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The Struggle Of Andrea To Reach Higher Status In Lauren’s Novelthe Devil Wears Prada


Academic year: 2016

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Approved by the Department of English, Faculty of Cultural Studies University of Sumatera Utara (USU) Medan as thesis for The Sarjana Sastra Examination.

Head, Secretary,


Accepted by the Board of Examiners in partial fulfillment of requirements for the degree of Sarjana Sastra from Department of English, Faculty of Cultural Studies University of Sumatera Utara, Medan.

The examination is held on Department of English Faculty of Cultural Studies University of Sumatera Utara on Thursday April 16, 2015

Dean of Faculty of Cultural Studies University of Sumatera Utara

Dr. H. Syahron Lubis, MA NIP.19511013 197603 1 001

Board of Examiners :

Dr. H. Muhizar Muchtar, M.S ___________________

Rahmadsyah Rangkuti, MA. Ph.D ___________________

Dr. Siti Norma Nasution, M.Hum ___________________ Drs. Siamir Marulafau, M.Hum ___________________




Signed :








Signed :




Allahumma Shalli ‘ala Muhammad wa ‘ali Muhammad

I want to thank to Allah SWT for his blessing given to me to finish this thesis.

First of all, I would like to express my sincere gratitude and appreciation to my

supervisor Dr. Siti Norma Nasution, M.Hum and my co-supervisor Drs.

Parlindungan Purba. Thank you for the motivation, support, and time to guide me in

writing this thesis.

I would like to thank to Dr.H.SyahronLubis, MA the Dean of Faculty of

Cultural Studies, University of Sumatera Utara. I would also like to respectfully

thank Dr.H.MuhizarMuchtar, M.S the Head of the Department of English, and the

Secretary of the Department of English, RahmadsyahRangkuti, MA. Ph.D., for all

the opportunity and facility in the faculty that support my study.

My special thanks to my lovely parents, Ayah and Mamak for your du’a for

my success, for endless love, kindness, patience, sincerity, advices, and times for

sharing the meaning of life. Thank you for loving me all the lifetime and always

support me to do better in life. I am nothing without you two.For my crazy annoying

sisters, Kak Siti, Anis and Adhwa, thank you for the crazy time that we spent


My thank to my mem Dewi for the help, time and teach me how to make a

thesis. She really help me in doing this thesis. And sweet thanks to my best old

friends from senior high school, Ade, Najwa and Filza. I wish our friendship long


Huge thanks to my bebeb, fatih, tari and cila for playing with me, support me,

love me like a sister, care me like my momso I wish we will get success together.

Biggest thanks to my English Literature ‘10 especially to atun, nadia, anis, ninis, cza,

balqis and other friends can’t mention one by one.

Finally, may this thesis have many benefits and advantages to those who read

it even though it is still far fromoutstanding.Thankyou.

Medan, April 2015

Siti Nurhafizah L.



Skripsi yang berjudul Struggle of Andrea to reach higher class in Lauren’s Novel The Devil Wears Prada ini membahas tentang perjuangan seorang Andrea menuju kelas atas dalam novel The Devil Wears Prada karya Lauren Weisberger. Andrea bekerja di perusahan fashion terkenal di New York, Runway. Disana ia merubah tampilannya menjadi perempuan yang berkelas dan mewah. Dalam penyusunan skripsi ini penulis menggunakan metode kualitatif deskriptif. Dalam menganalisis perjuangan yang dilakukan Andrea menuju kelas atas, penulis menggunakan teori Karl Marx dan Max Weber. Kesimpulan yang didapat dari analisis ini adalah bahwa perjuangan Andrea dalam bekerja mengahadapi bos nya yang seperti iblis tidak membuat dia menjadi seseorang yang lebih baik, dan akhirnya ia meninggalkan pekerjaannya dan mendapatkan pekerjaan impiannya sebagai seorang jurnalis, kerja kerasnya selama satu tahun membuat impiannya terwujud. Hasil dari analisis ini diharapkan dapat memberikan manfaat bagi pembaca dan mengambil pelajaran dari perjuangan bekerja Andrea.



The tittle of this thesis is Struggle of Andrea to reach higher class in Lauren’s novel The Devil Wears Prada writes about struggle of Andrea to reach a higher class in the novel The Devil Wears Prada by Lauren Weisberger. Andrea works in the famous fashion magazine in New York, Runway. She changes her style to be a high class women and glamour. In analyze this thesis the writer uses descriptive qualitative method. In analyze the struggle of Andrea to reach higher class, the writer uses theory Karl Marx and Max Weber. The conclusion from this analysis is struggle of Andrea in working with a boss like a devil doesn’t make her to be a better person, so finally she leaves her job and gets her dream to be a journalist. The result of this analysis are expected to give advantage to reader and take the lesson from Andrea struggle.







CHAPTER I : INTRODUCTION 1.1 Background of the Study...1

1.2 Problem of the Study...3

1.3 Objective of the Study...4

1.4 Scope of the Study...4

1.5 Significance of the Study...4


2.2 Struggle...9

2.3 Social Class...11

2.3.1 Lower Class...11

2.3.2 Middle Class...12

2.3.3 High Class...12

2.4 Novel...13

2.4.1 Plot...14


2.4.3 Setting Location...20

2.4.4 Theme...21

CHAPTER III : METHOD OF THE STUDY 3.1 Research Design...22

3.2 Data Sources...24

3.3 Data Collection...24

3.4 Data Analysis...24


4.1.1 Influence of social stratification in Andrea’s life...28

4.1.2 Reaching position in struggle of working...31

4.1.3 Struggle to make Andrea keeping fight well...36

4.1.4 Andrea’s life return to normal...37

4.2 FINDING...39


5.2 Suggestions...41




Skripsi yang berjudul Struggle of Andrea to reach higher class in Lauren’s Novel The Devil Wears Prada ini membahas tentang perjuangan seorang Andrea menuju kelas atas dalam novel The Devil Wears Prada karya Lauren Weisberger. Andrea bekerja di perusahan fashion terkenal di New York, Runway. Disana ia merubah tampilannya menjadi perempuan yang berkelas dan mewah. Dalam penyusunan skripsi ini penulis menggunakan metode kualitatif deskriptif. Dalam menganalisis perjuangan yang dilakukan Andrea menuju kelas atas, penulis menggunakan teori Karl Marx dan Max Weber. Kesimpulan yang didapat dari analisis ini adalah bahwa perjuangan Andrea dalam bekerja mengahadapi bos nya yang seperti iblis tidak membuat dia menjadi seseorang yang lebih baik, dan akhirnya ia meninggalkan pekerjaannya dan mendapatkan pekerjaan impiannya sebagai seorang jurnalis, kerja kerasnya selama satu tahun membuat impiannya terwujud. Hasil dari analisis ini diharapkan dapat memberikan manfaat bagi pembaca dan mengambil pelajaran dari perjuangan bekerja Andrea.



