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An Analysis Of Morality Reflected By The Main Characters In Winston Groom’s Novel Forrest Gump


Academic year: 2016

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(Dr. Hj. T. Thyrhaya Zein, M. A) (Drs. Parlindungan Purba, M.Hum) NIP.19630109 198803 2 001 NIP. 19630216 198903 1 003

Submitted to Faculty of Cultural Studies University of Sumatera Utara Medan in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Sarjana Sastra from Department of English


Approved by the Department of English, Faculty of Cultural Studies University of Sumatera Utara (USU) Medan as thesis for The Sarjana Sastra Examination.

Head, Secretary,


Accepted by the Board of Examiners in partial fulfillment of requirements for the degree of Sarjana Sastra from the Department of English, Faculty of Cultural Studies University of Sumatera Utara, Medan.

The examination is held in Department of English Faculty of Cultural Studies University of Sumatera Utara on August 26, 2014

Dean of Faculty Cultural Studies University of Sumatera Utara

Dr. H. Syahron Lubis, MA NIP. 19511013 197603 1 001

Board of Examiners (Signature)

Dr. H. Muhizar Muchtar, MS ……….

Rahmadsyah Rangkuti, M.A. Ph.D. ……….

Dr. Hj. T. Thyrhaya Zein, M.A ……….

Dra. Hj. Swesana Mardha Lubis, M.Hum ……….











Signed :

Date : August 26, 2014



First and foremost, I would like to thank and praise to my Lord Jesus Christ, for His blessing and mercy so I can finished this thesis as one of the requirements to get Scholar Certificate in English Department, Faculty of Cultural Studies, University of Sumatera Utara.

A great many thanks are dedicated to Dr. H Syahron Lubis, M.A, The Dean of Studies Cultural Faculty, University of Sumatera Utara who has authority in my academic years of learning. Thanks to Dr. H. Muhizar Muchtar, MS, The Head of English Department who has helped me with his leadership to finished my study. I also say thank you to Rahmadsyah Rangkuti, M.A. Ph.D as the Secretary of English Department who has helped me also in registration and checked my thesis.

I would say thank you so much for my Supervisor Dra. Hj. T. Thyrhaya Zein, M.A and my Co-Supervisor Drs. Parlindungan Purba, M.Hum for their helped and supported through correcting my writing in this thesis and also give me some suggestion about my content. I am eternally grateful for their generosity with their time, efforts, and support; I would be lost at tuft without them. Thanks to Dra. Redita Lubis, Dip. Appl. Ling, M. Hum as my academic supervisor who always support me from the beginning until I finished my study. I would also like to thank you for all the lecturers of English Department, University of Sumatera Utara who are giving me so much knowledge. Thanks to Alm. Bang Am and Bang Mistam for so much helped in registration and administration.


Thank you for tolerating me in my moments of despair when it seemed uncertain that I would be able to complete all of the projects that I have undertaken. I am so excited to have emerged on the other side not only unscathed, but also having generally enjoyed my journey there. And also thank you so much to my inspiring siblings, Defacto zega, Filan zega, Novita zega, Achida zega and my sister in law, Bena who always support me and give me strength from your words and your smile

Thank you for my small group Siloam, Kak Inta, Mami Elsye, Krista, and Lia for all the moments we had shared together in discussing about God and our lives. Thank you for all of my friends, Eka, Apri, Cindy, Hanny, Hetty, Laura, Tami, Wina, Yati, Yosi, Devy. I believe we will be success together as soon as, Spunky guys. And also thank you for my friends, Denny, Dicky, Martin, Petrus, Yudi and Boi. Thank you so much for all of my friends in class B 2010 who cannot I mention all of your names.

In writing this paper, I realized that this thesis is far from being perfect though I have done my best, so I hope suggestion for this thesis. Without any helps and support from all parties, this thesis would not be completed. Finally, I expect this paper would be useful for the readers in future.

Medan, July 2014 The Writer










ABSTRAK ... ix



CHAPTER I: INTRODUCTION 1.1. Background of the Study ... 1

1.2. Problem of the Study ... 5

1.3. Objective of the Study ... 5

1.4. Scope of the Study ... 5

1.5. Significance of the Study ... 5

CHAPTER II:REVIEW OF RELATED LITERATURE 2.1 General Concept of Character ... 7

2.2 Society and Literature ... 10

2.3 Overview of Morality ... 13

2.4 Review of Related Study ... 20

CHAPTER III: METHOD OF ANALYSIS 3.1 Method of Study ... 22

3.1.1 Data and Source Data ... 24

3.1.2 Data Collecting ... 24

3.1.3 Data Analysis ... 25


4.2Friendship ... 29 4.3 Disloyalty ... 32 4.4 Despair ... 35 CHAPTER V:CONCLUSION AND SUGGESTION

5.1 Conclusion ... 40 5.2 Suggestion ... 41 REFERENCES ... 40 APPENDICES






CHAPTER I INTRODUCTION 1.1Background of the Study

Everyone has a story, a story which is about true life and even imagination that never happens in the real life. Many people put out their story and imagination to write and now we know the result of their story in writing as a literary work. Literature is certainly the least pure of all the arts and least capable of such purity or abstraction (Taylor, 1981:22). Someone’s idea that puts into letters with beautiful languages or dictions make literature as the arts of human mind. Literature becomes a means of passing on the present age the values and the cultural systems from the generation to generation, it even includes criteria of beauty and the morality of the classical texts (Withla, 2010:6). Literature was used as the heritage from one generation to the next generation and as the knowledge which could tell history of the past. The criteria of beauty and morality of the classical texts means that literature is not only a text but also beauty in its words or sentences and has the messages as the purpose of the text. Many definitions of literature are made by many people but to be sure, people use literature to express their feeling, put out their imagination and their ideas. There are three genres of literature, they are Drama, Poetry, and Prose Fiction.


of someone in novelist’s imagination and represents the condition of one area in that time. The novelist puts out their idea into a novel.

