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“Nihon Teien”


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JUNE 2011

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Submitted to Faculty of Culture Studies of North Sumatera in partial to fulfill the requirements for DIPLOMA III (D-III) in English Study.

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Approved by the Diploma III of English Study

Faculty of Culture Studies, University of North Sumatera As a paper for the Diploma (D-III) Examination

Accepted by the board of Examiners in partial to fulfill the requirements for the D-III Examination of the Diploma III of English Study, Faculty of Culture Studies, University of North Sumatera.

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Board of Examiners: 1. English Study Program

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I am, MASTORA LUMBANTORUAN , declare that I am the sole author of this paper. Except where reference made in the text of this paper, this paper contains no material published elsewhere or extracted in whole or in part from a paper by which I have qualified for or awarded another degree.

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Melalui kertas karya ini, penulis mengemukakan salah satu tempat pariwisata yang ada di Sumatera Utara yaitu Taman Wisata Iman Dairi, yang berada di

Kabupaten Dairi ( sidikalang ). Dalam paper ini penulis membahas semua

tentang Taman Wisata Iman. Baik keindahan Taman Wisata Iman, dan Kemanpuan Taman Wisata Iman dalam meningkatkan minat pengunjung . Diterjemahkan ke dalam bahasa inggris yaitu “ The Potenciality Found in the Taman Iman to Interest the Tourism”. Penulis juga membahas tentang Sejarah Taman Wisata Iman,kelebihan Taman Wisata Iman dengan Wisata Lainnya juga kekurangan yang masih perlu untuk ditambah agar Fasilitas kebutuhan yang diharapkan pengunjung tercapai dan memperoleh hikmat dan kepuasan atas kunjungannya ke Taman Wisata Iman tersebut. Serta akomodasi dan fasilitas yang dapat membuat para pengungjung senang berkunjung kesana. Taman Wisata Iman adalah temat wisata yang indah , karena Taman

Wisata Iman berada di sebuah bukit yang ada di sidikalang yang disebut bukit sitinjo. Bukit yang dikelilingi pohon pinus, serta sungai yang ada di Taman





2.1.1 Units of measurement in surveys of Tourism ...4

2.1.2 The Geography of Tourism...4

2.1.3 Who is in Tourism...5

3.1.1 Defenition of Taman Wisata Iman ...10

3.1.2 The History Establishment of Taman Wisata Iman...11

3.1.3 The general description about Taman Wisatta Iman...13

3.1.4 The Objective of Establishing the Taman Wisata Iman ...15

3.1.5 Privileges than Taman Wisata Iman...16

3.2 Why the People Decrease to Visit of Taman Wisata Iman...20

3.2.1 The Potential lack of Taman Wisata Iman Sidikalang in Maximizing the Number of Visitors...20

3.2.2 Efforts to Increase the interesting of Visitors...22


5.1 Conclusion...28 5.2 Suggestion...29 THE LOCATION OF TAMAN WISATA IMAN……….30



Melalui kertas karya ini, penulis mengemukakan salah satu tempat pariwisata yang ada di Sumatera Utara yaitu Taman Wisata Iman Dairi, yang berada di

Kabupaten Dairi ( sidikalang ). Dalam paper ini penulis membahas semua

tentang Taman Wisata Iman. Baik keindahan Taman Wisata Iman, dan Kemanpuan Taman Wisata Iman dalam meningkatkan minat pengunjung . Diterjemahkan ke dalam bahasa inggris yaitu “ The Potenciality Found in the Taman Iman to Interest the Tourism”. Penulis juga membahas tentang Sejarah Taman Wisata Iman,kelebihan Taman Wisata Iman dengan Wisata Lainnya juga kekurangan yang masih perlu untuk ditambah agar Fasilitas kebutuhan yang diharapkan pengunjung tercapai dan memperoleh hikmat dan kepuasan atas kunjungannya ke Taman Wisata Iman tersebut. Serta akomodasi dan fasilitas yang dapat membuat para pengungjung senang berkunjung kesana. Taman Wisata Iman adalah temat wisata yang indah , karena Taman

Wisata Iman berada di sebuah bukit yang ada di sidikalang yang disebut bukit sitinjo. Bukit yang dikelilingi pohon pinus, serta sungai yang ada di Taman





1.1 The background of the Study

As we know, that Indonesia is a country that has many objects of

tourism especially in north of sumatera. North of sumatera has Tourism object

more than five different places. One of them is Taman Iman Sidikalang Dairi .

