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Analysis Of Power Consumption By Using Programmable Logic Controller (PLC).


Academic year: 2017

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Nurain Binti Othman

Bachelor of Electrical Engineering (Power Industries)


“I hereby declare that I have read through this report entitle “Analysis of Power

Consumption by using Programmable Logic Controller” and found that it has comply the

partial fulfillment for awarding the degree of Bachelor of Electrical Engineering




A report submitted in partial fulfill requirement of the requirements for the degree of Bachelor of Electrical Engineering (Industrial Power)

Faculty of Electrical Engineering



I declare that this report entitle “Analysis of Power Consumption by using Programmable

Logic Controller (PLC)” is the result of my own research except as cited in the references.

The report has not been accepted for any degree and is not concurrently submitted in



First of all, I really would like to thank to Allah S.W.T for His approval and

blessing that made all this happened and come true.

Firstly, a special and most honored gratitude to my project supervisor En Mohd

Shahril Bin Ahmad Khiar for his guidance, teachings and support throughout this project. I

am truly honored and humble to have him as my supervisor because of his knowledge and

expertise in very vast and wide. His effort and willingness to sacrifice his golden time to

guide me in all aspect of final year project in order to complete the task within the

specified time frame. I am beyond doubt enjoyed the challenge of discussing in various

aspects and topics regarding my project with him which later helped me improve my final

project and knowledge about it.

Besides that, a special thanks to my acquaintances and my family for helping me

with their precious suggestions and supports throughout the completion of this project.



The rapid growth of electricity consumption increased in accordance with the development

of the country to reach its status as the industrial countries. The development of

supervisory system that control and monitor play an important role to balance energy

production and to evaluate the consumption needs from the consumer. Nowadays, the

usage of power for individual house may increase if there is less aware on power wasting.

By turning on electrical appliances that may not be beneficial enough for the owner, it will

increase the power usage that obviously will double up the cost of utility billing. The aim

of this project is to control and monitor in load utilization by using Programmable Logic

Controller (PLC) via Human-machine Interface (HMI). Hence, PLC is used as the

centralized component of sending and receiving data to the system via HMI and analyse

power consumption based on customer usage with a several cases. The eight cases of load

utilization and its power consume will be investigated. This program will be run by

designing ladder programming software and user interface program while its controller

will be developed using PLC. The development of this monitoring and controlling system

is simulated through the implementation of eight cases mentioned previously. As a result,

the outputs of power obtained from HMI display are identical with theoretical value and

this project can be applied in domestic house for controlling and monitoring the power




Pertumbuhan pesat penggunaan elektrik meningkat selaras dengan pembangunan negara

untuk mencapai status sebagai negara perindustrian. Pembangunan sistem penyeliaan yang

mengawal dan memantau memainkan peranan yang penting untuk mengimbangi

pengeluaran tenaga dan menilai penggunaan keperluan dari pengguna. Pada masa kini,

penggunaan kuasa untuk rumah individu boleh meningkat jika terdapat kurang kesedaran

tentang pembaziran kuasa. Dengan menghidupkan peralatan elektrik yang mungkin tidak

cukup memberi manfaat kepada pemilik, ia akan meningkatkan penggunaan kuasa yang

jelas akan menggandakan kos bil utiliti. Tujuan projek ini adalah untuk mengawal dan

memantau dalam penggunaan beban dengan menggunakan Programmable Logic

Controller (PLC) melalui Muka Manusia-mesin (HMI). Oleh itu, PLC digunakan sebagai

komponen berpusat bagi menghantar dan menerima data kepada sistem melalui HMI dan

menganalisis penggunaan kuasa berdasarkan penggunaan pelanggan dengan mengambil

kira beberapa kes. Beberapa penggunaan beban dan menggunakan kuasa yang akan

disiasat. Program ini akan dikendalikan untuk mereka bentuk tangga perisian

pengaturcaraan dan pengguna program antara muka manakala pengawal yang akan

dibangunkan dengan menggunakan PLC. Hasilnya, pengeluaran kuasa yang diperolehi

dari paparan HMI adalah sama dengan nilai teori dan projek ini boleh digunakan di dalam

rumah domestik bagi mengawal dan memantau penggunaan kuasa. Pemantauan

pembangunan dan strategi mengawal adalah simulasi berdasarkan pelaksanaan



2.3 Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition (SCADA) System 7 2.4 Applications of SCADA system 7 2.4.1 Power Substation System 8

2.4.2 Remote Control and Monitoring System 9


CHAPTER TITLE PAGE 3.2 Description of Design and Development Project 17 3.2.1 Drawing Plan 18