Every novel has characters, the characters make the novels have story. Novels usually tell about people, scenes that present about the real life and the events that may never happen in the real life. A character is a mere construction of the words meant to express an idea or view of experience and must be considered in relation to features of the composition, such as action and setting, before its full significance can be appreciated (Taylor,1981:62). Characters have the important elements in novel because characters activate the story by their action, attitute and behaviour. Characters and novel have a close relation which cannot be separated. Novelists make the story interesting through the characters. Novelists write their novels with special purposes, there must be messages that novelists want to say to the readers. Sometimes, novelists use novel as the reflection of themselves, about their true lives or novelist just wrote novel for entertainments. Many things can be known from reading a novel, including information about the novelist and the most important thing that can be learned from the characters in the novel is about the good and bad things. In a novel, the characters do actions which can be evaluated by people or the readers as good or bad actions. From the action, behavior, and dialogues, the readers can know the characterization of characters. Novelists also put out the knowledge in their story for the readers, such as social, culture, ethnic and even about the morality. A novel can potray characters and actions which represent the real life. Those actions and characters may deal with human life, ambition, desire, joy, feeling and many things. A novel also can give precious lesson for the reader that may be considered as moral teaching that may be usefull in one’s life.

Comment [ T1] : Kata benda

Comment [ T2] : jamak


According to Titus, moral is how the human beings make decision of their life. Take and do the right or the wrong ways. Moral connect to the social life. Moral practices and standards depend on the stage of social development, on the general level of intelligence and on the knowledge available at the time. (Titus, 1959 : 343). Everyone has a moral, just how they do the right or wrong things, people will judge someone by their behavior and action which is good or bad things they do. The morality of someone will be perceived in social life, when they have intraction with another people. Moral as the judgement of goodness and badness through human action and character, talking about the good and evil, even educating goodness of character’s behavior. The judgement about the bad or good by human action is based on the principles of right in their custom and human beings must obey life norm as a moral standard which is acceptable in society.

From the phenomenon of morality which is happened in many region or group of society, many novelists is inspired to put the moral value into their story in novel through the characters’ behavior or action in there. This case would be interested in discussing, while the novelists put in morality into their work as the message or lesson to the readers.


misspellings and grammatical errors to indicate his Southern accent, education, and cognitive disabilities.

This novel tells about the life’s journey of Forrest Gump. Forrest Gump is the leading character which does many things as his jobs. With his simplicity, he faces his life and makes his life to meaningful. He meets many people in his life; there are people who hate him and mock him because he has IQ 70. People said he is idiot man and he realizes about that but not because that IQ he cannot does many things. He has good personality, he always tries to make good relation with everyone. Jenny Curran is his first friend, she always supports Gump. Jenny is a kind girl, she has ambition to be famous people like an artist. She makes relation with many men, but it is not work. She likes Gump, they love each other but at the end she left Gump and gets married with another man. Gump does many good things to many people, which make people happy with him. Although his IQ is low but he knows to do good things that can give the happiness. His friend Dan, in the beginning teaches Gump with his philosophy to face the life with courage, he gives supports to Gump that he says life is difficult but you have to face it. But at the end Dan cannot do it to himself. He gives up because of his condition and situation that is not suitable with his hopes.


1.2 Problem of the Study

1. What are the kinds of moral behavior found in Forrest Gump? 2. How are morality portrayed through main character in Forrest


1.3 Objective of the Study

The objects of this thesis are:

1. To find out the moral behavior found in Forrest Gump.

2. To describe the morality portrayed through main character in Forrest Gump.

1.4 Scope of the Study

With regards to the problems and objectives of the study, the writer has to limit the scope of the study. Therefore, the writer just focuses on the analysis of the morality which is found in Winston Groom’s Forrest Gump through the character of Forrest Gump, Jenny Curran and Lt. Dan in this novel.

1.5 Significance of the Study

Theoretically, the writer hopes to increase the literary understanding in terms of literary works and characters through the novel, and to enrich the knowledge about moral analysis.




In this chapter the main discuss is about the review of related literature which used by writer to complete this thesis. The writer introduces the theory and some explanations which related with the topic.

2.1General Concept of Character

Characters are one of the important parts in prose fiction. The characters active story can be done. The characters in prose fiction are imitation or just imagine from the real human beings which is created by author.

Taylor (1981:62) says A character is a mere construction of the words meant to express an idea or view of experience and must be considered in relation to features of the composition, such as action and setting, before its full significance can be appreciated.

A character has an important rule to convey the messages from the author to readers; the characters come to express an idea from the author which done by their action, felling and dialog in the story.


Roberts and Jacob (1985:131), said in fiction, a character may be defined as verbal representation of human being. Through action, speech, description, and commentary, authors portray characters that are worth caring about, rooting for, and even loving, although there are also characters people may laugh at, dislike, or even hate. The characters in fiction are just created by author from their imagination. The author uses the character to active the story and by character also the author wants to show the message in the prose fiction itself. The author uses some characters in prose fiction, like there are characters which represent goodness by their behavior or action and there are also some characters which represent badness.

E.M. Foster (1970:75) distinguishes two kinds of characters, those are round and flat. Round character usually play a major role in a story. Round character is the dominant character and often called as the hero. Round character is also called as the protagonist who has interaction with antagonist. The round character does many actions in the story and as the leading character. Usually the round character has to active the story from the beginning to the ending. This character always seems in many action and interaction with others characters. While flat character is not really dominant in story. The flat character is not has important rule, flat characters end where they begin and are static, not dynamic but flat characters are not therefore worthless, for they usually highlight the development of round characters.

Robert and Jacob (1985:135) stated that authors tend to use five ways to present their characters:


From the action also the reader can be judge that the character is good or bad, melancholic or dramatize.