Each object has its own characteristic , place and kind of tourism which are

different from one to another.

As a young generation , the writer also wants to observe one of the

Indonesian tourisms object, namely Taman Iman Sidikalang Dairi in north of

Sumatera. Taman Iman is a tourism of religion ( wisata Rohani ) that is built

by Goverment of Dairi. Because the writer thinks, lately this object has

decreased it visitors and it’s importand to be thought . The region of the writer is

also near from Taman Iman, and the writer knows about Taman Iman.

Therefore, The writer is interested to know more about Taman Wisata Iman.

The writer wants to develop that tourism object. This is not easy because

each object tourism have norms, and rules, which are different from one to

another. The writer has intentionally chosen the tittle “ The Potenciality Found in

the Taman Iman to Interest the Tourism ” because the writer wants to persuade

all people to know more about of Taman Iman . The writer also wants to make

all people understand what the purpose of goverment build Taman Iman as

tourism object of religion. May be the writer can preserve and maintain the


Finally, the writer hopes this paper can be useful for reader who want to

know where is, understand the purpose, and visit of the Taman Iman and all

people who needs it.

1.2Scope of the Study

As we know that tourism object has each characters which can make

people are interested to visit it, so the writer limits her problem discussion

namely :

1. why the people decrease to visit of Taman Iman?

2.What is the solution to overcome it ?

1.3Purpose of the Study

The purpose of this writing is to know the Taman Iman . In this paper the

writer describes the location of Taman Iman, Facilities are in Taman Iman , and

how to get in to Taman Iman. Especially the writer decribes and explains

detailly why the people decrease to visit Taman Iman. The writer also gives

and explains of her idea /planning ( possibilities ) which can be solution to make

people more interested to visit Taman Iman again. The writer wants Taman

Iman is tourism object Internasional (all the world knows Taman Iman )

1.4 The significance of study

The writer hopes this paper is useful to make all people know where is

and like to visit Taman Iman, because Taman Iman is a tourism object that has


1.5 The method of the Study

To finish this paper, the writer has done some of research .

Generally , making a paper has three researches namely: • Field research

Field research is a kind of research that is used to find a certain data by having

survey to the place that we need to know. • Library research

Library research is a kind of research that is used to find a certain data by

collective some books and journals that relevant with the title. • Internet research

Internet research is a kind of research that is collective some data by browsing



2.1 Defenition of Tourism

provision of services to support this leisure travel.

Tourism comprises the activities of persons travelling to and staying in places

outside their usual enviroment for not more than one consecutive year for leasure,

bussiness and other porpuse.

2.1.1 Units of measurement in surveys of tourism

The units of measurement are a function of the type of survey method or source

that is selected . there are fundamentally only three different types of surveys used

to collect information on the volume of travel and tourism.

1. Household surveys collect information on the travel experience of

individuals over a given recall period

2. Location surveys obtain counts of visitors or informations from them about

their current visitors trip

3. Bussines s surveys, which provide general information on travel and tourism

business operations , sometimes also collect traveller or visitor – customer


2.1.2 The geography of Tourism

Tourism or travelling for pleasure consists of two parts, one static and the other

dynamic. The static aspect is a recreation experience that occurs at a desired site.

The dynamic aspect is travel to and from a destination. This view of tourism is


, or a selectected segment of the population, interacts with physcal and cultural

enviroment during both phases of the tourism process. The travel phase is

characterized by interaction along and through various landscapes ( natural

enviroment ) utilizing appropriate technological modes such as the automobile ,

airplane, or cruise ship ( cultural enviroment ) and in a particular social setting

such as relatives, friends, or neighbors ( cultural enviroment ). Interaction also

occurs at recreation sites that are user oriented ( cultural enviroment ) or have an

intermediate orientation ( both enviroment , Clawson and Knetsch , 1966) . This

intrection may lead to benifical results such as satisfaction of hosts and guests’

desires, improvement of travel routes , contrucstion of accommodation and

entertainment facilities, and increased employment apportunities ; or it may lead

to harmful results such as traffic congestion, air and water pollution , crime ,

utility shortages , and carrying capacity problems.