4.4 Discussion on Comparison between Experimental and




3.1 Address and Data Type of the whole project ladder diagram 27

3.2 Frame ID with its name 33

3.3 Hardware Development with its description for whole project 38

3.4 Implementation of eight several cases 41

4.1 Theoretical result in power (watt) value 43

4.2 Experimental result in power (watt) value 46




2.1 Example of SCADA system in power substation 8

2.2 Hardware configuration system 11

2.3 A poor and good HMI graphic 12

2.4 Programmable Logic Controller General Scheme 13

3.1 Flow chart of whole project methodology 15

3.2 Main equipment in this project that related to each other 18

3.3 Plan drawing for this project 20

3.4 Main Screen of CX- Programmer software programming 22

3.5 Whole Ladder diagram Project 23

3.6 Main screen of CX-Protocol tools 29

3.7 Send message command data and its check code 30

3.8 Receive message command data and its check code 31

3.9 NB-Designer tools 32

3.10 Main screen displays of the system 33


4.1 Experimental result in HMI displays and PLC programming

for Case 1


4.2 Load utilization result for Case 1 46

G1 Experimental result in HMI displays and PLC programming

for Case 2


G2 Load utilization result for Case 2 63

G3 Experimental result in HMI displays and PLC programming

for Case 3


G4 Load utilization result for Case 3 64

G5 Experimental result in HMI displays and PLC programming

for Case 4


G6 Load utilization result for Case 4 65

G7 Experimental result in HMI displays and PLC programming




A System connection between PLC and Load 55

B System connection between PLC and Power Analyzer 57

C System configuration of NB-series Programmable

Terminal(PTs) with PLC


D Specification of Programmable Logic Controller 59

E Serial Communication and Variable Data Mapping



F Datasheet of Power Analyzer 62

G Data that Captured for All Cases for this Project in

PLC,HMI Displays and Load Utilization





1.1Project Background

The world now is facing situation where the demand of power and electricity is very

high and continuously progressing from time to time. Electricity is needed to run everyday

life and to make world a better place to stay and live. The growth of electric utilities in size

and number of interconnecting has increased recently. The development of advancement in

software and microprocessor technology provide great controller that is very useful for

human daily life. There are many studies in literature review about control and monitoring

application is widely used nowadays. Great investment is made to achieve more

comfortable conditions with optimal control of system to obtain maximum benefits. Today,

the improvements in the system communications have simulated the implementation of

distributed systems. These distributed systems are then usually managed by a centralized

supervisory platform, commonly known as Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition

(SCADA) system.

Besides, Human-Machine Interface (HMI) is part of the machine that involves in

study, planning and design of the interaction between users and other devices. Example of

HMI which user can see and touch is membrane switches, rubber keypads and touch

screen. In HMI interface design it consists of three stages which is interaction


controlling and monitoring system using Programmable Logic Controller (PLC). To make

it even easier, the system should have HMIwhich is touch screen program to control,

monitor and display all the parameters involve.


The purpose of this project is to design an advanced controlling and monitoring system

of power consumption to satisfy and ease consumer’s daily routine that involve power

usage. It is based on basic operation of electricity loads including lighting and fan that the

controlling and monitoring process of their power consumption in different place can be

achieved by one command through visual user interface. For example, lights at room are

still on even though there are no people inside the room. The power wasted is highly not

recommended since the peak demand may increase and literally cause the cost of power

usage increasing too. Thus, this project provided time saving in which user can interact

through visual user interface to control and monitor all places in the house at one point.

Furthermore, the measurement of power consumption is carried out to determine the


Demand in loads is increasing each day. Furthermore, it increasing rapidly in certain

condition and the generation part cannot cope with the particular occurrence scenario that

may lead to power demand exceeding the power generate in generation plants. This

scenario also happens due to over-usage of power by the loads. As it is acknowledged,

nowadays electrical network in domestic house is utilizing switches for on and off any

particular electrical equipment. Loads like fans and lightings are installed in several places

in the house and the switches might be installed everywhere nearer to the loads. Therefore,

this project offers the usage of controlling and monitoring all the loads just in one single

center. The center means consumer may be able to access every load in the house just in

one place without putting an effort to reach for switches of the loads. Besides, this project

offers consumer the power consume per loads so that the consumer may know actual

power rating of loads utilized and increasing their awareness towards shutting down loads

that are unused and consume higher power rating.


There are four main objectives that need to be completed in order to make this

project successful. They are:

1) To study about controlling and monitoring system and its applications.

2) To design and develop a power consumption monitoring system using

Programmable Logic Controller (PLC) via Human-Machine Interface

3) To design and develop a control load using Programmable Logic Controller (PLC)

via Human-Machine Interface


This project is focused on development and implementation on controlling and

monitoring system for consumer in one of a domestic house. The aim is to control loads

and monitor power consumption using PLC type OMRON CJ2M-CPU11 via HMI type

OMRON NB-Series Programmable Terminal (PT) with real load utilization that consists of

lighting and fan in a house. Initially, all the equipments that involve are OMRON

CJ2M-CPU11 PLC-Type, OMRON NB-Series PT and Power Analyzer. All of these equipments

will be connected via the utilization of serial communication standard (232 and

RS-485). As for acknowledgement, OMRON NB-Series PT is the device that acts as HMI for

this project. They are CX-Programmer (for PLC), CX-Protocol (for Power Analyzer) and

NB-Designer (for HMI). There are number of loads involved. They are seven unit

fluorescent lamps with five using magnetic ballasts and another two lamp using electronic

ballasts. As additional loads, two wall fans are also involves. All of these respective loads

are installed on a wooden board for the analogy of loads distribution in domestic house.

