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Academic year: 2017



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Submitted as Partial Fulfillment of the Requirementsfor the Degree Of Sarjana Sastra



Registration Number. 2123220036






Daulay, Syulika. 2123220036. Oblique Translation in English Into Indonesian Novel The Fault In Our Stars by John Green. A Thesis. Faculty of Languages and Arts. State University of Medan. 2016.

This study was an analysis of oblique translation strategy found in the novel The Fault In Our Stars. This aimed to find out the kinds of oblique translation strategy by Vinay and Darbelnet, and the effects of using each kinds of strategy in the novel. The descriptive-qualitative method was used in the analysis of the translation. The clauses which indicated the oblique translation strategy from both of the English and Indonesian novels The Fault In Our Stars became the data of this study. The results of the analysis showed that the four kinds of oblique translation strategy were applied in the novel, they were 1) transposition with 40.4%, 2) modulation with 16.8%, 3) equivalence with 15.6%, and 4) adaptation with 23.2%. There were also the combinations of transposition-modulation, transposition-equivalence, transposition-adaptation, and modulation-equivalence found in the analysis about 4%. The shift of word class, shift of point of view, shift of style in translating idiomatic expressions, and shift of cultural environment were occured in the novel as the effects of using the four kinds of oblique translation strategy.




First of all, the writer would like to thanks to Allah SWT and the Prophet

Muhammad SAW for the blessings during her academic year at English and

Literature Department, Faculty of Languages and Arts (FBS), the State University

of Medan, in completing the thesis. The writer also would like extend her thanks

to the following people:

Prof. Dr. Syawal Gultom, M.Pd, the Rector of State University of Medan.

Dr. Isda Pramuniati, M.Hum, the Dean of Faculty of Languages and Arts (FBS) State University of Medan.

Prof. Dr. Hj. Sumarsih, M.Pd, the Head of English and Literature Department as well as Dra. Meisuri, M.A, the Secretary of English and

Literature Department for their encouragement and motivation during the

writing of the thesis. Syamsul Bahri, S.S, M.Hum the Head of English

Literature Program and Nora Ronita, S.Pd, S.S, M.Hum, the Head of

English Education Program for their encouragement to complete the


Eis Sri Wahyuni, M.Pd, the Administration Staff of English Department, who helped her to fulfill this thesis.

Drs. Lidiman Sahat Martua Sinaga, M.Hum, her First Consultant, who had always motivated her to finish the thesis by giving advices,

supervising, giving comments and corrections during completing this

thesis and also for Dr. Zainuddin, DIP.TEFL.,M.Hum, as her Second

Consultant and academic advisor for giving advices and supervising

during her academic year.

 All the lecturers of English and Literature Department during her academic year at State University of Medan, who have taught and given

knowledge to complete this thesis.



prayers, as well as her beloved brothers and sister, Jamal Asri Daulay,

Rahmad Alfi Daulay, and Fiki Syahfitri Daulay, who have been good

siblings all the time, and her little cousin and nephew, Syaila Agnesia and

Sakha Adyatma Daulay, who have been the writer’s spirit through their cute behaviors.

Her beloved friends since 2009, Suci Ramadhani, S.Kep; Widia Fitriani, S.E; Shanty, Renny Febrin, S.IP and Dewi Kartika Barus,

Amd.Keb who have given spirit and consolation since the first time they

met and built a friendship.

Her beloved friends Diah Mutiara Isnaeni, S.S; Ika Nurita Kinanti, S.S and Nina Meisahrina, for the four years and still counting friendship and

the support in the very sad and happy situations.

Her beloved friends Mutia Suri; Annisa Anggia Ayu Maghfira; Kak Tasya, S.S; Ridho, S.S and all her friends and classmates in English

Literature B 2012 for the support and time in motivated and accompanied

her during the academic year.