2.1.3 Who is in tourism

An interprise that is small in size can still think big. The owner, who will

usually be the manager too, can very well think of the wider opportunities in the

industry of which his own enterprise is a small part. Owners of small enterprises

might not realise that they are a part of this wider tourism industry. Hoteliers or

campsite operators probably do realize this because they sell lodgings for the

night ; but they need also to realize that most tourist want something to do during

the day. Vice versa , owners of other enterprises are often more deeply in the

tourism industry than they realize, for instance, archeological sites, boats for


information centers, and many more, right through the alphabet yacht marinas

and zoos.

Because the tourist wants a great variety of things to do and see, owners

of all those enterprises are directly contributing to the customer’s satisfaction .

the customer does not see the enterprises as competing , to him they are largely

complemantary. That even applies to very similar enterprises : an area of the

town where most of the restaurants are to be found is often a much greater

attraction to having a meal out than any individual place would be on its own.

The sense of excitement and entertainment in such an area can add to

everybody’s enjoyment and hence to encreased sales.

Anyone planning to start a new enterprise can easily research his best

location by going to see where exsiting tourist attraction are. Location is known

to be crucial , and that will be reflected in site values. Simple observation of

where tourists stay, eat, have ttheir fun, or conduct thheir business and how they

travel can help the new owner choose the best site he can efford . A good way

for an owner to observe is to be a tourist himself , in and around the area he has

in mind , imagining where other tourist would want to find the service he plans

to offer.

2.1.4 Typies of tourism

According with the number of people namely :

-Individual tourism is someone or only one relative that take travelling

-Group tourism are a group persons that take travelling together. Such as club ,


1. According with the destination

- Recreation tourism , to relax and refresh body and mind

- Culture tourism , to know other culture which can increase knowledge

- Sport tourism , to develop hobby such as hunting, climbing mountain

2. According with transportation

- Land tourism ( bus, train and private transportation )

- Water tourism ( lake, ocean and river )

4. According with the price

- Lux tourism

- Middle tourism

- Economic tourism

Tourism is one importand things to do, because it can make refreshing our mind

and lose our stress, also to develop our experience. Tourism is a culture, a

necessity in this life.

2.2 Defenition of Tourist

Tourist, visitor, traveler i

who makes a tour, or performs


country of recidence for less than a month or year . for example, I take travelling

to Bali . I do it because I want to refresh my mind and spend my holiday. I stay

there for two weeks. This travelling is called individual tourism because it’s done

only one person.

2.2.1 Travellers and visitors

It is important to clarify wheter the sttudy objective is to measure the

economic impact of travellers or of visitors. At the national level , we are

gennerally interested in travelers, that is, all people travveling away from home

and the industry that serves them. Occasionally, a study will concentrate on

visitors to a country from other countrries. More often , we are concerned with

the busiiness reciepts , employment , income , and tax revenue generated by all

ppeople travelling away from home.

Studies conducteed for smaller geographic areas of ten concentrate solely

on visitors : that is , nonreesidents entering the area on a trip away from home.

2.3 Defenition of Travel

Travel is an action of

is important in the life. The travel and tourism approach represents a compromise

between those who favor the use of one word over the other . some current usage

of these fundamental terms is given in Exhibit. In the 1980s a trend toward

acceptance of the word “ tourism “ rather than “ travel “ has been identified.

It is common practise to use the two words “ travel or tourism” either singly or in


a.The movement of peop

b.A sector of the economy or an industry

c. A broad system of interacting relationship of people, their needs to travel

outside their communities and services which attempt to respond to these needs.

2.3.1 Travel tips:

1. Find as much information as possible about-many sights you want to visit

2. Do not hesitate to ask questions and correspondence

3. Check the availability of accommodation and transport information

4. Determine how long you'll be on vacation

5. Bring items to taste

6. If there is, take a camera or camcorder to capture your important moments

7. Calculate the cost estimates you'll need at the resorts

8. Provide always a dime

9. Keep your health as long journey

10. Strive to always try something that characterizes the local area

11. Before you eat, ask first what is the price per portion. Usually traders

not include price.

