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The Effectiveness of teaching vocabulary though total physical responce method; an experimental study at the seventh Grade students of MTs Khazanah kebajikan Pondok Cabe Ilir


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(An Experimental Study at the Seventh Grade Students of MTs Khazanah

Kebajikan Pondok Cabe Ilir )

The “Skripsi”

Presented to the Faculty of Tarbiya and Teacher’s Training In a Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree of S.Pd in English Language Education

By Misra Fadillah NIM: 205014000401









(An Experimental Study at the Seventh Grade Students of MTs Khazanah

Kebajikan Pondok Cabe Ilir )

The “Skripsi”

Presented to the Faculty of Tarbiya and Teacher’s Training in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for

the Degree of S.Pd in English Language Education

by Misra Fadillah


Approved by the Advisor

Drs. Syauki, M.Pd NIP. 19641212 199103 1 003









Misra Fadillah, 2010, Teaching Vocabulary Through Total Physical Response Method (An Experimental Study of Mts Khazanah Kebajikan Pondok Cabe Ilir), Skripsi, Department of English Education, The faculty of Tarbiyah and Teachers’ Training, Syarif Hidayatullah State Islamic University Jakarta.

Advise: Drs. Syauki, M.Pd

Key Words: Vocabulary, and Total Physical Response

The purpose of this study is to describe the objective condition of the effectiveness of using Total Physical Response Method in Teaching Vocabulary at the seventh grade of Islamic Junior High School (MTs) Khazanah Kebajikan

Pondok Cabe Ilir. It includes the differences on the students’ vocabulary mastery learnt by using Total Physical Response Method compared to the students’

vocabulary mastery learnt by using Grammar Translation Method, and the

students’ vocabulary achievement learnt by using Total Physical Response


The aim of the research is to gain the information about the effectiveness of Total Physical Response method in teaching vocabulary, moreover it is conducted to get the effective technique in teaching vocabulary at seventh grade of students of junior high School (MTs) Khazanah Kebajikan. The sample of the research was 30 students of seventh year. This research was using an experimental method in the quantitative form by collecting data from documentation, and test.

The data collected in this research were analyzed by using t-test.

According to the result of statistical calculation, the obtained value of (t-observation) is 4.01 and the value of “ ” (t table) from the df (29) on degree of

significance of 5% is 2.04. Comparing the with each values of the degree of significance, the writer finds 4.01 > 2.04. So is higher than or > . Based on the result, the null hypothesis ( ) which says there is no significance influence of using Total Physical Response method in teaching vocabulary is rejected. It means that the alternative hypothesis ( ) which says that there is significance influence of using Total Physical Response method in teaching vocabulary is accepted.






Cabe Ilir), Skripsi, Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris, Fakultas Ilmu Tarbiyah dan Keguruan, Universitas Islami Negeri Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta. Pembimbing: Drs. Syauki, M.Pd

Kata Kunci: Metode Total Physical Response dan Kosa Kata

Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk menggabarkan suatu kondisi yaitu keefektifan penggunaan metode Total Physical Response dalam mengajar kosakata pada kelas 7 siswa MTs Khazanah Kebajikan Pondok Cabe Ilir, serta, perbedaan penguasaan kosakata siswa yang diajarkan dengan menggunakan Total Physical Response method dibanding dengan penguagsaan kosakata siswa yang diajarkan dengan menggunakan Grammar Translation Method, dan prestasi penguasaan kosakata siswa yang diajarkan dengan menggunakan metode Total Physical Response.

Selain itu tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mendapatkan informasi tentang keefektifan penggunaan metode Total Physical Response dalam mengajar kosakata, Selebihnya hal ini dilakukan untuk mendapatkan ke effektifitasan teknik dalam mengajar kosakata di kelas 7 MTs Khazanah Kebajikan Pondok Cabe Ilir . siswa yang termasuk dalam penelitian ini berjumlah 30 orang. Penelitian ini termasuk penelitian experimental dalam bentuk kuantitatif dengan mengumpulkan data– data dari dokumetasi, observasi dan test.

Data–data yang di kumpulkan dalam penelitian ini dianalisa menggunakan test-t. berdasarkan hasil statistik, telah di dapatkan nilai (t observasi) yaitu sebesar 4,01 dan nilai dari (t table) dari df 29 pada taraf signifikan 5% yaitu sebesar 2,04. Perbandingan dengan nilai pada taraf signifikan tersebut, penulis menemukan 4,01 >2,04. Jadi, jelas bahwa nilai lebih tinggi dari pada atau > . Selanjutnya dapat di tarik kesimpulan bahwa hipotesis nihil ( ), yaitu tidak ada pengaruh yang signifikan dari penggunaan metode Total Physical

Response dalam mengajar kosakata ditolak. Sedangkan hypothesis alternative

( ), yaitu ada pengaruh yang signifikan dari penggunaan metode Total Physical

Response dalam mengajar kosakata diterima.




In the name of Allah. The Most Beneficent and the Most Merciful

All praises be to Allah, who always blesses the writer in writing this

“skripsi”. Peace and blessing be upon our prophet Muhammad, his families, his companions, and his followers.



been very patient to sacrifice her energy and time to assist the writer so that the

writer could finish this “skripsi”.

Moreover, the writer’s “skripsi” may not be separated from the involvement and contributions of others, so that the writer says deepest gratitude and appreciations to:

1. The dean of Faculty of Tarbiyah and Teachers’ Training UIN Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta, Prof. Dr. Dede Rosyada, MA.

2. The head of English Education Department, Drs. Syauki, M.Pd. and his secretary, Neneng Sunengsih, M.Pd.

3. All the English lecturers who have given their best knowledge to students at the English Department.

4. The headmaster of MTs Khazanah Kebajikan Pondok Cabe Ilir, Pamulang, H. Suardin, S.Sos.I who has given an opportunity to carry out the research, especially, to the English teacher and the counseling teacher who are so kind to share their information, ideas, and experiences

5. Her beloved families, especially to her parents : Abbah Drs. H. Mabrur Abduh and Mama Hj.Nurjannah who always encourage and pray the writer with all of their heart, and her beloved sister and brother and all families who always give their love, support, motivation and moral encouragement to finish her study. 6. The staff of all libraries: the main library of Syarif Hidayatullah State Islamic

University, the Faculty of Tarbiyah and Teachers’ Training Library, State

University of Jakarta (UNJ) Library, the Indonesia Catholic University of Atmajaya Library and PKBB Atmajaya for their services in providing the

references of the “skripsi”,



And finally, the writer realizes that this “skripsi” is being not perfect yet. Therefore, the writer would like to accept any constructive suggestion to make it better.

