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A Rude Awakening


Academic year: 2017

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A Rude Awakening

A picture paints a thousand words, so I’m using images and photos to underpin the narrative. The clock is ticking and I hope this will lead you to ask questions. I know how I came to faith won’t be the same for the next person but it isn’t a blind faith and that’s what I hope to demonstrate. That you can know the truth and the truth will set you free. Jesus Christ’s atoning death on the cross, the saviour of the world. ‘For God so loved the world, that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him shall not perish, but have eternal life. For God did not send the Son into the world to judge the world, but that the world might be saved through Him.… ‘ John 3:16-17. The gospel - click here

You don’t have to agree with me or any of the material but this is my testimony and as a favourite well known Christian Bible teacher of mine, Jacob Prasch says when presenting something controversial, “I’m only stating facts…”

I wasn’t given the gospel by an evangelical Christian, I didn’t have an alter call, I didn’t know any Christians, I most certainly wasn’t seeking God but somehow he found me, strangely, via the internet and in my darkest hour. I know, shock horror…enemy territory and rightly so. I’ve had a somewhat protracted and drawn out Christian birth and it’s hard to pinpoint when I became a true believer and follower. My full understanding came over a period of many months and a series of revelations culminating in an epiphany moment which I’ll get to. Early on in my quest for truth I came to the realisation there is a cosmic chess match, a campaign against God, against

Christ, against God's believers (the Jews and the Christians and none of the false religions) a war for our souls. All media and entertainment do is mock Christ and what he did for us, a gospel that is offensive to mankind. It was a short while later that I fully understood the gospel and came to repentance. So you could say it was a breach birth. It wasn’t an acknowledgement of being a sinner, repentance, followed by faith but the opposite. For a long time that bothered me that my conversion wasn‘t genuine, that I had the head knowledge but God was far from my heart…missing the godly sorrow and contrite heart. But, what God did was take me on an epic roller coaster ride which catapaulted me into a true spiritual awakening, to see the

real condition of the world, my own heart and the elite’s agenda. He showed me how Satan has deceived the whole world leading us astray and from the truth in our divine birthright. Thus my ties to this material world dimmed. My perceptions and affections are on things above, not on things of this world. My passions and desires gradually changed and turned towards God and seeking His truth. I saw how, by design, popular culture, TV and the entertainment industry (run by the illuminati) is aimed to mind control and indoctrinate the masses, destroying all morals in society. But I now have a biblical worldview and a blessed hope, Jesus. A new pair of spiritual eyes to truly see! I’m following Jesus, the God-man who died for me. I’ll explain some of the


It was during my quest for the truth that in amongst the confusion, disinformation, false teachings, false spirituality that some online Christian testimonies and, articles quoting scriptures from the Bible, the infallible word of God, which came to light in amongst the darkness that saved me from massive, planned, deception. How did this all come about? The root of my problems began with what is probably our most prevalent trait; fear. I was looking for healing in my life. I’d long suffered with distorted thinking patterns, insecurity, anxiety and fear of failure, a self-fulilling prophecy. These governing childhood traits were further exacerbated by heavy recreational drink and drug abuse since my teens that had disastrous effects on my esteem, career, relationships and short-lived marriage. I was always on a downer. Fear is the path to the dark side. Fear leads to anger. Anger leads to hate. Hate leads to suffering. I was very unhinged and hateful. I’d had it all according to ‘the world’; the house, the marriage a good job as an interior designer but I was miserable in a world full of injustice, hardness and futility; I had a God shaped hole in my heart and didn’t know it. Now I understand the damage of sin and how it separates us not only from a Holy God but each other. I can see that without the headship of Christ in our marriage we didn’t stand a good chance in a throw-away society. I ended up living back at my Mother’s, in an emotional melt-down, further impacting my self-loathing, rejected by a string of failed relationships, I continued to self-medicate with drugs, alcohol, male attention and partying shortly followed by memory blackouts, regret, shame and misery; a repetitive

cycle of self-pity. Once again I turned to the “self-help” industry which naturally led on to dipping my toes into “holistic therapies” what I later knew to be called the “new age” movement, yet little did I know I was diving head irst into spiritual deception; the occult and witchcraft! I didn’t have any strong beliefts about the after life and certainly not hell, because I’d been indoctrinated by the paranormal reality shows. So thinking little of it, an Irish, non practising catholic friend, obsessively into clairvoyance and tarot cards invited me to a yearly conference held in London called ‘Mind, Body & Spirit’ where a host of therapies and workshops are on offer so I went along and partook in a workshop called ‘Transforming Shadows’ by Jamie Catto. I later came to the realisation (having seen his facebook updates and joining the dots) that he is part of the illuminati and one of the founders of popular 90’s Electronic Dance Music group called ‘Faithless’ with hit song ‘God is a DJ’ (which is promoting idolatry).