12. Be careful with your wallet and your belongings from pickpockets or

suspicious people

13. High local tradition

14. Try familiar with the local villagers because of the population are very

pleased to mingle with the tourists



Picture 3.1 The Spritual Tourist Garden Of Dairi

( Taman Wisata Iman Dairi)

3.1 Defenition of Taman Wisata Iman

Have you ever heard about Taman Wisata Iman ? Have you ever visited

Taman Wisata Iman ? Where is Taman Wisata Iman ? if you've never visited Taman Wisata Iman , is that you know and get there? If you have never visited

Taman Wisata Iman , but you know where is it ?, so in this chapter as the author

will explain all about Taman Wisata Iman , and of course you will understand

and want to visit it.

Taman Wisata Iman (TWI) is an abbreviation of Taman Wisata Iman in a


there are five kinds of houses of worship that are held in Indonesia. Taman Wisata

Iman is not just represent one of the recognized religion in Indonesia, but all

religion. Representing is meant that in Taman Wisata Iman there are various

buildings that are considered historic for their respective faiths. Starting from the

places of worship until the miniature buildings are considered historic and

commemorate important events for the adherents.

3.1.1 The History establishment of The Taman Wisata Iman

The idea of Taman Wisata Iman development from the beginning of 2001.

Originally, Dr.MP Tumanggor as regent of Dairi backed home from Medan and

stop in the region, and taking the spare time to pray in a place most high in the

hills it.In his prayer mentioned, "O Lord! You created such a beautiful nature in

this Dairi ( ya Tuhan ,, begitu indah Engkau ciptakan alam di Kabupaten Dairi) ".

On his return from the region, Dr. Tumanggor MP who has undergone many

different areas, especially tourist resort try to offer ideas to the traditional leaders

and religious leaders and local residents. The proposal continue with the

deliberations and finally realized in a visualization.

Then Dairi’s Regent designed an area which there are several religious

facilities that accommodate all faiths in the district. To realize the idea, the Regent

gather some community leaders and religious leaders made a dialogue in order to

realize this plan. In that meeting, they got an agreement that Taman Wisata Iman

would built in the Hills of Sitinjo, Dairi, District of Sitinjo. The location is

covered by forest and pine trees, its very nice to serve as the region as well as a


government build several places of worship, church, mosque, temple, nunnery

playground and other supporting facilities. Development projects are implemented

within a period of two years, starting from 2001 until 2003. The initial phase of

further development, construction equip some supporting facilities.

Local government to do development for Taman Wisata Iman truly becomes a

comfortable place to worship while traveling. In addition to bring in tourists from

the area in North Sumatra and the area outside the province. Dairi District

Government target this area into a tourist area of faith for foreign tourists. Taman Wisata Iman was completed and approved on August 20, 2003, it was exactly

three days after the anniversary of Indonesian independence. Taman Wisata Iman

was first once through the laying of the Great Stone as a prelude to begin the

construction of Taman Wisata Iman . The big stone was given a symbol as a

"monument" where the monument as a sign of early development of the Taman

Wisata Iman . On the monument Dairi regency government, Mr Regent Dr. MP Tumanggor signed that he is the initiator in the development of Taman Wisata

Iman and was attended by Minister of Religious Affairs of the Republic of

Indonesia, Mr Prof. Dr. H. Said Agil Almunawar who signed as principal witness

in formalizing the official Taman Wisata Iman to be opened. Above the boulder

that Mr. Head and Mr. Minister of Religious Affairs of the Republic of Indonesia

signed and wrote the purpose built Taman Wisata Iman and also the time and


3.1.2 The General description About Taman Wisata Iman

Taman Wisata Iman that was built in 2001 , located on the hillsof Sitinjo, 10 km

from the City Sidikalang. Exotic, beautiful, and full religious nuance, that's the

appropriate word to reveal panoramic views contained in Taman Wisata Iman

Dairi. The design of spatial structure in the development of Taman Wisata Iman

Dairi, regulated completely.The Hill which was originally covered by the forest,

balanced with religious buildings and several attractions such as miniature as in

