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Fany Rotua Yohana Sihite Reg. Number 4123131031

Bilingual Chemistry Education Program


Submitted to Fulfill The Requirement for Getting the Degree of Sarjana Pendidikan






Fany Rotua Yohana Sihite (4123131031)


The objective of this research is to know the difference of problem based learning model and guided inquiry learning model toward student’s achievement and critical thinking. This research was conducted in SMA N 1 Sidikalang on the even semester. The sample of this research are the students in grade X which consist two classes, one class as experimental class I taught by PBL model and the other as experimental class II taught by guided inquiry learning model. The research instrument in this research are 20 multiple choice questions from 40 questions that have validated. Before hypothesis test, the data of research had been analyzed by using normality test and homogeneity test, which is shown that data gain are normal distributed and homogenous. Based on hypothesis test of

hypothesis I using t-test was gotten value of significancecount (0,015) < significant

level (0.05), so the Ha1 is accepted and Ho1 is rejected. It means that student’s achievement that taught by implementing Guided Inquiry Learning is higher than student’s achievement that is taught by implementing PBL on stoichiometry topic.

In hypothesis test of hypothesis II using t-test was gotten value of significancecount

(0,030) < significant level (0.05), so the Ha2 is accepted and Ho2 is rejected. It means that there is differences in student’s critical thinking that taught by implementing PBL model with student’s critical thinking that is taught by implementing Guided Inquiry learning model on stoichiometry topic.




The writer say the praise and gratitude to Jesus Christ, for all His graces

and blessing who always provide health, strength, spirit and everything to writer

in finishing this thesis well.

Thesis entitled “ The Difference of Student’s Achievement and Problem

Based Learning By Implementing Problem Based Learning (PBL) and Guided

Inqury Learning on Stoichiometry Topic ” has been arraged to obtain the degree

of Chemistry Education, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Science, State

University of Medan.

In this opportunity, the writer would like to axpress thank you so much to

Mrs. Dra. Ani Sutiani, M.Si as thesis supervisor, for big support, advice,

guidance, suggestion and constructive comments from beginning until end of

completing this research and also to Mr. Prof. Dr. Albinus, M.S, Mr. Dr.

Zainuddin Muchtar, M.Si, Mr. Drs. Jamalum Purba, M.Si, as examiner lecturer

who had given advice and suggestion to completing this thesis. Thanks also goes

to Dr. Iis Siti Jahro, M.Si, as academic supervisor who had motivated and

guidance the writer during lecturing, Prof. Dr. Retno Dwi Suyani, M.Si as

instrument and observation sheet validator, Dr. Asrin Lubis, M.Pd, as a dean of

FMIPA UNIMED, Agus Kembaren, S.Si,M.Si as Head of Chemistry Department,

Dr. Iis Siti Jahro, M.Si, as Coordinator of Bilingual Program, Nora Susanti,S.Si,

Apt., M.Sc, as Secretary of Bilingual Program, Sir Syamsudin as Bilingual staff

for helping in administrative assistance and kindness and all lecturer and staff in

chemistry department.

The writer also like to say thanks to Drs. Alben Sianturi as a headmaster of

SMAN 1 Sidikalang, Silas Sihombing, S.Pd as chemistry teacher, staff

administration, and all students grade X, Holan Sasada and Suidgolent class in

SMAN 1 Sidikalang for help when do the research. For students in SMAN 5

Medan who had given oportunity and helpful when do validation instrument test.

The special deepest gratitude and appreciation to my beloved family, my



support, and educated me and thank you for my brothers Fernando Sihite and all

my family who have prayed and gave me encouragement to complete my study.

The writer also thanks to my friends, Ernita, Evi, Lady, Novel for crazy

time we have during finishing thesis, and all my friends in family of CESP’12,

Lestari, Elviana, Meliana, Seruni, Rina, Lisna, Hariati, Frida, Saadah, Nova,

Rimbun, Suditro, Arif, Wita, Mariana, Ivana, Rolina, Descey, Biuti, Taufik.

Thanks to my friends at my second home, Sis Vivien, Sis Fitri, Sis Tika, Yossi for

laugh, happiness, sadness and support me. And thanks for all people, whom I

can’t tell one by one, who helped and gave support during my study.

The writer has done the maximal effort in the completion of this thesis, but

the writer is aware there are many weakness in terms of both content and

grammar. The writer welcome any suggestion and constructive criticism from

reader for this thesis perfectly. The writer hope the content of this thesis would be

useful in enriching the repertoire of knowledge.