Jakarta, February 2010 The Writer



ABSTRAK ....………... ii



LIST OF TABLES ..……….………. viii




A. Background of the Study... 1

B. Scope and Limitation of the Study... 4

C. Formulations of the Problem ..……… 5

D. Objectives of the Study……….…….. 5

E. Significances of the Study ……….……. 5

F. Hypothesis of the Research ……… 6

G. Operational Definition ...……….... 6

CHAPTER II : THEORITICAL FRAMEWORK A.Approach, Method, and Techniques ...……… 7

B.Vocabulary ………..…...…... 11

1. Definition of vocabulary ………... 11

2. Kinds of Vocabulary ……….… 12

3. Problem in Teaching Vocabulary …….…… 15 C.Total Physical Response ………... 16

1. Definition of Total Physical Response ……..16

2. Design of Total Physical Response ………...17

3. Principles of Total Physical Response .……. 20

4. Procedure of Total Physical Response ……. 21

5. Advantages of Total Physical Response …... 21

6. Disadvantages of Total Physical Response... 22

7. Implementation Using Total Physical Response Method ……….………. 22

8. Problem In Teaching Total Physical Response Method ……….…. 23

D.Grammar Translation Method ………... 24

1. Definition of Grammar Translation Method. 24 2. Design of Grammar Translation Method …...25

3. Principles of Grammar Translation Method...26



5. Advantages of Grammar Translation Method27 6. Disadvantages of Grammar Translation

Method ………...27

CHAPTER III : RESEARCH METHODOLOGY A. Research Design ………...…… 28

B. Place and Time of the Study ………...…….. 29

C. Population and Sample ………...…….. 29

D. Research Instrument ………...….. 29

E. Techniques of Collecting Data ………..…...…… 31

1. Documentations ……….…... 31

2. Test ……….…...….. 31

F. Techniques of Data Analysis ………..…. 32

CHAPTER IV : RESEARCH FINDING AND DISCUSSION A. Description of Data Students’ Improvement Using TPR Method in Their Vocabulary Mastery in the Classroom ……….…… 35

B. Analysis Affect Using Total Physical Response Method in Learning the Vocabulary of Experiment Result …...……… 43


B. Suggestion ………. 44

REFERENCES ………... 46








Appendix 1 The Lesson Plan ………... 48 Appendix 2 The Students’ Test ……… 96 Appendix 3 The Answer Key of Students’ Test ………..… 99 Appendix 4 The Students’ Score in Learning Vocabulary by Using Total

Physical Response Method ..………..… 100







This chapter presents and discusses the background of study,the formulation of the problems,the scope and limitation of the study, the objective of the study, the significance of the study, the research hypothesis, and operational definitions.

A. Background of the Study

English is as an international language used as a tool for communication in daily life and in academics, functioned as a first, second, or foreign language. As international language, people are demanded to master English, because most people all over the world communicate each other in English. English is useful for establishing and maintaining the relationship with the people. Furthermore, the people have to be ready to face global competition in understanding and developing the scientific and technological knowledge in this modern era.

In Indonesia, English language has been taught as a compulsory subject from Junior High School up to the university. The students learned four language skills; listening, speaking, reading, and writing. To support the mastery of the four language skills the learners obviously should have well understanding of English sub-skills; they are vocabulary, pronunciation, and grammar as a core of having structured English in communication and comprehension.



Ideally, the students of seventh grade already studied four language skills and language components for three years from fourth class of elementary school. Accordingly, the learners have enough ability about the four language skills

(listening, speaking, reading, and writing) and language components (vocabulary,

pronunciation, and grammar) and they mastered a list of vocabularies as the curriculum recommended.

The fact, the learners of seventh grade of MTs Khazanah Kebajikan Pondok CabeIlir do not master yet the four language skills and language

components. Besides, the students’ pronunciation is still far from expectation because the written form is different from its pronunciation. In addition to these cases, the students seldom practice the pronunciation and the students’ number of the class is big enough.

Based on the statement above, it made the students difficult mastering

English well, especially vocabulary, so the student’s vocabulary mastery is unsatisfactory yet. Therefore, their limited vocabulary mastery made them difficult to understand English clearly. This condition causes them difficult to understand some words in a context and they do not have enough yet words to say what they want to say. Most of the students of seventh grade of MTs Khazanah Kebajikan Cabe Ilir eventually are not interested in English subject anymore, and English likely becomes something too hard to learn.

Based on Penny Ur “vocabulary can be defined, roughly, as the words we teach in the foreign language. However, a new item of vocabulary may be more than a single word: for example, Post Office a Mother-in-law, which are made up of two or three words but express a single idea. There are also multi – word idioms such as call it a day, where the meaning of the phrase cannot be deduced from an analysis of the component words. A useful convention is to cover all such

cases by taking about vocabulary „items’ rather than „words’1


In communication, students need vocabulary which can support them to produce and use meaningful sentences because vocabulary is part of sentence. Therefore, vocabulary is very important to be mastered. For this reason the




students have to develop their vocabulary and master it in order to be able to communicate each other.

Vocabulary is not only symbol for ideas but also a part of how to improve language skills in the target language. The more vocabulary which students master the more ideas they could have, so they can communicate by using their ideas more effectively.

However, students sometimes get difficulties to use or apply the vocabulary. Their difficulties in using vocabulary have been studied can be caused by some reasons. One of the reasons could be in the method which is used by the teacher in presenting the lesson in the classroom. Therefore, the appropriate method in presenting the lesson in the classroom have to be considered.

When the writer observed Mts Khazanah Kebajikan Pondok Cabe Ilir, to

improve the students’ vocabularies, the English teacher orders the students to write some new words in a note and then memorize what they have already studied. But the students felt depressed with a lot of vocabulary item assigned to be memorized. This method would make students get bored and forget the new vocabulary easily. They need something fun and easy to access the vocabulary

quickly when it is required for use. According to H. Douglas Brown “teaching can

be defined as showing or helping someone to learn how to do something, giving instructions, guiding in the study of something, providing with knowledge,

causing to know or understand”2

. For this case, using variety method, for the example TPR method in teaching made the subject matter should be more interesting and teaching learning process run effectively and efficient, therefore the purpose of teaching can be achieved.