the following figure. Each of these miniature, describing some events and places

that are considered holy by several religions. At the entrance, visitors were

greeted by a statue of the Buddha and a temple that was used for Buddhist

worship places. Vihara named Saddhavadana be designed following the design

of such buildings contained Borobudur in Central Java. Buddha statue was made

by meditating while sitting cross-legged position, with the position of right palm

facing forward like he was doing salute, while the position of the left hand shore

up his elbow from below

About one hundred meters from the location of Buddhist temples and

statues Saddhavadana, The Ecumenical Church and several miniature cross to a

place of worship of Protestant Christians. The Church was built on the hills in

front of it (the Valley) posted a charming natural scenery. Just beside the church,

built several replicas of a large cross that is placed in a row. Several the replicas

of the cross, some of which tells the journey of Jesus' crucifixion in order to


At the same location, a statue of Abraham built when he was handed

sacrifice to God. Biside of the statue of Abraham, there is also a statue of Moses.

The statue described the journey of the Prophet Moses ready to receive the ten

commandments, as naratived in the Bible. The statue was built not far from the

relief of the Cross, as an effort to introduce to tourists on the journey of carriers of

these religious teachings

Walking about two hundred meters from the location of the statue of

Abraham and Moses, there is the Cave of the Virgin Mary that is symbolized as

sacred to Christian Catholic woman. Inside the cave there is statue of the Virgin

Mary is flawless in a standing position using a white robe clothing combined with

light blue.The Cave with a small size is exactly on the slopes of the hills with the

door face to the valley. While the composition of the stone and cement buildings

that shaped exactly like a cave that is in the wild. .

After passing through the Cave of the Virgin Mary, the tourists will be

served a house of worship (Temple) Hindu. The temple was built following the

design of the building resembles an ancient temple located in Bali, especially the

building tower. While inside of the park, there is a miniature of the Kaaba as

found in the Grand Mosque, Mecca. All around the Kaaba miniature buildings

decorated with colorful flowers. This Development Kaaba miniature , as an

attempt to present a sacred symbol for Muslims in the park. The presence of this

miniature, it is expected the visitors mainly Muslims to recognize religious

symbols while traveling. Not far from the Thumbnail Kaaba, there is a mosque


This Taman Wisata Iman Dairi, not only fulfilled the buildings for

religious worship. Taman Wisata Iman is also decorated with some beautiful

natural scenery and rows of pine the forest that was so shady.The River that is

flowing from the hills, increasing of the attraction of this park. The composition

of buildings of worship combined with stunning natural beauty, making Taman

Wisata Iman as one of the favorite tourist sites in Dairi district.

3.1.3 The Objective of establishing The Taman Wisata Iman

Each of resorts maybe have the history or purpose of each. But there were

also attractions that have been provided by nature then humans make it be tour

guide. In contrast to the spiritual tour of this one, Taman Wisata Iman. As we

know that Indonesia has five kinds of religious beliefs, namely Christianity,

Catholicism, Islam, Buddhism, and Hinduism, all religions are embraced by the

people of Indonesia. we find a tourist rarely who can bring together all the people

who embrace different religions.

That is why Dairi regency government has a strong reasons to built a religious

tourist attractions that given the name "Taman Wisata Iman" which has the

following objectives:

a). Taman Wisata Iman was built to make the quality of faith every visitor


b). Taman Wisata Iman was built to create harmony between religious

c).Taman Wisatta Iman was built so that visitors can admire the natural beauty of


3.1.4 Privileges of Taman Wisata Iman

Exotic, beautiful, and full religious nuance that an appropriate word to

reveal panoramic views contained in Taman Wisata Iman Dairi. The design of

spatial structure in the development of the Taman Wisata Iman Dairi, regulated

completely . Hill which was originally covered by forest, balanced with religious

buildings and a few miniatures as much charm. Each of these miniature,

describing some events and places that are considered holy by several religions.