2. Descriptions, both personal and environmental. The information about the character can be found from the description of character, like the characters job or their status. From this information, we can find about the personality of the characters.

3. Dramatic statements and thoughts. The statements of character in story also make the reader curious about the character. Although the dramatic statements and thoughts are not accurate to decide about characteristic of the characters. It just as the part to make the story more interesting and to make the reader can imagine the story.

4. Statements by other characters. The other characters are also having important rule in story. By the other characters’ statements, the reader can get information about the character and can judge about the behavior of the character by see the statement from other characters.

5. Statements by the author speaking as storyteller or observer. This is the important to know about the characteristic of character just from the statements of author because what the author says about the character is usually accurate.


quotations which show about the goodness and badness from the characters in this novel.

2.2Literature and society

Society and literature have relation so close. An author comes from group of society and put in everything of his/her mind from what she/he has seen or felt in to literary. Literary work is reflected by thinking, felling, and desiring of author in language and then put it in form like writing or speaking.

Nyoman (Nyoman, 2003:11) in his book entitle Paradigma Sosiologi Sastra wrote that,

“sosiologi sastra merupakan suatu ilmu yang mempelajari hubungan sastra dengan masyarakat. Objek masalah pokok sosiologi sastra adalah karya sastra itu sendiri, karya sebagai aktifitas kreatif dengan ciri-ciri yang berbeda-beda. Tujuan sosiologi sastra yaitu meningkatkan pemahaman terhadap sastra dalam kaitannya dengan masyarakat, menjelaskan bahwa rekaan tidak berlawanan dengan kenyataan”

“Sociology of literature is a science which is study about the relation literature and society. The object of sociology of literature is literary work itself, literary as creative activity with the differences of characteristic. The purpose of sociology of literature is to increase the understanding of literature in relation with society, to explain that imagination is not just opposite with the fact”.


Analysis in sociology of literature gives attention for the functions of literature, literary works as product of a society. Like the things that pay back, literary works have to give manifests or benefit to the social structure in human being lives. (Nyoman 2003:11). Elizabeth and Burns (in Endaswara, 2008:78) said that the important perspective of sociological approach is that literature is not only the effect of social causes but also the cause of social effect. It shows the relation between sociology and literature, these two influence each other. Literary work is created by the mirror of society lives and will be back to society which can be the point or can take its benefit that can apply in the life or just as entertainments. The author got influenced from the condition of sociology in his/her lives that can give him/her inspiration to writing.

Warren and Wallek also said that Literature is imitates of life, in large measure, a social reality, even though the natural world and the inner or subjective world of the individual have also been objects of literary imitation. (Warren and Wellek, 1977: 89). Literary work as imitate from society life which is in end its result will be imitated by society themselves.

There are reasons about the relation of society and literature, they are: 1. There is the sociology of the writer and the profession and institutions of

literature, the whole question of the economic basis of literary production, the social provenience and status of the writer, his social ideology, which may find expression in extra literary pronouncements and activities. 2. There is the problem of the social content, the implications and social


3. There are the problems of the audience and the actual social influence of literature.

In the novel Forrest Gump, the writer wants to know about the problem of the social content, the implications and social purpose of the works of literature. What Groom wants to show about the social phenomenon, especially about the goodness and badness from the characters is.

The aim and the role of literary approach are to understand sense of literary work so deeply. The author also put in unsure which is out of literary work aspect in literature as religion, moral, philosophy and so on (Nyoman 2003:10). De Bonald (in Warren & Wellek, 1977: 90) said that the relation between literature and society, literature is an expression of society. Literature as mirrors of social condition in that period, the writer inevitably expresses his experience and total conception of life; but it would be manifestly untrue to say that author expresses the whole of life. The writer is not only influenced by society: he influences the society too. The Art not merely reproduces Life but also shapes it. People may model their lives upon the patterns of fictional heroes and heroines. The society who read literary work usually got influence from the literary works itself, like imitated the behavior of characters in one of literary work. Or people will follow the ideologies which have written in the story of literary works by author. The readers also can take messages from the literary work and practice it in their lives.


her statement that moral make the literary work has the deeply definition which has contact or relation with the society in real. Literary work which gets influence from extrinsic unsure can be seen in the story or conflict that made by author to convey messages in literary works itself. The messages sometime likes conductor that people can use in social life.

In novel Winston Groom’s Forrest Gump, Groom describes how characteristic of the character show some messages about good and bad in morality. Groom put in extrinsic unsure like morality in his novel, people can see from the conduct, behavior and action of characters in it.

2.3Overview of Morality

Ethics comes from the Greek ethos, meaning character. Morality comes from the Latin moralis, meaning customs or manners. Ethics, then, seems to pertain to the individual character of a person or persons, whereas morality seems to point to the relationships between human beings. Nevertheless, in ordinary language, whether we call a person ethical or moral, or an act unethical or immoral, doesnot really make any significant difference (Thiroux and Krasemann,2011:2).


these rules and ways of living together, the customs and habits of individuals, groups or mankind assuch.

Bentham asserts that morality is an art to maximize happiness because by considering this matter it is will be useful for our self and the other people (in book of Hazlitt, 2003: 22). At point the morality means to concern about good or right in human lives which is made by people to make the harmony in happiness. Morality gives law code which with this code can give description about the quantity of pleasure. The happiness can be done when someone do something for another which they really need it.

In beginning, human is doing action or something to get the pleasure or happiness, they do it by their ways which sometimes the ways do not bring the happiness comes for a while and make the pain comes in the end. To create the happiness, human beings have to choose and be careful in action, attitude, and behavior which can give the impact for everyone in their environment. It is not really easy to make the happiness appear in human’s life because human always think about their self and also can make some mistake.