Medan, June 2016






Biography ii

Abstract iii

Acknowledgment iv

Contents List vi

Figures List ix

Tables List x

Formula List xi

Appendix List xii


1.1. Research Background 1

1.2. Problem Identification 4

1.3. Problem Limitation 5

1.4. Problem Formulation 5

1.5. Research Objective 5

1.6. Research Benefit 6

1.7. Operational Defenition 6


2.1. Theoritical Framework 8

2.1.1. Definiton of Learning 8

2.1.2. Learning Outcomes 8

2.1.3. The Learning Model 11

2.1.4. Problem Based Learning Model (PBL) 11 The Characteristics of PBL Model 12 The Operational Steps of PBL Model 12 Advantages and Disadvantages of PBL Model 14

2.1.5. Guided Inquiry Learning Model 16 Charactheristics of Guided Inquiry Learning 16


vii The Syntax of Guided Inquiry Learning Model 18 The Advantages and Disadvantages of Guided Inquiry Learning Model 19

2.1.6. Critical Thinking Skill 19 2.2. Description of Material about Stoichiometry 22 2.2.1.Basic Law of Chemistry 22 2.2.2.Mole Concept 22 2.2.3.Stoichimetry of Compound 22 2.2.4. Reaction Stoichiometry 22 2.3. Conceptual Framework 22

2.4. Hypothesis 23


3.1. Location and Time of Research 24

3.2. Population and Sample of Research 24

3.3. Variable of Research 24

3.4. Instrument of Research 25

3.4.1. Test Instrument 25

3.4.2. Non-Test Instrument 30

3.5. Design of Research 31

3.6. Technique of Data Collecting 32

3.6.1. Preparation Stage of Research 32

3.6.2. Implementation Stage of Research 33

3.6.3. Final Stage of Research 34

3.7. Technique of Data Analysis 36

3.7.1. Normality Test 36

3.7.2. Homogeneity Test 36

3.7.3. Normalized Gain 36

3.7.4. Hypothesis Test 37


4.1. Research Result 39


viii Reliability Test 39 Validity Test 40 Difficulty Level 40 Discrimination Index 40

4.1.2. Data Description of Result 40 Student’s Achievement 41 Observation Sheet Data of Student’s Critical Thinking 42

4.1.3. Data Analysis of Research Result 43 Normality Test of Student’s Achievement 43 Normality Test of Student’s Critical Thinking 44 Homogeneity Test of Student’s Achievement 44 Homogeneity Test of Student’s Critical Thinking 45 Normalized Gain of Student’s Achievement 45 Hypothesis Test 46 Hypothesis Test of Hypothesis 1 46 Hypothesis Test of Hypothesis 2 47

4.2. Research Discussion 48


5.1. Conclusion 52

5.2. Suggestion 52





Table 2.1 Steps of Problem Based Learning Model 14

Table 2.2 The Syntax of Guided Inquiry Learning Model 18

Table 2.3 Indicators of Critical Thinking Skills 21 Table 3.1 Lattice of Test Instrument 26 Table 3.2 Criteria of Validation Analysis 28

Tabel 3.3 Lattice Sheet of Observations 31 Tabel 3.4 The Design of Research 32

Tabel 3.5 The Percentage of the value of students attitude 38

Table 4.1 Student’s Achievement Data 41

Table 4.2 Observation Sheet Data of Student’s Critical Thinking 43

Table 4.3 Normality Test of Student’s Achievement 43

Tabel 4.4 Normality Test of Student’s Critical Thinking 44

Tabel 4.5 Homogeneity Test of Student’s Achievement 45

Tabel 4.6 Homogeneity Test of Student’s Critical Thinking 45

Tabel 4.7 Normalized Gain of Student’s Achievement 46

Tabel 4.8 Hypothesis Test of Hypothesis 1 47





Figure 3.1 The scheme of Research Stage 35

Figure 4.1 Result of student’s achievement in experimental class I 42





Formula 3.1 Reliability Test 27

Formula 3.2 Validity Test 28

Formula 3.3 Difficulty Level 29

Formula 3.4 Discrimination Index 29

Formula 3.5 Normalized Gain 36




1.1. Research Background

Education is a basic requirement indispensable and can not be separated

from human life. Education according to UU SISDIKNAS no. 20 tahun 2003, is a

conscious and deliberate effort to create an atmosphere of learning and the

learning process in such a way so that students can develop their own potentials

actively in order to have self control, intelligence, social skills, spiritual power of

religion, personality and noble character. Education serves to develop the ability

and character development and a dignified civilization in the context of the

intellectual life of the nation.