This Taman Wisata Iman Dairi, not only fulfilled by the buildings for

religious worship. Taman Wisata Iman is also decorated with some beautiful

natural scenery and rows of pine forest that was so shady. The River flowing from

the hills, add to the attraction of this park. The composition of buildings of

worship combined with stunning natural beauty, making Taman Wisata Iman

Dairi as one of the favorite tourist sites in Dairi district. About one hundred

meters from the location of the Vihara Saddhavadana and statues of Buddha,

there are ecumenical church and a few miniature of the cross to a place of worship

of Protestant Christians. The Church was built on the hills in front of it (the

Valley) posted a charming natural scenery. Just beside the church, built several

replicas of a large cross that is placed in a row. Most of the replica cross, some of

whom told the crucifixion of travel (via dolorosa) against Jesus in order to

liberate mankind from sin as related Scriptures (Bible).

Houses of Worship and the five kinds of historic buildings for every

religion that follow it which can be found at the location of the Taman Wisata


1. House worship for Islamic

Picture 2.2 Mosque is house worship for Islamic religious

2. House worship for christian

Picture 2.1 Church is House worship for Christian religious and Cross


3. The statue virgin Mary for chatolic

Picture 2.3 Statue virgin Mary as an simbolic for chatolic

Walking a few minutes from the location of the statue of Abraham and Moses,

there are cave symbolized the Virgin Mary as a holy woman for Catholic

Christianity. Inside the cave there is statue of the Virgin Mary is flawless in a

standing position using a white robe clothing combined with light blue. Cave with

a small size is built right on the slopes of the hills with door face to the valley.

While the composition of the stone and cement buildings that shaped exactly like

a cave that is in the wild

4. House worship for Hindu


5. House worship for Budha

Picture 2.5 house worship for Budha religious (Vihara Saddhavadana)

The five pictures house of worship above are apicture of the five religions

in Indonesia, which are there in Taman Wisata Iman . By order of the regular

places and supported each building - historic buildings for every religion. So,

every visitor can recognize the religion embraced by other people. Visitors can

also learn even know the religious affiliation of the five in Indonesia. So the

government's purpose to create religious harmony can be achieved even if its not

entirety. But the positive thing that can be taken that the five religions in

Indonesia profess united in one place and every visitor can feel and understand the

meaning of religious respect one another. In other words Taman Wisata Iman

unify inter-religious

At Taman Wisata Iman there are many historic statues, monuments, as


understanding other religious and maintaining the relationship of religion with

other religions is a very important thing to do,in once to create peace and

harmony among religious communities. In Taman Wisata Iman there is also a

building used to post security. This post is used by officers to oversee the Taman

Wisata Iman and control all the visitors. At some point in Taman Wisata Iman ,

there are several small built cottages that can be used by tourists for a place to

take a resting and shelter from the hot weather and rain. This Taman Wisata Iman

is completed with a dormitory accommodations like mes, and lodging.

To support some religious activities that need a place with a large

capacity, such as marriage, the Misi together, and feast on Taman Wisata Iman

was built an auditorium which has a large hall which can be used for such

activities. To accommodate that need to consumption of the tourists, in the

Taman Wisata Iman was built a restaurant and mini market. The restaurant offers

several menus for consumption and some snacks and instant noodle.

3.2 Why the People decrease to visit Taman Wisata Iman

3.2.1 The Potential Lack of Taman Wisata Iman Sidikalang in maximizing the

number of visitors

Although beautiful view, Taman Wisata Iman in Dairi, it can be said to be

excellent yet . The district government is expected to be more

professional,improve services to visitors . There are still many lack of the

management of the places. Means temporary resting place, as visitors around

tourist sites are still small relatively .


certain that visitors get rain. Because resting place or shelter facilities is still

small. In addition, the availability of clean water are still lacking, and room-inn

necessary to be more added.

Taman Wisata Iman is crowded on Saturdays, Sundays and on holidays.

Most visitors are local tourists. The visitors usually come in groups. The group

consists of a group of schoolchildren, the group of students, staff and group of

family. But not a few are also visitors who come as individuals.

The minimum is also one reason that causes a decrease in the number of

visitors.Complaints of tourists can be used as a basis for decision making in

improving the competitiveness of tourism Taman Wisata Iman itself. Then decide

what will be done in improving satisfaction for the performance of tourism will

get better, of course, will increase the number of tourist visits go on basis.

