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Submitted to English Applied Linguistics Study Program

In Partial fulfillment for Degree of Magister Humaniora



Reg. Number: 8146112006






Elfida. Registration Number: 8146112006. Readability of Texts in Pathway to English 1 Textbook. A Thesis. English Applied Linguistics Study Program, Post Graduate School, State University of Medan, 2016.

The aims of this study were to find out the levels of text readability in Pathway to English 1 textbook, the type of genre is the highest score of the text readability and the way of the level of texts readability are realized among the types of 8 reading texts analyzed in Pathway to English 1 textbook. This study used descriptive qualitative design. The sample of this study is 8 texts inside of Pathway to English 1 textbook for senior high school grade ten published by Erlangga. In analyzing the data used Flesch Reading Ease Formula to find out the readability level of texts in Pathway to English 1textbook and to know the way of the level of texts readability are realized among the types of reading texts by the Lexical Density level by using Eggins formula (2004). The result of this study showed that :first, the readability level found in Pathway to English 1textbook consist of low , medium and high level using scale zero to one hundred. The readability level in interval 30-50 is difficult texts are 37.5 % in low level, in interval 30-50-70 is normal texts are 25% in medium level and in interval 70-90 is easy texts are 37.5 % in high level. Second, the highest of readability score of reading text is narrative with the average 78.41. It meant that narrative text is the easiest text. The lowest readability score is explanation text with avarage 43.92. This meant that explanation text is the most difficult text in the textbook. The way of the readability level realized among the types of text in the reading texts of Pathway to English1, English textbook arethrough the total Average number of Sentence Length (ASL) and through the amount of Average number of Syllable per Word ( ASW). And lexical density through content carrying lexical items (nouns, verb, adverbs and adjectives) and lexical items in reading text of that textbook. It is expected that the findings of this study will be useful for everyone who wants to study more about the readability of texts.



Elfida. Registration Number: 8146112006. Readability of Texts in Pathway to English 1 Textbook. A Thesis. Program Studi Linguistik Terapan Bahasa Inggris, Sekolah Pascasarjana, Universitas Negeri Medan, 2016.

Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk menemukan tingkat keterbacaaan apa saja yang ada di dalam buku teks Pathway to English 1,jenis teks yang memiliki tingkat keterbacaan tertinggi dan bagaimana tingkat keterbacaan itu direalisasikan diantara jenis- jenis teks bacaan di dalam buku teks Pathway to English 1. Penelitian ini dilakukan dengan menggunakan kualitatif deskriptif. Sampel dari penelitian ini adalah 8 teks bacaan yang ada di dalam buku teks bahasa Inggris Pathway to English 1 untuk kelas X SMA penerbit Erlangga. Dalam menganalisis data digunakan Formula Flesch untuk menemukan tingkat keterbacaan teks di dalam buku bacaan bahasa inggris Pathway to English 1 dan untuk mengetahui tingkat keterbacaan itu direalisasikan diantara jenis- jenis genre pada teks bacaan dengan tingkat kepadatan leksikal dengan menggunakan teori Eggins (2004). Hasil dari penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa :pertama, tingkat keterbacaan yang ditemukan di dalam buku bacaan bahasa Inggris Pathway to English 1 terdiri dari nilai 30-50 (sulit) 37.5 % , 50-60 ( agak sulit) 12.5%, 60- 70 ( normal) 12.5 %, 80-90 (mudah) 37.5 % . Kedua, tingkat keterbacaan tertinggi ada jenis teks narasi dengan rata- rata nilai 78.41. Itu berarti narasi adalah teks yang paling mudah .Tingkat keterbacaan terendah ada pada genre explanation dengan rata- rata 43.92. Hal ini berarti explanation adalah teks paling sulit. Tingkat keterbacaan tersebut direalisasikan diantara genre di dalam buku bacaan Pathway to English1, melalui jumlah total rata- rata panjang kalimat (ASL) , jumlah rata –rata suku kata (ASW) dan melalui kepadatan leksikal ( kata benda, kata kerja, kata keterangan dan kata sifat) dan jumlah semua kata yang ada di dalam teks bacaan buku bahasa Inggris Pathway to English 1. Diharapkan temuan penelitian ini akan berguna bagi siapa saja yang ingin mempelajari lebih lanjut tentang keterbacaan teks.