Realising that, the study has a curriculum program, which will be updated

to improve the quality of human resources. Renewal of the current from education

unit level curriculum (KTSP) into the curriculum in 2013, which requires changes

in the model of learning that focuses on teachers become focused on student


Curriculum 2013 is a curriculum based character that promotes the

understanding, skill, and character education, in which students are required to

understand the above materials, active in the process of discussions and

presentations as well as having good manners and discipline is high. Curriculum

in 2013 there were scientific approach that imparts scientific attitude on students

which has three aspects: knowledge, skills aspects, and aspects of attitudes and


Chemistry is one of the subjects of natural sciences study the phenomena

of nature, but specializes in studying the structure, composition, properties and

changes of matter and energy that accompany changes in the material. Chemical

subjects having the following characteristics: (1) most of the chemicals are

abstract, abstract concepts of chemistry can be solved by using an analogy, (2)

chemistry is a simplification of the truth, (3) chemical materials character



the chemistry is not only to solve problems, (5) the material must be studied very

much (Kean and Middlecamp, 1985: 5-9). According to Jahro (2009), chemistry is

an experimental science, can not be learned only through reading, writing or

listening only. Studied chemistry not only master the body of knowledge in the

form of facts, concepts, principles, but Also a process of discovery and mastery of

procedures or the scientific method. Nekhleh (1992, in Sudria 2006) states that the

misconceptions commonly found in the chemistry of atoms, molecules, and ions.

Based on the author's experience when field experience program (PPL) in

SMA N 2 Lintongnihuta, many students who scored below the KKM. The lowest

value was 46.67, while the value of completeness is 70. For each class there are

20 students and 8 of them have a value below the KKM. During an interview with

the students, many say that the chemistry is complex, monotonous and not real. It

was submitted in accordance with Sanjaya (2008) that learning process especially

chemistry that is monotonous and less interest had Become one of the problems

that causes low of learning result on students. Besides it is monotonous, mostly

According to students, the materials in chemistry are Also cognitive and abstract.

During an interview with the subjects chemistry teacher at the school, said that

students have first afraid receive materials especially those of class X, so many

students who are not active. This led to low yields of learning and critical thinking

skills of students.

Related to the above, we need a treatment to improve learning outcomes

and students' critical thinking. The right way is to use a model of student-centered

learning with the teacher as a facilitator who encourages students to be more

active in developing its own potential. The learning model that can be used is a

model of PBL and guided inquiry learning model.

Model of problem-based learning makes students are required to learn

through direct experience based problems. PBL is an innovation in teaching

because of the students' thinking skills PBL truly optimized through the process of

work group or team that is systematic, so that students can empower, honing,

testing, and develop the capacity to think an on going basis. Syntax in the PBL



guiding the experience of individual / group, 4) develop and present work, 5)

analyze and evaluate the problem-solving process. Through the application of

PBL in the learning process can improve student interest in learning interest both

inside and outside the classroom and be able to increase the students'

understanding. PBL also can improve students' motivation, where students can

build their own understanding and knowledge.

Guided inquiry learning model provides the opportunity for students to

learn how to find the facts, concepts and principles through direct experience. So

the students not only learn to read and then memorize the lesson material, but also

get a chance to practice developing thinking skills and scientific attitude so as to

enable the construction process with a good knowledge so that students will be

able to improve the understanding of the material being studied (Ibrahim, 2010).

According to Hanafi (2009) inquiry learning model has several

advantages, namely: (1) helping learners to develop, readiness, and mastery of

skills in cognitive processes. (2) learners acquire knowledge individually so that it

is understandable and settle in his mind. (3) can generate motivation and passion

learners to study harder. (4) provide opportunities for developing and developed

according to the abilities and interests of each. (5) strengthen and increase the

confidence in yourself to find yourself because the learning process is centered on

the learner with the teacher's role is very limited.

Several studies have submitted the effectiveness of problem-based

learning model and guided inquiry learning model to improve learning outcomes.

According to research Yussi, Tri and Masykuri (2014), concluded that the

effective use of PBL seen from the achievement of learning targets, namely;

76.25% of students have high learning activity; 81.25% of students achieving

KKM material redox reactions; and 90.63% of learners have a very good attitude

through the assessment questionnaire as well as 82.29% of learners have a good

attitude through observation assessment.

According to research Eka, Ratu and Tasviri (2014), concluded that the

guided inquiry learning model is effective in improving students' mastery of



model effectiveness is measured by the difference n-Gain students' mastery of the

concept of significant between experimental class and control class. The results

showed an average n-Gain mastery of a concept for an experimental class and

control class is 0.62 and 0.28. Based on hypothesis testing using t-test.

Application of learning models such as the above, which emphasizes the

involvement of students in full process both physically and mentally to be able to

find the material studied and connect with real-life situations that encourage

students to be able to apply it in their lives are guided inquiry models. Guided

inquiry is an inquiry approach where teachers have a more active role in defining

the issues and the stages of completion. And a learning requires students are

expected to actively think, communicate, and manage the data and ultimately

make their own conclusions and the knowledge that the desired PBL model. PBL

is an approach that is used to stimulate students' critical thinking in situations

oriented to real world problems.

