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The Relationship between Students Critical Thinking and Their Reading Comprehension


Academic year: 2017

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(A Correlational Study at the Eleventh Grade of SMA Kharisma Bangsa, Tangerang Selatan)


Aygozel Jumayeva







Critical Thinking Skill and Their Reading Comprehension of Descriptive Text: A Correlational Study at the eleventh Grade Students of SMA Kharisma Bangsa, Academic Year 2015/2016.

The objective of this study was to describe the relationship between critical thinking skill and comprehension reading skill of descriptive text. The population in this study were students of class XI SMA Kharisma Bangsa totaling 71 students. The sample of this study was taken based on purposive sampling technique with the total number were 35 students. Correlation method was applied in this study.

There were two instruments in collecting the data; the first instrument was to measure students’ critical thinking skill, in this case, Cornell Critical Thinking Tests, Form X were administered to the samples, and the second instrument was to measure students’ comprehension reading skill, in this study, an instruction asking the students to read and improve students’ comprehension reading skill. The data collected then were calculated by using Pearson Product Moment correlation coefficient and t-test with sig. 5% and 1%.Based on the research analysis, it shows that the result of the Product Moment correlation is = 0.573, it is higher than r table value in the sig. 5% and 1%. ( = 0.573> =0.304 and = 0.573> ). Moreover, based on the calculation of the t test, it is found that the score of t= 4.01 and it is higher than the score of t table, which t=4.01> =1.67 and t=4.01> = 2.43. It means that Ho is rejected and H1 is accepted. Besides, based on determination coefficient analysis, critical thinking skill has 32.8% contribution in the students’ comprehension reading skill.

Based on the result above, it shows that there is significant relationship between critical thinking skill and comprehension reading study of the eleventh grade students of SMA Kharisma Bangsa, academic year 2015/2016. Therefore, it can be concluded that higher the students critical thinking skill, the better their comprehension reading skill.




Aygozel Jumayeva (1111014000130). The Relationship between Students’ Critical Thinking Skill and Their Reading Comprehension of Descriptive Text: A Correlational Study at the eleventh Grade Students of SMA Kharisma Bangsa, Academic Year 2015/2016.

Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendeskripsikan hubungan antara kemampuan berpikir kritis dengan kemampuan membaca teks deskriptif. Populasi dalam penelitian ini adalah siswa kelas XI SMA Kharisma Bangsa yang berjumlah 71 orang. Sampel dalam penelitian ini diambil dengan menggunakan teknik purposif dengan jumlah 35 siswa.Penelitian ini menggunakanmetode korelasi.

Ada dua instrumen yang digunakan untuk mendapatkan data penelitian, pertama, instrumen yang digunakan untuk mengukur kemampuan berprikir kritis siswa yaitu menggunakan Cornell Critical Thinking Test yang dikembangkan oleh R. Ennis dkk., kedua, instrumen untuk mengukur kemampuan membaca siswa dengan kemampuan berfikir kritis siswa. Data dianalisis menggunakan rumus korelasi Pearson Product Moment dan dilanjutkandengn uji t (t-test)dengan signifikansi 5% dan 1%.Hasil analisis menunjukkan bahwa hasil perhitungan korelasi Product Momentsebesar 0.57, nilai ini lebih besar dari harga r tabel ( r-table)pada signifikansi 5% adan 1% ( = 0.573> =0.304 dan =0.573> ). Selanjutnya, berdasarkan uji t diperoleh nilai t adalah 4.01, dan nilai ini lebih besar dari harga t tabel yaitu t=4.01> =1.67 dan t=4.01> = 2.43. Merujuk pada hasil uji hipotesis statistik menunjukkan bahwa Ho ditolak, maka secara otomatis H1 diterima. Disamping itu, berdasarkan hasil perhitungan koefisien determinasi, kemampuan berpikir kritis berkontribusi sebesar 32.8% terhadap kemampuan membaca teks deskriptif.

Dari hasil uji hipotesis statistik dan uji t(t-test)menunjukkan bahwa ada hubungan yang signifikan antara kemampuan berpikir kritis dan kemampuan membaca dan test kelas XI SMA Kharisma Bangsa, tahun akademik 2015/2016. Sehingga dapat disimpulkan bahwa semakin tinggi tingkat berprikir kritis pada siswa, semakin baik kemampuan pemahaman membaca siswa pada teks deskriptif.



Praised be to Allah, Lord of the worlds, who has given the writer His love and compassion to finish the last assignment in her study. Peace and salutation be upon to the prophet Muhammad, his family, his companion, and his adherence.

In this occasion, the writer would like to express her greatest appreciation, honor, and gratitude to her beloved family who always give her support, motivation, inspiration and moral encouragement in finishing her research. I really love you guys.

Her gratitude is also addressed to her advisors, Mr. Nasifuddin and, M. Pd. and Mr. Dadan, M.Pd., for their patience, valuable guidance, comments, and suggestions in accomplishing her research.

The writer’s sincere gratitude also goes to:

1. Prof. Dr. Ahmad Thib Raya, MA., the Dean of the Faculty of Tarbiya and Teachers’ Training SyarifHidayatullah State Islamic University Jakarta, 2. Dr. Alek, M.Pd, the Chairman of English Education Department, 3. ZaharilAnasy,M.Hum., the Secretary of English Education Department, 4. Maya Devianty, M. Pd, the Academic Advisor of EED family 2011(B),

5. All lecturers of English Education of Tarbiya and Teachers’ Training SyarifHidayatullah State Islamic University Jakarta, for their knowledge, motivation, patience during her study at the English Education Department 6. Mrs Lia, Ms. Natasha and Ms. Rica the English Teacher of SMA Kharisma

Bangsa, who helps the writer in collecting the data as well as being the rater of this study.

7. All of the twelfth grade students of SMA Kharisma Bangsa, who were willing to be the participants in this study.



9. Zehra, Nofi , Ayna, Farzona, Kader, Seyma, Busra, Betul, Safiye, Emine, Meryem, Sureyya and Zeynep especially my family, who always motivate, support and cheer the writer up in anything.

Finally, the writer does realize that this research is still far from being perfect. Critics and suggestions are really acceptable to make it better.