Praises and thankful to Allah SWT, for all His grace and blessing that

provide health and wisdom to the writer so this study can be done well and

accordance with the planned time. Title of this thesis is “Readability of Texts in

Pathway to English 1 Textbook”.

This thesis arranged to obtain the degree of magister Education in English

Applied Linguistics Study Programmed, Post Graduate School, State University of

Medan ( UNIMED). In this opportunity, the writer would like to express the greatest

thanks to:

1. Sir Prof. Syawal Gultom, M. Pd, as Rector of State University of Medan.

2. Sir Prof. Dr. Bornok Sinaga, M. Pd, as Director of Post Graduate School.

3. Sir Dr. Rahmad Hussein, M. Ed, as The Head of Magister Education in

English Applied Linguistic Study Programmed, and Examiner concelor for

this thesis that give advices, suggestion, guidance and constructive comment

in completing of thesis process.

4. Sir Prof. Dr. Busmin Gurning, M. Pd, as Supervisor I that give valuable time

spent in giving guidance, advices, motivation and suggestion during

completing this thesis.

5. Sir Dr. Zainuddin. M.Hum, as Supervisor II That gives valuable time spent in

giving guidance, advices, motivation and suggestion during completing this


6. Sir Prof. Amrin Saragih, M. A, P. hD, as Examiner concelor for this thesis

that gives advices, suggestion, guidance and constructive comment in

completing of thesis process.

7. Sir Dr. Syahron Lubis, M.A, as Examiner concelor for this thesis that gives

advices, suggestion, guidance and constructive comment in completing of

thesis process.

8. Specially, for my beloved father Aidar Salamuddin and my beloved mother

Faridah Hanim, S. Ag, thanks so much to them that never forget from heart,

that always become inspiration, suggestion, spirit and motivation, that give

love with all of heart and soul, strong and stiff to pass the life. They acquiesce

in giving the happiness for the writer and always pray writer in every single


9. Especially for my lovely husband, Wiwinsyah Putra Nasution, M. Sn, that

gives his time, motivation, suggestion, praying and spirit to accompanied and

entertained the writer during finishing this thesis.

10.A big warm thank you goes out to all my amazing kids Fachru Razi Shafwan

Nasution, Fiola Syifa Azura Nasution, Fivian Zivana Auryn Nasution and

Fachry Ghatfan Rivano Nasution, that give their unconditional love and

support during finishing the study.

11.And also thanks to my beloved brother, sister, Sufli, Herda Wati, Wirda


12.And also thanks to all of my friends in English Applied Linguistics Study

Programmed class B1-B2 2014, thanks for extra ordinary friendship and also

all whose names that can’t be mentioned one by one, the writer would say

“thanks for everything”

Finally, the writer hopes this thesis would be useful for those who would like to

explore more about readability of English textbook, especially of English Applied

Linguistic Study Programmed. The writer realizes that thesis is still far from being

perfect therefore, critique and suggestion are needed for further improving of this


Medan, 29 July 2016

The writer

E l f i d a

Registration 8146112006







1.1The Background of the Study ... 1

2.4.1 Factors Affecting Readability ... 23

2.4.2 Criteria of High Readability... 24


2.10 Conceptual Framework... 42


4.1 The Data ... 52

4.2 The Data Analysis... 52

4.2.1 The Levels of Text Readability in Pathway to English 1, English Textbook ... 53



Appendix IV ... 91

Appendix V ... 96

Appendix VI ... 100

Appendix VII ... 104





1.1The Background of the Study

Reading serves a wide range of purposes in the lives of different categories

of people who are literate. In school, it is the basis for learning different subjects.

Good textbook contains material that is not only in accordance with the

curriculum, but also must be written with a high level of readability. English

textbook with a high level readability will support the student’s achievement.

