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Academic year: 2017



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Registration Number: 8136112079

Submitted to the English Applied Linguistics Study Program in Partial Fulfillment of the requirements for the Degree of Magister Humaniora




Hartini, Sri. Registration Number 8136112079. Maxims Violation of Politeness Principle in the Dialogue of Indonesia’s Candidates Debate. A Thesis. English Applied Linguistics Study Program. Postgraduate School, State University of Medan. 2016.

This thesis deals with Maxims Violation of Politeness Principle in Indonesia’s Candidates Debate. The objectives of the study are to describe the types of maxims violation, to elaborate the linguistic realization, and reasons of participants violated maxims of politeness principle. The approach in this study are based on Politeness theory by Geoffrey Leech (1983); tact, generosity, approbation, modesty, agreement and sympathy. The method of this research employed qualitative design. The subjects or the data source are taken from utterances of Presidential Candidates in Dialogue of Indonesia’s Presidential debate . All written data are the transcriptions of recorded observation and interview. The data are taken from you tube. The finding prove that four types of Maxims violation are applied by the President candidates. The writer analyzes that there are 4 maxims are occurred, namely Agreement maxim( 4 %), Approbation maxim(4 %), Modesty maxim(4 %), and Generosity maxim(15%). The most dominant violated maxim is Generosity ( 15%) out of the total numbers of maxims violation found in the dialogue. The reason are the participants tried to obtain the benefit from the hearer by delivering the questions expecting to cost the hearer.



Hartini, Sri. NIM 8136112079. Maxims Violation of Politeness Principle in the Dialogue of Indonesia’s Presidential Candidates Debate. Tesis. Program Studi Linguistik Terapan Bahasa Inggris, Sekolah Pascasarjana, Universitas Negeri Medan. 2016

Penelitian ini mengkaji Pelanggaran maksim dari prinsip kesopanan yang digunakan oleh calon presiden. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengidentifikasi jenis-jenis pelanggaran maksim, menggabungkan realisasinya di dalam bahasa, dan alasan peserta melakukan pelanggaran maksim dari prinsip kesopanan. Pendekatan yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini didasarkan pada teori Kesopanan oleh Geoffrey Leech (1983); tact, generosity, approbation, modesty, agreement, and sympathy. Metode penelitian ini menggunakan desain kualitatif. Subyek atau sumber data diambil dari tuturan dari calon presiden di dalam dialog debate presiden Indonesia. Semua data yang tercatat adalah hasil transkripsi dari pengamatan yang direkam, catatan lapangan dan wawancara. Data yang diambil berasal dari you tube. Hasil penelitian membuktikan bahwa ada 4 jenis pelanggaran maksim yang dilakukan oleh calon presiden.Penulis menganalisa ada 4 maksim yang terjadi, yaitu, maksim persetujuan (4 %), maksim persetujuan(4 %), maksim kesopanan (4%), maksim kemurahan hati (15 %). Yang paling dominan dalam pelanggaran maksim adalah maksim persetujuan (15%0 dari seluruh jumlah pelanggaran maksim yang ditemukan didalam dialog. Alasan nya adalah peserta mencoba untuk memperoleh keuntungan dari pendengar dengan menyampaikan pertanyaan yang diharapkan untuk dihargai pendengar.



Above all, on the earth, the writer would like to start by thanking to the

Almighty God, Jesus Christ and Holy Spirit, the most gracious and the most

merciful for blessing her to write this thesis. This study is concerned with Maxims

Violation of Politeness Principle in the Dialogue of Indonesia’s Presidential

Candidates Debate. This study is submitted to Post Graduate School of State

University of Medan in partial fulfillment of the final academic requirements to

obtain the degree of Magister of Humaniora from English Applied Linguistics.

In writing this thesis, the writer faced a lot of difficulty, trouble and

without any help from the following people, it was impossible for her to finish

this thesis. Therefore, the writer would like to thank all the people mentioned


The writer expresses her gratitude to Prof. Amrin Saragih, M.A. Ph.d as

her first adviser for her valuable guidance, criticism, consultations and supports

and Prof. Dr. Lince Sihombing, M. Pd., as her second adviser for his valuable

corrections and advices in finishing this thesis.

She also expresses her gratitude to Post Graduate school, Head and

Secretary of English applied linguistics Study Program of State University of

Medan, all lecturers who have equipped her during the times of lecturing and


Special thanks are expressed to Prof. Dr. Busmin Gurning M. Pd, Prof. Dr.