http://truthinreality.com/2012/05/12/ inside-the-new-age-nightmare/

reiki, aka demon healing), went back to theirs, crashed over and rang into work sick the next day. A reprobate, off the rails and lacking any self-control. I was living by my emotions, after my own desires, with no moral compass.


reiki, went back to theirs, crashed over and rang into work sick the next day. A reprobate, off the rails and lacking any self-control. I was living by my emotions, after my own desires, with no moral compass.

Not long after I came into contact with an old friend who had been a recreational drug user and small time ecstasy dealer who seemed to have turned her life around, no longer drank and was into self-love and acceptance. She dressed differently, had a mentor and was talking about shamanism and ayahuasca. I attended one of her “raw cacao chocolate dance ceremonies” held in a hall in Islington with other new agers all wearing harem pants and feathers talking about air, ire and water. I was thinking what is this dancing without alcohol milarky?! While out for a bite to eat with about eight of them they spoke of new agey practices and jargon quite alien to me and I certainly didn’t feel like one “of the tribe”. Some mentioned picking up unwanted negative entities and UFOs but nothing really twigged at this point.

So, although I wasn’t looking into new age philosophy as such, and very much an outsider looking in, I guess I wanted what she had which was peace and joy. I went on to download meditation and mindfulness apps on my phone, which led to going on YouTube seeking transendental guided meditations. For me, YouTube, up until that point was purely for cute animal videos and funny fail compilations. You don’t want to be on the “wrong” side of YouTube because what happened to me next was the biggest shock or rude awakening of my life and as I later realised, a sitting duck for all kinds of deception.

I was off work at this point in time and therefore spent six solid weeks “going down the rabbit hole’” (like Alice in Wonderland) putting in 18 hour days, staying up all night in cold sweats, trying to rebuild my paradigm. I’d entered the realm of conspiracy theories or the truth movement. I researched the illuminati, false lag events like 911,ufos, alien abductions, chemtrails, ley lines, the ancient world, ziggurats, pyramids,

nephillim, the occult, propaganda, Monsanto, Bilderberg’s, the federal reserve bank, The Rothschilds, Bohemia

Grove, pharmaceuticals industry, vaccines, luoridation, operation

paperclick, agenda 21, project bluebeam you name it, I researched it. They are all interrelated. Much to my amasement, outside of Hollywood and the Da Vinci Code there really are angels and demons and the illuminati do exist! That evolution is a lie, there is no missing link, the ones they’ve claimed are frauds. I barely left the house during those six weeks because once you uncover some truths you are trying to build a picture, a jigsaw, connect the dots, make sense of reality, sifting out the truths from the half-truths, from the lies. But how do you do that without the word of God? It’s not possible. I didn’t know that at the time so I was also tuning in to David Icke (a channeller of “spirit guides”) so it was jumbled up and a lot of confusion. I desperately wanted the truth, nothing but the truth and I made it my quest to ind it with all my heart, mind and strength which as you can imagine had deteriorated due to the trauma of extremely disturbing revelations and the fact that no-body believed me so I withdrew from people. Amongst all the fringe conspiracies what was truly alarming was investigating the Illuminati brotherhood and their diabolical schemes to cull and enslave mankind (agenda 21), a global conspiracy which in its breadth, depth and scope is like no other…of epic proportions. The New World Order. This excellent video explains exactly what I went through https://www.youtube. com/watch?v=ZomiPmpZJFA (When I Tell People About the NWO They Think Im Crazy, What Should I Do? - length 20mins)The emergence of a totalitarian one world government, one world religion


cults.That’s where the deadly poison awaits to lure us away from the real truth with damnable heresies like the Catholic church - “the whore of Babylon”.

