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Illegal Logging, Defenition And Scope


Academic year: 2016

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Ju r u sa n Ke h u t a n a n Fa k u lt a s Pe r t a n ia n Un iv e r sit a s Su m a t e r a Ut a r a

1 . D e fin it ion a n d scope of ille ga l loggin g

Sm it h ( 2002) m ent ioned t hat illegal logging t erm refers t o t im ber harv est ing- relat ed act ivit ies inconsist ent w it h nat ional ( or sub- nat ional) law s. The scope of t hose act ivit ies can be t he ent ir e indust ry fr om w ood har vest ing unt il pr oduct r eaching t he m ark et . I llegal cut t ing includes logging inside pr ot ect ed ar eas or out side concession areas. Logging w it hin concession areas w ill be det erm ined as illegal act iv it ies if it is not in accor dance w it h law . Cut t ing r est r ict ed species, or over t he allow able lim it , or befor e t he concession or licence is act ive, const it ut es an illegal act . The follow ing ar e differ ent t ypes w hich consider ed as illegal logging ( Br ack & Haym an, 2001) :

‰ Logging in v iolat ing cont ract ual obligat ions

‰ Obt aining concessions illegally , for ex am ple, corrupt m eans

‰ Logging nat ionally- pr ot ect ed species w it hout ex plicit perm ission

‰ Logging out side concession boundaries

‰ Logging in for bidden or pr ot ect ed areas

‰ Rem oving under or over- sized t r ees

‰ Laundering illegal t im ber t hrough a concession

‰ Use of old log perm it s or licences t o collect illegally felled t im ber

Fur t her m ore, Br act et al. ( 2001) m ent ioned t hat I llegal logging t akes place w hen t im ber is har vest ed, t ranspor t ed, bought or sold in violat ion of nat ional law s. Ther e is a w ide t erm of illegal in t his case. I t can include cor r upt m eans t o have access t o for est s, ext r act ion fr om a pr ot ect ed ar ea, cut t ing of pr ot ect ed species or ov er -cut t ing. I llegalit ies m ay also t ak e place during t ransport , including illegal processing and expor t and avoidance of t axes.

2 . I lle ga l loggin g in I n don e sia

I llegal logging and ot her forest crim es have expanded int o pr ot ect ed ar eas of I ndonesia. There are m ore pressur e on endanger ed and endem ic species of flor a and fauna. A num ber of high pr ofile species now face a r eal and ever - present t hr eat of ext inct ion ( War doj o et al., 2001) .

Lar sen ( 2002) has m ent ioned t hat I ndonesia‘s dom est ic w ood supply of 2002 w as 20 m illion cubic m et ers, w hile t he dem and st ood at som e 60 m illion cubic m et ers. This gap w as filled by illegal logging and dest r oy t en m illion hect ar es of I ndonesia’s for est .

I n 2001, as it w as r equest ed by t he Gover nm ent of I ndonesia, I TTO council had or ganized a Technical Mission t o I ndonesia. This m ission w as m eant t o ident ify t he I TTO suppor t for sust ainable for est m anagem ent w it h part icular em phasis on som e aspect s including curbing illegal logging. The r epor t of t he Technical Mission w as pr esent ed t o t he Council at t he Thirt y- fir st Session ( I TTO, 2001) .

The council had ident ified t he causes and cont ribut ory fact ors t o illegal logging ( I TTO, 2001) . The failure of forest law s, insufficient of m anagem ent and cont rol in


t im ber pr oduct ion, availabilit y of m ar ket s for illegal logs, low r isk and high profit abilit y of illegal logging, lack of int er - sect or coor dinat ion ar e am ong fact ors m ent ioned by t he Council.

Casson & Obidzinski ( 2002) m ent ioned a num ber of fact or s at t r ibut ed t o t he r ecent boom in illegal logging including changes arising from “ r efor m asi” – a calling for dem ocr acy, r efor m and change – and t he new decent r alizat ion law s. Cent r al gover nm ent give t he aut hor it y t o local gover nm ent t o m anage t heir nat ur al r esour ces. Gover nor s and Regent s have t he aut horit y t o issue perm it s for sm all for est concessions. Gover nor s w er e allow ed t o gr ant concessions of up t o 10,000 ha, and Regent s w er e allow ed t o gr ant concessions up t o 100 ha.