ABSTRAK ……… . ii








A. Background of the Study ... 1

B. Identification of the Problems ... 4

C. Limitation of the Problem ... 4

D. Formulation of the Problem ... 5

E. Objective of the Study ... 5

F. Significance of the Study ... 5


A.Concept of Critical Thinking ... 7

1. Definition of Critical Thinking ... 7

2. Characteristic of Critical Thinking ... 8

3. Kinds of Critical Thinking Skill... 10

4. Benefits of Critical Thinking Skill ... 12

5. Critical Thinking Test ... 13

B. Concept of Reading ... 15

1. Definition of Reading... 15

2. Importance of Reading ... 16



4. Reading Comprehension Skill ... 19

5. Factors Influence Of Reading ... 21

6. Descriptive Text ... 22

C. Relevant Previous Study of the Relationship Between Critical Thinking Skill and Reading Comprehension.. ... 23

D. Conceptual Framework ... 24

E. Research Hypothesis ... 25


A. Time and Place of the Study ... 26

B. Research Design ... 26

C. Population and Sample of the Study... 27

D. Research Instruments………... ... 27

1. Critical Thinking Test………. ... 27

2. Reading Test………... ... 28

E. Technique of Data Collection …..………..……….. ... 28

F. Technique of Data Analysis……….….……… ... 29

1. Test of Linearity Data……...………... ... 30

2. Test of Normality Data…..………... ... 30

3.Test of Correlation Coefficient……... ... 30

G. Statistical Hypotheses……… ... 32


A. Data Description ... 33

1. Critical Thinking Ability Data ... 33

2. The Comprehension Reading Skill Data ... 35

B. Data Analysis and Testing Hypotheses ... 37

1. Data Analysis ... 37

a. Analysis of Linearity ... 37




A.Conclusion ... 49

B.Implication ... 50

C.Suggestions ... 50





Table 2.1 Bloom Taxonomy ... 10

Table 2.2 Rubric Assessment of Reading ... 19

Table 3.1 Table of r Score Interpretation ... 31

Table 4.1 The Descriptive Statistic of Critical Thinking Ability Data ... 34

Table 4.2 Descriptive Statistic of Reading Comprehension Data of Rater 35

Table 4.3 Table of ANOVA ... 38

Table 4.4 Tests of Normality ... 39

Table 4.5 The Final Score of Critical Thinking Ability and Comprehension Reading Ability ... 39



Figure 2.1 Bloom Taxonomy ... 1 1 Figure 4.1 Histogram of the Students’ Score Frequency of Critical




Appendix 1 Cornel Critical Thinking Test Series ... 54

Appendix 2 Comprehension Reading Test Instrument….……….. 77

Appendix 3 Table of Bloom Taxonomy ………. 85

Appendix 4 Rubric Assessment of Reading ………….……….. 86

Appendix 5 Table of r Score Interpretation ……… 87

Appendix 6 Descriptive Statistic of Critical Thinking Ability Data ...… 88

Appendix 7 Descriptive Statistic of Comprehension Reading Data Rater ... 89

Appendix 8 Table of ANOVA ... 90

Appendix 9 Test of Normality... 91

Appendix 10 Final Score of Critical Thinking Ability and Comprehension Reading Ability ... 92

Appendix 11 Results of Pearson Product Moment Correlation ... 94



CR : Comprehension Reading ... 7

CT : Critical Thinking ... 10

CCTT : Cornel Critical Thinking Test ... 13

CCTST : California Critical Thinking Skill Test ... 13





This chapter reveals the problems, the reasons and the purpose underlying the writer conducting this study. All of them is described into background of the study, identification of the problems, limitation of the problems, formulation of the problem, objective of the study and the significance of the study.

A. The Background of the Study

Reading is very useful in humans’ life. "Reading" is the process of looking

at a series of written symbols and getting meaning from them. When we read, we use our eyes to receive written symbols (letters, punctuation marks and spaces) and we use our brain to convert them into words, sentences and paragraphs that communicate something to us. Reading can be silent (in our head) or aloud (so that other people can hear). Reading is a receptive skill - through it we receive information. But the complex process of reading also requires the skill of speaking, so that we can pronounce the words that we read. In this sense, reading is also a productive skill in that we are both receiving information and transmitting it (even if only to ourselves). Through reading, people can get information as well as knowledge that are very important in their life. By reading people can know the newest news happening around the world easily. In addition, through reading people would know about the world without have to go to around the world.

Meanwhile, Reading is a process of how we get information from what we see, for example from text or symbols. In reading, there are many factors influencing this process including students’ English proficiency, vocabulary mastery, background knowledge and critical thinking skill. Those skills are really affecting the way people comprehend and understanding the meaning of the text they read.


population, review the body of studies involving instructional methods for improving the comprehension of narrative text. The goal of reading is comprehension. According to Zorn1, reading comprehension is the art of understanding what you read. He adds that comprehend is one of the elements of reading, which is invisible. Jarolimek states that reading comprehension means that the reader is able to extract from the selection its essential facts and understanding visualize details and sense the readiness of facts.2 Therefore, we can say that the most important thing in reading is understanding.

Critical thinking one of the review or comment thinking. So is that mode of thinking about any subject, content, or problem in which the thinker improves the quality of his or her thinking by skillfully analyzing, assessing, and reconstructing it. Critical thinking is directed, disciplined, self-monitored, and self-corrective thinking. It presupposes gives to excellence and mindful command of their users. It requires effective communication and problem-solving abilities, as well as a commitment to overcome our native focus. Something we are to keep in mind while planning critical reading/thinking activities is that while we do need to talk about informal logic as it applies to critical reading and writing, this isn't a course in formal logic. Therefore, most of the work we do on fallacies emerges through the discussion of readings, and the handouts included here are meant to be supplementary to the students' investigations into the essays they read.

Moreover, reading seems to be the most important skill among other language skill. As Gilakjani stated that reading is the most important among academic language skill.3 Reading is also an essential skill for all students in all stages especially for senior high school students. Additionally, the students’ success in learning is mostly influence by their reading skill. The test such as national exam which is one of the crucial test for students are mostly about


Robert L. Zorn, Speed Reading, (London: Harper & Row Publishers Inc., 1980), p. 70. 2

J. Jarolimek, Social Studies Elementary Education. (Pennsylvania: Macmillan Publishing Company, 1985), p. 243.




reading skill. Thus, the students who has good reading skill, mostly they will success in the school. Thus it is very crucial for the students to learn reading skill in English. However, in fact, reading is not as easy as what people think because it is not only read a sentence and say it out to others but also we have to understand the content of the reading text and its purpose.

