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Academic year: 2017



Teks penuh


a t u r a l S c i e n c e a n d E n v i r o n m e n t


Edited by


- P R E F A C E


D ear D istinguished D elegates and G uests,

The O rganizing C om m ittee w arm ly w elcom es our distinguished delegates and guests to the 2014 International C onference on N atural Science and Environm ent (IC N SE 2014) held on April 4-5, 2014 in D ubai, U AE.

IC N SE 2014 are sponsored by Asia-Pacific C hem ical, Biological



Environm ental Engineering Society (APC BEES), and supported by APC BEESM em bers and scholars from

universities all round the w orld. If you have attended a conference sponsored by APC BEES before, you are aw are that the conferences together report the results of research efforts in a broad range of N atural Science and Environm ent. These conferences are aim ed at discussing w ith all of you the w ide range of problem s encountered in present and future high technologies. IC N SE 2014 are organized to gather m em bers of our international com m unity scientists so that researchers from around the w orld can present their leading-edge w ork, expanding our com m unity's know ledge and insight into the significant challenges currently being addressed in that research. The conference Program C om m ittee is itself quite diverse and truly international, w ith m em bership from the Am ericas, Europe, Asia, Africa and O ceania.

This proceeding records the fully refereed papers presented at the conference. The m ain conference them es and tracks are N atural Science and Environm ent. The m ain goal of these events is to provide international scientific forum s for exchange of new ideas in a num ber of fields that interact in-depth through discussions w ith their peers from around the w orld. Both inw ard research; core areas of N atural Science and Environm ent and outw ard research; m ulti-disciplinary, inter-disciplinary, and applications w ill be covered during these events.

The conference has solicited and gathered technical research subm issions related to all aspects of m ajor conference them es and tracks. All the subm itted papers in the proceeding have been peer review ed by the review ers draw n from the scientific com m ittee, external review ers and editorial board depending on the subject m atter of the paper. R eview ing and initial selection w ere undertaken electronically. After the rigorous peer-review process, the subm itted papers w ere selected on the basis of originality, significance, and clarity for the purpose of the conference. The selected papers and additional late-breaking contributions to be presented as lectures w ill m ake an existing technical program . The conference program is extrem ely rich, featuring high-im pact presentations.

The high quality of the program - guaranteed by the presence of an unparalleled num ber of internationally recognized top experts - can be assessed w hen reading the contents of the program . The conference w ill therefore be a unique event, w here attendees w ill be able to appreciate the latest results in their field of expertise, and to acquire additional know ledge in other fields. The program has been structured to favor interactions am ong attendees com ing from m any diverse horizons, scientifically, geographically, from academ ia and from industry. Included in this w ill to favor interactions are social events at prestigious sites.

W e w ould like to thank the program chairs, organization staff, and the m em bers of the program com m ittees for their w ork. Thanks also go to Editor M iss D u Li, Asia-Pacific C hem ical, Biological & Environm ental Engineering Society, for their w onderful editorial service to this proceeding.


that all participants and other interested readers benefit scientifically from the proceedings

and also find it stim ulating in the process. Finally, we would like to wish you success in your

technical presentations and social networking.

W e hope you have a unique, rewarding and enjoyable week at ICNSE 2014 in Dubai, UAE.

W ith our warm est regards,

The Organizing Com m ittees

April 4-5, 2014


Organizing Committees


C onference

C hairs

D r. Saji Baby, Environm ental M anager (R esearch and C onsultation)



Principal Scientist,

G EO Environm ental C onsultation, Kuw ait

Prof. Bogdan Zygm unt, G dansk U niveristy of Technology, Poland

Program C hair

Parul R ishi, N ational Institute of Technical Teachers'Training & R esearch, Bhopal, IN D IA

(2011 )

Prof. C hihhao Fan, M ing C hi U niversity of Technology, Taiw an

Assoc. Pro. C hi-C hung Peng, D epartm ent of Biotechnology, N ational Form osa U niversity,