In his book, Bentham said,


He said that in the life the nature has supply pain and pleasure, just how the human face their life to create the pain or pleasure comes to their life because of their actions. By knowing pain and pleasure show how must human do in their action and to determine what will be done. Pleasure and pain also make people know about the good and bad thing. As the result of some actions people have done and they will realize what they will get from that action.

Pain and pleasure will be close to the life of human beings because if people do something in their life, it will bring pain or pleasure. Human beings have to consider what they have to do, and the good things are always bring the pleasure but something because of condition or situation people can do bad things in their life and bring the pain comes to their life.

From the phenomenon about the pain and pleasure Bentham introduced the principle of utility as the foundation of the present work: it will be proper therefore at the outset to give an explicit and determinate account of what is meant by it. By the principle of utility is meant that principle which approves or disapproves of every action whatsoever. according to the tendency it appears to have to augment or diminish the happiness of the party whose interest is in question: or, what is the same thing in other words to promote or to oppose that happiness. (Bentham, 1781:14)

He described that utility as the action which can creates gain, pleasure, kindness and happiness or can prevent pain, crime, and unhappiness. Talking about the happiness, Bentham also has a standard or criterion of happiness can be done, there are seven criteria, and they are:

1. Its intensity. 2. Its duration.


4. Its propinquity or remoteness. 5. Its fecundity.

6. Its purity.

7. Its extent; that is, the number of persons to whom it extends; or (in other words) who are affected by it.

Sum up all the values of all the pleasures on the one side, and those of all the pains on the other. The balance, if it be on the side of pleasure, will give the good tendency of the act upon the whole, with respect to the interests of that individual person; if on the side of pain the bad tendency of it upon the whole. (Bentham, 1781:32)

Moral judgments are different from expressions of personal taste. People judge someone has a good moral or bad by their conduct or action and there are reasons why people judge their action is good or bad. A moral situation involves moral agents that is human beings who act, are empowered to make choices, and consciously make decisions. As moral agents, demands are made on us and place us under obligations: we have both duties and rights. We are faced with moral alternatives, and we can better weigh those alternatives when we have an understanding of the ingredients of the moral situation.


moral insights and codes change, however slowly, is another ingredient in the moral situation.

Moral judgments had be done based on rules or norms and customs in one society which is had agreed. In book of Rachel’s (2005:19) said, some reasons of different in judgment people based on their conduct, they are:

1. Different societies have different moral codes.

2. The moral code of a society determines what is right within that society 3. There is no objective standard that can be used to judge one society’s

code better than another’s

4. The moral code of our own society has no special status.

5. There is no universal truth in ethics; there are no moral truths that hold for all peoples at all times.

6. It is mere arrogance for us to try judge the conduct of other peoples. Everyone should adopt an attitude of tolerance toward the practices of other cultures.

2.4Review of Related Studies

In analyzing of morality in Wiston Groom’s novel Forrest Gump, the writer also reads several thesis and book which are related to the topic discussed to support the idea of analysis. The another thesis use as data to get some information which are designed to assist the thesis :


moral value through characters in her thesis. She described detail about the characters in Mirror Image. This thesis helps the writer to analyze the moral lesson through the main characters. This thesis is a reference to the writer in writing the thesis.

In her thesis, Ananda wrote moral as good and bad behavior which is had by people. She analyzed the study through the principles of moral by David Rensik. The writer takes some explanation about the principles of moral from this thesis which can help the writer to classify where the good and bad one is.

The English Handbook, a Guide to Literary Studies by William Whitla (2010). This book is the main source from which the writer gets definition about literature and novel. In this book, there is definition of literature which is literature became a means of passing on the present age the values and the cultural system from the generation to generation, it even included criteria of beauty and the morality of the classical texts. According this book, literature is as a tool which can connect the generation to generation, and the writer thinks that is right we can learn about the past from their literary work.




3.1 Method of the Study

In doing the study, the writer uses the descriptive qualitative method. Qualitative research is characterised by its aims, which relate to understanding some aspect of social life, and its methods which (in general) generate words, rather than numbers, as data for analysis (Green, 2007:2). As Rene Wellek and Austin Warren in Theory of Literature (1956:90) stated that there are two approaches in analyzing the literary works. They are intrinsic and extrinsic approach. Intrinsic approach is a kind of approach which analyze literary works based on the text and the structural points of literary works characters, plot, setting, style, point of view, etc. Extrinsic approach is a kind of approach which analyzes the relationship between the content and the other discipline of knowledge such as history, religion, etc.In this thesis, intrinsic approach will be used to analyze the characters. The writer uses the extrinsic approach that is relation the literary with the society or philosophy; because the writer focuses in analyze the morality, about the good or bad behaviour.


Schema 3.1

Schema 6.1

Here are the explanation of the schema 6.1, the steps of analyzing data:

1. The first step is reading the novel Forrest Gump by Winston Groom. 2. Finding the texts which are related to moral attitudes through the main


3. Making interpretation and then analysis by using descriptive qualitative method.

4. The last is making a conclusion.

3.1.1 Data and Source of Data

This thesis needs several data that related to the study discussed. The data are divided into two, they are: primary data and secondary data. The source of data is

Reading the Source of Data: Forrest Gump

Select text such as dialogues, words, phrase and sentences from the novel which shows the morality.

The writer



novel Forrest Gump which are used as the object of analysis. This novel was written by Winston Groom and published in 1986. Primary data is text such as words, phrases, sentences, dialogues or conversation which has good and bad moral conduct which reflected by characters in the novel Forrest Gump. The secondary data is taken from thesis, articles, book, internet or other sources which concerned about the morality studies. These data are used to support the analysis of the main characters in the novel.