Reading is one of English skills that should be mastered by the students. It is because reading skill is very useful in daily life. Therefore, learning reading skill is obligated for the students in both junior and senior high school. The aim of learning reading skill is to make students be able to read many types of skimming, scanning, intensive and extensive etc. In addition, the purpose of learning reading skill is to make students be able to understand communication process in English through reading.

Such vivid explanation of how important reading skill, make the existence of this skill becomes important to be learnt by students. In SMA Kharisma Bangsa, reading skill is taught to all grades of Senior High School students. As a school which combined both national (KTSP curriculum) and international curriculum (Cambridge curriculum), makes English role is really crucial. English is used in many subjects such as science, math and art, as the instructional language. Therefore, the ability of students in English reading cannot be necgleted. However, students still have serious problems in dealing with reading. Some students still have difficulty in comprehending and understanding the reading. It was proven when the writer did a teaching and learning observation at the eleventh grade students of SMA Kharisma Bangsa. The teacher revealed that reasons behind this lack of interest included students limited background knowledge, inability to understand the content of the text, and complicated organizational structure of the text.


skill. It ‘s happened because the students don’t understand about the book which they read. It means that they don’t comprehend when they read a book.

In line with the studies in EFL/ESL contexts confirming the positive relationship between learner factors and language proficiency, the researcher believes that one of the factors which seem to affect the use of reading strategies is critical thinking ability. İn addition, Research concerning the relationship between critical thinking and each specific skill (listening, speaking, and reading) is limited. Therefore, this study is going to investigate the students’ critical thinking ability in correlations to the students reading skill. İn this study, the writer intends to investigate whether or not there is a correlation between students’ critical thinking skill and students’ reading comprehension skill especially at the eleventh grade of SMA Kharisma Bangsa, with the title of the research is “The Relationship between Students’ Critical Thinking Skill and

their Reading Comprehension of Descriptive Text ”.

B. Identification of the Problems

Based on the background of the study stated above, the problems were identified as follow:

1. Some students revealed that they are still confused on how to comprehend and understand reading text.

2. The eleventh grade students of SMA Kharisma Bangsa supposed to have good reading skill because this skill has already learnt by them since junior high school. However, the score gained by the students is low; the average (mean) score is 70.3



C. Limitation of the Problem

The problems of this study were limited to critical thinking skill in relation to reading comprehension skill of the eleventh Grade Students of Senior High School of Kharisma Bangsa (SMA Kharisma Bangsa), academic year of 2015/2016.

D. Formulation of the Problem

Based on the limitation of the problem above, the problem of this study is formulated into following question: Is there any significant relationship between critical thinking skill and reading comprehension skill of descriptive text of the eleventh grade students of SMA Kharisma Bangsa, academic year 2015/2016.

E. Objective of the Study

In line with the problem formulated above, the objective of this study is to describe the relationship between critical thinking skill and reading comprehension skill of descriptive text text at the eleventh grade students of SMA Kharisma Bangsa, academic year 2015/2016.

F. Significance of the Study

This study is aimed to describe the relationship between critical thinking skill and reading comprehension skill. The result of this study is expected to be useful for:

1. Students

The result of this research will give some information for the students, especially students of SMA Kharisma Bangsa about their critical thinking skill and reading comprehension skill. Hopefully, it can be the reflection of them, so that they can improve their reading comprehension skill.

2. Teachers


teacher can improve their teaching and learning process in reading through some media and method that can help students improves their critical thinking and their reading skill.

3. Other Researchers




In order to sharpen the theoretical framework of this study, this chapter is devoted to review some relevant theories and studies concerning with some references about the concept of critical thinking ability and the concept of reading comprehension skills. In this chapter also reveals some previous related studies that have been done by other researchers as well as the hypotheses of the research.

A. Concept of Critical Thinking

1. Definition of Critical Thinking

Critical thinking can be defined from multiple perspectives such as

philosophical, psychological and educational. Critical thinking is “the ability to

identify and analyze problems as well as seek and evaluate relevant information in order to reach an appropriate conclusion”.1 Therefore, before dragging a conclusion a critical thinker should identify the information from the issue so that they can analyze and make a good conclusion from the issue.

Freely and Steinberg describe critical thinking as “the ability to analyze, criticize, and advocate ideas; to reason inductively and deductively; and to reach factual or judgmental conclusions based on sound inferences drawn from

unambiguous statements of knowledge or belief”.2

In line with Freely and Steinberg opinion, Paul and Elder define critical thinking as “the art of analyzing

and evaluating thinking with a view to improving it”.3

Meanwhile, Ennis points out that critical thinking is thinking logically, reasonably and reflectively in order to decide what to believe and what to do. Another definition was given by Washburn, he claims that critical thinking relates


Watson and Glaser, The Watson-Glaser Critical Thinking Appraisal (W-GCTA), (London: Pearson Education Ltd., 2012), p. 11.


Austin J. Freeley and David L. Steinberg, Argumentation and Debate: Critical Thinking for Reasoned Decision Making, (London: Wadsworth Cengage Learning, 2007), 12th ed., p. 2.


Paul, R. W. & Elder, L., The Miniature Guide to Critical thinking: Concept and Tool,


to the activity to criticize people or things both in terms of negative side of them that may lead to the comprehension and best judgment about them. 4

From the explanation above, it can be interpreted that critical thinking is the ability to think critically, rationally, logically about a matter issue in order to draw a good conclusion. someone with critical thinking skill is able to understand the logical connection.

To sum up, based on the explanation and the definition above, critical thinking can be regarded as the ability to conceptualling, analyzing, criticizing and evaluating some information to draw conclusion in order to generate ideas on possible solution to problem. İt is the process of analyzing some information about problem or some matter of issue before deciding what to believe and what to do.

