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membuat logo dengan photoshop


Academic year: 2017

Membagikan "membuat logo dengan photoshop"


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[1]- Pertama-tama Dokumen Baru Buka Custom, Ukuran Tinggi & Lebar 500 × 500 pxl, Resolusi 72 & Mode RGB Color

[2]- Sekarang Buka New Layer & kemudian membuat seleksi berikut dengan bantuan ‘Elliptical Marquee Tool’

[3]- Sekarang mengisi seleksi dengan ‘1f9ee6′ color & then select ‘Burn Tool’ & create the following shading


[5]-Now Open New Layer & then create the following selection with the help of ‘Pen Tool’

[6]-Now fill the selection with ‘73af10′ color & create the some shading with the help of ‘Burn Tool’

[7]-Now Open New Layer & then create the following selection with the help of ‘Pen Tool’


[9]-Now your image should look like as shown below

[10]-Now fill the selection with ‘e7e7e7′ color & then go to Blending Options select Inner Shadow & use the following settings

Photoshop Technique-How to use the Inner Shadow features


[12]-Now fill the selection with ‘b3b3b3′ color & then select Inner Shadow & use the following settings

Photoshop Technique-How to use the Inner Shadow features

[13]-Now Open New Layer & then create the following selection with the help of ‘Rounded Rectangle Tool’

[14]-Now fill the selection with ‘e7e7e7′ color & then go to Blending Options & use the same settings as used in Step-10 & after that create the following selection with the help of


[15]-Now fill the selection with same color & same blending options & your image should look like as shown below

[16]-Now Open New Layer & then create the following selection with the help of ‘Pen Tool’

[17]-Now fill the selection with ‘fffffa’ color & then create the following selection with the help of ‘Pen Tool’ & then press DELETE


[19]-Now add the Layer Mask with the help of click on following Button which is indicating by Handsign

[20]-Now select Gradient Tool & use the following settings

[21]-Now select Layer Mask & fill the Gradient & your image should look like as shown below


[22]-Now fill the selection with same color & add layer mask & fill the gradient & your image should look like as shown below

[23]-Now Open New Layer & then create the following selection with the help of ‘Pen Tool’

[24]-Now fill the selection with ‘fffffa’ color & then Filter>Blur>Gaussian Blur & In Gaussian Blur ‘Radius 3.0 pxl’ & then ok & your image should look like as shown below



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