Taiw an

D r. PIYU SH M ALAVIYA, U niversity of Jam m u, India


C ontact C hair

Tracy Yang, Asia-Pacific C hem ical, Biological & Environm ental Engineering Society

Technical C om m ittee

W itaw at Jangiam , D epartm ent of C hem ical Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, Burapha

U niversity, Thailand

Farzana Siddique, PM AS Arid Agriculture university, R aw alpindi, Pakistan

D r. Pradeep Balkrishna Pathak, C ivil Engineering D epartm ent - U niversity of Aveiro, Portugal

l.irn H w ee San, School of Physics, U niversiti Sains M alaysia (U SM ), 11800 Penang, M alaysia

H am idreza Kam alan, Islam ic Azad U niversity-Pardis Branch, Iran

D r. N alini Sankararam akrishnan, C entre for Environm ental Sciences and Engineering, liT

Kanpur, IN D IA



Rachain, Suranaree University of Technology, Thailand

Ranjani Am arakoon, University of Sri Jayawardenapura, Sri Lanka

Se Jong Kim , Sangju Persim m on Experim ent Station, Korea

Prof. Dr ASHA ARO RA, Deptt. of Botany & Biotechnology, B.N.P.G .G irls College, Udaipur,



T a b l e o f C o n t e n t s


Nesting Strategy in the Green Turtle,


C h e lo n ia m y d a s ,

during High and Low Nesting

Peaks at Ras Al-Hadd, Oman

M a h m o u d , 1.Y a , A l- B a h r y , S N ., A l- M u s h a r a ji, S .K ., A l- A m r i, 1.S.

Environmental Effects and Health Risks due to Overuse of Underground

Water in Arid


A l- M u s h a r a ji, S K ., M a h m o u d ,


1.Y , A l- B a h r y , S N .


Soil Quality Appraisal in the Rural and Urban Areas of Thiruvananthapuram


Kerala, South India

L a k s h m y , K .Sa n d J a y a , D . S


Carbon Obtained from the Pyrolysis of Scrap Tires as a Cheap Adsorbent for Lead Ion

Removal from Water


M e r c e d e h M a le k z a d e h , S a e e d T a g h v a e i- G a n ja li, S a m ir a S h a r ifp o u r - K a lu

Airborne Pollutants Emitted from Flaring, Their Dispersion and Impacts on Ambient Air


A r ie fS a b d o Y u w o n o

Oil Removal from Produced Water Using Surfactant Modified Eggshell

M u h a m m a d , 1.M , E l- N a fa ty , U . A ., A b d u ls a la m , S , M a k a r ji, Y 1.,


Ib ra h im , M


Impact of Technology Transfer on Industrial Risk Management:

The Case of the Textile


Industry in Algeria

M A R R E F S o u a d , B A H M E D L y lia , B E N O U D J I T A z e d d in e , L O N D I C H E H o n r i

Establishing an Environmental

Behavior Pattern for the Green Education of College


Students: Using Emerging Contaminants

as an Example

T a i- Y i Y u a n d T a i- K u e i Y u

The Effect ofInfrared Light Exposure on

B r a s s ic a r a p a


A n d r e w H u a n g


Use of Factor Analysis to Evaluate the Water Quality of Gala Lake National Park (Edirne,




Utilising Physical Model for Design Assessment:

Proposed Alterations of Ba tu Dam,



S a ifu l B a h r i H ., M o h d K a m a r u l H u d a S ; M o h d F a u z i M .