2. Characteristic of Critical Thinking

Critical thinking is the ability to think critically. İt is a process of

conceptualizing, applying, analyzing, synthesizing, and or evaluating information to draw conclusion in order to generate ideas on possible solution to problem. Therefore, a critical thinker should have those kinds of ability. Paul and Elder, one of the leading researchers on critical thinking, mentioned some characteristic of a critical thinker as cited below:5

1. Find out the crucial questions and problems, and clearly formulating them; 2. Collect and evaluate relevant information, using abstract ideas to interpret it


3. After finding well-reasoned conclusions and solutions, then testing them against relevant criteria and standards;

4. Having open minded thought by recognizing and assessing with their assumptions, implications, and practical consequences; and


Phil Washburn, Vocabulary of Critical Thinking, (New York: Oxford University Press, Inc., 2010), p. 3.




5. Find out the solutions of the complex problems by effectively discussing it with other.

Meanwhile, a popular educator, S. Ferrett, in his article about critical thinking, suggests the following fifteen characteristics of a critical thinker:6

1. Ask related questions of the issues. 2. Assess statements and arguments.

3. Able to admit a lack of understanding or information. 4. Have a sense of curiosity.

5. Interested in finding new solutions.

6. Able to define clearly a set of criteria for analyzing ideas.

7. Willing to examine beliefs, assumptions, and opinions and weigh them against facts.

8. Listen carefully to others and are able to give feedback.

9. Suspend judgment until all facts have been gathered and considered 10. Look for evidence to support assumptions and beliefs.

11. Able to adjust opinions when new facts are found. 12. Look for evidence.

13. Examine problems closely.

14. Are able to reject information that is incorrect or irrelevant. 15. See that critical thinking is a lifelong process of self-assessment.

To sum up, a critical thinker is person who can draw a conclusion from the issue with some thought, identifying, analyzing it. A good critical thinker must have the ability to evaluate information, examine and analyze the evidence as well as think open mindedly. Therefore, to become a critical thinker people must be able to decide whether the opinions are true or false, whether certain recommendations are practical, as well as whether particular solutions will be effective.



3. Kinds of Critical Thinking Skill

Critical thinking involves many level of thinking. Benjamin Bloom developed a classification of levels of intellectual behavior in learning as we called as the level of critical thinking7. This taxonomy contained three overlapping domains: the cognitive, psychomotor, and affective. Within the cognitive domain, he identified six levels: knowledge, comprehension, application, analysis, synthesis, and evaluation. These domains and levels are useful to develop the critical thinking skills. Here, is the table of Bloom taxonomy for the further explanation: (2003).Third edition Taxonomy of Educational Objectives, Handbook I : The Cognitive Domain. New York: David McKay Co Inc.p. 36-37


Bloom BS, Taxonomy of Educational Objectives: The Classification of Educational Goals,(New York:David McKay Company Inc., 2003), p. 130.

NO Categories Definition

1. Knowledge memorizing facts, figures, and basic processes

2. Comprehension understanding and illustrating the facts and knowledge

3. Application generalizing or applying the facts to other contexts and situations

4. Analysis understanding why the facts are the way they are; breaking down the problems

5. Synthesis making connections between different elements

on one’s own and try to combine them



Based on Table 2.1 above, it shows that the Bloom’s taxonomy includes

these categories: knowledge, comprehension, application, analysis, synthesis, and evaluation.9 The first two categories, knowledge and comprehension, are regarded as lower order thinking which do not require critical thinking but the last four categories which are include application, analysis, synthesis, and evaluation, require the higher order thinking or critical thinking. For the more understanding

about categories of Bloom’s Taxonomy, the picture below is provided for the

vivid explanation:

Figure 2.1

Bloom Taxonomy

Meanwhile, Teys that critical thinking can be divided into two categories, namely lower order thinking and higher order thinking. Lower order thinking skills or basic skills covers many skills such as memorizing, summarizing, labelling, observing, and sorting. Meanwhile, higher order skills as usually called as comprehension skills include application, synthesis, making inference,



comparison/contrast, justification, analysis, evaluation, moral reasoning, and using inductive and deductive reasoning.10

4. Benefits of Critical Thinking Skill

Critical thinking skills play significant roles not only in learners’ academic

achievements but also in their dynamic life of work life after graduation. Critical thinking is very useful for human life. People who has critical thinking will be more careful to do or believe in something. They will analyze and evaluate all of

the information of the issue before making decision. İn other words, a critical thinker will have some consideration towards one’s works.

Cottrell gives some benefits of critical thinking ability as stated below: a. The work can be conducted accurately and carefully

b. The ability to determine something which is relevant in writing (nothing) can be more accurate and specific

c. The ability to conduct the problem solving and project management can be done accurately

d. It can raise feeling of confident of successful outcome in complex problems and project.

e. The work and academic attainment can be better improved.11

Moreover, critical thinking is valuable for two main reasons as stated by David Hunter. First, thinking critically increases knowledge. Second, thinking critically is essential to being autonomous. It means that by thinking critically can

make up someone’s own mind about what to believe or what to do, which is

essential to.12

In conclusion, critical thinker gains numerous benefits from mastering critical thinking skills, such as better control of their own learning and empathy


Wanda Teys, Second Thoughts: Critical Thinking for a Diverse Society, (New York: The McGraw-Hill Companies, 2006), 3rd edition, p. 3.


Stella Cottrell, Critical Thinking Skills: Developing Effective Analysis and Argument, (New York: Palgrave Macmillan, 2005), p. 4.




for other points of view. In addition, critical thinking skills are not restricted to a particular subject area. Being able to think well and solve problems systematically is a skill which can be applied in many aspects of people life. Therefore, people who have critical thinking will be able to deal with the real life.

5. Critical Thinking Test

As regarded as one of the important aspect in people life, many researchers do some research whether or not critical thinking can be tested or not. Nowadays, there is still controversies regarding about it. Some experts stated that critical thinking is a skill which is like other skills which can be tested from many aspects. There are many kind of critical thinking test that has been published and regarded as the standardized test. Some critical thinking tests mentioned below are some examples of standardized critical thinking test on which the validity and reliability had been already tested;

1. California Critical Thinking Skills Test (CCTST)

The California Critical Thinking Test (CCTST) is administered by Insight Assessment. The CCTST targets the core critical thinking skills: analysis, interpretation, inference, evaluation, and explanation. Several scores are generated by the CCTST as follows: total score; inductive and deductive reasoning, and sub-scale scores; sub-sub-scale scores relating to the categories of analysis, inference, and evaluation. CCTST has Parallel Forms A and B, 34-item multiple choice test. Test core critical thinking skills regarded to be essential elements in U education and no discipline-specific knowledge required.13

2. Cornell Critical Thinking Test

The Cornell Critical Thinking Test (CCTT) is an exam that helps teachers to determine the critical thinking abilities of their students. First developed in 1985 by Robert Ennis. The Cornell Critical Thinking Test series offers two levels of testing: level X is used for grades five through twelve and level Z is used for grades ten through twelve. The tests may also be used at the college level as well.