The tittle of this thesis is Struggle of Andrea to reach higher class in Lauren’s novel The Devil Wears Prada writes about struggle of Andrea to reach a higher class in the novel The Devil Wears Prada by Lauren Weisberger. Andrea works in the famous fashion magazine in New York, Runway. She changes her style to be a high class women and glamour. In analyze this thesis the writer uses descriptive qualitative method. In analyze the struggle of Andrea to reach higher class, the writer uses theory Karl Marx and Max Weber. The conclusion from this analysis is struggle of Andrea in working with a boss like a devil doesn’t make her to be a better person, so finally she leaves her job and gets her dream to be a journalist. The result of this analysis are expected to give advantage to reader and take the lesson from Andrea struggle.




1.1 Background of the Study

In the modern society, people try hard to have be better condition in their

lives, especially their economic lives. People are influenced by their invorentment.

People want to have more practical and efisient lives. In other words, people want to

enjoy their lives, capable of doing want they want and to go where they want. In

short, it is called the way of consumerism and materialism.

In this thesis the writer writes about thestruggle of Andrea to reach higher

class. This young woman comes from ordinary class in the society and her friends

are from labour class such as cooker, worker in a gallery and other lower class job.

She is a fresh graduated from university and wants to find a job. She becomes second

secretary in Runway magazine, where is a famous fashion magazinein New York.

Andrea as a protagonist shows her effort to be a woman has dedication in

doing her job to reach a high level in her social life. Improving social stratification

can be emphesized in some experts’ theory such as Karl Marx and Max Weber. Since

social stratification is commonly found


Living in the period of modernism gives her oppurtunities to improve her

knowledge and skill. Modernism is the way of thinking and way of movement

where we can find a social class that we want. Through modernism and


modern life. The novel of The Devil Wears Prada where the famous fashion

magazine is creating the style of clothes, dresses, skirts by using the famous brand

and it can be consumed by all of the world as international style of clothes. Lifestyle

shows the different social classes. People in the same social status try to make friend

with the same social class so that they can communicate well. Even they are willing

to sacrifice their time, money, and energy to create or follow the lifestyle.

The novel of The Devil Wears Prada shows the life image of a woman that

can enjoy her lifestyle. Based on her lifestyle appear social stratificasion

unconsiously. In Runway, Andrea faces so many problems, the problem of the

manager to get the position, the problem of the competition to be the first secretary in

the company, the problem with the close friend and the problem of managing time

because she is always busy doing her jobs.

The theme of this novel is impact of social stratification as the struggle of

woman to get higher class so it’s related to the ideology of social life which

emphesized the freedom of women to find the way of living and to find socially and

economic independence woman. Self awareness is a big part of The Devil Wears

Prada by Lauren Weisberger. In the novel, the main character, Andrea Sachs obtains

a job as the junior assistant to Miranda Priestly, the Editor in Chief of Runway

Magazine. Runway is a fashion magazine, and though Andrea has no real interest in

fashion, she accepts the job because she has been told that anyone who work for

Miranda for a year and does their job without being fired will have the opportunity to

be promoted to the position of their dreams. As Andrea longs to be a writer for The

New Yorker. She hopes to work for Miranda for a year and then with Miranda's


Miranda is an all-consuming position, one that takes all of her time and usually most

of her energy.

The problem of the main character includes the problem in the company and

her private problems. She tries hard to solve all the problems so that she can be

succesfull. In this global era women may have fortunities to get better jobs as long as

they can improve their skills. In Indonesia there are many woman who have been

succesfull but there are many other who are still living in misery and poverty.

The result of this study is expected to useful for readers of literature, because it

gives the inspiration, opinions and new ideas for better life. The writer hopes that

this paper will give the knowledge from the struggle of women especially here from

the main character of the film. I hope more students feel interested in studying

literature. Finally writer hopes that this can be useful for students in literary


1.2 Problem of the Study

Based on the background above the writer can draw the points to serve as the

formulation of the problem, namely:

1. How does the social stratification potray in the novel The Devil Wears

Prada ?

2. How does the struggle of andrea to get higher status potray in the


1.3 Objective of the Study

The purpose of this research is:

1. Knowing the social stratification potray in the novel.

2. Knowing the struggle of Andrea as the main character to maintain her


1.4 Scope of the Study

The writer believes that there are many important aspects of the novel can be

discussed. The author writes this thesis focuses on factors struggle and social

stratification can be found in the novel The Devil Wears Prada.

1.5 Significance of the Study

In doing this thesis, the writer hopes that the findings can acknowledge the

society about high class of woman in American as a worker in a company. The writer

hopes that the readers can be more understand about the struggle and social

stratification to reach higher class. And also hope that this thesis can be a reference

for English Literature department students who wants to analyze struggle of a

woman to reach higher class. Also for the readers in enriching their knowledge who




2.1 Social Stratification

According to Christopher Doob in Social Inequality and Social Stratification

in US Society (2013) said that social stratification is a society's categorization of

people into socioeconomic strata, based upon


political). As such, stratification is the relative social position of persons within a

social group, category, geographic region, a

to a system by which a society ranks categories of people in a hierarchy. In the

United States, it is perfectly clear that some groups have greater status, power, and

wealth than other groups. These differences are what lead to social stratification.

Social stratification is based on four major principles: First, social stratification is a

trait of society, not simply a reflection of individual differences. Second, social

stratification persists over generations. Third,social stratification is universal and it

happens everywhere but variable or it takes different forms across different societies,

and at last social stratification involves not just inequality but beliefs as well or

inequality is rooted in a society's philosophy. Social stratification exist in some

countries, to analyze this , we can look at social stratification through three major

perspectives: structural functionalism, social conflict, and symbolic interaction.

The Functions of Social Stratification

Structural functionalists argue that social inequality plays a vital role in the


has beneficial consequences for the operation of society. Davis and Moore argue that

the most difficult jobs in any society are the most necessary and require the highest

rewards and compensation to sufficiently motivate individuals to fill them. Certain

jobs, like mowing grass or cleaning toilets, can be performed by almost anyone,

while other jobs, such as performing brain surgery, are difficult and require the most

talented people to perform them.