3.1.2 Data Collecting

The first step in data collection is collecting the data from the novel by reading the whole story of Forrest Gump for several times. In collecting data for this thesis, the writer uses library research. Library research is the research in the library or researcher tries to get and collect data or information on the research object through books, journal, paper, and articles. The writer also collected some data from internet, like eBooks and journal online that support this thesis and not all the texts are used as references in this thesis because the writer just selected the text which related with the problem that discussed by writer. Those are the text which have relation about morality with benevolence, courage, friendship, disloyalty, and despair.


These are the steps of collecting data will be started by:

1. Reading several times the novel Forrest Gump by Wiston Groom and understanding the story.

2. Underlining the text such as words, phrase, sentences, and dialogue as the data in this novel.

3. Collecting and then selecting data from books, research papers, journals, and eBook which is related the subject matter.

4. Analyzing the data based on related books concerning to the subject matter.

3.1.3 Data Analysis



An Analysis of Morality Reflected by The Main Characters in Winston Groom’s Forrest Gump

In this chapter, the main discussion is about the analysis of morality reflected in the main characters in Forrest Gump novel. Groom describes some good behaviors in one of characters in this novel and he also uses another character to describe bad behaviors. The good and bad behaviors are benevolence, courage, friendship, disloyalty and despair which are found in character of Forrest Gump, Jenny Curran and Dan. The writer uses the definition of morality as theoretical by Jeremy Bentham who said that morality as the art to maximize happiness because by considering this matter it is will be useful for our self and the other people.

4.1Benevolence and Courage

Benevolence as the good conduct, people who have benevolence always do good things without think about what response they will get. People who have benevolence always help each other without force. Benevolence is one of the good moral belong to people. Benevolence also can give the pleasure for who do it and who accepted it.

The pleasures of benevolence are the pleasures resulting from the view of any

pleasures supposed to be possessed by the beings who may be the objects of benevolence; to

with, the sensitive beings we are acquainted with; under which are commonly included, 1.

The Supreme Being. 2. Human beings. 3. Other animals. These may also be called the

pleasures of good-will, the pleasures of sympathy, or the pleasures ofthe benevolent or social


Generally, people do good things just for another who they had known well, like for family, friends or colleague. People will help each other if they think they will get feedback from what they are doing. Benevolence of someone appears from the bottom of heart to help others, giving what he/she can do for the better of someone.

To doing benevolence is needed courage, people must have a courage to help each other or to do an action in making another happy. Without the courage, people just have a feeling to help another people but they cannot do anything. But with the courage people have ability to help and doing something to another. Courage is being afraid but going on anyhow. People must have courage to face their life because in world there are many dangerous will be happen which people are never known before. Courage will be a good moral if the courage is done for do the good thing and has the good benefit for another people. Courage and benevolence is in one way to make another happy by the action.


patient in take care of him.Although he lives with his mother and lose the figure of his father but he still strong man with the good body.

Gump always want to make his mother get happy, he join with one of Football College. And in this college, he always bullied by his mate in one team.

“more trouble for a long time, but then one day in the springtime I was walking home from school and who should appear but the boy that poured that milk in my lap an chased me that day. He got hissed a stick an start calling me things like "moron" and "stupo." Some other people was watching an then along comes Jenny Curran, an I'm about to take off again— but then, for no reason I know, I just didn't do it. That feller take his stick an poke me in the stomach with it, and I says to myself, the hell with this, and I graphed a holt to his arm and with my other hand I knock him upside the head and that was the end of that, more or less.”(Winston Groom: 6)

This quotation above shows the courage of Gump comes to face his enemy who always mocked him, at first he felt so afraid but he think he have to against him and he did it. After he did it to the man, it never happened again. The man never bullies him again and he felt so glad. This case improve by sentence ‘I graphed a holt to his arm and with my other hand I knock him upside the head and that was the end of that, more or less’, Gump uses his courage to against his enemy and he tried to protect himself by knock his enemy. Courage is appearing when the condition is worse and forces someone to fight it because if not there are some terrible thing will be happen. By his courage, Gump get free from the people who want to bother him and he can live like another without feeling of fear. Courage is very important to belong of anybody because if people see us have not courage then they will do many things they want which is not good for us.


who became their enemy. Until one day when they lost and more army were shot by the enemy. It can be seen from this quotation how brave Gump is .

“Oh God, it were awful— an gettin worst. No tellin what them gooks would of done if they caught us. I call out to Doyle to come here, but they is no answer. I jerk the machine gun from po ole Bones' fingers an squirm over to Doyle, but he an the two other guys layin there shot. They dead, but Doyle still breathin, so's I grap him up an thow him over my shoulder like a flour sack an start runnin thru the brush towards Charlie Company, cause I scared outta my wits. I runnin for maybe twenty yards an bullets wizzin all aroun me from behin, an I figger I be shot in the ass for sure. But then I crash thru a canebreak an come upon a area with low grass an to my surprise it is filled with gooks, lyin down, lookin the other way, an shootin at Charlie Company— I guess.” (Winston Groom : 26)

He saw situation of war is getting worse and has a lot of his friends been shot. Without fear he save his friends, he lifted them one by one to a safe place. He was also carrying a weapon in case the enemy came to shoot him. Can be seen from the sentence ‘I runnin for maybe twenty yards an bullets wizzin all aroun me from behin, an I figger I be shot in the ass for sure.’ Gump run to carried his friends to safety places. He knew there are many enemies in his surrounded but he keep running until found the safety place for his friends. Eventually he saved all his friends because of his courage. But Gump was getting shot in his butt because he saved his friends. After rescuing friends in one team, Gump realized if Bubba, his true friends is not there.

From the courage of Gump has, he shows benevolence with another in war of Vietnam, without thinking the risk he will get, he go ahead bravely to help and carry his friends which got shoot. This case can be seen from the quotation,


shot out of a cannon. He say, "Gump, you done real good yesterday, boy,". (Winston Groom: 27)

From the sentence, “Gump, you done real good yesterday, boy,” showed how kind Gump is. Sergeant said that what Gump done is really good, when he save the sergeant and another solider. Gump did something is good for another people, he did it without think to get something or reward for it but he just did what he can. Gump shows his benevolence by saving his friends’ life. From this event proved that Gump helped others with all of his strength although he could leave them and just go for saved himself.