Moreover, to make English teaching effective and efficient is still difficult. This difficulty depends on previous technique used by English teacher. The technique of teaching vocabulary like substitution drill and memorizing words seem to make the student bored, even it is killing the students interest.

2 H.Douglas Brown,



From the description mentioned above, it is important for teacher who concerns about teaching English, especially vocabulary, to implement a certain technique which can encourage the student motivation and interest in vocabulary mastery through learning process.

Based on the cases described above, the writer intended using Total Physical Response (TPR) method which was conducted of the students of seventh grade at MTs Khazanah Kebajikan Pondok Cabe Ilir in learning vocabulary. With TPR method, the students can learn vocabulary easier and they can gain their motivation in learning English, because the students practice directly using the vocabulary of the target language in real context. By doing so, the students can develop the storage of the vocabulary in a short time. Besides, that TPR method also helps the learners to broaden their linguistic input because they use body movement to attract their attention in teaching learning process.

Based on the reasons stated above, the writer takes a title of this “skripsi”

Teaching Vocabulary through Total Physical Response Method at First Grade of

Mts Khazanah Kebajikan Pondok Cabe Ilir”. The writer hopes that the method

can improve students’ vocabularies and gives meaningfulness for learners of any

kinds of classroom events.

B. Scope and Limitation of the Study

This study was conducted at the first semester of academic year 2010/2011 at seventh grade students of MTs Khazanah Kebajikan Pondok Cabe Ilir. Besides, the limitation of the problem and discussion cover: (1) affect using Total Physical Respond Method toward the students’ ability in learning the vocabulary, (2) the



C. Formulation of the Problem

Based on the background mentioned above, the writer conducts a study concerning the using Total Physical Response Method in teaching vocabulary at Seventh Grade students of MTs Khazanah Kebajikan Pondok Cabe Ilir. The main problem of this research can be formulated into specific problems as stated below: 1. Does using Total Physical Respond Method affect the students’ ability in

learning the vocabulary?

2. How well is the students’ improvement using TPR method in their vocabulary mastery in the classroom?

D. Objectives of the Study

In line with what has been stated in the formulation of the problem, this study tries to find out the effectiveness of teaching vocabulary through TPR method at MTs Khazanah Kebajikan.

E. Significances of the Study

The results of this study can provide useful information for three important groups of people, namely; (1) the writer, herself, (2) the English teachers, and (3) further researchers. They are described as follows:

1. The results of this study are expected to broad up the writer’ knowledge concerning the using Total Physical Response Method in teaching vocabulary and to provide useful information about the kinds of methodology of teaching vocabulary.



3. Finally, for further researchers who are interested in teaching vocabulary at junior high school level can get the basic information from this study to do further research.

Furthermore, the results of this study can bring positive impact in teaching-learning process at junior high school level.

F. Hypothesis of the Research The hypothesis states:

“There is significance influence toward the student vocabulary mastery by using TPR method for the students of the seventh grade at MTs Khazanah Kebajikan Pondok Cabe Ilir”

G. Operational Definition

As for the sake of clarification and to avoid ambiguity, some terms in this study need to be defined:

 Vocabulary is a component of language that contains all of information about meaning and using words in a language.




In this chapter, the writer tries to give clear description of theoretical framework about teaching vocabulary through total physical response method at odd semester at first year students of MTs Khazanah Kebajikan Pondok Cabe Ilir, they are the vocabulary and total physical response method.

A. Approach, Method and Technique

The terms of method are often mixed with approach and techniques, they have differences among one with the other. About decades ago Edward Anthony (1963) gave as a definition that has admirably withstood the test of time, his

concept: “Method” was the second of three hierarchical elements, namely

approach, method, and techniques1. 1. The Approach

According to Anthony, An approach is a set of assumption dealing of the nature of the language, learning , teaching2. Besides, Jack C. Richards

said “Approach is a set of correlative assumptions dealing with the nature of

the language teaching and learning”.


H. Douglas Brown, Teaching by Principles-An Interactive Approach to Language Pedagogy 2th Edition, (San Fransisco: Longman,2001), p. 48



In Approaches there are closest guidelines are linked directly to two factors. (1). The teacher's own understanding of an insights into the nature or language, the child and of classroom practices themselves, (2). Theories which are directly intended to highlight classroom practices in general language teaching in particular. These comparatively remote principles and theories which on the one hand highlight the language behavior in the classroom, and on the other indirectly control the teacher's classroom performance are known as approaches. The approaches further are determined by the theories on language which may psychological theories or linguistic theories3.

2. The Method

Method is a overall plan for the orderly presentation of language material, no part of which contradicts, and all of which is based upon, the selected approach4.

Method is a way of teaching a language which is based on systematic principles and procedure. And justifying to use of them. Admittedly, we sometimes have found it difficult to use the term method with more recent innovations, such as content based instruction and cooperative learning. Method is an overall plan for the orderly presentation of language material. No part of which contradicts and all is based upon the selected approach5.

According to Anthonys’s model “Method is the level at which theory is put into practice and choices are made about the particular skills to be taught, the content was taught, and the order in which the content will be presented”6.


http://www.shvoong.com/social-sciences/education/2031512-approach-method technique/


Jack, C. Richards and Theodore S.Rodgers, Approaches and Methods in Language Teaching: A Description and Analysis, (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press: 1986).p15


Jack, C. Richards and Theodore S.Rodgers, Approaches and Methods in Language Teaching: A Description and Analysis . . . p.27


Jack, C. Richards and Theodore S.Rodgers, Approaches and Methods in Language Teaching: A Description and Analysis . . . p.15


A study of methods is invaluable in teacher education at least five ways: a. Method serves as a foil for reflection that can aid teacher in bringing to

conscious awareness the thinking that underlies their action.

b. By becoming clear on where they stand, teacher can choose to teach differently from the way they were taught.

c. A knowledge of methods is part of the knowledge base of teaching d. A professional discourse community may also challenge teacher’s

conception of how teaching leads to learning

e. A knowledge of methods helps expand a teacher’s repertoire of technique7.