In parallel I was researching ayahuasca, the “sacred spirit vine” for healing. I was so sad, so hopeless...living in defeat, carnal about what humanity was facing and imminently. I begged my very reluctant mother to lend me the money to go to a shamanic healing centre in the Amazon, Peru. I’d recalled the conversations with New Agers about it and my own run-in with intrepid explorer and TV personality, Bruce Parry whom I’d met in Ibiza and spent a decadent afternoon getting high with some years prior. I’d been a follower of his series called “Tribe” and “Amazon” where he goes native with indigenous

tribes and their customs and rituals and that included an ayahuasca trip, well documented on the BBC. So I researched him and lo and behold he continues to regularly see shamans and goes back yearly - his interviews are on YouTube. I was desperate and felt stuck, frozen by fear. I wanted answers. enlightenment, putting all my hope in to this so called miraculous

healing! Opening the third eye to other dimensions, the spirit world. I read and watched testimony after testimony which promised a both very personal spiritual experience and a oneness with creation and a feeling of divine love and acceptance imparted from the creator, or “Christ consciousness”, healing of past hurts, hang-ups and emotional traumas but also an outer body experience, shared visions and laughter (what I now know is the kundalini spirit/Hinduism/ Torronto blessing). Its promises and experiences of healing were so seductive I spent every spare moment researching it – “DMT the spirit molecule” documentary is well known. Many talked about coming face to face with demons however Shamans say there are there to ward off bad spirits and give access only to the good. Many people have been cured from cancer and depression so I

trusted this was a good thing. What I later learned was that many illnesses are caused by demons and it’s simply the demons relinquishing their hold on that person so as to appear healed - they operate on multiple levels of deception. So, I was mentally prepared to travel alone to the Amazon jungle despite the risks of travelling as a lone female, the risk of a bad hallucinogenic trip and the certain undigniied violent vomiting in a group setting but I thought, what the heck I’m a veteran drug user, I’d cope. Testimonies said, the worse the experience, the better the payoff. There is only one crucial requirement for this, that you must be brave.


It was a mere few weeks after booking lights that the penny dropped about deceiving spirits…the ephiphany. I started researching ‘should Christians take ayahuasca’ because I did believe in Christ but knew nothing of the gospel as I hadn’t started reading the Bible or met any Christians but was well aware of the Luciferian agenda to believe but hadn’t yet the saving faith. Many revelations came to light about the ayahuasca, for example this one page blog entitled ‘ayahuasca my trip into hell’ and elsewhere, scriptures of how Satan can pose as an angel of light. He is the master counterfeiter and father of lies.

Patterns emerged in testimonies and ayahuasca artwork that spoke of and depicted an encounter with a serpent dawned on me; the beguiling serpent...

wow!!!! It was was in the early hours of the morning I got a childhood Bible, clutched it to my chest and for the irst time cried out loud to God, “I believe, I’ve been tricked, I follow you now, I won’t do it” and repented of it. I’m certain I saw a shadow entity lee from the corner of my eye.

‘Now war arose in heaven, Michael and his angels ighting against the dragon. And the dragon and his angels fought back, but he was defeated, and there was no longer any place for them in heaven. And the great dragon was thrown down, that ancient serpent, who is called the devil and Satan, the deceiver of the whole world—he was thrown down to the earth, and his angels were thrown down with him’. Rev 12:7-9 (End times)

While in Peru, having lown to Lima for the second part of my trip to Machu Picchu with an overnight stay in the capital, I was in a cab from the airport to my hotel with a huge niggling regret… mental anguish at still not having found peace or answers or insights with the ayahuasca experience and that I’d travelled all this way for healing and the opportunity had now passed. Feeling a little lonely and sad at my plight, a song was playing ‘All by myself’ by Carmen to add insult to injury and as it left the highway onto the snaking coastal road,


‘For such men are false apostles, deceitful workers, disguising themselves as apostles of Christ. No wonder, for even Satan disguises himself as an angel of light. Therefore it is not surprising if his servants also disguise themselves as servants of righteousness, whose end will be according to their deeds’.2 Corinthians 11:13-15

‘For our struggle is not against lesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms’. Ephesians 6:12

When the disciples asked Jesus what would characterise the last days just prior to His return, He explained that it would be a time of the worst spiritual deception the world had ever seen. He said sound doctrine would be despised and wondered if there would be any faith left whatsoever on the earth when He returned (Luke 18:8). He gave His disciples a solemn warning: “Take heed that no man deceive you” (Matt. 24:2,5,11,24). He characterised the last days as a time of religious deception - or - deception in religion such as false messiahs, false prophets, false miracles, and false doctrines. All four were

prophesied to band together to pave the way for the Antichrist (Matt. 24:24-25).