His courage which can encourage him to help others in the war, he does not think what will be done if he does not help them. The courage also make him can apply the benevolence to another and make another happy.

He does not saw his best friend, Bubba. When the war happened, he run away and cannot see where Bubba is. Then he back to forest to looking for Bubba. He wants to make sure that Bubba is alright. Without think anything, he go to forest and find out Bubba.

“Somebody say Bubba was out in the rice paddy an he is hurt, an I say, "Goddamn," an Sergeant Kranz, he hear me, an say, "Gump, you can't go out there." But shit on that— I leave the machine gun behind cause it jus be extra weight, an start pumpin hard for where I last seen Bubba. But halfway out I nearly step on a feller from 2nd platoon who is mighty hurt, an he look up at me with his han out, an so I think, shit, what can I do? so I grap him up an run back with him fast as I can. Bullets an stuff be flyin all over. It is somethin I simply cannot understand— why in hell is we doin all this, anyway? Playin football is one thing. But this, I do not know why. Goddamn.”(Winston Groom: 28)


still go. The sentence ‘Gump, you can't go out there’ showed how danger is the situation in the forest that Gump didn’t go there. But with his courage, he went back to forest to help his best friend Bubba. Gump thinks, war is much worse than playing football but he does not understand why there should be of war. Gump finally get that when it was dying, he took Bubba to a safe place. But injuries are very severe and Bubba obtained cannot be saved, Bubba was dead. Gump does it because he really loves Bubba as his best friend, he shows his benevolence by take care of Bubba although at the end Bubba was died.

Gump is good in playing ping-pong and he has chance to go to China for competition with China man. He goes there with Mr. Wilkins, their mission instead of play ping-pong and also to make the relation USA and China will be good. They are welcome with pleasured by China people and they make a celebration to them in a river. In that river, chairman from China, Mao come and swim as entertainment. China people are very happy, they claps their hand when the chairman raises his hand from the river, but Gump see something is wrong because the chairman raises his hand for several times. Gump think the chairman needs help because he will sink, then Gump come to under water and help him.

“Anyhow, I dived down three or four times an sure enough, I bumped into the ole bastid floatin aroun underwater. I haul him up an some Chinamen grapped him an thowed him in the boat an took off. Didn't even bother to take me along, an so's I have got to swim all the way back by mysef.” (Winston Groom : 39)


naïf with his conduct but he does good things. From the sentence ‘I haul him up and some Chinamen grappled him and towed him in the boat and took of’ Gump tried and can save the Chairman Mao, after saving the Chairman, Gump swim back by himself. Gump did good things for everyone who need help, he never chooses the people and making differences. He does good things what he thinks is right and give his kindness to everyone.

And because of his benevolence also, some of his friends can get job, he invite them to join with his shrimp company. He meets them and offers them to join with his company.

“After a couple of beers, I got a idea, and told to Curtis about it. "How'd you like to come work for me?" I asked. Curtis be cussin an hollerin but after a minute or two I figger out he is tryin to asked me what I want him to do, so I told him about the srimp business and that we was gonna expand our operation.He cuss an holler some more, but the gist of what he is sayin is "yes." (Winston Groom : 105)

“He is not too happy with his present job with the tinymight football team an so I put him to work with Curtis in charge of dredgin an spillway duties. Then I find out that Coach Fellers from the highschool is done retired an so I give him a job, along with his two goons who has also retired, workin on boats an docks.” (Winston Groom: 107)


done shows that he has good moral. He helps everyone who needs help, doing everything as he can do. He has done many good things to others with pleasure without pressure. In his thought just how to make others happy with all he has.

Benevolence and courage make everyone will be happy, not just people who do good things but also the people who got benevolence from that people will got happy too. Gump has proved it by his experience in helping each other and he does not get pain from doing it.


Friendship is to be friendly make relation with another people. Usually friendship interwoven fellow who have age, hobbies and pleasure same. In a friendship, every friend will always help and provide support, passing everything hard and pleased together. Friendship also can make everyone will happy because with the feeling of friendship everyone can share together in glad and sorrow.

In this novel, Groom also describes the nature of Gump as friendly to anyone he found. Gump never differentiate people to be his friend, even people who always mock him while playing football still regards as a friend. The first person who became his friend is Jenny Curran. She is the first girl who becomes Gump’s friend, they met on the bus to school. At that time no one was willing to sit with Gump but Jenny gives him a seat. The second person who became Gump’s friend is Bubba, he meet Bubba in football college when they have practiced.


"Okay." Little did I know that it would change my life forever. Bubba an me is real good friends by now” (Winston Groom : 14)

The friendship between Gump and Bubba become familiar, they often meet and play harmonica together. Bubba taught Gump how to play the harmonica. Their friendship not only during this time but also after out from the dorm, they met again at war in Vietnam in which Gump and Bubba became army of USA. They both made a promise that if completion of this war to make shrimp company at Bubba’s hometown. But Bubba died during the war in Vietnam, but Gump still remember their promise to make shrimp company and make it true. Even though Bubba was dead, Gump still make shrimp company in Bubba’s hometown and he also invites Bubba families to join in it. Gump still remember her friend and never forget it. He always brings harmonica and play it when he misses, he'll play his favorite song with Bubba’s harmonica.