Medan, August 2016

The writer

Syulika Daulay






A. Data ... 31

B. Data Analysis ... 31

C. Research Findings ... 50


B. Suggestion ... 52






Table 1.1 The disposal of books in Indonesia ... 2

Table 2.1 Examples of Borrowing ... 14

Table 2.2 Examples of Calque ... 15

Table 2.3 Examples of Literal translation ... 16

Table 2.4 Examples of Transposition ... 17

Table 2.5 Examples of Modulation ... 19

Table 2.6 Examples of Equivalence ... 21

Table 2.7 Examples of Adaptation ... 22

Table 4.1 The Number of Oblique translation strategy used in The Fault In Our Stars ... 32

Table 4.2 The Representations of Transposition ... 33

Table 4.3 The Representations of Modulation ... 36

Table 4.4 The Representations of Equivalence ... 39

Table 4.5 The Representations of Adaptation ... 41

Table 4.6 The Combination of Transposition-Modulation ... 44

Table 4.7 The Combination of Transposition-Equivalence ... 46

Table 4.8 The Combination of Transposition-Adaptation ... 47







A. The Background of the Study

English is a global language that is used around the world by many people.

People in non-English speaking countries use English in communicating with

people from other countries. The use of English as a global language can give the

impact to the developing countries such as Indonesia to face the globalization in

almost all aspects of life including economy, politics, education, and technology.

In education, for example, there are many books which are written in English. But

people tend to choose the other version of book that is in the translation form.

The use of translation is as a bridge for people to understand the message

from the source language which is translated into the target language with the

same meaning. Therefore, translation is useful for the developing countries, such

as Indonesia, to gain knowledge. In gaining the knowledge from the developed

countries, the Indonesian people have to master the languages of the developed

countries, where almost of developed countries are English speaking countries.

The capability of Indonesian people in mastering English language are different in

each person, so that translation is useful to deliver the message from the source

language (SL) into the target language (TL).

Translation involves two languages. Each language has its own cultural

background which can be effect the intention of the writer. Every translator has to



language (TL), but also the culture behind the languages. If the translator can

master the aspects of source language and target language, the translation result

will be more communicative.

In Indonesia, there are many literary products written in English which are

translated into Indonesian, such as books, novels, poems, and movies. Indonesian

people are more interested in those translation products because they think that the

translated products are easier to undersand.

The disposal of the fiction and literary products in Indonesia are shown

below based on Ikatan Penerbit Indonesia (IKAPI) data:

Table 1.1 the disposal of books in Indonesia

Jenis buku (kinds of books) Persentase (percentage)

Anak (kids) 23%

Fiksi dan Sastra (fiction and literature) 13%

Agama (religious) 13%

Pendidikan (education) 13%

Referensi dan Kamus (dictionaries) 9%

Lain-lain (others) 31%

There are 33.199.557 copies of book are sold in Indonesia from 2012-2013

(data from Gramedia), and the disposal of the fiction books is around 13% or

about four billion copies which include novel, short story, and some literary

products such as the collection of poetry.

The other phenomena is, the disposal of the translated novel is greater than

the local novel, because the story of the local novel is easy to guess (Nugroho,



is only about love and show off the beauty which seems like a maudlin. While the

translated novel is not just talking about love and the problems, but it also tells the

story of imagination and adventure, thus the translated novel more impress the

readers. Therefore, the local novel lose competitiveness with the translated novel

because of the story, plot, and the climax of the novel. The local authors have to

improve their capabilities in writing a story if they do not want their products are

sold lower than the translated products. The translated novels reach higher

attention than the local ones because more publishers think they will get many

advantages in producing the translated novels which are best seller in the origin

country of those novels and have ever won the award, instead of having published

novels by local authors http://www.goodreads.com/topic/show/90241-penerjemah.

From the aspect of the business, their judgment is understandable. Any traders

will just want to sell products that can make much profit.

Because of the sell of translated novels are higher than the local ones, the

translators salaries are ranged between Rp 15,000 to Rp 19,000 per page; while

for beginners Rp 10,000 per page and for the more senior translators can reach

over Rp 25,000 per page. If the novel contains 200 pages, the translator will get

about three billion Rupiahs.

Not all people who claim themselves as translators even can be able to

translate well. Therefore, the important point of translation is not only mastering

the foreign language but also the ability to transfer the source text into the target

text as closely as possible thus the translated text will has high quality and more



As most people in this country do not understand English, the translated

novels become the best choice of the readers which can satisfy their curiosity.

Thus, translation has become a big issue in learning process or transfer of


In translating the text from source language (SL) into target language (TL),

the translator may find some problems in translation process such as cultural

influence and morality messages that the real writer wants to deliver. The

difficulties in cultural reference are the source language rules, language styles, and

cultural background. While the difficulties in morality message are idiolect and

writer’s characteristic (Newmark, 1988).