In order to rule the most talented people away from less-important work, a

society must offer those people rewards and incentives. Davis and Moore further

claim that any society can be equal, but only to the extent that people are willing to

let anyone perform any job. This would also require that even those who do their job

poorly are rewarded equally.

Stratification and Conflict

Social conflict theorists disagree that social stratification is functional for a

society. Instead, they argue that social stratification benefits some at the expense of

others. Two theorists, Karl Marx and Max Weber, are the primary contributors to this


Theories of stratification

Karl Marx

Karl Marx was a German philosopher, sociologist, economist, and

revolutionary socialist. He based his theory on the idea that society has two classes of

people: the bourgeoisie and the proletariat. The bourgeoisie are the owners of the


the workers. Marx argued that the bourgeoisie owners give proletariats or workers

just enough to survive, but ultimately the workers are exploited. As a result of this

exploitation, Marx foresaw a workers' revolution. He believed that oppression and

misery would eventually drive the working majority to come together and overthrow

capitalism. The result would be a socialist utopia where such extreme class

differences would cease to exist. Despite Marx's prediction, capitalism is still


Max Weber

possibility of effective communism, arguing that it would require an even greater

level of detrimental social control and bureaucratization than capitalist society.

Moreover, Weber criticized the

maintaining it to be unlikely. Instead, he develops a

divisions than Marx suggested, taking different concepts from bot

class, status, and power, and treats these as separate but related sources of power,

each with different effects

Marx, Weber claims there to be in four main social classes: the

more-closely resembles contemporary

status does not currently seem to depend strictly on earnings in the way Weber


Weber derives many of his key concepts on social stratification by examining

the social structure of

stratification is based on more than simple ownership of

how many members of the aristocracy lacked economic wealth yet had strong

political power. Many wealthy families lacked prestige and power, for example,

because they wer

theory of stratification hierarchy, which are; class, status, and power:

Class: A person's economic position in a society, based on birth and individual achievement. Weber differs from Marx in that he does not see this

as the supreme factor in stratification. Weber notes how corporate executives

control firms they typically do not own; Marx would have placed these

people in the

sell their labor instead of owning capital.

Status: A person's prestige, social honor, or popularity in a society. Weber notes that political power is not rooted in capital value solely, but also in

one's individual status. Poets or saints, for example, can have extensive

influence on society despite few material resources.

Power: A person's ability to get their way despite the resistance of others, particularly in their ability to engage

in government jobs, such as an employee of the

property or status but still wield considerable

By understanding the interpretation of the novel the writer makes relation in


director. She has many staff must follow her instruction. It is looked like a man has

given rules what his comment should do for his job. Her movement is like a man.

She is brilliant woman who can touch ambition of someone. She teaches Andrea

unconsiously how to be a satisfied assistent and well gromed in performance. Social

life here so very clear that Miranda is too strict under her protect rules. She is

serious woman and keep tight her ambition. Uncounciously, she has broken her

marriage because of her ambition and carrieer. She fails in her marriage and the end

of her marriage is devorce.

By understanding the interpretation of the novel the writer makes relation in

social stratification that shown Miranda as Andrea’s leader. She tries to be a perfect

director. She has many staff must follow her instruction. It is looked like a man has

given rules what his comment should do for his job. Her movement is like a man.

She is brilliant woman who can touch ambition of someone. She teaches Andrea

unconsiously how to be a satisfied assistent and well gromed in performance. Social

life here so very clear that Miranda is too strict under her protect rules. She is

serious woman and keep tight her ambition. Uncounciously, she has broken her

marriage because of her ambition and carrieer. She fails in her marriage and the end

of her marriage is devorce.

2.2 Struggle

Struggle in one's life is needed in the life of a man who lives in the real world,

so it can be said in one's life must struggle or strive to achieve the desires or goals to

be achieved whether in material or immaterial . In everyday life we often hear or

often we speak about the struggle of human life , but it is very difficult to implement,


awareness of the importance of the struggle in the life of a human being to achieve

the desires or goals to be achieved . " life is struggle " was the English say . This

means that in life there must be an effort to get ahead of us .When a person has not

had the spirit to move forward then surely he will be a loser in life. The person can

only blame circumstances , themselves and others . For that whoever we are , if we

want to succeed there must be a struggle in this life.

Struggle of fight is too close in this novel story. Based on the story Andrea

has a big stuggle to get and find a good job and position in the office although she is

a jurnalist. Firsly, she looks simple and next to change her style to be a modern girl.

Her friends dislike her change because she looks busy and different style. She

changes from simple to modern character. She has struggle to be well unconciously.

She reaches her target job but some of her habit changed. Futhermore, struggle

becomes her motivation to succsess. She efforts to get her ambition because of her

spirit in facing her life.

Struggle is one of the movement of woman in this film. Many ways find that

stuggle can be change everything, especially woman has interested in her careerr. It

is not only influence her career but her point of view her socialisation in working and

stylist are different. Struggle to make her knowing who she is actually. She has good

attitude and mind to be dacition maker for herself. Struggle teaches her for

everything to be change but at last she success to be herself because of her struggle

to reach what she wants. She has good level in her sosial class also. Struggle makes


2.3 Social Class

Understanding social class is the class division of society based on certain

criteria, either according to religion, education, economic status, ancestry, etc.

According to Peter Saunders in Social class and stratification (1990) said that social

class is determined by one's relationship to the means of production. There exist at

least two classes in any class-based society: the owners of the means of production

and those who sell their labor to the owners of the means of production.Every society

always has a certain appreciation in the relevant community and every society must

have something that cherishes .

Basically, Social class or simply class as in a class society is a set of

concepts inthe

categories, the most common being the upper, middle, and lower classes.The theory

above support to analyse this novel because the novel has depicted glamours social

life. Thus social class in this novel is too shown clearly.

2.3.1 Lower class

Lower class (occasionally described as working class) are those employed in


refers to persons with low income.The working class is sometimes separated into

those who are

who are long-term



while the upper-middle class in the United States often refers to employment

positions that require a college or graduate degree.

