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Academic year: 2017



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A Thesis

Submitted to the English Applied Linguistics Study Program

In Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for

The Degree of Magister Humaniora



Register Number: 8116111021





Syarifah. Representation of Women in Female Magazine Advertisements. English Applied Linguistics Study Program. Postgraduate School. State University of Medan. 2016

This study analyzes women representation in 12 printed advertisements of Cosmopolitan magazine in edition of January 2016 that used women as the participant models from linguistic and semiotic point of view. The analysis is centered on the verbal and visual texts that may have particular strategies that are used by the product companies and advertisers to persuade and also exploit the potential consumers, especially women. The analytical tools of this study is based on Leech’s linguistic devices in advertisement, Barthes’ semiotic sign system namely denotation and connotation, and also Lacey’s theory about the categories of women representation and their stereotypes in media. A qualitative research design is suitably used in this study to give in-depth description and result of analysis. The findings of the analysis about the women representation in the advertisements are: 1) the advertisers selectively and creatively use particular linguistic features such as the major use of adjectives, noun phrase, and disjunctive clause that seem to have strong and persuasive effect to influence the potential consumers; and nonverbal features such as the major use of sexy attires, body gesture, colors, direct gaze, smiling facial expression, and other things which symbolized something that are compatible with the textual meanings; 2) the combination of such linguistic and semiotic aspect in analyzing the advertisements are able to reveal the myth or ideology of femininity and beauty such as being beautiful is sexy and slim in order to look attractive; 3) the advertisements mostly stereotype women as being beautiful and having attractive physique within narrow perspective such as object of sexuality and the most desired kind of beauty that is not all women have. Thus, advertising language and image is used to influence people’s minds.



Syarifah. Representation of Women in Female Magazine Advertisements. Program Studi Linguistik Terapan Bahasa Inggris. Sekolah Pascasarjana. Universitas Negeri Medan. 2016



Alhamdulillah, all the praise, honor and power belong to Allah SWT, for

giving the writer blessing, mercy and endless love, especially in the process of

accomplishing this thesis. In writing this thesis, the writer was helped by many

beloved people and therefore the writer would like to express her greatest

gratitude to :

1. My parents (Irwady Aska & Kasmawati), my siblings (Endang Lestari,

Trijadi Handayani, Bobby Dewantoro), my husband (Zulfikar), and my

daughter (Rifka Azzahra).

2. Prof. Dr. Lince Sihombing, M.Pd, her first thesis advisor and Dr. Syahron

Lubis, M.A., her second thesis advisor for their guidance, advices,

suggestions, affection and patience in supervising and guiding the writer to

finish this thesis.

3. Dr. Rahmad Husein, M.Ed., the Head of English Applied Linguistics

Study Program and Dr. Anni Holila Pulungan, M.Hum., the secretary of

English Applied Linguistics Study Program for the assistance in providing

the academic administration while the writer studied in the faculty,

especially in the process of completing this thesis.

4. Her thesis examiners, Prof.Amrin Saragih, M.A, Ph.D, Prof.Dr. Sri Minda

Murni, M.S., and Dr. Siti Aisyah Ginting, M.Pd for the valuable advices

and suggestions.

5. All of her lecturers in English Applied Linguistics Study Program who


6. The Head and the employees of digital library and reading room of

postgraduate of UNIMED, for providing an opportunity for the writer to

conduct the research and helping her in the administration.

7. Her beloved friends: Juwi, Sutarsih, Erwin Syahputra Sembiring, and her

classmates, English Applied Linguistics XX-A for the prayer, support,

love, laughs and friendship.

8. Bang Farid, who has helped her in providing the academic administration.

9. Those whose name cannot be mentioned one by one for their help and

support. Thanks for everything. May Allah bless us. Amin.

Medan, 27 Juli 2016




2.1 Representation & Stereotype of Women in Media ... 8

2..2 The Depiction of Female Stereotypes in Advertising ... 12

2.3 The Role of Semiotics and Linguistics for the Analysis of Advertisements ... 15

2.3.1 Semiotics and Paralanguage in Advertisements ... 15

2.3.2 Semiotic Denotation and Connotation in Advertisements ... 17

2.3.3 The Relation of Advertisement with Semiotics and Ideology ... 21

2.3.4 Linguistic Devices Used in Advertising Language ... 23 Lexical Aspect ... 24 Syntactic Aspect ... 27 Semantic Aspect ... 30 Cohesion Aspect ... 37

2.4 The Role of Language & Image in Ads... 35

2.5 The Relation between Language & Sexism ... 36

2.6 Relevant Studies ... 39




4.3 Research Findings ... 88

4.4 Discussions ... 91







1.1 Background of the Study

Nowadays it is easy to find popular magazine that is dedicated for female – young

and mature women –with a look of “lux” and “modern” which price is not exactly cheap.