The sides involved in the management of the Taman Wisata Iman , such as

souvenir seller, food seller, guards retribute and other sides need to improve the

quality of service with both for tourists visiting in a sustainable manner.

The sustainable tourist visits meant the tourists who have visited the Taman

Wisata Iman is coming back because they feel satisfied with the services

provided during the traveling tour. In addition, tourists will also recommend it to

friends and others to come visit the Taman Wisata Iman . Thus a sustainable


3.2.2 Efforts to increase the interest of visitors

Increasing the number of visitors also can be reached if the public get

information about Taman Wisata Iman.The information can be gotten by the

most new brochures. In addition, tourist information can be disseminated through

the media. The media is electronic media and print media such as television,

radio, newspapers and brochures.

Law No.10 of Article 23.a of 2009 stated that: The Government and Local Government is obliged to provide tourism information, legal protection, and security and safety to tourists. So it was already an obligation Local Government

to provide tourism information for tourists. In fact, brochures and information

about the development of Taman Wisata Iman is still very minimal. As a result,

travelers get the missing information about the Taman Wisata Iman. Even

sociaties of Sidikalang still many who do not know about the existence of new

facilities built.

If the promotion of the brochures and information quickly circulated

widely to the public at large, then it is definitely more to increase the number of

visitors because it is based on a desire to see and enjoy the spiritual tours of

Taman Wisata Iman. In addition, to increase the number of visitors, necessary to

hold a policy aimed at business people in to fix the accommodation especially in

terms of cleanliness, comfort and safety. The policies for tourism businesses such

as souvenir sellers who should be selling various souvenirs that area, such as

miniature Pakpak traditional house, miniature clothing Pakpak traditional and


The Sellers of food and drinks that can also serve regional specialties

Pakpak and the quality and service guaranteed. Photographers should to produce

photo-quality images at affordable prices. Besides, the presence of tour guides are

also needed because it can explain any tourist attractions that add insight tourists.

The policy for Local Government who is related to the terms of infrastructure and

tourist destination that is the aspect of security, cleanliness, public order, social

and cultural beauty. These aspects are a reflection of social culture that can foster

community tourism awareness, so it can to support the development of tourism in

the Taman Wisata Iman . These are among others: preservation of indigenous

culture, conservation of nature tourism, improvement of roads to tourist

destinations and tourist information center

3.3 The local Goverment and Taman Wisata Iman .

Dairi regency as one of the districts located in North Sumatra,it is one

example of the diversity of districts that successfully develop confidence to be

potential in the field of tourism. District with a population of approximately

270,000 souls, living side by side in harmony among religions. This potential, by

the Local Government Dairi viewed as one of the regional asset for the future

development of this district, especially to develop of religious tourism. Therefore,

in early 2001, Dairi Regent who was then occupied by Dr. Master P Tumanggor

designed an area in which there are few facilities able to accommodate all


community leaders and religious leaders around the Dairi Regency to dialogue in

order to considered this plan. The meeting is gotten agreement about the location

Of Taman Wisata Iman which is in Hills Sitinjo Dairi, District Sitinjo. The

location is covered by forest and pine trees, very nice to serve as the regional




Although beautiful view, Taman Wisata Iman in Dairi has not been said to be excellent yet. The district government is expected to be more professional,improve services to visitors . There are still many lack of the management of the place. Means facility resting place, as visitors around tourist sites is still relatively small. Some things that need to be cared by the government to improve and increase the number of visitors

Taman Wisata Iman.

