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Academic year: 2017



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Submitted as Partial Fulfillment of the Requirement for the Degree of Sarjana Pendidikan

By :


Reg. Number 2113121038






First of all, the writer would like to give a big deep thanks to God for the

blessing, guarding, guidance, and everything that have been given to the writer to

accomplish this thesis.

This thesis is aimed to fulfill one of the requirements to obtain the S1 degree

of Sarjana Pendidikan at English Department in Faculty of Languages and Arts, State

University of Medan.

In completing this thesis, the writer has received a lot of assistance and

academic support from some people. Therefore, the writer would like to express her

sincere gratitude, love and special thanks to :

Prof. Dr. Syawal Gultom, M.Pd., as the Rector of State University of


Dr. Isda Pramuniati, M.Hum., the Dean of Faculty of Languages and Arts

State University of Medan and to all her staffs.

Prof. Dr. Hj. Sumarsih, M.Pd., as the Head of English Department, Dra.

Meisuri, M.A., the Secretary of English Department and Nora Ronita Dewi, S.Pd., S.S., M.Hum., as the Head of Education Program of English Department.

Prof. Dr. Lince Sihombing, M.Pd., as Thesis Advisor I. Tiarnita M.S.

Siregar, M.Hum as Thesis Advisor II.

Her beloved parents, P. Doloksaribu who went far away, Lince Mariani



Her beloved brothers and younger sister; Alex, Hendra, Marihot and Ayu

Wandira for their support for her as long as the writer still in her education. Unforgettable, Her Spiritual Dad and Mom, S.L. Saragih and St. Edina Br.

Situmorang, S.Pd who never forget to pray for her family, education, and future together with their children Kiki, Theo and Maria.

Her beloved close family, Pt. M. Tarigan,Ss., I.M. Perangin-angin, S.Pd

and Rio March Tarigan who always love, help, support and pray for her

even in a deep trouble.

Her beloved foster mother, Renita Br. Silitonga, M.Pd and Juniati Br.

Hutagaol, M.Pd who help the writer’s financial, loving, praying, supporting and motivation in all her life.

The writer also says thanks for her best Berlina Munthe, S.Pd., M.Sc and

Dena Yossy Br. Siburian, S.E. who always helps her financial and support, pray and motivation since they known each other.

Her beloved friends: Meirita Pakpahan, Theresia Pakpahan, Devi

Nainggolan, Lewi Sidabutar, Yeni Yulianti Sianturi, Fibie Liona Pangaribuan, Ando Simanjuntak, Anak BEBEK, Chomz Gary Sibarani, Dzu Mirratin Firda Hidayat, Setrie Frimayri, and Dessy Dongoran, also says a big deep thanks again for others who cannot be mentioned here for

their support, information, encouragement, and beautiful day spent together.

Medan, August 2015 The Writer




Doloksaribu, Lestaria. 2015. Theme and Rheme in Reading Text of Senior

High School’s National Examination. A Thesis. Faculty of Language and

Arts. State University of Medan.

This research was intended to describe the types and the ways how Theme and Rheme are used in Reading Text of Senior High School’s National Examination. This research was conducted by using descriptive qualitative method. The data were collected from thirteen different reading texts that consisted in English National Examination of Senior High School 2014 for science student program. The Findings indicate that structural theme is the most dominant elements of textual theme used, because there are so many compound clauses that combined together in which conjunction and wh-questions used. There are more unmarked theme in whole text rather than marked theme. It means that most of clauses are started by word or phrase that has function as a subject. This finding also shows that ideational theme is the dominant theme that used in whole reading text. It means that the text mostly give much information, it can be seen that almost of the clauses are declarative clauses.



C. The Objectives of the Study...

D. The Scope of the Study ...

E. The Significances of the Study...

CHAPTER II. REVIEW OF LITURATURE... A. The Definition of Reading …...

a. The Reading Text ………...

b. The Element of Reading Text ……….



3. Pattern of Theme and Rheme ………...

a. Characteristics of Theme ………..

b. Other Characteristics of Theme …………

c. Marked and Unmarked Theme ………….

a. Reading Text of National Examination

(UN) ………

b. Kinds of Reading Text in National

Examination (UN) ……….

C. Technique of Collecting Data ………..………

D. Technique of Analyzing Data …...



b. The Analysis of Marked and Unmarked Theme

c. The Analysis of Textual Theme ……….

d. The Analysis of Text Types ………

C. Research Finding ………..

a. Theme in Reading Text of Senior High School’s

National Examination ……….

b. The Dominant Type of Theme used in Reading

Text based on the Text Types (Genre) ………..

c. Theme used in a Current Clause of Reading Text

d. Discussion ………...




Figure 2.1 The Representation of The Definition of Reading ...

Figure 2.2 The Realization of The Metafunctions in Structure …….

Figure 2.3 The Example of Text based on the Genre ...

Figure 2.4 The Example of Functional Text ...

Page 9







1. The Analysis of Theme and Rheme ...

2. The Copy right of Reading Texts in English National

Examination 2015 Packet A for Science Student Program


Page 65




A. The Background of The Study

Teaching English in Indonesia is focused on the student’s ability in

communication. The communication can be in oral and or written forms. When

people speak or write, they produce text. The term ‘text’ refers to any instance or

language, in any medium, that makes sense to someone who knows the language..

Text is a rich, many faceted phenomenon that means in many different ways. It

can be explored from many main angles of vision: one, focus on the text as an

object in its own right; two different ways and from many different points of

view. But, we can distinguish two, focus on the text as an instrument for finding

out about something else (Halliday 2004:3).

