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Academic year: 2017



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A Thesis

Submitted in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirement for the Degree of Sarjana Pendidikan

By :


Registration Number 2113121009





Sarayah, Atikah. Registration Number: 2113121009. The Readability Level of Reading Texts in Advanced Learning English 2 Textbook by Using Cloze Test. A Thesis. English Educational Program, State University of Medan, 2016.

This research dealt with the eleventh grade students’ Cloze Test in reading texts. This research used a qualitative design in which the data are taken from five reading texts in a textbook. This study was done to find out the readability level of a book undertitled Advanced Learning English 2 Textbook used in SMA Dharma Pancasila Medan. The population of this study was 125 students who were distributed into 4 classes, but the writer only took 58 students as the sample using random technique to get a representative sample. The procedures were conducted by distributing the cloze test to the students, collecting data, correcting data, calculating data, analyzing data, interpreting data and the last was concluding the result of the study. The analysis found that: 1) 4 texts get the average score above 53%; Text 1 (95%), Text 2 (56.95%), Text 3 (58.92%), and Text 4 (78.58%). Those reading texts are included into Independent Level. It means that the texts are quite easy since the students could answer the cloze test easily. Furthermore, the last text (48.73%) is included into Instructional Level because it is in the range between 44 and 53 percent. It means that the text is appropriate for students and they could understand the text but still need teacher’s instruction. From the finding result, the writer get the average score of 5 reading texts is 67.63%. It is included into Independent Level. Therefore it is concluded that the reading texts in Advanced Learning English 2 textbook are not suitable to be used by students and teacher because the texts are quite easy. The students can read the texts independently. It is expected that the finding of this research is useful for everyone who wants to study about readability level of a textbook.




First of all, the writer would like to thank The Almighty Allah SWT for

His blessings, strength, and patience so the writer is able to accomplish her thesis

as a partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Sarjana Pendidikan at

the English Department, Faculty of Languages and Arts (FBS) in State University

of Medan (UNIMED).

The historical and meaningful process of realizing this thesis, surprisingly

has created relationship and involvement between the writer and a great number

of people who have contribution to finishing this thesis. The writer would like to

express her sincere gratitude to:

1. Prof. Dr. Syawal Gultom, M.Pd,the Rector of State University of Medan.

2. Dr. Isda Pramuniati, M.Hum., the Dean Faculty of Languages and Arts.

3. Prof. Dr. Hj. Sumarsih, M.Pd.,the Head of English Department and Nora

Ronita Dewi, S. S., M. Hum., the Head of Education Program of English


4. Dr. Anni Holila Pulungan, M.Hum and Rita Suswati, S.Pd, M.Hum., her

Thesis Supervisors.

5. Dra. Sortha Silitonga,M.Pd.,her Academic Advisor.

6. Dra. Masitowarni, M.Ed., and Prof. Amrin Saragih, M.A., Ph.D, her Thesis


7. All the Lecturers of English Department who have taught and guided her

throughout the academic years that could not be mentioned one by one.

8. Gimin and Paini, her beloved parents for their unconditional love, warmth,



they gave that can make the writer understands and appreciates the meaning

of struggle in life.

9. The writer’s sincere gratitude also goes to her dearest sisters and

brothersYayuk, Kak fitri, Bang Darwin, and Kak Lia, for the supports, love

and pray.

10. Ahmad, Anis, Ammar, Hana, Hanif, Aira, and Husna as her nephews and

nieces for their cheerfulness.

11. Eis Sri Wahyuni, M.Pd, and Mr. Pantes, the administration staff of English

Department, for her attention, assistance, and information

12. Headmaster, Vice Headmasters and English Teachers in SMA Dharma

Pancasila Medan for time, chance and cooperation.

13. Sri Lestari Setyawan and Chairunnisaher best friends for love, time, laugh,

happiness, supports, togetherness and everything that they experienced

together in formal and informal occasions in achieving S.Pd.

14. All Students Class B of English Education 2011 who suddenly had

interaction and helped the writer in accomplishing all requirements for


There are many people whose names are not mentioned above, the writer

thanks them for their support in finishing her study, may Allah SWT bless you all.

Medan, February 2016 The Writer

Atikah Sarayah




First of all, the writer would like to thank The Almighty Allah SWT for

His blessings, strength, and patience so the writer is able to accomplish her thesis

as a partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Sarjana Pendidikan at

the English Department, Faculty of Languages and Arts (FBS) in State University

of Medan (UNIMED).

The historical and meaningful process of realizing this thesis, surprisingly

has created relationship and involvement between the writer and a great number

of people who have contribution to finishing this thesis. The writer would like to

express her sincere gratitude to:

1. Prof. Dr. Syawal Gultom, M.Pd,the Rector of State University of Medan.

2. Dr. Isda Pramuniati, M.Hum., the Dean Faculty of Languages and Arts.

3. Prof. Dr. Hj. Sumarsih, M.Pd.,the Head of English Department and Nora

Ronita Dewi, S. S., M. Hum., the Head of Education Program of English


4. Dr. Anni Holila Pulungan, M.Hum and Rita Suswati, S.Pd, M.Hum., her

Thesis Supervisors.