4.1 The renovation of road

To get to the area of Taman Wisata Iman Dairi, can be reached by using

public transportation (buses), private cars, or car rental. If using public transport

(bus), the trip started from Universitas Sumatera Utara ( U S U ), a distance

towards Sidikalang 152 km with a travel time of about three hours. From City

Sidikalang, the travel can continiue to the location which is about 10 km with a

travel time about 15 minutes. The road network to Taman Wisata Iman is

sufficient, but the road conditions have not been entirely smooth as expected by

society. Body segment was heavily damaged roads or large holes of mud, so it

disturbs the activities of local people. Damage of roads worst starts from

Merek,Karo District to Sitinjo, Dairi district. If the road to Taman Wisata Iman

is smooth, ofcourse all people who want to visit Taman Wisata Iman will be

happy and comfortable to repeat visit it again. Even they can also tell others

people that Taman Wisata Iman is a beautiful tourism resort. so , more people


4.2 Building new Hotels

At this time Taman Wisata Iman has already a few comfortable cottages

for the visitors who want to spend the night there . The problem is the comfortable

places are not enough to accommodate all the visitor who come if the rain came

down , all the visitors would difficult to get comfortable places to stay a while. It

has been certain that visitors get rain.In addition, the availability of clean water

are still lacking, and lodging rooms need to be added again. Such as hotels

accommodation, for every visitor who came from out of town can stay overnight

before returning to the place of origin them. Hotels are very necessary to establish

location of the Taman Wisata Iman , so that visitors can view panoramic beauty

of the Park while relaxing in the inn room . In addition, hotels will also be

supported by the restaurants for the visitors can taste food from the city

Sidikalang cash. Thus local area increase the name of Sidikalang became famous

because of the existence of Taman Wisata Iman throughout Indonesia to


4.3 Airport

To build an airport is a very important in the location Airport is one of the

most rapid transportations and appropriate. Eerybody who wants to travel much

prefer airplane than road transportation , eventhought greater costs but its speed

that provides satisfaction and a short time.. so with a tourist resort is very

necessary to the airport to support the visitors. Sidikalang which has a tourist

resort and still have many other tourist attractions not far from Sidikalang, like


Sidikalang, everybody who stay outside the district, provincial and foreign

tourists can visit Taman Wisata Iman. therefore, visitors also can go on tour to

Lake Toba from Taman Wisata Iman. With an airport, hotels and restaurants all

guests can enjoy a visit in Taman Wisata Iman. If Taman Wisata Iman inserted

into brochures, television, radio are all over will know and will visit for curious to

experience how and what kind of Taman Wisata Iman. I hope these artists even

the government of Indonesia, including people who no one in our country that is

the President would be visiting the Taman Wisata Iman for whorship while visit

Taman Wisata Iman.

4.4 Peaceful Sociaties Habits

As we know, An area will be visited by visitors hospitality if the people

who live in the region open welcoming to visitors who come from their area.

Therefore Sidikalang community are expected to instill a good heart, friendly and

open wellcome to all comers , especially for Taman Wisata Iman , all newcomers

feel their visiting well. every body who are comers in Taman Wisata Iman will

also be many who visit it. Friendliness of the people of a tourist area is a very



5.1 Conclusion

From all that writer have described about The Potentiality Found in the

Taman Wisata Iman to Interest the Tourism so, at the end of the paper this

work, the writer tries to give the conclusion that the objects and attractions in

Taman Wisata Iman should be the attention of local government to be developed

andpreserved.Biside, it necessary to note that the success or failure of efforts to

develop a tourist area measured by the number of tourists who come to the tourist

area. To attract tourists to travel an area, so the necessity and tastes of tourists

must be served . Necessity and tastes of tourists on the preparation of customized

products and services sold.

The condition of the road to Sidikalang damaged badly, some streets with

holes leading to the longer duration of travel. The worst damage at the start from

Merek to Karo Regency until Sitinjo Dairi. The poor conditions of road makes

travelers reluctant to cross this road,and It has been should to build new hotels

and airport quality by government of Dairi for the visitors could get the necessary

requirements when traveling. Maximizing the potential in Taman Wisata Iman

requires improving the quality of good service from the managers as well as from

the parties relating to the management of Taman Wisata Iman. In addition, the

increasing of promotions is also necessary to be done by adding complete


5.2 Suggestion

The government should expected to renew the access road for success

Sidikalang traffic that inhibit tourists to visit Taman Wisata Iman .

Improving service quality is important to maximizing the potential in Taman

Wisata Iman. In addition, effort to make promotions are also needed for tourists

to find clear informations about the potential of this tourist attraction. If all efforts

to maximize the potential of Taman Wisata Iman performing well, so the

number of tourist arrivals will increase. Even Sidikalang city will also get revenue







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