This condition certainly gives an indication of the magnitude of the market opportunity

that is still available to use magazine to advertise or promote some company products by

involving women as model participants in their advertisements. More and more

magazines from “outside” published in the Indonesian edition, such as Cosmopolitan,

raise the theme of modern women’s lifestyle. The discussion on the lifestyle in women

magazine would indirectly affect the lifestyle of its readers. As one of the agents of

socialization that plays an important role in society, the message delivered by the

advertisements in the popular magazine, either expressed or implied, will shape the

perception and mindset of the readers. In this context, women magazines through the

advertisements will be able to form the image of women that are considered “ideal” in

society as modern cultural phenomena.

As it empowers some big companies to specifically set their sights on young

women for promoting their products through advertising, this makes the advertisements

has been able to dictate what women should look like, what is sexy and desired which

unconsciously causes the consumer continues to blindly consume without taking a good

look at what is being sold and what messages are being sent.

Such indications of phenomena become the reason of this study as the reality of



come up with an “ideal” for the perfect woman. It is supported and proven by a research

performed by Kilbourne (2000) that the “ideal woman” represents what five percent of

women look like, yet this body type represents 98% percent of the women seen in the

media. As an illustration, media reconstruct beautiful woman as of woman who has fair

skin and slender body through cosmetic and diet products. For those who do not meet

these criteria are not pretty, and to them supplied the product that can make their skin

white and body slim. In fact, the skin color pigment formed due to the gene factor that

cannot be eliminated that she rightly carries. In addition to such subjects, female bodies

are still used as sexual objects in advertisements of magazines. This can be seen from

various advertisements that use sexy bodied female models through clothing, perfume,

jewelry accessories, etc. Not only does advertising send these messages, according to

Kilborne (2000) advertisers also glorify and perpetuate stereotypes and make ideals out

of images of models with vacant expressions and wasted bodies. The advertisers create a

concept of image that conformed to a product that woman carries out. For examples,

product of foods and drinks that portrays woman as a loving and caring figure, product of

beauty cosmetics and fashion which portray the beauty of woman’s physical appearance

which sexy and desirable for men, and so on. Thus, it generates different views of ideal

images of female.

The ideal images of Indonesian females are adhered to patriarchal culture that

demands female in family sphere and also the social roles that necessitate them only in

work fields suitable with their womanhood natures of maternity, tenderness, and

uncompetitive. In other words, good female are those cling to domestic sphere that must

be responsible for household matters even if they work. However, such representations

are scarcely found or slightly omitted in most of women magazine contents, for example



been known pervasively that Cosmopolitan is a commercial female dedicated magazine

that provides worldly issues of modern lifestyle for modern-minded women ranges from

beauty and physical appearance, sex, celebrity, fashion, and career. The issues are

somehow also obviously portrayed in advertisements inside of it. Although women are

depicted as modern with high class fashion and smart looks, they mostly appear in

“ideal” physical appearance that do not represent the average looks of women and also

very revealing yet provocative dress. Consequently, what can be seen in the magazine is

there are representations of women as perfect creature with the “ideal” body shape, being

sexual object and having sexual appeal under the name of modern life even though it

doesn’t match to Indonesian culture.

As the reality problems related to this study explained above, it is expected that

young women, especially Indonesian ones, should be more aware and smart in

understanding and evaluating any advertisements that promotes some products shoved to

them in order to not be psychologically influenced which could impact their dignity as a

woman. Therefore, the main purpose of this study is to examine women’s representation

in Cosmopolitan magazine advertisements and how they portray the culturally gendered

stereotypes. In other words, this research focuses on the social construction and cultural

representation of young women who are in control of their sexuality through language

and image. That’s because advertisements do not only contain with visual codes which

culturally has potential meaning (based on facial expression, gesture, way of dress, and

the choice of color) but words as well which linguistically has particular aim or interest to

influence the viewers.

Images can mainly function to persuade, while words then become only

informative supplement (Macario and Boyte, 2008). It means that images are able to



the amount of information contained in images is limited, above that it is impossible to

transform certain words or sentences into images. Thus, images are used to capture

consumers’ attention whereas words are used to convince them. In the other hand, when

language is used in terms of social context, the language itself is ideologically and

subjectively driven based on particular interest through some linguistic aspects such as

passivization, nominalization, lexicalization, emotional adjectives, rhetorical questions,

and even negation in which they must have certain meaning.

To conduct such purpose, an in-depth research by combining textual and semiotic

analysis will be employed to explore females’ representation in advertisements of

cosmopolitan magazine as they are tightly and socioculturally pertinent to women’s

representation. As advertisements contain many signs and sometimes symbols, semiotic

approach is suitable to interpret the advertisements in a broad way in order to obtain the

hidden meanings within the advertisements. Thus, advertisements are message systems

designed to organize perceptions and create structures of meaning (Williamson, 1997:


To make it clear, a data example is provided here through the application of

semiotic and linguistic aspects which can be observed in this perfume advertisement

taken from a page of Cosmopolitan magazine which suggesting sexuality. From the

visual or nonverbal aspect in the image, the model is being less dressed that makes her

breasts as the center of attention and exposed in an attractive position with a seductive

sexual look and invitingly opened lips, also the dark blue night color of atmosphere.