Level X includes the following skills: induction, deduction, credibility, identification of assumptions. Level Z includes the skills in Level X (induction, deduction, credibility, identification of assumptions), plus; semantics, definition, prediction in planning experiments.14

3. Watson-Glaser Critical Thinking Appraisal (W-GCTA)

The Watson-Glaser Critical Thinking Appraisal (W-GCTA) is a psychometric test of critical thinking and reasoning. It was developed by Watson and Glaser. It measures skills related to problem solving and decision making in a variety question types. The W-GCTA measures the fundamental cognitive ability of critical thinking. It tests for five critical thinking skills: inference, recognition of assumptions, deduction, interpretation, and evaluation of arguments.15

4. The Ennis-Weir Critical Thinking Essay Test

The test was created by R.H. Ennis and E. Weir from Midwest Publications. It is aimed to measure CT skill at grades 7 through college. It is also intended to be used as a teaching material. The test Include: getting the point, seeing the reason

and assumptions, stating one’s point, offering good reasons, seeing other possibilities (including other possible explanations), and responding to and avoiding equivocation, irrelevance, circularity, reversal of an if-then (or other conditional) relationship, overgeneralization, credibility problems, and the use of emotive language to persuade.16

Test instruments that are used to measure critical thinking skills typically require the student to read and evaluate statements that measure various aspects of thinking ability include investigation, analysis, evaluation and argumentation. From these measures, it is hoped that the quality or the level of the student's critical thinking can be determined.


R. H. Ennis, Millman, J. & Tomko, T. N., Cornell Critical Thinking Tests Level X and Level Z Manual, (CA: Midwest Publications, 2008), 3rd ed., p. 3—10.


Watson and Glaser, The Watson-Glaser Critical Thinking Appraisal (W-GCTA), (London: Pearson Education Ltd., 2012), p. 1-6.


R. H. Ennis, Suplement to the Test/ Ennis Critical Thinking Test. Retrieved from:



B. Concept of Reading

1. Definition of Reading

Reading is the one of four language skills. It is the first direct communication of students to acquire their language development. After years of listening and speaking, students further goes to school where for the first time, they learn to read before writing.

Reading is a process in which done by reader to get message or information from the writer through printed media. It is very complex process in recognizing and comprehending written symbols which influenced by perceptual skill, decoding, experiences, language background, mind set and reasoning of reader (Tarigan, 2008).

According to Carrel reading is not passive but rather than active process.17 It is an active cognitive process of interacting print media in which monitory

comprehension to build up meaning”. Moreover, Rahmatullah states that reading is the meaningful interpretation of printed or written verbal symbols. This activity is not simply looking. It is involves deriving meaning from printed words. It requires a high level of muscular coordination. The reader is not only seeing and identifying the symbols, but also understanding the meaning.

Based on the definition, present researcher concludes that reading is an active process of grasp new information which is needed by readers. It is an activity to understand the meaning of written or printed media.

2.Importance of Reading

Reading is the way to get information from written media. Students will get knowledge by reading activities to motivate their learning, not only in formal education, but also in informal education. Therefore, reading is one of the urgent skills for students to obtain their success. Tarigan notes that by reading some


Carrell, P. L. (2009). Schema interference in ESL reading, in Carrell, P. L., Devine, J. and Eskey, D. E. (Eds.), Interactive approaches to second language reading (pp.128-142).


information are given by the teacher through a text, students will find general information and experience which later they can increase their language skills such as listening, speaking and writing.18

Teaching reading is very important for students. There are some reasons for this. The first reason is many English students need to read English text for their career, for study or simply for pleasure. The second reason is reading text also will help the students when they study writing.

Reading texts also provide good models for English writing19. If the

students are familiar with texts’ form, teacher will be easier to teach them how to

write the texts. The last is reading text also provide opportunities to study language: vocabulary, grammar, punctuation, and the way to construct sentences, paragraphs and texts.

In an addition, when the students read a new text, they will find new vocabulary and different style of writing texts. Because of that, they can enrich their vocabulary includes the ability to use the appropriate diction. They will learn more about punctuation; strengthen their grammar understanding and know how to construct sentences, paragraph and text correctly. If people understand what they read actually if they are good readers can understand the individual sentences and the organizational structure of a piece of writing. They can comprehend ideas, follow arguments, and detect implications. They know most of the words in the text already, but they can also determine the meaning of many of the unfamiliar words from the context - failing this, they can use their dictionary effectively to do so. In summary, good readers can extract from the writing what is important for the particular task they are employed in. And they can do it quickly. Many educational researchers have also found a strong correlation between reading vocabulary knowledge and critical thinking skill. In other words, students who


Tarigan (2008)Inferential comprehension strategy for use with primary grade children. The Reading Teacher, 34, 665-669.




have a large vocabulary are usually good readers. This is not very surprising, since the best way to acquire a large vocabulary is to read extensively, and if you read extensively you are likely to be or become a good reader.

3. Reading Assessment

Reading comprehension assessments are the most common type of published reading test that is available. The most common reading comprehension assessment involves asking a child to read a passage of text that is leveled appropriately for the child, and then asking some explicit, detailed questions about the content of the text. There are some variations on reading comprehension assessments, said Tunmer, W.E and Hoover, W.A. However for example, instead of explicit questions about facts directly presented in the text, the child could be asked to answer inferential questions about information which was implied by the

text, or the child’s comprehension might be tested by his or her ability to retell the story in the child’s own words or to summarize the main idea or the moral of the story.20 Another common reading comprehension assessment is called a "cloze" task — words are omitted from the passage, and the child is asked to fill in the

blanks with appropriate words. Also, young children’s reading comprehension can be assessed by asking them to read and follow simple instructions, such as, "Stand up" or, "Go look out the window

Reading comprehension should not be confused with reading accuracy, another very common form of reading assessment. In a reading accuracy assessment, a child is asked to read a passage of text clearly, without making any mistakes. The mistakes that the child does make are analyzed to find clues about

the child’s decoding strategies (not comprehension strategies). Very often, an

assessment combines these two different assessments into one assessment — the child reads a passage out loud while the teacher makes note of errors the child



makes (sometimes called a "running record"), and then the child is asked some comprehension questions about the passage.