Considering that translation is not an easy study, some strategies or

procedures in translation are disseminated by some linguists (Munday, 2001;

Newmark, 1988; and Vinay and Darbelnet, 1958). There are two strategies which

are proposed by Vinay and Darbelnet in Munday and Hatim (2004). The strategies

called as direct translation strategy, which may happen if there is the similar

structural and syntactic order in both of the SL and TL, and oblique translation

strategy, which may occur if the direct (literal or word for word) translation can

not be done.

Silaban (2014) in her study described that the most dominant procedure

used by the translator in translating a fiction book The Tale Teller Book The

Grouchy Giant was modulation, which was a kind of oblique translation strategy.

Khairanis (2013) found that the most important strategy in translating All



modulation. The use of modulation can change the point of view of the source text

into target text.

The use of oblique translation can give deep understand about the message

from the source language that appear in the target language because it involves the

conciliation of the words in SL which are not similar in TL. Therefore Atmiyati

and Basari (2015) found that the most dominant strategy in translating Qonita In

The Old House novel was adaptation. It happened because the translator tried to

make new situation by adding, lossing, or skewing the information, by changing

the cultural words in SL into the acceptable words in TL. The study also showed

that the use of equivalence strategy is to make the language in the TL as natural as

in the SL.

Oblique translation is useful in translating the novel because the translators

can not only applied the direct or word for word translation in their work. If the

translators use the literal translation in all parts of the novel, the messages of the

novel will be not communicative in target text. Every language has its own

cultural background, if all the words translated literally to target language without

changing or adapting the cultural background, the target readers may not

understand the message.

In translating process, the translator usually begins with word, clause,

sentence, paragraph, and finally the text. One complex sentence consists of many

clauses, thus the writer chose clause unit to analayze in this study, where the focus



B. The Problems of the Study

Based on the background of the study described above, there were two

problems of the study:

1. What kinds of oblique translation strategy applied in the novel The Fault

in Our Stars?

2. What are the effects of using oblique translation in the novel The Fault in

Our Stars?

C. The Objectives of the Study

The objectives of this study based on the problems described previously


1. To find out the kinds of oblique translation strategy in the novel The Fault

in Our Stars.

2. To find out the effects of using oblique translation in the novel The Fault

in Our Stars.

D. The Scope of the Study

There are many aspects in translation that can be analyzed, such as

translation procedure, translation process, translation shift, and translation

equivalent. But, the writer focused on analyzing the translation procedure in John

Green’s novel The Fault In Our Stars and its translation version translated by



translation (in Munday and Hatim, 2004) to find out the kinds of strategy applied

in the novel and their effects.

E. The Significance of the Study

There are two significances of the study, which are theoretical and practical

significances. Theoretically, this study is expected to be useful for readers

especially the students of English to add the knowledge about translation,

translation procedures, and the problems of translation itself. Practically, this

study is expected to be useful for the next researcher as a comparison in




A. Conclusions

After analyzing the oblique translation strategy in The Fault In Our Stars

novel by John Green and its Indonesian language version translated by Ingrid

Dwijani Nimpoeno, the writer described some conclusion as follow.

1. There were four kinds of oblique translation strategy found in the analysis:

transposition (40.4%), modulation (16.8%), equivalence (15.6%), and

adaptation ( 23.2%). Beside the four kinds of oblique translation strategy

occured in the novel, there were also four kinds of combination strategy

occured, namely transposition-modulation (1.6%),

transposition-equivalence (1.2%), transposition-adaptation (0.8%), and

modulation-equivalence (0.4%).

2. Because of the use of oblique translation strategy, there were some shifts

in the clauses of the novel, they were shift of word class, shift of point of

view, shift of style in translating the idiomatic expression, and shift of

style in translating the clause which are influenced with cultural reference.

These shifts were the effects of using the four kinds of oblique translation



B. Suggestions

Based on the conclusions above, the suggestions were as follow.

1. Theoretically, this study could be a reference for the readers especially the

students of English department to add the knowledge about translation,

translation procedures, and the problems of translation itself, where this

study focused on oblique translation, which is a strategy when the text can

not be translated literallly or word-for-word.

2. Practically, this study can be a comparison for the next researcher in



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Figure 2.1. translation process  ...............................................................
Table 1.1 the disposal of books in Indonesia


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