Bukit Bunuh, Malaysia for Possible Meteorite Impact Study Using 2-D Electrical


M a r k J in m in , R o s li S a a d , M o k h ta r S a id in


Determination of Some Ionic Surfactants in Aquatic Environment

by Ion


E w a O lk o w s k a , Z a n e ta P o lk o w s k a , B o g d a n Z y g m u n t


Statistical Analysis of Long Term Temporal Trends of Precipitation

and Temperature


Wainganga Sub-basin, India

A r u n K u m a r T a x a k , A . R . M u r u m k a r , D .S . A r y a


Richness, Abundance and Diveristy ofInsect

Species Associated with the Galls of Two

Varieties of

S y z y g iu m g u in e e n s e

in the Amurum Forest Reserve, Nigeria

M w a n s a t,


G. S,G w o m , G.T , C h a s k d a , A .A


Recuperation of Silver from Wastewater of Miroiterie ofThenia


N a im a G h e m m it- D o u la c h e , N a s s im a M o r s li, N a d ia S lim a n i


Water Loss from Soil and Water Absorbing Geocomposite

K r z y s z to J


L e jc u s , J o la n ta D q b r o w s k a , D a n ie l G a r lik o w s k i, L e s z e k K o r d a s


Detection of Cavities and Weak Zones underneath the Break Pressure Tanks at



F a th i A . S w a id a n d K h a le d E lm a h is h i


Analysis of Drought Conditions for Sindh Province: January - July (2012)

B u s h r a K h a lid , M in h a N a s e e r , S id r a S h a h b a z K h a n , A y e s h a K h a lid , Q a is e r S u lta n a


Physicochemical Analysis of Ground Water of Malkhed Lake, Dist. Amravati,

Maharashtra, India

D r . S h a m a l D o ifo d e a n d D r . S u r e s h R e w a tk a r


Reuse of Olive Cake as Low Cost Adsorbent to Eliminate Co (11) from Water Media

M A A c k a c h a a n d M A F a r ja lla h


Study of the Insects Diversity in Morzok


M o h a m e d A li K o te la


Chemical Oxygen Demand (COD) Determination

in Some Samples of Bottled Water

from Misurata, Libya: Correlation with Some Physiochemical



-F a tm a


E ld u r r a t, I b r a h im M A l.a s s a w i, A b d u ls a la m A . E m s im ir , a n d N w a r a A . M o fta h

Prospects of Green-Roofs

in Bangladesh

and Asian Practices

M a h m u d A m in , M d . N a jiu r R a h m a n , M o s to fa N a jm u s S a k ib


Investigation of the Veterinary Drug Adsorption Characteristics

by Live Activated Sludge


S e r p i/ S a v c t

Wetland Cultivation (Gardening)

and Rural Household Food Security: Evidence from



T a r u v in g a A a n d M u s h u n je A

Adsorption Study of Bio-degradable

Natural Sorbents for Remediation

of Water from

Crude Oil


I s a m A . H . A l Z u b a id y , U m a im a h Z a fJ a r ,.N a w s h a d C h o w d h u r y , N a d ia M u s ta fa , V a n d h a n a

V a r u g h e s e ,. R a n ia A h m e d ,.A m m a r a S h a h id .R a s h id A li A lh a r m o u d i,.E lr o n E d g a r G o m e s

Novel Desulfurization Process of Heavy Fuel oil Using Surfactant

I s a m A l Z u b a id y , G n e i L u b n a M a r ja n , H ib a C h e k k a th , Z e in a b H a m a d , A r e e j A r e f H a s s ib a ,

L in a Y o u s s e f E l C h e ik h , J a w a r ia S a if


FTIR and XRD Characterized

Portland Cement Stabilised Lead Contaminated



M H a s s a n , J M K h a tib , P S M a n g a t, P H E G a r d in e r

Multiresidue Methods for Determination

of Currently Used Pesticides in Fruits and

Vegetables Using QuEChERS Technique


M a r e k B iz iu k a n d J o la n la S to c k a

Heating Indoor Swimming Pool Using Solar Energy with Evacuated Collectors

A h m a d A b o u s h i a n d A b e e r A b u R a e d


A Study of the Effect of Building Designs on Climate Change: Mitigation and Adaption


(Case Study of lIT Roorkee)