However, it is worth noting that a beginning reader’s comprehension

usually suffers when he or she is asked to read a passage of text out loud. When children read orally, they usually concentrate on reading accurately, and do not pay as much attention to comprehension of the content. Oral reading accuracy does give insights into decoding skills and strategies, but that is a separate test. A reading comprehension test is most accurate if the child is not reading for an audience. Because comprehension is what is being measured, language comprehension can be assessed in basically the same way reading comprehension is assessed. With language comprehension assessment, however, the child should not be expected to read any text. Everything from the instructions to the comprehension questions should be presented verbally to the child. Most of young children learning to read, their ability to read and understand text is limited by their decoding skills, not by their comprehension skills (That is not to say that most children have "good" comprehension skills or that comprehension skills are

not a reading teacher’s concern. The point here is that even when a child’s

comprehension skills are poor, their decoding skills are usually worse.).

However, sometimes teachers find that a child who can not read and understand a passage of text also does not understand it when the teacher reads it

to the child. It is always worthwhile to compare a child’s language comprehension

with her reading comprehension to be sure that her ability to understand text is not being limited by her ability to understand language. A child can be tested on their accuracy (Is each word pronounced correctly?), their fluency (How much does the child struggle with word naming?), or their "level" — Leveled lists of words are provided by many publishers, and the child can be assessed as to her ability to

decode words that are of varying difficulties. Sometimes teachers test children’s

ability to "recognize" sight words as a test of decoding skill, but "recognizing" words is not the same as decoding them. Decoding is a strategy that readers can



do with memorizing the "image" of a word or a specific feature of a word, and with this strategy, only a select few words are learned.

Table 2.2

Rubric Assessment of Reading

The Table 2.2 above indicates that there are 4 criteria in scoring system.

Those criteria have their own sub- categories to be assessed.

To sum up, there are many ways in comprehension reading such as using assessment rubric, rating scale, checklist and etc. Those instruments can be modified with the criteria of assessment based on the rater want and what aspect wanted to be assessed. The instrument chosen should be able to evaluate and assess the reading correctly, reliably and responsibly.

4. Reading Comprehension Skill

According to Tarigan reading is a process in which done by reader to get message or information from the writer through printed media. It is very complex process in which recognize and comprehend written symbols are influenced by

Points Description


 Students understanding of concept if clearly evident  Student uses effective strategies to get accurate results  Student uses logical thinking to arrive at conclusion


 Students understanding of concept is evident

 Student uses appropriate strategies to arrive at a result  Student shows thinking skills to arrive at conclusion


 Student have limited understanding of concept  Student uses strategies that are ineffective  Student attempts to show thinking skills


 Student has a complete lack of understanding of concept  Student makes no attempt to use a strategy


perceptual skill, decoding, experiences, language background, mind set and reasoning of reader.21

Comprehension has same meaning with understanding. It is capability to

grasp meaning in a text and also the writer’s idea. It is readers’ ability to

understand the author’s message which is influenced by their background

knowledge in the topic given by the text. According to Hornby “comprehension is means and has excessive aimed in improving or testing one’s understands of a

language whether written or spoken”.22 Comprehension is not only need in

student’s reading activities, but also to measure the ability of each student in


Carrel states that “reading comprehension in general viewed is the

resulting from the four way interaction between readers, text, task, and structured activity.23 The success of this interaction depends of the availability of quality of content and strategist schemata to new problem solving situations. Moreover, reading comprehension is the process of simultaneously extracting and constructing meaning through interaction and involvement with written language. It entails three elements: the reader who is doing the comprehending, the text that is to be comprehended, and the activities.

In short, reading comprehension is the act of understanding what readers

without it, reading doesn’t provide the reader with any information. Examples of comprehension skills that can be taught and applied to all reading situations


Tarigan (2008)Inferential comprehension strategy for use with primary grade children. The Reading Teacher, 34, 608-615


Hornby, G. (2000) Improving Parental Involvement. London: Cassell. 23



include: Summarizing, Sequencing, Inference, Comparing and contrasting, drawing conclusions, Self-questioning, Problem-solving, relating background knowledge, distinguishing between fact and opinion, Finding the main idea, important facts, and supporting details and these skills are particularly important for comprehending what is generally known as information reading or expository reading. Moreover according to Carlisle, J. F Reading comprehension requires complex thinking, specific strategies, and motivated reading.24 Just like other reading skills, comprehension takes years to become fluent and automatic.

Teachers can assess children’s comprehension with questions, tests, writing, and discussions to diagnose strengths and weaknesses. Research has shown that when teachers provide instruction on specific strategies to monitor and repair

comprehension, it improves children’s reading achievement. Expert teachers embed strategy instruction in guided reading, informal assessments, and discussions about content so that students learn to construct, analyze, and extend the meaning of texts whenever they read.

5. Factors Influence of Reading

Reading is a complex cognitive activity that is indispensable for adequate functioning and for obtaining information in contemporary society. Reading skill as a process that involves the activation of relevant knowledge and language skills to get information across from one individual to another. İn the reading skill, there are many factors influencing the readers to comprehend the reading text, as follow:

a) Background Knowledge

Background knowledge plays an essential role in reading comprehension. In an effort to comprehend a text, students rely on their background knowledge to link what they already know to the text they are reading. Background knowledge

includes both a reader’s real-world experiences and literary knowledge. Drawing



parallels between background knowledge and texts helps students become active readers, improving their reading comprehension.

b) Vocabulary

Whether or not students have mastered vocabulary skills affects their reading comprehension. Students must be able to comprehend a familiar word and its relationship with other words within a text. Mastering vocabulary includes

recognizing a word’s part of speech, definition, useful context clues, and how it

functions in a sentence. These vocabulary strategies can help improve comprehension.

c) Fluency

Reading with fluency allows students to retain information with accuracy, expression and increase speed. The ability to read fluently develops through reading practice. As students become fluent readers, they will spend less time trying to decipher the meaning of words and more time considering the overall meaning of the sentences. Over time, fluent readers will develop the ability to insightfully respond to a text.

d) Active Reading

Beginning readers often rely on skilled readers to guide them through a text. However, as readers develop, they will be able to monitor their own reading comprehension. Students can actively guide their own reading by targeting comprehension problems as they occur. Students can troubleshoot comprehension problems by recalling what they read, asking themselves questions or evaluating the text.

e) Critical Thinking



Having critical thinking skills help to deepen a student’s comprehension of a text,

resulting in a positive reading experience.