The last levels of conceptualization and organization within a method what we will refer to as procedures8. This encompasses the actual moment to moment techniques, practices, and behaviors that operate in teach a language according to a particular method. It is the level at which describe how a method realizes its approach and design in classroom behavior. At the level design it can be seen that a method will advocate using of certain types of teaching activities as a consequence of its theoretical assumptions about language learning.

At the level of procedures we are concerned with how these tasks and activities are integrated into lesson and used as the bases for teaching learning. There are three dimensions to a method at the level of procedures: (a) the use of teaching activities (drills, dialogues, and information-gap activities), (b) the way in which particular teaching activities are used for practicing language, (c) the procedure and techniques used in giving feedback to learners concerning the form or content of their utterance or sentences9.

Finnocchiaro and bumfit (1993) illustrate how the procedural phases of instruction are handled in what they call a national functional approach:

a. Presentation of a brief dialogue or several mini dialogues b. Oral practice of each utterance in the dialogue

c. Questions and answers based on the tropic and situation in the language


Diane Larsen, Freeman, Techniques and Principles in Language Teaching, second Edition (Hongkong: Oxford University Press, 1986), p.1


Diane Larsen, Freeman, Techniques and Principles in Language Teaching . . . p.18



d. Questions and answers related to the student’s personal experience but centered on the theme of dialogue

e. Study of the basic communicative expressions used in the dialogue or one of the structures that exemplify the function

f. Learner discovery of generalizations or rules underlying the functional expression of structure.

g. Oral recognition, interpretative procedures

h. Oral production activities, proceeding from guided to freer10

A study of methods requires leading to the skilling of teacher but rather can serve a variety of useful functions when used appropriately in teacher education. It can help teacher articulate, and perhaps transform, their understanding of the teaching learning process. Method can serve as models of the integration of theory (the principles) and practice (the technique).

3. The Techniques

Techniques are the specific manifested in the classrooms that are consistent with a method and therefore harmony with an approach as well11. Technique is implementation that which actually takes place in a classroom. It is particular trick stratagem or contrivance used to accomplish an immediate objective, technique must be consistent with method and therefore in harmony with an approach. According to Anthonys’s technique is the level at which classroom procedures are described12.

A technique called walling can be used with utterance exchanges that expressed imply some kind of conflict. Just as grammar points seem to pair naturally with other aspects of language, teaching technique should vary according to the match being emphasized. For example, in structural social, match such as modals and request, the degree of politeness depends on the social relationship between the speakers.


Mary Finocchiaro, Ph.D, English as a Second Language: From Theory and Practice New Edition, (New York: Regents Publishing Company, inc) p.110


H. Douglas Brown, Teaching by Principles-An Interactive Approach to Language Pedagogy . . . p. 48



On the other hand, if one is teaching quant for locative preposition or modal of logical probability structure meaning matches the most useful techniques are demonstration, illustration, and TPR13.

The main point of the explanation above, the conclusion is an approach is a set of theories and principles method is the way which it is applied these theories and principles, and a technique is the tools and the tasks which it is used to make your .method .succeed. . So, in teaching learning process approach, method, and technique are very important. Without them teaching process is not effective and the students will feel bored. In teaching learning approach, method and technique always used so that teaching learning process can be running well.

B. Vocabulary

1. The Definition of Vocabulary

Vocabulary as one of the language aspects, which the people should learn when they are learning language. According to George D. Spache

“vocabulary is the number variety of words a person hears, recognizes, understands, and uses in his speech and writing”14

. Good mastery of vocabulary is important for anyone who learns the language used in listening, speaking, writing, and reading. A learner of a foreign language will speak fluently and accurately, write easily, or understand what the learner reads or hears if they have enough vocabularies and have the capability of using it accurately. All skills demand much on the vocabulary mastery. Kufaishi

pointed out that, “students’ listening comprehension, writing, speaking, and reading abilities are hampered by their limited vocabulary”15



Jeremy Harmer, Grammar Activities, (Person Education Limited 2001), p.154


George D. Spache, Reading in The Elementary School,(New York: Allvn & Bacon, inc., 1964), p.326



When a student has mastered the fundamental grammatical patterns of language, the next task is to master its vocabulary-or at least that part of its vocabulary that the student needs16. They need to learn what words mean and how they are used17.

It is obvious that vocabulary is very important in learning a language, especially English, because the English vocabulary is extremely large and varies as well. Therefore, it is highly essential for English teacher to help their

student’s master vocabulary.

The words that students know depend upon their experience. We hope that our students know not only meaning of words, but also using vocabularies in sentence.

According to Penny Ur “vocabulary is one of the linguistic aspects

that is important in teaching a language, besides structure and pronunciation. As a stock of words used by a person, vocabulary can be defined, roughly, as

the words we teach in the foreign language”18


Form the definition given above, it can be concluded simply that vocabulary is a total of words or stock of words used by a person, class, trade, and profession in communication as a means of expression.

2. Kinds of Vocabulary

In teaching vocabulary, besides knowing the methods, the teacher should know the material. There are many classifications made by the expert in language area about the kinds of vocabulary. According to Mary Finocchiaro, vocabulary is divided into two types:


Cellier- Macmillan International: A Division of the Macmillan Company, The Key to English: Vocabulary: English Language Service, (London: Collier Macmillan Limited, 1971), p.1


Jeremy Harmer, The Practice of English Language Teaching, New Edition, (New York: Longman,1991), p.34



a. Function word needs to be learned as quickly as feasible (in a logical order and sequence, however).

b. Content words can be learned in small groups around “life” situations19. Furthermore Charles C. Fries classified the content word into:

1) Word for things represent sets of phenomena that seem to endure with some stability (nouns).

2) Word for actions represents sets of phenomena that seem to change or be in process (verbs).

3) Word for qualities: the content words and the precise meanings shift

with various “things” to which the “quality” word is attached as a “modifier” (adjectives and adverbs)20


Meanwhile, According to Evelyn Hatch and Cheryl Brown, vocabulary can be divided into two kinds, they are:

a. Productive vocabulary is of words which the students understand, can pronounce correctly and use constructively in speaking and writing. b. Receptive vocabulary is of words the student recognizes and understands

when they occur in a context, but which he cannot produce correctly21. Besides productive vocabulary and receptive vocabulary, Jo Ann Aebersold and Marry Lee Field also classified vocabulary into: active vocabulary and passive vocabulary22.