5. Dra. Sortha Silitonga,M.Pd.,her Academic Advisor.

6. Dra. Masitowarni, M.Ed., and Prof. Amrin Saragih, M.A., Ph.D, her Thesis


7. All the Lecturers of English Department who have taught and guided her

throughout the academic years that could not be mentioned one by one.

8. Gimin and Paini, her beloved parents for their unconditional love, warmth,



they gave that can make the writer understands and appreciates the meaning

of struggle in life.

9. The writer’s sincere gratitude also goes to her dearest sisters and

brothersYayuk, Kak fitri, Bang Darwin, and Kak Lia, for the supports, love

and pray.

10. Ahmad, Anis, Ammar, Hana, Hanif, Aira, and Husna as her nephews and

nieces for their cheerfulness.

11. Eis Sri Wahyuni, M.Pd, and Mr. Pantes, the administration staff of English

Department, for her attention, assistance, and information

12. Headmaster, Vice Headmasters and English Teachers in SMA Dharma

Pancasila Medan for time, chance and cooperation.

13. Sri Lestari Setyawan and Chairunnisaher best friends for love, time, laugh,

happiness, supports, togetherness and everything that they experienced

together in formal and informal occasions in achieving S.Pd.

14. All Students Class B of English Education 2011 who suddenly had

interaction and helped the writer in accomplishing all requirements for


There are many people whose names are not mentioned above, the writer

thanks them for their support in finishing her study, may Allah SWT bless you all.

Medan, February 2016 The Writer

Atikah Sarayah




A.Theoretical Framework ... 6

d. The Factors Influencing Text... 11

e. Matching a Text to Students ... 12

3. Readability ... 12

a. Definition of Readability ... 12

b. Factors Affecting Readability ... 13



4. Cloze Test ... 18

a. The Concept of Cloze Test ... 18

b. Constructing the Cloze Test... 20

c. Administering the Cloze Test ... 21

d. Scoring and Interpreting Cloze Test ... 21

B.Relevant Studies ... 23

C.Conceptual Framework ... 24


A.The Research Design... 26

B.Place and Time of Research ... 26

C.Population and Sample ... 27

D.Techniques of Collecting Data ... 27

E. Instrument for Collecting the Data ... 27

F. The Techniquesof Data Analysis ... 28




A.Data Analysis ... 30

B.Findings ... 34

C.Discussions ... 36




A.Conclusions ... 38

B.Suggestions ... 39









Table 2.1 The percentage mark of the cloze test ... 22

Table 4.1 The Number of Data Analysis of the Deleted words ... 31

Table 4.2.The Percentage of Data Analysis of Deleted Words... 32





Appendix A. John Gilbert . ... 44

Appendix B.The Ugly Duckling ... 45

Appendix C. Drinking Coffee has Health Benefit ... 46

Appendix D.The Golden Snail ... 47

Appendix E. Komodo Dragon... 48

Appendix F.The Score of Students ... 50

Appendix G.The Percentage Score of Students ... 52

Appendix H. Independent Level ... 54

Appendix I. Instructional Level ... 59





A. The Background of the Study

In the present fast developing world, knowledge and information spreads

rapidly. People very easy to get knowledge and information from many

sources.Reading is one of the ways to get information about many things in this

world and it is very important to consider that reading should be encouraged to

everyone.Reading is the basis for learning different subjects in schools. Lems

(2009:170) states that reading is an envolving interaction between the text and the

background knowledge of the reader. It can be inferred that a text in reading has

correlation to the students’ background knowledge therefore the text should be

selected based on the students’ understanding.

Further, in English curriculum, Educational Unit-Oriented Curriculum

(Kurikulum Tingkat Satuan Pendidikan : KTSP) 2006, of Senior High School

level states that there are four skills should be achieved in learning process

namely, listening, speaking, reading, and writing. Reading is one of four skills

that must be mastered.

In mastering the reading skill, both the teacher and the students need some

mediums of instruction to facilitate them. One of the mediums of instruction

which is used in every level of students in the schools is a textbook. A textbook

has an important role in facilitating students studying the language, especially in



The English textbook which the eleventh grade students use isAdvanced

LearningEnglish 2 for Grade XI Senior High School (Nature and Social Science Programmes) published by Facil, a brand product of Grafindo Media Pratama. The textbook is based on Educational Unit-Oriented Curriculum

(Kurikulum Tingkat Satuan Pendidikan : KTSP) 2006. The genres of texts in that

book are report, narrative, exposition, and spoof. The genres are based on the

syllabus of the eleventh grade student. In doing observation, the writer also asked

the teacher about the text in that books whether they are readable for students or

not. The teacher said that some of the students still get difficulty to understand the

reading texts in the textbook, especially the vocabularies while other students get

easy of them.

From that book page 19, a text which the titled is Komodo Dragon in the

third paragraph, some students still get difficulty and others are easy to understand

about it, as follow :

The natural habitat of Komodo dragons is extremely harsh by human standards. These arid volcanic islands have step slopes and little available water most of the year. A short monsoon season often produces local flooding. The average annual temperature at sea level on Komodo island is 80 F degrees. Dragons are most abundant in the lower arid forest and savanna.