6. Descriptive text

Descriptive text is a text which has social purpose to give an account of imagined or factual events. 25 Hyland explains more about description that it tends

to use present tense and description makes use of “be” and “have”.

There are three steps within a descriptive text;

a. İdentification: has purpose to define, to classify or generalize about phenomenon. b. Aspect: has purpose to describe atributes of each category of the phenomenon. c. Conclusion: has purpose to sum up the description.

Harwell and Dorill state that the purpose of description is tos hare sense impressions and to record thought and feelings stimulated by those impressions, in other words, they are both an objective relaying of sense data and a subjective interpretation of that data.

Furthemore, he continues that a descriptive paraghraph share its writer’s sense impressions. This method, relying heavily on visual details, begins by establishing the perspective from which something is seen and then guides a

reader’s eyes from this point to the other points.

C. Relevant Previous Studies

Many studies have been conducted to study about critical thinking in the ESL and EFL learning area in Indonesia and other countries. Many of them investigated about the correlation between critical thinking ability and language proficiency as well as in reading proficiency. This part will refer to some of them:

The first research was conducted by Isik, H., which entitles The Relationship between Critical Thinking and Language Proficiency of Turkish



Anadolu University. The study was conducted to find out the critical thinking ability of Malaysian undergraduates and its relationship with their language proficiency. It was conducted in university utara Turkey of which total participants were 280 undergraduates taken from the university. The instruments used in the study were demographic questionnaire and test. The demographic questionnaire was intended to gain and to collect the undergraduates’ language proficiency data encompassing speaking, reading, writing and grammar; whereas,

the test was conducted to find out the undergraduates’ critical thinking ability.

Based on the finding of this research, it was found that there was a significant

correlation between undergraduates’ critical thinking ability and their language


The next research was conducted by Ahmad Sugianto, entitles The Relationship between Critical Thinking Ability and Writing Ability, A

Correlational Study of the Sixth Semester Students of State Islamic University,

Jakarta. This research was conducted in State Islamic University, Jakarta- Indonesia. 60 students from the sixth semester of English Education Department participated in this study. This study aimed to find out whether or not there is any significance relationship between critical thinking ability and writing ability. The study used correlational design which carried out two kinds of instruments, they are; Critical Thinking test and writing test. The data was analyzed using Pearson Product Moment correlation which the research finding showed that there is a

significant correlation between students’ critical thinking ability and the writing

ability of the students of English education department of UIN Jakarta27.

In comparison with the previous related studies above, this study has some similarity since it has the same independent variable (critical thinking ability).


Isik, H., 2010. High School Students’ Critical Reading Levels and the Relationship

between Critical Reading Level and Critical Thinking Dispositions and Proficiency. Unpublished

Master’s thesis, Anadolu University, Turkey.


Ahmad Sugianto 2014. “The Relationship between Critical Thinking and Writing Ability, A Correlational Study of the Sixth Semester Students of State Islamic University,



However; there are some differences among each other. This study is more specific and detail than other investigations conducted by other researchers. The first research above investigated whether or not critical thinking had relationship with language proficiency; while this research focused on investigating the correlation between critical thinking and reading comprehension skills. Therefore, this research is really new and different from the other research.

D. Conceptual Framework

Reading comprehension involves the ability to not only read the words but also the abstract meaning behind the text. However, the ability to understand the abstract meaning behind the texts involves higher order thinking. Higher-order thinking skills enable students to do this and find the real value in the information they are reading. Readers who can use higher order thinking not only show knowledge and understanding of the text, they can put the information in new contexts and form relations between ideas.

Some experts see reading as a decoding process with the reader processing each letter in turn, producing the appropriate sounds, and forming words. (Allington, R., Sirange M., 1980). In other definition, reading is the process of construction meaning from read book.28 Therefore, reading is a comprehension

process, and comprehension is the ability to construct the author’s message

through experiential background, knowledge, language, and thinking skills.

The role of critical thinking is indispensable in reading comprehension. The relationship between those skills seems to be equal and parallel. It means that if the readers have good critical thinking skill, they are supposed to have good ability in comprehending the texts. Meanwhile, if the writers lack of the ability to think critically, they are supposed to have poor reading comprehension skill.


Allington, R. & Strange, M. (2001) What is Reading? 3thd.Ed;


E. Research Hypotheses

This study proposes two hypotheses as follow:

1. Research hypothesis (H1): There is a significant relationship between critical thinking skill and reading comprehension skill of the eleventh grade students of SMA Kharisma Bangsa, academic year 2015/2016.




This chapter describes the research methodology including the period on which the study was conducted, the number of participant of this study, the instruments of the study as well as the way administrating those instruments. The procedure of collecting and analyzing the data were also included. These are clearly presented in time and place of the study, research design, population and sample, research instruments, technique of collecting the data and technique of data analysis.

This study is quantitative study as the research analysis used statistical and numerical data to test the hypotheses. This study involved two variables including critical thinking skill and reading comprehension skill.

The design used in this study was correlational design. It was employed to measure the relationship between two variables covering an independent variable (critical thinking skill) and a dependent variable (reading comprehension skill) by using correlational analysis. ―A correlation is a statistical test to determine the tendency or pattern for two or more variables or two set of data to vary constantly. In the case of two variables it means that two variables share common variance, or they covary together‖.1This design was used to find out the relation between two variables or more and to see the influence of each other. In this case, this design was employed to seek the relation between critical thinking skill and reading comprehension skill.



