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Academic year: 2017



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Submitted to the English Applied Linguistics Postgraduate Program in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the

Degree of Magister Humaniora



Register Number: 8136111040







Maharani. Interpersonal Metaphor of Ahok’s Utterances in Mata Najwa Talk show on Metro TV. Thesis. English Applied Linguistics Study Program, Post Graduate School, State University of Medan (UNIMED). 2015



Maharani. Interpersonal Metaphor dalam Ujaran Ahok’s di Mata Najwa Talk show di Metro TV. Thesis. Program Study Linguistik Terapan Bahasa Inggris, Sekolah Pasaca Sarjana, Universitas Negeri Medan (UNIMED). 2015



This piece of academic achievement is really the product of hardship and

endurance of many challenges in life. One top of a very sincere gratitude is to Allah

SWT, the Almighty, for everything that has been poured to the writer in completing her

academic studies and this thesis. There are many people who have assisted her with

advice and suggestions, but it would be impossible to name all some deserve the honor

to be noted.

She would like to thank to Prof. Amrin Saragih, MA., ph.D, as first adviser, and Dr.

Sri Minda Murni, M. S, as second adviser, who have been so wonderful in giving their

valuable knowledge, critical ideas, supportive suggestions and also all the

encouragement in the process of completing this thesis. The writer’s deepest

appreciation is also extended to them for the care and attention given for finishing the

academic program.

A special thank is directed to Prof. Busmin Gurning, M.Pd and Dr. Sri Minda

Murni, M.S, Head and Secretary of English Applied Linguistics Study Program for

assistance in completing the administrative procedures and Mr. Farid Ma’ruf as an

administrator of LTBI who provides and give a contribution in complete the official

administration to full fil this thesis from beginning up to the end of the process.

The writer would like express his gratitude to the reviewers, Prof. Busmin Gurning,

M. Pd, Prof. Sumarsih, Dr. I Wayan Dirgayasa Tangkas, M. Hum for the sharp

criticisms, suggestions and very valuable input.

The writer’s special appreciate go to her beloved father Pangulu Waruwu, and



she is grateful to her brother Anwar Hasan, Erwin, Hengki Sandra for their support and


A very sweet and special thank to her beloved boyfriend, Taufik Mulia Hasibuan,

S.Pd, for his great attention,love and support.

The writer also appreciate a thankfulness for all her beloved friends Horia Siregar

Ingrid Giberta and especially in class A-1 LTBI Khairunnisah Nasution, Riski Amrina

Sari, Farida Romaito Pohan, Auli Syaifina, Ade Rahma, Delnis Handayani and the

other friends who gave intention, though, support in order to completing this thesis.

Medan, June 2015 The writer





2.1 Theoretical Framework ... 7

2.1.1 Grammatical Metaphor ... 7

2.1.2 Interpersonal Metaphor ... 11

2.1.3 Kinds of Interpersonal Metaphor ... 13 Metaphors of Mood ... 13

2.1.4 The Reason of Using Interpersonal Metaphor ... 23 Ambiguity ... 23 Avoiding Negotiation ... 24 Politeness ... 25

2.1.5 Political Discourse ... 26

2.1.6 Basuki Tjahja Purnama (Ahok)... 27

2.1.6 Mata Najwa TV Talks Show Program ... 28



2.3 Conceptual Framework ... 31


3.1 The Research Design ... 33

3.2 Data and Data Source ... 33

3.3 The Technique and Instrument of Data Collection ... 34

3.4 The Trustworthiness of the Study ... 34

3.5 The Technique of Data Analysis ... 45


4.1 Data Analysis ... 37

4.1.1 Kinds of Interpersonal Metaphor of Ahok’s Utterances in Mata Najwa Talk show ... 37 Ahok’s Interpersonal Metaphor of Mood ... 38 Ahok’s Interpersonal Metaphor of Modality ... 39 Ahok’s Interpersonal Metaphor of Epithet ... 39 Ahok’s Interpersonal Metaphor of Euphemism ... 40 Ahok’s Interpersonal Metaphor of Connotation ... 41 Ahok’s Interpersonal Metaphor of Mental Process ... 42

4.1.2. The Reason of Using Interpersonal Metaphor ... 43 Ambiguity ... 43 Avoiding Negotiation ... 44 Politeness ... 45 Entertaining ... 45

4.2 Findings ... 46

4.3 Discussion ... 47


5.1 Conclusion ... 52

5.2 Suggestion ... 52


APPENDIX 1 ... 57





Table 2.1 Grammatical Metaphor Across Metafunctions ... 8

Table 2. 2 Relocation of Grammatical Aspects in Grammatical Metaphor ... 10

Table 2. 3 Interpersonal Metaphor ... 11

Table 2. 4 Congruent and Metaphorical Realization of Mood ... 15

Table 2.5 Congruent and Metaphorical Coding of Mental Process ... 22








1.1 The Background of the Study

Systemic Functional Grammar (SFG) theory which proposed by Halliday (1994) states

that it is very common if the bureaucrat or politician most used metaphorical than literal

utterances or un-congruent coding than congruent one. The use of in-congruent or

metaphorical utterances by politician deals with such factors in doing interaction with other

people. One of grammatical metaphor which deals with the maintaining relationship

among speakers while having interaction is interpersonal metaphor. It involves

non-congruent ways of informal spoken language which concerns with establishing and

maintaining relations with other people enacting interaction correlated with a tendency to

draw on the resources of interpersonal metaphor involved (Xue-feng, 2010: 30). In other

words, the use of metaphorical deal with the meaning based on the grammatical shifting

used by the speaker.