Mary Finocchiaro, English as a Second Language from Theory to Practice, (New Jersey: Englewood Cliffs, inc., 1989), p.21


Harles C. Fries, Teaching and Learning as A Foreign Language, (Ann Arbor, the University of Michigan Press, 1995) p.47


Evelyn Hatch and Cheryl Brown, Vocabulary, Semantic, and Language Education, (New York: Cambridge University Press, 1997), p.139



a. Active Vocabulary

Active vocabulary is all of the words a student’s produces during any lesson or event in latter lessons. This term is used in speaking or writing appropriately it is called as productive vocabulary, although, in fact, it is more difficult to put into practice. It means that to use the productive vocabulary, the students must know and be able to use grammar of the target language; they also must be familiar with collocation and understand the connotation meaning of the words. This type is often used in speaking and writing skills. b. Passive Vocabulary

Passive vocabulary is all of the words a student hears or reads. It refers to language items that can be recognized and understood in the context of reading or listening, and are also called as receptive vocabulary.

Corson that is quoted by I.S.P nation called those vocabularies as motivated vocabulary and unmotivated vocabulary. Motivated (active) vocabulary consists of all the words we need to use and feel no reluctance in using in our everyday life. While, the unmotivated (passive) vocabulary can be divided into two groups:

1) Words which are only partly understood and are not well known enough to use actively

2) Words which are not needed in daily communication23.

Caleb Gattegno also classified vocabulary into two kinds; they are luxury vocabulary and semi-luxury vocabulary. Semi luxury is of the words we would need to get along with natives in the business of day-to day life, which include food, clothing, travel, family life, outings and the like. While luxury vocabulary is the words we would need in the philosophical discussions, political arguments and sources of information (economic,



military, diplomatic, etc), and also as the specialized language of professions, and trades24.

3. Problem in Teaching Vocabulary

Certainly that if someone wants to communicate with another person in English, he has to have enough vocabulary, because it is basic element of any language. One who knows enough vocabulary is more likely to converse with anybody else better than one who has few vocabularies.

Some factors that make some words difficult for the students:

a. Pronunciation: research shows that words are difficult to pronounce are more difficult to learn. For example: Gorgeous, Lecturer, etc.

b. Spelling is sound and spelling mismatches will be cause of errors in

pronunciation or in spelling, and can contribute to a word’s difficulty. For

example: muscle, headache, etc.

c. Length and complexity: long words are more difficult to learn than short ones. And the variable stresses of polysyllabic words are also difficult. For example: necessary, necessity, necessarily.

d. Meaning: when two words overlap in meaning, learners are likely to confuse them. Or it called word with multiple meaning such as since and still, can also be difficulties for learners.

e. Range: connotation and idiomatic, words that can be used in wide range of contexts will generally be perceived as easier than their synonyms with a narrower range. For example: thin is more used than skinny, slim and slander. The connotation of some words may cause problem too. For example: propaganda has negative connotation in English, but it is equivalent may simply mean publicity25.

Some people maybe say that vocabulary is easier than grammar or any lesson, but as a matter of fact the lack of vocabulary is the biggest problem when people communicate in English.


Caleb Cattegno, Teaching Foreign Language in School, (New York: Educational Solution, 1963), p.53.



C. Total Physical Response

1. The Definition of Total Physical Response

Total physical response is stated by James T. Asher. TPR takes into account that people learn best when they actively involve and understand the

language they hear. According to Richards and Rogers, “TPR is language teaching method build around the coordination of speech and action, it

attempts to teach language through physical (motor) activity”26

. From the statements, it can be said that, the basic idea behind Total Physical Response Method is that students hear something from the teacher and then physical response to it. That is in Total Physical Response (TPR), a beginning or more advanced students learn to comprehend things said by a teacher.

Total physical response is limited to the “trace theory” of memory in psychology, which holds that the more often or the more intensively a memory connection is traced, the stronger the memory association will be and the more likely it will be recalled. In a developmental sense, Asher sees successful adult second language learning as a parallel process to child first language acquisition. He claims that speech directed to young children consists primarily of commands, which children respond to physically before they begin to produce verbal responses. Asher feels adults should recapitulate the processes by which children acquire their mother tongue27.

Asher said that listening before speaking is one of the basic principles of the TPR method. In other words, teaching should be emphasized meaning rather than form. And learner stress should be minimized. In Total Physical Response, students are demanded to be active, they listen and respond to the spoken target language commands of their teacher28. When the students can all respond to commands correctly, one of them can then start giving


Dorothy Grant Henning, Communication In Action: Teaching the Language Art, (Boston: Houghton Mifflin Company, 1986), .87


Jack, C. Richards and Theodore S.Rodgers, Approaches and Methods in Language Teaching: A Description and Analysis . . . p.87



instructions to the other classmates. In TPR students do not have to give instructions themselves until they are ready29.

The process is just the same as the first time they start knowing their first language. The teacher will be able to teach their students how to express a request. That is why Total Physical Response is suitable to teach vocabulary.

Total Physical Response is an effective method in teaching foreign language for children and adults, especially for beginner students. “TPR has become a common and an effective means of introducing children and adults to a foreign language, and particularly to listening, especially in early stages

of instruction”30


2. Design of Total Physical Response a. Language Objectives

The general objectives of TPR are to teach oral proficiency at a beginning level. Comprehension is a means to an end, and the ultimate aim is to teach basic speaking skills. A TPR course aims to produce learners who are capable of an uninhibited communication that is intelligible to a native speaker, specific instructional objectives are not elaborated, for these will depend on the particular needs of the learner. Whatever goals are set, however, must be attainable through the use of action-based drills in the imperative form31.

b. The Syllabus

The syllabus dawns from an analysis of the exercise types employed in TPR classes. The analysis reveals the use of a


Jeremy Harmer, The Practice of English Language Teaching, Third Edition, (England: Longman, 2001), p.90


Helena Anderson Curtain & Carol Ann Pesola, Language and Children making the Match: Foreign Language Instruction in the Elementary School, (Massachusetts, 1988), p127



based syllabus, with grammatical and lexical criteria being primary in selecting teaching items.

TPR requires initial attention to meaning than to the form of items. Hence, grammar is taught inductively.

c. Teacher and Learner Roles

There are some roles for students and teacher in teaching learning activities by using Total Physical Response method.

