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One of The Requirement to Get Degree of Magister Education Chemistry Education Program

By :

MASTIUR VERAWATY SILALAHI Registration Number . 8146142023





Mastiur Verawaty Silalahi. Nim 8146142023. Effectiveness using of Guided Inquiry Model in Practical Guidance towards Science Process Skill and Student Achievement. Thesis.Magister of Postgraduate Program, State University of Medan, 2016.

This research is the research development and effectiveness of practical guidance chemistry. The purpose of this study (1) to know the feasibility and perception of lecturer and chemistry teacher in practical guidance chemistry integrated guided inquiry model grade XI in high school based on BSNP of questionnaire has been modified (2) to know the student achievement that learned using guided inquiry model in practical guidance higher than student achievement using practical guidance for school subject research in chemical equilibrium (3) to know the student science process skill that learned using guided inquiry model in practical guidance higher than student science process skill using practical guidance for school subject research in chemical equilibrium.

The stages in this study were (1) the analysis of practical guidance used school subject research, (2) prepare and develop of practical guidance integrated guided inquiry model (3) standardization or test the feasibility of practical guidance to the validator experts and teachers, (4) Implementation of practical guidance integrated guided inquiry model in SMAN 5 Medan, (5) analyze the effect of using of practical guidance integrated guided inquiry model to improve science process skill and student achievement.

Based on the aspect of feasibility the content in practical guidance integrated sufficient and it doesn’t need revision). The aspect feasibility of presentation in practical guidance integrated guided inquiry model and used school subject have an average of accepted. The percentage of effectivity in control class and experiment class is 73,45 % and 81,81%. The highest of indicator in science process skill is Designing of experiments with the average is 0,91 and Analyze data and Applying with the average is 0,87.



Mastiur Verawaty Silalahi. Nim 8146142023. Efektivitas Menggunakan Model inkuiri terbimbing di Penuntun Praktikum terhadap Keterampilan Proses Sains dan Prestasi siswa pada Topik Kimia. Tesis.Program Pasca Sarjana, Universitas Negeri Medan (UNIMED),2016

Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian pengembangan dan efektivitas penuntun praktikum. Tujuan dari penelitian ini (1) untuk mengetahui uji kelayakan dan persepsi dosen dan guru kimia pada penuntun praktikum kimia yang terintegrasi model inkuiri terbimbing kelas XI di SMA berdasarkan angket BSNP yang dimodifikasi (2) untuk mengetahui prestasi siswa yang belajar dengan menggunakan model inkuiri terbimbing dalam penuntun praktikum lebih tinggi dari prestasi siswa menggunakan penuntun praktikum dari sekolah subjek penelitian pada kesetimbangan kimia (3) untuk mengetahui keterampilan proses sains siswa yang belajar dengan menggunakan model inkuiri terbimbing dalam penuntun praktikum lebih tinggi dari keterampilan proses sains siswa menggunakan penuntun praktikum dari sekolah subjek penelitian pada kesetimbangan kimia .

Tahapan dalam penelitian ini adalah (1) analisis penuntun praktikum praktis yang digunakan sekolah subjek penelitian, (2) mempersiapkan dan mengembangkan penuntun praktikum terintegrasi model inkuiri terbimbing (3) standarisasi atau menguji kelayakan penuntun praktikum oleh para ahli validator dan guru,(4) implementasi penuntun praktikum terintegrasi model inkuiri terbimbing di SMAN 5 Medan, (5) menganalisis pengaruh penggunaan penuntun praktikum terintegrasi model inkuiri terbimbing untuk meningkatkan keterampilan proses sains dan prestasi belajar siswa.

