

deliberately somewhat open in interpretation. In other words, literature is writing


In every language that people produce, there always have a meaning

whether it is literal meaning or non-literal meaning. It is important to understand

and distinguish literal and non-literal meaning because it may help people to avoid

misunderstanding in daily conversation. People with no understanding about

non-literal meaning may have difficulty when we talk with people who talk using a

figure of speech.

This research is inspired by the previous research conducted by

Simanjuntak which analyzed Analysis Non-Literal Meaning in Emily Dickinson’s

Poems (2011), he found there were 10 personifications, 5 hyperboles, 3

oxymorons, 2 metaphors, 2 synecdoches, 1 simile and 1 euphimism in Dickinson

selected poems.

Another work about figurative language or non literal meaning was

conducted by Dinata (2013). The study was about figurative language in song

lyrics by Saosin Band, Nelly Furtado and Bruno Mars. He focused the study on

finding the figurative language used in each song from the three singers. He found

that the most dominant type of figurative language used in the songs were

metaphor. The other figurative is only 1 allusion and 1 synecdoche.

Edgar allan poe was a famous poet and as a major figure in world literature is

primarily based on his ingenious and profound short stories, poems, and critical

theories, which make a highly contribution for the short form in both poetry and

fiction.One of his great work on poem is “The Raven” in 1845. that poem make

him famous around the United States. Regarded in literatury histories, he was also


literature. And as the object, the writer choosed some of selected poems from

Edgar Allan Poe, namely Annabel Lee, The Raven, Alone, A Dream Within a

Dream and A Valentine.

Based on the previous researchs, the writer would like to do a research on

Edgar Allan Poe. The writer choose his poem because he had a poem that always

related about what his feel. This study will analyze types of non literal meaning

using saeed’s theory.

B.The Problem of Study

Related with the background of the study, the problems are formulated as the

following :

1) What types of non-literal meaning are used in Edgar Allan Poe selected


2) What types of non-literal meaning are dominantly used in Edgar Allan Poe

selected poems?

3) What is the implication of the dominant type of non literal meaning used in

Edgar Allan Poe selected poems?

C.The Objective of Study

The objectives of this study are intended to

1) Describe the types of non-literal meaning used in Edgar Allan Poe selected



selected poems

3) Describe the implication of the dominant type of non literal meaning in

Edgar Allan Poe Selected Poems

D.The Scope of Study

This study is focused on non-literal meaning used in Edgar Allan Poe

selected poems, they are Annabel Lee, The Raven, Alone, A Dream Within a

Dream and A Valentine. Semantics theory will be used to analyze the non literal


E.The Significance of Study

The findings of the study are expected to be useful for

1) The researchers to give more contribution or inspiration to conduct further

related research.

2) The readers to give more information and knowledge in semantic, especially

about non literal meaning.




A. Conclusions

Non literal meaning can be found in literature, especially in poetry. The

writer found that there are an famous poet Edgar Allan Poe who has beautiful

word in every his poem. So, the writer choose five famous poem from Edgar

Allan Poe and used Saaed’s Theory to found the types of non literal meaning in

there. After analyzing and determining the types of non literal meaning in five

selected poems of Edgar Allan Poe, the conclusions are presented as follows:

(1) Only four types from six types of non literal meaning are occurred in the

poems :The Raven, Annabel Lee, A Dream Within A Dream, Alone, A

Valentine. They are Metaphor (42), Irony (0), Metonymy (12),

Synecdoche (7), Hyperbole (15), Litotes (0).

(2) The most dominant type of non literal meaning is Metaphor written by

author with 42 occurrences (55.3%) in five selected poem by Edgar Allan


(3) The writer on this poem want to make his writing more beautifully using

metaphor dominantly. There are so many a new word or sentence that

created from comparative the two unrelated objects so that make his poem

has a good writing style and make the reader fells of many imagination


B. Suggestions

By considering the research finding and the conclusions, there are some

suggestions which are presented as follows:

(1) Teachers need to improve their knowledge about non literal meaning so

that they can teach students with more clearly word and make students

easily understanding the purpose of literary works such as poem that

usually using non literal meaning.

(2) Readers are suggested to enrich their knowledge of non literal meaning so

they can become more interested in reading such as literary work and

make the better understanding of non literal meaning in poem.

(3) Other researchers are suggested to make a more depth analysis of non




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Table 4.1 The Percentages of the Types of Non Literal Meaning .......................
figure of speech.


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