Based on this background, the authors are interested in making the study

titled “The Differences of Student’s Achievement and Critical Thinking by

Implementing Problem Based Learning (PBL) and Guided Inquiry Learning On Stoichiometry Topic”.

1.2.Problem Identification

Based on the background of the study, the problems identification in the study


a. Reaction of student in the learning process.

b. Characteristic of chemistry for students.

c. Student’s achievement in learning chemistry.



1.3. Problem Limitation

The Problems Limitation of this research are:

1. The learning model used in this research is PBL for the experimental class

I and Guided Inquiry Learning for the experimental class II.

2. The material that discuss in this research is limited to the subject of


3. Student’s achievement in this research can be divided into two, namely the

cognitive and affective. Cognitive domains measured by the Bloom's

taxonomy C1 (Knowledge), C2 (Comprehension), C3 (Application), C4

(Analysis) and affective domains in this research of student’s critical

thinking skills in learning groups.

1.4. Problem Formulation

Based on the background of research and the scope of research above, the

Problems Formulation of this Research are:

1. Is there a difference between student’s achievement that is taught by using

PBL and Guided Inquiry Learning on stoichiometry topic?

2. Is there a difference between student’s critical thinking skills that is taught

by using PBL and Guided Inquiry Learning on stoichiometry topic?

1.5. Research Objective

The Researches Objective of this research are:

1. To know there is a difference between student’s achievement that is taught

by using PBL and Guided Inquiry Learning on stoichiometry topic.

2. To know there is a difference between student’s critical thinking skills that

is taught by using PBL and Guided Inquiry Learning on stoichiometry



1.6. Research Benefit

The Benefits expected from the result of this Research are:

1. For Researchers/Students, the results of the research will add knowledge,

ability and experience to improve their competence as a teacher candidate.

2. For Chemistry Teacher, the results of research will provide input on the use

of PBL model and Guided Inquiry Learning model in the teaching of

chemistry, especially on the subject of stoichiometry.

3. For Students, this Research is expected to increase the knowledge and

experience of student learning.

4. For Schools, this Research is expected to contribute to improving student

achievement in schools so as to improve the quality of teaching chemistry at

SMA N 1 Sidikalang.

5. For the Next Researcher, this Research can be used as a reference in

conducting further research.

1.7. Operational Definition

In order to avoid different interpretations in understanding any existing

variable in this study, it was necessary given the operational definition to clarify

it. The operational definitions of research are:

1. Nana Sudjana (1992: 2) states that student learning outcomes is essentially

a change in behavior as a result of the process of learning activities and the

ability of the formulation containing the desired behavior as covered in the

learning objectives. Benjamin S. Bloom (1979) classifies learning

outcomes in three domains, namely: cognitive, affective domain, and

psychomotoric domain. Cognitive domain includes the ability

development of intellectual skills (knowledge) with the levels which

Knowledge (C1), Comprehension (C2), Application (C3), Analysis (C4),

Syntesis (C5), and Evaluation (C6). In this study, the observed learning

outcome includes two aspects: cognitive domains consist of C1 through

C4 and affective domain includes aspects of critical thinking skills and



2. According to Richard Paul (Fisher, 2001 : 7), critical thinking is that mode

of thinking about any subject, content, or problem in which the thinker

improves the quality of his or her thinking by skillfully analysing,

assessing, and reconstructing it. Critical thinking is self directed, self

disciplined, self monitored and self corrective thinking.

3. A learning method of PBL is one of the alternatives from the many

innovative methods are applied in the process of teaching and learning

activities to help students in processing the information that has been so in

her mind and put together their own knowledge about the social world and

beyond (Kusnadi, et.all, 2013)

4. A Guided Inquiry learning activity engages students, promotes

restructuring of information and knowledge, and helps students develop

understanding by employing the learning cycle in guided inquiry activities.

The learning cycle consists of three stages or phases: exploration, concept

invention or formation, and application (Hanson, 2006).

5. The matter of stoichiometry is one of the lesson in senior high school

chemistry class X. Topic stoichiometry includes basic chemical’s law,

mole concept, the application of mole concept in defining chemical





5.1. Conclusion

Based on the research that have been done, can be concluded that:

1. Student’s achievement that is taught by using Guided Inquiry Learning

with increasing average 82.08 is higher than Student’s achievement that is

taught by using Problem Based Learning (PBL) with increasing average

78.50 on Stoichiometry topic.

2. There is difference between student’s critical thinking skills that is taught

by using Problem Based Learning (PBL) where average is 50.99% and

Guided Inquiry Learning where average is 46.05% on stoichiometry topic.

5.2. Suggestion

1. For chemistry teacher, they should make innovation in teaching of

chemistry, one of the ways is by apply Guided Inquiry Learning model

and Problem Based Learning model because this models can improve

student’s achievement and critical thinking in chemistry.

2. There is innovation to do Guided Inquiry Learning model and Problem




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