Berdasarkan aspek kelayakan isi di penuntun praktikum terintegrasi model inkuiri terbimbing dan yang digunakan sekolah subjek memiliki rata- rata 3,96 (valid yang berarti layak dan tidak perlu revisi ) dan 2,89 (cukup valid dan tidak perlu revisi ). Aspek kelayakan bahasa di penuntun praktikum terintegrasi model inkuiri terbimbing dan yang digunakan sekolah subjek memiliki rata- rata 3,88 (valid yang berarti layak dan tidak perlu revisi) dan 3,02 (cukup valid dan tidak perlu revisi). Aspek kelayakan penyajian di penuntun praktikum terintegrasi model inkuiri terbimbing dan yang digunakan sekolah subjek memiliki rata- rata 3,85 (valid yang berarti sangat layak dan tidak perlu revisi) dan 3,00 (cukup valid dan tidak perlu revisi). Aspek kelayakan grafik di penuntun praktikum terintegrasi model inkuiri terbimbing dan yang digunakan sekolah subjek memiliki rata- rata 3,88 (valid yang berarti layak dan tidak perlu revisi) dan 3,20 ( cukup valid dan tidak perlu revisi) . Hasil data pada Independent Sample T-Test sebesar 0,000 <0,05, yang menyimpulkan bahwa Ho ditolak dan Ha diterima. Persentase efektivitas di kelas kontrol dan kelas eksperimen adalah 73,45% dan 81,81%. Indikator tertinggi pada keterampilan proses sains adalah merancang eksperimen dengan rata-rata adalah 0,91 dan Menganalisis data dan menerapkan dengan rata-rata adalah 0,87.





Ratification Sheet ... i

Abstract ... ii

Abstrak ... iii

Acknowledgment ... iv

Table of Contents ... vi

List of Figure ... xi

List og Table ... xii

List of Appendix ... xiii

CHAPTER I INTRODUCTION 1.1 Research Background ... 1

1.2 Problem Identification ... 8

1.3 The Scope of Research ... 8

1.4 Problem Statement ... 9

1.5 Research Objective ... 9

1.6 Significance of The Research ... 10

1.7 Operational Defenition ... 10

CHAPTER II LITERATURE RIVIEW 2.1 Defenition of Learning ... 12

2.2 Learning Objectives ... 13

2.3 Benefit of Leaning Objectives ... 13

2.4 Research and Development (R&D) ... 13



2.4.2 Characteristic of Research and Development (R&D) ... 16

2.4.3 Steps in Research and Development (R&D) ... 17 Models ... 17 and Gall Models ... 18

2.5 Learning Model ... 19

2.5.1 Inquiry Model ... 20

2.5.2 Types of Inquiry Model ... 20

2.5.3 The Advantages Inquiry Model ... 21

2.5.4 Guided Inquiry Model ... 22

2.5.5 Syntax of Guided Inquiry Model ... 23

2.6 Implementation of Activities Laboratory in High School ... 24

2.6.1 Objectives of Practicum Activity in Laboratory ... 24

2.6.2 Benefit of Practicum ... 25

2.7 Practical Guidannce ... 25

2.8 Science Process Skill (SPS) ... 25

2.8.1 Classified of Science Process Skill (SPS) ... 27

2.8.2 The Advantages Science Process Skill (SPS) ... 30

2.9 Standard of Practical GuidanceBased BSNP ... 30

2.10 Research Relevan ... 33

2.11 Frame of Thinking ... 34

2.12 Hypothesis ... 34

CHAPTER III RESEARCH METHOD 3.1 Research Location and Research time ... 36



3.3 Research variabel ... 36

3.3.1 Independent Variabel ... 36

3.3.2 Dependent Variabel ... 36

3.4 Research Instrument ... 37

3.4.1 Questionnaire Validation of Practical Guidance ... 37

3.4.2 Test ... 37 Validity Item Test ... 38 level of Item Test ... 38 Index of the Item Test ... 39 Reliability Test ... 40 of Question Based on Indicator of Science Process Skill (SPS) ... 41

3.5 The type of Research ... 41

3.6 Research Design ... 41

3.7 Technique of Data Analysis ... 43

3.7.1 The Normality Test ... 43

3.7.2 The Homogeneity Test ... 43

3.7.3 Hypothesis testing ... 43

3.7.4 Normalized Gain ... 44

CHAPTER IV RESULT AND DISCUSSION 4.1 General Description of Research ... 45

4.2 Analysis of Practical Guidance Used School Subject Research ... 46



4.3.1 Aspect of Feasibility Content ... 50

4.3.2 Aspect of Feasibility Language ... 51

4.3.3 Aspect of Feasibility Presentation ... 52

4.3.4 Aspect of Feasibility Graphing ... 53

4.4 Standarization of Practical Guidance Chemistry Integrated Guided Inquiry Model Grade XI in High School ... 54

4.5 Data Analysis of Research ... 55

4.5.1 Validity Item Test ... 55

4.5.2 Difficulty Item of Test ... 55

4.5.3 Different Index of Item Test ... 55

4.5.4 Reliability Test ... 55

4.6 Application of Practical Guidance for Chemistry Integrated Guided Inquiry Model Toward And Student Achievement ... 55