Gump is a good and friendly to anyone. At the time he came out of the group football, his team mates feel sad. Although at first they were not too good to Gump. Moreover Curtis, his roommate always does not match with Gump but he also felt sad because Gump had to quit the team. This can be seen through the quote below,

They is very quiet, an Snake, he come up an shake my han an say, "Forrest, I am very sorry about that pass, okay?" An I says, "Sure Snake, okay." An then they all come up, one by one, an shake my han, even ole Curtis, who is wearin a body brace from his neck down on accounta bashin down one door too many in the Ape Dorm. Bubba say he'd hep me carry my shit down to the bus depot, but I say I'd rather go alone. "Keep in touch," he say. (Winston Groom : 19)


When in camp after war in Vietnam, Gump meet with a Lieutenant. He is Dan.

“They was a guy nex to my cot name of Dan, who had been blowed up inside a tank. He was all burnt an had tubes goin in an out of him everplace, but I never heard him holler. He talk real low an quiet, an after a day or so, him an me got to be friends. I tole him bout Bubba an all, an he nod his head very sadly an say they will be a lot more Bubbas to die afore this thing is over.” (Winston Groom :30)

Gump and Lt.Dan become friends, they often have conversation together although sometimes Gump does not understand what is being said by Lt. Dan. But he remains a friend Lt. Dan. Until eventually Lt. And transferred to a hospital for treatment of his leg, and they did not meet again for a long time. But one day Gump meet Lt.Dan who does not have the legs anymore. Motion they know each other and they are happy to meet you again. Their friendship still exists even though they had long been separated.

Friendship is the good conduct, to make good relation with another with good purpose. Making relation is not enough if there isn’t friendship in there. Friendship also bring the happiness for everyone, having friend like we are rich man which we can share anything with others. Friendship can make people feel like they have each other and think there is someone who care about him/her.



unfaithful or disloyal. Disloyalty is can be done by someone because of many factors.

In this novel, the conduct of disloyalty described in character of Jenny Curran. Jenny Curran is one of main character in this novel. Groom describes Jenny as the girl who lives with broken home. She lives with her father who always forces her to do many things and also hit her. She hates her father because her father is never good to her. She want to be famous person, she has big ambition to be great woman. She went to many places, to continue her study and also to continue her life. In many places, she met many men and make special relation with the men. She makes relation with man in where she lives as the couple, but the relation did not work. She went to another place and left the man, she had done it to many men who ever have relation with her. Gump is one of the men who are falling in love with Jenny Curran. So Gump always looking for the existence of Jenny Curran, Gump can found her where she lives.

She knew that Gump really loves her but she always go away from Gump. At first, she agreed to have relation with Gump as the couple. They live in same place and do many things together. But later Jenny though Gump is not really good for her, so she gone and left Gump.

“Naturally, things are a bit different between Jenny an me after that. We commenced to sleep in the same bed together, which was also kind of strange for me at first, but I sure got used to it.When we was doin our act at the Hodaddy Club, ever so often Jenny would pass by me an muss up my hair, or run her fingers down the back of my neck. All of a sudden things start to change for me— like my whole life jus begun, an I am the happiest feller in the world.”(Winston Groom: 45)


change for me— like my whole life jus begun, and I am the happiest feller in the world”. Gump really loves Jenny, he said that he was the happiest person in the world because he with Jenny. Jenny is the woman who has change Gump’s life, she can make Gump happy. But at the end Jenny gone, she decided to leave Gump again.

We get to the apartment an lo an behole, Jenny is gone too. All her things is gone, cept she lef us some clean sheets an towels an some pots an pans an stuff. On the table in the livin room is a note. Dan foun it first, an he read it out loud to me. (Winston Groom: 89)

From the quotation above showed that Jenny gone and leave Gump. Gump did not know why Jenny left him, whether they love each other and always happy if together. The words ‘Jenny is gone too’ prove that there is no loyalty in Jenny to make serious relation with Gump.

In one day, Gump met back with Jenny in city named Savannah, in this moment Gump knew the reason why Jenny left him.

"Your son. Little Forrest." I looked over an there he was, gigglin an clappin cause Sue was now doin han-stands. "I guess I should of tole you," Jenny say, "but when I lef Indianapolis, you see, I was

pregnant. I didn't want to say anything, I don't know just why. I felt like, well, there you was, callin yourself 'The Dunce' an all, an I was gonna have this baby. An I was worried, sort of, bout how he'd turn out."(Winston Groom: 113)


Jenny makes Gump really sad and felt if his self is really idiot. Jenny showed his disloyalty in relation with Gump, she gone and got married with another man whereas she knew Gump really love her.

Disloyalty is bad behavior which can make another people got suffer and sad. When people ever decide for one commitment, they have to loyal with that commitment. The commitment that ever made, people have to keep it even there are many situation or reason that make us to be disloyalty.

4.4 Despair

Despair is ethically regarded as the voluntary and complete abandonment of all hope of saving one’s soul and of having means required for that end. Despair is not good conduct, which makes everyone lost hope and spirit of life. People who despair think that what they have done is nothing and life as no hope again. Despair has relation with religion, the relation between human and their God. In despair, human thought that God never heard them and had left them alone.

In this novel the conduct of despair described in character of Dan. At the first, Dan is a history teacher and then he graphed him in to the Army. But because he was smart, they sent him to officer school and made him a lieutenant. His life is good enough as the lieutenant and has good body until in war of Vietnam which mades Dan had to lose his feet, he felt his life is not useful again.


The quotation above showed the situation of Dan, how despair Dan is. he didnot concern his life again. He drunk and give up in his life. All the badness comes to his life, he lost his feet, after that the thieves robbed his house. He felt all of his is gone, and he said just wait the time of died. This condition made him feel so despair, he cannot believe this condition will be happen in his life.