This prophesied deceit is the same band of deceit we are being iniltrated with today. The metaphysical realm has exploded into our culture bringing with it shamans, gurus, psychic phenomenon and the paranormal in precognition, telepathy, clairvoyance, telekinesis, automatic handwriting, channeling, and

astral projection. These have already become the fastest growing occultic interests in the world. More recently mind science has been gaining worldwide acceptance as people learn how to properly use their minds to visualise everything from success to bending a metal spoon with their mind. The same false miracles or “wonders” we were warned about but that few take notice of.

It is realistic to suggest that those who read of false miracles that will occur in the latter days think of the same miracles Jesus performed but from a demonic source. In many instances this is indeed the case with supernatural healings that are talking place all over the world. But Satan also has his own agenda that he subtly implemented long ago and is now pushing ahead in full stride - psychic phenomenon and the paranormal.

Magicians such as Dynamo use demon power - take your pic of videos here

In Matthew 24:24 Jesus warned us of psychic power that produces counterfeit “great signs and wonders” that would occur in the last days. The power of the mind, the unknown, and accomplished superhuman feats that are grasping audiences worldwide. A strange departure from the past when psychic phenomena was held at an arms length as ridiculous and ridiculed. But even then it had a strange fascination, the unknown always has to those who don’t read their Bibles to know that there really isn’t anything unknown about the “unknown.”


become so corrupted that it would actually begin to oppose and deny what Christ taught while at the same time insisting that it is faithful to Him! A deceit so pervasive and manipulative that many wouldn’t even recognise it as the prophesied demonic invasion it is. To those familiar with Biblical prophecy it doesn’t come as a major surprise. Jesus Himself warned of worldwide religious deception on an unprecedented scale just prior to His return.

Going back to my testimony, I was also researching what scientists label “sleep paralysis” which I’d encountered since childhood and later, especially during my deep research into understanding the occult and UFO and alien abductions. Some nights it was relentless, going on all night, causing great fear and distress as I would get a “felt presence” immediately before it would happen, waking me out of my dream state. Then the paralysis and electrical type buzzing/ frequency which felt like it was trying to

pull my spirit out of my body...a battle of wills. Other times, I had a demon sit on the edge of my bed which caused my body to roll in towards it. Twice I heard my name (voice to skull) being called during the daytime, on separate ocassions, like a whisper, ‘Kaaaatie’.

Sleep Paralysis Deinition:

A frightening form of paralysis that occurs when a person suddenly inds himself or herself unable to move for a few minutes, most often upon falling asleep or waking up. Sleep paralysis is due to an irregularity in passing between the stages of sleep and wakefulness. The symptoms of sleep paralysis include sensations of noises, smells, levitation, paralysis, terror, and images of frightening intruders. Once considered very rare, up to half of all people are now believed to experience sleep paralysis sometime during their life. Sleep paralysis is not considered to be a sign of a serious condition, although it can be

frightening. Source: MedTerms.com The phenomenon of sleep paralysis can be recognised in reports across different cultures and throughout history. Perhaps the most famous historic example of sleep paralysis in art is Henry Fuseli’s 1781 painting ‘The Nightmare’. This painting features many of the classic symptoms of sleep paralysis. The central igure is portrayed lying on her back with a demon sitting on her chest, and strange looking creatures in the background. Many consider it Fuseli’s greatest work and it is believed to be one of the irst artistic impressions of sleep paralysis.

After watching countless testimonies on YouTube all with startling similarities to my own and unconvinced by the new religion called science for its explanation, I came across an excellent Christian

ministry www.stopsleepparalysis.org - what it is and how to stop it.

Sleep paralysis is known by many names across the world including “Old Hag Syndrome” in the west. Some claims it is caused by “Shadow People,” “Hat Man,” or various evil spiritual beings like demons. Some but not all cases of “alien abductions” or incubus and succubus attacks (spiritual rape) can be chalked up to a severe sleep paralysis episode. In Chris White’s book, nonproit websites and videos, he explains know how to do something that most sleep scientists say is impossible: to stop sleep paralysis for good.

Calling on the name of Jesus in my mind stopped the attacks!! More on this later in this document.


I therefore resigned myself to a trip (not a hallucinogenic one) to Peru and treat it as a break away, not the spiritual enlightenment I had initially hoped for. All I knew at this point was that I must get to Israel and Jerusalem and ind out all there is to know about Christ so I planned it that 24hrs after landing back at Heathrow I’d be in Israel on a Christian tour group of the holy land (August 2014).