From the paragraph above, the students get difficulty in translating and

understanding some words such as harsh, monsoon, abundant, and arid.

Encouraged by this problem, the writer would like to know the readability level of

the reading texts of that textbook by using cloze test.

The process of selecting a good textbook is actually difficult. There are



process as well as possible to make the students easy to understand and even have

motivation in every time in learning English. Harmer (1983:153) said that it is

often difficult to convince students of English as a foreign language that texts in

English can be understood even though there are vocabulary items and structures

that students have never seen before.

A good English textbook is easy to read, easy to understand, and easy to

comprehend for students. The easier the text is, the better students can understand

and read. On the other hand, if the textbook is a difficult one, they will lose their

motivation in learning English .

It really important for teacher to knowing the students’ reading ability in

comprehending and understanding textbooks. There are some choices and ways of

selecting a good English textbook which is readable for students according to

their education levels by using readability analysis. It is used in analyzing the

readability level of texts in a textbook. To finding the result of this analysis a

readability test is needed as the tool. From its tool, an English texts provided in

English textbook is known whether it is difficult, plain or easy for students.

Neil (1992:212) stated : a text can be readable when the reader can match

the concepts of the text and has scheme for processing it. Readability of text is

very useful for students in understanding the text. Students can easily catch on the

meaning of the text when the text is readable and they can convey on its meaning.

After knowing that selecting a textbook is important, the writer tries to

make a research about it. To answer and understand about the readability of a



observation. After she got permission, the writer asked the teacher some questions

about the English textbook which is used by the students especially at the

eleventh grade of the school. The writer chose the eleventh grade students

because she considered if the eleventh grade students is better than the tenth and

twelfth in this research. She thought that the tenth grade still needs more

adaptation with their new school, while the twelfth grade must prepare and focus

on their final examination. So, the writer just focus on the eleventh grade students

of SMA Dharma Pancasila.

B. The Problem of the Study

Based on the background of study, the problem is formulated as follow : Is

the textbook Advanced Learning English 2 readable for the students of the

eleventh grade of SMA Dharma Pancasila Medan ?

C. The Objective of the Study

In line with what has been stated in the problem of the study, this study

tries to describe and analyze the readability level of texts in Advanced Learning

English 2 for Grade XI Senior High School (Nature and Social Science

Programmes) published by Facil, a brand product of Grafindo Media Pratama


D. The Scope of the Study

The scope of this study is describe the readability level of five reading

texts that are taken from the English Textbook Advanced Learning English 2 for



E. The Significance of the Study

Findings of this study are expected to provide information which may have

theoretical as well as practical values or significance.

Theoretically, the findings of the study later will add some new theories

and information in selecting the appropriate English textbook. Meanwhile

practically, the findings become source of reference for the English teachers

especially in Senior High School in their attempts to selecting the appropriate

English textbook.

The findings are also expected to pose challenges to authors and

publishers on the need to re-assess their publications and make readable texts

available to students. Finally, the findings of this study can be used by other




A. Conclusions

The The problem of this study tries to observe is the readability level of

reading texts. To get the data about this, the writer distributed the cloze tests of the

eight reading texts. After analyzing and interpreting the data of the eight reading

texts in Advanced Learning English 2 textbook through cloze tests, the result

shows that there are four texts have the cloze test score above 53%. They are the

first text John Gilbert (95%), the second text The Ugly Duckling (56.95%), the

third text Dringking Coffee has Health Benefit (58.92%), the forth text the Golden

Snail (78.58%) and the fifth text so the judgment score is in the Independent level.

The texts are predicted to be quite easy. It means that the students are likely to be

able to understand the text by themselves. While the other text has the cloze test

score approximately 44%-53%. The text is Komodo Dragon (48.73%). The text is

predicted to be of appropriate difficulty. It means that the students may need some

continuing assistance with the texts.

Based on the cloze test result, the writer gets the average score of 5

reading texts is 67.63% so it can be concluded that reading texts of Advanced

Learning English 2 are in the Independent level because the reading texts are

readable and understandable to the eleventh grade students of SMA Dharma



writer takes a conclusion that this textbook is not appropriate to be used by the

students at the eleventh grade students of SMA Dharma Pancasila Medan because

they can read them by their own.

B. Sugestions

There are some suggestions for English teachers, the principal, the

publisher and other researchers.

1. For the English teachers

The English teachers should not depend only on one textbook in using the

instructional materials. The teachers have to select a suitable textbook for

their students which are readable, understandable and interesting.

2. For the principal

The principal should help the teachers in providing teaching materials by

supplying English textbooks adequately for all students and appropriate for

the students’ needs and level.

3. For the publishers and authors

The publishers and the authors are expected to pay attention in producing

the better textbooks which appropriate with the level of the students’

ability as the good textbook which can help both the teacher and the



4. For Other Researchers

There are still so many textbooks offered by other publishers. The other

researchers can use them as the subject of the research. For those

interested in studying about the readability, you can use the other

techniques besides cloze test. The writer hopes that this research can give




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Table 2.1 The percentage mark of the cloze test ..........................................


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