1). Learners Role

Learners in TPR method have the primary roles of listener and performer. They listen attentively and respond physically to commands given by the teacher. Learners are required to respond both individually and collectively. Learners have little influence over the content of learning, since content is determined by the teacher, who most follows the imperative-based format for lesson. Learners are also expected to recognize and respond to novel combinations of previously taught items32.

Besides, in teaching vocabulary, after several students have demonstrated comprehensions of the new vocabulary by responding to

the teacher’s commands, individual members of the class take the role

of the teacher. Each gives the same commands, which have been demonstrated, and classmates perform the actions. Besides offering practice in the use of the new vocabulary, the activity helps to keep

students’ minds alert33

. 2). Teacher Roles

In the TPR method, the teacher plays a central and active role in the sense that most of the activities are planned and coordinated by


Jack C, Richards and Theodore S. Rodgers, Approaches and Methods in Language Teaching. . . p.93



him. He serves as a model of the sentence structures, which are translated into imperative forms; in this way, he is the initiator of the process of learning.

In addition to the previous roles, the teacher has the responsibility to it direct the classroom activities, such as the various kinds of drills, exercise, modifications of previously learned patterns, and so forth. In sum, he is expected to finish all feasible opportunities for the students to achieve successful learning.

Asher stressed, however that the teacher’s role is not so much to teach as to provide opportunities for learning. The teacher has the responsibility of providing the best kind of exposure to language so that the learner can internalize the basic rules of the target language34. d. Activities

This method has simplicity as its most appealing feature. Its strength lies in the internationalization of the material covered. The teacher give commands and the students carry them out.

There are four basic types TPR could be seen as follow:

1) The imperative drills are used to elicit physical actions and activity on the part of the learners.

2) Presentation slides are used to provide a visual center for teacher narration, which is followed by commands and questions to students. 3) Role play center on everyday situations.

4) Action sequence.35

In addition, typically TPR heavily utilized the imperative mood, even into more advanced proficiency level. Commands are an easy way to get learners to move about and to loosen up. No verbal response is necessary. More complex syntax can be incorporated into the imperative. Humor is easy to introduce. Interrogatives are also easy dealt with.


Jack C, Richards and Theodore S. Rodgers, Approaches and Methods in Language Teaching. . . p.94



3. Principles of Total Physical Response Method

In regarding to Total Physical Response method, there are four principles TPR method stated by James T. Asher cited by Robert W. Blair36:

a. Languages are best learned when the learner receives lots of comprehensible (understandable) or comprehension must be developed first before learners are asked to speak.

b. Comprehension and memory is well acquired through physical movement. This statement is supported by Oller, Richard and Amato,

“physically responding to commands seems to produce long term memory..”37

. From the statements, it can be concluded that students will remember the lesson they learn longer, if it is involving their body movement.

c. Beginning language learners can benefit greatly from a “silent period” in which they learn to understand and response to parts of the language without attempting to speak it. This referred as delayed production; it means that students will begin to speak when they are ready.

d. Meaning in the target language can be conveyed through actions. Memory is activated through learner response.

TPR allows students to acquire vocabulary in a manner similar to how

children learn his or her first language. “By observing how a baby learns his

mother tongue one can show that speech is learned, he learns by listening,

understanding, and imitating”38

. It means, when the students learn their first language, the first thing they do is listening to what the teacher says. By listening to what the teacher says, they will absorb the structure and the meaning of the language, then they will understand the language.

In a TPR lesson, teachers model actions which students then mimic as they simultaneously hear vocabulary words and commands in the target language. As a particular action is associated with each vocabulary word and phrase, students rapidly and naturally acquire language while establishing


James T.Asher in Robert W. Blair, Innovative Approaches to Language Teaching, (Massachussets: Newbury House Publisher,1992), P.20.


John W. Oller, Jr& Patricia A. Richard - Amato, Methods That Work A Smorgasbord of Ideas for Language Teacher, (New York: Newbury House Publishers, inc, 1983), p.61



long-lasting associations between the brain and the muscles. Students who learn language through TPR method will not soon forget it.

4. Procedure of TPR

Some procedures in Total Physical Response method is:

a. Review this was a fast-moving warm-up which individual students were

moved with commands.

b. New commands these verbs were introduced.

c. Role reversal students readily volunteered to utter commands that manipulated the behavior of the instructor and other students.

d. Reading and writing. The instructor wrote on the chalkboard each new

vocabulary item and a sentence to illustrate the item. Then the spoken each item and acted out the sentence. The students listened as she reads the material. Some copied the importation in their notebooks39.

5. Advantages of Total Physical Response There are some benefits in TPR method:

a. Students are not asked to produce in the second language until they decide they are ready

b. TPR can fill an entire class period with comprehensible input in the form of commands40

c. The students can enjoy to study because TPR method be able to reduce students stress when learning foreign language.

d. Students remember the lesson longer. Memory is activated thorough students response.

e. Students feel successful. Feeling of success and low anxiety facilitate learning41.


Jack C, Richards and Theodore S. Rodgers, Approaches and Methods in Language Teaching, . . . p.95


Stephen D. Krashen, Principles and Practice in Second Language Acquisition, (Oxford: Pergamon Press, 1982), p.141



6. Disadvantages of Total Physical Response

Total physical response method has six serious limitations:

a. It is mainly in the imperative mode, generally excluding the rest of the target language.

b. It is often focused on short phrases or single item vocabulary words. c. It fosters only passive language skills.

d. It takes along time.

e. TPR method seems to be especially effective in the beginning levels of language proficiency.

f. In reading and writing activities students are limited to spinning off from the oral work in the classroom42.

Moreover, Asher stated that, “our research suggests that most

grammatical structure of the target language and hundreds of vocabulary

items can be learned through skillful use of imperative”.

7. The Implementation Using Total Physical Response Method

In TPR method, learners have primary role as listener and performer.

They listen attentively and response physically to commands given by the teacher. learners are required to respond both individually and collectively. The teacher gives instruction to the learners and practice it by using TPR

method. “the instructor is the director of stage play in which the students or learners are the actor”. It means that the teacher who decides the lesson, choose some learner to be models and presents the new materials, and also selects supporting materials for classroom use.

The activities of TPR instruction in the classroom are the teacher ask the students to be volunteer and at the front of the class, with students who be volunteer seated on either side of the teacher. And than, the teacher say

“Stand up” and the teacher along with her/his students then stand up. Next the teacher said “sit down” and the teacher with the students sit down.