2.3.2 Middle class

The middle class is the most contested of the three categories, the broad

group of people in contemporary society who fall socio-economically between the

lower and upper classes.One example of the contest of this term is that in the United

States "middle class" is applied very broadly and includes people who would

elsewhere be considered

Theorists such as

enlarged middle class in modern Western societies, particularly in relation to the

necessity of an educated work force in technological economies. Perspectives


this is due to the shift of low-level labour to

2.3.3 Upper class

The upper class is the social class composed of those who are

or both. They usually wield the greatest political power. In some countries, wealth

alone is sufficient to allow entry into the upper class. In others, only people who are

born or marry into certain aristocratic bloodlines are considered members of the

upper class, and those who gain great wealth through commercial activity are looked

down upon by the "old rich" as

the upper classes are the aristocracy and royalty, with wealth playing a less important

role in class status. Many aristocratic peerages or titles have 'seats' attached to them,


the house, but not the owners. Many of these require high expenditures, so wealth is

typically needed. Many aristocratic peerages and their homes are parts of estates,

owned and run by the title holder with moneys generated by the land, rents, or other

sources wealth. In America, however, where there is no aristocracy or royalty, the

upper class status belongs to the extremely wealthy, the so-called 'super-rich', though

there is some tendency even in America for those with old family wealth to look

down on those who have earned their money in business, the struggle between New

Money and Old Money.

The upper class is generally contained within the richest one or two percent

of the population. Members of the upper class are often born into it, and are

distinguished by immense wealth which is passed from generation to generation in

the form of estates. Sometimes members of the upper class are called "the one


2.4 Novel

According to Margaret Anne Doody i

said that novel is a long narrative, normally in


novel is a fictional piece of

presented as a bound book. Novels tell stories, which are usually defined as a series

of events described in a sequence. The novel has been a part of human culture for

over a thousand years, although its origins are somewhat debated. Regardless of how

it began, the novel has risen to prominence and remained one of the most popular


to change with the times, but it remains an essential part of the literary cultures of

nearly all societies around the world.

2.4.1 Plot

Plot is a literary term used to describe the events that make up a story or the

main part of a story. These events relate to each other in a pattern or a sequence. The

structure of a novel depends on the organization of events in the plot of the story.Plot

is known as the foundation of a novel or story which the characters and settings are

built around. It is meant to organize information and events in a logical manner.

When writing the plot of a piece of literature, the author has to be careful that it does

not dominate the other parts of the story.

Andrea Sachs, a recent graduate of

moves t

friend, Lily, a graduate student at

hoping for a foot in the door of the magazine industry to further her dream of working


as the junior assistant of Miranda Priestly, editor-in-chief of the fashion magazine

Runway. Although she knows little of the fashion world, she is told repeatedly that "a

million girls would die for her job". Andrea is told that if she manages to work for


At a celebrity party, Andrea meets Christian Collinsworth, a charismatic

who has been identified as the hot, up-and-coming writer of their generation. They

become attracted to each other, complicating her relationship with her boyfriend, Nate.

Andrea's relationships become complicated because of her new job. Lily

increasingly turns t

graduate school. Alex, struggling with his own demanding job as an inner-city

schoolteacher, grows frustrated with Andrea's long hours and constant stress. Andrea's

relationship with her family also suffers. Matters finally come to a head when her

co-worker, Emily, gets

stead. Andrea agrees, although this will mean canceling a long-awaited trip with Alex to

a Brown University reunion at the

In Paris, she has a surprise encounter with Christian. Later that night, Miranda

finally lets down her guard and asks Andrea what she has learned, and where she would

like to work afterwards. She promises to place phone calls to people she knows at

small writing assignments at Runway.

Back at the hotel, Andrea gets urgent calls from Alex and her parents asking her

to call them. She does so and learns that Lily is

tells Miranda she will honor her commitment to Runway. Miranda is pleased, and tells


Andrea finally realizes that her family and friends are more important than her job, and

realizes to her horror that she is becoming more and more like Miranda. She refuses to

comply with Miranda's latest outrageous request, and when Miranda scolds her publicly,

Andrea repliesFuck you". She is fired on the spot, and returns

home to reconnect with her friends and family. Her romantic relationship with Alex is

beyond repair, but they remain friends. Lily recovers and fares well in court for her

charge, receiving only

In the last chapter Andrea learns that her tiff with Miranda made her a minor

good, she moves back with her parents and works

unemployment with the profits from reselling the designer clothing she had been

provided with for her trip

returning to the Elias-Clark building to discuss a position at one of the company's other

magazines. She sees a girl who she realizes is in fact, Miranda's new junior assistant,

who looks as harried and put-upon as she once did.

2.4.2 Character

Character can be defined as any person, animal, or figure represented in a

literary work. The general purpose of characters is to extend the plot. Many stories

employ multiple types of characters. Every story must have main characters. These


affected by what happens in the story. There are many ways to categorize main

characters: protagonist or antagonist, dynamic or static character, and round or flat

characters. A character can also often fit into more than one category or move

through categories.

Nearly every story has at least one protagonist. A protagonist is a main

character who generates the action of a story and engages the reader's interest and

empathy. The protagonist is often the hero or heroine. For example, in the

popular Divergent trilogy, the protagonist is Tris. The story is told from her point of

view, and she is central to all the action of the plot. The protagonist is usually a well

developed character; in this way, she is more relatable. The opposite of the

protagonist is the antagonist. An antagonist is a character who opposes the

protagonist. In that same series, Tris is opposed both by Eric, a sadistic trainer, and

Jeanine Matthews, a cold-hearted, prejudiced scientist. Together, the protagonist(s)

and antagonist(s) move the plot along, create the action and draw the reader's


Some character in the novel :

• Andrea "Andy" Sachs, a recent

junior personal assistant to a powerful and tyrannical fashion magazine


• Miranda Priestly, editor-in-chief of Runway, an influential fashion magazine

published by the Elias-Clark company. She is known for wearing a white


• Emily Charlton, Miranda's former junior assistant now her senior assistant.

She and Andrea have a conflicted relationship.

• Alex Fineman, Andrea's boyfriend, who teaches at an elementary school in

the Sout

• Lily Goodwin, a free-spirited graduate student i

Columbia with curly black hair, who rooms with Andrea

• Nigel, a very tall BritisRunway's

creative director, frequently appears on television as a fashion consultant and

is thus one of the few stars of the magazine Andrea knows prior to working

there. He always speaks loudly. He has an outrageous sense of style and is the

only person who can get away with critiquing Miranda's personal wardrobe


• James, another gay man at Runway who works at the beauty department who

befriends Andrea. He jokes about "calling in fat" on days when he feels


• Jeffy, who oversees Runway's famous "Closet," stocked with all sorts of

clothing nominally on loan from the designers for use in shoots, but rarely

returned and often "borrowed" by the magazine's staff. He is responsible for

transforming Andrea's wardrobe so she can fit in in the fashionable hallways

of the Runway offices.