There load are labeled and there are also software involve as well. Then, analysis will

demonstrate in comparison of power consumption between experimental result and

theoretical result based on the implementation of load utilization. The implementation of


Chapter 1 briefly summarizes the project background and problem statements as well

as elaborates the problem statement, objectives, motivation, and scope of the project and

thesis outlines.

Chapter 2 describes about literature review. The contents include about the

development of controlling and monitoring system, SCADA system, HMI and power

consumption theory.

Chapter 3 is about the research methodology of the project. It discusses in detailed the

project development to complete the project. The utilization of software and hardware

combination is implemented throughout the project. Besides, the eight cases for load are

manually controlled and monitored. All steps from beginning until the end of this project

are concluded.

Chapter 4 illustrates result and describes the purpose of eight cases. This chapter will

conclude that most profitable method to reduce in terms of reduction of energy

consumption and bill payment. The payback period on each method will be discussed on

this chapter.




2.1 Introduction

This chapter discuss about the brainstorming related with this project. The sources

are from part journals and book related with monitoring and controlling system,

Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition (SCADA) system and its application, serial

communication and SCADA software via Human-Machine Interface (HMI).

2.2 Monitoring and Controlling System

Monitoring and control can be defined as the centralized to control of a system such

as devices or network through automated system or managed by control unit either with or

without display information. Nowadays, market profile is the main cause described

according given to which varies among sector in industrial automation, power grid and

critical infrastructure in control and monitoring system [1]. Thus, with the flows to global

issue in exploration of monitoring and control system may be affected by the impacts from

charging the base for drivers such as in development of services, energy efficiency, cost of

oil and gas, safety, security, and others. One of example monitoring and control system


SCADA can be defined as a type of and industrial control system by using

computer networking. The computer will be functioning as controlling and monitoring in

physical world. The main purpose of SCADA is combined real-time data, monitoring and

controlling equipment process in critical facilities such as oil and gas production,

transmission and distribution, industrial control, electrical power distribution process

monitoring, display information in a graphical user interface and others types of

application that related to SCADA system [2]. A SCADA network is necessary provided

connection between servers which in a particular inside a control centre and control device

which located at fields sometimes are remote location. SCADA system essential of several

equipments such as HMI, Remote Thermal Unit (RTU), Programmable Logic Controller

(PLC), substation controller server, power equipment and others system [3]. Furthermore,

SCADA system also plays an important role by providing utilities with valuable

information at the same time in a reliable and safe manner.

2.4 Application of SCADA System

Application of SCADA system consists of one or more devices which is RTU and

PLC. A communication system is used to transfer data between field interface device and

control unit of the component in SCADA central host. Other than that, a collection of

standard and custom software which is called HMI used to provide the SCADA central

host and operator terminal application and support the communication system and monitor

and control located field data interface devices [4]. Besides, SCADA system is applied in

power substation system, remote control and monitoring system and auto-controlled

automation system. All of these applications are described in the next sub chapter under


One of example of SCADA system is in power substation is shown in Figure 2.1. Today,

electrical substation required manual switching or adjustment of equipment and manual

collection of data for load, energy consumption and abnormal events. According to Figure

2.1, one of room control centre will control all the room according to the connection in

Ethernet, serial and others. The system use HMI (Modbus TCP) as monitoring and PLC are

use as the device for control the system [5].


Nowadays, human daily life becomes more good cause by the exploration of

current development in software and microprocessor technology. Furthermore, the internet

respected as powerful medium for future technology. Furthermore, the internet represented

as a future technology. Distributed internet access is the fundamental assumption from one

side to another set of applications that come with a solution which is save time, cost and

others. The use of Personal Computers (PC), subscriber station and wireless connectivity

content disperse widely lead to the popular use of high-tech devices applications. An

industrial system is an example of a multi-user system that can be monitor and control by

remote. The process are design based on different equipment and methods to operate

system efficiently and economic. However, new applications require further development

to improve the quality of performance, standards, internet protocol (IP) addressing,

accessing and security [6]. The networking allows the combination of communication

which involves the management and operation of smart devices and system [7]. All the

information in controlling system and its status information, it can be sent along power line

or other structure including wireless or others [8]. The implementation wiring can be form


Figure 2.1: Example of SCADA system in power substation [5]


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