C. Population and Sample of the Study

The population of this study was eleventh grade students of SMA Kharisma Bangsa, academic year 2015/2016, included 80 students from 4 Classes. From the population, 35 students were chosen as the participants of this study. 35 students who has been selected as the sample of the study was determined by using purposive sampling technique. Purposive sampling technique means taking sample based on the certain purpose. Two classes were determined as the participants of this study based on the average ability both have. In this case, 35 students from eleventh graders B and eleventh graders D class were selected and being the subjects of this study.

D. Research Instruments

In this study, there were two instruments to collect the data which were administered to the participants (students of SMA Kharisma Bangsa). The instruments were critical thinking test which attempt to measure students critical thinking skill, and reading test which is used to measure students reading comprehension skill. Those instruments were used in order to achieve the goal of the study; to find out the correlation between those variables. Here, is the specific information of the research instruments:

1. Critical Thinking Test

Cornell Critical Thinking Test was used to test students critical thinking skill in this research. The CCTT is a standardized test developed by R. Ennis, Millman, and Tomko in 19802. In this study, level X was chosen as the

instrument to measure the students’ critical thinking skill as the samples of

this study were twelfth grade students. This test was considered suitable to be used in the present study because it is claimed by its developers to be a general critical thinking test which attempts to measure the critical thinking skills as a whole and it is best used for grade 9 to 12. Moreover, the test has been widely used throughout the world more than twenty years to measure critical thinking skill. Additionally, level X was chosen by several researchers




(Isik H.) to measure students critical thinking skills. (see the instrument in Appendix 1).

The CCTT was already being tested in the term of validity and reliability. The developers argue for the construct validity of the CCTT based on its content validity. The test was developed based on a sound rationale and that the test items were intensively discussed by the test developers who were scholars involved in the Illinois Critical Thinking Project. Meanwhile, the developers claimed that the reliability coefficient of the CCTT Level X ranges from .67 to .90.

2. Reading Test

Reading Test used in this test is reading comprehension practice test of SAT test. The reading test type is descriptive text. The test consists of 50 questions including three types of questions. Each types of question will be given a practice example questions. The students is given 30 minutes to do the test as much as they can. (See the Reading Comprehension Test in the Appendix 2). In addition, the reading test used in this research has already to be tested in the term of validity and the reliability of each question.

E. Technique of Data Collection

Before collecting the data, the researcher rechecked to make sure that the students were ready to do the test. The first test that was being administered was critical thinking test and continued by reading test.

a. The Steps of Critical Thinking Test

1) Firstly, the participants were asked to fill out the name, date of

birth, grade and students’ number in the answer sheet.

2)The participants were asked to read the direction of the test


4)The participants had to finish 71 questions of critical thinking test in 50 minutes.

5)After the participants completed the test, the participants’ answers were scored and the results were analyzed.

b. The Steps of Reading Test

1)The reading test was conducted in the same day directly after the participants finished the critical thinking test.

2)Firstly, the participants were asked to fill out the name, date of

birth, grade and students’ number in the answer sheet.

3)The participants were asked to read the direction and the scoring criteria of the test.

4)The reading test consists of 50 questions and the students are given 30 minutes to do the test.

5)After the participants finished the reading test, their answers were scored and the results were analyzed.

F. Technique of Data Analysis

After the data of students’ critical thinking skill and reading skill had been collected, the scores of the two tests were analyzed to determine whether there was correlation or not between two variables covered in this study. At the end, this analysis could be useful to examine the truth or false of this study hypotheses. In this study, the parameter statistic was used to calculate the data. Therefore, as the requirement in the parameter statistic in correlation research, the linearity and normality distribution of the data had to be examined first.

1. Test of Linearity Data



2. Test of Normality Data

Testing normality was employed to check whether the population had normal distribution or not. The value of normality table was sought with significance of 5%. After the value of normality table was found, it had to be compared with the value of the normalıty test result to find whether the data had a normal distribution or not.

3. Test of Pearson Product Moment Correlation Coefficient

To find out the correlation between two variables, Pearson Product Moment correlation was employed. In addition, the computer software such as Microsoft Office Excel 2010 and SPSS version 18.0 were used to assist the writer in analyzing the data of this study. Here, is the formula to find the Pearson Product Moment correlation coefficient value:

The descriptions of the formula above are explained as follow: : Correlation coefficient value

N : Number or sum of the participants : Sum of X score

: Sum of Y score

Y : Sum of the products paired scores

Meanwhile, the hypotheses were analyzed using t-test. The t-testwas used


The descriptions of the formula above are as follow: t : the t- value

r : Correlation coefficient value n : Number or sum of the participants

Then, to know the level of correlation of two variables covered (critical thinking and reading comprehension skill), the can also be interpreted with the table of r score interpretation as presented in the following table:

Table 3.1

Table of r Score Interpretation

NO. the “r” score Interpretation

1 0.90–1.00 Very high

2 0.70–0.89 High

3 0.40–0.69 Moderate

4 0.20–0.39 Low

5 0.00–0.19 Very low

Table 3.1 above represents the interpretation of correlation coefficient value (). If the value of is between 0.90—1.00, it means that the both of the variables analyzed have very high correlation; while if the score gained ranges between 0.00—0.19, it can be interpreted that the relationship between two variables analyzed is very low.

G. Statistical Hypotheses

The non- directional (two- tail) test was used in terms of the statistical hypotheses, which is presented as follow:

Ho: r = 0 or if < rt, Ho is accepted, and is rejected.

H1: r = 0 or if > rt, H1 is accepted, and is rejected.



H. Research hypothesis (H1): There is a significant relationship between critical thinking skill and reading comprehension skill of descriptive text at the eleventh grade students of SMA Kharisma Bangsa, academic year 2015/2016.



collected and analyzed. The discussion is distributed into data description of critical thinking ability and Comprehension reading ability, data analysis and hypotheses test.

A. Data Description

1. Critical Thinking Ability Data

The ability of students’ citical thinking of SMA Kharisma Bangsa was determined by calculating the number of correct answer of the critical thinking test. The answer then is analyzed and scored. This figure below is the illustration of the critical thinking ability data:

Figure 4.1

Histogram of the Students’ Score Frequency of Critical Thinking Test


Table 2.1 Bloom Taxonomy .........................................................................
Figure 2.1 Bloom Taxonomy ......................................................................
Table of Bloom Taxonomy ……………………………….  85
Table 2. 1


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