• Hunter Tomlinson, a prominent New York tax attorney who is Miranda's

current husband (she is divorced from the father of her two daughters, a

well-known British rock star). As nice to Andrea and Emily as his wife is cruel, he


behind his back, for Blind Deaf and Dumb—the only way they could imagine

anyone being able to live with her.

• Eduardo, a security guard at the Elias-Clark building, who often playfully

makes Andrea or anyone else unfortunate enough to work as one of Miranda's

personal assistants sing or otherwise put on some sort of act before he lets

them enter the building.

• Christian Collinsworth, a handsome young writer whom Andrea meets at a

party, where they develop a mutual attraction.

• Caroline and Cassidy, the twin daughters Miranda dotes on.

• Cara, the girls'

eventually fired by Miranda after she gives the twins

bedroom for a bad attitude.

• Jill, Andrea's older sister, who is married and lives i

begun to affect

• The Clackers, the magazine's many female editorial staffers, mainly Allison

(former senior assistant, now beauty editor), Lucia (fashion department),

Jocelyn (editorial), and Stef (accessories). Andrea gives them their nickname

for the sound made by the

the marble floors of the Elias-Clark building.

• Benjamin, referred to as Benji. He is Lily's ex-boyfriend, but it seems that he

and Lily have stayed in touch even though they had broken up. He is

mentioned in the book only briefly, but he was involved in the car accident


2.4.3 Setting Location

People exist in a particular time and place. Where we live may contribute not

only to our personality, but also to our values, attitudes, and even our problems. In

literature, setting (time and place) can also influence characters and what they do.

The setting may be nothing more than the backdrop for what occurs; however, it may

be directly linked to mood or meaning.

The setting of the novel is New York City. This is quite important because

New York is an important city for the fashion industry. It’s logical that fashion

magazines settle their office there. A lot of important fashion brands come from New

York and New York is known as a city of fashion. The writer thinks there are not

that many cities in the USA were this is so important. The most events happen in the

Elias-Clark building. That’s the building where Runway has settled.

Some place in the novel :

• Runway Magazine : The fashion magazine where Andrea works as an

assistant to Miranda Priestly.

• The New Yorker : The magazine that Andrea hopes to write for one day.

Elias Clark : The publishing company that puts out Runway Magazine and

many others. Andrea works in the Elias Clark building in Manhattan.

• Au Bar : The bar that Andrea visits with Christian and Lily.

• Paris : The city in France where Andrea assists Miranda with fashion week.

Andrea is in Paris when she finds out about Lily's accident and finally decides


• The Metropolitan Museum of Art : The location of the dinner party Miranda

throws for her brother-in-law and his fiance.

• Avon : The small town in Connecticut where Andrea grew up with her best

friend Lily.

• Starbucks : The coffee shop across from Andrea's office where she fetches

Miranda's daily coffee.

• Seventeen : The magazine where Andrea gets published after

2.4.4 Theme

The theme in a story is its underlying message, or 'big idea.' In other words,

what critical belief about life is the author trying to convey in the writing of a novel,

play, short story or poem. This belief, or idea, transcends cultural barriers. It is

usually universal in nature. When a theme is universal, it touches on the human

experience, regardless of race or language. It is what the story means. Often, a piece

of writing will have more than one theme.

The writer thinks that one of the themes that comes out in the novel is what

evil can look like. The fashion element emerges quite prominently in this

exploration. How some of the most beautifully clad people can do some of the most

horrible of things is a part of this. Miranda is one of the most well dressed,

impeccably groomed individuals, an embodiment of class. Yet, her treatment of

others, in particular Andrea, helps to bring out how cruelty and evil is not something

that looks disarmingly awful. Rather, it exists in what we might place a great deal of

value upon and to which weight is added. At the same time, The writer thinks that


longer wants to emulate Miranda is a part of this and a theme that makes the novel

representative of character exploration as well as redemptive.


METHOD OF THE STUDY 3.1 Research Design

In analyzing the problems of this study, the writer will use qualitative

descriptive method to explain thephenomenathat occurinthis case of study.

According to Sukmadinata (2005) the primary thing about qualitative research is

constructivism which assumes that reality is multi-dimensional, interactive and an

exchange of social experience is interpreted by each individual. Qualitative

researchers believe that truth is dynamic and can be found only through a review of

the people through interactions with their social situation (Danim, 2002).

There are three kinds of research methods, library research, field research, and

laboratory research. By analyzing The Devil Wears Prada I use library research by

using some books which are related to the topic of this thesis. Library research is

research you do from books. First step, the writer reads the novel The Devil Wears

Prada as the source of data, then find the struggle and social stratification in the

novel. Data will be collected and selected before it is analyzed by the writer of this


Reseacher Source of data : a novel

The Devil Wears Prada

by Lauren Weisberger

Quote or text related to the struggle and social stratification

Data selected – interpreted - analysis

Method : Qualitative descriptive


3.2 Data Source

The main source of data in this thesis is a novel titled The Devil Wears Prada

which released in 2003written by Lauren Weisberger and improving the story by

understanding analyzes a novel.

3.3. Data Collection

In collecting the data to analyze, the writer take the data from reading a novel.

Then she took characters and the minor characters which related to the problem of

study. However, the writer only focuses on the data which indicates instruction or

dialogue of the leader to her staff until the staff do work impact social stratification.

3.4 Data Analysis

In analyzing the problem of this thesis, the writer combined all the important

data that has been collected from data source and some books which is supporting

the primary data. The writer uses kind of library research and applied the qualitative

descriptive method to analyze the problem. Here are some steps that uses by the

writer from the beginning in the process of doing the thesis:

First, the writer readThe Devil Wears Prada by Lauren Weisberger. The

writer has to read it over and over again in order to fully understand what the novel

tells about.

Second, the writer explains the concept of identity since it is a key term to


busy woman or carrierr woman. After that, the writer took a closer look some efforts

of a woman and furthermore the concept of relation and understanding. the writer

finds that they are important terms to understand in relation to the representation of

society in the novel. Finally, the writer discussed the concept of impact social

stratification inworking struggle woman more detail in order to create a sense of

background to the analysis of the novel.