Sumarsih M. Pd. And Dr. Anni Holila Pulungan, M.Hum as her reviewers and

examiners, for the valuable input to improve this thesis.

A special gratitude delivered to her beloved parents and her beloved sister

and brothers. Drs. P. sihombing, M.P.d., (+) and Mrs. R. Simarmata, my husband

Tigor Silalahi, also my beloved brothers and sister for their sincere prayers, love

and supports in moral and material during her academic year in completing her

study. The almighty God always bless them.

Then, thanks to her friends in LTBI 2013 especially Nurianti, Kak Yenni,

Kak Laura,and Nurmilah who had opened their palm hands encouraging her to

finishing the thesis. Finally, she would like to thanks to her classmates and anyone

who give support in finishing this thesis.

The writer realizes that every work has the weaknesses, hence, she hopes

the good critics and suggestions for the perfection of this thesis. In addition,

hopefully, her thesis is useful for the readers.

Medan, April 2016 The writer

Sri Hartini



ABSTRACT……….... i

ABSTRAK……… ... ii



LIST OF TABLE………. ... vii



1.1Background of the Study ... 1

1.2The Problems of the Study ... 6

1.3The Objectives of the Study ... 6

1.4The Scope of the Study ... 7

1.5The Significance of the Study ……… ... 7


2.1Pragmatics ... 8

2.2Politeness ... 11

2.3Maxim ... 13

2.4Politeness Principle ... 13

2.4.1 Politeness Maxim ... 14

2.5 Grice’s Maxims and Leech’s Maxims……….. .. 26

2.5.1 Grice Maxims ... 26

2.5.2 Leech Maxims ………... ... 28


2.6.1 U.S Presidential Debate ………. .... 31

2.6.2 Indonesia Presidential Debate……….. ... 32

2.6.3 International Good Debate ………... .. 32

2. 7 Relevant Studies ... 33

2.8 Conceptual Framework ……….. ... 35


3.1 Research Design ... 36

3.2 The Source of Data ... 36

3.3 The Technique of Data Collection ... 37

3.4 The Technique of Data Analysis ... 38

3.5 Trustworthiness of the Study ... 39

3.5.1 Credibility ... 40

3.5.2 Transferability ... 40

3.5.3 Dependability ... 41

3.5.4 Conformability ... 41


4.1Data Analysis ... 42

4.1.1 Maxims Violation of Politeness ... 44 of Tact Maxim ... 45 Violation of Generosity Maxim ... 45 Violation of Approbation Maxim ... 54 Violation of Modesty Maxim ... 56 Violation of Agreement Maxim ... 59 of Sympathy Maxim ... 61

4.2 Findings ... 63

4.3 Discussion ... 64


A. Conclusions ... 67

B. Suggestions ... 68








Pages Appendix I. Data Condensastion ( utterances) June 9th2014 ………... 72



1.1 The Background of the Study

By and large, communication is a purposeful activity of exchanging

information and meaning across space and time using various technical or natural

means, whichever is available or preferred (Craig, 1999: 10). Communication makes

information can easily be delivered from the speaker to listener. Communication

requires a sender, a message, a medium and a recipient, although the receiver does

not have to be present or aware of the sender's intent to communicate at the time of

communication; thus communication can occur across vast distances in time and

space. Communication requires that the communicating parties share an area of

communicative commonality. The communication process is complete once the

receiver understands the sender's message.

In the communication, politeness is the important aspect in human life, to

make good communication between addressor and addressee. A politeness strategy

uses more respect for other people or their selves. In the communication we can not

convey utterance using politeness strategy, that case may hurt the addressee.

According to Brown and Levinson (1987: 60), the politeness strategy is used by

addressee to avoid face threatening act toward addressee’s face. According to Brown


that represents a threat to another individual’s expectations regarding self-image, it is

described as a face threatening act (Yule. 1996: 61).

People are not always polite or truthful in a conversation. Every conversation

may contain the purpose of the speakers. These purposes can be good or bad from

both of the speaker and listener. According to Peccei (1999: 27), violation is quiet in

the sense that is certain at the time of the utterance that the speaker has deliberately

lied, supplied insufficient information or been ambiguous, irrelevant or hard to

understand (Anneke H 2008: 63). Cook (1989: 31-32) stated that there are five

purposes that can be achieved by violated maxims, namely: to create hyperbole and

irony, to change the topic, to keep secret and to create humor.