The reason of using interpersonal metaphor by politician deals with some factors as,

Saragih ( 2014: 74) says that a diplomat faces human beings with feeling and emotion and

therefore tries to make ambiguous meaning, where subjectivity is highly appreciated. The

diplomat depends on subjectivity can make different meanings, which are transformed into

harmonious and agreeable relations and a diplomatic experience is also expressed by

politicians or bureaucrats. He also adds that interpersonal metaphor disperses meaning into

Ambiguous one (Saragih, 2014: 73) in line Edelman, (1985:3) states that political

development and that language that describes them are ambiguous because the aspect of

event, leaders, policies



In addition, it is also occur in order to negotiate or in other cases avoiding negotiation.

Thompson (1996: 172) explains that in interpersonal metaphors the non-negotiability

associated with nominalization can clearly be a powerful weapon in cases where the

speaker or writer whishes, for whatever reason, to avoid negotiation, with its possible

outcome of rejection. While, Interpersonal metaphor is a strategy for expanding the

potential for negotiation (Halliday, 2004: 637). it means that the possible used i negotiation

or avoid negotiation based on the genre of the interaction or text.

Basuki Tjhaja Purnama or Ahok is one of the politician who uses metaphorical

utterances. He speaks different with other people done in political fields, he tend straight to

the point when answered some questions from the reporters relate to such issues but he still

use metaphorical one in such situation while interaction on TV talk show program. He

often used question tag to answer the question from host from particular topics. The

metaphorical utterances used by Ahok can be see in the following example, in Mata Najwa

talk show Ahok used un-congruent language of interpersonal metaphor when he was

interviewed by the reporter.

1) “Selama ini orang sering salah sangka, padahal saya orangnya bisa mengendalikan

diri. Buktinya anda senyum-senyum berarti saya latihan stand up comedy berhasil

kan? (laugh a bit) (U96)(metaphor of mood)

(people often misunderstanding about me, actually I can control my self. As I see you are laughing now. It means that I have succes practiced the stand up comedy. Have I?

2) Sertifikatnya belum kami kirim, tapi surat sudah. Nah, kalo dia merasa gak ada

sertifikat. Anda harus balaskan? (U18) (metaphor of mood)

(We have already send the letter without the certificate. So, if you feel there is no certificate, you should replay it. Should’t you?

3) Saya selalu percaya bahwa orang itu punya nurani (U200) (Metaphor of Modality)

(I always believe that the people have conscience)

4) Nah ini kontroversinya dimanan? Menguntungkan orang Jakarta kok (U222)

(metaphor of mood)



From the example of Ahok’s utterances above, there are some interpersonal metaphors

occurred, such as metaphor of mood, modality and vocative. In clause (1) the language

function is statement but it realizes into interrogative mood through joking utterances.

Then it also occurs in clause (2) by realizes the language function of command into

interrogative with tag question in order to show his personal attitude of his characters

which straight. While in clause (3) the occurance of metaphor of modality because the topic

is sensitive which talk about corruption, and in clause (5) the metaphor of mood occur

which affected by his personal attitude.

The use of metaphorical utterances of politician such as Ahok through TV talk show in

dealing withs such various issues in DKI Jakarta is common to used metaphor especially

interpersonal metaphor which have the purpose to maintain the relationship among the

speakers. It is used to make the meaning ambiguity and do not heart people who heard that

news or make it soft rather that straight to the point. So, there are so many interpersonal

metaphor of Ahok utterances that will be occurred on TV talk show as the media of


Actually, this kind of issue is not new in Systemic Functional Linguistics study. There

are so may researches which have been conducted relate to various case based on

grammatical metaphor especially in the interpersonal metaphor concepts of SFG theory for

example, Dong (2013) conducted a research of Interpersonal Metaphor in Legal Discourse:

Modality in Cross-examinations. He found that there is great difference between the

lawyer's modality and the witness. The lawyers tend to employ more high and median

modalities. It means the lawyers speak objectively and with great certain and less personal



This shows that the witnesses like to speak subjectively, with less certainty and more

personal engagement. Then, Jian Xu (2013) conducted about Interpreting Metaphor of

Modality in Advertising English. It is showed that metaphor of modality can be employed

in English advertising to foreground subjectivity and objectivity, to express politeness and

to unite discourse into cohesion. Then, Nasution (2014) conducted a wider research about

interpersonal metaphor in English News Program and found others metaphor such as

exchange structure, appraisal, epithet, connotation, mental process,vocative, and

euphemism. The field of this research was in politic and presents further types of

interpersonal metaphors which used. This findings more wider and complete and in line

with the theory of Grammatical metaphor of interpersonal function.