Architecture Based on the Model Compatible with Olgay Climate for Tabriz-Iran


H a s s a n S a tta r i S a r b a n g h o li a n d S a h a r T o o /a n


A Comparative Study between Art Nouveau and Bionic

S a h a r T o o /a n a n d H a s s a n S a tta r i S a r b a n g h o li


Antibacterial Activity and Total Flavonoid of

M a u li B a n a n a s


M a h a r a n i L a illy z a A p r ia s a r i,


Is k a n d a r, E k o S u h a r to n o


Estimation of above Ground Biomass of Trees in BITS-PILANI,

Dubai Campus

V iv inK a r th ik ; M o h a m e d E b r a h im , D r . G e e th a


Diversity of Blue-Green Algae

( N o s to c a le s


P s e u d a n a b a e n a le s )

of the Tropical Soils,


Kerala, South India

B in o y T T h o m a s a n d J o s e p h G e o r g e R a y

A te le r ix a lg ir u s


of El-Kala National Park (Algeria)

F a r id a B e c ir , M 'b a re k C h e to u i, I d ir B ita m a n d Z ih a d B o u s la m a



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P r o c e d ia


APCBEE Procedia


00 (2014) OOO--DOO www.elsevier.com/locate/proccdia

2014 International Conference on Natural Science and Environment

(ICNSE 2014)

A ir b o r n e P o llu t a n t s E m it t e d f r o m F la r in g , T h e ir D is p e r s io n

a n d

I m p a c t s o n A m b ie n t

A ir


nD e p t. o f C iv il a n d E n v ir o n m e n ta l E n g in e e r in g , B o g o r A g r ic u ltu r a l U n iv e r s ily ( I P B ) , P O B o x 2 2 0 B o g o r 1 6 0 0 2 , I n d o n e s ia


Airborne primary pollutants, i.e. sulphur dioxide (S02), nitrogen dioxide (N02) and carbon monoxide


(C O ) generated by waste gas flaring and their dispersion in ambient air were assessed. The calculated amount of the generated pollutants was based on input of the flared waste gases and emission factors according to standards compiled by United State Environmental Protection Agency (US-EPA). The dispersion of the emitted pollutants in ambient air was developed by using Gaussian Dispersion Model and supported by wind speed data compiled by Indonesian Agency for Meteorology, Climatology and Geophysics (BMKG). Result of the assessment indicated that all airborne primary pollutant concentrations in ambient air comply with the national standard i.e. PP No. 41/1999 pertaining on Air Pollution Control.


2014 Published by Elsevier B.Y. Selection and/or peer review under responsibility

of Asia-Pacific

Chemical, Biological



Engineering Society

K e y w o r d s :airborne primary .'ollutant, ambient air, dispersion, emission, flaring

1 . I n t r o d u c t io n

Generally defined, flaring is gas combustion

practiced in petroleum refineries, chemical plants, natural gas

processing as well as at oil or gas production sites having oil wells, gas wells, offshore oil and gas rigs and

landfills. Waste gas is generated thereof and subsequently

emitted into ambient air as a consequence

of oil or

• Corresponding author. Tel.: +62-251-8627225; fax:+62-251-8627225. E - m a il a d d r e s s : a r ie f_ s a b d o 3 u w o n o @ y a h o o .c o .id .




A r ie f S a b d o Y u w o n o / A P C B E E P r o c e d ia 0 0 ( 2 0 1 4 ) 0 0 0 - 0 0 0

gas combustion during flaring process. The quantity and quality of the emitted airborne pollutants were

strongly depends on the combustion process input, i.e. oil or gas. The most important environmental impact issue of flaring is ambient air quality change due to the emitted waste gases into the atmosphere. Hence,

prudent design and monitoring of flaring process is very critical in order to ensure that the process is

environmentally safe and comply with the pertinent national as well as local (provincial or municipal)

standards. The objective of the paper is firstly to predict the emitted primary airborne pollutants resulted from flaring, and secondly, to predict their dispersion in the ambient air surrounding the flaring site. This is a study case of waste gas flaring in an oil and gas company located in Natuna Islands, Republic of Indonesia.