According to Ide (1989: 223), violation in politeness aims to save face. It is

something emotionally invested, can be lost, maintained, or enhanced and must be

constantly attended to in interaction (Brown and Levinson, 1978: 66). Face’, the

public self-image that every member wants to claim for himself, consisting in two

related aspects:

(a) Negative face: the basic claims to the territories, personal preserves, rights to

non-distraction – i.e. to freedom of action and freedom from imposition.

(b) Positive face: the positive, consistent self-image or ‘personality’ (crucially

including the desire for this self – to be appreciated and approved of) claimed by


In other words, it indicates the speaker’s intention as s/he wants to be in a given


intentionally refrain to apply maxims in their conversation to cause misunderstanding

on their participants’ part or to achieve some other purposes in the interaction.

A debate is a brainstorm activity between two or more, each is trying to

influence people to accept the proposal which is submitted (Simon, 2005: 3). Or

debate can be interpreted also as a specific theme disagreement between the

supporters and the buffers through formal organized dialogue (Depdiknas, 2001: 2).

While Andrew (1996: 82) stated debate is a method of interactive and

representational argument. It is a formal contest of argumentation between two teams

or individuals. More broadly, and more importantly, it is an essential tool for

developing and maintaining democracy and open societies. More than a mere verbal

or performance skill, it embodies the ideals of reasoned argument, tolerance for

divergent points of view and rigorous self-examination. Debate is, above all, a way

for those who hold opposing views to discuss controversial issues without descending

to insult, emotional appeals or personal bias. A key trademark of debate is that it

rarely ends in agreement, but rather allows for a robust analysis of the question at


The researcher is interested in conducting a study to find out as expressed in

the dialogue of the debate, particularly in presidential debate. We slightly do not see

any politeness principle in any debate; however, it still works in it. She chooses to

analyze since last general election, Indonesians chose their president by making


Dialogue is a conversation in which people think together in relationship

(William, 2008: 19). Thinking together implies that person no longer take his or her

own position as final. He/she relaxes his or her grip on certainty and listens to be the

possibilities that result simply from being in a relationship with others. Dialogue

addresses problem farther upstream than conventional approaches. It attempts to

bring about change at the source of our thoughts and feelings, rather than at the level

of result our ways of thinking produce.

When the researcher watched the “Indonesian Presidential Debate”, she paid

attention to the conversation that happened in there. The conversation in the debate is

similar with the real conversation since it needs good pronunciation, articulation and

voicing to make an interaction among the characters. While the participants

communicate in debate, they use utterances to express what in their mind toward the

listener. Utterance produced by the speaker is not the function to explain in the

speaker’s mind but also means to show the relationship between them as we can see it

in speech act.

The preliminary data taken from written utterances of Indonesia’s Presidential

Candidates Debate, section four, namely the participants give question and answer

each other. The section of question-answer should have describe how someone

respond the question or statement, does s/he speak politely or violate the politeness

principle to achieve her/his purpose, as the example below:


ekonomi bangsa Indonesia. Apa maksud pertayaan ini? Kenapa bapak katakan petani tidak perlu koperasi.Yakalau kami dengan tegas

mengatakan koperasi vital bagi kehidupan petani-petani dan nelayankita.Jadi mohon dijelaskan kenapa sampai bapak mengambil sikap yang seperti itu, menganggap bahwa koperasi itu tidak perlu bagi petani-petanikita. Terimakasih.

(Mr. Jokowi whom I respect, I am quite surprised. In the campaign in Indramayu, June 17th. You said that farmers do not need Koperasi. Yet

we know that the Koperasi is the pillar for the economy of Indonesia. What is the purpose of this question? Why do you say that farmers should not need Koperasi. Yes, if we firmly say that Koperasi is vital to

the lives of farmers and our fishermen. So please explain why you take a stand like that, consider that the Koperasi was not necessary for our farmers. Thank you)

Moderator : Baik, dipersilahkan pak Jokowi – Jk untuk menjawab, waktunya dua menit, dipersilahkan.

(Well, Mr. Jokowi-Jk, you are welcome to answer in two minutes, please) Jokowi : Terima kasih pak Prabowo. Mungkin bapak salah baca atau salah dengar.Saya kira semua orang tahu bahwa yang namanya koperasi itulah soko guru ekonomi kita.Semua orang tahu.Jadi tidak mungkin seorang Jokowi mengatakan seperti itu.