Morever, textbook providing the discourse with high reading level will also

increase the ability of students in the learning process.

Reading material is one of the contents of the textbook besides listening

instruction, some exercises, writing task and some conversation scripts. Reading

material is usually in the form of text that is used to teach reading like

pronouncing words, comprehending the content of the text, getting vocabulary,

and also understanding of grammar. Through the text, the students can get

information and the knowledge and also the vocabulary and grammar. It is

provided in some types which are called genre. The types of genre are arranged

well based on the curriculum.

In the reading section, every student usually get difficulties in

comprehending a long text or a dense text such as narrative text. When they

found long text with many paragraph, they would get bored firstly. Getting bored



who are in the first year of senior high school get a text that has most complex

sentences which make the students difficult to understand the text.

There are many factors which cause students’ reading ability is low, such

as the textbook which is difficult to be understood, low readability of textbook,

inappropriate teaching methods, students’ interest, etc. The other factor such as;

reading text that have presented does not match with the student age. It causes

students cannot read a text because it does not reach students’ grade. As a result,

they do not understand what the content of the text and they can not answer some

questions based on the text correctly.

Nowadays there have been many English textbooks published to fulfill the

need of teaching-learning process and as an English teacher should choose the

textbook that is appropriate to the students. The textbook should hold all

instrument based on curriculum needed by the students. However, there is no

perfect book that can fulfill various kinds of students needs. Sometimes some of

them are not appropriate with the standard of curriculum yet. In this study the

researcher chose Pathway to English 1, English for Senior High School textbook

Grade X published by Erlangga to be analyzed.

Pathway to English 1, English textbook is one of series of English books for Senior High School. The book is published in line with the 2013 curriculum

.All the activities in this book cover the four language skills namely; listening,

speaking, reading, and writing. They encourage students to develop their

competence in phonological/graphologycal and lexicogramatical levels, as well as



skills in learning language. In other words, reading is considered as one of the

most important skills which language students should obtain, particularly as it

helps to build vocabulary and leads to lifelong learning and improvement in first

and second language skills. Reading is considered as one of the most important

skills which language students should obtain, particularly as it helps to build

vocabulary and leads to lifelong learning and improvement in first and second

language skills. Reading is an activity to get understanding from written text and

the construction of the meaning of written text through an interaction between

readers and the text. The main purpose of reading text is comprehension.

Comprehension is the essence of reading because the goal of producing a written

language is communication of messages.

Based on the description above, teachers and schools need to choose

suitable textbooks and material for students. Since a good textbook should be

readable for learners to make our intent transmittable to the intended learners.How

well authors succeed will depend on the readability of the text they produce

because the suitability of textbook and students’ reading level will help student in

comprehending reading text. If the students can understand the text well so they

will increase their achievement . It means that textbooks should be readable for


Gray and Leary, cited in DuBay (2004:18) identify four factors affecting

readability, namely: content (including propositions, organization, coherence),



format, and illustrations), and structure (including chapters, headings and

navigation). Those reasons make the selection of textbook used by teachers

become relatively crucial. The textbook has to fit with the current curriculum,

schools syllabus along with student’s needs and also the aims and goals of

teaching. Therefore, teachers have to choose the appropriate and ideal textbook as

beneficial for both students and teacher as possible.

Readability or text difficulty is an important in Applied Linguistics.

Establishing text difficulty is relevant to the teacher and syllabus designer who

wish to select appropriate materials for learners at a variety of ability levels. It is

also critical to test developers in selecting reading texts at appropriate levels for

inclusion into the reading sub-tests of examinations.Writers of texts for various

audiences also need guidance related to the range of factors which make texts

more or less accessible.

Thus, Effort to measure the readability of textbook can be applied by using

readability formula. There are many formulas that can be applied. They are Flesch

Reading Ease Formula, Flesch-Kincaid Grade Level, SMOG Readability

Formula, Gunning FOG Index Fry Readability Formula, etc. However, the

researcher only use one of them, the Flesch Reading Ease Formula. This formula

is more accurate and simple and it is primarily used to assess the difficulty of a

reading passage written in English.