Third, the writer marks and notes the characters, plot, setting and theme from

the novel which having relation to the problem of this study which in case is in

impact social stratification, and also how to face struggle of woman and certainly

based on theories applied to support the process of analysis.

Fourth, after the data has been selected, the writer make a written report . It

aims to make the writer more easier in analyzing process.

Fifth, the writer will apply the previously discussed ideas and theories to the

novel. When analyzing the novel, the focus is on impact stratification of the woman

struggle in working class community in particular. The writer will discuss such

issues as how a woman fight in her work as struggle of her life in working and

handle some problems directly. It correlate with the English working class in The

Devi Wears Pradal , and how means different things to different characters. The

writer also will, for example, concentrate on comparing impact stratification how the

woman struggle is portrayed in the behaviour of staff characters and society. In

addition to these themes, the writer will also analyze the symbols of style depicted in

the novel. In this section, the writer will also show some ideas moral message the


Sixth, the writer made the conclusion and suggestion of the analyzing

process. This is the last step of the analyzing process. All of those steps done by the





After reading the novel, the story tells the professional adventure of Andrea,

whose greatest dream is to become a journalist. Andrea gets a job in the fashion

industry through Runway magazine, the most famous of its type, to make ends meet.

But Andrea won't develop her writing skills in the magazine, but her talents as the

editor in chief's assistant, Miranda. The problem is that Miranda is a merciless, posh

and cruel woman, making the experience a living hell for the girl. The environment

in the place will be cold and extremely critical with the physical appearance. The girl

will have to change her simple and plain style, for a more trendy and elegant one, in

order to gain the acceptance of her ruthless boss and colleagues, specially Emily, her

unpleasant workmate. Despite everything against Andrea in the office, she will

consider the experience as a challenge, drastically changing her clothes and

self-image, with the help of Nigel, the magazine's art director. Nevertheless, the job

becomes extremely demanding, because of Miranda's tough work rhythm and nearly

impossible tasks, leaving Andrea without a private life with her boyfriend, family

and friends. Maybe the old Andrea has gone, now more preoccupied about her image

and her future in the magazine. She tried to focus on her job until she changed her

self unconsiously.It occurs in her daily life without thinking that she can be done or

not for all of her works. She has good spirit to do her job well. She tries to close with

her all friends and get supports but sometimes she leaves them because of her Boss

calling. To change all of her syles she learns from Emily attitude in helping her build


in addition to serving as Runway's creative director, frequently appears on television

as a fashion consultant and is thus one of the few stars of the magazine Andrea

knows prior to working there. He teaches Andrea well in performace her syle

although, He always speaks loudly, Andrea feels friendly.. He has an outrageous

sense of style and is the only person who can get away with critiquing Miranda's

personal wardrobe choices. Andrea is lucky to know Nigel, He is very stylist and

having many experience in model working. By his helping Andrea can learn so

perfectly. Particularly, Miranda gives her apreciate to Andrea because she is easier

to do socialisation well in her working as Miranda’s new assistant. Andrea always

appreciates her Boss instruction so she is to be good employee She works hard

without forcing someone to do her duty and she tries to make relevant for her

performance in life’s style. Her social life to be different because of her struggle in

reaching social life and work hard.

4.1.1 Influence of social stratification in Andrea’s life.

As shown in the theory of socialstratification that class, status and power

have a big influence in life . It has occured in Andrea’s life. It has occured in The

Devil Wears Prada novel. At the beginning, Andrea has a simple class and limited

economic position . To add her income she tried to find a new job based on her

ability as a journalist, but she is lucky a famouse magazine “Runway” called her to


...Honey, I just know this is going to be the stars of a wonderful,wonderful time in your life. Ah I remember graduating from college and moving to New York. All alone in that big, crazy city. Scary but so,so exciting. I want you to love every minute of it, all the plays and filmsand people and shopping and books. It’s going to be the best time of your life – I just know it . She rested her hand on mine, something shedidn’t usually do. “I’m so proud of you”.(Weisberger, 2003 : 31)

Her mother supports her to change everything for her life. Anrdrea has spirit

to move on. She tells it to her friends and boy friends ( Alex) also. All of them

support her too, until her social stratification happened unconsiously. By showing her

performance style in her working and schedules of her working in daily life. She

must be having balance style in her environtment working, especially her attitude,

attention and desire to reach what her duty. Nigel is her new friend’s office . He tries

to help her to arrange her costum which is suitable with her body and look modist.

Here, She learns many things , because of these all of her habitsto be more

better. Her status become prestige woman and she is able to engage social change.

It shown when she attended a small party and took a place go to Paris as Miranda’s

assistent. She has good capability to chage Emily’s position as a new assistent of

Miranda. She accompanied Miranda’s meeting in Paris, on the other words, she

knows to control time with her schedules. However, She does not have any time to

talk too much with her close friends because of her busy working. When she meets

Lily in a pub, she always gets phone from Miranda anytime, such as their


“Sorry,” I said to Lily. Looking at the phone warily as the displayscreamed MP CELL over and over again. “It usually only takes a second for her to humalities or reprimand me, so hold that thought.” Lily set dawn her brush and watched me answer.

“Miran-“ Again. I’d almost answered the line as though it were her own. “This is Andrea,” I corrected, bracing for the barrage.

“Andrea, you know I expect you there at six-thirty tonight, do you not ?” she barked into the phone without a greeting oridentification of my sort. ( Weisberger, 2003 :285)

Moreover, Andrea’s life is always busy day with her glamour performance

for her working and she can not join with her friends to spare her time anymore. It

occured as long as her doing job, her social stratification look clearly. She finds

success for it. However, She always focuses to be herself without any influence. She

becomes herself to do her duty in her job. She is proud of herself that she can control

everything and brave to make decision.