Based on such researches that have been conducted and all the findings are in line with

the theory of SFL in interpersonal metaphors concept and took place in different fields. The

phenomena of Ahok’s utterances as a politicians is different, he speak straight to the point

while response the question from the reporter on TV talk show, but he still used

interpersonal metaphor within his utterances. Beside it, since this research take in different

fields that is political fields. So, the researcher assumed that there is a difference of Ahok’s

utterances in using interpersonal metaphor as what theories said like.

In the frame of Systemic Functional Linguistics (SFL) which proposed by Halliday

which known as Halliday’s Theory, there is a discussion among other concepts of SFL, that

is about interpersonal metaphor which discussed under grammatical metaphor topic.

Grammatical metaphor divided into two main types, they are ideational metaphor and

interpersonal metaphor. Ideational grammatical metaphors are called metaphors of



applies to transitivity configurations, and can be analyzed in terms of the functional

structure of these configurations (Taverniers. 2003: 5).

Interpersonal metaphor is often used by politicians or bureaucrats in order to make

meaning ambiguous, it’s done through modal and mood (speech function). This case often

occur in television news program while a politician or bureaucrat speak in discussing about

various topics.

1.2 The Problems of the Study

Based on the background above, the problem of the study are formulated as follows:

1. What kinds of interpersonal metaphors that Ahok used in Mata Najwa Talk


2. Why are those interpersonal metaphors used in the ways they are?

1.3 The Objectives of the Study

In relation to the problems, the objectiveness of the study are

1) to identify kinds of interpersonal metaphor that Ahok used in Mata Najwa Talk


2) to elaborate the reasons for the occurrence of interpersonal metaphor that Ahok

used in Mata Najwa Talk Show

1.4 The Scope of the Study

This study relate to the concept Systemic Functional Linguistics (SFL) which

proposed by Halliday. The focus of the analysis deals with interpersonal metaphor realized

in Ahok’s utterances in Mata Najwa Talk Show on Metro TV. Specifically, the study

focuses in Mata Najwa Talk Show which broadcasted by Metro TV based on metaphor of



1.5 The Significances of the Study

The findings of this study are expected to be useful as theoretically and practically


a. Theoretically

The aim of this study is to show how the used of interpersonal metaphor in Ahok

utterances on Mata Najwa Talk Show on Metro TV. Thus, theoretically, it is expected that

the findings of this study can give contribution to applied linguistics particularly

grammatical metaphor of SFG theory.

b. Practically

The English and non- English department student as the reader can take some

knowledge about the interpersonal metaphor that used by politician in politic context

through Mata Najwa Talk Show on Metro TV. In other word, it can add their knowledge to

understand the language of politicians used deals with interpersonal metaphor. It is can be

used as reference for the similar cases in the next studies which relate to interpersonal





5.1 Conclusion

After analyzing and drawing all interpersonal metaphor of Ahok utterances in Mata

Najwa Talk show on Metro TV program. The researcher draws the conclusion as follows:

1. All kinds of interpersonal metaphor (mood, modality, epithet, euphemism,

connotation, and mental process) found in Ahok utterances and mood metaphor was

used dominantly by Ahok in his utterances in Mata Najwa talk show on Metro TV.

2. There is a specialty of Ahok interpersonal metaphor of mood. He mostly used question

tag speech of language function in answering the various questions from host in Mata

Najwa talk show on Metro TV program. So, the writer thought that it is necessary to

discussed this finding deeply under systemic functional grammar theory or other

theories if it is needed.

3. All reasons of using interpersonal metaphor used by Ahok in Mata Najwa talk show on

Metro TV programs such as; make meaning ambiguity, avoiding negotiation and

politeness are in line with the theories.

4. There is one additional reason of using interpersonal metaphor used by Ahok in Mata

Najwa talk show on Metro TV namely to entertain with jokes.

5.2 Suggestion

After having seen the result of the study, the researcher would like to offers some

suggestions as follows:

1. It is advisable for the guest to understand the used of each kinds of interpersonal

metaphor in interaction in order to make the interaction run well.



2. It is suggested that the roles of interpersonal metaphor are taught to the student in

Language Course and university in order to make them more understand and know

how to understand the utterances for example while having interview in seeking job.

3. It is suggested to the next researcher and the students of English Applied Linguistics to

do further research about the specialty of using question tag in mood with other

politician under interpersonal metaphor theory or supported by other linguistics


4. It is suggested to the other researcher and the students of English Applied Linguistics

to find out more other reason and elaborate the theory of interpersonal metaphor in the



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Table 2.1 Grammatical Metaphor Across Metafunctions ..................................


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