So, the city of Iquitos, a remote mecca for 19th century rubber barons, the largest city in the world with no roads leading to it, gateway to the three frontiers region of the Amazon Basin, is where the western gringo shamans have taken residence. Here, amidst the sweating jungle lowlands, the immediate surprise is that Iquitos doesn’t roll out at a languid pace, but is all go-ahead charm and sparky energy, with moto-taxis buzzing past the old colonial mansions and main plaza, and a riverfront of lively bars and restaurants where you’ll ind the aya pilgrims.The three shamans who have achieved almost cult celebrity status are Peter Gormon, Alan Shoemaker and Ron Wheelock

who host global ayahuasca conferences. Gorman, whom I met, is a big part of the modernist ayahuasca drug tourism industry in Iquitos, and perhaps central to it, being in the business for close to thirty years. He started as a tour guide in the jungle, taking folks out for an unfamiliar drug that he would soon popularise to the point it is today; mainstream and well-known. Those I tried to witness to varied and some were Christians!! A few New Agers threw up the crossed ingers sign to me for my unwanted warnings. The irony wasn’t lost on me.

Later on, having lown to Lima for the second part of my trip to Machu Picchu with an overnight stay in the capital, I was in a cab from the airport to my hotel with a huge niggling regret at still having

not found peace or insights with the ayahuasca experience having travelled across the globe for healing and the opportunity had passed (even though I new it was a deception). Feeling sad and lonely at my plight, an old eighties song was playing, “All by myself” by Carmen to add insult to injury and as the cab left the highway onto the snaking coastal road, the song coming to a climax and inner emotions charged, it was then I spotted a large brightly lit cross across the bay and God whispered, “you’re not alone, I will never leave you or forsake you”. It was a poigniant moment, a turning point of sorts, closure. The temptation had been so great to take ayahusaca but God delivered me in the nick of time from deceiving spirits and inviting demonic oppression, possibly far worse than sleep paralysis. I’d been putting all my hope of healing in a witch doctor, a “medicine man”, but now I knew my hope and healing was and must be in Jesus.

‘Sanctify them in the truth; Your word is truth’. John 17:17 ‘So do not fear, for I am with you; do not be dismayed, for I am your God. I will strengthen you and help you; I will uphold you with

my righteous hand. Isaiah 41:10


So the realisation that the elite of the world have had their own religion for quite some time, that in the occult world, “the mysteries”, traced back to Babylon in Sumeria truly blew my mind (and shook me to near mental collapse). The modern doctrine is luciferian, in plain terms it is “satanic.” What was more astonishing is that the un-initiated mass public have been unwittingly enslaved to them and their religion on a massive scale. The elite own virtually everything and they have literally programmed us to their liking. They instigate wars and start revolutions in the “name of God” and have us ight and die for them. They even fund both sides of wars and rewrite history. They have owned corporations, ad-campaigns and our education

curriculum. They have brainwashed the masses into thinking that we’re all basically big-brained monkeys. I have listened to their music, read their books and have watched their television and movies since I was born. They had brainwashed me so superbly that I used to mock conspiracy theorists and Christians. For me to now be a Christian is a miracle in itself. Although what I went through discovering the New World Order was extremely painful process I now cling to the cross of Jesus for dear life and it has made this war for my soul VERY real. It’s more real than the fake society Satan has carved out.

Now you’re beginning to see why I became so traumatised and the more I unearted the more diabolical and horriic

their plans to depopulate the planet through sterilisation (e.g. monsanto foods), wars, virus epidemics and various other means while people sleep walk into tyranny. Their escoteric plans are hidden in plain sight. Google ‘The Georgia guidestones’.The illuminati have done such an excellent job of reverse psychology that if you even mention the word “consipracy” or “illuminati” people are programmed to have an immediate mocking response. click here People or rather “sheeple” as known in the truth movement are so plugged into the system that they will die to save and protect it and ultimately take the “mark of the beast” rather than accept Jesus’ free gift of salvation.

For me, the scales have fallen off my eyes and I’m being sanctiied, reconciled back to the father God, through Christ. I can now detect symbolism, agendas in the media and have the word of God so I won’t be so easily deceived again and I’m marvelling at His creation! I am living in an unparalleled history, HIS story and can see prophecy being fulilled before my eyes. Whereas before I was frozen in fear of the New World Order (whose no. 1 targets are Jews and Christians before they turn on the NWO defectors) but now I am essentially “free” and “born of the spirit”, trusting in Jesus and His promises to those who love Him and REPENT of their sins. I’ve not had a more sound mind since I can recall, he is a healer! Whereby I can cry out “Abba, Father” and I know he’s there. My rock, my comforter, my creator! For God has not given us “the spirit of fear; but of power, and of love, and of a sound mind” 2 Timothy 1:7. “All Scripture is inspired by God and proitable for

teaching, for reproof, for correction, for training in righteousness’” 2 Timothy 3:16

Where I once bucked, reared and revolted from my master (the Lord of Lords and King of Kings) I now draw near to him, to trust and obey, learning to surrender my will in obedience to Him.