Her social stratification is too influence her life style. She looks rich woman

with her cloth model, nice performance and pretty. She comes to a party too, as

Miranda’s assistant. She looks glamours and pretty. She sits with a group of smart ,

interesting people, people just like Christian. She has date with him in Babbo. It is

one of the restaurant that she wanted to go in New York. It is the place that Miranda


Had he just asked me out? Yes, I thought that’s exactly what had just happened. He was asking me out! He was asking me out. Christian Collinsworth was asking me on a date – a Saturday night date, to be spesific, and to Babbo, where he just so happened to have a prime time reservation with a group of smart, interesting people, people just like him. Never even mind the New Yorker writers! I racked my brain, trying to remember if I’d mentioned to him at the party that Babbo was the restaurant I most wanted to try in New York, that I loved Italian and knew how much Miranda loved it and I was dying to go. ( Weisberger, 2003 : 159-160)

All of her social stratification make her build up her ownself. Her life style

looks like higher class. She realizes that her imagine to change her life can be

happened. She tries to enjoy for that happily and also proud of herself. She gets

position easyly because she wants to work hard, thus, influence social stratification

run well to reach her lifestyle without having difficult problem, but in certain time

she loses friends and boy friends. On the other side, all of her time spent for her


4.1.2 Andrea’s struggle reaching for higher position

Based on her dreaming to be journalist, she has desire to do better in her

writing, She is ready to face struggle of her life to get her ambition. First, she has

interviewed before meeting Miranda as her leader, then she feels something strange

when she gets interview because Emily as interviewer said to Andrea, that she is

lucky because Miranda as a Boos is not on her place It is shown by these words in


“ Hey, welcome,” she muttered, giving me my first official up-downlooked overby someone other than the security guard.’’Nice boots.’’

My heart surged.Was she serious ? or sarcastic ? Her tone madeit impossible to tell. May arches ached already and my toeswere jammed up againts the front, but if I’d actually beencomplimented on an item of my outfit by a runway-er, it might beworth the pain.

Emily looked at me a moment longer and thenswung her legs off the table, sighing dramatically, “well, let’s getto it. It’s really lucky for you that she’s not here,” she said. “not that she’s not great, of course, because she is,” she added in what i wouldsoon recognize. ( Weisberger, 2003 : 41)

It is so lucky to her according to Emily as an asistence , because when she

enters to her office their boos is out, and on the other side Andrea is so worry and

nervous for her first day reaching to the new office by wearing her own style. Emily

gives her information about situation and condition in the office , especially her Boos

Miranda who took place short time in doing everything and also listening by making

note what her instruction such as Emily shown as her new sample for Andrea’s duty.

“Well , it looks like you like you have your first job. Mirandaneeds a skirt for tomorrow, among other things, so we’ll need to get iton a plane by tonight, at the latest.” ( Weisberger, 2003 : 46)

Andrea tries to understand what Emily has spoken. She tries to explain for

everything clearly until Andrea really understand her duty in her working. Emily

improves her working so fast and giving information of Miranda’s characters and

attitude in her life style. Emily said that Miranda always gives instruction without

thinking that they had done work or not. She has many schedules for a day and she

asks her assistents what she likes and she always hopes that her assistents ready with


When the first time Andrea meets her , She feels worry because she looks her

so very busy woman carrer and stilylist . She looks Miranda full of instructions to

Emily, at last Andrea gets turn to do what Miranda has been asking to Emily

because Emily can not be done all of the works.Andrea prepares her time for all her

works, until she gets instruction to care Miranda’s daughters . Miranda can not do

her daughters tasks from their school that they must to find a book. Miranda asks

Andrea to find the book but nothing to find in the bookstore. She tries to find way

how to gets the book and working well while she must do another works, at the same

time, she must come to a party as her working from Miranda .She meets someone

(Christian Collinsworth) in a party , He is the writer of the book what Miranda’s

daughters need. Unconsiously she feels lucky because what she is looking for and

efford to find the book, she got it well what she needs. Automatically, Andrea gets

many chances to solve her problems to find the book for Miranda’s daughters. By

this instruction Andrea shows that she does struggle well. Certainly, Miranda so very

appreciate it her working because rhere is no any problem for her daughters. She

asks her to come to her house to send the book. After the work is over she feels

satisfiedbut it is not untill here. She must do her heavy job to change her position as

Emily to Paris because Emily is sick. Actually, She does not has duty to go to Paris.,

because of Emily gets accident, she should change that position. She is very

unhappy to go there with Miranda. On the other, her mother asks her to come and

join with her family because her brother Andy gets a new baby. Her mother asks her

to see her new nephew but she can not be done . She must do her job well. By giving


...Dad and I both understand how demanding your job is – “but don’t you want to see your nephew? He’s a few months old already and you haven’t even met him yet!”

“Mom! Don’t make me feel guilty. I’m dying to see Isaac, but you know I can’t just”

“You know Dad and I will pray for your ticket to Houston, right?”

“Yes! You’ve told me four hundred times. I know it and I appreciate it, but it’s not the money. I can’t get any time offwork and now with Emily out, I can’t just up and leave – even on weekends. Does it make sense to you to fly across the country only to have to come back if Miranda calls me on Saturday morning to pick up her dry cleaning? Does it?.”

( Weisberger, 2003 : 326)

It is so heavy desicionto do it but Andrea does it, because of her responsibility

in her working. Moreover, how theway Andrea to face her struggle of her working is

too clearly. She successes to do her struggle of her life in her working. Miranda as

her leader realized that she did well her struggle working to be a good worker and

unconsiouslyher style life is changing perfectly by getting support from her friends in

her office, especially from Nigel. He tries to change her to be come what Miranda

wants. He teaches her how to dress well into high style woman class. He gives

support, motivation and fitting some dress which is suitable with her. He reminds

her that performance is very important in their company, especially to be Miranda’s

assistant. Then, he corrects her style and ways how she wears dress.


By giving comment he puts his hands to her hips and then he is looking to her

legs and tush.

“Soon enough sweetie, I promise you, because you’re good raw material. Nice legs, great hair, and not fat. I can work with no fat. Soon enough sweetie.” ( Weisberger, 2003 : 58 )

Anyway, Andrea always keeps her struggle of working in reaching her

higher class, although she knows it is not easy to do but she never give up such as

when she has communication in the phone with a client. She gets bad words about

her Boss but she feels cooling down. She fights with her heart to handle or face it

well. She does not influence what everybody said.

“Hi, is that Emily?” asked a lisping, stuttering voice on the other end.

“No, it’s Andrea. I’m Miranda’s new assistant,” I said, even though I’d already introduced myself to a thousand curios callers.