In line with the description above, the readability formula can be used to

examine the readability of text. The text is easy to read by students who have



high school student because age differences can affect students in understanding

the text. As Flesch (1948) stated in his readability score, the suitable level for

students depends on the text. This formula is a numerical value between 0 and

100. The higher the Flesch Reading Ease score, the greater the number of people

who can comprehend the document easily. For example if the score 50-60 is

fairly difficult which is suitable for 10th - 12th grade of senior high school. It

means that the text is appropriate for the student and they can learn the text easily.

If the score of text in a textbook is not suitable for their grade or more difficult

than their grade so they do not understand what the content of the text .It means

that the textbook has low readability.

In fact, the low readability of the English reading textbook, the length of

sentences and many unfamiliar words which cause low text readability can be

found in a textbook. It can be seen from the example below:

Sumatra is an elongated landmass spanning a diagonal northwest-southeast axis. The Indian Ocean borders the west, northwest ,and southwest sides of Sumatra, with the island chain of Simeuleu, Nias and Mentawai bordering the southwestern coast. On the northeast side the narrow Strait of Malacca separates the island from the Malay Peninsula,an extension of the Eurasian continent. On the southeast, the narrow Sunda Strait separates Sumatra from Java. The northern tip of Sumatra borders the Andaman islands, while on the lower eastern side are the islands of Bangka and Belitung , Karimata srait and the Java Sea. The Bukit Barisan mountains, which contain several active volcanoes, from the backbone of the island, while that northeast sides are outlying lowlands with swamps, mangrove and complex river systems. The equator crosses the island at its center, in West Sumatra and Riau provinces. (Taken from Sumatra, Pathway to English 1,2014 :272)

From the example above it can be seen that the sentences are too long and



unfamiliar words in each sentence . The text has most content carrying lexical

item such as verb, noun, adjectives and adverb. The more content carrying lexical

items the text has the more difficult the student has. Actually the sentences can be

separated into simple clause and use familiar word to make student understand the

text. It makes students assume that reading text is difficult.

Thus , the suitability level (readability) of a teaching material is very

important because it affects the motivation and interest of the reader to read and

understand the text. Readability is an attempt to match the reading level of written

material to the "reading with understanding" level of the reader. John DM. Neil

(1992:212) states that a text can be readable when the reader can match the

concepts of the text and has scheme for processing it.

Some studies have been conducted to investigate readability to analyze

texts to find the right fit between students and texts. One of them is Handayani

(2014) the research about Readability Level of Science Book for Junior High

School Year VIII, published by the Ministry of National Education Directorate General Management of Primary Education Directorate of Junior Secondary High

School Development 2009. It is found that the lexis used contain many unfamiliar

words and new ones for the students. In terms of grammatical complexity of the

sentence it is found that the complexities are quite high with an average sentence

length of 14 words per sentence. The complexity of lexis and grammar in the

Science book affects the students understanding although the students have a good



In conclusion, based on the results of the research is the Science book:

Student’s book for Junior High School Year VIII levels is less appropriate for

junior high school students. The level of complexity of the sentence in the book is

suitable with the level of students, but the lexis used, foreign words and new

words, cause the students difficulty in understanding the existing discourse in the


Further, based on the descriptions above, the researcher is interested in

conducting the research relates to readability of text in English textbook for

senior high school grade X that is published by Erlangga , the title is Pathway to

English 1. The reason the researcher chooses this textbook as the object of this study is because this book is the first English textbook in the market released with

the current curriculum. Second, it is mostly used in Senior high school so it is

important to know whether the reading texts are appropriate or not for the

students. Third, the writer wants to know readability of texts from the lexical

density of reading text in the textbook since the readability of reading text affects

the students’ mastery quality upon the text’s content.

Based on the explanations above, the researcher would like to know the

readability of texts in English textbook in term of reading text found in is Pathway

to English 1, English for Senior High School Grade X textbook published by Erlangga.