"But what about the 'natural laws' that's in charge of everthin?" I axe him. "What about the 'scheme of things' that we has all got to fit ourself into?" "Fuck all that," he say. "It was just a bunch of philosophic bullshit." "But ever since you tole it to me, that's what I been goin by. I been lettin the 'tide' carry me an tryin to do my best. Do the right thing." "Well, maybe it works for you, Forrest. I thought it was working for me too— but look at me. Just look at me," he say. "What good am I? I'm a goddamn legless freak. A bum. A drunkard. A thirty-five-year-old vagrant." "It could be worse," I says. (Winston Groom: 73)

Gump tried to give support to him with remind him about his philosophy words that he ever said to Gump. The words are about the spirit to face the life. Dan showed his anger in this sentence ‘Fuck all that, he say. "It was just a bunch of philosophic bullshit.", He cannot remember that he ever said some philosophy to Gump but when the badness comes to him, he cannot face it and despair. Dan said the words are not work in me, everything is trash. He despair with cruise himself as the drunker, trash, and a man who has not job.





There are some conclusions in this after having analyzed the novel entitles Forrest Gump, the writer can constitute conclusion. There are some moralities found in novel Forrest Gump by Winston Groom, which is as good and bad behavior.

There are some good behaviors which can bring the happiness for the people who do and get this behavior, they are:

• Benevolence and courage, as good behavior which is belong by someone

with his/her courage to help each other without thinking to get pay back, just felling of humanity. Benevolence and courage has close relation in this novel, where the main character uses this behavior to help others.

• Friendship, making good relation with another in happy and sorrow.

These behaviors are good behavior which can bringing people to get pleasure with others in their life.

Beside good behaviors, there are also bad behaviors which can bring pain in the life. They are:

• Disloyalty, no loyal for relation with someone. Disloyalty makes the relation

of someone is broken and appears suffering.

• Despair, the behavior which losing in purpose of life, felling that what have

done is nothing and not has meaning.


The good behaviors of all described in characters of Forrest Gump, he has the good behavior to help each other and make good relation with other. He shows with good behaviors, people can happy not just for now but for a long time. The goodness he has done for everyone will be back to him too.

Opposite of good behavior is bad behavior, which is showed by Jenny Curran as a girl who is disloyalty. She has made relation with many men but she is not loyal with that relations. This case makes her felt sorry. Beside Jenny, there is also Dan show the bad character in this novel that is despair. He is despair with all he got, with the condition of his body and condition of his economy. He thinks he has lost his hope to live in world so he faces his life with drunk which make his life worse.


5.2 Suggestion

The novel Forrest Gump by Winston Groom is a good novel, telling about many lesson of life especially about the good and bad behavior of human. There are some of morality to be found in this novel.

The good or bad behavior give the effects in the human’s life, people will judge another by their action or behavior. And the action which is we choice will influence out life in the future, so be careful in do action and behavior. Life will be happy if people can keep their behavior, attitude, action in good way.



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Summary of Forrest Gump

Forrest Gump, named after General Nathan Bedford Forrest, narrates the story of his life. Forrest Gump lives in Mobile, Alabama, USA with his mother; his lives start when he turns into school and meet Jenny Curran. By the time Forrest is sixteen years old, he plays high school football. Miss Henderson, whom Forrest is infatuated with, gives him reading lessons. He reads Mark Twain’s The Adventures of Tom Sawyer and two other books that he doesn't remember. While he enjoys the books, he doesn't do well on tests.

He gains popularity as a football player, joining the All State team. When Forrest is called to the principal's office, he meets Bear Bryant, who asks if he'd considered playing college football. After high school, Forrest takes a test at a local army recruitment center, and is told he is "Temporarily Deferred." Forrest and Jenny meet again in college. They go to see Bonnie and Clyde, and play together in a folk music band at the Student Union, covering songs by Joan Baez, Bob Dylan, and Peter, Paul and Mary. Forrest flunks out of The University of Alabama after one semester. He and his friend Bubba join the Army. Bubba dies in the Vietnam War. He meets Lieutenant Dan, who has lost his legs, in the infirmary.



Biography of Winston Groom


with the Enemy, many of Winston Groom’s fourteen novels are about the history of American wars. Winston Groom’s books are special to him and his readers in many ways, mainly because he was alive in the time period most of his novels took place; some are even based on his own experiences in life.

After Winston was out of the Army in 1967 he moved back to Washington D.C. to become a reporter for the Washington Star. He covered police and courtroom activities. Winston met author Willie Morris during his time as a reporter. Willie Morris and Winston became good friends. Winston told him about his college days and how he discovered he loved to write. Willie gave Winston some advice and encouraged him to continue with his writing career by going to New York.


novel were sold worldwide. The novel Forrest Gump burst to the top of the New York Times best seller list. It stayed there for 21 weeks straight.

Winston Groom wrote fourteen novels and is still working on more pieces of literature. His published novels consist of:

Better Times Than These (1978) As Summers Die (1980)

Conversations with the Enemy (1982) Only (1984)

Forrest Gump (1986) Gone the Sun (1988) Gump and Co. (1995)

Shrouds of Glory: From Atlanta to Nashville: The Last Great Campaign of the Civil War (1995)

Such as Pretty, Pretty Girl (1998)

The Crimson Tide: An Illustrated History of Football at the University of Alabama (2002)

A Storm in Flanders: The Triumph and Tragedy on the Western Front (2002)

1942: The Year that Tried Men’s Souls (2004)

Patriotic Fire: Andrew Jackson and Jean Laffite at the Battle of New Orleans (2006)

Vicksburg, 1863 (2009)


In 1988 when Winston’s novel, Gone the Sun was not only a finalist just like Conversations with the Enemy in the Pulitzer Prize but, Gone the Sun actually won the award, the story is about another Vietnam veteran who comes back to his home where he grew up in Alabama and takes over the newspaper. He also uncovers the town’s secrets. The novel consists of very favorable plot twist from what reviews of the novel say.

Winston Groom‘s involvement in many of the experiences he wrote about make them especially meaningful to him and his readers. Winston is able to connect with his readers because his thoughts and emotions are results of events that took place in his life. His works will be read and enjoyed for years to come.


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