4.6.1 Normality Test ... 57

4.6.2 Homogeneity Test ... 59

4.6.3 Hypothesis Testing ... 60

4.6.4 Percentage of Improvement Student Achievement ... 61

4.7 Application of Practical Guidance for Chemistry Integrated Guided Inquiry Model Towards Science Process Skill (SPS) ... 62

4.7.1 Normality Test ... 63

4.7.2 Homogeneity Test ... 65

4.7.3 Hypothesis Testing ... 65



4.8 Disscussion ... 67


5.2 Suggestion ... 72





Table 2.1 Syntax of Guided Inquiry Model ... 23

Table 3.1 Validity Criteria Analysis Score ... 37

Table 3.2 Latice of Question Based on Indicator of Science Process Skill ... 41

Table 4.1 Components of Practical Guidance ... 49

Table 4.2 Data Result Student Achievement in Control and Experiment Class ... 57

Table 4.3 Result of Pre test in Normality Tes ... 58

Table 4.4 Result of Post test in Normality Tes ... 59

Table 4.5 Result of Pre test in Homogeneity Tes ... 60

Table 4.6 Result Independent Sample T- Tes ... 61

Table 4.7 Percentage (%) of Improvement Student Achievement ... 62

Table 4.8 Data of Result Science Process Skill in Control and Experiment Class ... 63

Table 4.9 Result of Pre test in Normality Tes ... 64

Table 4.10 Result of Post test in Normality Tes ... 64

Table 4.11 Result of Pre test in Homogeneity Tes ... 65

Table 4.12 Result Independent Sample T- Tes ... 66




Figure 2.1 Steps of research and development based sugiyono ... 18 Figure 2.2 Steps of research and development based Borg and Gall ... 19 Figure 3.1 The Procedure in conduct the teaching method on chemical

equilibrium ... 42 Figure 4.1 The Feasibility in Practical Guidance Integrated Guided Inquiry

Model and Practical Guidance used School Subject Research Based on the Aspect of Feasibility Content ... 50 Figure 4.2 The Feasibility in Practical Guidance Integrated Guided Inquiry

Model and Practical Guidance used School Subject Research

Based on the Aspect of Feasibility Content ... 51 Figure 4.3 The Feasibility in Practical Guidance Integrated Guided

Inquiry Model and Practical Guidance used School Subject

Research Based on the Aspect of Feasibility Content ... 52 Figure 4.4. The Feasibility in Practical Guidance Integrated Guided Inquiry

Model and Practical Guidance used School Subject Research




1. Appendix 1 :Syllabus ... 77

2. Appendix 2 :Lesson plan for experiment class ... 83

3. Appendix 3 :Lesson plan for control class ... 94

4. Appendix 4 :Instrument test based on science process skill ... 102

5. Appendix 5 :Question of chemical equilibrium based on taxonomy bloom ... 110

6. Appendix 6 :The calculationn of validity Test ... 118

7. Appendix 7 :The calculation of different Index ... 119

8. Appendix 8:The calculation of difficulty index ... 120

9. Appendix 9 :Students achievement value of control class ... 121

10. Appendix 10:Students achievement value of experiment class ... 122

11. Appendix 11:Student value of science process skill in control class ... 123

12. Appendix 12:Student value of science process skill in experiment class ... 124

13. Appendix 13:The calculation percentage of improvement students achievement ... 125

14. Appendix 14:The value of science process skill indicator in control class ... 128

15. Appendix 15:The value of science process skill indicator in experiment class ... 130



17. Appendix 17: Tabulation result questionnaires validator expert(practical guidance integrated guided



1.1 Research Backgroud

Improving the quality of education is closely related to the teaching and

learning process is done in the classroom. The learning activities are carried out is

the process of a state of not knowing the material becomes aware of such material.