Every text will be read by the readers, so do readers will read the reading

text. The more the readers read, the more information the readers get. However,

reading can be challenging, particularly when the material is unfamiliar, technical,

or complex. Moreover, for some readers, comprehension is always challenging.

They may understand each word separately, but linking them together into

meaningful ideas often doesn’t happen as it should. These readers can decode the

words, but have not developed sufficient skills to comprehend the underlying,

deeper meaning of the sentences, the paragraphs, and the entire text.

Comprehension refers to the ability to go beyond the words, to understand the



Reading text is not only applied in newspaper, magazine, catalogue, novel

or letters but also in terms of education, the reading text can be found in science

book and students’ text book. The more familiar reading text, can be found in

English National Examination (UN) that always be held in every year. The UN

itself arranged by government in order to measure how well the students studied

before and to test them how far of knowledge they have known and understood of

the subject matter. Government in Indonesia realize that students who will

graduate from Senior High School have to be tested by National Examination

(UN). In other word, English as one of the subjects tested in UN sometimes makes

most of the students feel unhappy. They are afraid of facing the English UN either

before or while doing it. Some of them could not understand the questions, which

in turn causes some difficulties to get the correct answers. Moreover, they are

bothered of being unable to understand the whole meaning of the reading texts.

Therefore, long before UN comes, teachers have done their best efforts to

encourage students to perform better in UN. They get some extra time after the

class to deepen students’ understanding in regarding to the English material

besides other subjects tested in UN. Furthermore, a few weeks before UN being

held, the teachers make students study certain subjects examined in UN only.

Unfortunately, when students were facing the National Examination (UN),

particularly English subject, the students were so nervous and could not

concentrate well to got the correct answers. Solving this problem, students then

decided to do cheating. Even sometimes, teachers helped them in doing this by



Both teachers and students did this wrong shortcut to make it easy for students to

pass UN. That is the problem that always appears in every year. As the writer’s

experience in teaching English course , most of students didn’t like to discuss

about reading text in UN. Students thought that it was very waste their time to

read the texts. Whereas, English is not as difficult as what they think. It is easy

and enjoyable besides challenging particularly dealing with UN. Most of the

questions are related to the reading text. So, the answers can be found either

intrinsically or extrinsically throughout the passage. As a result, it is not necessary

for them to understand all the words and the whole text to get the answer.

In English National Examination, almost the tests are form in reading text.

It is also shown in writer’s observation and experiences as an English course

teacher, it is known that the teaching of reading should be the priority for Senior

High School Students who will face the National Examination.

There are ten to fourteen reading texts that consist in one packet of the

English National Examination. Each text just for two or three questions.

Moreover, not all the texts are familiar to students’ knowledge. Even they know

the title of the text, it doesn’t mean that they know what the text talking about. It

can be because of the lack of their vocabulary, the concept of each texts and

disable to comprehend the text. So, How can they pass all the questions while the

government just provide two hour to finish fifty questions?”.

From the fact above, the writer knows that there is a big problem that have

to be solved here. The teacher should find out and apply the appropriate strategy



know the key concept of each text. So that, they will be easier to finish the

National Examination on English subject in a limit time without translate the

whole text first.

Realizing that reading is very important to be discussed, it means that

everyone should consider that reading text is constructed from some sentences, so

do the sentences are constructed from clause or phrase in order to make the

readers easily to comprehend the text. In all languages the clause has the character

of a message: it has some form of organization whereby it fits in with, and

contributes to, the flow of discourse. But there are different ways in which this

may be achieved. According to Halliday (2004:64) in English, as in many other

languages, the clause is organized as a message by having a distinct status

assigned to one part of it. One part of the clause is enunciated as the theme; this

then combines with the remainder so that the two parts together constitute a


Clause consists of a theme combined with a rheme and the structure is

expressed by order. The order for this is theme followed by rheme. According to

Halliday (2004:58), theme is the starting point of the clause, realized by whatever

element comes first, and rheme is the rest of the message, which provides the

additional information added to the starting point and which is available for

subsequent development in the text.

The combination of words, phrases, clauses, sentences, paragraphs, then

those become a reading text can be brought together through the language that



major functional components called as language metafunctions. Three

metafunctions of language are identified by Halliday, namely (1) the ideational

(topical) function, (2) the interpersonal function and (3) the textual function

(Halliday, 2004:79).

Base on the three major functional components in language metafunction,

this research deals with textual function of reading text in Senior High School’s

National Examination(UN). Therefore, the research will be conducted for

analyzing the theme and rheme in Reading Text of Senior High School’s National

Examination base on the facts and theories above.

B. The Problems of The Study

Based on the background of the study above, the problems of the study are

formulated as following :

1. What types of Theme are used in Reading text of Senior High School’s

National Examination ?

2. In what genre of text the dominant type of Theme used ?

C. The Objective of The Study

In line with the problems of the study above, the objectives of this study

are :

1. To describe the types of Theme used in Reading text of Senior High

School’s National Examination,



D. The Scope of The Study

This study is focused on the Textual Functions applied in Reading text of

Senior High School’s National Examination. The researcher chooses one packet

“A” of the National Examination in 2014 for science program . The concept of

Theme and Rheme are textual function which explains in the most general way

how a message is organized in language. The data will take from English teacher

who teaches in SMA Negeri 6 Binjai.

E. The Significances of The Study

The significances of this study are the following below :

1. This study is expected that this research would be known by Education

Government to evaluate the UN English Reading Text of SMA

become more effective to be tested.

2. This study is also expected the Education Government to find out the

standardize system on how the UN Test would be applied for the


3. This study is expected to enrich Academic Students’ knowledge

through theories of Theme and Rheme as one of the realization of

metafunction and they would analyze other fields in case of to solve




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Figure 2.1 The Representation of The Definition of Reading ..........


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