The gr ant issued by Regent s is know n as HPHH ( Hak Pem ungut an Hasil Hut an, or license t o collect for est pr oduct s) and I PK ( I zin Pem anfaat an Kayu, or license t o ext r act and use t im ber ) . This w as lat er r edefined as I PPK ( I zin Pem ungut an dan Pem anfaat an Kayu, or license t o collect and use t im ber ) . HPHH w er e m eant t o be allocat ed for ex t ract ing non t im ber forest product s, w hile I PK/ I PPK licenses prov iding legal m eans for opening up, or clearing sm all for est ar eas for com m unit y plant at ion ( Casson & Obidzinski, 2002) .

Pear ce and Br ow n ( 1994) in Palm er ( 2000) m ent ioned t hat t he m ost im por t ant underly ing causes of unsust ainable forest act iv it ies, i.e. illegal logging, are m ark et and gover nm ent failur es. Figur e 2.1. show s in det ails t he linkages bet w een corrupt ion, econom ic and polit ical causes of cor r upt ion, and dir ect causes of illegal logging.


Figu r e 2 .1 . Th e Ca u se s of I lle ga l Loggin g ( Palm er , 2000)

3 . W h a t ca n be don e t o com ba t ille ga l loggin g?

I llegal logging is a problem t hat m ust be addressed. Act ions need t o be done at bot h t he nat ional and int ernat ional levels w it h good coor dinat ion. I n m onit or ing and det ect ion of illegal logging act ivit ies, all st ak eholders from governm ent t o civ il societ y need t o be involved. Shar ing infor m at ion bet w een st akeholder s and t r aining in m onit or ing m et hods and t echnologies ar e am ong t he key st eps. Any at t em pt in addr essing illegal logging m ust be done w it hin t he cont ex t of overall sust ainable for est m anagem ent ( Sm it h, 2002) .

I llegal logging w ill be m ore difficult if im port ing count ries insist t he cert ificat ion of t im ber and it s product s under int ernat ionally recognized env ironm ent al and social st andar ds like t hose of t he For est St ew ar dship Council ( Lar sen, 2002) .

Ther e is a need t o w or k closely t oget her in addr essing t he pr oblem and sim ult aneously build st ronger and m ore t ransparent polit ical com m it m ent t o st r engt hen for est law enfor cem ent ( War doj o et al., 2001) . Many or ganisat ions have a role t o play in com bat ing illegal logging. Donors, com m unit ies, gov ernm ent s and indust r y can w or k t oget her or separ at ely t o cr eat e change ( Sm it h, 2002) .

Re fe r e n ce s

Br ack, D., & Haym an, G. ( 2001) . I nt er gov er nm ent al Act ions on I llegal Logging. Paper pr esent ed at t he Confer ence on For est Law Enfor cem ent and Gover nance, London.

Casson, A., & Obidzinksi, K. ( 2002) . Fr om New Or der t o Regional Aut onom y: Shift ing Dynam ics of " I llegal" Logging in Kalim ant an, I ndonesia. Wor ld Developm ent , 30, 2133- 2151.

I TTO. ( 2001) . Annual Repor t for 2001. Yok oham a: I nt ernat ional Tropical Tim ber Or ganizat ion.

Lar sen, J. ( 2002) . I llegal Logging Thr eat ens Ecological and Econom ic St abilit y. Ear t h Policy I nst it ut e. Ret riev ed June, 2003, fr om t he Wor ld Wide Web: w w w.ear t h-policy .org

Palm er, C. E. ( 2000) . The Ext ent and Causes of I llegal Logging: An Analysis of A Maj or Cause of Tr opical Defor est at ion in I ndonesia. Univ ersit y College London, London.

Sm it h, W. ( 2002) . The Global pr oblem of illegal logging. I TTO. Ret riev ed 17 June, 2003, fr om t he Wor ld Wide Web: w ww .it t o.or.j p

War doj o, W., Suhar iyant o, & Pur nam a, B. M. ( 2001) . Law Enfor cem ent and For est Pr ot ect ion in I ndonesia: A Ret r ospect and Pr ospect . Paper pr esent ed at t he Confer ence on For est Law Enforcem ent and Gov ernance, Bali.


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