Success in the delivery of the material is influenced by external and internal

factors. Factors that can influence the process and outcomes of learning in

students, there are two, namely internal factors and external factors. Internal

factors are factors that exist within the students themselves, the students' level of

intelligence, ability, attitude, aptitude, interest and motivation of students. while

factors are external factors that come from outside of them, namely family

circumstances, curriculum, teaching methods, learning set and school facilities

(books, practical guidance and laboratory) and infrastructure (Syah.2006). To

achieve optimum results, the internal and external factors that need to be pursued

the best possible way.

As it is written in the Law of the Republic of Indonesia No. 20 of 2003 on

the National education system "Each unit formal and non formal education

provides facilities that meet the meet the needs of education in accordance with

the growth and development of physical potential, intellectual, social, emotional,

and obligations of learners "(Law RI 2003). Also the Government Regulation No

19 year 2005 on the Education National Standards VII Article 42 paragraph 1 and



-Each educational unit shall have facilities which include: furniture, educational

equipment, books and other learning resources, consumables and equipment

required to support the learning process on a regular and on going.

-From each educational unit includes: land, classroom, boardroom, staff room,

library room, a laboratory, a cafeteria, a place of exercise and a place of worship,

playgrounds, places of recreation, and other places of space needed to support the

learning process and sustainable. (PP RI 2005).

Chemistry is one of the most important branches of science; it enables

learners to understand what happened around them. Because chemistry topics are

generally related to or based on the structure of matter, chemistry proves a

difficult subject for many students. Chemistry is a key, enabling science, and is a

subject that is considered by many to be difficult for secondary school students

(Chang & Chiu, 2005). A variety of reasons have been posited. Taber & Coll

(2002) note that the chemistry concepts are abstract in nature and require students

to construct mental images of things they cannot see, and thereby find it hard to

relate to. A further complication in the learning of chemistry (and other sciences)

noted in the literature concerns the medium of instruction. Chemistry is the

science of matter and its transformations. Matter, from the chemical point of view,

consists of the substances we encounter in our daily lives, such as solids, liquids,

and gases, as well as the atoms and molecules of which these substances are

composed. Within this sweeping concept are several big ideas which the science

of chemistry routinely encompasses. Chemists move among these ideas to come



The importance of laboratory work is also pronounced in curriculum

statements, science textbooks , teacher education programs and practical guidance

, for example. Some even advocate laboratory work as almost the defining

characteristic of science education, and it has been seen as essential for

developing students’ scientific knowledge and their knowledge of science

(Hodson 1988; Millar 2004).

Furthermore, Hodson (2001) argues that lab work is important for the

purpose of doing science, which means: “engaging in and developing expertise in

scientific inquiry and problem solving”. The purposes and objectives of laboratory

work can be characterized in different ways. In research results presented in

reviews of school science laboratory work, a shared image of important objectives

for students’ laboratory experiences appears. Lab work is said to help students

learn scientific concepts and to enhance students’ interest, motivation, practical

skills and problem solving abilities. It is also said to help students develop

understandings about science, about scientific work and how science connects to

everyday life (Hofstein and Lunetta 2004)

This statement is made clear by the research entitled “The laboratory in

chemistry education:thirty years of experience with developments,

Implementation, And Researchhave some conclusion such as students need to be able to enable students to interact intellectually as well as physically, involving

hands-on investigation and minds-on reflection, Students’ perceptions and

behaviors in the science laboratory are greatly influenced by teachers’

expectations and assessment practices and by the orientation of the associated



out what their students are thinking and learning in the science laboratory and

classroom (Hofstein,A.2004)

Espensially, Chemical equilibrium is the state in which both reactants and

products are present in concentrations which have no further tendency to change

with time. Chemical equilibrium topic is abstract and difficult to understand by

students. So, to learn topic needed combination with practicum in laboratory.