(Romans 4:5-6), because we have no self-righteousness to offer God (Isaiah 64:6). Only through the precious blood of Jesus Christ can a person have their sins forgiven, and be saved eternally (1 Peter 1:18,19). Salvation is freely given (Romans 5:15), freely offered (Romans 10:13), and freely received (Revelation 22:17). Salvation is receiving, not giving. Eternal life is the gift of God (Romans 6:23).The Word of God clearly states in Romans 4:5 …“But to him that worketh not, but believeth on him that justiieth the ungodly, his faith is counted for righteousness.”The Biblical Gospel excludes ALL self-righteousness!

Heaven is not sitting in some cloud playing a harp, as the picture that man paints where boredom sets in but a great city fashioned by God, not man. We are promised when Jesus comes back (this time in judgement and as King, not the suffering servant) to be transformed to be like his glorious resurrected body. He promises to wipe away every tear, all pain and mourning will be gone for ever in the glorious new universe. Every weakness, inirmity and deformity will be removed. All uncleaness and unrighteousness will be removed. For

this current time we are pilgrims, this world is passing away, we have no lasting city here, we are seeking a city which is to come.

While people are busy making plans for their future not knowing we are at the very end of this age, my priorities are remainig faitful to my redeemer. Getting built up in the Holy faith, putting on “the armour of God” (Ephesians 6) and planning for spiritual warfare, persecution and possible martyrdom. Getting to know HIM. To be “wise as a serpent and gentle as a dove’” - Matthew 10:16 Full of oil in my lamp as I wait for the soon return of Christ. My fear of self has been replaced by a fear of God…for “the fear of God is the beginning of wisdom”- Proverbs 9:10

‘Nay, in all these things we are more than conquerors through him that loved us. For I am persuaded, that neither death, nor life, nor angels, nor principalities, nor powers, nor things present, nor things to come, nor height, nor depth, nor any other creature, shall be able to separate us from the love of God, which is in Christ Jesus our Lord’. Romans 8:37-39 ‘For the word of the cross is foolishness to those who are perishing, but to us who are being saved it is the power of God’. 1 Corinthians 1:18

Be anxious for nothing, but in


Seek Jesus Christ Today! No One Is Promised Tomorrow.

“If the world hates you, you know that it has hated Me before it hated you. If you were of the world, the world would love its own; but because you are not of the world, but I chose you out of the world, because of this the world hates you. Remember the word that I said to you, a slave is not greater than his master. If they persecuted Me, they will persecute you”, John 15:18-20

“For since the creation of the world His invisible attributes, His eternal power and divine nature, have been clearly seen, being understood through what has been made, so that they are without excuse”Romans 1:20


I am the light of the world. Whoever follows Me will never walk in

darkness, but will have the light of life. (John 8:12)


biblestudyandtheology/jewishroots/feast_ of_tabernacles_jews_for_jesus_david_ brickner.aspx

I will sprinkle clean water on you, and you will be clean… (Ezekiel 36:25).


Jesus said, “Greater love has no one than this, that one lay down his life for his friends. You are My friends if you do what I command you. No longer do I call you slaves, for the slave does not know what his master is doing; but I have called you friends, for all things that I have heard from my Father I have made known to you” John 15:13-15

Thanksgiving and Prayer

“…giving thanks to the Father, who has qualiied us to share in the inheritance of the saints in Light. For He rescued us from the domain of darkness, and transferred us to the kingdom of His beloved Son, in whom we have redemption, the forgiveness of sins.” Colossians 1:13

“..to open their eyes and turn them from darkness to light, and from the power of Satan to God, so that they may receive forgiveness of sins and a place among those who are sanctiied by faith in me.” Colossians 1:13

“Your words were found and I ate them, and Your words became for me a joy and the delight of my heart; For I have been called by Your name, O Lord God of hosts”. Jeremiah 15:16

Galatians 4:16

Am I therefore become your enemy, because I tell you the truth?



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