1.2The Problems of the Study

Based on the background of the study, the problem will be formulated as



1. What are the levels of text readability in Pathway to English 1 text book?

2. What type of genre which has the highest level of readability found in the

reading texts in Pathway to English 1textbook?

3. How are levels of text readability realized among the types of text in the

reading texts of Pathway to English 1 textbook?

1.3The Objectives of the Study

The objectives of the study are formulated as in the following:

1. To find out the levels of text readability in Pathway to English 1 textbook.

2. To find out the type of genre is the highest score of the text readability in

Pathway to English 1 textbook.

3. To describe how the levels of texts readability are realized among the types

of reading text in Pathway to English 1 textbook.

1.4The Scope of the Study

This study focused only on text readability that is realized in Pathway to

English 1 textbook for grade X of Senior high School textbook published by Erlangga. It consists of 30 reading texts and written in 4 types of genres (recount,

narrative, explanation and descriptive text). The researcher chose the reading

texts in the textbook by choosing two texts in each genre. It means there were 8

texts analyzed in this study.

In this research,the readability text is explored by the calculating of Flecsh

reading ease formula and Lexical Density by Eggins (2004). Therefore, there are

seven levels and frequencies score of text readability and three levels of lexical



Therefore, to avoid the scope of this study is too wide and that more

focused research, the researcher make a limitation. There were three main aspects

analyzed in this study. First the levels of readability text of reading text in

Pathway to English 1textbook. Second , type of genre which has the highest level

of readability found in the reading texts in Pathway to English 1textbook. Third,

how the levels of text readability were realized among the types of text in the

reading texts of Pathway to English 1textbook.

1.5The Significance of the Study

The findings of the study are expected to be relevant and significant

theoretically. The findings can give contribution to all readers for those who are

concerned with this field. In the following significancies of the study are stated

theoretically and practically.

Theoretically, the study can enrich the knowledge about analyzing text

readability in English textbook.

Practically, the usefulness of findings is useful for :

1. The teachers, who wants to matching the textbooks with the students’grade

level by counting the text of readability.

2. The students, to know what kind of text that appropriate for them by using

readability formulas.

3. The librarians, to match the text with the readers.

4. The writers/publishers, in order to publish the textbooks, which are

appropriate lexical density to the students/readers level.






After analyzing the data and elaborates the findings, conclusions are drawn as

the following:

1. The level of readability found of reading text in Pathway to English 1 textbook

were three levelsby using scale of zero to one hundred. First, low level which is

score between 0-50 (37.5%). It meant that the text is difficult to understood by the

student of grade X of senior high school. The difficult text consist of descriptive

and explanation genre. Next, the level score of readability texts in medium level

was from 50-70 (25%), they include recount text. This level is normal or standard

for student in grade X of senior high school student . And then the last was high

readability level. The score range between 70-100 points (37.5%) include

narrative text. It meant the text is easy to understood by the student in grade X.

Theoritically the text can be understood by student in grade X of senior high


2. The lowest score of the texts are about range 30-50 points is difficult at

explanation text , and the highest scores are narrative at range 80-90 points .

3. The way of level of readability realized among the types of text in the reading



of Syllable per Word (ASW) and Average number of Sentence Length (ASL).

And also lexical density through content carrying words (nouns, verb, adverbs

and adjectives) and lexical items in reading text in reading text of that textbook.

The more content carrying words and sentences in the text, the more informative

the text and the more difficult the text is.


From the foregoing conclusion, some suggestions are offered as the


1. It is suggested to the other researcher who are interested in textbooks research

that furthers research should be conducted to find out whether there are other

significant readability of the text according to specific field, because lexical

density and readability of the text are important to analyze in order to know the

efficiency of the textbook in the classroom instruction.

2. It is suggested to the textbook’s writers should be able to understand the

complexity in the text based on readability and lexical density to produce the

better textbooks which match with the level of the students’ ability as the good

textbook can help both the teacher and the students to reach the goal of teaching

and learning English.

3. The teacher should select textbooks to their students which are readable,



level of students ’ability so they won’t be bored to read it because the higher the




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