2. Methods

Airborne pollutants in this study case were limited on three (3) main airborne parameters, i.e. sulphur

dioxide (S02), nitrogen dioxide (N02) and carbon monoxide (CO). The threshold limits of the relevant

parameters of ambient' air gas concentration refer to national regulation namely pp No. 41/1999 pertaining on Air Pollution Control. The quantity of the emitted pollutants released into the ambient air was calculated that was based on the definitions and assumptions as follows:

• Gas combustion rate used to determine pollutants generation during flaring process was 0.3 MMSCFD

(million standard cubic feet per day) [Ref. Company X]

• Emission factors for S02, N02 and CO refer to US-EPA (United States Environmental Protection Agency)

Standard, AP-42 Chapter 5, Petroleum Refineries

• Average monthly wind speed (i.e. 1.9 m/s), used to support pollutant dispersion simulation was based on

climatology data compiled during 12 years by National Agency for Meteorology, Climatology and

Geophysics (BM KG) of Indonesia.

• Stack height as pollutant point source was 30 m above ground level.

Pollutant dispersion in the ambient air was simulated by using Gaussian dispersion model (Equation I) as follows [I ]-[4]:






exp[-~[L)21{exp[-~(Z -

H J2]




H J2]}


( .Y .) 2 7 r 0 ' 0 ' U


0 '


0 '


0 '

Y z Y z z


On the ground level, however, the above mentioned expression of the pollutant concentration where the

plume height is H, y


0 and z=0 becomes simpler (Equation 2) as follows:







(x .y .z )


- U





7 r 0 'y 0 'z 0 'z


Where C (x,y,z) is concentration of gas at any point coordinate (x,y,z) [g lm3]; Q is stack emission rate [g/s]; cry and crz are dispersion coefficient according to Pasquill-Gifford curve [m]; U is wind speed [m/s]; y is

distance of any point along the y-axis to the centre line [m]; z is vertical distance along z-axis from centre line [m], and H is plume height from the ground level [m].


A r ie f S a b d o Y u w o n o / A P C B E E P r o e e d ia 0 0 ( 2 0 1 4 ) 0 0 0 - 0 0 0



3. Results and Discussion


The amount of generated waste gas from flaring is presented in form of calculation sheet as shown in Table I. Dispersions of the waste gases, i.e. S02, N02 and CO in the ambient air are presented in Fig. I, Fig. 2 and Fig. 3. These figures were produced by using Gaussian dispersion model. Fig. I shows that the highest concentration of S02 in the ambient air was reached at a radius of about 150 metres from the source. At this point the ambient concentration of S02 was 285 ug/Nm ' whereas the threshold limit for this parameter according to pp No. 41/1999 pertaining on Air Pollution Control is 365 ug/Nrrr'. The calculation result indicated therefore that ambient concentration of sulphur dioxide (S02) was lower than that the prescribed limit and hence comply with the regulation.

Table I. Calculation sheet of waste gas generated by flaring

Aspect Unit

Emission factor"

Stack emission rate

[kg/IOJ litre] [kg/day] [ug/s] Quantity 03

8.5* I06

S02 N02 CO

0.077 0.054 0.012

653.7 458.5 101.9


53*106 1.2*10"

Amount of flared gas [MMSCFD]


"= US-EPA Standard, AP-42. Chapter 5, Petroleum Refineries [5]





c: 'e


c 8 E ,g ...J


-< 0





~ ' 100


is \.J .

· 200









==-=-=-. ~ ~ -o---r T

300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000

D istance from source [rn]

Fig. I. Dispersion of S02 in ambient air resulted from waste gas flaring. (Notes: Flared gas


0.3 MMSCFD; Stack emission rate


7.6*106ug/s; Average wind speed = 1.9 m/s [Ref Tarempa Meteorology Station]; Stack height =30 m).