(Thank you Mr.Prabowo. Perhaps you misread or misheard. I think everyone knows that Koperasi that is the pillar of our economy. Everybody knows. So it is not possible to say such a Jokowi himself)

To analyze the utterances above, the researcher selected the question of

Prabowo “Kenapa bapak katakan petani tidak perlu koperasi” (Why do you say

that farmers should not need Koperasi) and the response of Jokowi “Mungkin

bapak salah baca atau salah dengar. Saya kira semua orang tahu bahwa yang namanya

koperasi itulah soko guru ekonomi kita. Semua orang tahu. Jadi tidak mungkin

seorang Jokowi mengatakan seperti itu” (Perhaps you misread or misheard. I think

everyone knows that Koperasi that is the pillar of our economy. Everybody knows.


Prabowo’s question is firstly done so we can understand why Jokowi answers so. It

is an evident that Prabowo wants to maximize the cost to the hearer and minimize the

benefit to the hearer. He discredits Jokowi by asking why Jokowi stated farmers do

not need Koperasi instead koperasi has been the pillar of Indonesia’s economy as is it

stated in Indonesia’s law. He obviously violates tact maxim.

After reviewing relevant study by Sandra (2001) about Date Night movie, the

researcher found the similarities of kinds of processing analyzing the data namely

selecting, focusing, summarizing, coding, sorting the irrelevant data or even cluster of


1.2The Problems of the Study

Based on the background above, the following questions were forwarded as

the research problems:

1. What are the types of maxims violation occured in the context of politeness

are used by the Indonesia’s Presidential Candidates Debate?

2. How are the violations realized?

3. Why did the participants violate maxims of politeness principle in Indonesia’s

Presidential Candidates Debate ?

1.3 The Objectives of the Study

In relation of the problems, the objectives of the study are:

1. to describe the types of maxims violation are occurred in Indonesia’s

Presidential Candidates Debate.


3. to reason for the participants why they violated maxims of the politeness

principle in Indonesia’s Presidential Candidates Debate.

1.4 The Scope of the Study

This study applies the concept theories of the politeness principle proposed by

Geoffrey Leech (1983). This analysis is pointed to investigate the politeness principle

realized in “Presidential Candidates”, namely subjective/objective explicit and

subjective/objective implicit.

1.5 The Significance of the Study

Findings of the study are expected to offer theoretical and practical


a. Theoretically

Findings of the study can add up theories of pragmatics particularly those related

to the use of the language outside English. In addition to it, finding of the study


b. Practically

1. The finding can be useful for lecturer to enrich the scientific

knowledge on pragmatics study, especially in the area of politeness.

2. For the student of English department who are interested in politeness

and it has significance as an effort to study discourse analysis through

pragmatic approach.

3. Other researchers to conduct other research on politeness maxim in

doing similar research in future which the finding can give benefit




5.1 Conclusions

1. Based on the data analysis, research findings, and discussion, there are some important conclusions are put forward for those who are responsible in using

violation of politeness principle in debate. The important conclusions are made

based on the theory of politeness principle, namely (1) tact maxim, (2) generosity

maxim, (3) approbation maxim, (4) modesty maxim, (5) agreement maxim, and (6)

sympathy maxim.

2. It is known that not all maxims in politeness principle violated by the speaker.

Tact maxim and sympathy maxim were not violated by the speakers, while

violation in generosity maxim was found 7, approbation maxim was found 2,

modesty maxim was found 2, and agreement maxim was found 2.

3. From each kinds of the most dominant violated maxim of politeness principle that

used is generosity maxim which generosity maxim is a way to maintain the

speaker to obtain posisition of circumstance from the hearers by getting benefit of

information or fact without costing himself so that the hearer’s opinion or

argument can be retained in order to win the debate. It means that the most

dominant violated maxim – generosity maxim –is the great action to accomplish


5.2 Suggestions

1. In this study can be found that the speaker always placed himself in good

circumstance by violating some maxims in politeness principle.

2. This lesson is advantageous because it can show how the participants of the debate

maintain to win by violating maxims of politeness principle.

3. Based on the the lessons of the pragmatic, this violation of politeness principle can

greatly assist the students to understand why people violate politeness principle.

Violation in politeness principle does not mean being impolite in speaking but to

confirm the ide or opinion, to delivery fact and to achieve the purpose of


Table. 1Types of Violated Maxims   ......................................................................
Figure 1. The percentage of  types of violated maxims .........................................


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