After several demonstrations of stand and sit down, next model walk, stop, turn, jump and etc. When the audience has observed teacher and the students on either side of the teacher act in response to commands, the observers are also internalizing the meaning of the spoken language.

After modeling a sequence such as stand up, walk, stop, etc..for a number of times, the student become ready to act alone without the teacher. At this point, the teacher invites an individual student who was performing with the teacher to try it alone. The teacher utter a direction such as stand up, walk, stop, etc and the individual student acts alone in response to each command.

Once students are responding rapidly and with confidence to sequence of commands. Next the teacher give new words with expansions of the

commands such as “Walk to the chair”. “Walk to the door”. “Walk to the blackboard” etc.

As students become more and more comfortable and confident that they understand everything the teacher are saying in the target language, then recombine constituents to create imperative directions, ones the students have never heard before but understand perfectly. For the example, the students have experienced:

Walk to the chair. Walk to the door. Walk to the blackboard. Now, they will understand if you recombine elements to create a imperative sentence such as: touch the blackboard. After students are responding rapidly and confidently to any direction from lessons, they are ready to begin TPR exercise in reading and writing43

8. Problem in Teaching Total Physical Response method

If we want the students to be instead in the lesson given, there should be communication among teachers and students. Students should not be afraid to give argument to their teacher.



One problem, which TPR method has related its special reliance on action (Physical Response). For social reason, many adults and children, feel Embarrassed marching around a room to do the teacher’s comments. For that, the teacher is demanded to be creative. In the other hand, while the required action could be modified to lesson. So there is not much else a teacher can do to remedy this situation. Adult become more accepting in time, especially after they see their teacher doing the same things that they have to do.

D. Grammar Translation Method

1. The Definition of Grammar Translation Method

Grammar translation method is a way of studying a language that approaches the language first through detailed analysis of its grammar rules, followed by application of this knowledge to the task of translating sentences and texts into and out of the target language44.

The grammar translation method or classical method emerged when

people of the western world wanted to learn “foreign” languages such as

Latin and Greek. Its focus was on grammatical rules, the memorization of vocabulary and of various declensions and conjunctions, translation of text and doing writing exercises45.

The grammar translation method is also called the “traditional method”.

This does not mean that it is oldest method. It has been, and still extensively

used. The term „traditional’ probably relates to the fact that this method is a

nearly perfect reflection of the way Latin and Greek has been taught for centuries46.


Jack, C. Richards and Theodore S.Rodgers, Approaches and Methods in Language Teaching:A Description and Analysis. . . , p.5


H. Douglas Brown, Teaching by Principles an Interactive Approach to Languge Pedagogy…p.3



2. Design of Grammar Translation Method

a. Language Objective

The objective f the Grammar Translation Method is learning a foreign language is a to be able to read literature written in the target language. To do this, students need to learn about the grammar rules and vocabulary of the target language. In additional, it is believed that studying a foreign language provides students with good mental exercise, which helps developed their minds47.

b. The Syllabus

The syllabus used in the Grammar Translation Method is based on some aspect of the culture of the foreign language community. Grammar is taught deductively; that is they are given the grammar rules and examples, they are told to memorize them, and then are asked to apply the rules to other examples. An explicit grammar rule is given. Students practice vocabulary by translation and memorization48.

c. The Learner’s Role

The learner’s role in Grammar Translation Method is the students are taught to translate from one language to another. They often translate readings in the target language about some aspect of the culture of the foreign language community. Students study grammar deductively; that is, they are given the grammar rules and examples, are told to memorize them, and then are asked to apply the rules to the other examples. They also learn grammatical paradigm such as verb conjugations. They memorize native language equivalents for foreign language vocabulary. d. The Teacher’s Role

The teacher’s role is very traditional. The teacher is the authority in the classroom; the students do as he says so they can learn what he/she knows.


Diane Larsen, Freeman, Techniques and Principles in Language Teaching. . . p.11



The teacher decides whether an answer is correct or not. If the answer incorrect, the teacher selects a different student to supply the correct answer or the teacher herself give the correct answer49.

3. Principles of Grammar Translation Method

Brown gives some principle of the Grammar Translation Method, they are: a) classes are taught in the mother tongue, with little active use of the target language, b) much vocabulary is taught in the form of the lists of isolated words, c) long elaborate explanations of the intricacies off grammar are given, d) grammar provides the rule for putting words together, and instruction often focuses on the form and inflection of words, e) reading of difficult classical texts is begun early, f) little attentions is paid to the content of texts, which are treated as exercise in grammatical analysis50.

4. Procedure of Grammar Translation Method

According to Mora that classes used of the Grammar Translation

Method are taught in the student’s mother tongue, with little active use of the

target language. Vocabulary is taught in the form of isolated word lists. Elaborate explanations of grammar are always provided. Grammar instruction provides the rule of putting words together; instruction often focuses on the form and inflection of words. Reading of difficult texts is begun early in the course of study. Little attention is paid to the content of texts, which are treated as exercises in grammatical analysis. Often the only drills are exercises in translating disconnected sentences from the target language into the mother tongue, and versa. Little or no attention is given to pronunciation51.


Diane Larsen, Freeman, Techniques and Principles in Language Teaching . . . p.10


Diane Larsen, Freeman, Techniques and Principles in Language Teaching . . . p.4



5. Advantages of Grammar Translation Method

a. The phraseology of the target language is quickly explain. Translation is the easiest way of explaining meaning or words and phrases from one language into another.

b. Teacher’s labor is saved. Since the textbook are taught through the medium of the mother tongue, the teacher may ask comprehension question on the text taught in the mother tongue. Learner will not have much difficulty in responding to questions on the text taught in the mother tongue.

c. Students are not forced to use target language while the activity.

d. The students false is limited because the activities are conducted by the teacher.

6. Disadvantages of Grammar Translation Method

a. It is unnatural method. The natural order of learning a language is listening, speaking, reading, and writing

b. Speech is not possible. Translation method lays emphasis on reading and writing

c. Exact translation is not possible. Translations is indeed, a difficult task and exact translation from one language to another is not always possible




This chapter presents the description of the research method used in this study. It consists of research design, place and time of the study, population and sample, research instrument, techniques of collecting data, and techniques of data analysis.