“Ah, Miranda’s new assistant,” the strange female voice roared. “Aren’t you the luckiest girl in the world! How are you finding your tenure with supreme evil thus far?” ( Weisberger, 2003 : 212 )

All of her struggle she does well without having negative thinking with her

Boss, especially when her Boss asking to do some instructions for her working. She

reaches her ambition with full of struggles and She has good position as a higher


4.1.3 Struggle to make Andrea keeping fight well

Andrea is extreamaly full of desire to reach what she expected, especially in

facing her job and her social life, although she can not join together with her friends

when they have spare time but she tries to face it strongly this condition without

leaving her job. She knows, it is hard but she did her duty well. Actually, her friends

do not like to see this condition because she is always busy as a bee to handle her

job. All of these because of her Boss instruction, bycalling her without thinking that

she is comfortable or not when she receivedher calling. Andrea always says ‘Yes’ to

her Boss calls. She is never rejected. She obeys to her but Andrea learns in silence

that her Boss is not all right. Andrea got reach Paris to do her job. At this time

Andrea finds that she does not follow Miranda all the time again. Andrea is angry

that she knows Emily really expects to go to Paris but she fails because Miranda

does not need weak assistant like Emily who was sick. Miranda does not care with

her good worker also such as Nigel who wants develop his carrer. Andrea feels

unbelievable to see this condition until she feels dissappointed. She keeps some

expressions. It has written in the novel .

Fuck her. Fuck Paris and fashion showns and marathon games of “I’m so fat.” Fuck all the people who believe that Miranda’s behavior was justified because she could pair a talented photographerwith some expensive clothes and walk away with some prettymagazine pages. Fuck her for even thinking that I was anythinglike her. And most of all, fuck her for being right. What the hell was I standing here for, getting abusedand belittled and humiliated by this joyless she – devil?.

( Weisberger, 2003 : 371)

Andrea still remind Miranda’s decision for everything and they have a small


that Miranda is cruel woman in making decision without thinking that another

people have expecting, heart and point of view or loyality. Miranda is only thinking

that what is done is the right thing. As shown in her marriage, Miranda will devorce

with her husband because of her selfish although she thinks her daughters future so

sad, but she will face it well in her position.

Andrea keeps fight in her job well until she knows to choose what she should

do for her future. She is not Miranda who never cares about another people’s felling

and Andrea is brave to make decision for her carrer and her life .She thinks that not

only working with Miranda she will be getting everything and She is sure to find get

a good job again. She leaved Miranda and resigned from the Runway.

4.1.4 Andrea’s life return to normal

After she steps and moves on and her job and life, she realizes that

everything are different.Andrea finally realizes that her family and friends are more

important than her job, and realizes to her horror that she is becoming more and more

like Miranda. She refuses to comply with Miranda's latest outrageous request, and

when Miranda scolds her publicly,

“Ahn – dre – ah, you realize what you are doing, do you not ?You do know that if you simply leave here like this, I’m goingto be frorced –.”

“Fuck you , Miranda. Fuck you.”


Andrea replies, Fuck you". She is fired on the spot, and

returns home to reconnect with her friends and family. She is back home and also her

romantic relationship with Alex is beyond repair, she realized that her boy friend was

right.Lily recovers and fares well in court for her charge, receiving only

another job and it happened she gets call from Loretta Andriano from Seventeen

magazine.The phone rang on my way to seek out the hidden booty.

“Hello?” I answered in my best irritatedvoice. I’d finally stoppedanswering any ringing phone with ‘Miranda Priestly’soffice.’

“Hello there, Is Andrea Sachs there, please?”

“Speaking. May I ask who’s calling?”

“Andrea, hi, this is Loretta Andriano from Seventeen magazine.” ( Weisberger, 2003 : 383)

In the last chapter Andrea learns that her tiff with Miranda made her a minor

. Afraid she has been blacklisted from

publishing for good, she moves back with her parents and works

financing her unemployment with the profits from reselling the designer clothing she

had been provided with for her tri

end, she is returning to the Elias-Clark building to discuss a position at one of the

company's other magazines. She sees a girl who she realizes is in fact, Miranda's new



After reading the novel, the writer finds some good implisit messages,

characters of people and moral value. It is very helpful for learning for many aspects

of life and social life. To improve it all, the writer finds some useful point of view of

Andrea’s. She got the meaning of working and social life particularly.Here, the

writer wrote it based on the plot interpritation in catching understanding of the novel

. Andrea keeps well her reality life and she learns much for knowing about the truth,

She thinks logic to do her steps with the right choice without getting influence of the

other people. She tries to be herself and at last, she got it well for everything that she

is not necessary to be a follower of a great Boss or Leader but she realizes to be

herself without any influence from other people. She can be free and satisfied to do

everything for herself without under presser of someone.

She learns something so very slowly until she knows that her Boos does not

has good attitude and sense of human. By the story of the novel the writer finds what

it is called as devil. Devil refer to Andrea’s Boss. Her Bos never thinks that her

assistants ready or not to do her isntructions. Her Boss is so very straight in time and

always need perfect for everything, because of this she looks success but actually on

the other parts she is fail. Her relation in marriage is broken she has devorced with

her husband. In this cases teaches us that no body is perfect.

It is very important for Andrea that she has a good friend. He is Nigel. Many

ways and supports from him to Andrea, without thinking who is Andrea . He teaches

her how the way to face other people, especially how to wear clothe stile and he




5.1 Conclusions

• Andrea has strong motivation to reach her ambition well. She does her duty

well and she is smart in taking idea how to balance her condition. At last, she

looks like a high class woman because of her intelligent.

• She has good struggle in doing her job, till she can help what her Boss’

problem. She can helpful to her Boss’ family. She has a good attitude to

recognice forher condition.

• She has the right choice to know her position as a free woman to do well for

her career. She is a success woman in her carrer because she is brave to

follow her Boss’ ambition and making her own decision.

• She takes her own way life to develop her career without any influence from

other people.

• She realized that her lifestyle has changed, she has supported by Nigel to

change for everything.

• At last, she leaves her job happily because she is able to conqueir her struggle

of life and be herself to find a new job in other places. She got good

recommendation from Miranda as her Boss by speaking in the phone when


5.2 Suggestions

Struggle of Andrea to reach her ambition need motivation of social

stratification. She realized that her job can be having influence to her life , especially

as her boy friend and social life. They have distinguished point of view in

understanding to reach something, but actually Andrea should follow her boy friend

ideas or point of view that she must choose her career based on her heart and

condition. It is not important to change her career attitude although she has busy

working . She is not neccessary to do social stratification in her social life after

getting her new job because struggle of life must be facing but not to change her

beautiful attitude and style. Her job makes herself to be a high woman class. It is

influenced by her environtment of working.

Based on this novel we can get good impression that if someone has good

goal in her mind to reach something , try work hard and be own self , automatically

she will get it well without any complaint. On the other hand, we can control our



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