In the environment S02 is known as one of primary air pollutants in ambient air. The gas in the air originates from a number of sources such as coal and oil fired power plants and a lot of industrial processes involving fossil fuel combustion [6]. Coal-fired power plants are the worst S02 polluters [7]. S02 is also known as corrosive and poisonous gas. If the gas is released in the atmosphere then it could be converted chemically into sulphate which is then deposited as acid rain. At high concentr tions, S02 affects breathing and produces respiratory illness, alterations in the defences of the lungs and aggravation of exiting respiratory and cardiovascular disease as well as produce foliar damage on trees and agricultural crops [8].




A r ie f S a b d a .Y u w o n o / A P C B E E P r o c e d ia 0 0 ( 2 0 1 4 )

o o o -o o o

Fig. 2 shows the dispersion of N02 in ambient air that was resulted from waste gas flaring. The highest

ambient concentration of N02 was 200


J .lg IN m


which was reached at a distance of


±145 m from the source.

On the other site however, the threshold limit of this parameter is 150 J .lg IN m3

according to pp No. 4111999. Hence, the condition does not comply with the national standard. An appropriate solution such as stack height

change is accordingly necessary to manage the environmental impact of the flaring. However, in area at a

distance of more than 190 m from the source, the ambient concentration of N02 has been lower than the

pertinent standard.

The environmental impact of N02 release in the ambient air [8] showed that if the gas is inhaled, it can irritate the lungs and lower resistance to respiratory infections such as influenza. Secondly, continued or frequent exposure to high concentrations causes increased incidence of acute respiratory disease in children. N02 is also an important precursor of both ozone and acidic precipitation and may affect both terrestrial and


aquatic ecosystem. Another research finding [9] showed that decrement in lung function indices associated with increasing concentrations of particulate matter and N02•

Fig. 3 shows the carbon monoxide (CO) dispersion in the ambient air as caused by waste gas flaring. It

indicates that the highest ambient concentration takes place at a distance of about 150 m from the source at a concentration level merely 44 J .lg IN m3• If the standard for the relevant parameter according to pp No. 41/1999

is 10,000 ug/Nrrr', then the whole surrounding areas of the flare comply with the pertinent national standard.

N 02 ~----.. 1-,,1 '" 100 c 'E '" c 1l E 0 ,g



1il · 100


- T '"

100 200

1 0 _ ~

~--~~-300 400 500


600 700

~ -,

800 900 1000 -200

D istance from source Im )

Fig. 2. Dispersion of N02 in ambient air resulted from waste gas flaring. (Notes: Flared gas =0.3 MMSCFD; Stack emission rate =

5.3*106ug/s; Average wind speed


1.9 m/s [Ref. Tarernpa Meteorology Station]; Stack height


30 m).

co '" 100 c ~ c


E ,g 1l c

~ -100




200 I


~ ,)



_ ..J

-200 I -- c-}





-300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000

D istance from source [rn]


A r ie f S a b d ti Y u w o n o / A P C B E E P r o c e d ia 0 0 ( 2 0 1 4 ) 0 0 0 - 0 0 0



Fig. 3. Dispersion of CO in ambient air resulted from waste gas flaring. (Notes: Flared gas


= 0.3 MMSCFD; Stack emission rate =

1.2*10· ug/s; Average wind speed


1.9 m/s [Ref Tarempa Meteorology Station]; Stack height


30 m).

It has adverse effects on human health, replacing oxygen in the bloodstream and forming

carboxy-hemoglobin (CO-Hb) [10]. If the percentage ofCO-Hb exceeds about 2 per cent, health is temporary impaired, and this level occurs in people engaged in heavy physical activity if the ambient CO level is greater than

about 30 ppm (:::: 35,000 ug/Nrn ') [3]. The health threat is most serious for people who suffer from

cardiovascular disease, particularly those with angina or peripheral vascular disease. Exposures to elevated

CO concentration are associated with impairment of visual perception, work performance of complex tasks



4 . C o n c lu s io n

The conclusions that can be drawn from the study are as follows:

• The emitted primary airborne pollutants from waste gas flaring with input as much as 0.3 MMSCFD are

7.6* I06ug/s (S02), 5.3* 106 ug/s (N02) and 1.2* 106ug/s (CO) .