To support the activities of laboratory experiments required equipment,

materials and practical guidance in accordance with the curriculum. Many

obstacles faced when trying to perform such unavailability laboratory equipment

and materials as well as the inadequacy of practical guidance used school. Based

on observations, practical guidance used school subject esspencially for chemical

equilibrium topic only possessed two sub topics practicum such as reversible

reaction and the effect of temperature changes on the equilibrium. The matter in

chemical equilibrium are not all contained in the practical guidance . It is

therefore necessary to develop a practical guidance its specialty chemical

equilibrium. The research and development (R&D) that aims to produce and

develop a product prototype, design, learning materials, media, learning strategies,

educational evaluation tools, etc. Research to solve practical problems in

education, problems in the classroom, facing lecturers / teachers in learning. The

study is not to test the theory, hypothesis testing, but the test and refine the

product (Soenarto, 2008).

Guided inquiry is as a learning process where the teacher presents the

elements of the principles in one lesson and then ask students to generalize,



model in which the implementation of teachers providing guidance or instructions

spacious enough to students , Most of the planning was made by the teachers, the

students did not formulate the problem or problems. In the teacher guided inquiry

learning is not simply remove the activities undertaken by students. Teachers

should provide direction and guidance to students in conducting activities so that

students who think slow or students who have low intelligence still able to follow

the activities that are being implemented and the students have the ability to think

high not monopolize activities therefore teachers must have the ability to manage

great class. Development of practical guidance using guided inquiry model can

guide students to make the formulation of the problem, make hypothesis,

designing experiment , analyze the data and can make conclusions with the

guidance of teachers.

Research that supports to development of practical guidance integrated

guided inquiry model is Arifah.I dkk (2014) as “Development practical guidance

integrated Guided Inquiry-Based Practice for Optimizing Student Semester II

Hands On Physical Education Studies Program, University of Muhammadiyah

Purworejo Academic Year 2013/2014”. In this study showed: 1) practical

guidance based guided inquiry worthy to be stated by the validator by 89%; 2)

practical guidance based guided inquiry is implemented properly in the

practicum based observer ratings of 85%; 3) practical guidance based guided

inquiry optimized enough hands on students based on observer ratings of 84%.

Research that supports to development of practical guidance integrated guided

inquiry model is Umah,S.K dkk(2014) as “Development of instructions



study showed : practical guidance is valid and fit for use by obtaining an average

score of 2.75 on the feasibility component content of practical guidance and on

the feasibility components of language and presentation of > 2.5 in the practical

guidance.After doing the calculations with the formula n gain obtained gain

classical as 0,49 (medium), with the percentage of classical completeness is

97.06%. practical guidance based guided inquiry is able to increase the activity

and student learning outcomes. The results based on the t-test showed a

significant difference between before and after the learning using practical

guidance based guided inquiry. Thus, we can conclude that practical guidance of

science based on guided inquiry food and health themes have been proven valid

and decent for use in learning.

According Rustaman (2003), process skills are skills that involve cognitive

skills or intellectual, manual and social. Cognitive skills involved because by

doing process skills of students using mind. Manual dexterity skills clearly

involved in the process because they involve the use of tools and materials,

measurement, preparation or assembly tools. Social skills are also involved in the

process skills as they interact with each other in carrying out the teaching and

learning activities, for example, discuss the results of observations. Process skills

should be developed through direct experiences as a learning experience. Through

direct experience, one can better appreciate the process or activity being


Science process skills (SPS) is the complex skills used by scientists to

conduct scientific investigations into the series of the learning process. According



scientific method in understanding, developing and finding science. SPS is very

important for every student in preparation to use scientific methods in developing

science and are expected to gain new knowledge or develop the knowledge you

have already.

Research that supports the use practical guidance integrated guided

inquiry model toward on science process skills is (Hilman,2014) “Effect of

Guided Inquiry Learning with Mind Map of the Science Process Skills and

Science Learning Outcomes” . In this reseacrh explain the results showed there

where significant positive effect of guided inquiry learning with mind map on

process science skills and cognitive learning outcomes.

According to Nworgu,L.N and Otum,V.V (2013) Effect of Guided

Inquiry with Analogy Instructional Strategy on Students Acquisition of Science

Process Skills. The result of the study revealed that whereas teaching method was

statistically significant (p<0.05) in enhancing students’ acquisition of science

process skills in favour of the guided inquiry with analogy Based on these

findings, it was recommended that science teachers should adopt the guided

inquiry with analogy teaching method in science classrooms since it would

encourage both male and female students to perform well and reduce the gap

between the two groups.