Semiotically, they must mean something! The perfume advertisement is in general

presented with the product and the model picture; while from the use of language or

words, the brand name Ghost with the verbal text Deep Night and the slogan The



message about the advertisement if textual analysis is conducted. The model’s suggestive

sexual position is stronger than words themselves. Based on the deep semiotic and

linguistic investigation, it can be proposed that she was engaged in taking off her lingerie

as if she was ready to give pleasure before sleep. Therefore, this image is exaggerated

and provocative in the Indonesian context where the majority of people are Muslims in

which the woman’s private part of the body that should be covered is exposed in public.

Picture 1. Woman as sexual object in a perfume ad

Mainstream and liberal women’s magazine like Cosmopolitan boost millions of

subscribers every year and each of these magazines are packed with messages that

women need to “improve” themselves as “modernly sexy” as possible. This is an

important study because as these messages become more and more prevalent, young

women are becoming affected by these messages. Only through awareness of what these

messages are truly saying and symbolizing can the consumer understand what they are

being sold and it is rarely merely a product.

1.2 Problems of the Study

1) How are women represented verbally and visually in the advertisements of



2) What myth or ideology is semiotically implied in the advertisements of

Cosmopolitan magazine?

3) What are stereotypical representations of women which appear in the

advertisements of Cosmopolitan magazine?

1.3 Objectives of the Study

1) To describe how women are represented in the advertisements of Cosmopolitan

magazine through verbal (linguistic) and visual (semiotic) aspects

2) To discover and reveal the myth or ideology in the advertisements of

Cosmopolitan magazine from the perspective of semiotic.

3) To find out the stereotypical representations of women in the advertisements of

Cosmopolitan magazine.

1.4 Scope of the Study

This study involves both linguistic and semiotic aspects. The linguistic features

covers lexical, semantic, syntactic, and cohesion; while semiotic features cover visual

aspects such as appearance, gesture, facial expressions, color and environment settings.

They help the researcher to figure out the current society’s dominant ideology about

women attributes and behavior that are valued most in our society.

The samples that will be used as data consist of 12 advertisements that use woman

as model participant from Cosmopolitan magazine in the edition of January 2016. The

rationale for choosing the magazine is that it is a popular franchise magazine from USA

that is published as Indonesian version. In addition, the chosen January 2016 edition can

be considered as representative of the previous and coming editions as it is the beginning



alone the original version, American one, so this makes the writer cannot get the latest

edition to analyze due to her financial and time limit.

The image of Cosmopolitan as a magazine for young independent women is very

strong. Thereby, it will be worth-observing the women stereotypes either in general or


1.5 Significances of the Study

This study is expected to be useful theoretically and practically in some respects

as follows:

1) Theoretically, this study will be additional resources in learning studies about

advertisement from the perspective of semiotics and linguistics, especially for

students who want to observe hidden strategies and message in print

advertisements as it is known that every print advertisement has particular


2) Practically, this study is expected to be useful resources for other researchers who

are interested in analysing meanings such as ideological and cultural values that

strategically hidden in advertising discourse that is printed advertisement, as we





5.1 Conclusion

After analyzing the whole data deliberately, the conclusions are drawn:

1. Advertising language and image is used to influence people’s minds. It can be

investigated by analyzing the linguistic features and semiotic aspects to uncover or

reveal the message and meanings of advertisements to persuade and create

particular perspective such as implicit ideology to influence the perception of

viewers, especially women.

2. The most used linguistic features in the advertisements that use women as model

participants that seem to have strong influence and role in informing and persuading

viewers are noun phrase, adjective, and disjunctive clause.

3. Advertisements tend to use women as product representative, part of social life in

passive role, and also to sexualize them in promoting particular products regardless

what kind of product that is promoted. It is because many people believe that

women are the beautiful creation of God, and their physique and appearance are to

enjoy especially by men.

4. The role of image in depicting women in advertisements show different or various

representations, whether positive or negative. By using semiotic as tool of analysis

to investigate the denotation and connotation meaning, the myth or ideology can be

revealed. And from there, it is easy to determine whether there is stereotype or not

in the advertisements.

5. In the advertisements that promote particular products such as cosmetic, apparel,



representation of women and their physique and appearance that tend to be

stereotyped as object of sexuality and what beautiful should be like within narrow


5.2 Suggestion

In line with the conclusions that have been stated, some suggestions are offered to

the readers, especially for those who are interested in doing further study on women

representation and stereotypes in any discourse as follow:

• It is suggested for anyone who read this research, especially the female readers, to

be more mature & aware in realizing how women are represented and whether

there is particular stereotype in order to understand and filter the implied ideology


• It is suggested for other researchers to study about the linguistic and semiotic

aspects used in other advertisements to reveal and uncover the hidden message

that may be harmful to our perception.

• It is suggested for other researchers who want to conduct a research by using




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