• Airborne pollutants were dispersed in ambient air and comply with the national standard after radius of285 m from the source for S02 parameter and after 190 m for N02. For CO parameter, all of surrounding area complies with the standard.

A c k n o w le d g e m e n t s

The author would like to express gratitude to all colleagues in Environmental Engineering Section and

Laboratory, Dept. of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Bogor Agricultural University (lPB) for the

research support.

R e f e r e n c e s

[I] Peavy, H.S., Rowe, D.R., and Tchobanoglous, G. 1985. Environmental Engineering. McGraw - Hill International Editions. McGraw- Hill, Inc. Singapore.

[2] De Nevers, N. 1995. Air Pollution Control Engineering. McGraw-Hill Book Co. International Edition. [3] Kiely, G. 1997. Environmental Engineering. McGraw-Hill International Editions. Singapore.

[4] LaGrega, M., Buckingham, P., and Evans, l.C . 2001. Hazardous Waste Management. McGraw-Hill International Edition.

McGraw-Hill Co, Inc. Singapore.

[5] US Environmental Protection Agency (US-EPA). 1998. Emission Factor Documentation for AP-42. Chapter 5, Petroleum


[6) Ladou,J.2007. Current Occupational and Environmental Medicine 41hed. McGraw-Hilllnternational Edition. USA.

[7] Lin, S-L and Lin, KH. 2007. The Valuation of Health Effects Caused by Stationary Sources-Related S02 Emissions: The Adaptation of Impact Pathway Approach in Taiwan. E n v ir o n . M o n it. A s s e s s . 131: 163-176.

[8] Moeller, DW. 2005. Environmental Health. 3,d ed. Harvard University Press. Cambridge, Massachusetts. USA.

[9] Lagorio, S., Forastiere, F., Pistelli, R., lavarone, I., Michelozzi, P., Fano, V., Marconi, A., Ziemacki, G and Ostro, BD. 2006. Air pollution and lung function among susceptible adult subjects: a panel study. Environmental Health: A Global Access Science Source. 5:11.

[10] Gossselin, NH, Brunet, RC. And Carrier, G. 2009. Determination of carboxy-haemoglobin in humans following low-level

exposures to carbon monoxide. I n h a la tio n T o x ic o lo g y , 21 (13): 1077-1091.


Fig. 3. These figuresI. Dispersions of the waste gases, i.e. S02, N02 and CO in the ambient air are presentedwereproducedby usingGaussiandispersionmodel.Fig.I shows
Fig. 3 shows the carbonmonoxideconcentrationindicates that the highestis 10,000 ug/Nrrr', then the whole(CO)dispersionin the ambientair as causedby wastegas flaring.Itambientconcentrationtakesplace at a distanceof about150 m fromthe sourceat alevel merely4
Fig. 3. Dispersion of CO in ambient =


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Pemberian pakan secara kering maupun basah memiliki beberapa kelemahan yang dapat mengganggu pertumbuhan, penambahan probiotik dengan kandungan mikroba yang berfungsi memacu

Capaian Program Tersedianya dana untuk jasa service kendaraan dinas /operasional 1 Tahun. Masukan Jumlah Dana

(1) Negara Republik Indonesia melakukan penjualan seluruh saham yang dimiliki pada PT Bank Permata Tbk dan PT Bank Lippo Tbk melalui pasar modal dan/atau langsung kepada investor

Pelaksanaan pembelajaran kurang memberdayaan lingkungan belajar, lingkungan belajar siswa disekolah baik di kelas maupun dilingkungan kelas kurang ditata sedemikian rupa

Sehubungan dengan Pemilihan Langsung Pascakualifikasi Pekerjaan Pembangunan Asrama Siswa SMPN 2 Sipora Selatan pada Dinas Pendidikan Kabupaten Kepulauan Mentawai,