Based on some of the above information, the authors will choose a title



1.2Problem Identification

1. How is effective practical guidance chemistry towards science process

skill and student achievement?

2. Are all School have an adequate practical guidance chemistry ?

3. Are all practical guidance chemistry used school in high school

accordance with the syllabus of learning?

4. How is the good preparation format on practical guidance chemistry for

high school?

5. How is create a practical guidance as viable and attractive, easy to use,

safe for the practitioner during implementation and can assist students in

learning chemistry?

6. How is the perceptions of teachers and lecturers chemistry toward the

feasibility or standardization practical guidance that used by high school?

1.3The Scoupe of Research

The Scope of this research are:

1. This research was conducted in two classes at SMA Negeri 5 Medan.

2. This research only on chemical equilibrium topics such as reversible

reaction, the effect of temperature on chemical equilibrium, the effect of

the concentration of the chemical equilibrium and making stalactites and


3. Implementation of practical guidance integrated guided inquiry model.

4. The research focused on the perception of a chemistry teacher who has a



laboratory and chemistry lecturer in Sated University of Medan


1.4Problem Statement

The problem statements of this research are:

1. How do the feasibility and perception of lecturer and chemistry teacher in

practical guidance chemistry integrated guided inquiry model grade XI in

high school based on BSNP of questionnaire has been modified ?

2. Is student achievement that learned using guided inquiry model in practical

guidance higher than student achievement using practical guidance for

school subject research on chemical equilibrium?

3. Is the student science process skill that learned using guided inquiry model

in practical guidance higher than science process skill using practical

guidance for school subject research on chemical equilibrium?

1.5Research Objective

1. To know the feasibility and perception of lecturer and chemistry teacher in

practical guidance chemistry integrated guided inquiry model grade XI in

high school based on BSNP of questionnaire has been modified.

2. To know the student achievement that learned using guided inquiry model

in practical guidance higher than student achievement using practical

guidance for school subject research on chemical equilibrium.

3. To know the student science process skill that learned using guided inquiry

model in practical guidance higher than student science process skill using



1.6Significance of the Research

The significance of the research are :

1. For educators ( teachers, headmaster, and goverments) as contribute ideas

more depth about the results of the development of practical guidance

chemistry integrated guided inquiry model grade XI in high school on

chemical equilibrium topic.

2. For students as can enhance students understanding in terms of

formulating a problem, make hypothesis, designing laboratory, analyze the

data and make conclusion on chemical equilibrium topic

3. For other Researcher , this result can be a literature to make a further

research related to this research.

1.7 Operational Definition

According Bungkaes (2013), the effectiveness is the relationship between

output and purpose. In terms of effectiveness is a measure of how much the output

level, the policies and procedures of the organization achieve the goals set. In a

theoretical or practical sense, there is no universal agreement on what is meant by

"effectiveness". However definitions relating to the effectiveness of a common

approach. When traced effectiveness is derived from the effective basic meaning:

(1). Have effect (influence, consequently, sounded) like: effective; efficacious;

impervious; (2). Use of the method / means, the means / tools in implementing

activity so effective (achieve optimal results).

Borg and Gall (1983:772) Educational Research and development (R & D)

is a process used to develop and validate educational products. The steps of this



research findings pertinent to the product to be developed, developing the

products based on these findings, field testing it in the setting where it will be

used eventually, and revising it to correct the deficiencies found in the

filed-testing stage. In more rigorous programs of R&D, this cycle is repeated until the

field-test data indicate that the product meets its behaviorally defined objectives. Guided inquiry model is where students are given the opportunity to work

formulating procedures, analyze the results and draw conclusions independently

while in the case of the determination of topics, questions and material support

from the teachers and only act as a facilitator. Practical guidance is a book that is

compiled to assist in the laboratory that contains the title of the experiment, the

purpose, the basic theory, tools and materials, and the question that leads to the

destination by following the rules of scientific writing.

Science process skills are skills that involve scientific cognitive skills or

intellectual, manual and social required to acquire and develop the facts, concepts



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Figure  2.1  Steps  of research  and   development based sugiyono ..............................


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