A. Research Design

The design of this study is an experimental research at which there are the experimental class and controlled class. An experimental study involves a study of the affect of the systematic manipulation of one variable on another variable. The manipulated variable is called the experimental treatment or independent variable.

It is called experimental study because it begins with an experimental hypothesis, a prediction that the treatment will have a certain effect. The hypothesis expresses expectations as to result from the changes introduced- that

the treatment and no treatment groups will differ because the treatment’s effects1


Based on DonalAry’s statement, the writer uses two classes as the objects in which the first class as the experimental group as the one receiving a specific treatment and the second one as the control group receives no treatment. In the


Donald Ary, et.al., Introduction to Research in Education 6th Edition, (USA: Wadsworth, 2002), p. 279-280


experimental class she used TPR method in teaching vocabulary, whereas the controlled class she used Grammar Translation Method (GTM) in teaching vocabulary. For this aspect, the writer decided the nature of treatment that is 7.C class became an experimental class which was treated by the writer. Besides, 7.D class became a controlled class. In this class, the English teacher handled teaching vocabulary by using GTM.

B. Place and Time of the Study

The research was held at MTs KhazanahKebajikanPondokCabeIlir which is located on Jl. Talas I RT 001/010 PondokCabeIlirPamulangtelp/Fax (021) 747 07253, from 20th of September 2010 to 23rd of October 2010.

C. Population and Sample

The population of this study is seventh grade students of MTs Khazanah Kebajikan Pondok Cabe Ilir, The whole students are 129 students who consist of four classes, namely class 7.A, 7.B, 7.C and 7.D every class has 30 to 33 students. The writer took out two classes from the population as sample of this research which consists of 60 students, which are divided into 2 classes, namely class 7.C and class 7.D. for the experiment class appointed 7.C as the sample that get the treatment, while the other class 7.D get the controlled class in this study.

D. Research Instrument

The research instruments which used for this study includes documentation and test.

Documentations are used to gain the data about teaching preparation made by the English teacher. In this study, the writer gained it by borrowing teaching

preparation, such as, the teacher’s lesson plan, it is consist of eight lesson plan which was conducted in teaching learning process in eight meetings. The forms of

the teacher’s lesson plan can be seen in the appendixes2.

2It can be seen “Appendix”, p.48


Test is used to know how well the students have already mastered vocabulary. The researcher used pre-test and post-test instrument. Pre-test is the test given to students before the treatment. The usage of pre-test is to measure

students’ abilities before they learn vocabulary through TPR method. The post test is given to students after the students had the treatment or the teaching process using TPR method. Post-test is the test given to students for checking the progress after teaching vocabulary through TPR method. The test is consist of 30 (thirty) questions and it is divided into three test form, they are multiple choices, matching test and translating test. They are divided into three categories: easy (30%), middle (40%), and difficult (30%). Multiple choices consist of 20 items from number 1 to 20. It is score per item is 3; it means if the students can choose the right answer, they will get 60 scores. While matching test consist of 5 items from number 21 to 25. It is score per item is 3; it means if the students can answer correctly, they will get 15 score. And translating test consists of 5 items from number 26 to 30. It is scores per item 5. It means if the students can answer correctly, they will get 25 scores. And the total scores are 100 if students can answer all of questions correctly.


From the description of each test form above, it can be seen that the high score of this test is 100 scores. To make the writer easy in making the test from the students in experiment and controlled class, the writer made description of the test item as follows:

Table 3.1

The Description of the Test Items

No Vocabulary Question

Number Total


Using a verb to give a positive command

Easy (30%) 3, 5, 8, 18

13 Middle (40%) 1, 2, 9, 10, 14

Difficult (30%) 13, 16, 19, 20 2 Using don’t +verb to

give a negative

Easy (30%) 12


command Difficult (30%) 6 3


Easy (30%) 22, 24

5 Middle (40%) 25

Difficult (30%) 21, 23 4


Easy (30%) 15, 27

8 Middle (40%) 17, 26, 28, 29

Difficult (30%) 30, 11


From the table of specification for the test item, the writer divided them into easy 30%, middle 40% and difficult 30% after deciding the concepts of multiple choices (using verb to give positive command and using don’t + verb to give a negative command) , matching and translating.

F. Technique of Collecting the Data

Techniques of collecting data in this study were three kinds, namely: documentation and test

1. Documentation

Documentation was used to obtain the written data of the teaching preparation made by the English teacher. It was carried out by copying the

English teacher’s documentations about teaching preparation or English teacher’s

lesson plan. The data needed were recorded from all documents and analyzed them carefully.

2. Test

The test was used to find out the effectiveness of using TPR method in teaching of vocabulary. This test was applied in the experimental and controlled

class to find out of the score of the students’ achievement in vocabulary mastery,


G. Techniques of Data Analysis

The techniques of data analysis consist of data from observation, data from document and data from test were analyzed in some ways as presented below:

1. Data From Documentation

The data from documentation covered of the teaching preparation which applied to the teaching and learning activities in the classroom by the English teacher.

2. Data From Test

This data test was gain to find out the effectiveness of using TPR method in instructional activities of vocabulary, the researcher used a quantitative data which are related to the numerals and they are analyzed by statistics. She used t-test formula to calculate the data. The analysis has concerned between

experiment class and controlled class. To know the students’ score

differences in learning vocabulary by using TPR method with learning vocabulary without TPR method. She has to seek the differences of mean variable firs before using the t-test formula, the formula as follows:

M1 = M1+ i

(∑� 1)

( )


M2 = M

1+ i (∑� 1)

( )

M1 : Means variable of experiment class

M2 : Means variable of controlled class

M1 : Is appraisal mean i : Is interval class

∑� 1 : Is the number of times result between own middle drop

with the each of interval frequency from experimental class ∑� 1 : Is the number of times result between own middle drop


a. Determining standard deviation score of variables x (experiment class)





(∑�( )1)2

SD1 : Standard deviation of variable x

∑� 12 : The number of times result between own middle

drop with the each of interval frequency from experimental class

N : The number of students

b. Determining of standard error mean of variable x (experiment class)



� 1


SEM1 : The standard error


Table 3.1 The Description of The Test Items ………...…………......…………….. 30 Table 4.1 The test scores of experiment class students ………...…………...…….
Table 3.1
Table 4.1
The Result Calculation of Students’Table 4.2  Score of Experiment Class


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